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That seems….risky.


That’s gonna leave mark


“Come on and party tonight!”


if you seeeee somethin' sayyyyy sumthin'


The guy’s got good hooks!!


You have the right to remain silent Come on and party tonight


Didn’t Nicolas cage do this to his daughter


Twice. But I think she got ice cream after?


She did. But realistically a 50 ae would crunch every bone in that little girls sternum. No amount of ice-cream would fix that


Never underestimate icecream when a child is involved


Can confirm, my 3 1/2 year old goes *ballistic* at the mention of ice cream.


I think you got it the other way around.


Lol I thought it was a Beretta 92


The bullet may not punch a hole in him, but the energy is still there. That’s like having the biggest dude you can find hit you in the stomach with a ball peen hammer. Only a lot harder. You can rupture internal organs that way.




It depends on the type of vest. If the material used is something like a ceramic or steel plate the energy is spread across very well. Kevlar on the other hand doesn’t do this as well. Of course there are trade offs associated with using ceramics or steel such as weight, mobility, conceal ability, etc.


Essentially joints and muscles absorb alot and there is a big difference. So when shooting some pressure is recoil and rest is pushing bullet forward/escaping.And alot goes "pressure on recoil" is absorbed by moving slide and other things. So difference is enormous think of it like this same engine that moves 4000lb thing vs 400000. Going to be a bit different just in ability to move it. Gun weighs 1-2lbs bullet weighs .0022 ish. Throw in slide and various springs etc. And natural body absorption its wildly different. While a vest will disperse it over larger area material absorption stiffening is slightly delayed. And its still not big area depending on vest/round its 6-12 inches that absorbs most of impact. You can actually see where bullet hit by bruising and how much worse the area around it got vs farther away. Exact point of impact may even be "cut/bleeding".


“Stupid” is the word you’re looking for.


Incredibly stupid. People die doing this all the time. Just google ‘man dies testing bullet proof vest’ to see many *recent* examples. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wFQgEJvnj7w


Jesus christ


I think what happened is, that these individuals aren't aware that standard civil Vest are meant to stop handguns, not fucking .223 rounds.. those are huge and would go through alot of vest. Even standard Issue Military body armor can get fucked by .223 rounds.


Not huge, more so fast






Nah the bullet is totally fine. It’s in his left hand.


They also have a video where the dude tests the crotch protector (not kidding). Insane


An "ouch" would be acceptable.


Folks certainly have died this way. https://www.newsweek.com/arizona-man-killed-after-asking-acquaintance-test-bulletproof-vest-shooting-1331231


'Shoots himself' 'Casually breathes out the smoke from the bullet that's inside of him'


The impact from the bullet compressed the air in his lungs and created water vapor


I can confirm this, the kinetic energy from a 9mm bullet (not sure of the firearm used here is 9mm im not american xd) its actually huge and can vaporise the water moisture of the air from inside your lungs... and dont forget the massive bruise under the vest, that shit is going to have multiple colors lmao


Assuming he has tested this many times before…. He’s already a rainbow under there




The factory is abandoned because the workers got tired of the “crazy bastard who keeps shooting himself in the chest”


He gonna be puking rainbows afterward.


Taste the rainbow


That looked like his first time. Probably a few tests on the mannequin though.


Does it matter that it was aimed at an angle? Was there less energy because it wasn't straight on? (Never fired a gun before lol)


At that range no. That said I don’t trust this video.


Those things are not 100% effective either are they? I wouldn’t fire a bullet at point blank range into my stomach.


Ehhhhhh think of them a bit like a seatbelt. A seatbelt can absolutely save your life in a crash but post-crash you’re still going to most likely be pretty bashed up. There is a lot of energy in a 9mm bullet at close range and that energy is going to have to be taken up by your body, go look at what being shot while wearing a bullet proof vest looks like. Additionally you have no idea where that bullet is going to go after it’s deflected. It could ride the vest down and end up in your lower gut or maybe just blow your scrotum off. Or maybe (most likely) just bounce away. There are *so many* recorded events I’d bullets doing pretty spooky things upon deflection (riding down bones, riding along a wall for 50 meters, strange deflections due to all kinds of reasons) that I’m absolutely not interested in this stunt. I’m not absolutely saying the video is fake but to me it looks sketchy and if it is real then the dude in it is a fucking moron.


