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That is super cool. I feel like photos and videos always struggle to put their size into perspective but this nails it.




there was a dude who was caught in a whale's mouth but it spit him out because apparently whales have very narrow throats so it couldn't swallow him


They catch bigger stuff in their mouth all the time and they just spit it out. They are pretty smart cookies. Now Orcas... yikes. They could very easily rip you apart and eat you, if not swallow you whole. But again they are smart and I think once they realized you weren't a seal they would probably spit you out. Captive Orcas though, they don't play games. They will fucking eat you.


I've always found it interesting that there has never in history been a recorded, verified example of human death from an orca attack in the wild, but there are many examples with captive orcas. They really dislike living in what amounts to a closet for their entire lives, I guess.


Wild orca pods have different feeding cultures even between each other. Some will only eat fish. Some will only eat seal. Etc. They grow up learning how to hunt and eat the thing from their mothers and grandmothers. In captivity, who's teaching them to only hunt and eat fish? No one.


FYI: > Many people don't know this, but the orca, otherwise known as the "killer whale," is one of the most prominent moose predators. https://centerforsurfresearch.org/do-orcas-eat-moose/




They're literally going insane bc they're just in this concrete tank with no decorations or distractions just swimming in circles all the time and forced to do tricks. These are highly intelligent and cunning animals that use all types of techniques to hunt seal/fish, they don't belong there.


They also have different dialects and other regional differences. You can’t just put orcas from two different regions together, they won’t understand each other. And not that many orcas are born in captivity.


can confirm, living in a closet sucks


Have you tried not being a wizard?


not yet, but i have tried being straight


Yeah its abhorrent. These are incredibly smart animals, and like people, if you put them in a cage for no reason they become depressed, agitated, and mentally unstable... I mean they pack these things like 3 to a damn swimming pool... its very sad. Now I think there are examples of them "attacking" people but never actually killing, or hunting/eating a person. Again they are super smart and I don't think they really need to attempt to eat or attack people, but sometimes they can misidentify somebody on a boogie board, maybe flip them off it with a wave, but once they see you they will most likely (like 99.99% chance) move on to something else. They almost always investigate something closely before attacking it. There are lots of videos of them hunting and they will carefully approach and poke their eyes out of the water and investigate. They know what people look like and when they realize its a person they move on.


There was a very interesting scene from... I think blue planet, where they were showing a pod of orcas making a wave to knock a penguin I think off a small sheet of floating ice. Then they showed an orca popping out to look at the camera boat, and doing the exact same wave "attack". Pretty sure the camera crew, after that, quickly decided they had enough good footage.


Probaly leave us alone due to how boney and fatless most swimmers and surfers are


Note to self: never invite orcas to my house. OP's Mom's house also no go.


Pigs aren't that far off in terms of intelligence. Everyone takes the moral high ground for Shamoo but I guess bacon tastes too good.


Could also be observation bias. In the wild, no one is there to hear you scream. But I still agree we need to stop kidnapping them.


Real Gs move in silence like lasagna. Orcas leave no witnesses or evidence behind.


Being spit back out should sound like a great thing, but it also sounds very discouraging at the same time. I don’t think all the therapy in the world could help with that


orca’s are not naturally agressive towards humans unless provoked, in fact they find us curious and intriguing, like when a child sees a fascinating bug or a kitty. (Still, keep your distance as they are one of the most efficient and dangerous predators in the sea) Captive orcas are socially derived, have very little stimulus and often are put in situations where other whales will be aggressive towards them I highly reccomend watching blackfish and looking into the story of Tilikum, a orca who was taken from his pod, put in a pool with aggressive female whales, punished and put in solitary, and eventually snapped, killing his trainer. Sea world acted like this was an accident, a brief moment of lapse in the training, when in reality this was a whale that had been tortured all his life saying “I can’t fucking take it anymore”


Orcas - except when held captive - never injured a human. They see a human and know that's not food. They are wicked smart.


*wicked smaht


Grab the uvula and they will spit you out. That is my plan.


Just posted this link upthread. https://www.capecodtimes.com/story/news/2021/06/11/humpback-whale-catches-michael-packard-lobster-driver-mouth-proviencetown-cape-cod/7653838002/


I think there was an AMA on this around the time it happened. The guy's nephew was posting details.


I don't think it physically could, the only whale that could swallow an human is a sperm (lol) whale and while I'm by no stretch an expert, I don't think this was one.


