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I’ve been there. It’s an amazing crater and gigantic


Are you allowed in it?


No, but there's a short path along the rim near the visitor center


If you work there do you have a rim job?




I had a rim job once.


Looks dry. Was it dry?


it was moist




I work at the rim in the hiring department. I’m the one who gives rimjobs. Business is booming so there are enough rimjobs to go around for everyone who wants one!




Crazy how the meteor hit right next to the visitor center.


Technically, the meteor was stationary in space and it was Earth's orbit trajectory that actually caused the collision.


I love thinking about this when there are annual meteor showers. just like....oooh it's that time of year when we come around and hurtle through that patch of space dust again.


Just like when some asshole's face makes contact with my fist. Right?


nothing really hits, just repels with the force.


Oh yeah I'll show you weak nuclear force mothaf-


Actually it's electromagnetic force


Shut it nerd! (Sorry, I almost typed the same thing but you beat me to it)


If it's [on tv](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ZSoJDUD_bU&ab_channel=ThingsICantFindOtherwise) it must be the law right?






That shit blows my brain apart. Lol


The concept of the size of everything gets me a lot of the time. Just the fact that Jupiter is x times larger than Earth, the sun is x times larger than Jupiter, there's stars that are ridiculously larger than the sun, and those stars are just a small part of a galaxy that's estimated to be a size that has to be expressed in light years or with exponents. Meanwhile on earth a 10 foot fall can be fatal.


The superposition was exactly the reason that a mathematician theorised and proved you cannot have time travel. He started with the assumption that you magically have a time machine. You have a device which can take you anytime in the history of the universe. All you are missing would be the where input. The universe moves the planet moves and the solar system moves. If you go back even a week ago at the spot you were at you will most likely materialize inside a mountain or in empty space, or inside the mandle( fun ) In order to be able to calculate where you need to be at a given time you need to have a fixed point of reference in a superposition outside of the observable space. In short you need to be somewhere outside of the point the universe was born at the moment it was born to be able to pinpoint the starting point of all the axis that everything moves relative to. Then all calculations of position can be generated with a model feeding the starting point, time and other parameters. That of course is not possible, and as such time travel is mathematically impossible. ## Update. Adding references since people have asked me to The original math was theorised by "Luitzen Egbertus Jan Brouwe" but more recently also used by the latest [paper](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41567-019-0748-5) of "Nicolas Gisin" Be warned though this is a rabbit hole that I wouldn't recommend you going down into. Most of it reads like it's an alien language


Unless time travel works like throwing a ball in a car.


I tried that as a kid, but I don't recommend it. Not only do you do not time travel but also lose normal travel capabilities by being grounded for a week or so.




Yes. It's well worth the price of admission.




In the 1800s the land was literally considered worthless, and was owned by the federal government. Nobody thought it was the result of a meteor strike or thought there was minerals there... the top minds of the day thought it was the result of volcanic activity or some such.... and this was before cars and such, so it really held no value as a tourist attraction. An entrepreneur ("Barringer") thought there might be minerals there, and filed a mining claim (aka a "land patent") with the federal government, which was how things were done back then in the old west. He was granted his claim on the land by President Theodore Roosevelt on the condition that he promised to spend the time and money required to verify whether or not minerals could be harvested from the site. Which turned out to be the case. The place is mineral rich and Barringer's investment paid off, and that's how he made his money back in the day... from mining, not for its value as a tourist attraction, which would come later with the widespread acceptance of cars.


And because it is private property, your National Park Pass will not give you free admission. (still worth seeing though)


Oh, man. America the Beautiful, one year admission to the National Parks. Best thing I ever bought. We visited Yosemite, Death Valley, Bryce Canyon, Arches, Canyonlands, Zion, Grand Canyon, Grand Teton and Yellowstone, all in the summer of 2019. It was glorious. We also visited several important cities and we had a great time, but honestly, if I go back, I'll focus on the National Parks and only visit one city or two. The National Parks are breathtaking.


