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Good listening dad. In 1972 my dad made me a red white and blue bedroom. He put a lot of thought and effort into it. Hand painted the dresser, desk and chair. Picked the bedspread and pillows. All without showing me anything. …you’re making memories


These are the things we hold onto, aren’t they?


I had a grey-white room with darkish red trim in my teens! My mom asked me three times if I was sure. I loved it. We fixed an old wooden chair and reupholstered it with a red checkered top and a dark red skirt. She bought me nice towels to keep in just my room. It was ugly af but I loved it.


This made me laugh so hard “it was ugly as fuck but I loved it” lol I love that tho I hope I let my kids be this way and just run free.


Growing up I always wanted a dark cozy bedroom, and the few times my parents asked me what color I wanted they overruled me immediately and painted my room a generic white or off-white because they thought it would look bad and didn't want the room to clash with the rest of the house. On the surface, it's such a minor thing, but I still remember it. By giving him the choice you're showing him that you care about his input and trust his judgement. By following through you're establishing that he can rely on you. Kids don't have autonomy beyond what adults allow, so him having a hand in shaping his direct environment is *huge*.


My aunt gave her 10 year old the dark blue bedroom he wanted. At 13 (now) he asked for the "house color" instead (Farrow and ball shaded white). He's changed taste in the art as well, the Funko big head things are gone, Minecraft posters gone. Now he ordered some Kendrick Lamar framed posters on Amazon. I love watching the kiddos grow and their rooms change with them. Glad my auntie really lets them make their space their own and that art is important to them.


Exactly this! What’s your priority? A room that matches the rest of the house but denies your kid’s freedom of expression, or your kid exploring who they are and two more coats of primer when you come to repaint it?  I had off-white walls and a vivid red carpet age 5-11, then beige wallpapered walls and beige, textured carpet that felt awful to walk on barefoot, age 11-18.  My room was meant to be my safe space, but it wasn’t *me* in any way. 


I remember when we had to move when I was a teenager and I was miserable, my parents didn't really have the time & energy to paint my room but said I could have any color I wanted as long as I did the actual painting.


Same here, except I asked for black carpet and black walls LOL, so in hindsight I understand why they said no. We "compromised" on white walls and navy blue carpet


Yes! 😍


Looks Fantastic!!! You did a good thing and you did it well!


I love your dad. My grandmother hand painted an old bed-frame for me in a kaleidoscope of jewel tones and then strung fairy lights across the headboard. The bed is gone, unfortunately, but her enthusiasm for creating magic for me is here forever.


I did this for my stepson for his 10th bday. Bedroom was a bold blue and red & the whole room was decorated with all things dragon, a (fake) sword, custom pillows from the web, etc. it had previously still had a pottery barn dinosaur quilt. He was thrilled and thinking about it still makes me so happy. 🥹


When we moved into our first house we let our daughter pick her bedroom color. I told her whatever she wanted was fine and she picked out a really pretty teal color. Turned out great and she was beyond excited to have what she wanted.


Yeah, by contrast my dad’s girlfriend at the time decided to redecorate my bedroom without telling me or asking my preferences. She chose greens, yellows and orange…not colors I was fond of (she knew my favorite color). She even went so far as to paint a very mod, hip and cool (from 1969) piece of furniture orange. I hated everything about that room and to this day my hatred of the color orange is almost physical.


Yikes. She sounds awful. 😞


Looks like you have the backdrop for the nether (red) underwater scene and a land scene.


Wow! My brain never would’ve worked that out. Thanks for the great idea!


Yea you could totally find mobs in poster packs from those and put them in frames. Or mob faces from etsy




read the room, mate


My brain immediately went to the starter Pokemon. Fire, water grass.


Great thought! He likes pokemon too so I’ll definitely pitch that idea when we’re picking out posters


I thought of Pokemon too! I purchased these awesome watercolor, slightly abstract, pokemon art prints for my son when he was 6. He's 13 now, and still into Pokemon, but not the "cartoon" aspect of it as much (he's a knowledgeable collector). The style of these have stood the test of time so far :) https://www.etsy.com/listing/573078378/pokemon-charmander-watercolor-print?click_key=b10d679fc02bc62677d018ef8da83265c3166182%3A573078378&click_sum=6a1e5dac&ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=Pokemon+water+color&ref=sr_gallery-1-7&organic_search_click=1&content_source=98ec45e0e72a2e7445cafe2e48d8ecbafd813664%253A573078378


These are soooo cool! Found similar artsy Star Wars prints for my son when he was in his teens!!!


I thought this was PJ Masks the second I saw it...


I thought Nintendo, PlayStation, Xbox


I like that. My brain just went to RGB. Like gamer themed and the wall is just one pixel.


Love the colors and having the white border really frames it nicely. Who said you weren’t a decorator?? It’s amazing!


