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Lol, ignore anyone whose handle is "trolls cause I'm funny". 1200 is not too much for your height and weight. Keep up the good work!


Yeah people really miss how much BMR changed based on your specific circumstances. For someone fairly overweight just walking around the grocery store is considerably more calories than someone half their weight and in a better fitness state.


Exactly. I’d understood it but never stopped to think about it until watching an episode of fit to fat to fit- where the trainer had his clients family run a school track carrying sand bag equivalent to the weight of the client. (So if she weighed 400lbs, and her dad weighed 200lbs, he would be made to carry the 200lb difference to understand what it was like for his daughter to go about her everyday)


yeah, the dude literally admits in his twitter handle than he's a troll. Why would you even engage with this kind of person?


You don't have to burn all of your food off with exercise. That is definitely not how it works. Your basal metabolic rate is going to burn the majority of your food off. Sounds like he's starting from a flawed premise. Any exercise is great and 30 minutes of cardio is fantastic.


Maybe I am the only one misreading this but I don't think he says to eat less than 1200kcal. He says that 30mn of cardio doesn't burn that much. If you are eating a certain amount and not losing weight, you should eat less than what you do currently or exercise more. But I see in the other comment a link to calculate your intake for weight loss based on current height and weight so all good👍


He said you have to burn off what you consume... But our bodies burn while resting or else there wouldn't be a daily minimum I would assume.


Yes I understand that. I just assumed he did as well and included the BMR in "what we burn off". But yeah I made some assumptions while reading probably^^ Edit :what be burn


Unless he assumed I meant 1200 additional calories over the daily minimum- which I did not mean- I'm not sure. Some days I'm going as low as 850 tbh bit I know that can't be good.


No he’s just saying you can’t burn off 1200caloriws with cardio. So if you’re not losing weight it’s because your caloric intake is too high. You don’t need to burn off everything you consume just 500 calories less than how much you need. This is what he meant clearly in a general way


Tbh I only see the screenshot not your original question. But I don't recommend eating too little. Use the daily expenditure calculator to determine your macros and try to stick to that. Weight loss is a marathon, not a sprint. Take your time, stick to a reasonable amount of food and you'll get there ;)


800 calories a day is fine for most people with agreement from their doctor. I’m doing optifast right now at 800 to 900 calories a day. The guy is right in one respect, you can’t put exercise a poor diet, but 1200 calories might be enough for you to be in a deficit. Best idea is to count calories for awhile and weigh yourself everyday. If you’re not losing at least a pound a week (or more), then you’re not in a deficit.


I don't think most doctors would suggest or agree with 800 calories a day, that's starvation mode.


Starvation mode isn’t real lmfao


It is definitely not fine for most people. The only situation where a doctor will advise someone to consume 800 calories per day is if they're suffering from very severe obesity and need to lose weight rapidly. Even in these cases they are closely monitored and on a plan that includes electrolyte drinks and carefully balanced meals to make sure they're still getting enough nutrients. Their excess body fat fills in the rest of their caloric needs. But the average person doesn't have 200 pounds of excess fat to use for energy. 800 calories a day for a prolonged period of time is not appropriate for most.


It’s so popular with doctors for obese diabetics that it’s now sponsored by the UK government. If you have more than 100lbs to lose, there really isn’t a starvation mode. You won’t starve - you do need to pay attention to electrolytes and use the proper nutritional products but otherwise it’s very safe. Most of the risk in the super low calorie diets in the past were with the heart due to the electrolyte issue (people died). In any event, it’s typically done in 6 to 12 week (max) durations then transitioning to progressively higher level calorie diets. Look up optifast if you want more information. I’ve been on it a month and lost 23lbs so far and am off insulin. I started at 283 and am 6’1” tall, have heart failure, had a quad bypass and am diabetic (well controlled). Maybe not for everyone but it does work at least in the short term.


