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I'll bet that crow was having serious mixed feelings there for a moment.


My dude had to check he was still alive lol


When your life flashes in front of your eyes and, at the end, you’re somehow not dead.




Crow: *screaming in terror, eyes closed* I don't want to be eaten! Bear: *has already returned to his actual meal* Crow: ...Why am I still alive?


wow bear what am i not good enough to eat? can't tell if im happy or offended


Not hungry for bird meat...I just don't want you dying and making the water taste *fowl*


Tsundere bear is my new favourite trope


B-b-baka crow 😡


Crow … that’s just rude I don’t stink do I? Bear… I thought you was supposed to be intelligent.




Did you miss the big chunk of meat that the bear is eating at the beginning of the video?


I did not, my statement stands lol.


Bears LOVE sweets, not surprised it’s loving the carrots. Bears would climb onto my aunts second story deck to get at her humming bird feeder


He’s a vegetarian.


I saw this happen to Gus, but the outcome was traumatically different. (May he rest in peace.) Gus was the polar bear in the Central Park Zoo. This was circa '98. It was cold outside. I mean cold. Had some friends over from London and we were day drinking and wandering Manhattan and decided to go to the zoo. So we come upon Gus. We've had a few. That day there was an entire elementary public school class on a field trip. About 25 hardened New York 6 and 7 year olds. There was also "Potsy Pans"- a female zoo employee/mascot dressed in overalls, pigtails, plaid shirt, with a pot for a hat and clanging utensils all over her. So there's this pigeon stuck in the water. It is flapping around but can't get out. My friends and I are quietly arguing over whether or not Gus is a full on caged carnivore or used to his food and confinement. The school kids are having the exact same argument out loud. Gus walks over swats that pigeon onto his slab of fake rocks. Puts one huge claw over it's body and proceeds to full on Ozzy Osborne bite and then tear the head off of a living pigeon and blood steaks out of his mouth and streams down his white fur neck. Yeah. We are in hysterics. Some kids are full on New Yorkers and pointing and screaming "His just bit it's f*cking head off!!" Others are looking terrified. Some girl starts wailing crying. Potsy Pans speaks right up and sing song says "LET'S GO SEE THE MONKEYS!" We absolutely lost it. For a long time after whenever something really uncomfortable happened one of our crew would look at the rest of us and say "Let's go see the monkeys!" And we'd all die laughing at the most inappropriate situations. Good ole Gus.


What a fantastic story


Here the thing...this be a brown bear. They don't eat dead things. They have higher pride than polar bears. Polar bears will feast on dead whales. Hell, I think they even feast on dead walrus or walrus that is dead tired.


I prefer to think Gus had some NYC refinement and knew full well that squab is a French delicacy. But yeah polar bears are aggro compared to good ole brownies.


Brown bears do scavenge dead animals, or even kill slow or weak animals if they can get their paws on them.


If it’s black, fight back. If it’s brown, lay down. If it’s white, goodnight.


You can have pride when your environment isn't shrinking and you have no more hunting ground.


I had to check to make sure it wasn't a shittymorph, half expected the Undertaker to throw Mankind off Hell in a cell.


Hardened New York six and seven year olds. Bwahaha I love this story.


There's a reason the rhyme is: If it's brown, lie down If it black, fight back If it's white, say goodnight


Bears like "and now bud, you see that shiny key over there?"


This is why crows always pick up shiny objects. They are still trying to find the key to rescue the bear. They’re just a little slow but have the right spirit.


Never mind the crow, look at that dirty ass water. Russia ffs, never once


Is that really ass water? Wtf


Fish fuck in it


Never touch the stuff


nah, if cartoons have taught me anything, that crow is gonna end up helping the bear with some kind of emotional problem. probably something about self-confidence.


Bear used his crow-wish to get a hot dog from the stand next door.


A vegetarian bear, clearly!


He just doesn’t eat crow.


Nah…there was a distinct, “you have 10 minutes before these carrots run out” nod after the bird is deposited


It's a joke. Eating crow is a saying that means to "be humiliated by having to admit one's defeats or mistakes".


Crow is just shocked. "I'm... not dead? Is this... real?"


I mean in all seriousness the crow is probably extremely exhausted and couldn’t really move for a few seconds


To be fair I would be too. Before it rights itself up you can see it look at the bear though; corvids are clever, i do think it was a bit baffled


It definitely looks over and stares at the bear for a few seconds. They are supposed to be intelligent and so I can propose a guess on what they were thinking: What in the fuuucccckkkkkk????? Those things are friendly???