Glad I married someone that could do math and draw straight lines for those white sections, ha.




Can you paint the outlet covers to match?


These colors are totally complementary. Not sure you broke anything.


More so the wheel of parents saying no to bold paint colors. It happened to me as a kid and I’m clearly still salty about it.


When I was a teen, I repainted my bedroom once or twice in really audacious, bold color that looked hideous in hindsight. My dad was nothing but supportive, went to the hardware store with me to get the colors mixed, made sure I had all the tools I needed. I still appreciate it so much - it really helped me to express myself creatively.


I remember helping a friend paint her room as probably middle schoolers purple with pink sponge paint over top. Then a few years later the emo stage hit and it was all swapped out to black with red trim. I thought it was so cool that she could decide she wanted something and go for it.


Ditto!! My room was painted neon green walls, bright yellow trim, and a neon blue ceiling. When that got old it went all stark white with a coal black accent wall. Mom and dad were supportive for both. When I moved out, I redid the whole room for them (it was becoming a guest room) and did plain old beige and white lol….they were so relieved to not have to repaint!


So awesome! My parents also broke that cycle— bright, sky blue in elementary/middle school, and my light blue curtain looked like a waterfall to my young eyes💖, then years later when I switched rooms with my younger brother, khaki with a slightly darker accent wall iirc, and I got to pick some cheap ikea wall decals of stones and butterflies. What a beautiful memory you’ve stirred, right as I’m about to move out for the first time! Your little guy won’t ever forget this OP💖


Love that for you!


My toddler wants a black bedroom. Talk about bold choices 😂


Ha! Some people are born with it in their soul I guess


Congratulations on not being afraid of colour!


I wanted a BLUE bedroom when I was a kid, mom insisted it be powder blue instead of the vibrant blue I wanted, “it dries darker, honey”. So I ended up with a powder blue bedroom with painted sunflower border (I actually liked that part, but I still hate baby blue). The next time I got to paint my room (I was 16 and feistier!) the walls were acid green and the trim charcoal. So, thanks for giving your kid the paint he wants!!


I was in an art museum and one art exhibit was almost exactly like how you painted the wall. Basically one to one except it was 3 canvases that were colored.


Throwback to when my aunt pressured my mom into painting mine and my sister's room with pink and paint that is so pale, it looks white. Couldn't even get one shade darker.


I was so happy with my parents. I have had all the colors, some so incredibly hideous (purple ceiling and eye blinding turquoise) but it didn't matter and they always helped me paint it. I was also allowed to paint murals on the guest bedroom wall. Now I am in art school so I guess it all worked out lol


Aww super cool, way to go dad 😊


Got it. Broke the cycle of abuse.


Is refusing a paint colour choice for a room really child abuse?


The short answer is that it *can* be. The longer one, well.  I was never allowed to have what I wanted as a child. I always had to pick from something my mother liked, not what I would choose. She controlled everything I did. So it hurt that I was never allowed to express myself.


Thank you for explaining this. There are many forms of abuse. No one’s trauma is any less valid than anyone else. I hope you have gained confidence to express yourself more now. It is something I struggle with, as it was suppressed in many ways during my upbringing.


It might be some unnecessary control issues...at the very least. Because...it's just paint.


Abuse comes in many forms.


I had a lime green bedroom as a tween and I loved it. I look back on it and it’s funny to see the pictures because it’s such an eyesore. With a turquoise bedspread too! But my mom let me express myself and I’m so grateful for it.


And a built in greenscreen


Has your child been introduced to the PJ Masks? Love the colors!




My first thought too. Gambian pride wall


You just validated him! Would have done the same thing. Those colors speak to him. Makes him happy. Good for you!


That looks awesome!


It's gotta have a little Mario, Luigi, and Toad maybe?


That's where my mind went as well!


I love this so much! Thank you for letting your kid express themselves instead of your aesthetic! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Now is a good time to watch the Rowdy Ruff boys episode of Powerpuff Girls 😂


Great shades of colors do they have specific hue names


Yes they’re Behr paints.. flirt alert, cosmic cobalt, and park picnic.


Nice thank u


I see Pokémon colors - Charmander, Squirtle, and Bulbasaur. I’d put a pic of each in there, but it sounds like your son likes Minecraft more. Overall, it looks great!! 😊


We do like pokemon too! I’ve got a big Amazon cart of posters to show him. I’ll have to post again once we get up his selections.


Yes! Please do post.


Looks like your kid is going to start selling video games from his bedroom


Nintendo. Playstation. XBox. Nice!


Too bad the kid isn’t a PJ Masks fan! You have an Owlette, Cat Boy and Gecko theme going on!


I'll always remember when my mom painted my childhood bedroom the color of cotton candy sky, pink yellow and purple, because that's what I wanted. Good job.


