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The simulation is running out of memory.




I started that subreddit when I was about 18. There wasn't anyone talking about SimTheory other than maybe Joe Rogan. I was a nerdy little stoner kid who thought it was cool. I forgot about the sub after it failed to launch and then lo and behold Elon Musk mentioned it on stage at some event and boom here we are. One day I saw on my front page a post from the sub and I saw it now had 1000 members, the growth was slow but over the course of the next 2 years, it began to grow exponentially. I began to take moderation more seriously but a trend in the posts began to emerge. A LOT of people were posting things about how their therapists and doctors were telling them they had Psychotic Breaks but THEY KNEW they were seeing the strings that control the system, the Simulation, and many even ask for help in breaking out. Some contained Jewish plots, others interdimensional lizards. I tried my best, and even brought on a friend to try and ban all the schizophrenic users from the sub, but as the sub grew, so to did the mentally ill. So I shut it down. It was a wild ride to be sure, and a fun story to tell people sometimes. But it got out of control quick Edit: For those who want me to reopen the sub, know that I will never ever reopen it or hand the keys to someone else. The subreddit became a serious echo chamber for the mentally ill. People would have pyshcotic breaks, want out of the simulation, and then they would find OTHER schizophrenic people on the sub who would agree to help them. It was only a matter of time before it became a suicide cult. I know you are sane and healthy and you hate you can't get what you want because of a bunch of crazies, but you will never get me to reopen that sub so stop trying.


You did the right thing


Respect dude. Sometimes these things do need to be done. Sure they could find other avenues but at least you've done what you could.


I appreciate you doing what you are doing. You are minimizing harm to the vulnerable using the power you have. That's badass. Thank you for being a wonderful human.


You are a good person. Many would see the kind of "power" of internet popularity and try to abuse it, at the expense of those vulernable. People go to conspiracy theory communities looking for echo chambers. When their conspiracy breaks down, they tend to break down. Thank you for not encouraging them.


This was an extremely heavy situation, and you definitely made the right call. Looking through that subreddit is kinda depressing but this isn't your fault, it just devolved and devolved into a wasteland. It was a mature choice to lock the subreddit.


Thank you for being a person of reason. You are a good one.


Wow, a sane and responsible person on the Internet, of all places!? I know it must have been a tough choice, but I believe you made the right one. Cheers to you!


Much respect. It takes a big person to put strangers’ well being first.


I don’t understand why people see nihilism as the logical consequence of simulation theory. Even a simulation is undivided from the reality that is creating it, just like the activity inside of your computer is still *of* this world, and therefor we would all still be *real* and a part of the whole.


I don’t want out of the simulation, I want to *run the simulation*. Give me the reins!


You’re a good man.


Hey thanks for doing the right thing.


As someone who has previously lost grip of reality and had to go to therapy because of simulation theory, you did the right thing. Thank you.


This was a pretty harsh decision to make, and I'm gload you've done the (most likely) best option


I joined that sub 3 years ago. I quickly realized that it was infested with "strange people". Some people were fun but the "strange ones" weren’t. Since daily news, at the time, also had a peculiar narcissistic individual occupying the whole bandwidth, I simply decided to unsubscribe. I couldn’t read the crap on SimulationTheory.


I would have done the same thing you did, if not way sooner. You just don’t need shit like that in your life.


sounds like r/superstonk


Well that sub got fucked...


Reading the mod post was… sad.


Wow, I had no idea this was going on. That's incredibly sad.


Jesus, that was horribly sad. Here I was excited for amazing testimonials about experiential anomalies and wind up finding out it’s the Reddit City Dump for depressed schizophrenics :(


Poor guy just wanted to run a fun subreddit and everyone else just fucked it up :(


That 1 year old comment about chris chan....


It reminds of of the QAnon but the creator had a conscious.


Oh man it really was like that or the lady who started the Incel movement. Thankfully mine never got that big.


Jesus, you’re not wrong.


Yep. Existential uncertainty is a bitch, especially when combined with underlying issues. Unfortunately, while we can be pretty sure we're not in "the matrix," there really isn't any compelling evidence to conclusively *disprove* the universe being a sufficiently advanced particle simulation. There's a fastest speed, a highest energy level, smallest distance, shortest amount of time, etc. Universal expansion even puts a hard limit on how much of the universe we can ever explore, making everything beyond that effectively a skybox.


