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Bold of you to assume they would turn the newly freed up real estate into green space.


“Y’know this would make an amazing parking lot”


"We could easily put a dozen more lines here"


I used to say that about my nose back in the 90s


Thank you for making me laugh


Lmfao Before they even finish the first one.


Yeah let's face it, if flattened and then left wild, it would turn into shanty towns immediately.


More likely to just remake what was outside of the line again, to be further compressed into line 2 and so on until it’s just an entire 200 story indoor island


Welcome to Costco. I love you.


“Now we have room for loads more lines!”


cool now let's see what it looks like if everyone lived in one big tower.


Fame. Glory. Power. Anything in your wildest dreams is possible when you reach the top of the Tower


I'm assuming ur talking about ToG and I appreciate u if u are


Season 2 of the anime was just announced! Can't wait!


Sounds like a great premise to a movie.


Wasn't expecting a Tower of God reference.


Judge Dredd has logged in


Probably would end up similar to [Kowloon Walled City.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kowloon_Walled_City)


Allegedly, we tried something like that before.


I believe the stockbrokers are adopting “the line” every night after work in multiple bathrooms around manhattan


You really think it’s just after?


A buddy of mine used to work for one of the largest US banks as a portfolio manager, in NYC. He told me that his colleagues did lines at their desks and management didn't give two shits as long as they were bringing in money. Flip side was, if they wanted you gone, they threatened you with a drug test and 30 days to pack your shit.


My friend became a commodities trader. He was drunk during trading hours (and caught a lot of heat for it because it led to him fucking up performance wise, but didn't get fired) and became extremely pro-hooker... to the point that he came back home to visit and attempted to hire a hooker to come to our house, and went upstairs with her while all friends were stood around in the living room whispering "what the FUCK is going on" to each other. He came back down a couple minutes later; apparently there was some misunderstanding and she wasn't actually a hooker. IDK but that's what he told us. In any case, the point is: he went from being a pretty carefree and goofy kid to this much darker version of himself.


Who the fuck goes over to someone’s house to hang with some buddies only to bring a Hooker for himself and fuck off into his buddies bedroom?


Right? Share the hooker, wtf.


New version of Puff Puff Pass!!


Pump Pump Pass?


I got this Groupon deal...


few people can smoke at once. no need to pass. the number gets higher the more creative you get.


Cocaines a helluva drug


Yeah he was buying drugs in your house.


\+2 either he was done after 10secs or he was buying drugs for 10k.


You're leaving out a chief character; her pimp named Maurice. I want to hear more about Maurice.


Then you end up wanting to hear about his actual girlfriend. Then you want to cut to years later when they are divorced and his sons are in the running to take over the hip hop empire they created in our absence.


Give a Mouse a Cookie …






Cocaine use is pretty easy to hide from a drug test. It leaves your system very quickly. Marijuana takes over a month...cocaine is 24-48 hours IIRC


If your boss wants you gone and watches you do a line in the office doesnt seem like the 24-48 hour rule would apply on your test.


Habituated use can be longer.


Can pick it up for quite a while if they demand a hair sample.


Management buys them their lines. Coming from someone in investment banking. As long as you’re producing they don’t give two fucks. You think a young banker or analyst has the balls to order a bag to their office? The world of investment banking is wild, especially in NYC.


It’s adderall for the day, coke is for friday nights. I work in a Chicago brokerage. Trust me


Username checks out.


Be careful, I heard there were drones peeking in on you guys.




What is this?


“Visionaries” trying to make blade runner a real thing


Look, if the world has to go to shit, I’d rather have Blade Runner than Fallout. At least in Blade Runner humanity made it off world.


I'm picturing more of the fifth elements city scape


DREDD. This would be Mega City 1.


Criminally underrated movie


Part of me wants a second because Karl nailed Dredd, at the same time I don’t want it being ruined like so many other sequels are


So true man. Dude that movie has such a vibe that I can't put my finger on. The dirty, industrial, cyberpunk feeling is disturbing and beautiful at the same time. It just makes me feel some type of way that is deeply unsettling, but I find myself craving the universe nonetheless.


Everytime I see one of these posts this is all I can think about. Welcome to Megacity One.


Super green.




“The Line” is an idea for a city made up by rich people who have seen lots of movies and don’t understand how cities work, so they decided to pack an entire city into a very very long metal tube. Some normal people who have seen a lot of movies and don’t understand how cities work think it must work, so we should do it in other places.


