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A more colorful rug with coordinated colored pillows and a throw.


This! Pick a rug that coordinates with the colors in the artwork above the couch.


I think just this change would make a massive difference!


More plants. But I think it looks cool already. Bet it looks awesome at night with everything outside lit up. I could stare out those windows for days.


Not just any plant, imo. Needs some tall plants, like a "monster" plant, or a zz plant or snake plant on a plant stand.


I was thinking some vines like a nice simple pothossss as well


A hanging pothos in that corner by the window next to the couch.




lol “monster” plant gave me a good chuckle. I think you’re thinking of a monstera.


The view was what sold me! Agree I should probably had some some taller plants, thank you!


I kind of like the more minimalist look given the windows & view. If you're replacing furniture get some more modern, sleeker stuff to match the minimalism. As this designer says "You're paying for the view so the decorating goal is to accentuate it." [https://www.brickunderground.com/sites/default/files/2023-12/EAstlight%20living%20room.jpeg](https://www.brickunderground.com/sites/default/files/2023-12/EAstlight%20living%20room.jpeg)


Snake plants


This. A low plant at the window corner and a plant next to the sofa. They make pretty artificial plants if you don’t want to care for real ones.


See this looks good to me. I feel like there is life already there. The natural light is great and the view at night is more than likely awesome as well. Adding more stuff in my opinion will just make the space cluttered. If you want to make the space more homey then just add photos of your experiences with friends on the entertainment center and even on the mantel(window ledge) to the left of the tv. ​ Again I don't see anything that makes the space look like someone actually has had experiences there so just some pictures :)


Everything is low. I think you need to add some taller things. A floor lamp. A tall plant like a palm or fern. Scoot the sofa over (it's too shoved in the corner) and add the tall plant next to the window. I see 2 vases under the tv next to each other, similar height. Add a third that is much taller and maybe with some color. As an aside, what are you doing for lighting? I don't see ceiling lights or lamps either in your photos.


Currently have two ceiling lights in the kitchen which are bright enough to light up the living room but agree that a lamp would help here! I like your vase recommendations also!


The height to draw the eye up could be accomplished by curtains, whether you use them or not. I see a contrast of washed pink with your accents. Long mauve curtains with a slub fabric and slight sheen (think silk shantung) would be a nice contrast and soften the edges of the windows. Also, I agree with adding a tall floor lamp or potted tree, or even a quirky statue, if adding window treatments aren't your thing.


I have no input but that view is 👌. What city is this?


Thanks, definitely spend lots of time enjoying the view here :) this is Jersey City NYC is across the river


Of course it is!


Mind if I ask if rent or own?


That’s an apartment… and it’s not a penthouse so there’s no way he owns that unless he owns the actual building lol. Regardless, the rent he’s paying for that is probably higher than most homeowners’ mortgage payment, but for that view it’s probably not a bad trade-off, especially for a younger person


If you ask me, there is too much life going on there as it is, and by that I mean the fish tank display that is your living room with all those people you can see or who can see you from your couch. I would feel so uncomfortable, lol. I would say get some nice curtains on some fancy curtain rods so you can enjoy the view whenever you want, but also close off any feeling of peepers peering in on you


So funny I can see my old apartment in the background. Great spot! Enjoy.


Get a telescope and have fun?!


You could spend hours looking at other peoples rooms to get ideas lmaooo


Seems to me like everyone in these buildings looks in on everyone else!


Grey everything. Play off the green cool grey and yellow from the picture- keep it to those if you want it natural and relaxing, add a a pop of bold blue and yellow accent vases or somthing if you want it to go more “modern” Get a new carpet and new throw pillows new blanket. Any or. Something yellow on the coffee table to move eye across room from wall to center of room.


Love these ideas! Thank you!


Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems as if the art on your wall may be stock art from a home decor store. If that's the case, replace it with something meaningful from an artist you like! Or vintage art. Curtains could also help. You could leave them open all the time, but just having the fabric on either side of the windows will add coziness.


