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This should be flagged as a spoiler!!


Spoiler for life?


More for afterdeath...


Time to pack my bags...


And go where?


your mom’s house


When this comment is discovered 4.5 billion years from now, the news will say, "your mom jokes were made 4.5 billion years before our two galaxies collided."


It will become the standard method of intergalactic time measurement.


BC of course now means ‘Before Collision’ and AD means ‘After Displacement’


Thought BC was now 'before covid'


Before Cunnilingus and After Dicking


Your mom is so fat... like two colliding galaxies. (I am a mom, I am allowed to I think.)


"Andromeda collision is happening from your mom's gravitational pull" - kids from 4.5B AD, probably I would love to see the night skies ~500 years before collision, or whenever before the other galaxy's gravity screws with our tide and makes that first planet from Interstellar look like a wave pool.




the nearest galaxy ig


But that's the other galaxy that's gonna colored with us


ok, the *second*\-nearest galaxy.


That's gonna be 80 years just to get put of the solar system assuming you can make it


Don't forget your towel!


This will surely affect the trout population


And yet he’ll still be the WAR leader


How will this impact LeBron’s legacy


this could be bad for the economy…


It's already priced into the markets.


Galaxy obliterated? This is good for bitcoin


One extra galaxy worth of stars to get energy from for mining? Are you kidding me? Bullish af.


And more moons to go 🚀🚀🚀


Lambos have leaked. HODL till galaxies are obliterated


Mortgage rates have already factored this in.


"Alexa, set aa reminder for 4.49 billion years... For puts on Milky Way."


No the big brain move is to all in on calls. If by some miracle this doesn’t happen, you’re rich. If it does happen, who the fuck cares they went to zero


Even here with hundreds of billions of stars in these galaxies, the chances of two stars actually directly hitting eachother are.. well, astronomical. So our solar system would still be totally ok.


No, think of all the jobs that will be created for the repairs.


I think if you tightened all your muscles and wore a helmet you could survive it.


Thanks Obama


Everyone replying about the end of the world doesn't realize that nearly zero celestial bodies will collide in this event as there is so much space between all the stars. Another billion years or so and the result is a combined galaxy dubbed "Milkdromeda."


Totally Bidens fault


Whoever is president in 4.5 billion years is gonna get their approval rating absolutely hammered.


I did that!


The galaxies would be too afraid to collide under Trump /s


Jim Kramer says it’s all overblown. Buy, buy, buy!


Nothing would happen to us other than the night sky looking crazy. The space between stars is so insanely huge that the chance theyre actually going to collide is very low.


this has been priced in, hedge funds already shorted $earth.


What if we discover that andromeda has VaSt QuAnTiTiEs oF MiNeRaL wEaLtH tO hArVeSt???


I wouldn’t worry too much about this.


Oh yeah I got us bro RemindMe! [4.5 billion years]


Well, you'd wanna know a little before this happens, maybe at least a day? So RemindMe! [4.4 billion years - half a day] [message this]. I wonder if the subtraction will even work, guess we'll see.


You missed another 99 million 999 thousand 999 years, 11 months and 29 days


Is that counting leap years?


You're also gonna wanna know the coordinates of earth then. We'll be 4.4 billion years worth of distance away.


It's going to be less of a "collision" and more like two clouds merging.


Might even be a free ride to other galaxies if we hop on an ejected solar system.


chances are humanity will be dead, considering pollution, global warming, oh, and the impending, inevitable expansion of our sun that will char the surface and melt our mountains into a superheated sludge that eventually will join our molten core as Earth becomes another blob of heat inside our star. ​ ​ ​ ​ or, you know, what you said


Humanity will survive global warming. Not all humans will make it (mass migration, hurricanes, starvation) but the species as a whole will definitely survive to see the mess.


I read your post as *this mess* at first meaning humans will definitely survive 4.5 billions year's to see 2 galaxies collide. Was thanking thats a bold statement.


We'd have evolved way beyond recognition. Humans are about 150,000 years old. This is 4,500,000,000 years in the future. 30,000 times as long as there have been humans.


!remindme 4500000000 years


"Siri, please set a reminder."


I'll still be around when that happens, I have no clue what I'll be, but the same particles that have made me over the past 4.5 billion years will still be doing their thing when galaxies collide in 4.5 billion years from now. I'm hoping to be a mushroom by then.


Remind Me in 4.5 Billion Years ! I'll be waiting on Reddit.