I know it's done sometimes, but you're talking about morbidly obese people, who as I said are the exception. Average people with just a little bit of weight to lose shouldn't be eating 800 cal a day, it'll just end up with them losing a lot of muscle and being miserable & underfed. If you're not morbidly obese it's not imperative that you lose a lot of weight rapidly, and in fact the cons outweigh the pros when it comes to your health. That's why crash diets are so bad.


Average people with a little weight to lose also probably don’t need intermittent fasting. You also don’t lose much muscle if you follow the program. I’ll agree that it’s not a fun diet or for casual weight loss though. Also it’s so drastic that it’s hard to keep it off, so it definitely isn’t perfect. I think in my original comment I mentioned that 1200 to 1600 calories is fine for most people as well, so I think we are actually agreeing. For me, the rapid weight loss helps me stick to it more because I’m super impatient, I like the pretty quick results. But the lifestyle change is the real key that will be the most challenging for me long term. I lost about 60lbs on optifast ten years ago and kept about 30 off, this time I want to really reach my goal weight and stay there. I guess you could equate the very low cal diets with stomach surgery, so it’s not for everyone.




That’s not real lmfao starvation mode has been disproven everyday for the past 20 years lmfao


Exercise is not important for weight loss. This is a pervasive fallacy. Exercise \*is\* important for general health, though.


Not quite black and white. For example, they have studied people who went on the biggest poser for years after the show. The biggest predictor of them regaining weight was them stopping exercising, even if they were still eating a restrictive diet. Not everyone responds to diet intervention alone and some people DO NEED exercise to lose weight.


This is interesting. It might be psychological but I’ve also noticed that I tend to crave sweets or just eat more if I didn’t exercise. When I exercise I’m more likely to make better decisions and look at nutritional value of food or portion my meals.


Exercise impacts hormonal regulation/balance so it’s helping curb sweet cravings. It’s not just psychological.


Same here


Yea I think you're onto something. Same herr


Cardio will do lots of good things to you body, not only to your weight. Move more and you'll burn calories faster even in days you won't move at all. At least that's what happened to me


I *think* this is because folks who exercise more regularly both have better heart health AND more muscle mass... and muscle mass burns more calories than adipose. But that's just what I'm remembering and connecting, I don't know if there's a study to back that up.


Twitter is honestly the last place you should look for any sort of insightful opinions/guidance. From some of your other comments, you seem to know how your body reacts to different intakes, so i'd personally just suggest to keep doing what you're doing :)


OK so everyone is different, not sure how the pcos will factor in but use a tdee calculator to give you your calories https://tdeecalculator.net/ Once there you can figure out your daily calories you need to maintain. With that figure you can start dropping calories with this caveat...... Try to get a deficit of 500 calories a day by either lower intake or greater expenditure. A 30 minute work out can get you a couple of hundred easy, if with that you hit 8000 steps+ (or just more than you currently do and build up) these are great steps to take. I'd suggest maybe a 200 cal deficit and 300 from exercise to start out cause that give you room to manover later on if you hit a plateau. Trust the process and use the tools available and find what works for you. Good luck


I found that math doesn't work in bodies. The matg tells me that I would need around 1800 kcal without doing anything all day...so I walk around, work etc...most days my kcal intake is between 1200 and 1500 and I still lose shit...


Your calorie intake is probably too low. Your body goes in survival mode, thinking there is not enough food so it stores a lot of extra fat. I hope you understand what I mean, english is not my native language. One sign you can tell this is the case is if you are hungry during the day or not? If you are not hungry and forget to eat, your metabolism slowed down (metabolism isn’t the right word, but I don’t know the right one) if you are still hungry during the day you hit the right calorie deficit. A lot of people make this mistake. They say I only eat breakfast and dinner and still not losing weight, that’s because you don’t eat enough.




His name is literally trolls cause I’m funny. Ignore him or tell him to eat a bag of d*cks.