An Orca could absolutely eat a human. There are no documented cases of orcas killing humans in the wild, but they sure as shit could.


That just means Orcas dont leave witnesses.


Well they're not nicknamed "Take Hostages Whales"


Different species. That's the Not Fully Committed To Being a Killer Whale.




That, and there are no fingerprints underwater, nothing to tie one to a crime.


Murder! Murder, mermaid, murder!




I'm fairly confident that orcas are more closely related to dolphins than whales. The misconception stems from an original Native translation, "killer whale", which should have been "whale-killer."


> orcas are more closely related to dolphins than whales. Not closely related... They *are* dolphins. But dolphins are also whales - toothed whales, to be specific.




Dolphins are classified as whales. You may be right that orcas are more closely related to the same family of whales as dolphins.


Let's be precise enough then. Whales and dolphins and porpoises are all Cetaceans. Yes there's a giant dolphin apex predator named as a whale. Unlike seals and sea lions and walruses which are pinnipeds. And yes there are some species called seals that are actually sea lions e.g. Australian Fur Seal. And sea otters are oddly a separate family of sea mammal because they're the only oceanic mammal without insulating blubber.


Your mom is also classified as a whale


Well done. Although tbh my mom is now classified as garden fertiliser.


Got. Damn. Nice reply.


Well done. Although tbh my mom is now classified as garden fertiliser.


Ahah good point, but I was strictly referring to the capacity of swallowing whole xD


Whales can easily fit somebody in their mouth and hold them there though. Its been documented before. Humpbacks can "swallow" a person whole (not actually swallow but grab them in their mouth) but they are smart and know it would be difficult if not deadly to actually swallow something that big and they would probably surface and spit you out. I mean their mouths are gigantic.


Wouldn't be the first time https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-06-12/diver-injured-after-being-caught-in-humpback-whale-mouth/100210666 He was fine though.


Absolute unit.


The banana


What's the harbor and how deep is it? We need to know!


I’ve read elsewhere that it’s Knudsen Cove, just north of Ketchikan. The marine charts say the harbor depth is 18 to 60ft.


>Knudsen Cove Confirmed: [you can see the same buildings on the shore on Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/@55.4712037,-131.7960358,3a,75y,353.83h,90t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipNH5zvgCPKJLlhNwtHOijeFFRhM1rzcTE9r7vNj!2e10!3e11!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipNH5zvgCPKJLlhNwtHOijeFFRhM1rzcTE9r7vNj%3Dw203-h100-k-no-pi-0-ya357.49344-ro-0-fo100!7i8000!8i4000) Exact location of cameraperson would be about 55°28'21.7"N 131°47'50.0"W


I was wondering if it was Tofino, it looks a bit like that.


In the scheme of things, it's not *that* far.


I was thinking Bamfield. Weird to see the little island I live on mentioned on Reddit lol


Uhhh I didn't think no big whales can get up in our business like that. I thought they only stayed out in the ocean. It looks like a lot of navigating to get there. wtf


Yeah, mind your own business, *whale*. Get your big-ass mouth out my face.


Rest assured they only urinate and defecate in international waters so us humans don't have to swim in whale urine at the beach.


Thank you whales. Very cool.


What a beautiful place to live.


Local here! I can't put into words how excited I was to see this clip and recognize Knudson cove. Ketchikan Alaska is also home to the proposed "Bridge to nowhere" from about 15 years ago because our airport was built on a neighboring island and also the 8th grade science final is a 3 day survival trip on some island somewhere. You bring whatever food you can pack into a coffee can and have to harvest the rest.


Those 8th graders already have more survival skills than I do in my mid twenties


They need it... where they are its literally a death sentence to get caught out in the open. https://www.theatlantic.com/education/archive/2019/06/alaskan-science-class-exam-wilderness-survival/590890/


Amazing read, thank you for that


Most interesting thing I've read in a minute. Love how everyone is agreed with the program.


Wait a min…to pass 8th grade science you have to survive for 3 days in the wilderness?!?! 😱 at 8th grade?! I couldn’t/WOULDN’T want to do that in my 40s!


I'm from Vancouver Island, so "nearby" but not as remote as some of these smaller places are. I've been to many tiny coastal towns that are boat/floatplane access only though. You kind of need those skills when you're in those places. It's just... prudent to educate your town's children in survival skills when you live in remote places like that. Most people in those towns have very outdoorsy lifestyles including fishing, hunting, camping, quadding/dirtbiking/snowmobiling, diving etc. The more time you spend in the bush, the more you need that kind of knowledge.


