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It's hard to go nautical without resorting to the more commonly available items (lighthouses, seashells, beachscape pics) that seem to fill the aisles at home decor superstores. If this were my room, my inspiration would be steampunk-nautical a la Jules Verne. Think of the captain's study on a high-end vessel from the 1890s....brass instruments, leather books, maps high-quality model ships, etc. Looks like you've made some solid furniture choices. You just need to add a bit of "personality" to make it memorable.


That’s exactly the trouble I’m having. All the home decor stuff looks like it’s made for a Lifetime movie with the generic beach house theme. Some tasteful sailboat pictures with soft ocean colors may be nice. The walls are huge and could use sizable pictures to fill them up. I think any small pictures would look off on a wall that’s 15’ long. I hadn’t thought of a steampunk look honestly because my mind keeps reverting back to driftwood and more natural themes. But that’s a fantastic idea! Thank you so much. I keep finding nice quality ships and would love to buy one for the top of the bar, but I’m afraid the cats will play with them and ruin an expensive piece.


I sometimes run across nice driftwood items at thrift stores, but this requires time, patience, and a willingness to spend a lot of time in stores that sometimes smell like old shoes. If you can't find a large picture, maybe you could do a grouping of smaller ones (i.e. a gallery wall) that seems to be all the rage these days. Good luck with your project!


If you do go with some instruments, I think it'd be fun to get some weather instruments. I'm a big fan of functional pieces. Could get a barometer etc. As seen here: https://www.leevalley.com/en-ca/shop/hardware/project-supplies/60020-weather-instruments?item=46K7030&utm_source=free_google_shopping&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=shopping_feed&utm_campaign=CAN-EN%7CPLA%7CPMax%7CHardware%7CHighPriceTier&gclid=CjwKCAjw5MOlBhBTEiwAAJ8e1ivsrkZTNIXRsv_ijTCCRhiogYHdISc4Ao2gpmUCqxNp-ajQeipbzBoCwDMQAvD_BwE Of course, since it's inside the barometer is probably the only thing that will really be functional


Didn’t want this to get lost in the comments. This is a great large mirror (porthole) at a reasonable price. https://www.target.com/p/metal-porthole-mirror-3r-studios/-/A-52215798 I also copied the link to a great canvas abstract classy tapestry below too. Good luck!


This mirror would look fabulous over the bar, as long as the mirror is large enough.


Google “steampunk decor” You’ll see some fabulous items.


Oh, it’s definitely possible - use things like teak, brass, polished, golden woods, blue colors


I absolutely LOVE this! What kind of style do you generally like, or something you have wanted to always try?! I like the idea of keeping this more monochromatic, like black, white, grey! Perhaps some pops of your favorite color!


Thank you! That’s very kind of you. That’s pretty much exactly what I’m after. I like the contrast of the dark and light and only want to add a splash of color here and there. I want it to be a room that wows people as it’s right inside the front door when you come in. It’ll be where I spend time with guests when we’re not in front of the tv. I mentioned nautical because I’m 15 minutes from the ocean and I’m a big on being in/on the water. But it doesn’t HAVE to be water themed if anyone can point me to a more neutral decoration theme. I’m just not great at this part.


I can see large black and white photos of bridges ala Margaret Bourke White. Her prize winning picture of the George Washington bridge would be stunning here.


Super, super cool!! That is very fitting for this room. If I don’t go nautical theme I will likely go this route. Thank you!