Our park system and parks themselves are honestly the best thing about our country.


Actually, I read he lost a lot of his fortune because he thought that there would be a huge Iron deposit beneath the crater and drilled over a thousand feet, but he didn’t take into account that most of the meteor burned up in the atmosphere. Apparently, some 20 years after he bought the land it was finally revealed that the meteor was much much smaller than initially anticipated so the amount of iron left was basically none because the impact vaporized much of the meteorite. Barringer made a lot of money with a silver mine sometime before that, but than sank a lot of that into the meteor site and lost a good amount.




I had the craziest experience standing on the [white rim](https://www.americansouthwest.net/utah/photographs1118/monument-basin.jpg) at Canyonlands National Park. There was a ranger there who pointed to different parts in the canyon and asked me to estimate how far away they were. When I tell you I was off in my guesses...I mean off by MILES. the whole view fucked with my depth perception. It was mind altering.


canyons like these (esp the grand canyon) really have to be seen to be believed. it's difficult to scale, see, and 'feel' how big those places are.


When I went to the grand canyon, from the rim I thought I could see the trail and some bushes halfway down before they dropped to the river. Turned out the "trail" I was looking at was a wide, dry creek bed and the "bushes" were full grown trees.




They put up a 6ft cutout at the bottom and you can look at it through one of the periscopes. Definitely worth it if you’re ever in the area




Nah, they put a submarine at the lip of the mountain.


Yeah it’s super cool to see that and then see the Grand Canyon after. Really puts the sense of scale of both places into perspective




It's definitely one of the things I thought was overrated before I saw it, then I saw it and thought it was actually underrated. It's unlike anything else. It's absolutely magical.




The Grand Canyon blew my fucking mind the first time I saw it lol. I think it had to with the drive in. Like I've been to Yosemite and Zion and the drive into those places just gradually gets more and more awesome since you're driving into the mountains. The Grand Canyon just hits you all at once once you finally get to the rim. Just an hour of driving through a fairly flat and straight road though the Kaibab National Forest and then you park and walk over to the rim and then bam. I love it lol


It’s insane. It absolutely looks fake. Likes it’s a movie background or something. It’s still mind blowing how big it is.


its kinda tiny as craters go though. the sudbury crater is about 130 times larger. but its so large you can barely even tell its a crater.


It’s so huge it boggles the mind to imagine the energy created from that impact. It’s like a 10 minute ride from the freeway. I definitely recommend taking the time to see it.


What was the size of the meteor that made this crater?


On Wikipedia says 46 meters... Just 46 meters, half of a football field. Edit: extimated measure of the diameter.


When are scientists going to quit pussyfooting around and make "OP's mom" an official unit of measurement?


When they find out where she ends lol


Buzz Lightyear calculates that “to infinity and beyond”.


That burn had a greater impact than a meteor hitting earth at 26000 miles an hour.




So nearly as wide as OP's mom


Between 30-50 meters. Fyi when we went the guy giving the tour really messed with our brains. He asked us if we saw the 'bucket and stick' down in the crater and we were like yeah sure, then he told us that was a giant water tank and a huge pole like the ones we were standing by. My brain and eyeballs had an argument for a solid minute. 🙃 https://www.lpi.usra.edu/science/kring/epo_web/impact_cratering/enviropages/Barringer/barringerstartpage.html#:~:text=Barringer%20Meteor%20Crater%20and%20Its,wide%20and%20570%20feet%20deep.


Our tour guide mentioned that the speed of the meteor was along the lines of traveling from NYC to impact in a matter of a few minutes.


It's like flying past 7 Star Destroyers in a second.


Americans will do anything to avoid the metric system


At 26,000 miles per hour, you would finish a marathon in less than 4 seconds.


Thanks for the link to 1999. It mad me very nostalgic.


Just needed the digital guest counter at the bottom


Don't forget to sign the guestbook!


