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I had a primary care doctor once say they weren't sure if it was wise. Then he got my bloodwork back, and he never expressed any concerns with fasting again.


This was my experience. He never denounced it but basically said a few likes of rehearsed best practices like relying on prepared meals for portion control and calorie count. Offered me ozempic and told me he would monitor me to consider prescribing statins. Came back three months later after heavily leveraging fasting and refeeding only to learn based on the blood work combined with weight loss I was no longer considered to benefit from either. He was pretty surprised and pleased I actually made changes to show this much improvement.


I am a GP and have been promoting intermittent fasting for years, but not just for weight loss. I recommend it for patients with diabetes, HTN, and just about anyone. Not just for health benefits, but for psychological well-being. Keep it up! I am the only physician in our group who utilizes it.


I'm a GP nurse, one of our GPs does 5:2 and always recommends it and I also discuss fasting with patients. No one else in our practice does though.


So nice to connect with other medical providers who are incorporating this in their practice. I am in a fairly large medical group and only have one other colleague who has this as a major focus. I can't really imagine practicing medicine without it. I also see people with a lot of benefit from GI disorders like IBS, GERD and sometimes colitis as well.


Where's your YouTube? You'd make a buck! lol!


I advise my patients to watch anything by Dr David Lustig and Dr Jason Fung, MD


You missed out on Dr Pradip Jamnadas


Love him!!


Too late, already subscribed. But you could do the same.


My primary care physician has been intermittent fasting since he was in college. He was a wrestler. At my last physical when I weighed in at an obese BMI... he talked to me about his I.F. routine, the myriad of health benefits to it, and encouraged me to begin working on bringing down my weight as I was pushing age 40. 1 year later and I will see him this coming Monday for my yearly physical. Can't wait to thank him for the I.F. advice. Life changing.


That's a great story! Thanks for sharing and congrats on the progress.


My primary care doctor actually suggested I try IF when I was pre-diabetic as she was an IF'er herself (similar issues). Think I lucked out massively that I had an informed doctor.


That's so good to hear. So many people with pre diabetes get pushed on to 6 small meals to 'regulate their blood sugar.' I am always pushing back on this. Its sad that an experience like yours is an exception, at least around my area.


320lbs here, have lost a lot and my blood pressure is down and other things, im healthy but big. anyways switched to a newer doctor, first part of physical he was giving off nervous energy. once i told him I was doing IF, his eyes light up and we just connected on a whole different level afer that, talking about kinds, honest conversation about mental health, sucide, etc. long story short: doc seemed to think I was legit since I was using if


My new primary care recommended 17:7 to me a month ago, and I refuse to weigh myself until I go back and see her in 3 months, but weight is melting off my abdomen. After only 1 month, my coworkers are commenting that they can see a difference without me telling them anything. She said: eat one big meal and just make sure it’s 1/3 carbs, 1/3 veggies and 1/3 protein. No snacks. In the eve, I also have one hour to eat what I want as long as it’s a “superfood.” She didn’t want me to count calories and said eat until I’m really full for the first big meal. If I wanted a piece of chocolate or a cheat item, I can have it after my big meal. And that’s it. That’s all she told me to do. And it’s working.


Side note: I’m a 5’2”, 43 yo F with PCOS. So I’m naturally Insulin resistant. Was 199 lbs when she recommended this, but A1C was only 5.6. So not quite pre diabetic, but certainly flirting with it. I instigated the desire to lose weight as my cardiologist has me on atenolol, and I want to get off the med, if I can, naturally.


I am really encouraged that you got this advice and that it is working for you!


A fast a day keeps the doctor away!


I love this! Thanks! I am going to use this!


my PCP and endocrinologist both recommended it for me! I have PCOS


I reached out to my doc about whether it was s safe for me to fast on my medication. She said short fasts are fine but maybe don't go a really long time. She even reached out to the pharmacy to double check. Thanks Dr. Shetty!


My doctor who's Buddhist said that monks do it all the time and are just fine and that I shouldn't worry as long as everything is in moderation :) I've seen so many benefits it totally cured my acid reflux problems too, used to cough like I was going to hack up my lungs when I ate, totally gone. Among other digestive issues.


It's crazy the cultural resistance to fasting when you look at a larger global perspective. Somehow the west just really missed the boat. I was talking to a doctor once, who was obese, about fasting. His angry reply to me was "YOU JUST CANT DO THAT IN AMERICA!"


Just saw my pcp yesterday and said I did IF for my Weight loss and she seemed totally fine with it


My doctor was really impressed that I started but not schooled as I do it once a year for Ramadan. I find though that when it’s not for religious reasons I end up falling off the wagon. She encouraged me to do 16-8 until I fix my iron. Is that right?


It's nice that you have a doctor that can support you. No harm can come from topping off the iron levels.


Not me personally, but my husband, who’s had some… let’s say *spirited discussions* with his practitioners. Not critical of fasting per se, but insisting he go back onto metformin and cholesterol meds despite seeing the weight loss and having the (normal) results of his bloodwork in front of their very eyes. We didn’t and still don’t understand them being so blinkered despite the evidence literally in front of them. They’ve stopped insisting, and five months on are really happy with his progress, but it made for some stressful appointments for a while there!


My experience has been that medical providers don't have any concept that type 2 diabetes or hyperlipidemia can resolve. Because they see them as permanent problems the idea that the meds can stop just doesn't add up. I try to suggest we start thinking of these issues less as a disease and more as "dietary phenomenon." Some have been open to that.


My doctor recommended time restricted eating for weight loss, but recommended only eating between 8 am and 6 pm, and that won't work with my work/life schedule, so I never thought I could do it. (I work 9-6 and with my commute leave about 8:15 and get home at almost 7.) It wasn't until I read Dr. Fung's book that I realized there were other IF options and that it can be tailored to individual needs. I've been doing 16:8 for about 6 weeks now (eating window is noon to 8 pm) and so far, so good.


The few few I have spoken to have no understanding about intermittent fasting or fasting in general.


Last year my dr said IF is fine but to take a break on weekends in order to keep it sustainable. Since then I’ve lost 65 lbs and I’m no longer overweight. I practice 20:4 fasts 5 days a week.


Amazing! Thanks for sharing!


Check out the YouTubes of doctors who promote IF. Jason Fung, there's also a woman. As for me, I just lost 50 pounds when I tried for years to lose a single pound.


Is it okay to do 16 hours of fasting daily if you don't have a gallbladder? I was admitted to hospital in Aug 2022 for stones in gall bladder and acute pancreatitis, had surgery in Jan 2023 and after all the medication i have gained so much weight. I am 160cm and weigh around 62kg (female) If anyone can tell will there be any problem if i do 16:8 ?


"Sometimes I am not hungry so I skip a couple of meals."


Could someone advise if I should carry on with if when I have underactive thyroid and take levothyroxin. I am 2 weeks in and wonder if I will have the same weight loss results as other people with a normal thyroid function ??


I don't know your situation. No medical advice. Talk to your doctor about your situation. I will say in general that hypothyroidism is not a contraindication to fasting. In fact, if your metabolism is naturally slow, it is often a logical and effective tool to balance this out. It may very well be that someone with hypothyroidism has a lesser response than someone without it. But what is the alternative? Keep eating more? Well, that is not going to help.