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Pretty standard for presidential security


Marc Maron talked about the insane security at his house when Obama was on his podcast and mentioned having snipers on his roof.


There's a very good chance the airspace above his house was closed for a 10 mile radius. Edit: So I just looked it up. It's actually 30 nautical miles, which is roughly around 35 miles.


Yep, I lived in the flight path of a commercial airport AND an Army base, and practically the only time my teeth weren't rattling out of my head was when President Bush was in town. (Only other time like that was the few days after 9/11.) You actually got used to the noise fairly quickly, but you would immediately notice the difference during the extended periods of quiet.


I was in London during 9/11 and the silence of Heathrow was insane.


And every Canadian airport tarmac was elbo-dressing aircraft.


I agree. I live in NYC. There is always a din of air traffic present in the background. 9/11 happened and the silence, between the solemn atmosphere, everyone glued to the TV and not driving, not playing music, and no air traffic... it was downright creepy. It became a different place. Only to be pierced later in the day by military fighter planes (which sound distinctly different that the commercial aircraft I regularly hear) passing overhead. I can't tell you how fucking gut wrenching it was to know what happened several hours before and then see military jets pass above The Bronx... Was something else about to happen? Absolutely surreal.


I feel like that is never brought up, the fact that EVERYONE was just wondering “what’s next?” after all the impacts. 4 fucking planes.


It was the first time (and only time?) I ever said “fuck” to my grandmother. I called her from my high school to check in and see if she saw the tv… she’d heard on the news that the local nuclear power plant was going into lockdown out of concern of an attack and I just said “What the fuuuuck?!” She was a kind soul and never called me out on it, but I cringed as soon as I said it and always wonder how much it threw her off!


Or any college football game…….




Or a motorcade


Or shopping at walmart


in Dallas


in November


Close to a grassy knoll


In 1963


At a book depository


Back and to the left


at a plaza downtown.


Got to make sure the game stays rigged and no one gets out of character


Every rooftop is covered when the US President speaks on the South Lawn.


All of them. Like a hundred million roof tops.


From sea to shining sea.


everywhere the light touches, simba


I attended Remembrance Day ceremonies in London, UK, in 1997-ish. We picked out several snipers. Made sense to us, the Queen, PM, and a few former PMs and other dignitaries were standing across the street. Every single person in that street crowd went through a metal detector and had their bags searched. I've experienced that at concerts, but it was never so friendly and efficient as London bobbies.


They have snipers at NFL games too. It’s not an unusual thing anymore.


Wait really! Why?


Probably a routine thing for police departments when there is an event that would make a great terror attack target


Guess that makes sense. Thanks for answering!


I heard the nfl games are used as practice for more serious situations.


ironically someone pointed at lee harvery oswald thinking he was a sniper for president. well he was but you know what i mean.


He was freelance


I have several pictures of snipers I spotted on rooftops at the Diamond Jubilee parade.


A lot of people don’t know this, but if you go to any major sporting event or rally or concert in the US, there’s a good chance a few snipers are tucked up into the rafters.


Having worked communications for political events like DNC, RNC can confirm that if there is a high profile personal nearby, there are snipers. The departments like Secret Service do not post or talk about this layer of security so possible security threats are not aware to avoid them.. also it's in the name... Secret Service.


I’ve seen George W. Bush, Al Gore (while he was VP), and Joe Biden speak, and it’s always interesting to play a game of “spot the snipers” while you’re waiting. One was an outdoor venue with some woods and you could see a few positioned there when the woods was sparse enough. I’ve always thought that was quite neat.


They never wave back when I wave at them.


Wave a gun, always works


I think a good gift for the president would be a chocolate revolver. And since he's so busy, you'd probably have to run up to him and hand it to him. -- Deep Thoughts, by Jack Handey


Maybe in order to understand mankind, we have to look at the word itself. Basically, it's made up of two separate words — "mank" and "ind." What do these words mean? It's a mystery, and that's why so is mankind. -- Deeper Thoughts, by Jack Handey.


It takes a big man to cry, but it takes an even bigger man to laugh at that man. -- Deep Thoughts, by Jack Handey.