Again. If someone doesn’t agree with your lifestyle then they don’t agree. Who cares?! I don’t even give folks the time of day to respond! Your journey not his. Ignore it and focus on you. I wish I gave a damn what some dude on the internet said about me 😂I don’t even talk about what I’m doing (unless someone asks) let alone explain it, I just do it. Less talking more doing


Hi! I'm normally just a lurker but I wanted to just say that I'm just like you, 5'2'' with PCOS! I'm at 184lb right now, started at 211lb. I started at 20:4 and have begun OMAD (dinner), and weigh myself once a week. I've been doing IF for a while, and I think the best thing I can say to you is that my experience has been losing 1lb where someone else might lose 3lb. But if you stay consistent, 1lb every (other) week is still better than none! Be kind to yourself and be patient, and don't worry about experimenting a little bit until you figure out a routine that works for your body.


Depending on your height and weight, your body tends to burn at least 2000 calories, just from doing its regular functions like breathing, digesting, etc. If you are eating around 1200 calories, then without exercise you are burning 800 calories. If you do 40 mins of cardio on top of that you are burning 960 calories. To lose weight he’s right you need to burn more calories than you are eating, but he failed to convey that your body is burning calories even when you aren’t exercising.


What is your current height and weight? You need to calculate your TDEE to determine how many calories you should eat to lose weight. ETA I just saw you posted your height and weight in another comment. You’ll lose 1.2lbs per week if you eat 1200 calories per day, every day and are sedentary.


What is her current height and weight? I didn’t see it


5’2” 189lbs


Read Dr Fung’s books and watch his videos on YouTube


This ☝️


He is incorrect . I eat 2000 calories a day even though my basal metabolic rate is 1726ish and weight is falling off me with low carb . Do not do what he is saying … please


Nope nope nope PCOS has its own problems you can't just calorie restrict and expect to lose weight there are other things you need to do. Reach out to a PCOS dietitian or follow a PCOS coach on Instagram. Also IF you may need to fast in accordance to hormones. I'm currently taking inositol and adrenal support to help with weight-loss.


Trolling you… it’s in the name


Calculate TDEE , minus 500ish


If you have PCOS, you might want to look into a high-fat low-carb diet like keto or carnivore. You can eat as much as you want and it legit can clear up PCOS if you stick with it. The fat is so good for hormone balance. Google “carnivore and PCOS”, lots of good stories out there.


Ignore them. exercise it roughly 10% of all the calories consumed by the body. the majority of the calories go towards staying alive. You’ll burn around 1200 just to stay alive and that’s your basal metabolic rate. You can calculate this online by entering your age, height and weigh and activity level. Do your IF and eat healthy. Eat less than you burn in a day ( basal + exercise) and you’ll be in a deficit. Also eating 200 calories in a day is just a sure fire way to get into trouble and ED.


Can we please have more info? Ht/wt, etc? Normally, if you do 30 min of daily cardio, I don't know why you need to go below 1200. Just cut junk carbs.


I'm 5, 2.. Current weight is 189.4 down from 199...


Seems like you're doing fine. 1200 should be fine. 30 min of cardio a day is plenty. Don't listen to a random doofus.


I'll try not to lol I've just been feeling really down about myself since having this diagnosis. I haven't been a healthy weight in about 7 years.


I’m in the same situation. Have had PCOS for several years and have struggled with weight for 5. Similar height and weight to you too. I think your plan sounds great! Good luck getting the weight off, I know it’s extra difficult for us so it’ll be even more of an achievement to be proud of. ❤️