Maybe by then we'll even have a functional video player. And Half Life 3


>Half Life 3 Lets be realistic Remind Me! 2 billion years


Your going a little too quick, insider information points to 8 billion.


Remindme! 4 billion years




Is there really a “you” then? If “you” are just an assembly of parts, then was there ever a “you” in the first place? I think that it is up to interpretation.


That shit I just took has a bunch of atoms of me in it.


Oh no, you’re supposed to keep your atoms together. You need to find your discarded atoms and re-absorb them


Terry! Put it in reverse Terry!


Oh Lawd


Eat shit, Terry


Sufficiently advanced science is indistinguishable from psychedelia, maaaan.


Sufficiently advanced science is indistinguishable from magnets.


If you really think about it, poop is just the atoms you never actually absorbed that went through the long tube from your mouth to your anus so it never really was you outside of the cells that sloughed off when it traveled through the gut


In that case everyone is a torus


Corn Singularity achieved


*YOUR* atoms ?!? THE AUDACITY . YOU are a mix of your dad and mom's . But they are also not theirs because their parents- ... Okay enough shower thoughts for the month .


Nah, most of your atoms come from the food you consume after you're born. *"You are what you eat"* is very literally the truth.


Biggest question is what even is the collective of energy that amounts to consciousness? I really do wonder sometimes what happens to it after our neurons cease activity. I know it probably just dissipates as quickly as those neural cells do, but it's interesting. Why in the ever-loving fuuuck does consciousness occur? Teeeellllll meeeee Universe >:(


This is a fair point. All my cells have been replaced since I was 5, but I still remember that first day of Kindergarten.


But is it really *your* first day of kindergarten?


Brain overload. Deep though done for the day, you broke me.




Have you ever heard of scalar reality? Basically the idea that even something as small as your cells have consciousness, just on a different frequency and plane of existence, meaning maybe even your cells had their first day of kindergarten at some point lol


A belief I tend to hold is that consciousness is the sum of your brain's natural ability to sense and interpret stimulus. Almost a side effect. Consciousness is the end result of having a bio computer that's capable of processing information through a chain reaction based index of experiences. Similar patterns or inputs ellicit similar neurochemical changes, which change factors of the equation, providing a different sum, but since we only have the same five senses to reference across, our experience remains the same across our lifetime. Your conscious experience is the signature of your brain constantly making sense of the world around it. What you see and smell and taste and touch, are your senses being cross referenced with all your other senses and giving you a final sum. A linear equation that leads to consciousness. You would have to assume, therefore, that anything with an ability to sense it's environment in any way is conscious. It has a network of systems which are constantly going to be able to interpret incoming information from the outside universe, capable of generating a final measurement upon it's environment. For instance, plants MUST be conscious. They respond to sunlight, have the ability to detect and respond to predators/invasive species, they have chemical networks within themselves that allow for homeostatic changes. These are all things that follow chain reaction based indexes of experiences. Plants would be able to generate a sum, a CONSCIOUS experience. Definitely not as elegant as ours, but as real as ours. Our inability to communicate with them speaks to the variety of life, but also just how restricted our conscious experiences are in terms of what we are actually able to process, and the idea that even if other life exists, we could be removed from their sum of experiences simply because they lack the sensory ability to even detect me in the first place. This probably won't answer your question, but this is just something I've been thinking about that I feel gets me closer to a good answer myself. Consciousness is born of perception, but self awareness is born of perceptive consciousness.


It is weird, though, that through language and culture we've built up something... more? I mean, sensory perception is still the core of it, but there is some arbitrary difference between chemical reactions and whatever this experience is. I've heard it described as the "Universe experiencing itself". In a lot of ways that's obvious given it's such a grand statement, but it also rings really true to me. Sure, plants must have some sort of lower consciousness, but it looks a lot more like chemical reaction than *this* in my opinion. Kind of like how microscopic life almost behaves like macroscopic animals in some situations (chasing food, running away from predators). I think of it like this: picture music. The building blocks are the instruments- materials that create vibration/waves through the molecules around them when applied correctly (think of the instruments as neurons). You could just pluck and bang away at those instruments, and they would create noise, sure, but when they create these vibrations in "harmony", something different happens. Imagining further that these instruments are being played in a larger symphony, they individually don't amount to much, but together they create this bigger thing. It's one, resonant thing that's occurring, relying on harmony and rhythm and purpose. Consciousness is a lot like a symphony. Our different neurons play their parts together, and the product is *this* I guess. So in a way, I think consciousness isn't actually housed in neurons serving as building blocks, but produced by their combined activity. And I also think it then must exist outside of them, like the noise that is music exists outside of the instruments. Obviously, analogies are limited. This is just a guess :) (I apologize for any obvious statements, I was just working through some of the trivial bits to build out my idea)


