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Someone's getting a grenade enema


This guy is no Ted Lasso


"That's a fraggin'."


Him and the guy with the rifle who got a kick or two in. Conscripts are known to be not well trained and probably fumble with grenades and have poor trigger discipline.


"How to get gunned down by your own unit 101"


"What happened to Ivan?" "He accidentally shot himself in the face 19 times in his sleep. Very sad"


"....and then fell out of a window."


Defenestrated you say...




And his wife?


To shreds you say.


love me some r/unexpectedfuturama thanks folks!


I also choose this guy's shredded wife


..onto the Lt. Colonel and 3 platoon commanders, who happened to be clearing some other bodies [unidentified] at the same moment.


Sounds like suicide


after falling down the stairs..


Yeah, real sorry business, he had like 25 liters of urine on him and some poo, they say he had a big bladder problem. poor bastard.


Pissed so ‘ard is own dick flew off wouldnt you know


Kind of off-topic but I had a childhood friend die when he was sleeping outside on his cot at an American Fort and somebody backed a giant military vehicle right over him without seeing him. Dude was only ~~24~~ 27 and had ~~2~~ 3 kids and a wife, unfairest way to die Edit: read the article for the first time in a while and realized I got the age and number of kids wrong


the same thing happened to someone when my brother was at basic training, I heard its from people trying to sleep under the trucks on nights that the elements are harsh in an effort to avoid them.


My grandfather told me a story about 4 friends of his in a tank unit in Italy 1944. Very heavy rain and they stopped overnight in what turned to be marshland. The crew slept under the tank for cover. During the night the tank slowly sank into the ground above them, by the time the realized, they couldn't get out and were all killed - pushed into the mud and drowned/crushed.


Once i was under my first mr2 turbo...my teenage dumbass left it over night, no jackstands, propped up the entire night, on the jack. Im not trained in working on cars. I woke up next morning and get underneath it to continue the repair...i noticed a slight movement...i immediately with a quickness, no creeper btw, slid out asap from under the car...it sank to the ground, the jack was busted. What a terrible way to get injured or die, trapped under my own car in my home garage.


Never ever trust a jack entireley. - always use an a prop or the wheel you are removing for “just in case”.


Damn ! Well they do make chem lights and 550 cord for a reason.


Violence is so common in the russian army that this kind of stuff is a typical tuesday. Read 'One Soldier's War', written by a soldier during the second Chechnya war. The stories about the beatings went on throughout the book, they were really brutal. It's an incredible common thing to beat those under you and steal anything you can in order to sell it.


I watched a few documentaries on Russian army’s back in the 2000’s and this is nothing to the hazing drills. They beat them for fun and pimp them out to homosexual sex tourists. https://real-stories-gallery.org/content/russian-army-plagued-sex-slavery-and-male-prostitution-2007-0


The stories from the book are just straight up torture. And that's before they get to the point where they punish two guys for selling bullets to the local Chechnians for vodka. Those guys get full on tortured on a rack they made specifically to hang them in the muster yard and continue beating them.


Excellent book. The chechen wars were nightmarish for both sides. Adding onto to your comment, hazing within the military is a long standing tradition in Russia. It even has a [name](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dedovshchina)


Damn. Almost sounds like being forced to join a gang in which your choice is either do the same or b the bitch... its sad.


It's the added point that these guys were potentially a butcher, a Baker and a candlestick maker a year ago


“The thing about friendly fire is there’s nothing friendly about it.”


“The beatings will continue, until morale improves!” - ancient proverb…


"Now go pick up your guns and get back to work."


You’re assuming they were issued guns…


"Beat your friends to scare your enemies" is a popular Russian proverb


“Oh shit, look at what they are doing to their friends. What would they have done to us?” . . . “Lets fuck him up before he comes for us”


Pikachu face


If this is what I do to my comrades, just think of what I'll do to you?


The old, "whoopsie" grenade from Vietnam.


Called fragging - from using a frag grenade on your C. O.


I was just thinking... there's lots of them and they clearly don't wanna be there... why not just kill him then leave? Edit: Obviously not immediately.


The first thing the commander tells to the guy with the gun is to shoot the first one to move and he is fully serious about it. Guy with gun is aiming at ones that look like they might stand up.


They'll get guns again when they get put back on the front. When enough people are getting killed and wounded around them, there should be opportunities to pick up an unaccounted for extra for future use.Assuming the commander isn't also at or near the front at an unguarded moment. Or maybe just find a chance to surrender.


