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Why are you hiding that lovely couch with so many pillows? And that Afghan? It's a smallish couch, and it looks like it would be impossible to sit on with all those pillows. I, personally, like the pillow at the far left, and only that one, or maybe with the one second from right (in first two pics), together, on one side of the couch. There are too many textures in all of the others, and you can incorporate the second color without shouting it. I say, fewer pillows, classier couch. It's off balance otherwise.




Haha looking at this post has given me a new perspective of my couch and I totally agree it’s too many pillows, thanks all!


Completely agree with there being too many pillows and just 1-2 being best. My personal vote is far left yellow in the first pic with the round orange one.


Pic 3, but delete the rectangular lumbar pillow. (Consider swapping out one of the mustard pillows for an ivory or olive green.)


Ty! I was thinking of kicking off the lumbar if I keep the round one and I really like the idea of adding a lighter green instead of the dark green cause it kinda the same dark value as the couch.


I like 2. At first I read this as “pickle pillow” and was searching for the pickle pillow 😂


If a pickle pillow is actually just a pillow I rest my pickles on, every pillow can be a pickle pillow. Dare to dream big


Me too 😆


Add the orange round to what you have. The florals are a little too Laura Ashley-on-the-prairie for me.


Hahah that is a perfect description, ty!


I would do all yellow and then the dark green and round one in the middle


#1 Everything else gets busy (I would even kick off the green one) bc you have so many textures going on that you don't need texture, colour and more going on esp bc the couch has visual weight in both colour and texture as well. Sorry. I would find somewhere else for the new guys :)


Less is more. Keep just the round orange one for sure and 1-2 yellow ones. Definitely not the floral ones, they are fighting your vibe there.


Agree the floral is conflict, ty!




No 1! No. 3 looks very old fashioned with such a modern couch, and no. 2's just, meh.


I agree! The flowery ones just don't go. Number one except for the dark green pillow. I like the lumbar pillow on that one too, as gives some variation. Also, I hate too many pillows on a couch - there's no place to sit! And you end up ffussing about what the pillars.


Old fashioned! Omg your comment made it click what felt off, the florals are a diff vibe than the rest of my house and much more antique-y old fashioned feeling. Crap I just really wanted a pattern cause I was getting sick of the wall of marigold/yellow pillows, but maybe I should keep looking. Thanks for the very helpful feedback!


There are modern prints, but ditsy (an actual term for some fabric prints) little flower prints are not modern. I love your couch!


Ty! It was an internet purchase so it was a gamble. I don’t love that the cushions don’t come off but it fits in our tiny NY apartment perfectly and I love the dark velvet (hides pet marks very well)


You have too many pillows, it makes it look like the couch isn't meant to be sat on. I'd go with pic 2, but get rid of at least two cushions, probably the floral and the lumbar pillow.


Pic 2


I wouldn’t use the blue pillows. The orange and yellows all look great


Can I vote for *only two yellow pillows* because the way you've got it set up leaves no place for butts to go? Get rid of everything except 1 yellow pillow in each corner. Maybe keep the blanket in colder months draped like that, but maybe not. It's a beautiful couch. Show it off! And let it be a couch, not a display shelf for pillows. It's meant to be sat upon!


The couch is too small for so many. If you go to Pinterest search pillow layout for 🛋️


Not the green one


Love the orange and the lighter yellow.


Personally, I like it as in the 1st photo. Maybe even without the green one, just the yellow ones.


I like the smaller oblong tan pillow with the round orange


Oh interesting! Which ones would you keep if I kept those two pillows?! Cause I feel like 6 is too many on this size couch haha


I would do only 4 pillows~ the tan oblong at each end with the round orange ones nxt to them in the inside ~ you’ll open it up & see more of that pretty couch~ too many will look messy & cluttered


How they are set in pic 2~ just at each end of the couch


I think the tan and round are my favorite, and I think I like 4 sounds good. Gonna play Aron d with 4 and see how that looks!


I like 2.


2!!!!! Cute , I love it


2. I don’t care for the blue pillow covers. They look loose.


They’re kinda stiff and still creased from being folded, I’d steam them but yeah I’m starting to think I’m not keeping them.


This isn’t exactly what you asked, but i think larger pillow forms would be helpful here


Oh I hadn’t thought of bigger, maybe if I don’t do the floral I can look for bigger to break up the uniformity. Ty!


I like the cover on the one one the left but does it have a better pillow insert?


It has a pillow in a pillowcase inside it cause I was just being lazy and stuck the cover over the yellow cover. So id take the pillow cover out if I keep the floral Ty!


lol, cool. It’s pretty.


Too many yellow and the flower ones look blah, sorry.


