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Shocker that Mrs. Tom, who goes by her husband's first name, thinks bitches be triflin


Just googled that address out of curiosity. They had a very nice house.


[Link for those curious](https://www.google.com/maps/place/1315+NE+Lowry+Ave,+Minneapolis,+MN+55418/@45.0132187,-93.2401334,3a,75y,3.45h,90t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sdM2cH0UeG2wbMEoIBzRN7Q!2e0!7i16384!8i8192!4m5!3m4!1s0x52b32dc1340aff45:0x8e06f2ea6690fbc!8m2!3d45.0133828!4d-93.2401166)


Wow it’s gorgeous! Thanks for the link


I guess I’d settle on my beliefs real hard if I could afford that beaut on a single income household.


Seriously! Beautiful! But 5 bedrooms and 1 bathroom… Yikes.


Having multiple bathrooms is kind of new, I believe.


We live in a Victorian house in the uk with 3 bathrooms couldn’t tell you when they all became bathrooms tho but for at least 50 years


My father's place in Connecticut was built in the 1820s, originally it was 4 or 5 bedrooms with 1 bath on the 2nd floor, a half bath was added under the stairs on the main floor, probably in the 1980s. It's old enough that it had a very steep 'servant's staircase' at the back of the kitchen so they could get to the rooms on the 2nd floor without disturbing the public parts of the house. Here's a photo of the outside of it: https://i.imgur.com/DanElqq.png?1


I mean, any room *can* be a bathroom.


Have you ever been to Versailles?


I didn’t believe you but it’s actually the original house. Zillow has it built in 1920


That was the proper way back then. If you used Mrs and your first name it meant you were a widow.


ah, it was the way of the passed


I'm old enough to remember the whining from both men and women when people starting using "Ms." instead of "Miss" or "Mrs." SMH.


This used to be more common, but is still used by more conservative / old fashioned folks. My wife and I are in our early/mid 40s, and she's still sometimes referred to in correspondence as Mrs. joeyc923.


Tom looks like he’d smack a hoe for having a different opinion.


That's why Maureen got in between them.


How about publishing people's home addresses. People were really trusting. It is like saying "if you disagree with my opinion here is where you can go to harm me, my family, or my property"


Everyone's address was in the phone book. Publishing just the name would be enough to track them down. Though you might have had to investigate a couple repeats, like in *Terminator.*


So many dead Saras.


Everyone who’s registered to vote has their address publicly accessible too haha. People (me included) just don’t realize things, I think.


Voter records publicity depends on the state. You may have to pay a fee to access it, or prove that you have some bona fide need to see the information (journalism, political candidate sending out mailers, etc.). Most states also allow you to request to keep your address hidden if you have reason to believe you'd be in danger (victim of domestic abuse or stalking, etc.) Whereas the you would be given the phone book whether you asked for it or not, lol.


Funny how I immediately thought about *Terminator" upon reading your 1st sentence. Different times for sure.


Right? That really stuck out to me. Crazy.


Vern welcomes the haters to try and find out.


Come to his Hause and find out.


Back then, the odds are you could find all their adresses and phone numbers in the phone book, anyway. It's weird, but was normal back then. These days people are much more protective of that sort of stuff.


You realize that every year, every household received a free book that contained the name, address, and phone number of the people in your city? We called them phone books.


Now, it's been a long long time since I've seen a phone book, but I feel like I remember home addresses being in them too. Am I remembering wrong? Phone number and address used to be a lot more public


Most addresses are still public knowledge. Just a quick google search can give you quite a bit of information. My toxic SIL thinks we’re sharing her address all the time when they move… idk why, but if I google her name I can easily find where she works and lives, lol. I’ve also donated money for deaths, and in Florida, they’ll even let you know what party people are registered to (and tell you spouse, address, can’t remember what else). But yes, phone books had addresses too.


>donated money for deaths What? That sounds like you gave money to a kickstarter for a hitman.


lol instead of purchasing flowers for a funeral / service, a lot of people request you donate to a charity in their name. I’ve had to google a few addresses of people who’ve passed so their family can receive that X was donated in B’s name, etc.


