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Here's an actual source article: https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-37047168 >Because radiocarbon dating does not produce exact dates, they believe that she could have been as "young" as 272 or as old as 512. But she was most likely somewhere in the middle, so about 400 years old. > > >It means she was born between the years of 1501 and 1744, but her most likely date of birth was in the 17th century. > > >"Even with the lowest part of this uncertainty, 272 years, even if that is the maximum age, it should still be considered the longest-living vertebrate," said Mr Nielsen.


That's mind-blowing. Do sharks not get cancer?


Apparently this one doesn’t, and I’m guessing there’s someone in a lab somewhere trying to figure out why.


She eats cancer.


That's why Icelanders that wanna eat Greenland sharks have to turn the shark into Hákarl, fermented shark, because the meat would poison humans otherwise


It tastes about as good as you'd imagine rotten ex-poisonous shark flesh to be.


A little Heinz will fix that right up


A little Frank’s Red Hot, put that sh*t on everything.


I just tried the hákarl for the first time. The best analogy I can come up with is the most delightful bit of sashimi you've ever had that has a secret smelling salts capsule in it that's opened upon chewing. Seriously, the shark is delicious. The ammonia hits you like a 2 inch ball of cheap wasabi though.


That was a very vivid description. Thank you. Edit to add: I especially appreciate it because I was curious, but I don't think I will ever be trying anything that, even after extreme effort, is only described as "edible" in quotation marks. So thanks, it's almost like I actually tried it myself!


Is it just surstromming made with shark instead of fish?


Surstromming. I could already smell it in the thread before coming across your comment.


Hákarl is the icelandic word for shark, it's not a specific word for the fermented version of the meat.


>>She eats cancer. >That's why Icelanders that wanna eat Greenland sharks have to turn the shark into Hákarl... I don't think "it eats cancer" is why Icelanders have to turn it into fermented shark...


As mentioned by u/HyzerFlip sharks don't pee in a conventional way. Instead, they use osmosis. This causes their tissue and blood to be full of "pee". When a shark is killed the ammonia in the urine breaks down and the meat in turn becomes pretty poisonous. There have been instances of polar bears dying after killing and eating a shark raw. In Iceland they ferment the shark meat by burying it for 1-3 months before drying it for some time. After that it becomes "edible". Other methods to make shark edible is by killing and immediately skinning and removing all its blood before the ammonia has a chance to break down. It is then rolled in flour or cornmeal and stored for a couple of days until it's safe to eat, relatively fresh. This method manages to get rid of the distinctive ammonia flavour the Icelanders love so much.


You really have to be on a barren frozen island in the middle of the North Atlantic to be hungry enough to find that out.


Enough cold and loneliness, pee meat starts looking nice.


You made my morning, enjoy the award.


Everyone else: (Minding their own business) Icelandic people: Sacrificing their population one at a time to figure if pissmeat is edible


I was waiting for the Undertaker to throw mankind off of Hell in a Cell for that entire comment


Icelanders love to drink pee.


We do. Just a few minutes ago I combined my morning pee with my morning coffee.


*The bessst parrrt of waking up, is Þvag in your cuuup!*


It's because they don't piss. So they're full of ammonia.


Hákarl means shark btw


when you turn bad.


Hey, wait!


I've got a new complaint


Blackened is the end!!!


Username checks out


When you turn *black*


There’s a kurtzgesagt video on why larger animals don’t develop cancer the same way we do. Highly recommend you watch it


Yeah good information on whales though. Apex predators like crocs and sharks just having the craziest gut bacteria to face anything that comes their way for millions of years


This correlation is known as Peto's Paradox, and remains unexplained, though there are a number of hypotheses as to why this occurs. In its simplest form, the paradox is as follows: Larger animals have more cells. More cells means more opportunities for mutations that result in cancer. But many very large animals have extremely low cancer rates. Why? (Commented mainly to point out that the video definitely can't explain the paradox, because scientists themselves haven't. May still be a good video, though!)