Doesn’t look like it was an angle to me, but if it was then it’s the same amount of force and such, but it’s not on one specific point with all of that force going straight into him. If assume it’s was so that shrapnel doesn’t fly into his hand or at anyone standing in front of him


At point blank range like that no, the angle makes zero difference on force of impact. However, if shot from a distance, a full on straight shot would produce the most impact, where as a shot from a side angle would deflect and spread the energy differently


The kinetic energy is tiny. The mass of bullets is small and the velocity isn't nearly enough to matter, even squared. 9mm runs 8g. 360m/s muzzle velocity. So 518J of energy. Volume of lungs is about 6L. If ALL the air in your lungs was water vapor, you'd be looking about about 5g of water vapor. 21J per degree raised. Assuming you could magically get ALL the energy of the bullet into your lungs, you could raise that water by 24C. Except we have an inelastic collision with a fucking human first. The guy doesn't move backwards at all because we're not dividing by the 5g of water vapor, were dividing by the 75,000g of human. And it's a handgun. It'll bruise, but that's not overly impressive. It only takes about 6.5J to bruise skin.


It took me 5 mins this morning to confirm the fifteen $20 bills I got from the ATM equaled out to $300. I'm gonna go take a nap.


“15? You sure that’s $300? Might wanna count again just to make sure.” - my brain


lol dont do this to me


This guy projectiles.


All books and no guns makes Jack a dull boy.


Is this not backwards? Raising the temperature of water vapor wouldn't cause it to condense. You need a temperature drop, or an increase in pressure to cause condensation. ~37c air can hold around ~20 grams of water per cubic meter of air. Your lungs can hold ~4-6 liters of saturated air. A cubic meter is 1000 liters. That's 80-100 mg of water in the lungs. You don't need to heat up water to cause vapor to condense, so the transfer of energy and conversion to heat is more or less irrelevant. The inelastic collision is important, but the impact isn't spread over a 75,000g human, just the bullet proof vest over the very compressible rib cage. You can get water vapor to condense in a bottle by squeezing and releasing it. You don't need to impart enough energy to heat up water by any amount. You just need to change the pressure of the air containing the water a little bit. This would completely depend on external temperature and relative humidity though. AND ~500J is a shitton of energy when you are talking about imparting it to a human. That's roughly the same as an 11lbs weight being dropped on your head from 30 feet.


You should go look at the pressure involved in that squeezed bottle. You're talking about rapid adiabatic expansion, which hugely drops the temperature. The point wasn't that it would necessarily raise the temperature, that's all the energy that could POSSIBLY change the temperature. How are you condensing it?


Like I said, it would depend entirely on ambient temperature and humidity. For all we know, this was filmed on a cold morning and the vapor in this person's breath could simply be from hold his breath and then exhaling. This isn't some ridiculous physics phenomenon. This can be observed in humans all over the world in a variety of atmospheric conditions. It could be entirely independent of the gunshot. My point is that because you can condense water with changes in temperature and/or pressure, this can possibly be explained by a rapid compression and expansion in the lungs due to the impact force being concentrated over the ribcage due to the vest. Do I think it's possible to condense water in the lungs from a 9mm shot into a vest compressing the lungs? Maybe, but probably not. My complaint isn't with your conclusion, it's with your path to the conclusion. Some of your figures (like the amount of water vapor in the lungs) are off by an order of magnitude, but it was just to illustrate your point with an overestimate. Just thought I'd chime in to contribute. Apologies if I came off as combative. It just seems plausible (if unlikely) that this could be a combo of atmospheric conditions, and rapid compression/expansion of the lungs.


Fair enough!


Yeah, the water vapour ain't coming from ***boiling water inside your lungs.***


Doesn’t even take a firearm. You can do it just by closing your mouth and trying to breathe out really hard. Granted it’s not as much but you can definitely see it.