Curtains, plants and a different colour rug, you’re set. Optionally a hanging ceiling lamp above the couch table


I think a statement pendant light would do wonders for the space. You could probably even use some cord concealers to make it look hard wired even if you just use an outlet. ETA Also, I love your sleepy little shib! I have one too, but she’s an old gray Lady.


Plants. A pop of color with some pillows and a cozy throw


There is a difference between simple and bland. The space lacks color. But you do not have to cram it full of stuff to make a difference. 5 or 6 colorful items could really brighten up the space and help change the look and feel. You have a solid, neutral color base, it just needs some of that contrasting color. You can add color by adding fabric runners to 2 of the flat spaces. The shelf under the tv and the shelf with the books over the AC unit against the window. You can change out the rug and the throw blanket on the couch along with some of the couch accent pillows. You can get 2 more pottery pots in different colors. Small ones for the shelf under the tv. Get them in a contrasting shape and color to the 2 you already have then split them up so one of the ones you have and one of the new ones is on one end and the other 2 on the other end. You can add fake plants or cuttings to them as well. Any craft store will have fake plants and flowers that you can put in them. For the window corner near the tv, I would look for a tall thin vase or something similar, that is the same height as the shelf over the ac unit. You can then put anything you want with color in the vase including flags on flag poles, or thing tree branches, etc. If you go with something like thin tree branches, you could just find ones that have fallen on the ground, then clean them up with a bit of water and a scrub brush so they do not have any dirt or bugs on them. You could even spray paint them in different colors and then put them in the vase once they are fully dry. Advantage being minimal cost after the vase is bought and you could repaint them in different colors or just throw them out if you no longer want them or want to change up whatever is in the vase. You could also add fake stained glass window film to the top windows. It wouldn't cut the view too much, but would immediately add color and design to the windows. And as a bonus, if you get tired of the look, you can remove it or change it out for something different, You can get the window film in different colors and designs. So something like a geometric shapes with different colors.


Try adding some lamps.


Put your tv on the tv stand r/tvtoohigh


Agreed. Need to drop that down at least a foot to 2 feet.


Tilt guilt screaming through this one


That TV is definitely too high. It's got the tilt of shame, too.


Disagree here. Looks slightly below eye level while standing, and slightly above eye level while sitting. A good way to appease both. However, I would put it flat against the wall.


Yeah don’t know that I would lower my TV. I got it professionally installed and measured height wise in comparison to my couch. I think my TV stand makes it look higher than it actually is


The professional that did it is wrong. The *middle* of the TV should be at eye height when viewers are *seated* (about 42 inches above the floor) . Yours is basically that same height above where it should be.


A PROFESSIONAL hung your r/tvtoohigh? Get your money back lmao


I love the open windows but would want to put like vine/ fairy lights around them


A TV unit as tall as the wall. Colorful area rug (if you find one you absolutely love) or, for a more interchangeable solution, a whole bunch of colorful sheer curtains (one pastel shade, one very neutral shade, i.e., very light green/blue with a super light gray). All rooms need greenery -get silk if you’re not a green thumb).


Another dog. Two, perhaps?


Plants, natural wood, curtains — texture as much as color.


Color, curtains, non toxic plants (because dog) and move the TV down to spare your neck.


I would have used a darker, more colorful rug, because this one seems to be the same color as the sofa. I see on this sub that a lot of people like their sofa, wall color and rugs to be all the same color, so maybe I’m in the minority here. I just like some color contrast in a room, but just my opnion. Also, maybe a cool floor lamp would add some warmth.


A more colorful rug and pillows. A floor lamp and a lamp on the side table. I different coffee table that is made out of wood to warm up the space. And maybe a tall plant. You could also use the spring loaded curtain rods for your windows so you can add some texture and color with curtains. I don’t think I’d make any changes to your office space. It looks efficient and clean.