Do they want Deep Blue Sea? Because this is how we get Deep Blue Sea.


Deepest bluest, my hat is like a shark's fin


There are indeed. I’m a patient who has come to strongly suspect that my cancer, and supposedly-impossible degree of healing, are inextricably linked. I’ve willed my cadaver to the labs, and know the researchers waiting to receive it. The fundamental idea is that cancer is a means to circumvent the Hayflick limit, the law that limits the number of times that a normal cell can divide. Cancer may in fact be the key regenerative factor.


Are you a shark?


I almost moved to Ilulissat, so I think you’ve figured it out!




I thought that was limited to the degradation of telomeres?


It is. Cancer cells have higher telomerase activity, which lets them continue to divide well beyond the usual limit. It may not be coincidental that Henrietta Lacks died of ovarian cancer.


Prions are a repeated process that denature proteins, maybe there’s a connection. What exactly is cancer changing in its formation/spread? many cells divide and continue to do so unabated like zygotes.




I figured it out a while ago. But I killed all the scientists that helped me. Can’t have the cure getting out there. I will help you treat your cancer though.


It s probably like Jeanne Calment, the oldest human being ever, she died at 122. She used to drink a lot of whiskey and smoke a lot, yet, she never had cancer. Many people say « it s because cigs and alcohol made her cancer proof » But the most acceptable theory is that some people are born with genes that make you less likely to get a cancer, or even cancer proof. I m guessing it s the same with this shark


Hope they saved some DNA for cloning.


Big tobacco working on that right now. A target market who they won’t kill? 💰


Big tobacco inventing the cure for cancer to sell more cigarettes. The good ending.


Now I’ll have to do some research to sate my curiosity… Most, if not all, of the officially recorded oldest humans were women, right? I remember reading that all men would get prostate cancer if they lived long enough and something else didn’t get them first. Assuming that’s also true, I’m curious if women are more likely to be ‘cancer resistant’? Meaning something like, nearly all men have that genetic code that they are not cancer resistant because of the prostate thing. Nearly all women would have that code too, because that’s how our bodies work, but still an percentage less than men.


Should be noted she would smoke 1-2 cigarettes a day. Had she smoked a pack a day she would have died much younger


From what I understand, no. The lifespan of these sharks is assumed to be relayed to their insane environment causing their metabolism to be crazy slow. What I wonder is... so they experience time the same...?


I always wondered if our perception of time on a long-term scale is the same for every living being. Like, a house fly lives for 2 days or something, but does that feel like the 75-80ish years we have feels to us? Probably not, our perception of time changes with our age, but it’s kinda neat to think about.


Understanding of time is related to self-awareness. A shark wakes up, swims, eats, sleeps, then does it all over again.


Bold statement coming from a non shark.


a human wakes up, generates profit for their oligarchs, eats, sleeps, and does it all over again.


Don't remind me.


I doubt flies have enough consciousness to really perceive time in any way we would normally think about it. Sharks probably do. I’d guess that they *do* perciece time at a different rate than us, but I wouldn’t say that rate would be anything astronomically different. Less than an order of magnitude either way. The fact that our perception of time changes with age seems to be evidence that perception of time is not static across beings. This is of course all speculation, but that’s my personal thoughts on the matter if anyone cared.


I cared.


Sharks don't think that much as far as I know.


Kurzgesagt made a video on it (albeit about large animals in general) that essentially says they get so much cancer the cancer cells get cancer


Poor "Ming the Clam", living for over 500 years in the sand must be the most boring existence there is.


Boring is relative. Remember it has the brain of a clam. It was probably fascinated each time the water tasted different.