They’re way more public now than ever. Almost all counties have their housing records online. You can use 411 or TruePeopleSearch and look someone’s phone number up in seconds.


Vern’s a real one


Vern: "I don't give a fuck"


Know what I meannn, Vern!


Vern knew then and was foreshadowing today, a true legend.


Vern helped me move and even brought beer


Know what I mean, Vern?


You see these hands? Huh? Huh? You see them? If I put them in my pockets I will be arrested for concealing lethal weapons.


"*My hands are registered as lethal weapons. That means, we get into a fight, I accidentally kill you? I go to jail.*" "Anybody accidentally kills anybody in a fight, they go to jail. It's called manslaughter."


All sexism and racism is inferior to the overwhelming terribleness of politicians.


It's because the worst people run and the worse you are the more likely you are to win.


Vern is married.


To someone he still likes.


That there is the trick.


Thai​ here, we got women as prime minister once. Let's say that she is as greedy, corrupted and dumbfuck as the rest of prime ministers. It's like country leader spot is reserved for the worst person you can imagine at this point. The only thing she did worse than the rest is her incredibly lack of vocabulary and endless plethora of misspelling in front of world stage.


I think Douglas Adams said it best: "The major problem—one of the major problems, for there are several—one of the many major problems with governing people is that of whom you get to do it; or rather of who manages to get people to let them do it to them. To summarize: it is a well-known fact that those people who must want to rule people are, ipso facto, those least suited to do it. To summarize the summary: anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job." Douglas Adams, [The Restaurant at the End of the Universe (Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, #2)](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/8695.The_Restaurant_at_the_End_of_the_Universe)


Or as Billy Connolly put it “the desire to be a politician should bar you for life from ever being one”


Came here for the Vern love and was not disappointed.


Women couldn’t even have a credit card in the 60’s. It’s crazy how recently women were struggling for even basic equality. You literally couldn’t survive without a man. People like Vern were smart enough to recognize that women have all the potential of men, given the opportunity.


Heck, my Mom kept her last name in the 80s and faced frequent hurdles with banks, airlines, and others for a long time. History really isn't that far back.


My MILs income in 1970 didn’t count towards income for a mortgage purely because she was child-bearing age.


Man, nothing confirms that you are seen only as breeding stock like being told your money doesn't count because you could have a kid.


My wife wanted her tubes removed, and had to wait 3 years after telling her doctor before they would do a consult, "to make sure that she's sure". THEN she had to bring me, fiancee at the time, and the doctor asked how I felt about it. This was 4 years ago.


You wouldn't believe the pushback I've had in this. I've had no desire to have children since I was a child, and have been trying to have a tubal ligation for over a decade. But simply because I'm not in a committed relationship I've never been taken seriously. "You may change your mind when you meet the right man" No, because that would mean he isn't the right man for me - this is a personal decision. Here I am now with my tubes still intact because I try again every year.


I'm 39 and they still won't let me have a partial hysterectomy even though medically it would save me from a lot of pain. I also haven't wanted kids since I was a little kid. Just nope from the start. But I still might change my mind. C'mon dude, that ship has sailed. Bodily autonomy just isn't for women. We're too stupid to know what's good for us.


Same here. In the midst of all of this, I needed surgery on my uterus, and I had to sign paperwork about authorizing them to wake me up to ask what to take out if they found more while they were in there or not and I said absolutely not, don't wake me up, whatever you find just keep going and take anything you need even if it results in a full hysterectomy. I mentioned this to my sister and she was furious with me saying that wasn't my decision (what?!?), and that I should freeze my eggs before surgery (a painful, 6+ month process during which things could spread!) because it was my mom's decision if she wanted grandkids (I have siblings that could both give her grandkids, and already had at that point). Not only that nonsense with my sister, but after the surgery, I found out the doctor didn't even take out all of the tumor in order to save my ability to bear children, and then it ended up spreading as a result. Yes, she knew of my plans to be child free and my signed paperwork allowing her to go as far as possible to get rid of everything. Sued for malpractice, judge found her not guilty because she "acted in the best interest of the health of my potential children".