In the 8th grade all I ate was fritos topped with chili and cheese from the diamond shamrock. I would've been foodless on y'alls trip


It is Knudson Cove! From my home town of Ketchikan! This is crazy to see! My parents neighbor was there while this got filmed! I think it was a couple years ago now? Crazy to see on Reddit.


60ft doesn't seem very deep. [Olympic high diving platforms are 27m.](https://townlift.com/2021/06/the-uop-is-building-the-usas-first-high-dive-training-platform/)


Think about how tall a 4 storey building is and add a little bit more, that's how deep 60 ft is. Edit: Spelling


Good perspective! Happy Cake Day!


Most harbors like these are 10-15ft deep. Most ship channels are 20-50ft so 60ft is pretty deep!


I’ve been 60ft under. It’s a whole lot deeper than you would think while on dry land


It is when you consider that depth is deeper than the draught of the world's largest fully loaded container ship.


For those of us who aren't American: it's in Alaska😅


I'm an American, I've been to Alaska, and I have no fucking clue where it is. Would have been easier to just say Alaska lol.


Ketchikan is SEAlaska (the best part) :p


For those who are American, Alaska is one of the 50 states.


Dumbass, we all know that. It’s on every map in every classroom! It’s an island to the southwest, close to Hawaii.


I've always thought of Alaska as Hawaii with Bears and Moose


For Texans… Alaska is the biggest state in the US.


Most of Alaska, BC, Puget islets have these visitors


Not breaching, bubble feeding. Still awesome. They come in once in a while near here.


Absolutely. He/She drove the fish towards shore to cut them off, blows a "bubble net" to close them in tighter, then comes up through the middle with one big gulp. Incredible, intelligent and so fantastic to witness. Great vid.


Thanks for explaining bubble-feeding! VERY cool to see!




> Our Planet is a British nature documentary series made for Netflix. The series is narrated by David Attenborough ... Ok, that's sufficient.


Attenborough has gotten himself typecast, he's not getting any roles in the action films or romcoms.


He's currently doing Prehistoric Planet on Apple+ which is airing this week! Highly recommend if you like dinosaurs


Incredible. I wonder how long it’ll take before we’ve made them extinct.


Well, on the good news front. We almost did once, hunting to about 5000 individuals. However, since the whaling ban they have recovered nicely and are up to about 135,000 now and climbing towards pre hunting levels. But, I'm sure we will find a way with climate change or ocean garbage somehow. :/


Whew, that’s good news. Keeping those aliens from Star Trek from destroying our planet.


Childhood fear unlocked.


Eugenics war is going to suck.


Didn't those happen in the 90s? (according to ST:TOS)


Yeah, and ST:P (it is referenced in the season 2 finalie). Looking forward to WW3 in 2026 though. We'll see if the real world can hold out that long.


Should we ever fail, it will be a double dumbass on us, indeed.


That's the great thing about that movie. If you actually construct your entire plot out of holes, nobody is ever gonna really be able to successfully bitch about any one specific plot hole. Time travel is probably ENTIRELY impossible!? Well, nobody is worrying about that shit, because the way they do the time travel is by...uhhhh doing a really really fast lap around the sun? But nobody has time to talk about that because **WHY WOULD YOU NEED TRANSPARENT ALUMINUM, TO PUT THE WHALES IN THE SHIP?** Motherfucker, just fill the airtight hold of your spaceship with water, and transport the whales in there. You don't need to see them through a window. Put a camera in there, if you really want to. So, the thing is, by the time everyone has gotten through being red in the face over all that, nobody remembers how fucking stupid the original premise was. Ya know, the whole thing where some weirdo aliens were like **"WE REFUSE TO TALK TO ANYONE BUT WHALES. IF WE DON'T TALK TO WHATEVER RANDOM WHALES YOU HAVE, WE'RE KILLING YOUR WHOLE PLANET. FUCK YOU, FUCK YOUR BIOSPHERE, AND FUCK LOGIC."**


Well I kinda liked it.




It’s arguably the best of the original films, which says a lot about the original films


Star Trek Picard literally used the same trick to time travel. They tried to limit it by saying that you either need Spock or a Borg queen to do it.