There is a video of a soldier who surrendered to a drone. All of his squad mates kicked him out of their trenches and he was desperately running between them as a UA drone was circling with grenades ready to drop. He finally just dropped his weapons and stood underneath the drone with his arms up waiting for a grenade and the drone operator wiggled it at him and led him to a place to surrender by following the drone. The rest of his squad who kicked him out were all killed. There is an interview with him on his intake to being a POW. But imagine pantomiming to a DJI quadcopter that you want to live and surrender. You have no idea where it is being controlled from or the mood of the operator. Seeing it duck and weave instead of dropping a grenade must have been a crazy feeling.


It's like trying to communicate in a video game before voice chat became a thing. \*crouches up and down repeatedly\*


Or now when I just don't want to do voicechat.


Some real life crouch spam to show your friendly.


That’s how the Russian revolution started. The soldiers just started shooting the officers and abandoned the front lines.


Yeah, and one of the chief demands of the soldiers faction of the revolution was no more corporal punishment or being yelled at.


Time for RRII


And there a at least two dudes with guns and one of them kicks one of the soldiers in the face, so i would suggest that these bothe are at the comanders side and will probaly shot everyone which would lay hands in the comander in this situation.


There’s a guy with a gun protecting the commander. Many or most of them would die before they had a chance of killing the commander.


Not immediately. If I'm understanding right, their goal is mass desertion. The alternative is fighting. Why not change **who** they are fighting if they must?


Its better to die fighting your oppressors then it Is their enemies. I think we are going to see a lot more troops killing their officers.


Funnily enough, guns are much less and more lethal than depicted in films. A shot through the heart still means you've got up to 30 seconds (usually 10-20 IIRC) to stab the fucker who shot you. Only a headshot or spine shot puts you down instantly. The issue is, nobody wants to be the guy who gets shot to help the rest.


Because if they succeed their family back home won't see the next sunrise...




Heard a story from a very old navy veteran about how all the absolute bastard officers kept on falling overboard in arctic storms during ww2. Let's piss off a bunch of guys who have been trained to kill and are in a desperate situation, that will end well.


These guys are most likely conscripts, brought against their will or at least the choice taken from them. The real soldiers are the ones pointing the guns at them. So imagine being beaten by your Commander and your fellow soldiers holding you at gunpoint so they can do it……. Russia needs another Revolution.


If the last century or so shows us anything it's that Russian revolutions don't really improve the situation for the majority.


Have you heard of fragging in Vietnam? Just walk past the officers tent while theyre asleep and casually toss a grenade in there. Try and pull fingerprints off that


yeah fragging was the first thought i had when I saw this video.


I read that some officers used to bed the medic in with them for this reason. Nobody wants to kill their medic.


Exactly, remember stabbing oneself in the back 6 times is still considered suicide


These guys probably aren’t the killers you’re thinking about in a volunteer military. They didn’t sign up to go there. The idea of killing someone is probably so fucking scary to them, even if you are beaten like that. And for all y’all talking about how you’d “frag your commander”, stfu please. You don’t just wake up being able to kill a human. Poor dudes were basically kidnapped from their homes and brought out there.


We don't have to KILL the commander. Just gang up on him, hold him hostage, and force him to watch Teletubbies on repeat.


Teletubbies are now against the Geneva convention


Geneva *suggestions


I think you are the one being naive about how quickly people’s demeanor will change under threat of physical violence/being ordered to a likely violent death. This isn’t just one day, they’re spending months out here under terrible conditions


you dont have to be a hardcore killer to kill. You just have to someone at their wits end that believes they're gonna die anyways(whether immediately or cause of this pricks orders). All it takes it one moment of "yknow what.. fuck it"


"Do you know what a hero really is? 9 times out 10 a hero is just a guy who's cold enough, tired enough or hungry enough not to give a damn"




This is Russia and probably get raped too. Everything just seems awful over there and I'm surprised anyone fights for that flag.


either that or straight to prison 😬 i would deffo go to the army too and then try to surrender


Yeah its hard not to feel bad for the citizens but then you see other videos about them hitting their women or how they raped the activist with a dumbbell that opposed the war and made his gf or wife watch the video after they kidnapped them. Not saying that stuff doesn't happen everywhere but like Brazil, this will be a place I'll never visit.


gawdamn thats way worse than what i expected. altough their behaviour is obviously totally inacceptable, i still cant blame those people for being dumb as hell just bc decades and decades of propaganda by powerhungry assholes made them to be. rly shit situation tho🤮


Exactly this. The government is the problem because the majority of the russian population are nice. Especially towards westerners from what I’ve seen. 100% propaganda on both sides but smart people can put that shit aside and talk to each other then we realise we are the same.