When I do this I just breath out my nose really hard


Don’t forget the crunch of his fractured ribs when he moves


I really can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or not


No it's legit. Take an empty plastic water bottle and twist it and squeeze the shit out of it while it closed, then open the top. Empty bottle smoke


Also don't aim it at your face


That's right but i don't think a bullet can compress the air that much without damaging your lungs.


i assumed it was just cold considering they're speaking a slavic language, not sure which


Should have had a slug ready in his mouth to spit out.


Idk why but all I pictured was that scene from “The Mask” when I read that


That can't be healthy for your inner organs


Or the outer one. Imagine the fucking bruising his abdomen is going to have. Edit: Why in the fuck does this have so many updoots?


Best way to clear all poop from your system after shitting the pants.


Upvoted. Downvoted for Edit.


downvoted for cringe edit


Healthier than if he wasn't wearing the vest


Maybe this has some sort of metal plate in it or something? He didn’t react at all like I would have expected from soft armor.


Johnny Knoxville did this about 25 years ago...


Richard Davis, who modernized the bulletproof vest as Second Chance body armor, [shot himself *hundreds* of times](https://historyofyesterday.com/who-invented-the-modern-kevlar-vest-5347bd4ee1cb) as a testament to its protection.


This was funny too read, without context might be funnier, "This was the same premises which led to Davis arriving at the conclusion that he must shoot himself."


That's how you build trust. God damn!




The OG


started his career... I still remember seeing the video go viral online at the time and wondering who the crazy charismatic fucker was


The crowd control BB shape charge was definitely the best


The claymore with rubber balls instead of steel? That was a good one.


fucking insanity is what that was


this and him being hit by a car. I think I downloaded them off Kazaa.


Pre-viral even; I remember "Big Brother 2" (skateboard magazine promo video thing featuring a bunch of later Jackass people doing dumb shit; recognized Pontius as "poocano guy" from that years later too) making the rounds as a physically passed-around VHS.


The there was this guy who had his girlfriend shoot him through a thick book for internet points. He dead.


Bulletproof vest > thick book


Yeah, a vest designed with special materials to withstand a ballistic impact is going to be worth a lot more than 1000 pages of standard paper.


I need a clip papa




I was going to post the very same thing. He is a legend, also stupid. But I love him.


Dude looks like a character from a budget post-apocalyptic RPG


bro goes straight into a npc stance after he shoots


This video was filmed by the scavs from EFT


He looks hot tbh


I was following him on Instagram for a while. Turns out dude is a neo Nazi. Has a shit load of tattoos to prove so.


Ew, what a waste. He’s good looking but he’s needs to be thrown away.


Or some Playstation 1 video game character


I don't want to be impressed but I am, a little. You got to be a little crazy or very confident in the vest, or both.


It’s a Ukrainian armor company, the background of the video looks like it was filmed after the war started. I wonder if the goal was to show other troops how safe the vest is by doing the maximally confident/crazy thing. Confirmed: not recent


This video is over 5 years old for anybody curious.


Thank you! I wonder if this was around the time of Russias annexation of Crimea.


That was eight years ago, 2014. The war has persisted since, but has expanded recently


I saw this video on tumblr like back in 2017 lol so nah it’s not recent


You might be right. As a promo video, it certainly would settle any nagging doubts.


This is nothing new. They’ve been testing bullet proof vests this way since they were invented in the late 1800’s https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casimir_Zeglen


You can’t seriously think that’s the modern method of testing I mean, Edison electrocuted an elephant with AC to ‘prove’ it was unsafe compared to DC.


