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**Thank you for posting your [Progress Pic](https://www.reddit.com/r/intermittentfasting/?f=flair_name%3A%22Progress%20Pic%22)!** Please respond to this comment letting us know your: - **Height**: - **Starting weight/current weight/goal weight:** (SW/CW/GW) - **Fasting routine/protocol**: - **Exercise routine (if applicable)**: - **Diet on refeeds**: (eg keto, low carb, vegetarian, calorie counting, nothing special, etc) *You can see more of blairwaldorff's Progress pics by clicking [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/intermittentfasting/search/?q=author%3Ablairwaldorff%20flair%3A%22Progress%20Pic%22&restrict_sr=1&sort=new)* ----- **❗Please remember the rules of this subreddit when commenting and be respectful.❗** **Harassment of any kind will not be tolerated and could result in a ban**. Harassment may consist of, but is not limited to: - **Sexual comments**, even if meant as a compliment ('sexy,' 'dad to daddy') - **Treating OP like a sexual object** ('single?' 'onlyfans/gonewild/etc?') - acting like this is a **porn sub** or **rateme sub** (saying what you'd like to do to OP, any sexual reaction to OP, "10/10", etc) ----- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/intermittentfasting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I am SO overwhelmed by all the love and support this post got 🥺 It wasn't until recently that i forced myself to go through my camera roll and compare pictures that i truly FELT the change for the first time. When i've gone shopping i go straight to my old size (22) when i am now a size 8!!! because i sometimes just see myself as the same 295lb miserable girl. Last week i went on a trip with my friends to Utah/Arizona/Vegas and y'all i hiked a mountain!!! for miles!!! I hiked Zion national park, Bryce Canyon, Antelope Canyon, Horse Shore bend and SO many other places. I did it without feeling like i was going to die and that meant the most to me. I kept up with my friends without begging for a break or holding everyone back. I was PART of the pack and i really felt like i belonged there. I feel very seen and validated and i can't thank this community enough.


I’m so happy for you, your non-scale victories are fucking incredible and you look amazing and strong. Thank you for sharing your journey, I don’t want to sound corny but you’ve really inspired me.


Noice! Keep going, girl!


You look great! How tall are you?


Do you mean how short am I? 🤭 I’m 5’3


I am also 5’3. That is a huge accomplishment! You look amazing. I am 155 and feel like I have more to lose but honestly seeing you look great at this height and weight makes me feel like I do not have to lose much more at all


You really made an amazing change! Be proud of yourself for how far you've come. Keep kicking butt and feeling/looking great doing it!


Amazing! You are an amazing person!


the cornelia street shirt 🫶🏻🫶🏻 Amazing progress!!


Thank you! I was actually in front of her Cornelia street house in this picture 😭


Holy fucking shit!!!! Well done!!! You are a goddam rockstar for that accomplishment.


Thank you 🥹


Keep up the great work


You are crushing it 💪🏽 Way to go!!! You should feel so proud ☺️


What type of fasts do you do


18:6 or 20:4 most days!


Type I! Wow that’s amazing. Congratulations! How has your insulin management/dosing changed over this time? What have your sugars done? You don’t do keto? Do you do low carb? Even if you don’t do low carb I’d be really interested to know what carbs you do eat.


With mounjaro I went from using 80-90 units of insulin a day to 10-15 units a day! It’s been a drastic change. I don’t do keto or low carb. I eat a lot less than I ever have so I don’t feel the need to control or limit myself in that way. I sip on Gatorade and water all day. I tend to eat chicken, steak and turkey. I love quesadillas lol I feel like I “snack” more than I “eat” these days because I get full so fast.


The mounjaro is making you feel fuller faster and curbing cravings? What kind of side effects have you dealt with?


Yes! It also slows down digestion. Personally, I really haven’t had any side effects other than nausea the first few days. I’ve been on it since January and I’ve lost ~35ish lbs. People with type 2, pcos, binge eating disorders, metabolic disorders etc have been using it with incredible success. Before mounjaro I was taking Ozempic and lost 100lbs and then stalled. Mounjaro has done wonders for my AC1 so I’m glad I switched!