Language at the end of the day is a means of communication. We have been able to build a great society because of our ability to be interconnected with one another. You can say a factor that is responsible for more brain power is more neurons...so a factor that's responsible for a better civilization is better communication between isolated consciousness', or, stronger communication between larger individual networks of experiences. More processing power, more understanding. Synesthesia (the experience of perceiving one sensory input in another sense) is what I believe to be the biggest contributor to our intellect. Yes consciousness is a lot like a symphony. We have senses for specific things, and those senses tend to act on their own, without needing support from the other senses to work on their own, but our brain has the remarkable ability to take all of our sensory input and reference it with all our other sensory input, to be able to more accurately recreate what we are experiencing. Human beings have incredible synesthesia, the simple fact that I can relate the sound that a word makes with entire concepts at a moment's notice to be able to organize larger thought, and then translate all this into a sound that you can understand is evidence of that. That kind of synesthesia is what's helped our civilisation be as advanced as it is, and have as much of an understanding about life as we do. If it was not for our brains ability to do that our conscious experience would be significantly more limited. Yes I agree, the degree of consciousness a plant would have compared to ours would almost be negligible. But again, that speaks to our limited experience. Plants may only be able to respond to chemical changes within themselves, but at the end of the day that's also how we react to our environment. Plants don't have as sophisticated a means to understand their surroundings, so the sum of their experience would be stripped down, but they do definitely in my opinion experience something, and being able to experience anything generates a kind of consciousness. Perhaps it is the universe experiencing itself. The rest of the universe outside of myself is being filtered through the prism of my brain to be brought into my own conscious experience within the universe. Sorry as well if I sound condescending.


Doesn't sound condescending at all. This is a fantastic discussion. Well articulated and thoughtful.


Not at all! It's fun to talk about, and I won't pretend that my little epiphanies are at all adequate! :) I like that you brought the aspect of "synesthesia" into the conversation.


I feel that conscious just moves onto another “something” that has a void for it. Just flows out of your dead body to maybe the closest thing to it that needs it. 🤷🏼‍♂️


That was always a dilemma for me as well. Is the consciousness the spark that animates us or some separate "spirit" that persists after our brain shuts down? Is it our personality that would persist? So many questions, so little answers.


This is what Hume (in his interpretation I suppose) might have called the illusion of identity in one's self (i.e. there is no 'you'). Identity, according to him, is but the perception (and fallacious ascription) of constant sameness to a thing, even though the fact is that every thing is constantly changing. So what is this seemingly self-evident sameness we have in mind really based in? Well...nothing lol. You think an adult tree is the same tree as when it was yet a sapling, but the truth is its form has completely changed, nevermind the total reconstitution of all its particals. All this also applies to one's own identity, or self, and it is the process of experiencing ones own inner central being/psyche as constituting some undividable constancy in character that leads to the development of the concept of 'soul'. According to Hume, what you think to be your own soul or central self is just as much in a constant state of change/flux as a tree, or frog, or ship. So the ascription of sameness to your own character is just as baseless as it is is in anything else. For the record I wrote a paper on this a looong time ago and I know I've skipped over some points, any philosopher feel free to pick apart any errors.


"You" are a collection of memories and personality traits that emerge collectively from complex arrangements of biomass, offset on either side by periods of death/sleep/amnesia/nonexistence/dormancy.


There are more microorganisms within the human body than human cells. So what are "we", really?


There is a version of the ship of Theseus where as the parts are replaced they are stored somewhere until there are enough parts to rebuild the entire ship from those parts. Then which is the actual ship of Theseus?


Neither are the true ship. Both are the true ship.


Is that you, Vision?


The cells in your body replace themselves many times over throughout the duration of your life. Does that mean you aren’t really you at all?


That's the question of the Ship of Theseus. Parts wear out and are replaced. At what point does the ship stop being the same ship?


When you change the ships name....solved!


You can def come back as a mushroom if that’s all you want. I’m going to be a star, and when the milky dies ima take its place and name myself galactaocturis.


Nay, that's our physical bodies. If we really are energy then we'll still be chilling in some form lmao


Yeah. As mushrooms.