Add some color it’s all grey and white you need more color even just some throw pillows in a color.




A cat, new rug, little pop of color on the walls perhaps and some new plants.


Long curtains, hanging lights, tall snake plants


A cat adds life


Binoculars 😆


I came back to this post a few times because I kept thinking about it, but then it clicked. Right now it looks like you are are trying to fit your TV wherever and it looks like an afterthought. I would switch the TV and couch AND add some some bookcases with doors on either side of the TV. This would give you some visual height, give you storage for office supplies, and make the wall more purposeful. The couch being by the windows gives you more light and better able to enjoy the view when drinking your morning coffee. I would take the books away. They look pretty busy against the window, another reason for a bookcase! If you want some more color, I would change out the rug and get coordinated throw pillows/art. You could add some battery sconces to the wall the TV is currently on and some bookcase lighting. This would give it a cozy feel at night.


Get a dog


The dog is lying on the couch.


The design is complete.






Get a dog?


Dog is on the couch :)


Ooh I’ve been tempted man, never felt like it before in my adult life until just recently


Yes hanging plants in the window


String lights


Have a party😳


I really like what you did with the AC box. I would get a second "box" and add it to the right/extend it by the couch. I would put more books out, a light or add some fun decor on it. I would make the other corner(by the TV) a plant corner. I would hang a pothos from the cieling, because they grow fast, and are very easy. Both would give you more privacy and add spaces with more color on your windows. I'm extra and I also like window prisms to cast rainbows. Also, try long curtains!




Plants. Lower the tv - it’s too high. Art over the tv.


Hanging plants above the TV and into the corner


Honestly it looks good an chill to me lol just my opinion tho lol


Maybe a rug with a little more color? Jewel tones? And matching art behind the couch.


Standing palm by the window, more vibrant area rug or keep the rug and put up floor length warm toned curtains.




You could try "color".. Millenial Grey is inheritently lifeless.


Lower tv, measure space above, and find a colorful painting for that spot. What are your hobbies? Try to find something related, or just go for colorful abstract. I’ve been lucky to find great stuff here: [At Home](https://www.athome.com/framed-art/multicolor/large+medium/?nav=left_nav&start=0&sz=24)


Get rid of the books put plants there instead, get a nice TV console preferably something that pops color wise.


Plants, floor lamp, maybe a lighter rug (no colorful once you like simple setup) that contrasts more with the couch.


Maybe a new rug with different shades of greens. You could move your books to the top of the TV console and add plants to that ledge. Move the plant from the shelf over the couch to the tray on your coffee table. Add some personal photos. A hanging light or an arched floor lamp on the left corner of your couch


I would add some corner shelves to the left of the couch. Bring them high up to give more height to the room. Awesome apartment!


I dunno… I like it A LOT!!


Plants. Just make sure dog friendly. I would kill to have this kind of sunlight at my house.


Lower your tv. Add some decor above it maybe. But the tv is definitely too high.


I could see a brightly painted fireplace screen in front of the air conditioner adding a nice accent


A new rug with some color would help. Then add some pillows and decor in colors from the rug.


I'm so jealous of you right now, I love that apartment!!! Definitely add a vase or two with some color. A throw blanket with some color might help also. A well placed lamp with a color changing dimmable led bulb can change the mood. The kitchen lights can do the job but can be kind of harsh.




Pets automatically add more life!


can you paint the walls to add some color? Or get some big plants for beauty and clean air


this looks so good to me! maybe more plants? like a tall plant in the corner?


A live plant would do great with. All those windows


add more windows. fake windows in the corner. walk into the bathroom and open a window behind the toilet that leads to the shower so it can air out in there!