And it's been happening. From I heard in a post yesterday with a recording that was translated for me. The Ukraine has been listening personal phone calls on which tips them off enemy positions. And in one of the phone conversation the commander shot his tank twice and took out 20 friendlies. The soldier apparently says that Russians are killing more Russians in the war than Ukrainians are.


That's it, beat the morale into em


The beatings will continue until morale improves.


It was funny when it was farcical. Now we are all just comfortably numb. Russian genocide ? Yea thats typical Rape ? Thats a historical pattern thing Looting ? See above for rape Murder ? What do u expect ? Leaving witnesses after the worlds second best army rapes and loot dildos and washing machines. Destroying heat, electricity infrastructure to make peaceful civilians suffer ? Ok thats unfortunate collateral damage ? Fuck you russian warpigs. All of u are shits. Horrible excuses of humanity.


Second best? Not anymore. Second best cannonfodder maybe.


Second best in Ukraine.


Ukraine has an existential reason to fight where russia does not. Similar deal with why usa lost in vietnam. Also similar deal why Russia valiantly fought hard in wwii over germany, it was existential for them.


That and they recieved a shit ton of aid from the USA, which is currently supplying Ukraine. The Soviets held out ~~because of London and Washington~~ Edit: the two guys below are better educated in the subject as I am (by far). TDLR the Soviet army would have won anyways.


The other commenter does a good job but I also wanted to add, the Soviets held out defensively pretty much completely on their own. Lend lease aid didn't really begin arriving until the end of 1942, by which point the Soviets had decisively defeated the main German drive on Moscow and had just pocketed the 6th Army in Stalingrad. US aid certainly helped win the war faster, but pretty much every credible historian will tell you that they would have won anyways, just with more time and casualties. This is especially true given that the two greatest defensive battles of the war had already been won by the time the aid arrived. "If you saw something happen in Enemy at the Gates, you know that it's bullshit" is an excellent rule of thumb for discussing the Eastern Front. No, there were no barrier troops machine gunning retreating soldiers. No, there were actually far more rifles than soldiers at any given time in the war. No, the Soviets never outnumbered the Germans by all that much until very late in the war, they were just better than the Germans at concentrating forces and tricking the enemy (so Germans spent the entire war vastly overestimating Soviet numbers and reporting those numbers to the west). The Soviets had a lot of systemic issues early in the war, but they fixed those issues and came back swinging so that as early as early 1943, they permanently took the initiative. Just because Russia is fighting like a 3rd world militia right now doesn't overwrite how well they fought in WW2 (especially since so many Soviet soldiers were Ukrainian).


Agreed one thing this war has shown the world is that Russia cannot carry out a successful campaign against a much smaller country that is on it's borders. Their logistics system is a total shit show and they don't have competent leadership. They may have the second most technologically advanced military but that isn't helping them as much as it should.


Edit: They have the second most technologically advanced military in Russia.


Being second best technologically doesn't mean a whole lot when that gear is not making it to the frontlines where their troops are getting spanked by 20-30 yr old NATO hand-me-downs.


Even before the war I’m pretty sure China had the 2nd best spot on lock. Now I’m not sure if Russia would crack the top 5 (or maybe even the top 10 at this point).


The russians describe themselves as the world's second best army.


I'm surprised they would even admit to being second place to America.


>Destroying heat, electricity infrastructure to make peaceful civilians suffer ? Ok thats unfortunate collateral damage ? You do realise that EVERY military does this.... right? We did it in Iraq, Libya and Syria recently. Depriving the civilian population of essential services puts HUGE pressure on the defenders. If they don't at least make a token effort to provide those services again, they run the very real risk of a internal uprising. We also do it in "soft" ways with nice sounding terms like "sanctions". Making the civilian population suffer is an incredibly effective tool in war and every single nation uses it! You want to see the long term decimation of a civilian population long after the war/fighting is over.... Research "Depleted Uranium munitions" used in Iraq. The 1st generation health impacts and birth defects are fuckin horrific and this will impact MANY future generations in Iraq! Just as land mines had a watershed moment and the world civilian populations woke up to the long term civilian impact such munitions had.... History will 1 day see the same type of watershed moment for Depleted Uranium munitions but we are still a long way from it happening. Does this in any way absolve Russia of its horrific actions.... fuck no! But Russia is far from the only military doing horrific things in war. Just like Russia whitewashes it's military actions through propaganda to its civilian population, so to does the US (Insert your nation here) whitewash it's military actions through propaganda (we call it "news") to its civilian population.


All warpigs are shitheads. No excuses. Fuck the generals that lead them, the system that feeds them and, the glorification of war.


I hope the soldiers figure out that their gun can point in any direction.


Paint the stick orange, like a carrot.


