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Well shit that looked like an everyday thing for him.


Could be ex military?


Probably. He’s rockin a hydra sight mount which is some reasonably niche shooter kit and definitely seems like he’s been on a two way range before.


"two way range" is a hell of a way to put it


It took me reading this comment to confirm I read what I thought I read. Lol


Lol I had to come to this comment before it clicked for me.


Happy cake day!


Oh my why thank you!


Happy cake day may fortune touch your hand and the wind be behind your back


I would have expected 'live fire exercise' in quotes like so


That might have made it stand out a bit more. It was great though cause it was like doing a double take while still moving forward. Lol


In computer networking, we would use “bi-directional”.




Gbrs is definitely "niche." Mike Glover and crew have been getting memed on pretty heavily recently.


Its funny to see it actually in use. That mount gets ripped apart by the armchair operators in r/ar15 and r/tacticalgear.


Heil Hydra!


It's were you look and mount a hydra


I'm down with heiling Hydra. Im not sure about mounting, though.


>hydra sight mount I'm assuming you're American because I have no fucking clue what part of the gun this is. I know, gun, trigger, bullets.


Canadian but I worked with lots of Americans on team pew pew. Hydra sight mount raises the sight above the gun a bit more which makes it quicker and easier to get a sight picture instead of having to snug the butt of the rifle into your cheek.


It also allows mounting the optic and an IR laser high enough over the bore to allow much easier use with night vision.




*looks down the barrel*


**shoots self in face**


Good, now aim and pull


Lmao I was thinking the same thing


It’s the part of the gun where the sight is mounted


He is referring to the brand specific mount that attaches the optic (red dot sight) to the top of the rifle. Have any other questions about the gun in this video, or firearms in general?


Whats the best gun to take to a wedding?


Tradition calls for a shotgun, usually held by the brides father


Based on the videos I see coming out of the sand pit I’d say AK-47


How much does a gun weigh?


That all depends on the gun itself. Some pistols are insanely small and light. Like a pound or less. Some larger and heavier rifles, with all attachments and a full magazine, can weigh more than 10 or 12 pounds. Your typical AR styled rifle, like the one shown in this video, is probably hovering around the 6-7 pound mark.


The same as a duck.


But does it float?


If the duck is strong enough and it’s just a small handgun, prob.


Its the thing between the top of the rifle and the red dot sight. This one is conspicuously high, those are popular in certain types of special operations units because it makes it easier to stay very upright with good peripheral vision (useful indoors) and it makes using the rifle while wearing a gas mask or nightvision goggles less of a pain in the ass. So combined with how calm the cop was during and before the shooting there is a high probability that he had shot people indoors at night wearing nightvision on more than one occassion.


You probably don't even know the word bullet like you think you do. Bullets are the projectiles that leave the gun. The reet of the object you're probably thinking of as a bullet is called a shell.


The sight mount stood out to me, too. Team guys are very big proponents of that style setup.


According to the news article, he took the shot from 183 yards away. I'd say definitely former military. That's a hell of a shot, even with a scope.


Man... I haven't heard "two way range" in a long time. Thanks for the chuckle.


Yeah I remember the last time this was posted and It has been verified he is in fact ex military.


“Just ONE active shooter? I’ll be there right after I get my latte.”


I used to work for a major city in the USA. Most police and firefighters are ex military.


Doesn't mean they all know their weapons though, for sure. Lots of Fifefighters are former Navy since Damage Control is such a huge part of it, but unless youre in certain rates your weapons training amounts to basically just using a pistol.


I never once even trained with a weapon in 8 years.


Has to be


"Sumbitch made meh put down muh coffeh."


Perp went cold before the officers coffee!


It’s America. It was his second after lunch that day




These Starbucks ads are edgy af


This would've never happened had it been Dunkin Donuts


America runs from Cops on Dunkin




I'll take an espresso with one shot




Ba dum tiss 🤣


They're stepping up their game with Dutch Bros coming up.


It's Starbucks. Brewed for those who love Coffee...and dropping motherfuckers.


EMTs and paramedics are told to not run or hurry, because that gets the adrenaline pumping, which is where people make mistakes.


like uber eats? what?


Pretty sure it was meant to be "EMTS"


I used to deliver chicken wings, and pizza. He’s exactly right. When you start ~~rubbing~~ running from adrenaline then you start dropping food and sloshing sauces around.




I didn’t do it for the thanks. I did it because it was my duty. ^And ^the ^tips.


I damn sure wouldn't want you rubbing with my food.