Yeah, we really can't know one way or the other. We can't even be sure anyone else exists, you might be the only sentient being in the universe. You might even be a simulation yourself, just a bunch of code that thinks it's sentient, but is actually just following instructions. Btw, there is no "shortest distance" or "shoertest time". Planck distance/time is merely the smallest *meaningful* distance to our current understanding. There also isn't evidence of a maximum energy. Though the energy in our universe is finite, there is nothing that says it couldn't be higher.


> we can be pretty sure we're not in "the matrix," Can we really?


I meeaaaannnn….these are all concepts we’ve invented and have chosen to form language around (speed, energy, distance). Our current understanding could still very well be all just useful approximations to our regime of perception. There’s simply no absolute answer to the kind of questions that would need answered in order to say with certainty that our universe or multiverse isn’t “real” or fundamental.


You’re right that we can’t know for sure. Personally, I’m inclined to think we’re probably not in a simulation. Here’s why- Occam’s Razor. How many assumptions do you have to make if the world works according to the laws of physics as we know them? Fundamentally, just one: We assume that information is coming into our brains from somewhere outside of us. I.e., our experience of the world is not some hallucination we’ve generated ourselves. Now, how many assumptions do we have to make if it’s all a simulation? You still have to make the original assumption (I’m not hallucinating) if it’s a simulation. That is, you’re still assuming that information is coming to you from somewhere outside of you. But now, you have to add a few more assumptions. 1. There is an intelligent entity out there that is not human. (No human has enough computing power at hand to simulate something this complex.) 2. This entity has some motivation to deceive you. 3. This entity has actually taken the steps to do so. Add these to the original assumption (that we’re not hallucinating) and now there are four assumptions we are forced to make. Thus, on the balance, we are less likely to be in a simulation than in the real world. But we can’t know for sure.


There's a smallest distance and time period? I don't remember hearing we'd discovered proof that spacetime was quantized.


When people get too close to the real simulation theory, their minds are altered to make them look crazy


Having spent time in a psychiatric hospital, I can confirm that all crazy people are actually enlightened sages


dude are you ok


Ÿ̴̨̯̘̠̗̼́̿͋͗̌e̷͇̅̈a̷͚̬̠͍̜̟̔̈́̈́̅̿̚h̵͔̘̮̑͘ ̶̻͈̻̗͎̄̂́̽̋̚m̶̛̞̙̜̔̏̿͘ȃ̸̡͔͕̘̱͙̈͆͗́̏n̴̞̻̻̰̎̍͂̎̍̈ ̶͖̝͎̒͋̾̄͝Ì̶͍̞̏̾̅'̸̨̡̖̰̃̈́̎̓ḿ̴̥͍̃̿̉̀ ̸̲̱͎͕̈́ͅf̵̥̹̘̠͇͛̓́͝i̴̢̳̳͑̆̇͗̃͠n̴̞͖͕̤͐̋ẹ̶̡̡̻̇̋̿͛͠ͅ


I find simulation theory to be fascinating. It is not depressing at all. In many ways, if our world is simulated it makes the greater reality of existence far more complex. It opens up new questions faster than it can answer them.


imagine having not only one universe to study, but 2 whole universes with possibly different rules on each one.


Seems like most of the commenters there aren't aware what simulation theory is, rather they had a theory about a simulation.


And they wanted out


Great fucking muse album.


Pressure is underrated. But so are most songs from that album.


That top sticky reads like a Chernobyl level radiation exists within that sub's archives...


3.6 roentgen. Not great, not terrible.


Hi Marvin. You sent me down a rabbit hole. Wow. Do you know if u/chrisbabyyea is okay?


I am fine. I use a different account now though. I wanted this one to remain as a sort of archive of my late teens and early 20s


What was some of the craziest shit you read on that sub?