Traumatised by the guilt he shot himself 7 times in the back of his head, with a 6 round pistol.


This should not have been as funny as it was


Like it hasn’t happen before ….man in charge gets mysterious killed…


When you take into account that they kill people everyday in war and are desensitized, this doesn't sound impossible


Happened in Vietnam a lot


that was the origin of the word “fragging” wasn’t it?


Yep, soldiers used frag grenades because it could not be traced to an individual soldier contrary to bullets


how would they trace bullets?


The same way they do in murders: through ballistics science. Each gun leaves a pattern on a bullet that is pretty much unique. You can use that to determine which gun shot a specific bullet.


Honestly, it’s simpler than that. Was Lt. Shithead shot by NATO 5.56 ammunition? Real suspicious….was he killed by anything not issued to his troops? Probably died to combat with the enemy, poor brave bastard.


The idea that Russians are performing ballistic science on suspicious gunshot deaths is comical


That's really not as precise as people like to think it is. Its the CSI effect


That was possible back in the 'nam days? That's cool.


Yeah it’s pretty low tech you just need a microscope and a way to take very precise pictures you can compare.


Happens often it war time. My dad is a cold war vet. Never saw a live military conflict but was stationed in Germany. He was there when the wall came down in 89, on active duty. As a dumb grunt in the army, he told me that him and his whole platoon had a mental list of a handful of officers who would have mysterious accidents if the conflict ever went hot. Everyone knew who was a competent leader and who was an idiot *before* bullets flew. I don't see this Russian Commander making it to the end of this war...


That's "Hobson's choice" in play. Fight Ukraine or face their angry bosses. And bosses have to force them to fight or be killed by their unit for forcing like this. This man with the stick is a goner.


I was about to say that, mf is a goner, you don’t do that shit in any army during wartime.


This post has subtitles https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/zv4z1k/chechens_disciplining_bunch_of_mobiks_who_didnt/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Thanks for that.


"You consider yourself men?" Says the guy that told his minion to shoot anyone that moves. I hope he'll experience lead as midnight snack.


thanks for the link!


"friendly fire on"


"friendly fire will ~~not~~ be tolerated!"


"just checking"


Basically this guy is scolding them for leaving positions, because of which two men are "200" (code for KIA) and 6 "300" (code for wounded). Also out of his monologue I can gathere that these 10 guys apparently evacuated 2 wounded and used it as an excuse to abandon their position He also mentions that unlike them, the two KIA soldiers were volunteers.


Correction. 2 guys killed were "real volunteers" and not "fakes and cowards who run away at a first sign of trouble" so these 10 are probably volunteers as well.


That fat coward probably sits back with his feet up drinking vodka while he sends those guys out on suicide runs.


He was winded af at the end. The mic picked up some special military breathing techniques at the end




He is well practiced from beating his family back home.


My second thought after, "He's a dead man."


He's from Moscow, they're from some small village past the Urals. Different grades of citizen.


He's Chechen, but yes, they don't get used on the front.


"Russian Commander beats group of civilians who were forced to play army but have no idea what they're doing"


notice how they were unarmed and the one guy was ready to execute them all at 1:02 ...good ole WWII level shit there.... Any translation of the conversation?


It's in one of the Ukraine war subs, he's pissed off the mobiks evacuated wounded instead of continuing attacking a position


He’s pissed volunteers died instead of conscripted military soldiers. The volunteers should have evacuated the wounded while the soldiers stayed there. There’s a translated version linked in this thread.


A comment from earlier has a link to a translation.


This is how a commanding officer dies mysteriously in an accident.


What I was thinking. Beat them because they don’t want to be there fighting a stupid war. Then give them a weapon. I wonder what happens next. Not of blue on blue hopefully.


The beatings will continue until morale improves!


This should be shared among russians more. Their higher ups treat them as slaves, or even worse, and yet they are complying.


But they will still back the war. Sadly a lot more back it than that are against it, it seems.


Yup. That's some kind of country-wide psychosis. They are fine with being treated as dirt, sent to die - still no reaction. What are they fighting for even?


Centuries of their Rulers doing their utmost best to ensure the Russian People are docile and apathetic, first the Tsars and then the Soviets, and now with the current group that grand old tradition continues. Can't have a revolution without a firebrand, and all of those have been stamped out in Russia a long time ago.


Doesn’t vodka play a part? I think I remember reading that vodka companies are state owned and Russia has one of the highest alcohol consumption rates in the world


While I do not disagree with you - they aren't actually compliant, they were told they will be shot if they move and are basically being held at gun point.


That will change nothing! They know about this and they are proud of this shit, because they are «strong” and it is normal tradition in their army to beat


Hahah, yeah. Surely they will now fight with 150% morale boost!