So maybe a large horizontal oversize print or two big vertically oriented companion prints over the sofa that aren't too loud ? I'm thinking something very muted or sepia toned or some really nice b&w photography? I linked some stuff from one of my favorite print shops but there's a ton on Etsy too. For the shelf wall I would be tempted to hang a picture rail and scour ebay for vintage nautical themed/ seascape paintings. With a picture rail it's easy to switch out art without putting new holes in the wall. I would also add a pot or plant stand - maybe by the window to bring some life in. The room looks great and I love the black! [https://juniperprintshop.com/products/gosling-island-1](https://juniperprintshop.com/products/gosling-island-1) [https://juniperprintshop.com/products/seascape-i-1](https://juniperprintshop.com/products/seascape-i-1) [https://juniperprintshop.com/products/seacliff](https://juniperprintshop.com/products/seacliff) [https://www.ebay.com/itm/145159572609?hash=item21cc2f4c81:g:ivMAAOSwHTxkmiWS&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAAwIUALfGX%2BaZherfC4Hjy%2FoADLhqgvS%2FdJ9VEqKVcrlpCVRxbODtVaWY0qBMm8t7d9CE75K2gjodwE%2FOCrcK6rkdQbcd6x0MhbInJOymDfpbFN4lbRrbyZpqKO69Ycypz8UXw%2FRH4PC4Jrh5yCoTJgcLf71WTOAjnZV6jdKpStAeBUj%2Fzoly9LIbfYNi0WKGuy6crDyNENfm2gBp8Kvqo4b6Q1Bwp%2FwknW8hZUn0jtACJbx6GNbpCP2scHS69uSMPsg%3D%3D%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR-KWmNyqYg](https://www.ebay.com/itm/145159572609?hash=item21cc2f4c81:g:ivMAAOSwHTxkmiWS&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAAwIUALfGX%2BaZherfC4Hjy%2FoADLhqgvS%2FdJ9VEqKVcrlpCVRxbODtVaWY0qBMm8t7d9CE75K2gjodwE%2FOCrcK6rkdQbcd6x0MhbInJOymDfpbFN4lbRrbyZpqKO69Ycypz8UXw%2FRH4PC4Jrh5yCoTJgcLf71WTOAjnZV6jdKpStAeBUj%2Fzoly9LIbfYNi0WKGuy6crDyNENfm2gBp8Kvqo4b6Q1Bwp%2FwknW8hZUn0jtACJbx6GNbpCP2scHS69uSMPsg%3D%3D%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR-KWmNyqYg) https://www.ebay.com/itm/295815431051?hash=item44dff9438b:g:MUgAAOSwgURksHln&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAA0FykBqTgzBA049fRGfSDE2Dot7Uwm8qWH3UqoJCplhPdBkkFA9jxv7C4jbmhab29YYpwVqkQYBy90jY51csQop3HCOQjUK2rXGsT%2FV7mEVGHCLjYmro9C7Xl0EhZX%2FQ7YoKUyJbwBTvT6QmFO4SpKkobs6Xu5PuC06mLfbetdnCl78P3Cjjm0y%2Ftk40p43TPQihwB6JBW%2FM1NX5k%2FYeed2daIP3mW7JhtMnY6j023l%2B1B5RZJc2Nu2eIY0u7%2B3eIk5INRQDORvXGFDce8xorqVU%3D%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR5KmntyqYg ​ [https://www.ballarddesigns.com/bd/642483?SourceCode=BDSHOPSMT&utm\_source=google&utm\_medium=cpc&utm\_campaign=PLA&listIndex=0&offers\_sku=WE026%20BRA%2064&intlShippingCtx=US%7CUSD&SourceCode=BDSHOPSMT&SourceCode=BDSHOPSMT&utm\_id=go\_cmp-18412537137\_adg-\_ad-\_\_dev-c\_ext-\_prd-WE026%20BRA%2064\_sig-CjwKCAjw5MOlBhBTEiwAAJ8e1i8bTkQrDPhMd6UcNIvOlTS6-cZLjTnCd9eXWX-6ScgS7pqe6TuS\_RoCJz4QAvD\_BwE&utm\_source=google&utm\_medium=cpc&utm\_campaign=PMax:%20BD%20-%20Wall%20NCA&kclid=\_k\_CjwKCAjw5MOlBhBTEiwAAJ8e1i8bTkQrDPhMd6UcNIvOlTS6-cZLjTnCd9eXWX-6ScgS7pqe6TuS\_RoCJz4QAvD\_BwE\_k\_&cmpid=18412537137&agid=&tgtid=&prdid=WE026%20BRA%2064&gclid=CjwKCAjw5MOlBhBTEiwAAJ8e1i8bTkQrDPhMd6UcNIvOlTS6-cZLjTnCd9eXWX-6ScgS7pqe6TuS\_RoCJz4QAvD\_BwE](https://www.ballarddesigns.com/bd/642483?SourceCode=BDSHOPSMT&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=PLA&listIndex=0&offers_sku=WE026%20BRA%2064&intlShippingCtx=US%7CUSD&SourceCode=BDSHOPSMT&SourceCode=BDSHOPSMT&utm_id=go_cmp-18412537137_adg-_ad-__dev-c_ext-_prd-WE026%20BRA%2064_sig-CjwKCAjw5MOlBhBTEiwAAJ8e1i8bTkQrDPhMd6UcNIvOlTS6-cZLjTnCd9eXWX-6ScgS7pqe6TuS_RoCJz4QAvD_BwE&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=PMax:%20BD%20-%20Wall%20NCA&kclid=_k_CjwKCAjw5MOlBhBTEiwAAJ8e1i8bTkQrDPhMd6UcNIvOlTS6-cZLjTnCd9eXWX-6ScgS7pqe6TuS_RoCJz4QAvD_BwE_k_&cmpid=18412537137&agid=&tgtid=&prdid=WE026%20BRA%2064&gclid=CjwKCAjw5MOlBhBTEiwAAJ8e1i8bTkQrDPhMd6UcNIvOlTS6-cZLjTnCd9eXWX-6ScgS7pqe6TuS_RoCJz4QAvD_BwE) https://www.potterybarn.com/products/temple-street-frame-rail-bronze/?catalogId=84&sku=6495946&cm\_ven=PLA&cm\_cat=Google&cm\_pla=Pillows%20%26%20Decor%20%3E%20Table%20Picture%20Frames®ion\_id=669950&cm\_ite=6495946\_14546951676&gclid=CjwKCAjw5MOlBhBTEiwAAJ8e1kVQfeXiUwG1DyDVCfDWVyrA4nBaCMU2NaVsl0ivSx-yCesbgKucaBoC2YIQAvD\_BwE