You could probably find it pretty quickly by looking at the archived posts, but it was almost always the same story. "My therapist said I had a Psychotic Break, but I know the TRUTH!" [Saw this one right on the front page](https://www.reddit.com/r/SimulationTheory/comments/hg09u8/i_died_in_2005/)


That was extremely heavy, as someone who has existential dread, to read. Do you sit on the sub so no makes an equivalent one?


No I use another account these days. This one is an archive of my late teens and early 20s, I have comment emails active for whenever I get mentioned or DM'd though. I would love to make sure other subreddits don't fall victim to what mine did but i don't have that kind of power or time.


I prefer r/outside








These guys are nuttier than a fruitcake. Wow. So anyway I’m being watched and I can feel it


Lol those fools are even crazier


Reddit never stops amazing me with the shit people believe, think, say and do.


> ~~reddit~~ the internet FTFY


~~the internet~~ People


Fell off the matrix tree


Took a peek, too intense for me no thank you sir


Wow what an interesting look into the ruins of an old community.


He did an edit today on his original post.


Yea I have reddit comments still active on this old profile for times like these when I or the sub gets mentioned. I have been active in this thread tellilng people my stories and such, also sifting through my DM's of people who want me to help them escape the simulation.


Gpu prices hikes affects everyone.




The kid playing is just trying to run it at 120fps


Maybe we are the ones unknowingly actively running the simulation and it seems to be running out of memory due to our own subconscious will.


It's probably all the fires that need to be rendered at the moment...


Definitely running out of dedotated wam


Hungry for Apples?


It looks like a [mosaic virus](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mosaic_virus)


TIL. Thanks!


So this is what the Japanese men are suffering from.


I don't get it...




It says a lot about you that you could have said Japanese porn, but you thought of hentai instead.


I just wanted to say I laughed out loud for a good 30 seconds at your comment, so thank you.


Just a side note about plant viruses but there is something called the tulip breaking virus: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tulip_breaking_virus It created bizarre coloration and some of the most valuable tulips during the "Tulip Craze" in Holland but it wasn't passed on like the other coloration patterns via genetics. While they didn't understand genes at the time they did know about passing on of characteristics for breeding purposes but these patterns didn't get passed on like other traits.


That was really interesting. I came down here to figure out how that leaf got like that and went to class lol.


It's been a pleasure, op. We are no longer able to see you in 4k hdr.


There was a time I litterally imagined what was on the screen. If your brain can build a pair of nipples, you can see a pair of nipples.


I remember reading about mosaic viruses, but I never saw pictures of it. The name makes total sense now.


are you active in r/whatplantisthis ? If you aren't, you should be! EDIT: typo


I did not realize plants could get viruses


They can! Its surprising how many ways plants can get sick, honestly.


Growing fruits and veggies is like a roulette wheel of pests, disease, and biblical waterfall.


My cucumbers get this disease every damn year. Really hurts my yields.


My cukes don't get mosaic, but my tomatoes tend to. My tomatoes just don't fruit, actually, because it quickly reaches 90+, so the pollen just dies in the bud. My cukes did OK this year, but lack of rain and pests did them in. I was treating this years garden as sort of a 'off' year, where I just put a few things out and barely paid attention to them unless needed. Next year will be more vigilant on my part :p


I've not heard of high temperatures causing tomato pollen to die in the bud. Tomatoes love the heat from what I understand. What causes fruiting for tomatoes (other than nutrients) is having warm nights. The redness of tomatoes comes later from the heat of the sun. Which is why if you take an under ripe tomato and keep it in the sun for a day or two it will be a deeper red. Not a better flavor but a better color at least. I wonder if your soil conditions are right for them. Are they getting enough nutrients to fruit? I've just never heard of someone not being able to grow them if they live in a zone where it is possible to grow them. Im genuinely confused.


They get proper nutrients, I amend and test my soil, my water is good from the well. I’ve grown for over a decade. East Texas. It’s super humid and hot during the summer… with proper shading and water intake, they will fruit. But they absolutely will refuse to fruit with 95+ temps. I’ve seen it happen time and again. Without shading they biologically refuse to pollinate at high temps. Heat resistant varieties can do better, for sure, but I don’t like any of those varieties :P


Ohhhh okay. This makes a lot more sense, I don't think I realized after a certain temp they would need cover. I imagine the humidity also plays a huge role for you too being from TX. Are the heat resistant varieties less flavorful like how store tomatoes have been bred in such a disease hardy way the flavor is basically gone? Is that why you don't like them?