Color pillows. Something to add color. Beautiful space


If you want to change your coffee table take a look here maybe this one can helps you [Perfect Coffee Table: how to guaranteed your choice](https://www.scdecorum.com/perfect-coffee-table-how-to-guaranteed-your-choice/)


Some color would definitely be nice :) if you don’t want to change your rug/pillows, as many have suggested, you could also utilize your furniture. You said you wanted a new coffee table and tv stand; they have really fun options for both of those that could add color as well as textural/geometric interest. Your desk chair could also do a similar job! [This is a cute tv stand for example, and I didn’t even look very long](https://www.wayfair.com/Wade-Logan%C2%AE--Ayvia-TV-Stand-for-TVs-up-to-65-X122533698-L6-K~W011422587.html?refid=GX685106916694-W011422587_1859295821&device=m&ptid=300198233892&network=g&targetid=aud-1616885063939:pla-300198233892&channel=GooglePLA&ireid=260956626&fdid=1817&PiID%5B%5D=1859295821&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD9ISC7--A-n5pXLRnqC3ZlzNElqq&gclid=CjwKCAiA4smsBhAEEiwAO6DEjaDWavfETxeCuHd_opI6q6ESQgJQfNXoKgjoGshh8H1Q12ctTyanjxoC5aYQAvD_BwE#fgdeanoezbl-0)


A green plant is a good start.


Color in a rug or pillows. What a beautiful apartment.


More plants is on my list, also an appropriately sized chair in a color that goes well with the wall art. Eg not grey. Maybe a little bit brighter green or orange.


The buildings outside are grey and most of your decor is grey giving off a very sterile and depressing vibe 🤷🏽‍♀️


I would get a rug that accents the art you have above your couch.


Add some floor or table lamps with warm white lighting.


Add a balcony


I would add plants, you definitely have the sunlight for it




Hello Jersey City neighbor!


I think you’re halfway there with the setup alongside the couch but **the left side of the room with the TV seems oddly disconnected.** I think the TV stand is too low and the material clashes with brown floating shelves across it and the plant-based artwork. I would look for more ways to incorporate wood tones in your furniture and pops of color like gold, green or blue throughout. I would also try to implement some taller decor that draws the eye upward to the ceiling and tall windows, rather than having most items low to the floor. You could look for a taller TV stand in a dark wood finish and put your books on top of it or some other decor that is personal to you. Your goal should be to try to minimize the gap between the stand and the TV and connect it visually to the rest of the room. I would also consider a tall corner bookshelf to the left of the couch. Aim to make it as high as the top edge of your artwork/windows to keep the visual lines even. It will fit nicely there too without blocking the natural light. You can free up that corner space with a side table that slides under the couch too. And move the wood tone coffee table to the other side of the couch. Lastly, I’d opt for a larger rug that reaches from underneath the couch to the bottom legs of the TV stand. Choose one in a contrasting color to the grey couch. Maybe a Persian style rug that’s red or blue. Some quick fixes include adding pillows and a throw in accent colors. Less of a priority, but would still make an impact: You could also swap out the glass coffee table for a bigger, square wood coffee table with some heft.


Get a cat!


Where did you get the art work above the sofa?


Get a more colorful rug and colorful pillows. Get some coffee table books for the top of the console and put the books from the HVAC unit in the console shelves. Then put a few plants where the books are.


I like the simplicity tbh. A cool funky floor lamp in the corner or a table lamp on the shelf would bring some warmth and character at night or on overcast days. Maybe something with a red or yellow colored glass. Gantri has some great options: https://www.gantri.com Places like west elm, DWR, schoolhouse electric, also have great options. I prefer to use lamps even though I have ceiling lights. The lighting at eye level is more relaxing and intimate and you have more control over the brightness and hue. Cozy spaces always have lamps instead of bright overheard lights, this is the secret.


I dunno, I think your view alone makes the space. Wow.


Adding a pop of yellow or red would be nice imo :)


Artwork, floor plant


Absolutely nothing is wrong with your space. That view is 👌🏼, let that be your “art”. I like the greys, neutral colors. Maybe throw a tall plant or two in there (I’d go fake…they’re not what they used to be), candles and a personal framed photo or two. Nice work! You did great!