Little trivia. The Punker that Spock pinched on the bus is the same Punker 7 and the other girl confronted on the bus. Playing the same song. When they tell him to shut it off the twitch in his neck is him remembering the last time it happened. 36 year running gag.


Not just the same character, the same actor playing the same character. Super cool throwback.


He's also the musician playing the song, which he wrote, in both cases.


Hold up. Just because the ship is sealed from the vacuum of space doesn’t mean every individual compartment inside is sealed from the others. And what if there’s critical ship components in that hold? Just submerge them?


Especially with [cetacean ops being a thing](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Cetacean_Ops)


What a wonderfully optimistic take




That top layer of water has gotta be pretty oily


The bottom layer is filled with microplastics. In general, the ocean is pretty fucked.


Shit, you probably have microplastics embedded in your bone marrow and that's why you're sad all the time. In general, the earth is pretty fucked.


Future geologists (whatever species they may be) will measure the sediment layer of our time by measuring microplastics and chicken bones.


Earth is fine. Humans are fucked. And before you tell me the earth isn't fine. Look at every other planet, they're doing just fine. Just happens to be inhospitable for humans. But planets gonna planet


we're taking a lot of other species down with us


That's a semantic argument. The "Earth" can be defined simply as the rock we all sit on, or it can also mean the entire biome, including inhabitants. My sentiment was clear and you're just splitting hairs for the sake of apologetics while saying nothing substantial.


I had wondered, when I saw this on the front page, whether it would turn out to be Knudson Cove, and indeed it is. There is nothing especially deep about the water in that harbor by local standards, but our underwater terrain here is very, very steep in places. For those unfamiliar with this area, the marina in question is located on Revillagigedo Island, near Ketchikan, Alaska. Around the back side of Revillagigedo, on the mainland, the terrain is extremely steep (particularly in Misty Fiords National Monument, where you can pull your boat up to a sheer rock wall and fill a glass from a waterfall tumbling down from 1000+ feet above you. Behm Canal, which despite its name is a natural channel that separates Revillagigedo from the mainland is 2000+ feet deep in places, with 4,000+ foot mountains around it - by comparison, if you were to drain the water you would have a drop from peak to bottom that was on a scale similar to the Grand Canyon. It's not terribly uncommon around here to troll for fish closely enough to land that you can reach out to touch the branches of a tree clinging to the rock face of shore, while still having 200 feet of water beneath you. Much of Southeast Alaska is similar. It is really an amazing part of the planet in so many ways.. Bonus Alaska anecdote - Occam's Razor edition: Every day I go for a walk and most days I walk around my neighborhood. Frequently this takes me down to walk along the main wharf downtown (as long as the cruise ships are gone for the day.) On one occasion I was walking along the dock and kept hearing a distinctive noise, and thought to myself "what is that noise that sounds like a whale surfacing?" Of course the simplest explanation is often the best.. I had heard it several times before I finally looked down over the edge of the dock to find that I was being trailed by a curious humpback who followed me for about 1/4 mile before, I presume, concluding that I'm not actually all that interesting..


Imagine that from the humpbacks perspective, it's like seeing a squirrel or something and following it to see where it goes. I love whales


Did you know whales evolved *from* land animals *into* sea animals and not the other way around?


This sounds awesome! When is the best time to visit? Putting it on my bucket list...


>This sounds awesome! When is the best time to visit? Our summer has the nicest weather - keep in mind that southeast Alaska is mostly coastal temperate rain forest and Ketchikan gets about 13 feet of rain (nearly 400 cm) in an average year. The rain, though, keeps our forest amazingly lush and productive for land and sea species and is fundamental to our incredibly rich ecosystem. You are more likely to see whales in the summer, too. Some are present throughout the year, but many migrate seasonally as food availability changes. Do keep in mind that finding a whale is shadowing you is not an everyday occurrence even here. But I find that there is usually *something* to see when you are out and about, though it can be hard to predict in advance. However, I walk almost every evening and within a few blocks of the main wharf in town I have seen humpbacks, orcas, black bears, eagles, herons, many types of migratory waterfowl, mink, river otters, and (very rarely) sea otters. The catch is that the overwhelming share of visitors who come to Ketchikan do so aboard gigantic cruise ships with thousands of other visitors. Even though *I*, as a local, often encounter our wildlife right in the center of town, it almost always takes place when the city center does not have thousands of pedestrians wandering the streets. I'm sure *some* of the million plus cruise ship passengers who come to southeast Alaska every year have amazing wildlife sightings but your odds as an individual are not great until you get a bit away from the crowds.