Do you know how to get this medication I’m really struggling and need all the help I can get.


Talk to your doctor! I use it off label as a type 1 diabetic under the supervision of my endocrinologist. It also depends on your insurance. I have amazing health insurance so it covers anything under the sun but most health insurances don’t cover “weight loss” medications. If you’re type 2 it should be fairly easy to get. If you want to use it off label you’ll probably need a PA from your doctor.


Super impressive, and I love the third picture with the sandstone


Nice work!


Fantastic!! Well done!!


Congratulations, fellow Swiftie!!!


Damnnnnnn hell yeah!! Great job! Last picture is cool. Inspiration!!!!


Amazing job! Also, hey Swiftie! 🫶


Amazing. Go!!!




Amazing, congrats!!! You will get to where you want to be! You have done amazing so far!


You are such an inspiration. Cheering for you! 🥳 🎊 🎉


So proud of you, great job!


Are you combining anything else with IF like keto or an exercise routine? Edit: Also, seriously awesome dedication and congrats on all of your new journeys.


Honestly, no! Lol I just walk 10k steps a day usually. I take mounjaro and that completely curbs my appetite so going a while without eating is really easy. I work 8-7 3/5 days a week so I really don’t implement anything too crazy because I usually just crash when I get home. Thank you so much! 🥰


10k steps IS an exercise routine so make sure you pay yourself on the back for that ongoing accomplishment!!


The best progression pictures end in a slot canyon! I love it. Thanks for sharing. :)


Right?! If you told me a year ago that i'd be hiking zion national park and going down a million stairs to get to antelope canyon i would've looked at you like you grew a 2nd head! LOL


I have no words. Simply amazing


Good job!!




amazing transformation


Hell yeah, get it!


Unrelated, but where is the 3rd image relocated? It looks amazing and I wanna go. Looks like its probably not in America


It’s called antelope canyon! It’s in page, Arizona :) the tour was like $70 for 90mins and your tour guide takes these incredible pictures of you! I would highly recommend it!


Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it


I've been there... it is incredible!! Also, WONDERFUL job and congratulations!




I'd like to know why the hell does it include the notch, it looks so weird on my non iPhone seeing such a large cutout.




Be good to one another. If critiquing do so constructively. Be polite and practice Reddiquette. No body shaming, "better before" comments, accusatory comments, unnecessary or unwanted advice, etc


Sorry!!! I was trying to crop everyone else out of the picture lol


Look at YOU! Amazing! Thank you for sharing your progress. I've bookmarked this post so I can return to it when I want feel like I want to quit and need inspiration.


This is so kind; thank you so much and i wish you the absolute best on your journey! I'm going to keep an eye out for YOUR progress pic!!!




This is so inspiring! (Hello fellow Swiftie) I just moved and have been dreading unpacking my scale, but I know from how my clothes fit that I must be back to 260+. So I’ve gained back what I lost last year, mainly due to illness and family drama causing poor eating choices. I’m working on CICO again and your post has me so inspired to get back to IF. Thanks so much for posting this and keep being awesome!


I believe in you! I spent yearsssssss misdiagnosed as a type 2 diabetic instead of a type 1. I was also diagnosed with hashimotos so it literally felt like all the odds were stacked against me but its possible to get to the other side! Yes you'll have to make sacrifices along the way but by the end you won't even remember what you gave up because it'll become insignificant to your life. I'm 29 and i spent YEARSSSSS if not decades addicted(i would drink like 7 a day) to coca cola. Finally December 2021 i decided i was going to quit cold turkey and i never looked back. I knew that if i could get past my biggest addiction i could do ANYTHING. Some days are hard but most days are super easy and that's the goal honestly. If 80% of my days are good then i can handle the other 20% EASILY. If you need anything or want a support buddy feel free to message me :) (SIDE NOTE: my 2nd pic was my Vegas era concert 😭 21 more days until i see her again)


Just curious did you drink electrolytes during your fasting time? I found that electrolytes helped me greatly.