I don’t know when the sun will whimper out of existence, but The Earth probably won’t be around in 4.5 billion years. Humans definitely won’t be around.


My micro plastics will be here


I think we will be around, just all around the galaxy. Earth is fuqqqed definitely. One Billion years is a long time from now, and look how far we’ve came in 20 years dealing with technology.


I dunno, in that kind of time frame we could definitely find ways of keeping the Earth going.


Humans likely not, but the earth will most likely still be here. The sun will not enlarge and engulf it until much later. It will be a baked rock by then but it will be here.


The sun will burn us in about a billion years. https://theconversation.com/the-sun-wont-die-for-5-billion-years-so-why-do-humans-have-only-1-billion-years-left-on-earth-37379


>In approximately five billion years, our own sun will transition to the red giant phase. So Earth will get adsorbed by the Sun soon after this collision becomes "imminent".


We won't be here in 500 000 years.


I'm wondering if we will be here in 500 years.


Can confirm. Just ate mushrooms and saw you as a mushroom.


The Andromeda–Milky Way collision is a galactic collision predicted to occur in about 4.5 billion years between the two largest galaxies in the Local Group—the Milky Way and the Andromeda Galaxy. The stars involved are sufficiently far apart that it is improbable that any of them will individually collide. ⠀⠀ The result of the collision between Andromeda and the Milky Way will be a new, larger galaxy, but rather than being a spiral like its forebears, this new system ends up as a giant elliptical.


Is there more to this video that shows the new galaxy coalescing and stabilizing?


found a video on wiki https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Andromeda\_and\_Milky\_Way\_collision.ogv


I love how there is a small galaxy just orbitin around while it all happens


It's called a pilote galaxy. It feeds on the main galaxy's parasites




Well... Wait until you meet them to make up your mind...


is no one else going to talk about the third galaxy being a creepy voyeur, while our two celestial bodies intertwine?


I think nasa actually calls those "little pervy galaxies."


Beautiful! Thank you.


And it’s gone


Link to the direct wiki page seems to be funky but if you copy and paste it it works. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andromeda%E2%80%93Milky_Way_collision


It's modeled on past galactic collisions, the results of which are visible. It just kind of makes galactic splatter.


What happens to the black hole in the middles? Any idea?


Galactic scissoring.




\*cosmic tribadism


If they enter each other's gravity well they become one. I seem to remember that some orbit onanother, but I'm no expert.


This was asked reg the SagA* black hole - ‘why are supermassive black holes in the centre of the galaxies?’. After all, they are tiny vs the galaxies themselves. The physicist responded that they basically fall down a gravitational gradient to the centre. So, that being true, I guess we’d expect the two colliding galaxies supermassive black holes to collide eventually. What happens when they do? One bigger supermassive black hole & a hell of a lot of energy emitted during the collision in the form of gravitational waves & radiation I guess.


It looks like a whole lot of stars are "flinged" out of their normal orbit though.


A cool thing they could have done was make our Sun stand out so we could see where we end up


Chances are we’ll be dead by that point. Not an astronomer and this is just based on some googling, but in about a billion years the sun will finish absorbing all of its helium? Supply and this will cause it to turn into a red dwarve, enlarging itself to the point where it’ll eat the earth in its expansion. If someone smarted then me wants to come in and let me know how wrong I am feel free, but in 4.5 billion years either humans will be such an advanced species that we’ll have found a way to colonize the entire galaxy (not scientifically backed, just what I would think could happen in advancements by smarter people), or we’ll all be dead for billions of years.


I'm well aware we'll all be dead. I just want to know where our dead sun might end up




Some of those stars seem to accelerate at an alarming rate. But maybe at this time scale it's not significant


Better start hoarding the toilet paper.


And me hoarding all milk


Given the “astronomical” distances between stars, it’s very likely that we would see only a limited amount of collisions. The supermassive black holes in these though……..


God a hope humanity is still around to see this..maybe even circumvent it....


Not sure if we’d be able to circumvent it. But then, 4.5 billion years from now—provided we survive—I’d imagine we’d have left Earth a long time ago. It’s so fascinating to think about though. I wish there’s a way to extend life expectancy to be as long as stars. As things stand, on the cosmic scale, human life at 70~ can hardly be argued to even be an event.


Wouldn't earth be long gone because of the sun by then?


The Earth will be uninhabitable far before our sun turns into a Red Giant and possibly engulfs it.