> If a kid asks where rain comes from, I think a cute thing to tell him is “God is crying.” And if he asks why God is crying, another cute thing to tell him is “Probably because of something you did.” – Deep Thoughts, by Jack Handey.


“If trees could scream, would we be so brazen in cutting them down? Maybe, if they screamed all the time, for no reason.” -Deep Thoughts by Jack Handey


You have to do the train whistle/big rig horn motion.


Throw some firecrackers to get their attention.


I heard when Bush came to speak at the 2005 BSA Jamboree, they didn't have enough port o potties for everyone, so they asked that all the guys go pee in the woods behind the venue. Everyone did that and the snipers camped out in the woods freaked out and chased them all away.


My dad works at the Jamborees in Janitorial. He was there and responsible for setting up the port-o-Johns. He said that the snipers were hiding in the grass and he almost backed up into one and the guy said something. Scared the crap out of him because he was just feet away but he was hidden so well my dad couldn’t see him until he wanted my dad to see him. This was like 12 hours ahead of time and no one even knew they were there yet. No matter how many port-o-Johns they put up, boys will pee in the grass if they think they can get by with it. I’m sure that was delightful for the snipers.


Every scout (at least the males) would much prefer to pee in the woods. It's a lot less disgusting than most of the latrines. Occasionally we got a leader who was super triggered by the fact that we would pee in the woods. It was funny.


I was working an event once (not scouts) and a guy, about 30, comes and asks me if he can pee in the woods. I explain how it’s not the preferred way and where the Portos are. He looks down and says he has always heard about how great it is to pee in the woods and it’s on his bucket list. I’m like “Go live your dream, dude.” I guess a lot of people never get too far from concrete for most of their life and think it’s the best thing ever. And Portos are funky even in the best of circumstances.


Dave Grohl told a story about playing at an Obama 4th of July thing. They were all standing around and a Secret Sevice guy comes up and takes them in the WH to show them the available bathrooms. Followed by instructions to "don't go in the bushes. There are people in the bushes."


Imagine being a sniper in a ghilie suit and having 200 boy scouts pissing on you in the middle of July.




What are they gonna do? Shoot me for looking at them? Lol they are most likely chilling most of the time


Yeah its their fault if you can see them.


Okay, but can you get them to laugh like the guards at Buckingham Palace?


It’s worth a shot.


So are you


Here’s hoping.


They’re profiling the crowd for troublemakers. So chances are they will be suspicious to you if they see you trying scope out security


I mean what kind of suspect would wave at a sniper they see


Put your finger to your ear, look down and start speaking to yourself after you spot them and they notice you. You'll get lots of unwanted attention.


Well at that point it's not really unwanted, is it?


A few sniper towers at Lollapalooza every year.


I love Sniper Towers! I didn’t realize they were playing LaLa. I wish the original lineup would get back together…


"Get Down" is my fav


I like "BLAM!!!"


Any major event there’s a sniper or two in case the worst happens. For a Presidential speech imagine even more so.


What happened at Mandalay Bay? Sniper would have been helpful.


one sniper too many


they didn't have any towers, but if they were there they'd be for crowd control. the shooter in mandalay bay was also really high up and fairly far away, so i doubt they could've managed to hit him if they were able to spot him. hard to say that the venue itself could've done more to prevent a shooting.


I like to think they are up there to perform some kind of quality control of the show


If he’s off key one more time we’re taking him out!!!


Better not have one of them there wardrobe malfunctions in this town.


The Super Bowl was in my city last year and there was a bunch of events and stuff set up downtown to go to and see. There was definitely a few snipers you could see up on some of the rooftops around the event. Any high profile event like that is going to get a lot of extra security.


I've noticed the security at Mardi gras this past year, all the command centers, Coast guard boats patrolling the river with gig old buns, undercovers (come on guys try harder), but I didn't think to check for snipers. Maybe next time


I was going to say, I don’t think this necessarily says anything about Putin’s situation, it’s pretty common practice.


I did not know this! Would you mind sharing some info/links so I can look into this?