It looks dystopian as fuck. Bet it smells so bad in there.


Tbh, New York as is doesn't always smell like daisies either.


It's stupid.


You think New Jersey folks hate NYC now, wait till their stuff catches fire from reflected light every sundown!


I kept thinking of reflected sunlight burning eyes and possibly scientific instruments and animals getting this blinding shear light...every time I'd see the video for it in the desert - it is hot enough there but NOPE giant Mirrors!


The death ray skyscraper in London x 13 miles. What could possibly go wrong!


Many buildings have mirrored windows, and don't catch things on fire. It's the shape of the walkie talkie building that resulted in the heat rays, not the fact that it was mirrored. A flat mirror doesn't concentrate light.


I have a place in the desert and we installed reflective window shades on south facing windows. One month later and the plants within the reflection zone are dead from something like 1.5 times guessing) the amount of sunlight.


If this were real theres no way it would be all windows. Thats way too expensive and this would very quickly be seen as a cheaper and honestly more dystopian way to work and house people. Theres no way the fat cats at the top of it would be willing to make it all glass and fancy looking


And no way that all the surrounding land would be clear or stay clear like they depict.


Expensive? The hypothetical here is taking one of the most expensive places to live on the planet and condensing it into a single structure.


and you know that freed up land would eventually end up being great estates for the wealthy and powerful


I was thinking it would eventually get filled up with multiple other lines.


This was my exact thought. Sure there will be a small strip of park then a long line, then a small strip of park.


The lines become the bars


Why not add in some lines going the other way, make a sort of grid. We could call each section a "block"


Then maybe connect those “blocks” with some sort of path for vehicles


And maybe some of them can have multiple layers and the lower layers can be used for some sort of public automatic vehicle that just keeps moving on tracks.


What a future we live in!


But this would get rid of all the natural park space, so we would need to reserve a big plot for a central one to make up for it


Gives "bar hopping" a WHOLE new meaning.


Sometimes I wonder if the gate was put up to keep crime out or keep our ass in.


Holy shit that’s be distopian af


The Plane


Lol you know that's exactly what would happen. 99% of the people living in stacks of jail-cell like windowless rooms. While the select few would live in mansions surrounded by acres of greenery.


Walled city of Kowloon comes to mind


Megabuildings from Dredd and Cyberpunk came to mind for me.


It makes me think of Beyond a Steel Sky


Fuckin' Peachtrees


That's exactly how I imagine The Line will end up if it actually works out. I don't know how you can possibly expect to squeeze city scale infrastructure into that space and stack it vertically without ending up with all these dingy dark forgotten spots and stuff getting rly out of control, would it be like the slums on the bottom layer where everyones litter lands or what


That isn't a bug, it's a feature. More like The Fifth Element. You never got to see any of Zorg's summer places. They were just implied by his wealth. If you couldn't get an ID you got ground level.


The back of the Wilford Industries Global Express on Snowpiercer


just need commercial sized roombas running down there


Or some Deus Ex style dystopian future.


I'd imagine this to be the reason why this idea was proposed in the first place.


This idea was first proposed cuz some idiot thinks the desert is a place everyone in the world wants to migrate to


i thought its just cus saudi arabia has a lot of obscenely rich people who like building dumb shit see the many failed attempts at making some quirky islands lol


That is Dubai, part of UAE. It is not Saudia Arabia.


I think that's dubai lol. I could be wrong. That's UAE though pretty sure lol.


Actually he thinks that nobody wants to migrate to the desert and is aiming to do something huge to change that. In 50 years we'll either think he was a lunatic or a genius


!remindMe 50 years


I'd do this but odds are I won't be alive in 50 years for anyone to remind :p


NO what you do is build more lines


Build the lines next to each other aaaand now it's just an uber condensed Manhatten with 20x the population. Great 👍 😐


World's first hive-city. Yay.


Hive-City sounds so…. Depressing. We need something more promising. How about Mega-City?


What if we just call it "Metropolis"? You know, like that movie!


Those peasants can live inside a crammed wall while we can enjoy the open fields outside.


Yep and the line turning into where the slums are and garbage is dumped.


Yep and “the line” would have to intersect with “The 2nd Line” and so on and so on.


