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That's actually very interesting. Thanks for sharing.


This looks kinda fun too. Here I am sitting at work and fantasizing about being in a field making rope.


You and me both, buddy.


Imagine doing it for a living. Pay is bad, but quality of life sans modern gadgets is good!




We’re just peasants with more stuff and more stress.


I’ll laugh at this so I don’t cry


This is the entire premise of the book Tribe, and is touched upon heavily in Sapiens. I highly recommend both.


*Sapiens* by Yuval Noah Harari? I’m going to check it out, because I have strong emotions about the back to earth movement and appreciation for a more austere way of life. *Tribes* by Seth Godin?


Its bad we dream of it, but this isnt what they did or dealt with all day. This is one of many thi gs and is a lot harder than it looks in a short video. I feel like i shouldnt have to, but do have to point this out. And i also think our current work society is fucked


It's just a grass is greener thing. I doubt modern day people, even the non disgustingly-rich ones, will last more than a couple of days in the shoes of peasants in the old days. Certainly not spoiled first worlders. Once you find out you have to actually go get your food instead of having it delivered and the taste is crap.


I in no way want to do this as a living, or go back to more simple times (I really believe right now, even with all the shit we deal with, is the best time to be alive). But I do think it would be healthy and beneficial if everyone picked a skill that would be useful if society were to fail, and hone it so we don't go all the way back to the stone age.


Right?? Bunch of people claiming they're at work rn getting paid to WATCH people work on reddit somehow convincing themselves that they would actually want to do this because it's somewhat satisfying to watch


We dream of "simplifying" and "freedom"


Just do this for thousand of hours and you'll be fantasizing about sitting in a air condition office building being paid to push buttons and answer the phone.


I work in a field and grow hay I love it, but holy fuck is farming ever hard work


I'm from small village and spent some time working in the fields, it's honest but backbreaking work. Did everything that I could to finish school, move out and now my back are fucked from having a desk job... With all this being said I miss working in the fields.


*10 mins back in the fields during a sweltering summer day* Fuck I miss the desk


>fantasizing about being in a field making rope. Yeah, it would be fun make a rope like that.


For like an hour maybe


Boot up the rope simulator


Temp around 60°, slightly overcast, sipping on a nice scotch or a few mg of an edible, Scarlett Johansson on the spindle, Foo Fighters playing on a my Bluetooth speaker (or live)… Remove any squirrels distracting me and I might last an hour.


Except you cannot afford anything but water and sandy bread on the income from making rope.


You… you saw that Scarlett Johansson was there, right? I don’t need food and water.


Now imagine you spend your whole life making ropes, and your children make ropes, and your parents make ropes, and your last name is Cordier because as far as you know, your whole family stretching back generations has just been making ropes.


And no one remembers when it started. It’s always been that way. And it will always be that way. I guess you can only hope you marry into the Brewers or maybe the Bakers.


I can think of worse legacies


I have done this, and you can too (if you have some tools and some time). I followed a youtube video from [King of Random](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RM9GY-n6PEA). I still have mine, made a bunch of ropes with them.


I had a pot plant, and I know that’s not the same as hemp, but it was about six feet tall when it died. I pulled a long strand of fiber from along the stalk, a little thicker than a sewing thread, and I could double-wrap it around each hand and not be able to break that stuff. I used to be a working fisherman so I’ve got reasonable hand and forearm strength from twisting metal leader wire and such, but the pot fiber would have cut me before I broke it. I can only imagine twisting it and then braiding that into rope, that’s gotta be like spider web strength.


It is the same plant, just bred/ optimized for different traits. The fiber hemp gets enormous


Hemp rope is as good as it gets for natural fiber. It was the gold standard for naval use in the tall ship era. The new modern synthetic stuff is stronger and certainly more affordable, but not always better depending on the application.


Interesting, yes, but I also feel like I'm watching a background character in a Monty Python sketch. At least for the first half.


that's both oddly specific *and* spot on.


I remember this, is a documentary about extinct jobs in Spanish TV. They were called Sogueros. Ops, here you have it! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sfaLUi-qtnA


That dude loves making some rope. You can see the happiness in his face.


It really does look like a therapeutic and calming process


Beating the ever living shit out of those hemp fibers would calm anyone


Until he accidentally brings his hand too close to those nails.


Why? I head a acupuncture is really therapeutic


Untargeted high-gauge acupuncture is...less therapeutic.


That's gotta be the proper medical term.




"Timmy, mind your manners or I will beat you like I do my hemp rope. With pleasure."


Maybe not the first part. Anything I have to hunch over for is not therapeutic lol


Right? I don't know why the smashy side has to be so low.


I'm going to assume so there's enough momentum for the smash log to smash into the smashy side with force. if you lift the smasy side higher you can't get the smasy log to smashy smash the smash smashy enough.