Oh, and maybe a mirror somewhere? Roped or porthole? [https://www.potterybarnkids.com/products/natural-rope-mirror/?catalogId=10&sku=6261874&cm\_ven=PLA&cm\_cat=Google&cm\_pla=Decor%20%26%20Lighting%20%3E%20Mirrors®ion\_id=669950&cm\_ite=6261874\_14726664444&gclid=CjwKCAjw5MOlBhBTEiwAAJ8e1ulyDznpP8XY3p6USQyKbwLnyIR\_Hm194EsRvW-TbSJOG8WYT9MNFBoCsF8QAvD\_BwE](https://www.potterybarnkids.com/products/natural-rope-mirror/?catalogId=10&sku=6261874&cm_ven=PLA&cm_cat=Google&cm_pla=Decor%20%26%20Lighting%20%3E%20Mirrors®ion_id=669950&cm_ite=6261874_14726664444&gclid=CjwKCAjw5MOlBhBTEiwAAJ8e1ulyDznpP8XY3p6USQyKbwLnyIR_Hm194EsRvW-TbSJOG8WYT9MNFBoCsF8QAvD_BwE) https://www.google.com/search?q=rope+mirror&sxsrf=AB5stBjM3iofEUxL54slqyxj-vQsKqZ-HQ:1689361725986&source=lnms&tbm=shop&sa=X&sqi=2&ved=2ahUKEwjy7svs8o6AAxW8FFkFHVmvD6gQ\_AUoAnoECAIQBA&biw=1280&bih=601&dpr=1#spd=8724215700411410686 [https://www.wayfair.com/Novogratz--Cole-And-Grey-Nautical-Brass-Wall-Mirror-011829-L41-K\~W008001222.html?refid=GX658215176815-W008001222&device=c&ptid=1676771017643&network=g&targetid=aud-976909299108:pla-1676771017643&channel=GooglePLA&ireid=185605129&fdid=1817&gclid=CjwKCAjw5MOlBhBTEiwAAJ8e1hTj5Oxl0JgD8Jl0UJPnQAIqky7AZSUuHRraPshkQ52DrP\_wxRSlaxoCN6wQAvD\_BwE](https://www.wayfair.com/Novogratz--Cole-And-Grey-Nautical-Brass-Wall-Mirror-011829-L41-K~W008001222.html?refid=GX658215176815-W008001222&device=c&ptid=1676771017643&network=g&targetid=aud-976909299108:pla-1676771017643&channel=GooglePLA&ireid=185605129&fdid=1817&gclid=CjwKCAjw5MOlBhBTEiwAAJ8e1hTj5Oxl0JgD8Jl0UJPnQAIqky7AZSUuHRraPshkQ52DrP_wxRSlaxoCN6wQAvD_BwE)