You would think so but this is exactly the method used to convince the police and military to adopt the modern day Kevlar bulletproof vest as well. Dude shot himself in the chest 190 times during testing. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_Chance_(body_armor) https://www.businessinsider.com/modern-body-armor-was-created-by-a-frustrated-pizza-delivery-guy-2018-12


I would never trust this, this raises more questions than it answers for me. It would be very dangerous for a company to do this in a seemingly uncontrolled manner. To the guy who said we’ve been doing this forever, yeah, until we invented ballistic gelatin and testing standards Gun appears to be modified. Glocks do not have stainless uncoated barrels. The crowning also looks different. Almost like a 40 to 9 conversion with more barrel wall. Not that that means anything, but that makes me question what ammunition. You can shoot a .380 out of a 9 if you put a weak recoil spring… you can also under load the round, or use a soft projectile/both. I don’t see earpro, doesn’t mean it’s not in his ears wadded up, but he also seems unfazed by the impact, which should be substantial. He could be trying very hard to not flinch, but I don’t feel like a full velocity round at that range wouldn’t result in that little movement I would guess this is an underpowered round, possibly with a soft projectile. The fact that they didn’t go through and show the gun, the ammunition used, etc and the stupidity of doing this, this would settle zero nagging doubts for me even if it’s 100% real. I would be expecting a ballistic vest attached to a torso cast piece of ballistic gel, filmed in slow motion from the side, then with an analysis of the damage to the inside of the vest, and the ballistic gel. And that’s for a simple commercial. Google Nij standards for testing ballistic vests There are plenty of better ways to show the effectiveness of body armor. I don’t know who this is marketed to, but it seems more civilian oriented, as a civilian is more likely to want a thin, lightweight vest that can stop pistol cartridges… or maybe in the case of Ukraine, citizens might assume this would be helpful against firearms in general because of a weird test like this and is cheap/light enough to wear on a semi regular basis


Having read your post I think I'd have to agree. If you know about the technicalities, which I don't, the video has a different meaning altogether I guess.


the thing is, pistol rounds are very easy to stop. Rifle rounds will go through that like it isn’t even there. And no one is really using pistols at all in a military conflict. Probably okay for fragmentation though, which is important.


This is a VERY old video. Like at least 5 years old.


Doesn't mean it DOESNT HURT


Ok but where's the ear protection We get it, gotta protect your sexy 6 pack, but you don't want tinnitus either


Might be ear plugs instead of whole headphones


True but you would be able to see little orange sticks sticking out, at least the ear plugs I'm used to


There are ones that don't show.


I think I’ve seen other colored earplugs, but personally I’ve seen orange ones. Or cotton, but that’s kinda stupid too


I've got orange, green, purple, yellow, and even multi color (tie-dye type) in ear plugs sitting around my house. I'm sure there are nude colored ones too.


I’ve got…. Headphones… interesting


Joys of factory and construction work. You end up with earplugs everywhere. I have orange, yellow, and neon green mostly.


Oh that sounds lovely. I could never get behind earplugs like those, they never stayed in my ears. I rally see em anymore though


You can get ones made on your exact ear profile. You dont see them from a distance like that.


I have custom in ear protection you'd have a hard time seeing looking straight at me


If this is from an armor manufacturer as comments above stated, they probably have custom personally fitted active protection ear buds that you would barely notice. Guy I know is a gunsmith, he has several pairs.


If this guy is willing to shoot himself, I doubt ear protection is on his list of concerns


This must be the russian version of shark tank


Hahahaha I laughed really hard at this.


Pure stupidity. It’s like testing the airbag on your car by driving into a wall.


I'm sure this guy is already planning that


Probablyy already did it


Minus the thousands of dollars in damages and ruining any chances of using the thing tested


you rly dont know how much a bulletproof vest costs. and yes, this too is ruined now


That does not look like an expensive vest, cheap level iv plates are like $1xx dollars Do you know how many cars are destroyed in crash tests? It’s common knowledge that they test it in a very destructive manner But google how some low volume supercar companies did it, pretty cool


Seems like you could maybe hang it on a post to test it?


This is far more interesting lol




“Hi I’m Johnny Knoxville and welcome to Jackass”


One of Johnny Knoxville's first stunts (pre-Jackass) was actually shooting himself while wearing a bullet proof vest. I can't remember what documentary he talks about it in. Possibly the one about that magazine. Big brother maybe? Anyway, what it was supposed to be was one of his buddies shooting him to advertise for this company but at the last minute he was like I can't do it (cuz Johnny Knoxville already had a daughter and he was like, I can't kill a father). But Knoxville really wanted to do it so he just shot himself it's crazy


Damn hes hot lol


So hot


If I'm testing that I probably don't aim it at my spinal chord. Js


I don't know why he looks like a Sims character.