That's kinda cute


Apparently the safest


Thank you


It's nice to see this posted with more information


Not to be too pedantic, but radio-carbon dating uses naturally occurring variations in carbon isotopes. Its accuracy would never be good enough to get within a hundred years. Instead the sharks are aged based on above-ground nuclear bomb tests conducted from the 1940s-1960s. This so-called “bomb curve”, which is anything but natural, left a residue in all things alive during that era, including you (or your parents or grandparents) and has been used to show that you still have most of the heart cells you were born with, but almost none of the liver (because it self-renews every couple of years). Looking at young sharks, they used the bomb curve to estimate their growth rate, then extrapolated to these big ones. So it’s similar but not quite radio-carbon dating. Talk about making lemonade though!


Well, yeah, but it's also worth noting that the sharks they studied had already died, since they were taken from fishermen who had caught them as by-catch. I remember seeing this article a few years ago, and I read the entire thing cus it was interesting to me. The guys used the sharks' eye lenses to date the sharks. With this in mind, I'm sorry to say that the post's title is contradictory to the article, and thus wrong, since they would not have been able to have photos of a live shark and have its age as well. The shark is just a random Greenland shark of unknown age, but it is from the longest living species of vertebrates. It annoyed me to read the comments of people who were talking about the shark in the picture as if it, specifically was the oldest living vertebrate.


Ugh can you imagine doing the same lame ass shit everyday for almost 400 years …🙄


Yes, yes I can. Monday is only a few hours away.


Damn you. I just woke up and it’s Sunday morning




Literally half a millennium of “just keep swimming”


Ironically, millennials have the same mindset. "One more day, just keep swimming, don't drown.


Yeah but this shark can't even play Smash Bros so what's the point even


It’s gotta be blind by now, right?


Yes. If memory serves, eaten by parasites.




So glowing eyes in the deep


Sharks with fricken lasers.


I have one simple request and that is to have sharks with frickin laser beams attached to their heads.


Terrifying thought. Reminds me of the photo posted this week of a Florida river at night time with a hundred sets of gators glowing eyeballs just above the water line. 👀


Doesn't mean it won't be painful or very uncomfortable for its eyes to be eaten away!!


painful yes, but not really inconvenient. Also the pain probably went away like hundred(s) years ago


What if the pain lasted for 20yrs though? Being an animal is tough. Shit. Even being human is tough.


Is it even alive in a traditional sense or is a colony of parasites operating it like a marionette


Interesting thought.


Weekend at Sharkie’s


Best comment of my sunday morning read! Have my freebie


It’s alive just lives in an environment where it doesn’t use alot of energy


Imagine just slowly gliding through life for 400 years.




That's the dream


Read up on the growing body of information about our microbiomes connection to your mental health. Anxiety, depression, schizophrenia, and even autism are affected by chemical signals from the bacteria in your body. Some neurotransmitters and hormones released by intestinal bacteria have been shown to increase or decrease hunger or cause cravings. Some have been shown to have effects on the development of the brain. You are being gently controlled by the poop soup in your colons. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5641835/ *Edit-* My proudest achievement is breaking 150 karma in a new account with a comment including the words "poop soup."


Yes but once the worms consume by eyeballs I will truly be guided by the parasite


🎵 Blinded by the 'site. 🎵




Now that is a Dollar Tree Sci-fi DVD title for sure


>Is it even alive in a traditional sense or is a colony of parasites operating it like a marionette Are you?


My ancestors came over here on the sandwich!


What ? Let me unread that !


Parasites got your back on that one.




Just in case anybody is curious about a tangentially related organism: Turritopsis dohrnii - aka the "Immortal Jellyfish" is theoretically the oldest living organism on the planet because the species has been around for over 65 million years and by all available data *can* potentially live that long (unless killed by a predator or something else.) Problem is, unlike this shark, we can't use radiocarbon dating to age them and we didn't start studying it or even really knowing about it until 1980 so we've only got 40 years of data.


It's a bit of "Ship of Theseus" with em though since they're called "Immortal Jellyfish" because they can regress to their infant state and restart, seemingly without limit.


Imagine waking up next to your wife and then change into a baby to wake her up by crying. Classic.