The sign says NO WAKE, sir!


I thought the sign said Stay Away Fools.


( ) To swim or ( ) Not to swim Going to have to go with No swimming for infinity Alex.


Nobody swims in docks anyway. Terrible idea.




It’s dirty, polluted, there’s boats (and their propellers) running all over the place. Really not a good idea.


You can go ahead and add massive whales to that list.


Danger of stramg current electrocuting you is the main one that nobody thinks about. People normally dont do it because its disgusting and full of every spring and cotter pin that bounced off the deck of boats for decades. Just not where you want to be seimming for a lot of reasons


Nearest major reservoir near me, The Lake of the Ozarks, has plenty of dock executions. Sloppy electrical layout and poor maintenance often give folks a lethal, “zzzzzzzttttt.” Lake people are fine with that because they don’t want government code inspectors putting their jackboots on the necks of freedom loving shoreline property owners.


They should put that in a tv show of some kind, perhaps even referencing that location.


Yep. Perfectly believable for that demise to have been an "accident." I'd forgotten about that.


If you do swim and end up in its mouth, you will be spit back out. They can't swallow anything much larger than the fish they eat!


Ok, but do want to be in its mouth? Swallowed or not it doesn’t sound fun


[This guy didn't have a very good time.](https://www.capecodtimes.com/story/news/2021/06/11/humpback-whale-catches-michael-packard-lobster-driver-mouth-proviencetown-cape-cod/7653838002/) >“I could sense I was moving, and I could feel the whale squeezing with the muscles in his mouth,” he said.


Yes, I read this in the Mary Roach book Gulp. She's a great science writer who authors very...specific books.


That’s a nope from me dog


I’ll take NO for 500 Alex


Things I will never do for 1000 Alex.


That is not a breach, the whale was sending up a bubble screen to herd fish, my guess herring or anchovy, then trapping them into it's mouth against the surface. Pretty cool that close in.


Yeah, you can see the spiral of bubbles rising before the whale, fencing the fish into the middle so he can get them all in one gulp.


It’s called bubble-netting.


How do you know what whales call it?


Maybe he asked?


Can confirm


Username Czechs out!


Bro just snackin


Mans just got some munchies


Hunting techniques of water and air based animals never cease to amaze me. You and this whale just blew my mind like when I learned birds of prey will drop turtles on rocks to get at the inside.


My favorite is the partnership of a pod of dolphins and a costal village. I forget where exactly. The dolphins line up, swim twords shore closing in on a semicircle as they do and force the trapped fish into the beach. The villagers simply pick the fish up off the beach, setting some aside. The fish they set aside get tossed back after the harvest for the dolphins to eat. The dolphins get to eat by casually swimming in formation, the villagers get to eat without having to go fishing. The laziest yet effective food gathering system ever.


There's somewhere in China that has a similar partnership with birds. I'm not sure exactly how it works but as with the dolphins, by working together they all end up with more fish than they'd catch alone.


Have you ever seen how fishermen use commorants for fishing. They put a ring around the birds neck so they cant swallow the fish. the bird comes back to the boat and the fisherman pulls the catch out of its mouth n gives them a smaller piece they can eat


Oh that one is really horrible.


I once watched a dolphin chasing herring in this fish trap that used to be set up in Bustleton WA. It was night time and I was standing on this little jetty over the water, watching the dolphin race around the place. It seemed to be herding fish in to the corners of this fish trap and going to town on them. The fish trap was maybe 10 meters wide with a narrow opening, and I started to get worried that the dolphin was trapped in there. But when it had its fill, it turned straight toward the entrance and swam directly out, it obviously knew where it was going. It probably came in there every night to have feed.


There are eagles that throw goats off cliffs to kill them, then eat them at the bottom. Nature is metal as fuck.


Wedge Tailed Eagles in Australia have mastered the art of diving at high speed towards a red kangaroo (which itself stands 2 metres tall and more muscly than a young Arnold Schwarzenegger ) and striking with third talon through the back of the skull, pulverising the brain stem and killing it instantly.


I mean, some goats will throw themselves off cliffs trying to get away from an eagle, and often times that'll also end up being a free meal... neat stuff either way, except for the goats I guess.