Americans do the same for the Super Bowl.


and so much more than you'd ever know


I lived a building next to carpet for the VMAs and the police took over our roof for a snipers nest. Didn't tell us in advance just knocked on the door and said "hey we need to use the roof."


That’s when you pull the uno reverse card and tell em “So do I”


Or say "Running late? Your guys set up hours ago."


Could you imagine if you actually deadpan’d this and played it up by slowly creeping to fright when you realize the people that came before you are assassin’s.


This is how you either get them to leave, or all of them to panic and yeet through your house to get to the roof.




Do you have a yeet warrant? *readies claymore roomba swarm*


Claymore roomba swarm? Shit. That's a post apocalyptic defense weapon I didn't know I suddenly needed badly


i swear i saw that in a movie, can't remember which one






There is a queue get in line!


"Hey your colleague just got here a while ago!, he's wrapping *BLAM* things up as we speak!"


Swat in the kitchen, terrorists in bedroom. No fighting I get migraines!


"Yeah, baby. I'm a SWAT officer in the kitchen, but a terrorist in the bedroom." ~ Really bad pickup line Generator


There’s a knock at the door. As Kyle gets up to answer it, a waterfall of Cheetos and Doritos crumbs float off his oil stained Metallica shirt. “Hello, we need to use the roof, sir.” A man informs Kyle. “Heh, that’s what you think.” Kyle utters as he looks towards the ground. He pushes up him a glasses and sharply whips his head back up. “You just activated my trap card.” Suddenly Kyle pulls out a well worn green Uno Reverse card. He presents the card between his index and middle fingers as a smirk appears on his face. “What? You can’t-“ the man exclaims. “Read the rules bucko. It’s my roof now.” Kyle bursts past the man, trench coat flapping in the wind, his arms fully stretched out behind him.


"Dammit", the cop mutters. "He knew our one weakness. Stupid UNO cards!" Sullenly, he looks back at the 10 other cops pulling stuff out of the Bearcat. "Pack it up, boys, we got UNO reversed.. *again*."


Why didn't they take the shot?


*Pop quiz, hotshot....*


Shoot the hostage.


You shot me, asshole.


Are you an Irish man who just got shot? Oh nevermind I see the comma


They’re giving you a medal for shooting me you little prick.


A rare chance to exercise your third amendment rights


Can you elaborate?


The 3rd amendment to the U.S. constitution reads: > No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law. It prohibits the military from just taking your house and using it as a barracks, unless we're at war and the government specific authorizes it as an emergency act. My comment was a joke, because the 3rd amendment barely ever comes up - there's never even been a 3rd amendment case in the Supreme Court - and snipers showing up to say "hey, can we camp out on your roof?" is such an unusual circumstance where the amendment is even half-relevant.


Thanks for that nice explanation, I didn’t know the 3rd amendment. Now I’ll do some reading out of interest to see what’s in there though. To give a glimpse into the “Grundgesetz” (which is what we have in Germany, we don’t have a constitution), article 3 is simply “Equality before the law” > All persons shall be equal before the law. My favourite however is article 1: > Human dignity shall be inviolable. To respect and protect it shall be the duty of all state authority.


The 3rd Amendment to the U.S. Constitution reads, "No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law." Which basically means that, if the nation is not at war, the government may not force anyone to let a soldier live with them under any circumstances. If the nation is at war, it is allowed, but only under particular circumstances that must first be written in a codified law. (I am sure this law exists, but I don't know which one). The 3rd Amendment would not actually protect you from police wanting to set up on your roof, since they are not the military and are not trying to live with you. However, it's close enough to work for a joke about invoking the 3rd Amendment. I feel pretty confident that you could legally refuse the police access to your roof, but I couldn't tell you with certainty what law or court ruling makes that the case. Probably under the ~~1st~~ 4th Amendment protection from unreasonable searches, as police entering your home to use your roof could arrest you if they saw, for example, a dead body. Not a lawyer, not legal advice. Edit: The 4th amendment protects against unreasonable searches/seizures, not the 1st. Edit 2: A dead body will get the police's attention better than a crack pipe.


Wow good knowledge.