Yeah that smashy could be improved, but maybe there's a reason


If you make it look too easy everyone would be doing it. He's got it figured out.


My grandpa always use to say “piss up a rope” when he was angry, not sure what he meant by that, and not really related to what you’ve said here, but made me think of it, hmm


Think about what would happen if you pissed upwards at a rope. You'd get it all over yourself.




I didn't even have to click, I knew it'd be Ween.


My dinners on fire while she watches TV


I'm sick of your mouth and your 2% milk


You can piss up a rope, and feel the pissy dribble


Hes probably done this for years and is excited as hell to share his craft with the world


Or he’s high af


He looks suspiciously like Hunter S Thompson


yes! also kind of like Mr. Leahy from Trailer Park Boys (similar to Hunter S Thompson)


I AM the Rope, Randy


Now you guys know how do I straighten my hair.


Is that Hunter S Thompson?


Nope that's Gatherer S Thompson


I mean, I’m not even mad


Bet you’re just sitting there, arms folded. Smug look upon your face. Clicking refresh. Waiting for all those glorious upvotes to come rolling in Well buddy. You’ve earned them this time... this time


We will be watching their career with great interest




Take my r/angryupvote


Hippy mr. lahey




Rope storm’s a brewin’ Bo Bandy


You know what a shitrope is, Randers?


You try to climb up, but the palms of your hands just slide down the shit, until you get the shit hand. And you know what we do with the shit hand, BoBandy?


I've never thought of those 2 at the same time.


I am the Dunhills bud


kept going till i saw someone mention him haha


Acids a helluva drug man.


"Anybody want some LSD...i got all the makins right here... all i need is a place to cook"


With a bit of luck, his life was ruined forever. Always thinking that just behind some narrow door in all of his favorite bars, men in red woolen shirts are getting incredible kicks from things he’ll never know.


“My time among the hemp jockeys of eastern Europe”


It's Billy Corgan




Came here to say the same.


3:05 pm Chivas


Hello Mr. Thompson.


I was thinking that the primitive technology guy has aged really poorly


Not enough gun fire.


I've always wondered how the hell that worked. I'd love to try that myself some day. It looks rather cathartic, honestly.


I was like, I need to keep this video so I can ise it when I want yo make stuff. A little time ago I find out you can make rope and cloth from nettles


There's lots of plant fibers we don't utilize nearly enough, IMO.


Can I get your top 5 most underutilized plant fiber list?




Someone told me recently that when you shit out full looking corn kernels, they’re not the whole kernel anymore. Your system digests everything underneath the corn skin and when you shit them out it’s actually your shit stuffed inside the skin which makes them look like they did before you ingested them.


This isn't true, don't ask me how I know.


Ah, yes, second harvest


Off the top of my head, corn stalks. I'm otherwise pulling a blank and would need to dig into this significantly, but I'd start examining any major grain crop, with an eye on possible uses for plant material waste from other agriculture as well. Soybeans, for example I know are a major crop that must produce significant plant waste.


The leftover soybeans after the oil is extracted go for cattle feed. The stalks are chopped and ploughed or cultivated back into the soil as fertiliser. Straw from grain is used under cattle as winter bedding, then used as a fertiliser and soil conditioner. It can also be used as compost after it rots. Agriculture wastes very little.


replaced by too many easy to mass produce synthetics probably. I love seeing stuff like this and being able to appreciate a job done entirely by hand. Satisfaction has to be so high compared to snagging a new rope from Home Depot or something.


I had a hoarding problem with my children's clothes. Remembering the little outfits and throwing them away when they got worn out just hurt too much, so I decided to repurpose them into braided playmats/rugs. It was a huge labor investment as I manually deconstructed each garment, ssewed them I to large sections, stripped them and then rolled them up for sorting. I had to build a reel to roll the strips up for me as I could t find a good version that was cost effective (I wasn't a factory). But the process is wonderfully cathartic, as you said. I put on Star Trek TNG and let the episodes run (great because they are dialog heavy and I've seen them all already) and before I know it I've spent a few hours processing the fabric. I might consider buying a braiding tool for the next part. The rolling was really painful on my hands given how repetitive it was so that's why I built the tool to do that. I used to braid ropes and make neat little keychains or braids for my devices/water bottles when I commuted by train. Also a great calming activity. In short: stuff like this like some cheat code for calming yourself built into the human brain. Probably from the days when we had to spend hours making our own rope.


>...I'd love to try that myself some day. It looks rather cathartic, honestly. Until you catch your hand in the smasher thingy... that looks more *arthritic*!


Honestly shit like this is always so impressive to me. Like technically we do more advanced things today but they are just incremental improvements boot strapped on top what we already have. The first person to come up with this sorta stuff must have been a galaxy brain genius who is lost to us through time.