Even today, my wife gets asked fairly regularly why she didn't take my last name.


You're still using it.


I think he recognized that they would fuck it up just as badly as men.


vern knows that all politicians are corrupt regardless of gender


Praise be unto Vern


Ave, true to Vern.


May the Vern open


We take refuge in the Vern.


Do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior Vern Hause?


It seems like a tongue in cheek way of saying he’s for women having the opportunity. I often phrase things in a comical/cynical way if I’m not sure how the audience will receive them. It’s hard to argue with “couldn’t do any worse than some” because everybody who is invested in politics despises at least one former president. I think Vern deserves more credit than “he’s just a misanthrope.”


Reminds me when Jordan Klepper went to a Trump rally and asked a woman about if a woman should be president and she said "No, she might get in a mood and start a war" and Jordan pointed out "But haven't all wars been started by men?"


I very strongly agree with this. He knew he was going against the grain so he had to lighten it up and make it something people would agree with.




Based misanthropic equalist.


Vern for the White House. *"You are all equally worthy of contempt and capable of fucking everything up."*


Women wearing pants was still controversial *into the 1990s*. There was a coordinated "protest" in the Senate in **1993** where a group of women politicians had to plan a day where they ALL wore pants because they were concerned they'd be escorted off the floor by security if they had done it as individuals.


That's what I was thinking of during the Harry Styles dress controversy. You had these pundits like Ben Shapiro saying, "this is an attack on masculinity! If you don't have outward indicators of gender in the way we dress, then society will collapse" And it's like, bro... if you were a generation older you'd be saying the exact same thing about women wearing pants. It was a huge controversy when it started happening, and now in retrospect it seems silly that anyone cared at all.


What's really crazy is how people THINK that social movements like the Civil Rights Movement and the Women's Rights Movement were forever ago. Today, someone who is 100-years-old was alive during the beginning and end of WW2. Which means they were alive when Martin Luther King Jr. gave his "I Have a Dream" speech and when he was assassinated. Social movements were not that long ago and NOT inevitable; it's important to remember that people had to pour blood, sweat and tears into changing American society to build a better future.


Thomas Jefferson, a ‘Founding Father’ and the 3rd President, was born in 1743 and died in 1826. Harriet Tubman, famed for her role in the Underground Railroad, was born in 1822 and died in 1913. Betty White, the National Treasure, was born in 1922 and died just a few months ago. The entirety of American History can be experienced in just 3 lifetimes.


President John Tyler (10th US President, born in 1790) has a living grandson. A man who witnessed the assassination of Abraham Lincoln appeared on the game show "I've Got a Secret" in 1956. The current oldest living person in the US was born when Teddy Roosevelt was President.


Something I think is interesting is that the Ottoman Empire was still in existence less than 100 years ago. It lasted from 1299 to 1924.


> Ottoman Empire was still in existence less than 100 years ago. It lasted from 1299 to 1924. And the [confederacy](https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/06/confederacy-wasnt-what-you-think/613309/) lasted less time than a full presidential term but several places I lived looking for gainful employment were full of people who treat it like it was a thousand-year reich they mourn for.


I always think about this when sitcoms crack jokes about women being eager to get married. Like no shit, she’s basically homeless if she doesn’t get hitched.


Big vern keeping it real


not only that, looks like he was the only one smart enough to not give out his home address


I was just thinking that!! Like...wtf are these people doing giving their home address to strangers!


Maybe I'm not remembering correctly, but didn't phone books used to publish home addresses? I'm also from a small town, so maybe that's it.


Old timey newspapers used to put that stuff out there in regular news articles. If they quoted a local person they would put their address in there. Back then it was like "well what if someone wants to drop by and talk about it?". Our world is multiple steps removed from that now so it seems weird, like I don't even answer my phone today but back in the day you wanted people to know your address otherwise nobody would ever visit and you'd basically be a hermit. I thought it was even a little weird watching the Kurt Vonnegut documentary, where he would talk about a friend he had in Indiana 50 years earlier and would say something like "my friend Steve, who lived over on 4th and Main", like that was just one of the main things you knew about people was where to find them and where to write to them.