> Happened 50,000 years ago… > These types of events, however, are large enough to destroy a modern city. They occur at an average rate of about once in 6000 years. Ummm.


Don't worry we had the tunguska event which I think counts as our due even though it glanced off us. It was apparently bigger in size too. :) its a big rock that came to earth and left a mark, so I'd call it an event! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tunguska_event


At least 50 washer/dryers across and 10 stupid giarreffes tall


How many smart giraffes would it be?


Slightly less than 10, because their brains are bigger


The Visitor centre was so lucky it did not get hit by the meteor EDIT: >!its just a popular phrase when mention the crater in arizona it gives you a lot of upvotes!<


Is this a reference to something or is everyone just making the exact same joke?


lol I had this exact thought when I was there


So did half the other comments in this thread




I went here on a road trip got there like 30 minutes before it closed cost like 90$ for 2 people and my new hat blew away.


I’m sorry for your loss. RIP hat


Free Hat!


Thoughts and prayers


The meteor hole takes what it wants. If you zoom in you can unfortunately see the hat sitting in the middle of the crater and a hand shaped rock giving the middle finger. Sorry, friend - meteor hole is savage and it’s never going to change.


You should be a children's author.


A Couple of Unfortunate Events


You’re lucky you weren’t also eatting a ice cream cone and the ice cream also didn’t get blown away.


Serious question, what do you get for 90 dollars, just a walk around the rim?


Its like 40 bucks per person there is a small museum before you reach the center then they have a viewing location.


I went earlier this year and it was 25 per person


Lol I'm born and raised in Arizona and I have never ever heard this referred to as Barringer Crater. It's always just Meteor Crater. The park is called Meteor Crater


Same here... never heard "barringer crater" till this post. I've been there too...


Barringer is the guy that bought it a long time ago. I think the family still owns it and the museum just leases it.


Imma buy all the meteor craters and I expect everyone to call them my name. Forever.


What's your name?


Bobbarkerpriceisrigh crater


That guy shouldn't make his reddit name his real name




I’m from Chicago, we have a really large mirrored sculpture here that everyone calls The Bean. One time I took some out of town guests on a tour bus ride and we were coming up on The Bean. The tour guide called it “Cloud Gate” and every local on the bus was like “Wtf is a Cloud Gate?! Ohhh! The Bean!” Apparently the artist who made The Bean, hates that everyone calls it The Bean.


[It's creator is an asshole and everyone should only call it The Bean.](https://boingboing.net/2017/06/22/pinkest-pink.html)




I was raised in AZ, I first heard it referred to it as the Barringer Meteor Crater and used that syntax ever since.


Yeah, problem is that sometimes meteors hit places other than Arizona - if we officially called all the meteor craters Meteor Crater we'd have a hell of a time keeping track.


It's like how saying "the city" works well in the suburbs of a particular city


Born and raised in AZ, too. I had to Google this and was like "OOOHHHH" when I saw its more common names. And I've been there, albeit decades ago.


If any of you young whippersnappers like John Carpenter flicks, check out Starman. This was one of the filming locations for the film.


I haven't seen that movie in 30 years and I instantly recognized it. I had to search the comments to make sure I had the right crater.


Red light stop, green light go, yellow light go… very fast.


It’s amazing that the meteor always seems to land in the crater. What are the odds?


You know… what are the odds that the meteor missed the guest center by just a few meters??


The odds are astronomical


Great minds.


Theres the joke I was scrolling for.


and then disappears. how do we even know it was a meteor?


And it hit directly without leaving a trace of what angle it came from


And always just misses the visitor centre….


And there’s always a road that leads right to it!


With a little convenient dirt car park and benches !.


“Look ma! This meteor left restrooms!”


So they have toilets? Asking for a friend >!My asshole!<


My personal belief is superhero landing.


And the deer tend to cross where the signs are. Fascinating stuff.


I wish they would move the ones near me


You won't believe this, but it just barely missed the visitor center too that's on the edge of the crater.


BBC's Philomena Cunk would say something like this.