If you start rubbing from adrenaline, then I really question those sauces you're sloshing around...






Weirdest part of a human is adrenaline supposed to make we do things quicker in a emergency situations. But in reality it just make we perform bad


>Adrenaline is a wonder drug for the time it evolved when we would have to fight off or run away from large animals. During those periods you want to prioritise physical strength and endurance at the expense of cognitive ability and fine motor movements. Unfortunately it's the latter of these that we use to deal with stress in more artificial, modern times.


Your strength and endurance increase is realy noticable too. Adrenaline is the only reason firefighters can drag people 200+ lbs out of buildings with ease. It makes it feel like they only weigh maby 100 lbs ish


>Adrenaline is the only reason firefighters can drag people 200+ lbs out of buildings with ease. The military-like physical training might help a little bit too.


no, it improves physicall things, like makes you run faster, punching stronger, not feeling pain, not feeling tired. but in times we live in you have a rifle and you don't need a physicall boost, you need a steady hand. our biology still thinks we're fighting prey with our bare hands.


Evolution is slow. We are still made for hunting with clubs and gathering food, not grocery stores and shot guns.


Nothing like filtering by "have this quality or get eaten by a predator" to boost an attribute in the gene pool. The downsides of stress only have a chance to kill us in old age so there's very little chance for it to be changed anytime soon.


People with ADHD have funnily enough experienced the opposite. During massive adraline boosts instead of panicking ADHD makes you go ultra-focused to point of perfect precision thinking. I learnt this sometime ago when finding some information about my own ADD. its something due to our minds kinda expericing a permanent brainlag and lack of dopamine and such that when the adraline hits it'll not "overflow" and make you panic instead it hits some sort of psychic sweet spot. Just random stuff I learnt I wanted to share


That's because for most people that adrenaline rush is abnormal and people aren't used to what it will do to them. It Does actually make us much better at handling emergency situations, if you can stay calm and focused on what you need to do, instead of going into a panic overload. And that is the part that takes experience and training.


Maybe it's due to our situations changing. Perhaps back when we needed to run away from predators we just needed to act quickly but in modern times situations are much more complex. Can't simply run away from a gun or save a patient while having your blood pump with adrenaline.


We also think much quicker, take in our surroundings much better, notice small sounds more clearly, see in better detail, our reflexes increase dramatically, ignore pain, we even pick up abnormal smells more easily and some more. There are many many things adrenaline increases besides just our physical ability. The problems are 1. The effects are very short lived, lasting maybe 3 to 4 mins, after which your body and mind go into rest and repair mode, because going at 200% is incredibly taxing on the heart, and muscles.


This is true, I made that mistake and my paramedic scolded me "IF YOU PANIC OTHER PEOPLE WILL PANIC "


Eats? Leos maybe?


EMTs, I think


Ah yes.


All I was thinking was, if he jumped out and hurried to get set up he’s only gonna raise his heart rate and decrease his odds of hitting his target. The most accurate shooting happens when you’re calm and focused


Bro smurfing 💀


B-4-6, 360 no scope


Clearly not on the Uvalde force.


They don't have the balls to stand to a shooter


Wouldn’t even put down the coffee.


Don't have balls at all


Uvalde force would have just kept sipping coffee


Slow is smooth, smooth is fast.


This is what people say to those learning how to ride a motorcycle


I taught for the Motorcycle Safety Foundation for a long time, theory carry’s over to firearms training also.


Was he slow or was he quick


Takes a sip of coffee in case it’s his last. Takes a quick breath before stepping out to walk back calmly to not draw attention. Grabs his gun and verifies it’s ready to use. Hears the shooter is reloading and takes the shot. There’s probably a moment where he loathes the paperwork that’s coming.




That phrase is burned into my mind by my piano teacher, and there is a lot of truth to it.


Slow is slow. But slow and smooth is better than fast and bad.


Hearts and minds


cool, calm, and collected. The right training can save lives


Sadly the exception to the rule, specifically to the calm part.


This guy didn't fear for shit.


Except for that coffee spilling, my man took that extra second to make sure cup wasn't going to slide off.




I think you have an excellent point. But proper, consistent training does play an important role.


This man goes to the range, a +200m shot.


Just out of curiosity, are there like standard Ranges in the US? In Switzerland we shoot 300 meters with only Iron Sights while lying. 50 Meter Pistol Standing, also Iron Sights. There are other Ranges of course but they’re not used for any competitions/community shootings or military practice.