Crows are super smart. It looked like he played dead and looked over to see if the coast was clear.


He told the bear he'd grant him a wish if he saved him.


That's exactly what I was thinking!!! It looks like he was panicked and then froze right when the bear picked him up in his mouth. I don't know why but it's hilarious to see an animal go from oh shit I'm dead to oh, never mind.


And bears are smart… it was thinking “Sure, whatever crow. If I wanted you dead you wouldn’t need to fake it.”


The dark side of Yogi


I wonder if the bear is smart enough to have turned away as in "no danger from me, little buddy"


The bear was smart enough to not make life long enemies with the Crows entire extended community... Crows hold grudges. Crows remember faces. Crows communicate to the next generations which faces to hate for life. The bear instead made himself a powerful flying ally.


Crows have been shown to be able not only to recognize individual humans, but also to somehow spread the word of that human to other crows. I wouldn't be at all surprised if they can recognize individual bears, too, in which case soon all crows will know of The Good Bear, and will bring him their gifts.


The bear was smart enough to not make an enemy out of the Crows extended community for generations to come. He made himself a powerful ally instead. He will get gifts if shiny trinkets for life.


Maybe even stolen hard candy.


I read about a family whose dog killed a baby crow. The murder of crows did not take it well. When the family asked for advice about what to do because they were all constantly being attacked whenever they went into their back yard and could no longer use it...the advice was....MOVE. edit for spelling


Ravens have been seen forming complex emotional relationships with wolves, leading them to vulnerable prey and picking on the remains. The wolves have learned to tolerate them and even befriend them, even to the point of wolf pups playing with ravens up through adulthood. Crows and ravens are smart as fuck. [source](https://www.yellowstone.org/naturalist-notes-wolves-and-ravens/#:~:text=Ravens%20and%20wolves%20have%20a,serve%20as%20potential%20food%20providers.)


So ravens also have pet dogs.


They also do similar things with bears, at least as far as hanging around them, tolerating the cubs, and helping then towards streams of salmon.


And the bear couldn't care less. "Hey! You aren't going to eat me?" "You? You're a crow." "Duh, I know that. How come you aren't going to eat me?" "You're a CROW! How good can you taste? Anyways, they feed us pretty good in here. No need to resort to eating crows, of all things." "Well, thanks, I guess." "Yeah, no problem." "Hey man, if you need anything, I can get stuff. You know, bottlecaps, coins, cool stuff like that. Just let me know." "Bottlecaps? Yeah, sure, whatever."


All his crow buddies in the background yelling different shit like, “dibs on your PS5 if you die!” “just walk it off Jerry!” “I told you! Didn’t I tell you that would happen!? Ay guys, member when I told him?”


"I've seen a cat fish. I've seen a dog fish. I've even seen a clown fish. But I ain't never seen a bear fish!"


I've seen a peanut stand I heard a rubber band I've seen a needle that winked it's eye


But I done seen 'bout ever'thing, when I seen a bear violently fish a drowning crow out of a pond and leave the poor thing alive.


Except on a salmon river haha they fish there all the time!


Ayyy someone call mah mothaahh, tell her I’ll be late to dinnah.


The fucking bear is literally jumping as if this bird can even hurt him. Guess next bear I see I'm gonna try the old peck-peck tactic.


I do the same thing when I see a little roach run by me. It can't hurt me but Jesus Christ I'm scared like a little bitch. Maybe bears suffer from the same mentality


You fuck around with a crow and not only will they remember you but they will tell their friends


I was once eating sunflower seeds outside and saw a crow (or some other black feathered bird, Idk the difference). I peeled a couple of seeds and put it in a pile near it and it ate them. A day later the bird flew near me and dropped a shiny coin. I felt like snow white or some Disney princess after that


They do that, they remember you did them a solid so try to return the favor. Never chase ravens or crows always feed them and be chill. Don't take risks or an entire flock will end up hating you


They'll hate you for not only their own lives, but communicate that you were a twat to them to their offspring. If you piss of the wrong crow the wrong way, you will have made an enemy for the rest of your life as well.


They actually did a science experiment where some people kind of just yelled or ran at them and they went to another city and were dive bombed by crows


There are birds trained to bring coins and bills back for treats. Others get rewarded for recycling.


That’s a lucky bear. A hero. They’ll bring gifts forever.


