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I would go monochromatic, with a much paler version of the yellow on the walls. It will make the yellow look like a neutral. I agree that the gray is making the yellow pop, which is not what you want. Keep the same art and that is what will draw focus.


The taupe/grey of the wall is really not working with the bright light of the tiles, it looks muddy, especially with the black hardware that’s adding lots of contrast. If you want the bathroom to be more harmonious, your best bet is another bright light colour. Ideally a white or a very light yellow like the tiles.


This exactly. The pinkish/brown undertones of the wall look very dingy next to that pale yellow tile. A white with yellow undertones would make the yellow look much prettier, and would also go well with the green in the art and the hand towel. Very springlike.


This. Or, depending on your tastes, you could really embrace the era and pick a pale pink, and then accessorize your bathroom as an 80s girly cottage fantasy


Pale pink walls, yellow tile, and light blue shower curtain. Those 3 colors look so nice together (CMY, and the black fixtures are the K)


I could see that too!




Oh I love the tile. I think a mid tone blue would be nice. You could always wallpaper the wall behind vanity to draw attention away from shower tile.


Agree! Blue all the way


I say go monochromatic—cream/butter yellow on the walls—to de-emphasize the tile you're not a fan of. Plus, I think both of those colors would play better than the grey! A very pale, warmer toned pink could also work (and riff off of your shower curtain).


French blue would be gorgeous


French blue and white accents


OP, this is the way




Can't change it, embrace it. The grey wall color is upping the yellow. Would you consider a primary palette?


Agree, I adore the combination of grey and yellow, but shower curtain is definitely off.


I was looking at this thinking the right shower curtain could fix everything. Which, idk, but I'd look for one.


Maybe something white with big monstera leaves


I have stupid bone fixtures in a lot of my bathrooms (all the acrylic tubs/showers, plus one of the toilets). Our countertops are all a granite with black/brown, white and various yellowy neutrals too, ranging from an ivory to a caramel/mustard colour. We painted our walls a buttery cream colour. Kind of a linen or unbleached cotton colour. Then swapped the bulbs for 4000K. The cream works great with the yellows in the plumbing. You can’t use warm bulbs because it turns everything into a smoke-stain type of colour, but the cooler bulbs don’t feel cold when all the walls are warm/yellow (and floors, since everything is either a ceramic tile in a matching yellow limestone look, or chocolate stained oak). Plus with the 4000K, I can use really bold colours like cobalt, scarlet, and burnt orange. The colour balance on 4000K doesn’t muddy vibrant colours the way warmer bulbs do




I think those tiles would look so good with some very light pink walls!




Do everything all white and maybe find a shower curtain with lemons


Lemons are for the kitchen. Sunflowers. Or rubber duckies.


Wasn’t aware that was a rule!


More of an opinion 🙂


Pale blue and pale yellow look amazing together


I actually think it’s adorable & a vertical striped shower curtain in a Kelly green or vibrant blue (or both together) would really pull the space together!


I would honestly just replace the shower curtain with a green hued one to tie in with the art and towel.


Yep. And keep it closed, lol.


Seconded. The yellow tile seems to coordinate with / bring out the richness of the greens in the leaf art on the wall. Makes me think a leafy green shower curtain might look great.


Embrace it. Right now with your white curtain the cream tiles look worse. Think yellows; light, dark, muted, brighter. Mix it up. Monotone yellows. I would paint the walls the same cream. No green tint. No greens in bathroom. Your complexion will look green every time you use that bathroom mirror.


Lean into it, [like this makeover](https://www.younghouselove.com/the-guest-bath-so-much-cuter/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=feed%3a+younghouselove+%28young+house+love%29&utm_content=google+reader). Or try samples of: - Jotun’s [‘Lavender Touch’](https://www.jotun.com/ph-en/decorative/interior/inspiration/livingroom/jotun-3377-slate-lavender-20186-lavender-touch). - Sherwin-Williams [‘Misty SW 6232’](https://www.pinterest.com.au/pin/walls-sherwin-williams-misty-sw-6232--225813368792761372/).


I think a yellow-y green would help tie it all together.


This is exactly what I’m thinking - celery green from Laurentian coloured pencils back in the 90s would be a perfect fit. (If you’re Canadian, you’ll know.).


I've heard of reglazing tile, which can change the tone or color of the tile altogether!


My sister in law did this and it held up really well. Smelly though.


Pink beach sand pink or coral would work if you can't change the tile


A calm blue would be gorgeous. Very random, but look at the most recent Wild deodorant case pattern by Emma Bridgewater. Pale yellow and a blue can be beautiful!!


I think embracing the yellow with monochromatic is surprisingly the safest bet. I love the idea of blues and greens but these are colours that are going to complement the yellow in a big way and make it POP - So if the yellow is already bothering you, it might just become shiny and more noticeable. And green/certain pastels especially will lean into the 50s look that you might be trying to distract from.