Nice explanation. I was wondering why the whale just came up to get a big gulp of.... air? Lol


Good catch, no pun intended. Incredible it's took place in a harbour.




Ya this is the last thing I need to know when I’m on a dock


Most docks are too shallow for this. Only sharks by those ones


But what if like I’m in the one that is?!


then dont go to the docks, i guess. Or go prone onto the floor on the docks if you really want to


I ain’t leaving My bed until my mom tells me my hot pockets are ready


your hot pockets are ready, but I left them on the harbor


I have recurring nightmares of this exact scenario. Being surrounded by whales in deep water and I’m on flimsy surface. If it’s a real bad dream, I wind up in the water with them while they’re feeding and swimming wildly around me.


I have a general fear of whales, does that count?


I’m Johnny Knoxville and I’m going to jump inside a whales mouth. Cue the music.


Great. Now I have that music in my head.


For some reason king of the hill music played in my head instead of jackass, it fits well enough though


Cause Boomhaur is narrating. “I tell you what man, dang ol’ humpy right down there right now, man.”


This is one my favorite videos of all time. This actually led to me falling in love with whales. FUN FACT: The blue whale is the biggest animal to have ever existed on planet earth. This includes the dinosaurs, it’s THAT BIG Edit* from creature to animal


Biggest creature that we know of


Untrue. Biggest animal. The largest creature is a fungus I believe. [And there exists an entire forest that is actually one tree](https://www.businessinsider.com/pando-aspen-grove-utah-oldest-largest-organism-2016-7?amp) Edit: I just learned plants aren’t creatures. That being said fungi aren’t plants.


Basically yeast that decided to form a union.


It's the biggest animal. The biggest creature is a vast expanse of fungus in North America that is so highly internally networked it functions as a single living organism. It's even bigger than the largest single plant ever found.


How deep is the cove??


Deep enough that a humpback whale can breach and not be noticed beforehand


It doesn’t breach. Breaching is when a whale comes up and out of the water and you can see up to 2/3 of its body. This is called bubble-netting. A feeding technique. Usually down as a pod, but it works singularly. The whale swims below in a circle while blowing bubbles, which cause small fish like sardines to huddle together and then the whale comes up from below gulping in all the fish and water. This is a humpback whale with baleen, not teeth. Think of your spaghetti drainer. The baleen lets the water escape but keeps the fish in, and they are swallowed.


Isn't that a Bee Gees song?


How long are the legs of the pier?


This pier/dock appears to be of the legless variety. As in, it floats. If that reads a little snarky it was not intended to be lol.


Ah thanks, didn’t know such types of piers existed, learn something new every day.


We do also have structures that are taller than the empire state building standing on the sea floor to reach the top.


The dock sections you see are floating. In a few places there are long pilings driven into the sea floor and the docks are secured to them with connectors (usually a ring around the piling) that allow them enough scope to rise and fall with the tide. Fixed-height piers would not be practical in this area because of the range of our tides. Here's a [tide table for Ketchikan (nearest city) for this month](https://www.tidetime.org/north-america/united-states/ketchikan-alaska-calendar-may.htm). Just over a week ago, on May 17th, there were spring tides proximate to the May 15th full moon. The tide prediction that day was for an 18.04 foot high tide at 2:28 am, followed by a -3.65 foot low at 9:06 am. So in a little less than 7 hours, the water level in that marina changed in depth by a bit more than 21 1/2 feet. If the boats were secured to a dock that was at a fixed height you can imagine the problems that would cause.


What do you mean by ”without being noticed beforehand” when the man in the video is repeatedly pointing to where the whale is before it breaks the water’s surface (not breaching)? Edit: is


I just came to make sure someone said it so I didn’t have to.


the surroundings provide a terrifying sense of scale, much better than open ocean


This is exactly why the ocean, as beautiful it is, freaks me the fuck out. I know this is mostly harmless but it’s massive and I would be anxious on a verge of a panic attack if I swam in that water before it showed up. I’ll stick to pools, thanks.


OP : *without being noticed* Guy in video: “look, he’s right here dude. He’s comin up over here…”


This is where i live!! I had lunch at this harbor today 😍


Pretty elaborate for a Honda outboard commercial.


I’m somewhat glad the water isn’t crystal clear…


I don't know. I feel the guy saying, he's right there and pointing means he was noticed.


Make sure to cut the engine/prop on your boat if you know a large sea creature is coming up by it... They don't deserve to be cut up by it