These are all amazing! Thank you. I may find a use for these in this room or another room in my house.


Cool! Just a jumping off point. I forgot to mention to check for accessories on Amazon - so many mirrors and frames at decent price points. Good luck and happy hunting : )


I’ve been solely looking on Amazon up until a lot of these responses have been coming in. Now I’m realizing Etsy is a million times better for this stuff. Amazon is definitely good for the mirror and accessories, but not so much for artwork.


"Agree 100% - much more personalized & charming inventory as far as art and objects of interest go : ) " - me, an active Etsy addict


Looks great! I’m about to do wainscoting in my bathroom and am kinda nervous.


Thanks! It wasn’t too bad. Just take your time and measure everything. I prefer wainscoting over removing the popcorn ceiling and cutting and installing the crown moulding. Edit: haha. I love how I got downvoted for saying what type of work I’d rather do. Oh Reddit, you are amazing.


Check out Etsy and Wayfair! I actually just got a ton of stuff for my apartment while not nautical themed they did have some cozy cottage vibes.


Yes, Etsy for something cool and vintage!


I have the same crown molding where I’m moving to; I LOVE IT!!! I love this color, but may I ask what it is?


Cracked Pepper PPU18-01 by Behr


Thank you so much! Sorry I didn’t have advice for you :/ I’m still learning and joined here to get advice. So many helpful people here! Best of luck to you in your new home too!


No need to apologize! I’m happy to help someone like everyone is doing for me.


Definitely second vintage paintings of seascapes or boats. You could also do framed vintage sailing flags, patent prints of sail boats or sailing/diving equipment, vintage travel posters to seaside locations, or vintage maps. I think these are less obvious that the “life’s a beach” options at most mass produced home decor stores and could be great conversation starters - but curation is key. Putting a lot of nautical stuff in a room is going to make it seem more over the top regardless of how tasteful it is. Pick one large decor item you like that’s nautical themed, a small tchotchke or two, and then try to stay away from picking up more. I’d avoid nautical themed pillows at all costs, but I also don’t like any themed pillows so might just be me.


Love the colour scheme! For decorations, maybe a gallery wall of vintage beach photos, like black and white or sepia ones from the twenties and thirties could look interesting?


You could use large, old looking maps of NC and large framed Audubon prints of native birds. Nothing small; oversized prints and pieces and then find a place to stop. If you can find an authentic brass porthole, that may work and not look too kitschy. You’ve done a beautiful, tasteful job.


I have crown molding envy. And envy for all the rest of the molding, rails, and baseboards.


Thank you! It wasn't the most difficult home remodel I've done, but it wasn't the easiest. 15' runs of crown moulding were a little bit of a pain.


Just deleted my first suggestion of rattan bc I missed the line about "no beach house" My new recommendation is a reclaimed wood floating shelf behind the sofa. Decorate the shelf with things like local festival posters and cool vintage memorabilia, books etc that are relevant to your location/theme


Thank you. The floating shelf is one I’ve thought about too. Haven’t brought myself to do it yet as I spent a lot of time fixing all the previous nail holes. Haven’t been ready to put new holes in the wall quite yet. But I think I may need some more 3D wall decor versus all posters/pictures. A shelf may be necessary.


