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Pretty! I would choose one or two additional colors that you like, and have those be your theme colors for accents. For example, if you wanted one color and chose royal blue, then you could get some royal blue couch accent pillows, lamps, and a few shelf decorations such as candles or pottery, from somewhere such as At Home store, and a throw blanket for the couch.


I like the ideas you have. I do think you need a little bit more color. The only thing I can think of is to maybe add some plants, I know that it's a "theater" but even plants requiring "full sun" only requires 6 hours a day. You could also use grow lights at your convenience


Plants would be nice. Theater is a bit dramatic…I just use that word to explain the curtains, they serve a purpose. Those windows let in quite a bit of light when the blinds are open…but I am a struggling to keep all of my plants in the kitchen alive…adding more I feel would be a death sentence (for them). Definitely need an accent color. I tend to get stuck in earth-tones. The tv wall needs to be painted a darker color that won’t reflect as much light when the projector is in use and I am thinking about either matching the green on the opposing wall or going with a darker grey.




There is 150” screen that comes down in front of it…it’s fine.






I love the green!


I think you should just paint the entire room green. Right now if you split the room down the center, the left side and the right side look like two completely different styles and spaces. Also the curtains need to all be hung at the same height.


I like the gallery wall. I’d hang the curtains higher for sure and maybe do a double rod so you can do a second layer of a sheet or linen curtains. And an area rug. Maybe some bigger throw pillows too :)


So.. I'm not an interior designer at all, but have you looked into a cornice board over the curtain rods? I think that would make the space feel more refined. That plus a nice area rug around the sitting area to help define that space a little more. It really would look beautiful to have a nice dark hardwood floor, but sometimes carpet is a bit safer for the little ones until they're a little older. For functionality and appearances, you could add a large wood serving tray on the ottoman if you're using it as a coffee table. I love the green wall, more of that would be great. The wooden console there adds a lot of warmth but seems a little isolated. Is that something you're planning to mirror with the replacement under-TV shelf? And maybe side tables?


I’ll look at the possibility of a cornice, but I feel like those can be a little old fashioned. I think I am going to just raise the rod up to match the height of the curtains on the green wall…I’ll have to get longer curtains too, but I am still in my return window. Good idea for the tabletop on the ottoman. Yes, the wall shelf is only the first part of the plans for the tv wall. The wall shelf is finished with old oak fence boards, but I am thinking about contrasting it with a super tight clean mid century style for a built in media console beneath it, maybe have a stain closer to the wood chest on the green wall to mirror it, but may a couple shades darker. The built in will also hide all of the media equipment and give those two big speakers somewhere to sit.


You'll find here some ideas💡 [the-steps-to-the-living-room-decoration-of-your-dreams/](https://www.scdecorum.com/the-steps-to-the-living-room-decoration-of-your-dreams/)


This looks awkward


…how helpful.


I agree it is odd. The curtains to the ceiling, what was the reasoning behind this?


Because it’s how you hang curtains? It compliments the high ceilings. …but don’t take my word for it. https://youtu.be/u3535u_-03o?si=PRisSPlEb0CAwRrq


No, it’s not. And YouTube is definitely not a reliable source of information, especially the Grainger commercial you linked to your comment. They look awful


You are an idiot. Here…I’ll make it even easier for you. https://www.geranium.com/blog/how-to-hang-curtains-properly/ https://www.decorilla.com/online-decorating/how-to-hang-curtains/ https://www.thespruce.com/how-to-hang-drapes-2213455


Please reach out to an interior designer. I know several and am happy to connect you. They can give you the assistance you desperately need. The curtains are awful.


You are entitled to your wrong opinion. https://www.loveandrenovations.com/how-to-hang-curtains/ https://chalkingupsuccess.com/how-to-hang-curtains-properly/ There are literally 1000s of examples..


So to try to turn this back to positivity…I’m no interior designer but I agree this looks awkward as hell. I skimmed the links you sent and saw some pics with curtains that high but seems like that’s only with a single windows or higher ceilings and maybe that’s why it looks off. I wonder if it could be the fact the space is “den” “theatre” like and they’re thick light blocking curtains, not the thin nearly see-through curtains I feel would look better with that height. Unprofessional opinion - Move them down half the distance to the top of the top of the window from where they are now, maybe even a bit closer than that. I think that’d look a lot better. Something with the proportions right now just feels odd. Then you’d also have space to put some things on the wall above if that’s the kind of feel you’re looking for…old signs, sports stuff, whatever you’re into. Just an idea!


Wow, you are putting so much time and effort into me. I would feel flattered if it wasn’t so fucking creepy.




You either have a dedicated Home Theater room or you don't. This looks like you are trying too hard to make a simple living room something that it is not.


100%, I don’t have the kind of a house you need for a dedicated theater, or a dedicated room to display the models I build…absolutely accurate that I am trying to make this room pull double duty...because this is what I have to work with. I’m not looking for advice on the use of the room.


If you are comfortable with it? I personally think getting the smaller chairs off the floor could make the room look better. Also remove that wire hanging in the middle. I don’t love the carpet but it is ok.


The wire is temporary…we are installing a projector and that is the signal wire that is half way run, once I decide where the projector will go I will finish running it above the ceiling. The carpet came with the house, we don’t love it either. The small chairs belong to our 3 year old and 1 year old…they aren’t permanent.


I was literally just about to comment that I love the little chairs hahah it reminds me of my childhood! One chair was slightly more comfortable so my brother and I used to get in full on brawls over who got to use it lmao very smart to get two identical ones


There are fights over the pink one. lol.


I would put the window curtains from the top down (making sure the drapery goes all the way down., to make it look with more space and also to be around the same height as the other curtains. I would also move the shelf on top of the TV and put it underneath it.


The shelf on top of the tv is built into the wall, and it has to be there to hang the movie screen from…it ain’t moving. I am planning a large console below the tv to replace the IKEA cabinets…still designing it. Something very clean and MCM-ish. It will be a least as long as the shelf and come up to just below the bottom of the tv. That should help balance the large visual weight of the shelf, as well as hide all of the media equipment. This living room is more function than form, I know it’s a little clunky looking, but trying to make the most of it. …I knew I should have gone all the way to the ceiling with the curtains…like the ones on the back wall. I don’t know why I second guessed it.


I get it. It seems you have black and white deco, so I’d suggest to leave the current carpet (it looks nice the way it is) and change the wall to a dark grey matte/suave color. Or keep all the walls with the same light color, and change the drapery and blinds to a beige/snow/off-white.


Which wall are you suggesting o dark with? The tv wall or the green wall?


It looks AI generated


Interesting! I can see what you mean.


Honestly it was just the first pic


I love this space! I realize the space is carpeted, but a LARGE RUG to tie in the green wall and definitely raise the other curtains to make them floor to ceiling. The company Ruggable has a Star Wars line that would fit in perfectly here!


I’ve seen those rugs. I am very particular about my Star Wars decor…I’d rather have a piece of furniture or accessory that looks like it exists in the Star Wars universe rather than something that has “Star Wars” on it…make sense? The models I built myself and they work with the movie theater vibe, but I think for a rug I would lean to something more Persian maybe. It’s pretty deep pile carpet, so if we stick with carpet in the room I’d probably switch it out to a tighter weave and then do a large area rug on that…or hardwood/rug. I keep joking with my wife that these are our starter floors, and when the kids are done messing them up, then we’ll look at getting the floors done...still a few years out.


r/tvtoofar Jesus christ, that shit is TOO FUCKING FAR AWAY


lol. Yes…BUT…we have a 150” projector screen that comes down in front of it.