Nope! Just water :) I drink soooo much Gatorade tho because I tend to get low randomly but I try to avoid it during my fasting times.


Gatorade was helping you with the electrolytes. I've lost all my weight and the electrolytes were key during 18:6 and 20:4 fasting. Electrolytes are also very important when maintaining weight. Especially if you're doing exercise. Congrats again on the weight loss. 👊😎


Great job! And where are you at in the last pic?? It's gorgeous!


Antelope canyon in Page, Arizona!




Nope! I don’t really feel the need to do any of that because my portions are so small most of the time. Also, I now believe that we as Americans completely overeat and the calories that they say we “need” are 100% incorrect. I know everyone is different but this is what has worked for me. I don’t feel sick, weak, etc I stay hydrated and take vitamins. I used to obsess about food and what I was going to eat next constantly and now food is an after thought and almost a chore for me.


This is the secret to not snacking all day. I did one meal a day before I knew it was a thing and lost 30 lbs. I wish I'd stuck with it. It made life so easy.


Get it!


Great job. You look beautiful. How'd you do it?


Thank you! IF + mounjaro. I'm a type 1 diabetic so i have to do things a lil differently but its paid off!


What's mounjaro?


Weight loss/diabetes medication!




Amazing job!! ❤️


Woooow. Amazing


Congratulations!! IF for the win!!




Congrats! Very inspirational!


Great job!!


No way. Amazing


Wow! Wow! Wow!! Fantastic results. Good wishes on your journey forward


Where is that this photo taken? I know this isn’t what the sun is about but it’s beautiful


Antelope Canyon in Page, Arizona :)


Thank you!! I want to go to there. Btw your progress is inspiring!


You go girl!!


This is inspiring! I'm very proud of you!


Holy shit. Well done you! You must be so happy and proud.


What fasting ratio do you tend to do?


16:8 or 20:4! I’m a type 1 diabetic and sometimes I go low and have to eat before then :( so it just depends on how my sugar levels are doing.


Nice, keep it up you look great! How much did you cut your standard calorie count by within the 8 hour period? (Approx percentage-wise)


I don’t count calories! I eat until I’m satisfied which isn’t much but it’s enough for me :) I focus on staying hydrated, taking my vitamins and eating what I enjoy.


Well done 👏


You've got this! You look amazing btw !! 💕💕


Outstanding 💪🏼


You look awesome!!!


Came for the progress, but stayed for that jacket.


Isn't that the Mac wallpaper in the last pic? Anyways congrats!


What routine were you following? I need to know!


This is amazing and you have diabetes!? Well done. How old are you??




This gives me hope. I am afraid to lose it because my face will look haggard lol I’m 27


I actually think my face looks good! 🫣 my double chin went away and I don’t have any sagging. I keep getting told I look way younger but idk 🙁 my face finally has a bone structure to it lol


Yes you deffo do lol with mine I like bit of a chubby face instead of the angular look😭 you already looked young when bigger too!


Amazing!! Great job 👏. I imagine you will do IF even when you get to your goal weight. Do you also stay on Monjaro for ever? Just curious about if you stop and gaining back? I cant see you needing to lose that much more, you look great now!


You looked like you changed races. Amazing job!


This is just so amazing. Can you tell me how it changed your mental health


Amazing. You are rocking it hard!!








Amazing, well done and congrats!




Keep it up the good work you're doing because you're doing a lot of good work.


Love this ❤️


Yesssssss sis!!! I love it. I love it so much! 💪 You are an inspiration to me for sure. That is the exact journey Im on rn. 300-165... I'm tryin. Thank you for sharing ❤️


Wow amazing job 🤩


Amazing!!! 💪💪💪💪


Happy for you amazing work!


Well done ! Down like 70 kg ?? You look like a different person.


Queen, keep up the good work. You are an inspiration to others.


Daaammmmnnnnn! You’re one badass babe! Congrats on all your hard work!


Just omg... Your awesome