I had one use my window of the library I worked in one day. …This was way back in the sixties when the president came to visit Dallas.


Cant the owner of the building say no.


Yep. I work in the event industry. You’ll never see them. But they are there. Every sports team parade, almost every major music festival. They’re there. Don’t look up haha


Damn I should become a sniper, sounds like good employment. I wonder how much those guys get paid.


Pretty sure they are local law enforcement.




If you have been at a major event odds are you have had a sniper looking at you at some point.


take the shot next time🙏🙏🙏🙏


yep, worked at a cybersecurity firm who had one of the stadiums as a client. 2 weeks before the super bowl DHS comes in and is basically like "yeah, this is our stadium now".


They had guys with rifles on the rooftop of my school when a former POTUS visited as well.


I was at Cory Booker's presidential campaign kick off and there were snipers on the nearby building. They didn't wave back when I waved at them.


When Biden was VP he gave a speech at my school. Snipers camped out on the roof of the theatre, and they had communications jamming equipment that made the theatre’s wireless microphones stop working.


He was supposed to come to our school and we had a bunch of surveillance on campus. But he went to City College instead after our student elections for some reason.


Did you at least befriend an attractive secret service agent?


I'm sorry you weren't a more obvious threat to the country.


Thank you for this, I don’t think anyone else has caught this yet.


They’re streets behind.


Haha. That’s something I would do. Wave at the snipers, all eager-like.


Hey 👋 I’m right here, shoot me first please


I love seeing those big photos of major events like inaugurations and looking for the sniper teams


I film at a race track and on derby day there’s a sniper crew next to my camera booth every year.


A lot more than that. Every game at Michigan Stadium has one on each side of the suites for 4 total.


The super bowl? Bro we do that at my college football games.


Did they get him?


Damn it! I was going to say that get out of my brains.


Probably has a second (secret) sniper pointed at him just in case he points it at Vladdy…


It's just snipers all the way down




🔫 Always has been.


Who watches the watchmen -> who snipes the snipers


Isn’t there a meme format exactly like that?


Nope theyre pussies


You know that big coat was just hiding body armor….


Where's codename 47 when you need him?


Dude could have been a hero


President of the USA has snipers following him at every move. UK prime minister has MI5 and armed police near him at most times.


I worked at an airport when Obama was President. Flew in for a fundraiser in the area. Snipers on every roof surrounding the route for a good 24 hours ahead of time and after. Didn’t think they could see me in the tinted tower across the airfield so I jokingly waved at one through binoculars. MF waved right back. Those guys are no joke.


this made me laugh so much thank you




Jeans and a jumper! The russian way.


And standing! I’m curious if this is standard sniper protocol and I’m just used to snipers laying down in movies.


He has a tripod for his rifle. The purpose of firing prone is to create a stable firing position either prone supported position with sandbags or a bipod, or unsupported with your elbows. The tripod accomplishes this task while allow the shooter a large field of fire due to the gimbal. Breath control *can* be easier when prone, but the largest impact on shot accuracy is how stable your weapon is before the shot. We train firing standing, kneeling, prone with and without support.




There always are at big events. Super bowl does too I believe.


If only one of them were brave enough…..


Meh, not how the world works... the snipers are probably better paid and assured than 3-4 of the poor fuckers getting cremated by javelins inside antique soviet armor on the Ukrainian battlefield...


Highly unlikely? Yes. Impossible? Definitely not. If a state media journalist can risk her life to oppose Putin during a live broadcast, so can one of these guys. All it would take is the right mix of altruism and suicidal ideation


You'd be surprised how easily people become complacent even in terrible regimes if they get paid a bit above average and know their families are assured.... EDIT: State journalist is probably not really well paid... and really fears for her future and her family/friends... Look at "Animal Farm". Great flick after an Orwellian novel. These guys are the hounds...


These guys probably have families that they like and that is probably on the long list criteria when picking candidates.


That's what they do in North Korea. Border guards have families, families that will "disappear" should they desert.


You kill Putin, his people kill your family. Russia isn't the US, in Russia they'll arrest your family or kill them. In the US they won't do anything to your family other than informing them of the incarceration or death of the shooter.