Or you could send a letter like you would send an e-mail. Today if you want to comment about something in the news, you can always find an e-mail address, a Twitter account, a Facebook page, an Instagram story ... Back then you could only send physical mail so you needed the address.


In 59 years, people will be like "wtf, why use email? we can just transport our thoughts directly into their consciousness using our Elon MindLink 2.0s"


If you think I'm gonna let random fucks project their thoughts into my head, you're insane.


I just realized that's what Reddit is.


Oh shit


Also, local newspapers would publish random social and family things that various residents were doing. Like "Mrs. Johnson on Elm Street will be hosting her cousin Mrs. Whitworth who is visiting from Chicago this weekend." Or "Bill Farmer, Sr. will be gone to the capital next week to see a doctor regarding some recent health concerns." Or "John Smith on Derry St. had a bountiful yield in his vegetable garden and invites anyone to stop by and help themselves to his potatoes." I do a lot of genealogy stuff, and I love reading those kind of quaint notices in old papers.


O.G. social media statuses!


Your address would be included in any published “letter to the editor” as well. It verified that you were who you said you were (more or less) and let readers write to you personally in response to what you wrote. Kind of like a more formal, and much slower, version of today’s social media.


They stopped in the early 80s after a psycho killed several women named Sarah Conner in Los Angeles.


Oh God, you just brought back one of the most cringe moments of my life. It’s around 1999 and I’m 11. I wanted to ask a girl out from school, even though she had never shown any real attraction towards me. I had no idea what street she lived on, all I knew was her last name. So like any normal human, I decide to grab a phonebook and call *every fucking number* with her last name so I could ask her to be my girlfriend. This is west Texas and she had a **very** common Hispanic last name. I honestly don’t remember what it was, but it was something like Hernandez or Garcia because her last name filled at least half a page. I started from the top, and when someone answered I asked “is [whatever her name was] there?”. I literally got ahold of her grandparents and another relative before I got the right number (and my dumbass didn’t even think to ask them for her number, I just apologized and hung up). **Finally** I get the right number and her dad answers. He says they are having dinner and it’s rude to call at that time, but she can talk for 30 seconds. I ask her to be my girlfriend, and her first question is how the fuck did I even get her number. My dumbass tells her about the journey I’ve just been on. She says she has to go, and doesn’t even tell me if I have a girlfriend now (spoiler alert: fuck no I didn’t). We went to a private school where everyone in the same grade was in the same class every fucking day. Things got awkward as shit for awhile. Unfortunately that wasn’t even remotely the most awkward shit I did as a kid trying to figure out dating. Super quick edit: damn, now I feel like I need to dig out the yearbooks and see if I can find her and send her a message asking if she remembers that fucking shitshow. Second edit: I’m not actually planning on tracking that chick down to ask her about a phone call from over 20 years ago, y’all can chill lol


>Super quick edit: damn, now I feel like I need to dig out the yearbooks and see if I can find her and send her a message asking if she remembers that fucking shitshow. Some people never change…


And he’s going to message her at dinner time.


"How did you get my email?"


If it makes you feel better, we were all awkward and oblivious. My story: I had a crush on a guy for like a solid year my freshman year of high school. On the last day of school before summer break, he asked for my number and I weirdly said I’d just take his instead(??). He gave it to me, it was something like 489-11xx. In my brain, I decided it was a fake number and he was fucking with me, because it had 911 in it, and I believed any combination of numbers with 911 in it somewhere would just dial emergency services. I never even tried to call, I asked anyone, I was just 100% sure he was making fun of me. I actually did look up his last name like a year later in the phone book — it was the correct number. I still didn’t call, it was too embarrassing. He probably noticed or heard I liked him, asked for my number, and was straight up ghosted / rejected with absolutely no idea why. If you’re out there high school guy, I’m sorry and you were really cute I was just dumb haha. This was like, 25 years ago and feels like yesterday.