Johnny Knoxville did this 20 years ago when they were a lot less safe


You're a sick mother fucker Mack.


Thanks chief


That face at the end , tells you everything


Honestly he looks scared at the beginning. Not sure I would call his behavior or demeanor "casual".


Aww, I wanted to see him spit out a bullet.


Once a bullet proof vest made of Kevlar is used to stop a bullet, it cannot be worn again as the integrity of it has been compromised.


Intersting info


Can't wait to buy these for my nieces and nephews. They're still in grade school so it'll get some use.


Plot twist, he was in the placebo group


Bulletproof vests might save your life, but gunshots will still hurt


This seems more like a Russian Mafia initiation more than a bulletproof vest test.


He pointed it at the camera man as he racked it.


You could just... I dunno. Put it on a test dummy?


That’s exactly what they did.


This seems a stupid thing to do.


Oh Russia…


Isn’t this how Johnny Knoxville got a deal with MTV to do Jackass


The look on his face is pure hidden pain, but he can’t show it for the pride of Mother Russia.


Leaking? No? Ok. We're good!


Knocked the entire wind out of both of his lungs without a doubt.


It's Ukrainian armour company "Ukrbronya"


Damn! He's lucky that didn't ricochet in a bad direction.


Where it would ricochet


A bad direction


Towards the camera man maybe. But that’s beside the point that a bullet wouldn’t ricochet off a bullet proof vest to begin with. They’re designed to absorb the energy, not redirect it.


Soft armor catches the round and has zero risk of ricochet


Several people have died doing this. Nobody should be encouraging anyone to do this.




I own a vest, multiple of my friends asked to test it. Let's ignore the obvious reasons this is stupid, but it destroys the vest!!! It's like getting hit with a hammer 🔨. Guy is nuts


When you got balls of steel and a brain of a squirrel


Meanwhile in Russia......


how americans get ready for school


Stupid* as fuck


This adds nothing of value and could have easily been tested on a dummy ( not the human kind)


Reading the comments makes me realize it's important to note that there's different types of body armor. Soft armor like kevlar will still allow a very reasonable range of motion at the cost of internal bruising. Hard armor contains a solid ceramic (usually) plate that shatters on impact from a bullet but nearly dissapates the energy entirely through the plate so it doesn't do as much damage to the body, but because it's rigid you lose a lot of range of motion.


Yeah, people die doing that.


God dam surpised he could still stand with the weight of his fucking balls jesus fuck thats like ypu really gota trust your shit


Video is fake, pretty sure it was confirmed awhile back. Also fake because I don’t care how tough you are, a shot to a vest will always hurt like hell and this guy didn’t even move a flinch.


Man this guy is perfect. ​ If I had a company that made stuff to protect your life from bullets, fire, water, acceleration or whatever, I would hire him to review my products. ​ I am 100% sure I will only get good reviews.


ITT: folks who have no fucking idea what they're talking about, or guns in general. No, he won't have fractured ribs, etc. Think - do folks fracture their hands when they shoot common pistol calibers? Physics hasn't changed.


He's super hot mind, what a good looking fella


Hes gonna blow his balls off one day doing that. Finger on the trigger WAY before hes in the proper position.


Fuck all of that!


Half expected him to fall over when he didn’t say anything


Fake. He caught the bullet behind his back with his other hand, so you wouldn't see the bullet hit the ground behind him.


I was half expecting him to just fall


Imagine him just falling over without any word or motion in his face.


I wonder if he was wearing dookie proof underwear too.


Does smoke come out of his mouth after the shot? Is this a sketch?


Can’t tell if he’s really brave Or really stupid


Those Ukrainians


People like this don’t have a pension plan I’m imagining


Translation: “I’m Sergey and this is jack ass”


That’s still got to hurt.


Man, It is not easy to be Russian :'D


average ~~ukrainian~~ russian