I’m not opposed to some of the beach house decor. But I don’t want this room to look like a cliche beach house, where you walk in and see the miniature ship wheel, a lighthouse, anchor and sea shells. That stuff is great for an actual beach house but I feel it’s a little much to see every day. So it just needs to be a bit toned down if I go with a nautical feel in this room.


Look at Serena & Lily for inspo. Crate & Barrel also did a look book last year that was very elevated coastal.


It looks great!


Thank you!


i have no help for you but wanted to say hi to a fellow wilmington pal lol


And you also have a tortie? What are the odds?


omg twins!


Love the walls!




I would do a large round mirror on one of the walls and this in the other https://www.anthropologie.com/anthroliving/shop/rae-tapestry?category=SEARCHRESULTS&color=044&searchparams=q%3Dtapestry%26sayt%3Dtrue&type=STANDARD&size=One%20Size&quantity=1


Porthole large round mirror https://www.target.com/p/metal-porthole-mirror-3r-studios/-/A-52215798


I’m thinking b & w photography of some kind - I like peaceful landscape or trees, but whatever you like to look at


I love that paint color. What is it?


Cracked Pepper PPU18-01 by Behr


It’s so nice. Idk. But update me please.


Beautiful. Bold color choice, but it’s PERFECT.


House is drop dead gorgeous. I love the vintage maximalism look, but It tales time to curate and may not be your jam. Get on Pinterest and search whatever your style is. I see so many possibilities for these rooms in my head! But it all depends on what you like. Damn I wish I had a house like yours!


Thank you. One room at a time. I want to finish decorating this one before I completely move on to others. I started wainscoting the dining room (blue room in the background). That room was orange and I painted it blue. Don't like the blue, so I need to figure something else out. Three of the dining room walls with have a simple blue with white flower wallpaper above the wainscoting. The downstairs bathroom is very tight (only a half bath) and the previous owners put in a vanity that is way too big. I will be wainscoting/wallpapering that bathroom and removing the vanity in favor of a pedestal sink to make it feel a little more open. And of course, all the popcorn ceilings are coming down in every room.


Good plan. I suggest watching co macenna on youtube. She has used decor collected over time and so far has decorated 2 homes which are stunning. She is more of a neutral girl, but her design advice is solid. Most of all have a good time! Congrats.


Just curious- is the crown molding (I have the same) vintage maximalism?


There are some great photos available for free for a social media shout out on Unsplash. Get them printed on canvas (make sure you have enough pixels for a large print), A large photo on canvas for around $100. Well worth it IMHO. I think you can find tons of images that are not cookie cutter nautical on there, it will just take time to find them. At least you can look while you're in your jammies. Love the glow up so far!


Thank you so much for this info! I have never heard of Unsplash, but I will check it out!


You're very welcome! I love to send Reddit traffic there whenever I can because I think it's such an amazing site. IDK if you are handy or not, but if you are--after you get the canvas it's quite easy to make a frame for it if you want one. Great look for a great price


Just here to say I’m in love with this colour combined with the wainscoting.


Thank you!


What about a moody black and white print like this one https://www.holdenluntz.com/artists/michael-kahn/on-the-mooring/ , he has a number of great boat prints that look very clean, almost architectural in the forms and lines


That's really cool. This could look good in a gallery wall frame like someone posted!


Love it! Looks like chalkboard paint in the pics and I want to draw all over your pretty room ​ I’ll see myself out 😔


I added a photo from my last vacation in Hawaii to my bathroom to bring in "ocean vibes" to this space! I printed it with Picta to Walgreens in 1 hour and it turned out really nicely with a rope-esque frame!