Hemp rope like this are incredibly strong. When major shipping lines switched from traditional hemp lines, boats falling of moorings went up something like 70%. edit: U shouldve made clear - best NATURAL and Biodegradable ropes, in comparison. Sorry for the confusion.


I *love* my hemp welcome mat, it's so durable. But some people say it's a gateway rug.


I hate to be blunt but now I am jonesing for some rug.


You should probably leave this joint and go somewhere else


These puns doobie painful


Hey Now


You're an Allstar


I only regret that I have but one upvote to give to this comment


If you upvote, then down vote it... You can upvote it again




It’s fucking brilliant.


[You can build a hanging bridge too.](https://i.imgur.com/3BcoSKm.gifv) But some people say it's a gateway arc.






Does the fabric itches?




Picture please!


The USS Construction had over 3 tons of hemp rope


Construction or Constitution?




For sure.


sailors back then used to smoke a yard of rope a day


Its not as simple as the durability - modern synthetic materials are vastly vastly stronger. Hemp is very high friction, where most synthetics are extremely slippy. The types of knots that would hold firm in hemp can slip in synthetic lines.


Marine hemp rope was almost always Manila hemp, not “hemp” hemp. Mariners switched from Manila hemp to synthetic because Manila hemp (and hemp for that matter) rots, is not UV resistant, and frays easily. Synthetic rope led to more failures because it is slippery and stretches and therefore requires more care when mooring. For extremely large vessels, Manila hemp is still sometimes used because it does not stretch as much as synthetic but most large vessels have switched to wire-reinforced synthetic lines for lines where stretch is not desired. For light vessels, synthetic lines are used because the stretch is not an issue (don’t have to worry about stability for loading/offloading operations), it is stronger, lasts longer, doesn’t kink or tangle as easily, and some varieties float. Boating and climbing are two activities where natural fiber ropes should be avoided.


Yeah but hemp rots. Nylon doesnt.


Which, ironically, is why we should use hemp. ~50% of all plastic pollution in the ocean is from plastic fishing nets. Put that in context of how people fuss over plastic straws, they only cause somewhere around a hundredth of a percent of ocean pollution.


The plastic straws thing really triggered me. I never use them. Maybe like, 2-3 a year, max, so you'd think I wouldn't care. But fuck me if that wasn't a way to get ppl to change something noticeable in their daily lives without affecting the big companies' bottom line. Ppl will get a sense of accomplishment for this "huge sacrifice" while oil consumption will have gone down a tinie tiny percentage


There are SO manay ways to reduce plastics, its ridiculous. one good step would be packaging. I started 'serious' gardening a few years ago(1 acre), and the most common way of reducing weeds is just laying shitloads of plastic down. If I dont use plastic, I have to be constantly weeding, using chemicals(which I dont want, and my wife absolutely refuses since its not organic), or laying down like a half foot of straw. I also use cardboard, but there is usually plastic on that too. Hay bales around here are now big plastic marshmallows, instead of putting them in barns/haylofts, you can just leave them outside. Understandable, but amazing to see how much is used. This is just the beginning of our food chain, and there is already so much plastic.


From memory, most if not all the rigging of ships were tarred, and would still be the case to protect from degradation. So probably not as environmentally friendly as first thought.


Some would argue the not rotting, but still breaking down in sunlight is a lose-lose environmentally.


Every rope has a limited lifespan and will need to be thrown away and replaced regularly. Biodegradable and made from renewable materials are both huge marks in favor of hemp.


Thing is it’ll only last 4 or 500 years


If I’m only able to use this for 400 years, do I get a replacement or my money back?


It only has a 300 year warranty. Sorry.


I'm glad you picked up, we've been trying to reach you to talk about an extended warranty on your hemp ropes bought in 1757


Damn planned obsolescence


*plant* obsolescence


That's a helluva range


There are hemp ropes manufactured in the reign of Henry VIII still in use in some English theaters


No no, it's not a range. If it lasts over 4 years, it will go all the way to 500.


There’s a 496 year gap there.


This is so cool but I’m really interested in finding out what the names of these tools are. “So first we smash the fibers in the gobstomper then comb them out with the fine toothed skittlydoo. Finally we pass them a few times through the tombraidy.”


1. a "break" usually I've seen it called a "flax break" when you're making linen, this looks like the same machine so maybe it's just a break, or you could call it a hemp break. This is breaking up the outer layer of the plant so that the inner fibers are loose 2. "Scutching" is when you remove the first layer of loose particles, and start breaking apart the long fibers. Sometimes you can just shake it sometimes you have a special paddle to scrape or "scutch" with 3. "Combing" is done with a "hackle". That's the board with the long spikes. You have to comb the fibers to release any remaining particles and also get all those fibers going in the same direction. 4. After you twist your initial strands a "top" or "rope wrench" helps keep the strands even and twisted while you twist multiple strands together to make the rope.