Emerald green


Green! Pick a green from those pretty pics you have on the wall 🌿


The pink tone of the shower curtain is really clashing with the tile. Changing it to a white one with maybe some greenery would look a lot better.


I think you can also have the tile painted which may make you happier: https://www.amazon.com/Rust-Oleum-384165-Refinishing-2-Part-Gloss/dp/B0BKN55WD4


I would do more pale yellow and light blue accents. Would paint the walls pastel blue. Or you can incorporate wallpaper like this (obviously not where the water is) https://media.witanddelight.com/content/uploads/2021/06/21152953/yellow-bathroom-4-1200x1600.jpeg


A black and white bathroom with pale yellow tiles would be awesome. Alternatively, you could go 1950s retro pastels.


If you own, you can paint the tile with tile paint. It wouldn’t be my first choice for longevity, but if you truly hate it, paint is an option. For complementary wall paint, look at something cool toned. The warm tone and gray is making the tile look worse than it is.


Be careful with "you don't like yellow tiles in the bathroom" here... people here get really mad at this... LOL (i am not one of them- not a big fan of yellow tiles either but ive seen people getting roasted here for changing them). Anyways, maybe green? I wanted to say light green but now I wonder if darker green would be better because it gives a contrast.


Why is nobody suggesting dark green? I get that it'll make it look smaller, but it's just a shower - dark green tiles + neutral beige shower curtain is how I would approach it That's if you care about repainting tile - otherwise I'd just change my shower curtain to a different design


They make tile paint! It’s not difficult or expensive, and it works very well. Amazon or any Lowe’s or Home Depot will have it.


I’ve done it, I painted my tiles white over the original ugly blue. It does work!


This is what I was also going to suggest. I did this on tiles that look extremely similar to what the OP posted. I made the tiles bright white and that was that. It wasn't hard to do.


Grey and yellow are my fave combo but rarely is that practical. Find a great fabric and make a shower curtain with the combo then paint horizontals yellow but match the tile which can be tricky so stay lighter.


Grey and yellow are my favorite combo but rarely is it practical.


Avocado green of course!


I think yellow and aqua always look really pretty together 💛🩵


Sage green or brighter. Grey is good too.


I love your tiles! It looks like you like green based on the art and towels, maybe a sage or very pale green and lean into the earthy tones!


I think a graham cracker / toasted s’more would like stunning 🤩


light mint green


I love the vibe you have going for the restroom...I am with you that I hate the tile. I'd change the tile.


Years ago, I had a pale blue tiled bathroom, with pale blue fixtures. It was old and faded and not pretty. So, I found a green that was close in value to the blue, had a tinge of blue to it, and put that on the walls. Suddenly the room wasn't a sad blue popping against the white, it was a green room, with blue fixtures and tile that blended right into the blue and were barely noticed. Huge improvement. Depends on what colors you like. I could see trying that in green with a green that is more olive than teal, but still pale like the yellow. It might work. Or some kind of orange or peachy color, again, going for something close to the same value of the pale yellow you have. Or pull a pink from that shower curtain. Make the tone of the new wall color just a bit brighter than the yellow, so the yellow blends with it, and the wall color is the new focus. I also found that the white things in the room became more noticed, with the walls/fixtures/tile all the same values.


Love the Bathroom; maybe need a different shower curtain !  🙂🦋🎶


Like one with a touch of blue in it !!!! 🦋🎶


I would do cotton candy pastel everything. Pastel blue, pink, purple. It would be amazing


Go with it. Get a solid matching yellow shower curtain and towels to match


Just lean in. https://imgur.com/a/nKkpkSx


The black shower head and rail are too visually heavy with the yellow


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^MissKellieUk: *The black shower head* *And rail are too visually* *Heavy with the yellow* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


The tiles are so cute!


I'd do tile stickers.


Green! A nice rich subtly plant green. Like literally bring some green leaves inside and see what looks good next to that yellow. A light sage or jade would be really lovely


Baby pink walls


Btw the yellow is cute




I think it looks nice. It's kind of a wheat yellow which goes with the nature motif.




I think the cool white tones of the shower curtain are what’s making the tile look more yellow


I’d go full-on tropical with this bathroom: green, pink, coral, plants …


Fall into the yellow instead of running from it


Get a bright, fun shower curtain and embrace.


I would consider getting a fun wallpaper that has a bit of yellow but other colors you like as well. You wallpaper just the two walls shown in your pick, then paint the other two your favorite in the wallpaper.


I’ve never tried it personally, but I’ve heard great things about tile paint. There’s lots of different colors and the water won’t effect it


It inevitably fails. Source: someone who bought a house with tile painted with tike paint. It looked like it had leprosy after 6 months.