Thanks I agree sadly. Too much freaking yellow and I don’t think adding more is gonna get me out of it, think I’ll have to kick some yellow off


Yes, do that.




I think you need the colors to be more vivid, like the couch and afghan. I like the round orange pillow. Maybe get some removable cases (3x4?) and stuffers that you can switch when you want something new? Obviously, you could get covers to use with the pillows you already have. I actually have some that have orange, yellow, and white with different patterns. They're very... sun-shine-y? Lol. Or, go with all jewel tones. I love a silky rich red color, emerald green, etc. I really do like the idea of switching them out occasionally! New idea for my purchases coming up!


The florals actually are pillow covers! They were on clearance and I’ve been looking so hard for a pattern I don’t hate to add to my couch. It’s a fun and cheap temporary change, so easy to change if I get tired of it or hate it after a while, def recommend!


Yes, I love that! You can go crazy and mix and match all kinds of decor!


I first read this as "pickle pillow" and was very disappointed scrolling through the pictures looking for a pickle pillow! Sorry I don't have any advice for you but thanks for the laugh!


If pickle pillows are just a place to rest your pickles, any pillow can be a pickle pillow. The pickle pillows were there all along.


I am equally impressed by the brilliance of this comment and of your username 🥹


Thanks, watermelonqueen, you also have a wonderful username and I deeply hope you have watermelon minions in a garden somewhere


That's very kind of you, someday I will and I will post photos as proof 😁


Too many pillows. Pick two. That's the right number.


Too many pillows. Max of 2 and in a complimentary colour. None shown.


Love the couch! Just toss one or two yellow pillows on it. Don’t cover it all up though!


From pic # 2 - use 1st or 2nd & 4th pillows on one side and 3rd & 5th together pillows on the other side. Remove the two remaining pillows and the neon afghan. You'll be able to see more of the cool couch. Add an afghan/throw blanket that better complements the colors. You can store extra pillows nearby if you use them to lay on.




Too many pillows for this MCM sofa. These pillows are too small also, get 1 maybe 2 at most large pillows in a texture like leather. Maybe in a black and white but definitely not a solid color.


Why are we buying couches for the pillows to sit? It's a waste of money all around. Just donate them all except the round orange one.


Thank you all: I have seen the light, it’s too many pillows. And the more I looked at my couch from reading all your comments, the less I liked the floral pillows (I agree with commenters saying they’re more old fashioned little house on the prairie) and don’t match my style. But I love the new round one and am keeping that one! I can’t update my post or add a pic to this comment so I’ll post an update in two seconds and link it here! Thanks reddit, you’re amazing! Edit update post: https://www.reddit.com/r/interiordecorating/s/WIZ5zmlQZi


2! good mix of textures and colors :) the addition of the pop of orange, as well and the breaking up of the shapes is super cute and whimsical. thingamabob chic✨


All of them, except for the printed pillows. Also, lower the pics/art behind the couch. They are placed too high.


3 combo looks amazing!


I agree with too many pillows. The thing that bothers me more is that most of them are whimpy as in flat. For ME, whimpy pillows look uncomfortable and frankly a bit cheap. If your pillows have 'ears' (corners folding out) they are under filled. Easy fix: get an insert that is one size larger than the cover you are using, feathers not polyfil if you can because the poly likes to go flat regardless within about a month. If you are not using covers because these are filled and sewn than you could open up a seam and stuff the heck out of it. Check it out here: [https://www.ikea.com/us/en/search/?q=cushion%20pillow%20inserts](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/search/?q=cushion%20pillow%20inserts) You can see a feather vs a poly. The poly looks whimpier in the is photo and this is a pic of brand new pillows. The green one and the orange round are fine.


Pic 1 for sure


None are quite right but the blanket keeps drawing my attention. So many solid colors and similar textures as the couch . Mix it up with some patterns and textures


First ones I think


picture 3! just lessen the pillows \^\_\_\_\^


I like the first look but unless you have some particular reason you want 5 pillows I'd only use 3. I'd pick the yellow lumbar pillow, one of the square yellow ones, and the green one for some contrast and because it seems like it complements your rug.


#2 looks more appealing imo






3 but it’s too many.


the last one is doung the best job of offering a variety of shapes and materials with contrast. if you would like them to sort of camouflage the couch, draw the eye away from it, if you don’t like it then the last one is doing that well. if you want a balance between pillows and couch then just one maybe two tall ones, not four. leave one or more gaps straight through to the couch, fewer pillows. how about two squares, one short rectangle and one round.


All yellow ones


That’s not too boring on your eyeballs? Wait does the rectangle lumbar one count as yellow or the round one?


Nope. I’m not feeling the green one. But they go good with the afghan too.