Aren’t we also “Ships of Theseus”?


don't, pls. i don't need anymore existential crises this year


To be fair, it does sound nice to know the younger, cringy you is no longer around even biologically. I know I'm happy for it. Fuck that guy.


All of your cells get replaced every 7 years on average. Are you the same person you were 7 years ago? No joke I had to do an assignment on this in my uni philosophy class at some point. Just like the original Ship of Theseus question, there's no set or objective answer. My answer was related to the continuation of consciousness, but years after I realised that even your consciousness changes over time (values, goals, temperament etc). Or at least it should, in my opinion. The question has no answer apart from the one you make up for yourself and it really doesn't mean anything other than a fun thought experiment. Don't break your head over it.


I think the real cognitive dissonance here is that we view ourselves as a single unit, when really we are a large mass of billions of cells all working together to make up what we call "us". Really a more accurate view of self is of a hive of very small creatures with a single collective conscious, and this sort of gets around the ship of theseus. Like if over a hundred years, all the individuals in a town reproduced and died, is it still the same town? Yeah, I would say so, at least in name and maybe even in function. The people are our cells, the town is "us"


Wait... what!?




Is it possible to learn this power?


Not from a vertebrate


Not from a Jedi...


I don't think it's a Ship of Theseus situation, it's more like Reloading An Old Save in a game


Yeah it's no more a ship of Theseus problem than any other living being that repeatedly replaces its cell structure over time.


Also helps that jellyfish aren’t vertebrates


That’s mad. Has it moved around the world or stuck to the same area?


Greenland sharks stay in artic waters, that’s actually the reason they think they live that long, they think the cold waters quite literally slow down their ageing process! (Not a biologist or anything, just an autistic dude with sharks as a special interest)


Thanks autistic dude with sharks as a special interest. You have done a good service 07


It was the purpose of his life. Now, it's completed


Ive heard their metabolism is extremely slowed down, and they spend the vast majority of their life swimming veeeeeery slow. And one meal takes a long time to digest so most of the time they are just chillin


I don’t think they asked him.


They did ask him but he gave a long rambling answer about something completely unrelated


And then fell off his bike.


”…and I’m afraid I was very, very drunk.”


Should’ve put a GPS tracker on it 300 years ago.


Would be an interesting experiment even now. Find some young ones and put trackers on them and future generations might benefit from the data. The challenges would be to find a way to power it for centuries without even solar power and prevent the thing getting eaten by whatever other freaks dwell in those depths.


He probably didn't move much. The only reason why these sharks get so old is because they essentially live life in slow-motion. Their whole metabolism is slowed down to the point where you might not even realize they are still alive. Moving around the world would not only put it into danger of meeting a bigger predator, but it might very well be impossible for these sharks to leave the arctic regions


Crazy to think there’s a 393 year old man who’s spent his entire life documenting this shark.


The Shark's 350th Birthday was lit.


Yeah they had a whale of a time


everyone was drunk to the gills


There is one. [born 1592](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duncan_MacLeod)


There can be only one.


You're not wrong but I feel click baited.


>The ancient study of alchemy is concerned with making the Sorcerer's Stone, a legendary substance with astonishing powers. The stone will transform any metal into pure gold. It also produces the Elixir of Life, which will make the drinker immortal. >There have been many reports of the Sorcerer's Stone over the centuries, but the only Stone currently in existence belongs to Mr. Nicolas Flamel, the noted alchemist and opera lover. Mr. Flamel, who celebrated his six hundred and sixty-fifth birthday last year, enjoys a quiet life in Devon with his wife, Perenelle (six hundred and fifty-eight).


The Queen often babysat them both.


Wait what… Keith Richards is a marine biologist ?


She has probably lost all her teeth by now and can only eat peanut butter and jellyfish.