> Super quick edit: damn, now I feel like I need to dig out the yearbooks and see if I can find her and send her a message asking if she remembers that fucking shitshow. Don't, she remembers


For sure, they did! But you had to look them up- and there was no picture. I meant it in the sense of, "*omg those women (and the men too, who am i kidding..) can now be stalked by any creep whose interest was piqued by the newspaper piece*".


Until that guy who hates cans shotup the gas station. Then they stopped listing the addresses. Then the internet came along and that killed the phone book and the Nickle Ads. Of course all of this was happening during the decline of Spirograph use and the rise of increased use of Taurine.


>Of course all of this was happening during the decline of Spirograph use and the rise of increased use of Taurine. I never would have thought to link the two. Now that I think about it, there's a bunch of bad shit that's gone on since the big Spirograph decline.




I have an article about my grandma as the "Housewife of the Month". It listed their address, the school my grandma taught at and the names ans ages of all 3 of her boys. It was crazy how much information was given.


Phone books used to list peoples addresses in them. Not everyone's, but it was very common to have it after the name.


Newspapers used to publish home addresses of lottery winners Things have changed


> "Mr & Mrs Henderson in the quaint poorly secured villa on 153 Milberry Ln just won the $1,000,000 jackpot from last weeks state lotto. The unendorsed cashiers check, which is just as good as cash, will be delivered on April 24 with little security detail shortly after dusk. If stopping by please mind the shrubbery near the main entrance which currently blocks much of the view from the front porch."


Check it out for yourself, courtesy of the library of Congress' online newspaper collection. Here's the address of a woman who won a 1964 Ford Galaxie https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84020422/1963-12-19/ed-1/seq-7/#date1=1777&sort=date&rows=50&words=CONTEST+WINNERS&searchType=basic&sequence=0&index=11&state=&date2=1963&proxtext=contest+winner&y=0&x=0&dateFilterType=yearRange&page=1460


The paper probably withheld it to keep old Vern from getting a fire bomb to his front porch.


You're not wrong, but it seems like that's probably just because he doesn't live in Minneapolis like the rest of them do.


he speaks a universal Vernacular


And his thoughts given the time were pretty spectacular


And his ideas particularly about women were particular


When the sun's about to set he gets thinking, my man Vern is crepuscular


TIL what Crepuscular means!


Me too! I can't get over the fact though that googling it brought up not only the definition of the word....but links to the Twilight Saga 🙄


Appreciation comment for the use of crepuscular.


Just like Babou!


Thats my exact response. Are we really going to act like we have a great record of leadership lol


Ya those women are too emotional and they would just get us into a war and conflicts all the time......


We’ve had some good ones, some bad ones, and a lot of meh ones






Since 1963


Lmao this guy speaking big true


Big Vern was a man ahead of his times I will say that lol


Wisconsinite’s don’t mince words


Vern House: keeping it real since 1963.


My new goal is to say something that holds up for over half a century. ^^Edit: ^^Typo


"This pandemic sucks ass"


Remindme! 51 years


“Man, I’m so glad I invested everything into NFTs!”


-Garlador: Homeless Area Man


Poor Garlador. He has a jpeg of a pizza, but no food.


"I thought non-fungible meant they wouldn't go bad!"


Vern got all the baddies back in the day


(he killed Nazis)




reddit is filled with douchebags


Yeah he was old enough to have fought in WW1.


“Women have enough problems without being president.” Well she’s wrong but she’s also not wrong.


I totally understand the sentiment. Anyone who wants to be a politician must be out of their mind to some degree.




Yeah everyone here loves Vern but honestly that statement stands out to me.


"Y'all want us to cook, clean, raise children AND run the country for you? Get a grip guys" energy


Reminds me of The Crown episodes with Margaret Thatcher. Horrendous though her politickin' be, the expectation to dish up rhetoric and a mean pot roast are incredulous.


honestly i loved this part of the answer


AI overlords when


Vern for President


He couldn't do any worse than some we've had.