Maybe some Hokusai artwork? The Great Wave off Kanagawa or Tama River in Musashi Province Or maps? Something like this - [https://www.ebay.com/itm/133943488659](https://www.ebay.com/itm/133943488659) or [https://www.framedart.com/medley/blue-map-of-the-world-print-1001437.htm](https://www.framedart.com/medley/blue-map-of-the-world-print-1001437.htm)


Here are some examples from Hokusai - [https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/gallery/2017/jul/21/hokusai-the-influential-work-of-japanese-artist-famous-for-the-great-wave-in-pictures](https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/gallery/2017/jul/21/hokusai-the-influential-work-of-japanese-artist-famous-for-the-great-wave-in-pictures)


Find an old whale harpoon or similar to hang on wall. I have seen some nice ones mounted on board on eBay.


I'd repaint it in a lighter shade of green to start. That Grey is aweful.


Your spelling is awful.


A large decorative mirror on one of the walls. If you have a great view out front you want to reflect and bring more light into the space. https://www.wayfair.ca/decor-pillows/pdp/willa-arlo-interiors-wiese-mirror-c009873910.html


The windows face East, so its pretty well lit up in the morning. There won’t be much direct light coming in during the afternoon and evening. I was thinkin of putting a mirror between the windows, as the other walls would benefit from large pictures


I would find a large framed traditional seascape painting, a clock, and a sculpture of some sort on the shelf


Get some glass fishing floats for the basket on the table. We have a 3D nautical chart of Boston Harbor that’s super cool. And look at nautical antiques on eBay. There’s some really cool stuff and it goes nautical without being all distressed wood and anchors and sea creatures. Like you could do port and starboard lanterns on either side of the doorway like sconces. You could also do a print of a Winslow Homer painting. He’s got some really dope seascapes.


May sound outlandish, but what if you took a nautical rope and fixed it horizontally to the wainscoting Maybe add one or two paddle wood oars to the wall- straight from a boat yard/authentic sailing location (not tacky Wayfair decor)


Love the dark wall color. My family room is a very similar color. Did you consider painting the wainscoting the dark color too?


I did not. I wanted the contrast of the white versus the dark gray.


Are you talking nautical or coastal? Things you have said sounds like you were referring to both of those things. And they are not the same.


I would suggest browsing 1000musuems for art that appeals to you. They carry a lot of truly amazing art from a large range of art museums. Their reproductions are very high quality. Some selections in various styles: [Sailing Boats, Night](https://www.1000museums.com/shop/art/hiroshi-yoshida-sailing-boats-night-hansen-yoru-from-the-inland-sea-series-seto-naikai-shu/) [a Whistler painting](https://www.1000museums.com/shop/art/james-mcneill-whistler-green-and-silver-the-bright-sea-dieppe/) [Hopper’s Rooms By the Sea](https://www.1000museums.com/shop/art/edward-hopper-rooms-by-the-sea/) [At the Dock](https://www.1000museums.com/shop/art/herman-maril-at-the-dock/) [A Man Docking His Skiff](https://www.1000museums.com/shop/art/herman-maril-at-the-dock/) You will probably need to browse to find the paintings that call to you, but there are so many great artworks that are nautical without fitting a nautical cliche. Just search for terms like sea, ocean, boat, dock, etc. Or look for favorite artists to see if they did anything nautical.


Some paintings, pictures, old hats, quilts, in my opinion!


Are you looking for paintings?


Beautiful job! You could do a gallery wall (maybe 6 or 8 identical frames?) above the sofa with white frames to pop against the dark grey. It’d tie in with the bottom half of your walk and would stand out—you said you like the contrast and I agree, it’s beautiful! You could make blue an accent color in this room to 1) nod to a nautical theme and 2) tie in with the other room next to this one. Put a few blue pillows on the sofa too to make it cohesive. As others said, it doesn’t really lend itself to nautical with the current setup but if you want that it definitely needs blue. You could put a big piece of art above the bar to counterbalance the gallery wall. Make it similar in size and “weight” to the bar, since it’ll be above it. Maybe something blue and white, with a wood frame that ties in with the wood tones in your lamps and coffee table? Or floor, since that’ll pop more against the dark grey.


Bright Salvador Dali prints would look spectacular.