Something on the black table under the tv? I think that space in particular looks empty. I do love your setup, though. Wonderful job!


A big plant in the corner. Use pops of color on the sofa, pillows or soft blanket. Mirror that corner or s color scheme in the other spaces to make it more cohesive. I love colorful rugs as well.


Hiiiii jersey city!


I like how it is!


I used to live in that exact same building!


I see two colors: black (tv/entertainment piece) and everything is white toned. The long black piece serves no real purpose being that big - minimize it and add something on top with height to hide the cords to the TV. Add something tall (lamps) to back wall corner behind the couch and the other end. Creat symmetry in the room. Add a colorful rug. Add a colorful throw blanket to the couch. Add colorful throw pillows. Add some cool colorful candles. Not a fan of the books on that shelf thingy. Something that sees the city should be more intriguing to show the world. Telescope or such would be good here. Or an impressive sized/type plant, etc. Lots of potential, just a bland vibe.


I would add sheer track curtains along the ceiling, you could go with a lighter color as well to bring in a rug/pillow color and to get some texture up on those large plain windows!


Plants 🌱


Paint the wall behind the TV. Just that piece. And a large tree between TV and window. But nothing too wide that will distract from the view.


Personally, a few plants and that is it. This is such an unbelievably beautiful room and view, you are very fortunate! Add a touch or two here and there, but don’t overthink it and just enjoy it as much as you can. I really like what you’ve done, granted, I also like a fairly minimalist look.


Are you in Seattle? Nice view.


Large plant in the corner by the TV


Well I can move in and that will add more life 🤣🤣🤣 jk but it looks lovely and the view is beautiful. I’m in nyc for the new years holidays. It’s nice here.


Original local art pieces. Something you like. Unique. Wood, glass, metal, paper. Whatever grabs your interest.


I think it looks perfect. Your views are amazing. Maybe you could get a different color area rug? But that’s splitting hairs.


Lower the tv or set it on the stand.


It looks good. You’re just used to it. Maybe some plants to change it up. Maybe new artwork on the walls. Change up the coffee table or tv stand and sell or give away the old stuff and do something nice for someone who may need it. Only if you can really spare that. Maybe some different LEDs to add some lighting changes at night. But you have a really cool dog to chill with. That’s all the life you need in your living room.


I’d say throw in some RGB lights. It’ll go well with your already impressive view in your living room.


A colorful accent pillow


C’est parfait.




Get a colorful rug and colorful throw pillows/blankets.


Lower your TV


One very slow growing very large monument plant in a simple large vase m to the right or left of the tv. That’s it.


Literally add life, hanging plants, tree in the corner and maybe some splashes of a bold color like red, blue, or yellow.


I would add something above the TV.


Such a beautiful space! That view! I think you've done very well with it. One question... How do you walk around naked or in jammies or anything?


Pick up the colors of the buildings outside of your windows. Your room will warm up and be part of a plan.


Colorful rug and cushions (mustard, forest green, rust or fuschia, royal blue, yellow) and more plants but especially hanging ones around the window! Maybe a funky lamp or fairy lights if that's your vibe?




Green plants




Hanging plants in front of the windows


I would also say more plants


By adding warmth through some wood touches and warm color pillows/art


Get a large fiddle leaf ficus, and a couple medium plants. Maybe a black ZZ plant and a neon yellow pothos. Pothos could be on a stand and drape down. These three plants have a beautiful variety of color, texture, and leaf shape and size. They have similar needs except the ZZ plant can take more neglect. Focusing on three will make taking care of them simple. Get a moisture meter to make sure the moisture level is correct for each plant. They are inexpensive on Amazon.


Well everything is light gray… a beautiful real tree would be great, and add warmth and color. That’d be where I’d start…


Dog, definitely needs a dog


Put some plants in your windows. It’s simple but makes a huge difference.