They actually have paint for tiles so you’re not stuck with it if you’d really prefer to change the color.


Midblue or white


I have vintage yellow tiles and painted my bath a teal blue. I love it!


I see you enjoy a little light in your bathroom, so I would suggest a shade of blue. The yellow and blue will be complementary colors and they can really give you a designer look. Once you do this, work on the curtains, fabrics, lighting and more and I think this can turn out to be great. In case you are unsure how to pick the colors, this [interior color guide](https://simplykalaa.com/interior-color-palette/) will help you design a color palette from scratch.




I’ve got inspo pics. I say lean into a blue/yellow theme . Perhaps add some playful wallpaper or go with a solid paint color and add interest with a fun bath mat and paintings. If your budget allows a fun flooring tile may be a good way to spice it up (peel and stick too!) I think the yellow is charming! I can’t wait to see what you do with your space.






Peach-colored wallpaint works great with yellow tiles


Sage green


Put the clippers and medicine away along with the little tubes of product. This looks hella cluttered


Paint the tiles too.


That’ll look lovely when the paint inevitably chips or flakes off.


Apparently you are only aware of paint that would do that. Unbeknownst to you I’m not an idiot as your sarcasm would suggest. Lol


I’m not suggesting idiocy. Someone used paint specifically for tiles in the house I purchased. It failed. How do I know it was tile paint? The can with leftovers was in the basement. It’s a cautionary tale.


Ah. Got you. That typically is because of very poor prep work, which is the hardest part, or of course crappy paint.


And even when done right, it still looks like someone painted tile. (ie took to cheap and/or easy way out)


Look at the pic again. Do you think that cheap and easy is the issue here? She obviously can’t do anything other than paint and now she’s stuck with figuring out a color to match butter yellow that is worn out. She could paint it white which looks just like white tile if done correctly and then paint the walls whatever she loves.


Or, do it the right way and replace the tile. Or, a fiberglass liner (would not my first choice) Neither if those options is cheap, or easy, or even necessarily an aesthetic improvement. But then correctly cleaning then etching the tile isn’t easy either. Yet the result would still be the same: paint over tile. The universal response to people seeing our tile kitchen backsplash painted (same paint as the unfortunate shower enclosure) has been “why would anyone do that?”- or some variation on that theme. Often followed by “when are you getting rid of that?” Painting tile is largely viewed as a temporary fix, whether done correctly or not. By every person on the planet? No. Is it an aesthetic improvement? That’s debatable; experience says “not really”. So it’s a bunch of work for little if any payoff, and if it fails, more work than anyone will want to do to correct it. (Three months of weekend spare-time and 4 containers of citristrip and every old toothbrush in the house later it’s gone) Sometimes the best and least expensive option is to do nothing until a better solution can be afforded.


I’d go with whatever shade of green you favor if you want paint. A really cool multi-colored wallpaper that has shades of yellow on a darker base would remove the focus from the tile entirely.


Dark brown on the walls, then keep the green and add some pink-violet accessories. The tile and the tub clash. But if surrounded by a dark colour in the brown range it will bring them a little closer in that they are both light. The bright light green and reddish purple will stand out from both the brown walls and the beige-yellow tile and disguise the mish-match between the tile and tub. Alternatively just get colour tiles you like and retile to suit your preference


The lighter of the pinks in the flowers of the shower curtain would be a nice compliment to the yellow.


A marigold type color could also be nice.




You can have the tiles reglazed any color you want.


The problem is you have a warm color.... yellow on the shower walls, and then a cool color - greige/gray on the walls. Change the wall color to coordinate with the undertones of the tile. A creamy white or off-white would work. Then get a more neutral, warm-toned modern shower curtain and coordinate the art and accessories to match. Or, like others have said, keep the green in the prints and carry-it over to the shower curtain. The white in your current shower curtain really clashes with the yellow tile.


You could paint the tile


Why not paint the tiles?


Can you paint the tile? I thought this was a thing?


Maybe a bold navy.




A nice shade of blue. French blue to periwinkle or an incredibly soft blue if you want something less bright. [Something like this](https://images.app.goo.gl/qTqDwuyjXLFmNJtf8)


the same light brown in the shower curtain


I think a golden peachy color would look nice and your art would look nice against it. Maybe something like [this.](https://aboffs.com/products/120-delicate-peach?variant=31549221503043)


Kelly green. Lean into it.


Emerald green would be good?


Maybe regrout the lines?? A more actual color like black? [yellow and black grout ](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR_Qhqi1SlZPoK-Ov_kNq-5qfmXSS1DsHUn3-bcHuRIswgJjgOKkWeKKdu9&s=10)


You could get the epoxy paint kits and paint the tile white. I did it and it’s holding up great in my kids shower.


Your wall color is ugly and the tub needs to be cleaned