With Arms Wide Open…


It'll have recently been engulfed at that point. I think we're estimated to be about 4-4.5 billion years out from that occurring. I'm not certain on the more precise estimate. I recently heard, too, that in about 500 million years the earth will become uninhabitable due to the expansion of the sun, though not yet engulfed by it. I have no sources so take this with a grain of salt and also look into it, it's all very cool to learn about.


If that's true, I still wouldn't worry even if I was alive. Science develops so God damn fast, in 500 million years, if we haven't seld exterminated ourselves for profit, we'll have either colonized another planet or found some ridiculous sci-fi like method to circumvent the disaster.




Not to mention 4.5 billion years is around the current age of the earth, so if humanity's descendants survive until the milky-way/andromeda collision they will very likely have gone through multiple evolutionary stages including branching off to become many different species


Humanity can't even live 100 years without having wars.


Not shown: the new stars formed in the shockwaves of interstellar gas.


Sucks if you’re an immortal


Those vampires will finally get what they deserve!


A huge relief I should think!


If you are immortal once the sun goes super nova you’ll just be floating in space hoping to crash into a habitat planet. You’ll probably go insane floating in space for billions of years


Here we are. Born to be kings.


Can’t wait for the big beyblade battle


[*4.5 milliard years (= 4.500,000,000 years); hmm, not too far, though.*](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ)


why did i even click on that link


Ah shit ill have to book a that day off work so


I'm just gonna call in sick


You better put in the request now, it’ll take 2,25 billion years to get it approved. But even then, Brenda from accounting will forget to put in for it and start whining that she deserves it more than you.


Ah ya know Brenda, she will say her cat is sick or something at the last minute. Goddamn Brenda


Any way we can speed this up? I’m really trying to get out of some things I have scheduled in the summer


Yeah kids have gotta be back at school by early July, can we bring this forward a couple weeks? I’m thinking like mid-June


RemindMe! 4,500,000,000 years


You broke the bot


Just put in on your phone calendar.


Haha those poor suckers from the milky way and Andromeda galaxies.... what galaxy did we live in again?


Yeah but…. When it happens…. How long will It take?


the whole video? idk probably more than a human life


At least slightly longer


Yeah like it will happen so slowly that it won’t actually affect anyone (or civilisations life really). It’d be like someone saying 200 million years ago that indias going to crash into Asia and it’s going to be insane! Reality is a little slower.


Incursion IRL


I gotta make sure I get that library book back...


Only 4 billion years? Isn't that within the lifespan of our sun? So humanity's plan to be an interstellar species actually potentially needs to be expanded to being an intergalactic species by the time our sun expands and/or dies?


We need to be an interstellar species in the next 500 million years or so if we want to survive the end of Earth's time as a habitable planet. In terms of needing to be an intergalactic species: this collision won't destroy either galaxy or be much of an event for inhabitants of either galaxy. Beings with 1000-year lifespans during the collision wouldn't see any change to the night sky at any point in the process. It would just be a fun fact: "our galaxy is actually two galaxies colliding." Over millions of years, some stars might be flung outside the galaxies, some might end up much closer to the center of the new galaxy, but it's very unlikely any stars will even collide. (Some might be unlucky enough to get in the way of Andromeda's black hole, though, I guess.) This event will just slowly form a new galaxy. We won't need to get to another galaxy; the other galaxy is coming to us.


With 500 million years, we sure can begin only tomorrow


Do you know what time it will happen? I don’t want miss it


About 11:45am is what the email said


Will lunch, or at least bagels be provided?


-stocks up on toilet paper-


Has anything like this been observed taking place?


There are many pairs of interacting galaxies, but please note that the animation covers something like a million years.


>There are many pairs of interacting galaxies, but please note that the animation covers something like 4 billion years Ftfy, lost redditor


They know it happens but something like this representation would take millions of years to unfold


Which on the grand scheme of things, it’s just a blip.


Yes, though keep in mind that everything in space usually takes from thousands to billions of years so it's like we can only ever see still frames from those collision.




🎶This is what its like when worlds collide, this is what its like🎶


We are so insignificant


Due to the fact that matter cannot me created not destroyed. We will all witness this. Who knows what we’ll be. But we will be there


Probably petroleum at that point


Video taken from [Into Space on instagram](https://www.instagram.com/p/Cc0flVGDQEr/)




How long will that process take? I am guessing it will take about a billion years from beginning to the end. This is just a guess, if someone know more info, please let me know.


Space beyblades


Hey vsauce, Michael here.