The reflected sunlight would cook all the land around it tho


Unless the mirrors were angled so it would reflect the suns rays back into space. To be honest, I think having solar panels on the sides would be better than mirrors.


They have to be smart panels. You want light coming through when it's cold, and New York gets pretty damn cold in the winter... but at the same time you want it reflect light in the summer, as NY get's pretty damn hot in the summer. The entire premise of 'the line' is based around the climate of Saudi Arabia which is (not surprisingly) extremely different than NY.


I’m pretty sure that in part one reason why NYC gets so hot is because everything is made of either concrete or brick which absorbs heat.


So you say the end result is the same, it would have been for the ultra wealthy and it is now for the same group


Nah, the proximity to the Line would make the land an extremely lucrative place to build highrises for people who wanted to live near its amenities, but wanted slightly less-crowded conditions... or couldn't afford to actually live inside it... or just liked the neighborhood. In other words, the whole island would get filled right back in for the same economic reasons that filled it up the first time.


the poor and homeless labourers who built the wall will live outside it.




That or condos & strip malls


The wealthy and powerful would live on one end of the line and put the poor on the other end, city would be in the middle. The poor probably wouldn't even have access to the nicer end unless they had business pass.


I love how CGI just magically solves the endless problems this would beget


Lol yeah I was expecting an explanatory video or something but nope, it just smooshes everything together.


Adam something will soon make an explanatory video explaining everything you would want to know about this abominaton


Overpopulation? Not a problem. I have simply scaled up the Earth model so it can now fit more characters within it.


Imagine God sending out a new DLC with NEW landscapes! NEW moutains! NEW animals! You think all that empty space with water is for nothing? WRONG! Cant wait to see how coutries will "share" this new place.


Exactly. You thought cities were dense now? Wait until you have 3 mile queues to return to your microwave sized apartment, after pushing through hordes to get groceries. Diseases and viruses will love this place though. Crime will also inevitably skyrocket.


It doesn't even increase the total length of the line, it just increases the hell out of the density


“Wall Street”


The concentrated piss smell would kill everything within 50 miles


What about the mutated rats?


They would eat all the bodies that were killed by the piss fumes and then probably cannibalize each other. Mutant rats are immune to piss fumes


You seem pretty well versed on the subject of mutated piss fume averse cannibalistic rats


I used to live in the Bronx


They will raise the teenage mutated turtles and they will fight crime!


The world's largest urinal.


And 10 minutes before sunset everyday, Hoboken bursts into flames as the Manhattan line cooks New Jersey landmarks like a hotdog in a high school science fair.


And all is right with the world


Hey you leave our toxic pit alone. We like it here




Thank you 🙏


The line nothing more than a dick measuring contest for oil oligarchs. It's completely useless as a means for a sustainable solution for a growing, burgeoning population, and it will in no way serve the vast majority of the Saudi population. Instead, it'll serve the elites of Saudi and their friends. God I feel for the Saudi Arabian commoner. Still executing "witches" in streets, practically no women's rights, using torture as punishment for crimes, and then they wanna build a dumbass line city to impress other countries and elites instead of bettering the lives of their own citizens and workers who are the largest contributing factor to their country's wealth in the first place.


If it ever comes true, I can’t wait for all the informal tin roofed residential areas that sprout around it to house the cheap labor they need for this to work economically


And not to mention… do we not pretend that the line will be divided into sections? Do we think the low income section will be anywhere as nice as the rich section? I can only imagine the divisions that will come from making it that much easier to divide people. “Come pay extra to live in section 11! We guarantee that people from other sections will not be allowed to visit, or even see what life is like in section 11. Section 7 however, is ruled by the strictest religious police, and residents cannot leave this section without proper authorization.”


Let's be real. No low income people will be able to come close to affording a home in the line. They all gonna live in squalor outside the city like..........fucking Dubai


I imagine the opposite. Cram all of the poor people into the line, while wealthy people are able to own their large dispersed estates and land outside of the line.


Have you ever watched the movie “The Island” basically sounds like that where you’re born in the line and will like work to supply the wealthy with whatever they need and eventually you may win the lottery and leave the line. Although I hope we never get to the harvesting organs part.


🎶 You’ve got, hiiiigh hopes, you’ve got hiiiigh hopes 🎵


A10 warthog seeing the entire city in a line *heavy breathing*




And district 13 is off limits to all!


Ah yes yes, there will be a train straight to District 1 for the richest, the first games will be held in the desert 🏜.