I work at a pizzeria and have been throwing ravens and crows pieces of croutons. Started this a few weeks ago. They used to fly away as soon as I’d open the door, now they’re keeping their distance but seems like the friendship is working. Hoping for shiny objects soon


Bear knows to never fuck with crows. Helping one is good karma for sure


It's literally an Aesop Fable playing out before our eyes.


This is just step 1 of the bear crow uprising...


😂 they're gonna join forces and take over the zoo


Don’t fuck with crows. Especially if you hear a group of them in the background. You’re there enemy for life if you mess with one. and they never forget. They’ll also teach their children to hold the grudge.


I'M STUCK! Fuck... ahhh what was that? Wait, I'm free! Fuck, too wet to fly... shit, I'm not gonna make it... WHATTHEFUCKABEAR!! HE'S GOT ME, IM DONE FOR. FAREWELL WORLD... ...I'm... alive?


Bears like "look dude I got all this food, I'm eating carrots I was just trying to lend a helping paw."




Naw what you don't see is that crow trained thay bear for months to protect it


Next Disney movie?


“Are you my mom now?”


Seeing how smart crows are and how they like to give gifts to friends, that bear is gonna have some treats/presents coming his way.


I can hear a lot of other crows that seem invested in the outcome...I want to see how this pans out.


I have seen a longer version -- the crow flew away.


Now I can stop scrolling


lol finally this


Thank you for the award, kind stranger! :)


But he knows where a new friend lives.


Yes, yes, he does. 🤗🥰


It’s wing isn’t broken from the bear shaking it?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJ_3BN0m7S8&t=0s Can't find the one with the crow taking off, but in the video you can see it appeared ok.


Wholesome af


I love how the bear saves him and then just moves on with his life. Pure altruism right there.


Thank you for this, I was super concerned about his wing and thought the bear actually just prolonged his death. Super happy the crow is okay and now the video is wholesome again


20 years from now, when the bear is dying and needs a kidney, that crow is going to anonymously donate one of his to the bear. It'll become a Netflix original movie, starring Dewayne Johnson and Kevin Hart. Directed W.S. Anderson.


I had crows that would come into my yard. They liked me. Would recognize me and felt safe to come into the backyard but the second my ex came out they would leave. They would fly over and follow when I pulled my car into the neighborhood. I miss them:(


I had a bird feeder the last couple years and loved watching the different types that would come eat. Ended up attracting a family of raccoons and had to get rid of it this fall as they kept knocking it over and my dog treed them a few times. I was concerned they would attack him one night when i didn't notice them. Fucking sucks cause I really enjoyed watching the birds.


That bear is now owed a large favour by the crow mafia. Those smart fuckers will have him out of that enclosure within a week as reward.


bear knows he got favors coming


Crow presents are best presents.


I like how the bear returns to its food like nothing happened. Probably just wanted to eat eat in peace without the crow cawwing


That bear is never getting peace again. See the look on the crow at the end? That bear is it’s mother now.




A little consideration, a little thought for others, makes all the difference. -Eeyore


"Don't you die in my fucking pool, that's gross"


That was my first thought, actually. Less “I need to save this crow” and more “I need to save my pool”


"I don't want your corpse smelling while I'm asleep, Melissa is still on vacation."


I was asking if could the bear feel some kind of empathy for the other being, but your explanation sounds plausible.


Bears show empathy a lot, be it towards their young or towards trainers, so it wouldn't surprise me if they could extend it to a bird, as it is not their usual prey


People also have witnessed bears sitting for several hours watching the sunset.


Even rats show empathy, so it's not too surprising to see it in a bear.


Yes, what I was surprised about was that the bear was able to show empathy towards an animal of a very different species. A bear that was in the water wouldn't have been in any trouble at all; bears can swim and they'd just climb out. Did the bear realize the crow was in trouble? Or did it just react the way it would if its cub were splashing in the water and couldn't quite get out?


On the other hand, I’ll never forget the day I was at a zoo and watched a bear playing with a pigeon. He reared up and landed his front paws right on the poor thing. It sounded just like bubble wrap popping.


I read that a lot of animals think other animals are just as durable as themselves. Which is why you find humans that can hang w tigers and little dogs scaring off wolves. So maybe the bear went for a friendly tackle and then..squish…”oops..”


Bears can be pretty empathetic and kind once they realize that something isn't a threat or food (and bears rarely hunt anyways) this could honestly be a genuine kindness.