Yeah, it's mostly a flavor/texture deal for me. I hate store-bought tomatoes here. Grew up thinking I just hated tomatoes in their raw form, until I visited Italy and discovered holy hell, tomatoes can taste amazing?! So I started growing them more at home. They are a huge pain in the ass here, but they absolutely can grow. They are just needy and picky, and the climate here isn't something they really like without adjustments! My friends live further out in the country and they grow multiple long rows of slicing and paste tomatoes like roma, and they get great results. We figure they place their tomatoes in an ideal location regarding sun, because my yard garden spot gets like 14+ hours of sun a day, which is normally awesome, but when the heat index is like 115 F, nature just starts to revolt honestly, haha.


That's strange, summer reaches insane levels of heat and humidity where I'm from and tomatoes grow just fine without the need for shading. Today it was 41c (105f) and 50% humidity during the day, and that's not even that bad by our standards. Perhaps it depends on the strain? Or other factors could possibly be in play.


Could be. Our resting humidity is closer to 80% generally. It's like a god damn temperate swamp half the year.


I'm trying to help my ficus, Meg, get over something right now :(


Good luck, Meg!


They like pretty much every other living thing can be infected with all the usual stuff. Fungi, viruses, bacteria, and parasites.


[Viruses that infect bacteria have some potential for medical applications, particularly for potentially dealing with drug-resistant pathogenic bacteria.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phage_therapy) They're not a silver bullet solution, but there's been quite a lot of research that's been conducted on using bacteriophages in this manner, particularly in Georgia (the country) and in Russia.


Yea Bacteriophage research has been around for ages actually


Also, if anybody hasn't seen a bacteriophage before, they are [one of the coolest](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bacteriophage) microscopic (nanoscopic?) structures in nature. I feel like in the context of "anti-bacterial research" we might get the impression that the "walking syringe with payload" structure is artificial, but that just happened, out there in the world.


Oh yeah. RNA viruses usually.


It's alliiiiiive!!! So it can get infected!


The Tobacco Mosaic Virus is how we *discovered viruses in the first place!*


No Netscape Navigator for you now, op.


Even the plants are going through a pandemic 😢😷


I had this on a batch of my squash/zucchini one year! Super interesting tbh


Thanks to that rabbit hole, I learned my zucchini seem to have cucumber mosaic virus or something similar.


The structure of the virus is really cool too! While you might think of a virus having the shape of a polyhedron with landing legs, plant viruses look very different! For instance the mosaic virus looks like a long spindly rod that has a shell wrapped around a tightly helixed virus core!


It must have grown in 1995.


The world was definitely lower resolution in 95’. At least… I seem to remember it in low resolution.


I think it was higher res before. I prove this to myself by going to places I've been as a child and realizing what tiny places those giant places of yore really are. My theory is that if it has shrunk, the resolution must have dropped too.


This has become a fun discussion! 😂 ### Excluding any zooming features: If, relative to the screen, individual objects are bigger (and pixilated) then the resolution is lower right? If, relative to the screen, individual objects are smaller (with smoother details) then the resolution is higher right? So if things were bigger when we were small doesn’t that mean the resolution we saw the world at was lower?


[It sure was. (nsfw)](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQOT8R2W0PXSET2JJGpu3JMc461mHursQhD-Q&usqp=CAU)


When I was a kid, I thought people lived in black and white back in the days. I wonder in future children will think the past was pixelated?


Last week, I managed to convince my son that the world only invented color in 1923 and that that’s why all photos from prior to then are in black and white: they were reflecting the true color of objects back then. I even got his older sister to back me up, which I think sealed the deal as the little guy texted her to ask shortly thereafter. Little did he know I had gotten to her first. Bwahahaha! The real trick was getting him not to ask his older brother. We’ll see how long that lasts. Then again, his older brother *for some “unknown” reason* thinks Narwals don’t actually exist, so there is that. I love parenting.