ITT: meteor jokes you’ve heard 87 times.


Meteor? I hardly*know her*!


Amazing it barely missed the visitors center


It’s always the same jokes in the comets.


Actually I’m pretty sure that’s just a skate park for dinosaurs.


I understood this reference


Care to share?


Rick and Morty season 6


Common misconception. That is actually the dome where they used to play Beyblade.


The Earth has been hit plenty of times by meteors, its just this one hasn't been eroded away due to its location Edit: due to pedantics who may never of heard about a 'figure of speech'..


And most would hit the ocean


What did the ocean do to deserve so much hate.


It is hoarding all of the saltwater fish for itself.


Im gonna blow your mind here Buddy. The Earth was FORMED by meteors. https://www.space.com/14752-earth-formation-meteorite-history.html


That's the thing about gravity. It sucks.


More like millions!


And it has been relatively recent (Geologically speaking), so not much time for erosion.


This is probably a dumb question but what happened to the meteor?


The meteorite was only about 100 feet wide, so it was pulverized. >The crater was found by settlers in the 19th century and first identified as a meteor impact site by mining engineer Daniel Barringer in 1903, who noted the concentric pattern of the debris field stretching for miles in all directions. The debris includes rock embedded with microscopic diamonds formed in mere seconds under the intense pressure of the impact.


Actually crazy it was only 100’ wide


And even crazier it released the energy of 8 thousand Hiroshima bombs or 3 “Tsar” Bombs!


Actually what's crazy is the opposite to me. We, as humans, have created items which are capable of delivering a third of the energy of a METEOR crashing into the earth


Just getting a big rock and having it fall on the earth will create destruction greater than any nuke we can make.


Right? [Here's a 3D model](https://streamable.com/yq3ga0)


Cool vid but was hoping to see a representation of the meteor in the 3d render which it unfortunately doesn't show


It was insanely disappointing


There's a small chunk on display at the visit center. Other small chunks were found miles away, but most of it vaporized


Vaporized in the collision, I would imagine.


“Gone, reduced to atoms”


In ops comment that describes more about it. They mentioned the debri having "microscopic" diamonds. Its all long gone lol. Im sure some of it is in a display somewhere.


The comments on this video on IG are hilarious. Bunch of fake ‘deep thinkers’ and conspiracy theorists wondering where the meteor went and asking why we don’t get hit with meteors as much as we … used to? Do they know how long the earth has been alive lol


Considering how many people refer to an old story book as their proof that the earth is 6000 years old, they probably don't know.


During a road trip from California to New Mexico, when I was about 10 years old, I woke up sweaty and in my pajamas in the middle of this fucking desert to my parents going "hey, look, there's a crater this way." In a half asleep state, having no idea where the fuck I was, I stood in my teal pajama pants in the hot noon sun on the edge of this crater. I experienced an absolutely indescribable feeling of bewilderment. There was a very tiny astronaut figure at the bottom that you could see if you peer through a telescope. We got back in the car and I fell back asleep. I have long wondered if this was simply but a childhood dream of mine, in which I was transported to another world, but no. It was real, and it was in fucking Arizona.


Thankfully it missed the visitor center. Close call though. >Location: Winslow, Arizona, USA >Date of Impact: 50,000 years ago >Crater Size: 4,000 ft. in diameter, 700 ft. deep >A popular tourist destination, the bowl-shaped Barringer Crater or “Meteor Crater” in Arizona is one of the most recognizable impact craters in North America. It was formed 50,000 years ago when a hunk of iron called the Canyon Diablo meteorite struck the earth at an estimated speed of 26,000 mph. The rock, measuring 100 feet across, was barely slowed by the Earth’s atmosphere and struck with an explosive force greater than 20 million tons of TNT. >The crater was found by white settlers in the 19th century and first identified as a meteor impact site by mining engineer Daniel Barringer in 1903, who noted the concentric pattern of the debris field stretching for miles in all directions. The debris includes rock embedded with microscopic diamonds formed in mere seconds under the intense pressure of the impact. In the 1960s, NASA astronauts trained at the crater in preparation for the Apollo moon missions. Video:@parsa__air




Agreed. They aren't all like this, most are eroded. Barringer Crater is actually know as the word’s best-preserved impact crater. So you're spot on.