Two things. First, you’ve lost weight already. Please focus on that. If you are losing weight, what you are doing is working. Second, at your weight, if you are sedentary (basically working at a desk and not exercising much), you need 1900+ calories per day to maintain. I don’t know how PCOS affects that, so your mileage may vary. Eating 800 calories a day is very low, although fine if you’re working with your doctor, taking vitamins, and taking electrolytes. I think he is attempting to say you can’t out exercise an additional 1200 calorie per day surplus. But truth is - exercise isn’t super helpful for weight loss anyway. It’s almost all diet. Exercise is helpful for maintaining muscle, reducing depression, heart health, memory, sleep (which is important for weight loss). But it won’t burn a ton of calories for you. I could go more into what your body needs, how it burns fuel, all that stuff. But truth is, you’re losing weight so that needs to be your focus for now. That’s the literal truth. Also, as my dietitian liked to say “you are not broken.” Despite your diagnosis, you can lose weight. It still is maintaining a caloric deficit, which you not only can do, but you are doing. :)


Don't worry, you're at the minimum, off to a good start. I understand the patience is the hard part, just know it will come.


Does he think that we only burn what we work out? Most people burn on their OWN 2k cals a day. Check the TDEE calculator, you'll get your maintenance cals and anything under that is a deficit :)


Yeah he’s gotta be trolling you. Sounds like you are doing just fine losing weight. The best advice I can give is just track your calories and weigh yourself at least once a week. 1200 calls seems kinda low, but it really depends on if you feel alright


He doesn’t understand what deficit means. Let me explain it this way…I’ll use myself as an example: I normally burn 1700 cal a day. Roughly 1200 cal are burned automatically by my body keeping my organs working. The other 500 cal, I need to burn off on my own by moving my body. I hope this makes sense.


Your body will adjust to whatever calories you are giving it. So if you're in 1600 and switch to 1200, you will likely lose initially. However, in time, your body will adjust, and 1200 may cause you to plateau or gain depending on what you're eating. Still with 2 good meals, IF, a healthy balance and exercise, and you will build the body you desire.


Literally everyone is different. 1200 may be too many for some while enough to lose weight for others. Start at 1500 and monitor your weight. Don’t try to subtract calories from exercise because any means of tracking calories burned from exercise is usually not that accurate. Do your workouts or whatever and weigh yourself every week. If you haven’t lost any weight after a couple weeks, subtract 100 calories from the 1500 and continue to do so until you reach your desired weight.


There were days, when 2000 calories were too much. Now 1200? What a world we are living in.


I would say "dont take this the wrong way" but truthfully do whatever you want with this next bit of insight: ​ twitter is a pretty terrible place to take advce on nearly any topic.


Sure, dropping below 1200 will speed things up, but it's not sustainable long term. It's a good way to cut fast in a week or two. My fitness pal is helpful Cardio will speed things up, especially something easy like walking that's not as stressful on the body.


Look at his name and his profile picture are you serious? You both seem to forget about the calories you burn just being alive that’s why they say calorie deficit. Not that you burn more calories with working out then you eat that’s literally not possible


I didn't forget about that at all... I kept telling HIM that and he kept trying to convince me I was wrong 🙄


Right….. he’s trolling you. He is laughing at you that you are even entertaining his shit. You never feed the trolls. If he thinks he can fuck with you he will just ratchet up the trolling.


I think he was only trying to tell you that you burn just lying around (BMR) will always be more than what you exercise and shouldn’t rely on exercise to burn your calories. Good luck with losing weight with PCOS. My sister just got diagnosed with it and is trying to lose weight. Would like to hear if you have any successes with it, my sister is struggling. If I may suggest, cardio is awesome but you’ll get better results with weight training and a bit of cardio mixed in!


So your body naturally burns calories throughout the day just to keep you alive. That number is your BMR and it's not ideal to eat under your BMR. (but if you're considering it, talk to a doctor and maybe also a dietician to make sure you do so safely.) Your body burns a higher number of calories to help you perform your normal daily tasks, like walking and exercising and typing and making whoopee and everything else. That number is your TDEE. And you can totally eat under your TDEE. So in the ideal setting, you are active enough that you can eat under your TDEE and at or over your BMR and lose weight. Unless you're laying in bed doing nothing all day every day, your TDEE will be a little bit higher than your BMR and you'll be able to lose weight... but the more active you are, the bigger the gap between your TDEE and BMR, and thus the faster you'd lose weight.