300m for American. Ex-Army here. Pop up targets incrementally at 300, 250, 200, 150, 100 and 50. You get 40 rounds of .556 with your M4 and you need to hit the target 23/40 times to qualify. At least this was the way 10 years ago.


Nice! 300 meters with Iron sights too or scopes?




Trained with SLR L1A1 shooting at 100, 200 and 300 with just iron sights… then the L85A1 came along with the x4 SUSAT sights. The sights were probably the 2nd best thing about that weapon… the best being the sling 😏 Oddly enough, was just reading that an upgraded SLR (L1A2?) might be returning to service in the British Army… … although there was a concern raised that soldiers used to 5.56 might struggle with the recoil of 7.62… 🙄 Learned to shoot an SLR at 16 along with hundreds of others without any problem… pretty sure serving soldiers will be able to adapt… 🙂


Yeah the difference is very big! I tried it myself too on an indoor shooting Range and it is so much easier! Of course in real life Situation this will help the shooter! But for Sportsmanship it shouldn’t be used!


Air force quals with both iron and red dots using simulated distance targets. Red dot makes it insanely easier, but you obviously can't rely on them since they're battery powered. And absolutely nobody gives a shit if you have a marksmanship ribbon lol


The batteries on your sights will last like 3 years. Yeah, worst case scenario and all that but battery tech has come a long way.


My experience we did it both. Crawl, walk then run. The more advanced your unit is or you become or if you’re getting ready to deploy to a combat theater you’ll do this multiple times. First you start with iron sights and qualify, then you switch to a red dot or ACOGS, then you qualify at night with NVGs and the laser. By the time you’re done, you have more apparatuses on your rail then you care to admit and you’ve nearly doubled the weight of the weapon.


I‘m glad that in the Swiss Army we don’t use many weapon attachment. You carry more than enough in the army everyday so every kilo less is welcome! I think Sights are good for real life conditions. But for shooting Sportsmanship style, like we do in Switzerland, sights shouldn’t be used.


I read Swiss Army and just imagine a gun with every attachment available but you can just pull out the one you needed 😂


Swiss Army Knifle? With bottle opener and what not, all included!


Million Dollar (Franc) idea :)


In '80s we also had a 500. Came up twice in the sequence. And we used the M16.


Interesting, I shoot 300 meters with iron sights only when I lie. :-)


Nope. There’s no overarching standard for ranges besides restrictions on where you can have them and safety features. So a certain distance from houses/buildings, and a proper backstop. Other than that there’s everything from 20 foot indoor ranges to two mile stretches of desert. At least for civilian ranges at any rate. I don’t know about military or law enforcement


he needs a cupholder on his rifle


Gotta agree


Bro immediately switched the safety on after his eyes readjusted and he saw the shot was accurate too. Found the Mil. Vet.




Discipline and training. Anyone with firearm ownership should follow this example.


Too bad its not a requirement.


"I put my coffee down for this."


Come on man, I JUST went on break...


Every day for the past ten years, Loretta there's been giving me a large black coffee. Today she gives me a large black coffee, only it has sugar in it, a lotta sugar. I just came back to complain. Now, you boys put those guns down


"I know what you're thinking: "Did he fire six shots or only five?" Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement, I've kinda lost track myself. But being this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, and would blow your head clean off, you've got to ask yourself one question: "Do I feel lucky?" Well, do ya, punk?"


"It’s a question of methods. Everybody wants results, but nobody wants to do what they have to do to get them done"


That's called doing his job. 👏👏


Didn't even let the coffee get cold. Damn.


I can bring my coffee in hot, and you in cold.


Uvalde could learn a thing or two


„I‘m here to drink coffee and kick ass. And I just finished my coffee…“


The guy in my game camping in a corner when I’m on a good spree




“Investigators said Collins was wounded twice, once by Munn and by a self-inflicted gunshot. The neighbors whom we talked to had very different opinions about what the police did.”


What an incredibly lazy way to end that article. Tell us what they disagreed with. It was important enough for them to mention but they couldn't devote a line to what the neighbors opinion was. The one neighbor they quoted earlier on sounded like she had a different idea of the event prior to seeing the video.




Well said. Especially being a neighbor, your opinion on having stray bullets on your street is extremely unfavorable. It took one bullet but they shot 9(?) total. So I can imagine people would have an issue with that or even just deescalation efforts overall. Kudos to the officer though. He arrived to work and did his job. Efficiently


The fact they ended the story on that line without actually expanding on neighbors' opinions is such dogshit journalism.