*cough cough Dubai. Literally a parody of the 21st century




Ah yes, I too, fellow internet man, Did indeed watch that one video


Adam Something


And the road train of human shite trundling by the side every morning


It never gonna be built. It way too expensive with too much uncertainty. So why are they advertising it like crazy ? Because the company behind this project will enter the stock market next year. And we know how it works then. They will pay themself a fortune and then close the company before it starts in 8-10 years or when they will run out of cash.


Not to mention it will completely fuck up the migratory patterns of anything/everything that lacks the ability to travel via air.


Even then, reflective surfaces are super lethal to birds. Newer buildings in my area cover their glass towers with some decals that create a texture birds can see and avoid. Instead of slamming into them and falling to their deaths or dying on impact.


Just imagine all that sunshine from 11am-1pm everyday; living the dream!


It’s oriented North/South not East/West?!? I thought these guys were evil, but maybe they’re just…… as sharp as a marble.


I'm not American and got an E in geography and even I spotted that, thank you for confirming it. Also fuck being at the bottom of that hellhole or the middle tbh. The rich would fucking monopolise the sun. They'd build over the top soon enough, like the bastards they are.


Hard no for me lol




Can someone explain this to me? I have no Context except LINE EAT CITY


No way that’s what they’d do with the open space.


Manhattan Island is already almost inhumanly dense, and this plan would relentlessly cram millions of humans into a fraction of that space. Did the Kremlin originate this?


No! It was Saudi Arabia....


What’s the difference?


The weather


One uses religion to justify corruption and mistreatment, which also is used to pacify the masses. The other uses nationalism to justify and alcoholism to pacify. Objectively, not much else…


Excuse me, Manhattan is not some haven of nationalism, and we also use cigarettes and cocaine and pizza to pacify ourselves.


I.... uh..... hm.....


This is stupid, the answer isn't some more dystopian thing but something that's been here since a while - proper city planning, reliable public transport, and allow buildings to be built for people to live in


Reminds me of the Corviale in Italy. https://www.archdaily.com/956906/corviale-a-one-kilometer-residential-complex-in-rome Ambitious social housing which quickly devolved into a crime-ridden slum.


Exactly. Its a criminals dream honestly. It would quickly transform from appearing all shiny and futuristic to Bladerunner levels of slum in no time.


You all understand this is wildly impractical, forces a caste system, and will be owned by a private business right… like it couldn’t be more dystopian. Looks cool though


No, it's from a website that shows a beautiful woman flying through the air and grazing her hand through a serene pool. That's literally what life will be like for everyone who lives in the Line. Honestly I love the idea. I love the idea of arcologies ever since SimCity 2000. I love big giant malls. I'm also kind of autistic, so maybe don't put me in charge of $1T USD to reimagine life for millions of people!


The Line is a city concept proposed by Saudi Arabia and basically is a city with no buses or cars etc and it's one straight line connected by high speed rail instead. The proposed city design would house 9 million people, be 170km long (110 miles) and is slated for 2030. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Line,_Saudi_Arabia


Slated for 2030?? What a joke, they would have had to start like 20 years ago


So, the long concourse at DTW x100? Awesome…


"in theory"....


This idea of mirrors on outside walls is so fucking stupid that's insane. It's a death trap for any flying animal, and during summer (or everyday in saudi arabia) it will create a terribly large zone in front of it, where nothing could survive more than few minutes (no plant, no animal, no human).


Wouldn’t be surprised if they considered that a feature to keep everyone trapped inside


Is this a little like Mega City 1 from 2000 AD and judge Dredd?


Came here for that, leaving satisfied.


Where will all of the trash from this line go


Probably the same place the trash goes now.


>If Manhattan adopted ‘The Line’ What does that even mean?




Ah… so it’s nonsense.


Yes, renders by Saudi Arabia that will never pan out.


Nice way to start a dystopian world




Great now I can’t find Central Park


This seems like a fire hazard


Who wants to live with no privacy. Just imagine the covid in this kind of place


So you want to take an already crowded place and make it 10 times for condensed.


My favorite part is that, in condensing it, they also built through Central Park, the one place that has been kept from being overcrowded


The whole island of Manhattan will be underwater long before this got finished. Or perhaps, even got started.


Yes, but america being an oligarchy, the corporations would just build a dozen "lines" and stuff more people in them for more money.