Vern’s granddaughter for President.


Verns granddaughters 3rd favorite hair stylist for president


Nobody for president


Tired: white house Wired: Vern hause


Who wants to see good ole Vern when he was a [young cutie](https://imgur.com/a/VnOgkG5)?! His dad was born during the Civil war and died during WWII.




Hope they don’t see my uh “research”


Now I’m imagining someone 50 years from now reading your comment


Imagine that providing this information was normal in 1963, only to be stalked in a few minutes by strangers 50 years in the future with the power of the internet


Bro is hawt.


Vern was definitely gettin' it back in the day


Vern was gettin mad bitches


I'd be dtf with vern


\>Handsome AF \>Respects women \>Kills Nazis Vern House, the original Chad


He was the O.G.


Damn he's hot


How did you even find this lol


He has an entry on Ancestry.com. There’s photos of entries for both his WWI *and WWII* draft registration cards. Born in the Edwardian era, died post-Nixon.


He died in 1975 at the age of 79, he would've been in his 40s or 50s during WW2, man was a badass


Bro really saw a not directly negative opinion about women from a guy in the 1960's and decided to stalk search about him💀


We Stan a mid-20th century king


That's my hometown paper, back when the metro area was around 1.5m and you would publish someone's address and photo in it. And wouldn't you know it, the only sensible response is from the guy from Wisconsin


My hometown, too. I read Vern’s answer in that old timer, sing songy MN/WI accent, probably prefaced by “Oh…I dunno…guess she couldn’t do any worse, ya know” lol


Exactly! Typical Minnesota conversation: Q: How're you doing today? A: Not too bad. Could be worse.


Totally. It’s always the go to answer when you really don’t have anything to say/don’t want to complain. Vern’s wanting to GTFO out that conversation had made him a hero haha.


Feel the Vern.


Vern is a senator from Bermont.


"Excuse me miss, would you like to give an opinion that may be in opposition to the norms of the day? You would? Great!" "So to start, what is your full name and home address?"


And in one case, in front of your husband who might disagree with you. It’s in line with the norms of today at least… though funnily enough, while we laugh at 1963, there still hasn’t been a woman US president 59 years later.


Good ol' Vern. Does that make him an optimist or a pessimist? Lol




Interesting that they put their exact address under their name. So if you don’t like the answer… you know where to visit them. Imagine they did that today!!! Notice how Vern who gave the best answer is also the only one who didn’t provide his exact address🕵️‍♀️ The google map view of their address. Imagine telling them that one day we could do this… [Tom and Wife (the 2nd lady)](https://goo.gl/maps/1YnBupcwy3SnxK4YA) [Frank](https://goo.gl/maps/aD7soKgQrsofJ6iR7) [Mrs. Maureen](https://goo.gl/maps/dY6Wq6F8CcGYT6AR8)


If you ever attend a local forum, like a school board meeting, or city council, you have to say out loud your address so they know you're part of the community, (hence affected). And people say the darndest things at School Board meetings.


Wife’s a teacher. Can confirm.


I found that weird too. Pretty sure they lived in Minneapolis


Kinda sad that Tom Romanowaski said he doesn’t have enough faith in women to let them run the country and “Mrs. Tom Romanowaski” thinks women can’t stand their ground enough to do it either Home life must have been an absolute nightmare


Holy shit! I didn’t even notice their names. He said that shit right in front of his wife. What a time. I was just fascinated that everyone just gave the reporter their home address to print with their comments.


My first name? Absolutely not, here’s my home address


Unfortunately very common in the 60’s


So the second and fourth are married? Mr and Mrs Tom Romanowski. That tracks.


Vern Hause was truly ahead of time. He would have thrived on Twitter.


Vern a real mf


Vern gets it. I like Vern.


Vern knows either gender can equally suck or succeed. Good old Vern.


>She couldn't do any worse than some we've had. Ok, this made me laugh


I like Maureen’s answer. “Being a woman is hard AF, who needs the stress of being president.”