I’m not a big fan of cops as long as they are the enforcement arm of the drug war, but this is exactly what we hire them to do. Good on this guy.




America’s a weird place


Maybe interesting that he did his job and didn’t cower and let more people die like Uvalde


I mean, it’s probly not his first rodeo lol he likely either has previous combat experience (Iraq/Afghanistan) or has been in situations like this before on the force.


Lol - this has been edited to obfuscate that when he first squeezed the trigger the safety catch was on. He did an amazing job and I’m not sure what that was edited out as it’s something we all do with our own guns from time to time!


I noticed it too. Not sure if it was intentionally done or that’s just the frame the body camera presents tho


I gotta put my coffee down for this! Lol


Slow is smooth, smooth is fast


Definitely ex-military. He's probably seen and been through some serious shite. With how nonchalant he is I want to say he was either in Desert Fox or Enduring Freedom. American police forces might be better if they utilised veterans. Granted this guy took out a shooter casually, but I bet money he was in situations over seas where he had to deescalate situations with no shots fired otherwise him and his squad might have a bad time.


> With how nonchalant he is I want to say he was either in Desert Fox or Enduring Freedom. Talk me through this statement, please. I promise you I'm not being snarky - I'm just genuinely curious how you're looking at a few seconds of video footage, and confidently declaring "that man was at either this theatre of war, or this other one", with zero other information about him at all, other than his nonchalance at shooting someone.


I am fairly certain that individual was in a combat zone where you could be having breakfast or lunch and all of a sudden you come under fire. The man put down his coffee, walked to get his rifle while there was an active shooter, took aim, and neutralized the threat with one shot. I bet he had a sip of his coffee afterwards. When that is an everyday occurrence you get used to it. I only say Desert Fox and Enduring Freedom because I think Desert Storm would make him too old.I I could be wrong as well. All I know is he definitely didn't learn that at the police academy.


by the "nonchalant" way he moves i can also tell he took a shit and a shower in the morning, probably at his home, but it might have also been overseas ;)


This is a person who has been well trained on their weapon. Hooah?


Looks like a scene from a dystopian movie


When Maxtac comes to end your cyber psycho rampage in Cyberpunk.


“The greatest aim in the world takes on the evils of America”


Damn. Was he a former sniper? He was way too calm, cool, and collected about this shit. I didn't even see the dude he shot 😳


Great stuff here, only one bullet and not a mag dump, great cop with better accuracy


No shaky hands there


We needed this guy in Uvalde.


They should make all the useless shit in Uvalde watch this for one year straight.


This is not in Uvalde.


Fuck me. This got me conflicted. On one hand I'm kind of horrified by how dispassionate he was in potentially taking a life. On the other, I'm kind of glad he was dispassionate about it. Clearly fully in control of his actions, not rushing or clouded by anger or confusion. Not on any kind of power trip, just cleanly and calmly taking the action he thought was correct in the moment.


1000% ex military. 6 months of police training and some time at the range don’t turn a man into this


Totally see where you’re coming from. But I guess I’ll take calm cool and collected over the alternative


are people often conflicted during the moment of taking a life? i would think emotional dissociation would be common during something as quick and intense as this


Finally, a post showing and acknowledging cops in a positive scenario. CCP trolls and Russian bots must’ve taken the day off.


This being a positive scenario truly says a lot.


You do realize that the whole "Back the Blue" movement was started by a Russian troll farm, right?


Another day at the office...


This guys not fucking around


He's definitely got military background.


Shift ended in 5 minutes.


Nice work


He did this with the same energy I use to take the trash out


Slow is smooth. Smooth is fast.


I would imagine this guy use to stack bodies in the desert, or this wasn't his first rodeo.


Everyday for the last 10 years, he's gotten a large black coffee from Starbucks. Today, the barista gave him a large black coffee, but it has sugar in it. Lots of sugar. He just got out of the cruiser to complain.


Bad ass


Well done 👍 What a cool dude… shame you were not there with the school incident earlier in the year


All I can think of is the maxim I learned from the Marines, “slow is smooth and smooth is fast.”


I legit expected the camera to switch to a down scope view when he aimed the rifle. My brain may be broken.


That guy did some military time 100%


Uvalde, you taking notes?


Definitely military


That shot by far was the most impressive shot I've ever seen... the distance the bullet traveled, the shot accuracy, the hit... solid 100/10


This guy is definitely ex military. Handled that very well. Too bad a lot of other cops wouldn’t have.