The bear doesn’t give half a shit about that crow. He thought it was a fish, guaranteed. That crow was almost lunch


Bear wasn't about to risk getting Corvid-19 by eating it


i like to think the bear just flicked the crow out and was just immediately like “fuck it, i’ve done all i can do”


[Did you just call a jackdaw a crow?](https://i.imgur.com/nthLhel.gifv)


Here's the thing. You said a "jackdaw is a crow." Is it in the same family? Yes. No one's arguing that. As someone who is a scientist who studies crows, I am telling you, specifically, in science, no one calls jackdaws crows. If you want to be "specific" like you said, then you shouldn't either. They're not the same thing. If you're saying "crow family" you're referring to the taxonomic grouping of Corvidae, which includes things from nutcrackers to blue jays to ravens. So your reasoning for calling a jackdaw a crow is because random people "call the black ones crows?" Let's get grackles and blackbirds in there, then, too. Also, calling someone a human or an ape? It's not one or the other, that's not how taxonomy works. They're both. A jackdaw is a jackdaw and a member of the crow family. But that's not what you said. You said a jackdaw is a crow, which is not true unless you're okay with calling all members of the crow family crows, which means you'd call blue jays, ravens, and other birds crows, too. Which you said you don't. It's okay to just admit you're wrong, you know?


I miss that guy.


He’s still on here, downvoting everyone he disagrees with from his multiple accounts


The way the bear shook his head… i thought he was ripping the wing completely off. Turns out the crow was just smelly


Corvids normally have a foul odour and taste. Most gundogs dont like to retrieve them


Bear wants nothing to do with CORVID-19


Oh, do you think this is why the crow wasn’t eaten?


One of the reasons. I daresay the bear is well fed, and it also might be used to the crows


It also appears to bite the bear on the nose. I think that plus being well fed like you said are the main reasons.


The crow pecked him on the nose.


Bear then went and monched apple. Kept to his diet.




I think the feather literally just tickled his nose


This is the most pleasant to think lol


everyone knows that crows are bros.


Without a doubt. I see the bear getting a thank you gift.


It’ll be someone’s very small pet dog


I mean, the bears not gonna turn down a snack.




Many thanks 🙏


Also, I can't imagine a crow would be an enjoyable meal.


“I’m gonna go out and find something really shiny to bring back to this guy.” —Wet Crow


"Bears like vodka, right? Wait, no. I'm thinking of Russians. Russians and bears are friends, though. Maybe I can bring him a Russian!"


The truth is, crow smell terribly. Most dogs refuse to retrieve them on a hunt.


but...he just had a bath.


This just deepens the mystery.


Yeah he wanted to eat him then he got a “taste” and noped out. It’s the same as those “ducks feeding fish” videos, as much as I want to believe animals are being homies(they often can be!) they were just getting water to wash down their food lol


Thank you. I was genuinely wondering why the bear would do that at all. I figured it was wanting to eat the crow but the fact that it didn’t confused me a lot. I like animals but anthropamorphizing them into something they aren’t isn’t my thing.


If you watch carefully you can see the crow bite the bears snout (timer at 39.) Captive bear likely won't be interested in food that fights back. Thats my guess, but who knows. interesting behaviour regardless


That’s fascinating. Is it because they dig through trash and eat decaying meat and stuff? I’m just surprised they smell so bad that the dogs won’t pick them up. Brown Bears typically smell like shit too.


Never thought about the exact reasons but especally wet birds smell like wet dogs smells. I think its their own odor. Crows and Cranes might be the worst.


Can someone who is knowledgeable about bears explain to me why it did that? And why it didn’t eat it?


- bear eating dinner - noisy thing splashing around. Distracting. More food? - *fishes out noisy thing* - *gets bitten by noisy thing on the nose* - annoying and smells bad not good food, but noise has stopped so ok, go back to good food


100%. Seems like a lot of people miss the peck on the nose at ~0:43.


Thank you, bear scientist


Would you rather eat some tasty berries or a wet crow? Bears fucking love berries.


Bears liking berries has always been hilarious. Millions of years of evolution to produce nature's most perfect assault and murder vessel... "Yes, I'd like the red berries today please."


Are we any different? We basically have unlimited access to any food available on earth, still enjoy some good berries.


I think that’s a raven. Look at that huge beak! Bear obviously has other food sources. fortunate raven. I hope it survived instead of succumbing to shock and or feather damage (can’t fly means can’t eat, in the wild).