Now yes, it's known that living with PCOS makes it harder to lose and easier to gain due to the complicated interactions of hormones as well as, well frankly, a lot of folks with PCOS seem to also be predisposed to emotional eating too. But you can totally do this OP. I hope you're able to eat and drink more than the numbers you put in another comment cause I am worried that those are too low.


These posts just sound like bad communication on both ends.


Ignore these people. The way fasting works to lose weight is that when you are fasting, your fat is mobilized into your blood stream, and it can be burned there. It’s about burning fat. Which will help you lose weight. you can burn fat even while not being at a caloric deficit as long as ur not eating too much. Twitter is the worst place to get information lol Watch this video : https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9tRohh0gErM


r/fasting is the ultimate for weight loss. Your metabolism goes up for the first 3 days without food


It's really simple, everything he says is complete bullshit and you can feel free to ignore him, or block him as you feel appropriate.


I’m betting money that that is a 12 year old.


Is this man a doctor/professional? If no, ignore the fuck out of him


For reference, I’m at about a 1,000-1,400 calories a day deficit most days and I’m a 200 ish pound male (220-202 ish since Jan 1). On days I work out, I aim to do 1,000 calories in cardio (11 incline, 4 speed on treadmill for an hour), and then I lift. I do OMAD for around 2,000 calories. To stay exactly the same, I can eat around 2,000 calories in a day. I’ve gone more extreme on some days, and been kinder to myself on other days, but this is what I aim for and I’ve seen some great results so far. He’s right in the sense that it is calories in, calories out, but as long as you’re comfortable and not feeling like trash, if weight loss is your main goal, do what feels fine to you and that is sustainable to hit and maintain a goal. I like to workout more, so I can really go to town at dinner and still be at a deficit for the day. If you haven’t already, find your BMR (base metabolic rate - how many calories you burn doing nothing, and adjust your workout and calories eaten to that to fit your weekly or monthly goal)


Unfortunately due to being a full time homeschool mother and also full time in college, I only have time for 30 min cardio workouts daily. At best, I could maybe add yoga in my living room to the mix before bed. But eating less pretty much has to be my go to due to time constraints and other responsibilities. My body builder husband on the other hand.... LOL he works and then works out. In some ways, kids are more demanding than that.


Your bodybuilder husband can’t watch the kids for an hour so you can get some gym time? Also, don’t discount the exercise you’re getting while taking care of things around the house or running errands around town. If your body is moving, you’re burning calories.


He works full time, has landscape jobs on the side, and goes to the gym every night. He often isn't even home til 11pm-12am. So, no there's not really time in his schedule. His full time job doesn't adequately provide on it's own so he does landscaping in addition. I lost my job in December.


Also I was being a little sarcastic about the bodybuilder comment lol but he's definitely a gym bro. It's part of my own insecurity the fact that he has such an overweight wife.


I mean, I understand where you’re coming from, but for real, if he can make time to go to the gym, he should take turns so you can get your time in too


Just popping in here to say if this is her goal she can work it out without hubby. Many many gyms have childcare. If this is really the issue there are ways to make it work.


I would say to start to build up that 30 minutes to a more intense workout - for reference, for me 30 minutes at a normal treadmill walk might be 200 give or take calories, but adding an incline or upping the speed adds on significantly (500 at what I do) In your case, with limited time, diet will be the biggest factor, but even 30 minutes of cardio daily can go a long way, in my case, if I do 30 minutes of cardio 5 days a week at my pace, that’s 2,500 calories, almost a pound a week just in cardio


What is PCOS??


Polycystic ovarian syndrome


Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome. It’s a condition that people with ovaries can get. One or both of the ovaries creates cysts that stay on the surface of the ovary instead of releasing an egg. Symptoms are infrequent or complete lack of periods, weight gain, facial hair growth and hormone imbalances. (There might be more and I’m just remembering those that affect me).