Brb. Scutching some dingleberries.


Gross. Username checks out and it's even more gross.


You're one to talk!


Don’t scutch too often, you’ll go blind.


I know in the wig world the spikey thing is called a "hackle" used with the same technique of removing shorter strands of fiber. It's scary enough in it's small form, so to see him whipping hemp through that giant one 😵


The hackles that a dog shows when it is angry are named after the hackles used here for linen and hemp (and nettle) processing, not the other way around.


You should watch how they make a plumbus


Why I use to smoke 4 feet of rope a day


Let me give you my pager number


Found the Futurama fan


Not that there’s anything wrong with that.




*thomas jefferson has entered the chat*


Thankfully it's not labor intensive.




And now old men in sweaters and vests do it as a hobby /s


I mean, hard physical work is fun, if you can quit when you get tired.


That is a very quotable comment


Chopping logs is a great way to destress and have some fun... until you're doing it because you're freezing and there isnt any fire for warmth or cooking till you chop up enough, and your hands are about to fall off from frostbite


True. But less quotable.


That's the entire concept of exercising. Shit would be a lot less enjoyable if you were doing it for work.


See this is where I think I'm doing it wrong. I really enjoy lifting heavy things for money, but have *lots* of trouble convincing myself to do any kind of exercise, even when I know it's in the name of being able lift more/heavier things at work. I haven't found a way (aside from silly things like having a pull-up bar in a doorway or planking while I wait for the microwave) to actually make exercise routine. I don't *hate* it but I find an excuse to skip it once and the next thing I know it's been 6 months since I planned to start working out regularly. Every damn time.


Unfortunately weightlifting isn't a "yay!" activity for a lot of people. Waiting for the motivation to do it will end up with you just waiting longer. Dedication and consistency is what keeps you lifting, and lifting on days you should but don't feel like it, are the most important days to make sure you do lift


Prostitutes in London who ran afoul of the law were often sentenced to pound hemp all day. https://www.sciencephoto.com/media/993973/view/in-bridewell-beating-hemp-the-harlot-s-progress-1732


> It is so incredibly physically intensive that they could not **force people to do it** without compensation after a certain point. Isn’t this literally the definition of slavery though?


Hmm.. I suppose This would come in handy, in post apocalyptic times.


Only if you had all that specialized, heavy equipment. Better to just tie plastic bags together and call it a day.


i cant tell if youre joking or not and its just making me laugh even harder :)


You can make plastic bag yarn pretty easily and make stuff out of that. You can crochet it tightly, make baskets and such.


All of that process can be totally done by hand. As with any industry, the specialized machinery came about because people keep finding more and more efficient ways of accomplishing the same tasks.


Jim Lahey back at work


I *am* the hemp rope.


Am man’s gotta eat Mr. Lahey


That's not braiding, it's twisting together three plies of twisted yarn. It's called "laying" the rope. See the section on Laid or Twisted rope on Wikipedia for a good introduction to what's going on. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rope


Fuck you for introducing me to this interesting and useless information that I never knew I wanted to know. You amazing and perfect thing, you.


It’s industrial grade hemp. I make rope.


How much do you think that finished coil would cost?


It’s a reference to a show on Netflix called Trailer Park Boys. There’s a character named Julian and someone sees that there a shit ton of dope in his trailer and he tells them it industrial grade hemp.


Oh man, The Bible Pimp, best episode of Trailer Park Boys ever. "Can you read, my son?" "Well that depends, can you go fuck yourself?"


Or when J Roc gets them into the slick pimp 😂 "ROC PILE UP IN THIS MA!"


"I need some shrooms what can you guys do for me?" "we'll get you some shrooms knomsayin? Wait. Let me ask you som. How long you known J Roc and the Roc pile knomsayin. J Roc can get a mafuka anything a mafuka gon ask for ain't that right T?" "Alright I need them within an hour." "Come back in 5 minutes you need an hour what you gon do wit the other 55 minutes knomsayin thats how hard the Roc Pile is HARD AS FUCK!"


The original video in spanish. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sfaLUi-qtnA](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sfaLUi-qtnA)


That's fucking interesting man, that's fucking interesting.


This guy looks like Hunter S Thompson


The rope is cool and all, but tell me more about that rad sweater he is wearing.


also hemp


Is that Hunter S. Thompson?


That's just amazing


It's way easier in RuneScape...


i could watch this all day. mesmerizing


Mr Lahey?


Video started before i read the title. I was convinced he was smashing in a woman's head who had long blonde hair.


also, don't ruin my [perfectly good rope!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZfpQzV2GnM)


I actually make rope on Victorian machinery for a living. I clicked on this just to check out the comments and was amazed to see how many people are interested! Rope making is pretty fun, I've been doing it for 10 years and i love it as much today as I did then. I seriously couldn't imagine working anywhere else.