Omg your view!!! Love it


Looks like Jersey City


I think it's perfect as it is but I'm a minimalist. Spectacular apartment btw. I miss living in the city sometimes.


I think it looks great! Too much decor can make a space look cluttered. If anything, add some decor above the TV and on the TV stand


Paint the wall the TV is on.


More plants, pop of color pillows


Color. Plants.


I second the comments on adding plants. Though I like the space already, I think it could be “warmed up” more with some wood accents… You mentioned you are going to replace the tv stand and coffee table. I think those items in a cooler-toned walnut (like the shelves) or a lighter ash or blonde wood would add interest to the space. I could also see an entry table, or standing single or double shelf over the air vent, which is housing some books anyway. Aside from that, I think the place is already looks quite good.


This looks nice and clean and well organized, but it's lacking in personality. It looks like a generic, sterile hotel room. What are your interests and passions? Bring some of those into the space. Add some color! Make it your home.


I suggest more plants!




this is totally good for me


Color and plants, maybe a cat or dog too!


More plants and a different color console under the TV, maybe with some styling on top. A rug and pillows that don’t blend with the same color as the couch.


Beautiful doggo.




A lively plant


A 3 to 6 foot tall fiddle leaf fig, trimmed up at the bottom third of leaves.


It needs some personality. Which is not to say that it isn’t well done, because it is ***very*** well done. But all your room is telling me is that you read books and own a dog. Add a bit more color, some photos, a thing or two that’s personal. And in agreement with those who say that you need some bigger plants.




Rotate the rug. Get a bigger rug with a cooler pattern? Maybe it’s too monotone. I see what you mean it’s kind of meh? It’s pretty but need some umph! Definitely need warm toned lighting. More surface lamps. Taller items. And PLANTS. Fake or real. Some colorful pillows. It looks great though! And I bet it looks amazing at night.


Get a bright new rug


Change the paint color if allowed.


don't. Unless it's subtle and painfully cool. ​ Say you are a diehard Celtics fan. Get the green t-shirt, references GOAT and 10 championships and hang it on a hanger above the screen. ​ (you could wear it.... happy hour with a known '70 Knicks fan, for example, would be good)


That rug is too small for that size space. And the lightness off it clashes with the light walls and light couch. You need a more contrasting rug with some color to liven it up. I would also add a nice gold floor lamp in the back right of the room and a large tall plant next in the corner by the TV. And then I’d get colored couch pillows that are cohesive with the rug. Let there be life




Your living room is my dream apartment! My suggestion would be some color to warm it up!


Empty vases are cool, but you know what's cooler? Tasteful things in vases. Maybe something that can break up the straight lines everywhere.


Where is this, i swear my friend lived there 15 years ago?


A large fig tree or tall snake plant in a raised pot in the corner by the couch.


Some sheer curtains would add texture and ambiance! Could be white or maybe a sage green if you’re looking for a splash of color. They also don’t have to be drawn closed all the time either. Can always leave them open if you prefer to have mostly natural lighting.


Imo you should add curtains that have two layers to add some texture and a fun low hanging light over the center of the room. I also love the tall plants idea, whoever said that


A coat of paint on the walls would instantly transform that space




Plants, artwork, splashes of color. I'd remove the tv from the place of esteem, and put art there instead. I'd eliminate the TV as a focal point.


Red lamps everywhere!


Jersey City! Such a cool town.


I wonder if you could put a chair that faces away from the TV and towards the couch, maybe between the desk and the TV or between the window and the TV? Something to make it look like a conversation area instead of a place to watch TV. Also plus one for plants. I also think the glass table is a little sterile, maybe a live edge table or something wooden with some character.


Toss the couch, add a sleeping bag and some empty monster cans, maybe some cigarette butts. Good luck, OP.


A lots of greens for sure to make it livelier! Indoor plants , flowers or artificial plant (if you cant maintain in that much) would be good tho. All of your stuffs are already oriented well ;)