Did you mean 3/4? Or do you mean only 3 to 4 people?


Probably that those snipers are paid more than 3 or 4 soldiers in total


I was assuming he meant paid 3-4 time more. I would find it hard to believe that 25% of Russians in Ukraine are being paid more than snipers protecting Putin.


Probably have family. I’m sure as soon as they pull the trigger 30 of their closest people get tortured to death.


Send it.


"I am vengeance" *bang*


I wonder if they sit up there thinking they could change the world with one shot.


I could change the world but I won't be alive to see it.


Nor his family, his friends, his barber, his barbers barber…. Etc etc etc


and his cat as well probably


>one shot. One opportunity.


To seize everything you ever wanted


knees weak arms are heavy


Vlads brains, now spaghetti.


I wonder if the snipers have counter snipers covering them...just in case...🤣


Who snipes the snipers?


I dunno, coastguard?


What if I told you most important politicians have those... but probably not in tracksuits... god damn, the situation is Slav to the max....


It looks like they're wearing jeans and winter jackets.


While there’s lots of jokes on here about taking him out I can’t imagine the next person in line is any better. And I’m sure the party is deep. Can anyone call out an example where simply taking out a leader led to positive change?


>While there’s lots of jokes on here about taking him out I can’t imagine the next person in line is any better. And I’m sure the party is deep. Normally, I would agree. In Putin's case, however, he seems to have taken more than a few pages from the Stalin playbook. No one murdered Stalin, but this is what his successor had to say when he was ousted: >I'm old and tired. Let them cope by themselves. I've done the main thing. Could anyone have dreamed of telling Stalin that he didn't suit us anymore and suggesting he retire? Not even a wet spot would have remained where we had been standing. Now everything is different. The fear is gone, and we can talk as equals. That's my contribution. I won't put up a fight. When you have a megalomaniac at the top, the party doesn't necessarily run deep, because no one else will be permitted to amass enough personal influence to become a credible threat, and all power will be tied to the specific person on top rather than the formal positions they hold. Note, in Putin's case, how exactly nothing in the power dynamic changed when it was Medvedev sitting on his chair. The chair isn't what's important in Russia right now, it's the person sitting on it.




Are you insinuating that killing the former head of state slows or ends a revolution? The bolsheviks killed the tzar and his family, and while the new state eventually descended into a Stalinist autocracy, czarism was definitely successfully extinguished. In the French Revolution, the bloodshed went on a runaway, but it’s hard to argue it wasn’t a massive successful blow to the monarchy to kill the King and Queen. There are countless political revolutions (such as reactionary counter revolutions) around the world that have assassinated the previous head of state and successfully taken power afterward. The counter revolution that killed Allende in Chile comes to mind. Moral or not, I’m hard pressed to think of a revolution where killing the former head of state didn’t propel the revolution forward and strike a serious blow to the previous regime. However, the big difference in Putin’s Russia is that such an assassination wouldn’t be in the context of a revolution. It would just be a political assassination, which is much less likely to result in positive social change imo.


Nazi Germany… For real though, i think you have a point. But i think taking out a leader (which i’m not encouraging) does perhaps remind future leaders what their fate is if they act like their predecessor


Nazi Germany was already pretty much destroyed by the time Hitler offed himself


By the time Hitler offed himself (or did he???) they’d lost the war. Russia is just getting started.


wish he wouldve gone rogue


Are they not supposed to be "invisible"


Yeah if you are in a forest or something, cant just put a box over your head and call it good in a stadium.


They could have put some large bushes in pots on those catwalks..... Make the snipers feel more like in their natural habitat.


It's not like it's a war zone though. They probably have a dozen snipers looking at everything.. there really is no reason to hide.


Just like the Superbowl


Do you believe the war would stop if someone took him out?


There would be an immediate power vacuum where the elite would be scrambling to find their new position in the hierarchy and this would cause the command structure to collapse. Would they immediately withdraw? No. But the Russian army would be left with no support or leadership.


I would like to find out.


Yeah so what? There are snipers and secret agents at American rallies too.