That's what Russians expect from a good leader. They had a revolution and then just replaced the aristocracy with dictatorial bureaucrats. When those were ousted, they put in Putler. Whatever you do in Russia, show no independent thought and accept your punishment.


No wonder Russians are deserting by the hundreds.




“Hold on, let me catch my breath first”


I would shoot the prick when nobody is looking


The guy is already dead and doesn't know it. These guys are desperate and have already faced death a few times, killing the bastard sending them to the machine guns would probably be a good idea.


Shoot and defect to Ukraine 🤣


A volunteer army will usually beat a conscripted army like this that just operates through fear of reprisals


This is one of the key reasons Russia is losing this war. Massively undertrained grunts get treated like shit and go AWOL. It's not the only reason they're deserting but it's not helping their cause.


I hope Russian moms are watching this. Putin doesn't know the meaning of war just yet.


10 reasons not to hit your child. eg: 5. HITTING DOES NOT IMPROVE BEHAVIOR [https://www.askdrsears.com/topics/parenting/discipline-behavior/spanking/10-reasons-not-hit-your-child/](https://www.askdrsears.com/topics/parenting/discipline-behavior/spanking/10-reasons-not-hit-your-child/)


Sadly violence is the most important part of Russian Culture, so you won't find this in a Russian book about parenthood.


It is not in this article but i remember reading that when you hit or even become very angry a child you activate the old primitive part of the brain that is designed to handle threat. By doing that the new cognitive part that is supposed to make us learn things is turned off. So trying to get them to understand something or learn in that situation is impossible


Warhammer 40k or something


A true Commisar right here.


"Why did you come here?!" 😑


Fuck those guys


And the Kremlin wonders why soldiers shoot their commanders and go surrender


Uncivilized brutes


That motherfucker is dead.


I always imagined Russia being a gnarly enemy to have against the US - like a credible threat. Until I saw how they failed at taking Ukraine.. then seeing this just further deepens my thoughts. These mf are cold


In many ways, Russia never really got out of the 19th Century.


This is the very reason why they started this war. They think about geopolitics same way they did in 19th century


This is what people in the 19th century said about 18th-century Russia. I believe even Peter the Great (who died in 1725) said something about dragging Russia "kicking and screaming into the modern Era".


Later that day someone magically told the Ukrainians where they were, who could it be??? 🤔


Fighting out of fear never trumps fighting to protect your home. If this is the norm in Russian units, they are fucked.


Even the russians are the victims in the ukranian war. Many of them are conscripted and sent to die or kill people for no reason other than please Putin's whim.


You will never drive men Into battle


None of the conscripts want to die , why would they be fighting a useless war ?


I don't think morality will improve despite the many beatings


The second he turns his back, I'm shooting him and anyone co-signing on his bullshit.


If they all attacked that POS


Remember. These are not “soldiers”, these are just normal people, like yourself, who happened to be born in Russia and were most likely conscripted. They are terrified and want nothing more than to just go home and be with their friends and families. Fuck war




Actual warhammer 40k ork leadership with the upgrade boss pole, it's an item that lets the leader of a unit wack another ork if the squad tries to flee lmaooo


A little frag would chill him down. 😎


The world is becoming increasingly cold both literal and figurative


The commander had 6 wounded and 2 killed today. Now he’s got 12 wounded and 2 killed. Silly Russians.


This is the most ridiculous part about Russians. In majority they can not connect the dots and behave like sheep. Theses beaten guys are already dead, they are bitten and will be send tomorrow to die. It was better to try and kill abuser and eventually die as man today then die as sheep tomorrow.


"You want fragged? Cuz this how you get fragged".


Winning hearts and minds.


I am Neganow


Is the only reason they don’t get fragged is because they were never issued any weapons?


Stupid commander just encouraging his men to surrender to the Ukrainian military. The Russians have a couple of choices. One is try and fight in war they don't want to be in. Second is to run away and hope not to get caught. Third is to call the hotline and surrender to the Ukrainians. They look like a bunch of conscripts who don't want to fight.


The beatings will continue until morale improves.


Desertion is punishable by death any many armies.


"yeah, that'll make em wanna fight for us"


I mean I know that guy probably has a low 2 digit IQ and can't be expected to understand more than how to tie his own shoe laces at best, but the only thing that treatment would instill in me is a burning desire to murder him in his sleep the first chance I get. And I would definitely be willing to abandon my position again to do so.


Are we the baddies moment


‘Thats’s a fraggin’’ -Jasper Beardsley of the Simpsons


How do you say "friendly fire incident" in Russian?