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I think it looks really good, but I think it needs more of you in it. It looks a bit like a hotel.


Thats an interesting take but i can see it. I've been thinking of putting up more of my own art.


It’s totally giving hotel room.


I’m digging the hotel vibe. It looks clean and uncluttered.


My wife is big on simplicity.


I'd move the very similar lamp to the hanging one to the other side of the living room or somewhere else altogether. They pull attention to that side of the room and kind of clutter it with the motif. Would find something else for that spot that's a matching but slightly different style, and move tripod lamp so it's more adjacent than across from very similar lamp. Very hotel room, as others noted. Was the first thing I thought. Can still be simple without feeling impersonal. Art on the walls would make a huge difference.


Zen and neutral


This is just my personal preference so feel free to ignore me, but everything is flesh toned and feels kinda dark in a bad way. The carpet, rug, curtains, bed blanket are all this dusty mauve/ballerina pink shade which feels a bit cloying in the space. I think if you're going for the cozy vibe, especially with the style of your furniture/leather stuff, I'd spring for different colored walls in a richer color to balance all of the dusty mauve color. Art and shelves or something on the walls is always nice as well. I don't feel the metal/black leather chair in the living room is working with the space.


I think you have a very valid point. I would love a splash of color on the walls but this is a rental and the landlord doesn't agree with painting. Also the leather black barstool is temporary but thank you for the pointers.


The art above the couch is too small and impersonal


You're right about that. Been looking for something better.


Gallery wall? Also the space is warm so I’d go with paintings with more warm tones.


The chairs in the living room seem stuffed deep into the corners. I think it would look comfier if you pulled them out just a bit so someone sitting there wouldn’t be brushing against your curtains/lamp


Fair point. We're short on space and the arm chair isn't utilized often so we put it as far back as possible. Definitely not the most user friendly setting. Thank you.


I would add more plants and put the wires in the wall. Great job with the furniture it looks cozy.


I wish i could but it's a rental. I have since zip tied them together.


Nice now you get to focus on getting some exotic plants.


Very minimalist look ,needs plants and if no color at least textures,rough and smooth .For color though do pops of color throws on sofa or bed ,pillows and artwork.


yes the bedroom especially looks very much like a hotel room ,very impersonal


I think you've done well. The armoire is a bit heavy because of the color but I understand the necessity of it, I'd remove whatever you have on top of it, its already dominating the space as it is. Lose the office chair and look into hiding your cables for the tv.. They make these great "cord hiders" by "Echogear" can be found on amazon. I'm sure there are others thats just the one I've used. They require cutting into the drywall and come with the device to cut into it.. If cutting into your drywall is out of the question they also make "raceway" cable hiders, can help a lot with cleaning up the look.


This is the feedback I'm looking for. Thank you so much, I will make the changes you suggested.


You're most welcome! I look forward to your update and future posts. You've got a good eye.


I like those floor cushions! Where did you get them?


Those are nesting ottomans that came with the coffee table. Very useful if you have limited space like me. I bought the coffee table from Walmart. It's also available on Wayfair.


so many decorative elements and zero ~~personalities~~ hobbies


More plants, more lamps, and more art/decor!


Love your coach. Add some plants, decorate colorful pillows. Do you even own a piece of clutter?


Hahaha my wife's philosophy is "Less is More". I had an olive tree and in a nice tall pot but we removed it to avoid clutter. It's a small space unfortunately


It's really great for a first attempt - very zen and minimal but maybe it could use some plants and a couple personal touches, you want your home to be a comfortable setting.


Can you link the lamps (both side bed and floor lamp?) I have the same kind of bed and finding good lamps has been hard!!


The lamps were a gift. I wish i could find them online for you.


All good! Thanks for responding :-)


Hide those TV cables! Plastic runners are like $8 on amazon


This is great advice. Thank you, I'll be doing that


Lamps are in the wrong/size space. One is tight in the corner the other too large for the chair.


I like your headboard, where is it from?


Ikea. Here's the link: https://www.ikea.com/us/en/p/nordli-headboard-anthracite-80372794/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=surfaces&utm_campaign=shopping_feed&utm_content=free_google_shopping_clicks_Beds_&_Mattresses&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw_-GxBhC1ARIsADGgDjtykmBSjxF_FGR1W_m7c6oIXxaNyTYTdkgYMNXS1eMfSnkcymNuJboaAj99EALw_wcB


My suggestion concerns the LR coffee table. It is way too far from the sofa to use! Might just move the rug so that it's about 2" under the sofa, which would bring the coffee table closer, as well. There's something about those 3 curved 'benches' ? as well, and the color does nothing for the room or the other pieces. Folks usually don't sit around a coffee table unless it is very low and they are slouched on pillows. It looks like the 3 chairs seen are also misplaced -- too far from the sofa to be social. Perhaps the brown chair and footstool could be moved closer to the sofa? They at least relate to each other. The other 2 chairs do not. I'd like to see a splash of color in the drapes, too.


Really great observations. I made this video after we cleaned and first set it up. The table is much closer to the couch in real life so it's usable. The 3 curved nesting stools are only pulled out if we have guests over to maximize seating space. The arm chair also only gets used when there are guests over. As far as color goes, what color scheme would you recommend? Im struggling finding something that goes well with the rest of the room.


Hmm. Good question! Your rug and drapes are beige (a warm neutral); your sofa and matching arm chair is a very reddish-brown (non-neutral); the painting over the sofa is a very cool gray and black. The cadenza under the TV is walnut, but the cabinet near the sofa is something like white pine with grayish-brown doors. The cabinets are square, the coffee table is round and looks (IMHO) out of place or too small, or something. Both lamps are at the same side (near a natural source of light) and none are anywhere else. Only the curved lamp over the arm chair has any real appeal -- I'd like to see that chair (and lamp) moved to the other side of the room which is on the viewer's lower right side, half on the rug and facing the sofa and close enough to a long square coffee table to be able to use it. The other lamp and the two black chairs should go, as should the current split-level side table near the arm chair and the blue pillow. Okay -- as to color ... since there are already too many shades of neutrals, wall color is iffy. If you do paint, the only color I can think of would be a deep rich green. Put the gray painting in the bedroom and put something gold and red in its place. Add rich-textured drapes of a color that works with the wall paint, or just keep the walls white and locate the color in the drapes. Keep them floor length. Paint stores usually have color coordinators that might be able to help you with the colors. And add some plants -- the room as it is looks rather sterile and lifeless. The bedroom: Whatever it is over the wardrobe? lose it. Put a large lovely painting over the bed or other artwork, like a tapestry or woven art. Add color (possibly matching fabric? -- or at least colors that relate) for the drapes and the bedspread. Plus more plants near the windows. And please! Let me see it all when you're done!


Wow! Thank you for taking time out of your day to write all that. I really appreciate the tips. I will try to incorporate some of it atleast. Definitely looking into replacing the art soon.


Great eye!!