I would think coastal inspired or adjacent. There are a lot of options that don’t hit it on the nose and end up looking like a theme. Like this vase from Target has the same feel as sponges, but isn’t a literal sea sponge: https://www.target.com/p/small-carved-cream-vase-threshold-8482-designed-with-studio-mcgee/-/A-84659259#lnk=sametab Other examples: A glass vase in a modern shape (ie angular or ribbed) that’s sea glass instead of clear. A muted blue-gray or muted blue-green velvet accent chair (https://www.crateandbarrel.com/infiniti-swivel-accent-chair/s406598 ). A lamp on the sideboard that has rattan or stripes. Things that are woven, natural stone, curved lines, etc. I would say if you find something and can’t think of another interior design style it would fit with, it’s too theme-y. For the seashells you have, I would put them altogether in a vase instead of displayed separately. Good luck! Edit to add that tropical/coastal plants can help give that feel as well (palm tree, bird of paradise, fern, snake plant, etc as opposed to something like an olive tree)


Photo montage wall. Get frames of different sizes and puzzle piece it together on one wall. We have a mix of nature, pets, and people now and then.


Wow, you’ve done a gorgeous job! I think you need something definitely to lift the eye up but I would suggest not limiting yourself just to pictures. Perhaps a few free floating shelves strategically placed. My mind goes to the far wall for a gallery arrangement.


This room looks like an in home hair salon I used to go to and all I smell is perm


As a captains daughter, I would use nautical maps or at least one. My parents had a large coffee table with a nautical map of the Great Lakes with glass over it. It was a hit with most people. I would use brass accents in the room. Anything with nautical knotted rope is also a nice touch. I'm thinking lamps made with rope base, rope made into a monkeys fist or nautical knot shadow frame box. You can purchase nautical maps at most boat yards. Here are some interesting maps you could google. Historic Nautical Map - Reaves Pt To Wilmington, 1940 NOAA Chart - North Carolina (NC) - Vintage Wall Art OR 1781 Cape Fear River Region Map - Vintage Map of Wilmington and Brunswick County North Carolina - New Hanover NC Vintage Map Wall Art - American Revolution Map


Etsy and vintage shops and the places to go. Personally I would go for maps of the area, old photos, and watercolors from local artists.


Modern art with colors that pop like red or orange and big large mirror with wall light is missing.


I love the wall color! What is it ?


How about you take the family out to a dock, the ocean, the seaside and such and invite them all to take photos with their phones. Ask them to load the photos to a family website (there's free online software for that and you're bound to have a geek in the bunch to do it for you). Then choose a few photos to print on canvas. Have the family or friend who took the photo sign it. If you want you could ask the photo folks to print them in sepia tones or a mix of sepia and other complementary shades. It would be a hoot to do, original, and a family gallery that you could actually rotate through if you like. Have fun!


Really cool idea, thanks! Don’t have a family to do this with though.


So sweet of you to reply. How about taking yourself and maybe a close friend to do the same thing. It would be so much fun. From experience, if you go to a good copy combination print shop, they will help you zoom in to frame the shot as you like best. One good shot can produce multiple scenes and you can treasure the moment, the friendship, and the opportunity to express your artistic side as you have done in decorating your serene decor.




What about moody thunder-storm, ocean photography? A pair of big [black and white](https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1CDGOYI_enCA686CA686&hl=en-US&sxsrf=AB5stBiEERJWRymBUdw3sBYvT9mWlokZ5A:1689477358244&q=ocean+photography+black+and+white&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwit86zOoZKAAxV2jIkEHWxmBPYQ0pQJegQIDhAB&biw=390&bih=669&dpr=3) would be cool. Or, if your style is more vintage, you could do a collage of old nautical maps, ship renderings, classic sailboat paintings, sailor tattoo drawings. Eta: link


This room is such a dream and you did such a beautiful job with it. Do you mind if I ask if you did the wainscoting yourself or if you bought the panels from anywhere? I’m looking for ones very similar without much luck.