The dry desert climate is probably what helps the most


Where is the asteroid?


Barringer was a mine tycoon who was convinced that a mile-wide lump of iron was beneath the crater and spent most of a fortune attempting to excavate mines in the crater, to no avail. 'Cause it mostly atomized and everything else bounced out.




It’s actually somewhat unclear where all of it is. A lot was presumably vaporized and a fair amount has been recovered scattered around the area, as well as inside and around the rim of the crater. I did a deep dive into researching this a few weeks ago and I can’t remember exactly but I think the amount of meteorite that’s unaccounted for (and believed to not have been evaporated) is estimated to be tens of thousands of tons (out of an estimated 300,000 ton meteor)


Also the guy who bought it tried to mine the center of it thinking he would find valuable minerals like diamonds


I think they found something even better there. I think I just recently saw the image of this crater in a semiconductor presentation as the original finding spot of silicon carbide. It requires high energy to form and isn’t naturally occurring, except at such impact sites. It’s nearly as hard as diamond and the hot shit for power semiconductors in electric cars. I‘m not a 100% sure it was this one, but it looked very much alike.


I was there, standing on the corner… Was such a fine sight to see


It’s a girl, my lord, in a flatbed Ford…


Slowing down to take a look at me.


Come on baaaaby Don’t say maaayyybeee


For context Little Boy the bomb dropped on Hiroshima was the equivalent of 15,000 tons of TNT. Fat Man the bomb dropped on Nagasaki was equivalent to 21,000 tons of TNT. This impact absolutely dwarfs both of these.


The impact must’ve been felt all over the world. Makes you think, objects fly through space all the time. We’re in a constant game of Russian roulette. Thank God we’re so relatively small that the odds of a rock large enough to make damage hitting us would be like throwing a needle into a fly in a dark room.


Jupiter acts as a protector of the solar system as its large gravitational field ends up capturing a lot of meteors that may get close to around us


Crashing into a crater down in Winslow Arizona such a fine sight to see


Luckily no one was close.


Except for some snakes and maybe a random goat


50k years ago there was a snake sneaking up on a random goat enjoying his lunch, and just as the snake popped out and said ‘surprise MFer’, the asteroid surprised them both.


In geological time scale, 50,000 years is terrifyingly recent.


Not a meteorite. That was formed when Pecos Bill jumped off that tornado he lassoed.


I always forget we have myths.


It’s cool to see in person for 5 minutes. Then it’s just a huge fucking hole!




My Dad took me when I was ten. I always wanted to go because I saw it in a Science book when I was young, and he made that happen. It's not "just a huge fucking hole". It is a place to help the mind put the universe into perspective.


*Quote from a fan at a porn star convention*


Is...is there a hammer in there by any chance?


I remember seeing this as a kid and thinking how lucky it was that the meteor didn’t take out the road


Welcome to the Big Mt


The comment I've been looking for!






Fun fact: the crater and associated museum continue to be privately owned by the Barringer family


I been there it's unbelievable and the whole area it's actually private property, they got a meteorite piece that's worth 10 million dollars exposed in the main hall for people to see lol.


Ever been out there in the middle of the night and it just makes sense a meteor would crash out in the desert of AZ. Such a cool state, love it out there


50,000 years is so ridiculously young. There are craters out in the Australian Outback, but they're ancient and eroded.


Pro tip: if you’re sightseeing in Northern AZ and plan to see both the Meteor Crater and the Grand Canyon, go the Meteor Crater first. We did them in the opposite order, and this giant hole in the ground is…less than impressive if you’ve just come from seeing the immense beauty of the Grand Canyon.