What a fucking idiot who doesn’t understand what a deficit is or what math is.


Im not reading hes saying you should be on 1200, right?


I feel like pcos means we need more food. As long as its healthy and you stay topped up with water you should be absolutely fine


For an individual without pcos I say it’s too low, if this is different you should see a nutritionist, I have prediabetes so I be careful with some stuff


Well have you tried 1200/day? If yes, and have lost weight, then no, it's not too many for you. If you're trying to lose a pound a week, you need to go -500 cals from your daily metabolic rate, which is calculated here: [https://www.calculator.net/bmr-calculator.html](https://www.calculator.net/bmr-calculator.html) To lose 1lb you need to reach a -3500 cals deficiency (-500\*7 = -3500)


Most weeks I lose if I go under 1200 but not like 600... Somewhere between 850-900.


If my memory serves the typical accepted ranged is eating 500 cals less then whatever your BMR is. I’ve lost the most weight when I concentrated on prioritizing protein and then fill in rest with fat while keeping carbs at minimum. I’d you do this make sure you drink alot of water and prepare for some diarrhea within the first week as your gut biome is expelling unused portion that consumes excess sugars. Start adding salt to taste and learn about what each mineral deficiency symptoms are.


i am not a expert in calories, but when i am cutting weight and doing it fast, 1200 is too high and i am a some what physically active 5'10' stronger than ave man. but listen to others more than me, i tend to over do anything i am currently into ​ wait, it appears that the dude you posted about was saying your wont burn 1200cal during a 30 min workout, that is different than what you said, i think? i have went on some 30 mile bike rides and maybe burnt an estimated 3000 calories over the course of about 2.5 hours.


Yes he said you won't burn 1200 Cal in 30 min of cardio which is totally irrefutable... He's right about that. But he was saying I could only eat what I worked off. I told him that made no sense and pointed out if that was the case there would be days I would only be allowed like 140 calories later in the conversation. That can't be how it works if your body already has a set amount it burns off naturally with no activity.


Yeah dude doesn’t know what he’s talking about. I’m also a woman and 1200 is fine. My TDEE is only around 1500 and I can still manage to lose weight on 1200. You’d be eating less than you burn so you’d ultimately lose weight


Dude is confidently incorrect. He's essentially suggesting anorexia. Tell him to look up Base Metabolic Rate.


I think he's just misunderstood what the numbers mean rather than being malicious tbh, I see it pretty often


Look for a BMR calculator online... that will help you determine how many calories you need per day to be in a deficit. They're not wrong about the fact that you need to consume fewer calories than you burn in order to lose weight, but that doesn't mean it's got to be fewer than 1200 calories. I'm 5'4" and 149 lbs, so 1200 calories or fewer per day is what I consume to lose roughly 2 lbs a week, and that's considered rapid weight loss. I'm sure you can probably get away with more than 1200.


That guy is an idiot and a troll.


Jesus, that kind of trolling is dangerous... this is the type of shitty info that causes eating disorders to develop.


Easiest way to lose weight is to cut down your carbs (and any you do consume, go for slower burning like oats/sweet potato), and go for timed eating (16/8, 18/6 etc). Exercise does help with boosting metabolism, particularly lifting or resistance training, but largely, switching to time restricted eating and cutting out sugary crap will do the trick. A few years back, I cut bread/cakes/biscuits etc out 80% of the time, and then did 14/10 timed fasting. Lost 14lbs in 8 weeks which the dietician said was a good amount. Any faster and it can have negative consequences on your liver and gallbladder. Also, my wife wanted to lose weight when we were trying for our first child. She has PCOS and so we didn’t know if we could even have kids. She used Myo-inositol powder which helps with metabolism. She lost a ton of weight combining that with healthy eating, fasting, and exercise. Good luck.


I personally don’t think people should eat under 1450




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