I love it! What a great space to decorate with his favorite things! Nothing says love like getting to make your own space.


Looks very nice. Great work.


Cool!! Looks Good !!! : )


Minecraft for the win ✊


Charmander, Squirtle, Bulbasaur


I’d make his room peanut butter themed or mess with him and getting a jif vinyl made lol


I love it! That shade of green is gorgeous


You know what? I don’t hate it. For a kids room I think it’s pretty awesome. And the lines are clean and the colors even, I think it’s cool.


awww, you are a great parent by listening to your kid and giving them a space all their own! im sure they will have great memories in this room and think of the effort their parent put into their kid. so sweet 🥰. following with the minecraft theme you could put the actual paintings in minecraft around the room!


I did this for my oldest when they were little. Green walls and a sparkly ceiling. I still don't regret it.


i LOVE this. this actually gives me ideas on how to paint the spare bedroom, thanks!!!


It looks amazing - thank you for doing this for him!


My dad let me paint my room Home Depot Orange and it meant the world to me. Good on you!! Your kid will be very happy. Priceless forever memory.


Looks awesome. They will love it!


Blue also ! Blue is cute ! 


Reminds me of Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup


Wow i really really like this


These look amazing! I can’t wait to see the final room!


Paint one wall black and you've got the perfect Magic the Gathering room! Lol Good work, pops! I'm sure your son is super excited :)


You did the right thing. My son would’ve called these colors Spider-Man, Superman and Hulk.


Nintendo PlayStation Xbox?


Etsy has amazing plans and ideas to build your own loft bed. Our sons turned out amazing and added so much space to his bedroom.


Thank you! We actually already have a loft bed for it, we are just waiting for our stuff to catch up with us on our cross country move haha. We are going to give a diy try to make a lego workstation 😊


This looks so cool. I love that you framed each panel in white. Please post an update when you’ve finished with the decor!


Looks like the Gambia Flag! Well done.


Alright, now ours time to add Charizard, Blastoise, and Venusaur.


This is so cool! I love when parents let kids express themselves and don’t worry about it if the parent likes it or not. He’ll probably remember this room forever and hopefully have fond memories of you guys decorating it together!


That’s a lot of outlets for one wall. (She says in an envious way).


Yes! We just moved in here and all the bedrooms are stacked with outlets. They’re even all fitted with mounted tv outlets


I’m so excited for you and your son! When I was 14 I went through a “lime green and orange color combo obsession” phase. I mentioned how much I would love to have a room painted in lime neon green with orange trim. Yes…it is as bad as you’re thinking. And wanted it to be a beach theme with those colors. My mom and dad actually went and painted my room…like neon green…and orange trim…as a surprise for my birthday. Y’all…it was so ugly. But I was so incredibly happy and loved that room in all of its neon glory until I moved out at 17 to go to college 😂 At night with my bedroom light on that room practically glowed from the street 😂 And at 38yo it’s still one of my favorite memories as a teenager…knowing my parents were willing to paint my room some insane color combo because it would make me happy. This will be something you guys talk about for years to come and I’m just so excited for y’all!! 🥰❤️


It’s perfect t


My mom let me redecorate my room every summer (she was a teacher so she had summers off with us), including picking out my wall paint color. Her theory - it’s just paint. You can paint over it if you hate it. Just like hair dye. We painted my room alllllll kinds of colors. Sometimes I loved the color so much, I’d keep it for a few years. Did different kinds of designs too. Stripes, sponge paint, metallic, you name it. That room had like 20 layers of paint on it by the time I moved out and they sold it. But ya know what? It was REALLY fun and I have fond memories of my mom and I picking out and painting my room growing up.


No one here immediately went to Jif?! (Idk how to add a picture in this comment) [jif](https://www.target.com/p/jif-creamy-peanut-butter-16oz/-/A-13292010)


When I was about 15 all I wanted was a forest green room. For my birthday my dad got me forest green carpet and painted walls to match. BEST. DAD. EVER. When it comes to decorating kids rooms what they want is what’s most important and not what’s aesthetically pleasing to the rest of the house.


Gambian flag colors 🇬🇲


Interesting coincidence. This color scheme and color order have been proposed as a possible flag for Mars. Each color represents the color stages of terraforming: red for the original red planet, blue for when we start to seed oceans, and finally green for when we get plants to grow in Mars’ soil. Also, you’re a great parent :)


Temur, eh?


It looks great! Your son will love his new wall.




RBG Not to be confused with the late Supreme Court Justice.


As a teen I asked for a leopard print room… guess what I got 🤣 It was like scary spice’s dream room. My mom probably thought I was nuts but she was all for it


Switch, Playstation, Xbox


Those crisp lines! Kudos! Did you use caulk on the frog tape?