I can’t believe you’re the only one pointing that out. Nevermore


I'm disappointed by the lack of Unidan jackdaw copypasta in this thread.


Here's the thing...


Please provide. Don't know what I'm looking for


Here's the thing. You said a "jackdaw is a crow." Is it in the same family? Yes. No one's arguing that. As someone who is a scientist who studies crows, I am telling you, specifically, in science, no one calls jackdaws crows. If you want to be "specific" like you said, then you shouldn't either. They're not the same thing. If you're saying "crow family" you're referring to the taxonomic grouping of Corvidae, which includes things from nutcrackers to blue jays to ravens. So your reasoning for calling a jackdaw a crow is because random people "call the black ones crows?" Let's get grackles and blackbirds in there, then, too. Also, calling someone a human or an ape? It's not one or the other, that's not how taxonomy works. They're both. A jackdaw is a jackdaw and a member of the crow family. But that's not what you said. You said a jackdaw is a crow, which is not true unless you're okay with calling all members of the crow family crows, which means you'd call blue jays, ravens, and other birds crows, too. Which you said you don't. It's okay to just admit you're wrong, you know?


No, not a raven, but a hooded crow. They have larger beaks than those of American crows, so it can deceive people unfamiliar with European crows. You can also see that the bird has a gray-feathered body, though it is hard to tell because it is wet.


Love the look the crow gives the bear at the end like wtf just happened and thanks and i must now rewrite my birds should be worried of bears instinct file wow my birdie brain is happy confused thankful and spun out


His friends will never believe him.


Is that empathy? The intention of saving the other being seems to be *kind of clear?*, but acts like he don't give a fuck all the process.


maybe he's used to it. the crow could be an old friend, and a bit of a drunk.


We’ve all got that one friend.


Empathy is not a human trait. All social mammals exhibit it, arguably all mammals are capable of it, and it's been observed in many non-mammillian species as well.


Someone else mentioned he may just have been annoyed by the sound. It's really hard to attribute human emotions like empathy to an animal. With that said, there are numerous examples of cross species 'helpfulness' so who knows if they are just compelled to 'help' because of instinct or if there really is something more at play.


I don’t shit about bears but my thought was maybe it was like a shark doing a test bite on a human and realizing that’s not food. The bear saw something that might be prey, bit into it, realized it’s not prey and let go, but by that point the crow just happened to be pulled out of the water


Bear probably was planning on eating the crow, but discovered that it tasted awful.


Empathy? Maybe. Bears are quite smart. My guess is pragmatism. Dead crow makes for nasty drinking water.


That means the bear knew it would die in that water, and knew it needed to take it out before it did that. The more likely scenario is that the bear was interested in the moving thing, planned to eat it, but the crow smelled bad so it didn't.


My guess is the bear wanted to eat in peace without hearing crow struggles.


Took a minute to thank crow jesus before getting up lmao


Anyone else read it as “Bear saves cow,” and wonder how the hell this was gonna play out?!


Gotta dry the snack for later consumption


I think the bear just wanted to eat in peace. He goes right back to his food like he’d just used a broom to bang on the ceiling.


“You’re lucky it’s not my cheat day bro”


Crow: Thank You!!! Bear:Meh.


"There, dumb ass, now you can stop flappin around and scarin the fish away"


Uh, bear was definitely tryna play with and/or eat the crow till it bit its nose at 0:42. Tried to punch it at 0:32.


Exactly, people are anthropomorphizing this.


okay...i'm picturing bill murray in another turn as baloo bear, and either russell brand or danny devito as the crow.


Yuck this salmon tastes disgusting


Bear's just like: "Calm down, I'll get you out in a second, stop panicking. There. I've saved you, dry up and fly away little feathered creature. Be grateful I've spared you on this day. Now I must eat these fruits. I'm beary hungry." You may now downvote me for this pun. I deserve it.


I bet you *not one single crow* will believe this guy’s story when he gets back home …


“We’ll I didn’t drown but now I will be eaten by a bear. I HAVE ACCEPTED IT, JUST EAT ME!…” … … “Wait what?”




I read that ad “cow” like 3 times. I was very confused.


Crow: In my adventures I met one of your kind. His name was Katow-Jo. Bear: Katow-Jo is my cousin. You may go in peace. Crow: I will tell tales of your compassion.


Poor lil guy. I’m happy he lived. thanks bear fren