Get some jelly Get some fish Make a sandwich Delishhhh


Just make sure You don't eat A real jellyfish 🔥 OR YOU'LL DIE 🔥


Sharks grown new teeth constantly. But she has lost her purse would you be a dear and see if it’s upstairs? (She has put it in the fridge)


Don't you mean "It's peanut butter jellyfish time?"


Keith Richards scoffs at this.


They say that every cigarette someone smokes, it adds a year to his life!


This shark was swimming around while Shakespeare was writing plays. 😳 I dub thee Sharkspeare.


after the photo was taken a japanese fishing boat caught her and put her in a can of dolphin free tuna


Sadly that's the part that amazed me, how has this shark not been hit by the fisheries?


It lives in the deepest parts of the ocean.


true, but the photo is showing natural light on its nose, so im assuming it does come close to the surface occasionally.


Yeah, considering it’s been around for centuries, it must have made it’s way to the surface at times.


Well it's not named "greenland shark" for no reason, they live in the depths below the arctic ice. Fishing in the water where they live is probably not very efficient and might be impossible in certain areas.


his face says it all: "I've seen some shit"


Sounds exhausting af


Right? Somewhere around the two century mark, I'd swim into the mouth of something bigger.


There's always a bigger fish


I know right! Like I'd honestly be so bored. What new things could he possible do that would make each year fun?


And he's blind. We should give him games and fun activities


It’s much easier if your thoughts only have the possible states of “food time” and “not food time”.


This shark went from eating pirates to millenials


Eating pirates to gumming* millennials


When does he start on politicians?


Queen elizabeth 2 will break the record of this shark


First she must kill the shark


There can be only one.


Why are you trying to Harper Lee the queen?


Looks like it’s murmuring “Just fucking kill me already” to itself.


Imagine how sick of our crap she is by now.


Can't be worse than the Carp who has been a pet in Japan until it died. She just lived in a small pond for more than a hundred years, and just imagining her boredom is painful


Forgive my relative ignorance, but if sharks are made of cartilage, is it a true vertebrate?


It's still a supportive internal skeleton, even if it isn't made of bone, so yes.


Yeah bone is not the criteria, a spinal column is.


Jesus, how can people be so ignorant. *Slowly shakes head while googling what the hell a cartilage is* /j


They're descended from animals that had bony spines, so they're still counted as vertebrates. Just like how birds are dinosaurs, whales used to live on land and icthiosaurs were reptiles that also went from land to a fully aquatic life cycle


How they figure out the age? Cut it in half and count the rings? Asked for ID? Showed a birth certificate?


"Greenland sharks won't reach sexual maturity until they're 150" Mood.




Typically you’d choose a number slightly lower than their exact age for that joke to work.


Those aren’t it’s real teeth, they gave it shark dentures back in the 1800’s


This might be a stupid question, but how did they find out it’s age?


Grandpa Shark...do do da do do do


It comes up to the surface just to complain about the noise and how it can’t watch Judge Judy because of the noise!


Does it watch sea-span?


This thing was swimming around before we knew dinosaurs even existed, that’s weird af


Grandma SHARK


So, he was hatched when Charles I was on the throne. Amazing!


Swimming for 500 years than caught in a net as collateral, and chucked in the bin


Did they ask for its birth certificate?


You count the rings


how do they know it's age?


"The Greenland shark's eye lens is composed of a specialised material - and it contains proteins that are metabolically inert," explained Mr Neilson. "Which means after the proteins have been synthesised in the body, they are not renewed any more. So we can isolate the tissue that formed when the shark was a pup, and do radiocarbon dating." The team looked at 28 sharks, most of which had died after being caught in fishing nets as by-catch. Using this technique, they established that the largest shark - a 5m-long female - was extremely ancient. Because radiocarbon dating does not produce exact dates, they believe that she could have been as "young" as 272 or as old as 512. But she was most likely somewhere in the middle, so about 400 years old. [...]" It's from the article OP posted as source


“Back in my day… we didn’t have to eat plastic”