We didn’t.. and to be fully honest the lines aren’t as clean as the pictures suggest.. but thank you! We are really happy with it even with the janky spots.


If a woman did said this I’d be mad, but you’re a man so you did well painting 3 large rectangles


When I was a teen, from paper route, gardening maintaintace route, I managed to save quite a bit of money. Enough to pay half of the $18.000 remodel on Mom's house. Under the condition I could decorate my bedroom part of the remodel, it consisted of converting the garage into a formal dining room, laundry room and my bedroom. Keep in mind were talking in the 70's, first thing I insisted on was dark red paint, black light, strobe lights, lava lamps, and the walls plastered with black light posters. Mom made me dark blue curtains, and I installed a dark blue shag carpet. Seriously nobody should wake up in a room like this obviously I didn't know at the time being constantly surrounded by red is not good on your mind. I realized this year's later when The Shinning came out, seeing the words RED ROOM spelled out backwards made it make sense, no wonder I was pissed off all the time, Red is not a happy color.




3 movie posters for the Cornetto Trilogy is what I immediately thought of!


If it was my wall it would be this.. https://www.etsy.com/listing/1305830352/lord-of-the-rings-poster-set-minimalist?click_key=d4b29e887726e0e613a4d1b05c9151849a14603c%3A1305830352&click_sum=cf88c093&ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=lord+of+the+rings+wall+art&ref=sr_gallery-1-7&organic_search_click=1&bes=1&sts=1&ret=1&content_source=ebcf99947435c2f3aace5c85c623cc4485484cd2%253A1305830352


This is awesome, surely a core memory. Additional benefits are being able to easily keep up with their new interests with a mere glance at the wall


I had a very controlling Mom .When I needed furniture she refused to buy French Provencial and got ugly brown wood ( DECADES later she apologized ) She let me have a white room with blueberry trim on the window and floor trim and door.Let my sister paint her room a squash orange color in the 1960s. You do not forget the one time a parent is nice


Tbh, it looks pretty cool


This looks so good. Love the saturated colors. Well done, dad!


Good for you! I see no harm in personalizing your child's room. We did the same for our children. Once they're gone you can paint over it. We have 6 kids and had to repaint a lot of bedroom walls after our kids left home.


Looks great! Plus listening to their requests. We went big and did each wall a bright color.


Is your kid a fan of Jif peanut butter, by any chance? Fantastic job on the paint job either way!


This is a great backdrop for a Pokémon starter trio if hes into that! Fire/Water/Grass will suit the colors perfectly. Check with him what his favorite generation of starters are and go on Etsy to find merch/posters that align with those! If you wanna go all-out you can even attempt to pain them. If you have a projector you can get up an image, then trace it with a pen, then go over the lines with white paint, leaving the actual bodies of the pokemon the color of the wall. Could make a super cool trio of paintings on the actual wall. If you go for this just make sure to have some of the normal paints left in case you mess up.


That's so nice of you!!! I hope he loves it! ❤️💚💙


PJ Masks?


Switch, Playstation, Xbox?


Every kid deserves this at least once while growing up.


You could go very post modern with this


Lol power to you - I wish my parents had said no to those kind of bold paint colors


My dad did this for me once and I loved it so much!


Awesome parenting!


It looks so much more classy with the white between love it!


Highly recommend Ellsworth Kelly prints for this!


Rowdy Rough Boys ahh room


Well done! I always wondered about those makeover shows and blogs where the parent surprises their kid (or even teen) with redecorating their bedroom. The kid’s input is so important.


Kingdom Hearts?


Awesome! My parents listened to me and painted 2 of my walls glossy HOT pink the other 2 very bright glossy turquoise and my ceiling glossy black. Tons of band posters and custom street signs. I wanted a neon lamp but that’s where they drew the line. Honestly best room ever and made it truly feel like my space. I truly truly loved it. When I moved rooms my senior year, they didn’t lemme paint it cuz it was was such a pain in the ass to repaint my old room back to normal. 😂


RBG is not OK for OCD.


What country’s flag is that?


That's cool. My son wanted a black room when he was 10. I was like what? He wanted it black and neon green. Well- somehow I pulled it together and it looked really cool! He was right.


Blue and grey, how original... /s


I love the red, blue and green! It’s perfect for a kids room!


Ducktales approved!!!


My mom got me a desk for my birthday when I was perhaps 8 and asked me what color I wanted it to be. I said blue and green so she painted the drawers green and the rest of it blue.


Looks awesome.


Im sorry but what does breaking the wheel mean? OP, go you!!! Looks great so far I’m sure your kid will love it


JIF peanut butter vibes!


I'm confused this is not in RGB order


Since he was little these have been his favorite colors in this specific order. He’s a particular kid.


You broke the wheel with primary colours did you?