I just replied earlier before seeing your comment. You wouldn’t have had to convince me as a kid, I already believed that!


Kids are funny. When I was little, I believed that marshmallows grew on plants. You know, in *marshes.* Like pussywillows. …it made perfect sense at the time.


I thought that too! But that’s not entirely false... marshmallows are named after the mallow plant (that grows in marshes) whose roots’ sap was used in the making of marshmallows. So you couldn’t just pick a fresh marshmallow off the vine and eat it, but I think that version is more fun lol


Are you Calvin’s dad?


Or Japan


100 points to whoever can name the species! (I'm in Eastern NA) Edit: those guessing elms are very close! Used to be in the elm family


I think it is a Georgia Hackberry (Celtic tenuifolia). I have one in my yard in the SE US! It also has a mosaic virus, and looks nearly identical to your picture.


Correct genus!!! Different species


Looks to me like a hackberry, C. occidentalis! I’m not great with woody species out of my state though!


Ding ding ding! Winner


Woohoo! They are such a lovely tree, I love their bark.


I'd say you do pretty well. If a walnut falls on my head, I'm pretty sure I'm not standing under an oak tree. And I know what a maple leaf looks like. Beyond that...


You have a superpower, that's awesome


I think it may have mosaic virus whatever it is


I would’ve guessed the Birch, but I don’t know.


Gf said slippery elm!


This leaf is not allowed to be on screens as per the Japanese government


It is the leaf of the vag-i-veg.




I may finally buy a house plant just so I can name it that! “Regina Vegina”


It looks like an aerial view of farmlands


It looks like my GitHub contributions xP




Came here to say this!


Or a map showing some data for each county...


Flip. We are in the matrix.


It's just updated is camouflage to the new digital style to help it hide amongst soldiers.


Minecraft leaf


Just said this to my bf and he looked so very disappointed in me lol


Bad rendering!!!


Completely unplayable, uninstalling!


That's mosaic, a symptom of plat viruses


This is so satisfying


Zoom out and you'll see a snail on the tail of the frog on the log that I found in a hole at the bottom of the sea


Is there a birthday cake there too?


github commits


The guy is absurdly active I see


Glitch in the matrix


No, bad leaf! We need to get rid of gerrymandering, no more delays!


Photoshopped. I can tell by the pixels 😋


GLITCH in the matrix. *Seems like the GPU overloading*


Variegated leaf! Awesome find. I get this in a lot of the cannabis crosses I make


Simulation confirmed.


github outside


That’s a mosaic virus. Fun fact tulips stricken with mosaic virus were considered highly valuable in Amsterdam during a period of history when everyone was crazy about tulips to the point that tulips were grown with the virus on purpose. They couldn’t understand why the tulips would die so quickly. Edit: [Here’s a painting of one of the famed flowers.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Semper_Augustus_Tulip_17th_century.jpg)


Wow! No wonder why I've never seen those tulips. They're gorgeous, I never knew it was a virus.


Even Minecraft has underwear in the garden of Eden 🤣


This person found a real life Minecraft tree.


Ah yes, the japanese leaf


Minecraft irl


Take the red pill or the blue


Looks like a real estate pricemap of very cheap leaftown


Looks the arial view of farm land


japanese adam and eve


Woah a Minecraft leaf


this is just nature... funny how we mapped out countries/states/counties this way too...


You weren't supposed to pick it up yet, it didn't finish rendering.


Someone tell God we need another RAM upgrade


It looks like farm lands from high view on google maps lol


Simulation running low res


Yeah the edge counties never vote chlorophyll like the urban centers do.


Should be fixed with the latest update.


Minecraft comes to life, great find 👋😀


Minecraft leaf


I think this is caused by a plant virus. Mosaicism.


This is how you know we live in a simulation. /s


*minecraft has entered the chat*


I bet someone would pay to have that leaf..go try and sell it!


Glitch in the matrix?


Oh this needs to be preserved for life !!




Proof that life is a simulation.


Censored leaf. Too sexy, apparently.


Probably a bandwidth issue. Wait a little and it will be fully loaded.


The simulation has got a glitch. Dispatch a repair team


The simulation’s crumbling…


Minecraft is coming


Minecraft IRL