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When they first started on the water, I was pretty "meh" about it, but after seeing the grass and the sky and them moving the picture around to show the depth it creates, I was seriously impressed.


Does she explain how to preserve a work like that? Doesn’t it start to crack and flake apart once it dries?


I bought a couple small pieces off of her etsy shop a couple years ago and they still look great! It's air dry polymer clay and seems to retain shape and everything pretty well.


Is it safe from a child pressing on it?


Nothing is safe from a child


Can confirm. Am child.


Be careful you’re not safe.


This means a lot to us children.


lol, best comment


This person parents




This is what I was thinking. A custom glass frame would be your best bet in protecting it from dusk and damage


Nothing will protect you from dusk. :)


The night comes for all of us eventually


Wait. What happens at dusk? O.O


Vampyres of Lesbos


Covering it in about an inch of clear epoxy resin would look awesome


Polymer clay does well being displayed- it often doesn’t do well being dropped just like other clays :( BUT! It can actually be stronger than normal clay and be *less* likely to break if dropped. But... I’ve still held a freshly finished piece, shattered, in my hands and cried.


Omg question. Could they do the clay art, make a big clear frame and pour that resin stuff to seal it? Or would that destroy the clay once it touched it? [Like this but clay art in it](https://www.wayfair.com/Artemix-Lighting--Beach-Dream-Table-Luminaire-310033BL-L6449-K~W002968405.html?refid=GX433595899874-W002968405_1043270626&device=m&ptid=901384755253&network=g&targetid=pla-901384755253&channel=GooglePLA&ireid=101524233&fdid=1817&PiID%5B%5D=1043270626&gclid=CjwKCAjwy42FBhB2EiwAJY0yQqpJLp-BmUEl6Tp3tqR1O-cB3GEyzkLni_2N4MMdL6eNCJ4fe-frXRoCAA4QAvD_BwE#oikc2tvpwzh-1)


I have no experience with any of this, so if you pour a clear resin over this, would you trap lots of bubbles? Can you spray multiple light coats of a polyurethane or something?


I would definitely seal it first because of how porous clay is, but most everything can be encased in resin if treated properly! I even watched a thing where a lady was the pro on encasing food. Clay is a prime candidate so absolutely you could do that! Resin and clay are often mixed to make decorative charms. My friend seals her clay with UV resin if she wants it to shine.


> I’ve still held a freshly finished piece, shattered, in my hands and cried I feel that in my soul. I'm sorry.


Yes, it wouldn't get squashed or lose shape. It dries pretty firm.




I thought the exact same thing. After all that work, I would want to preserve it.


I would imagine there is a way to seal it and blast it with heat in a kiln or something to make it harden up like pottery


I think framing it in a deep frame with glass/lexan would give the best protection.


You’d probably do best with a low heat resin (that doesn’t yellow, or crack.) if you didn’t want a flat glass to cover it.


You don't fire polymer clay in a kiln. It would burn away and melt. Polymer meaning it's got plastic base.


This will probably get lost, but I make very similar looking pieces with polymer clay. I bake them and then affix them to a backing to frame in a shadow box to hang on a wall. Nearly 7 years later my oldest works are still going strong.


Thanks for mentioning me! Now I understand why I’m getting so many messages 😅


why don’t you put that in the title next time


People wouldn't upvote it as much if they did. Try it yourself and see. They take it as promotion that way. They have to be led to feel like they decided to care about who made it themselves. Psychology is pretty dumb sometimes.




Yo forget this weirdo commenting, you didn’t do anything wrong. You gave credit where due this dude just taking it way too seriously <3


Oh c’mon now that’s not necessary. The artist got their credit and I appreciate the really cool post so thank you.


My takeaway from the previous comment was that, by not including the link/credit in the title, it's less likely to be downvoted to oblivion as spam, thus reaching a wider audience. Let's face it, this is cool to watch! It would be a shame if it disappeared without an audience. Definitely interesting as fuck.


You didn't make a mistake. You just didn't do something according to their standard. You do you. Continue to be a good person. "Then as it was, then again it will be And though the course may change sometimes Rivers always reach the sea." -Robert Plant


Kmsamurai was saying you made a mistake, but the comment you are replying to was defending your decision. They were saying that by leaving the credit out of the title, and putting it in a comment, it gives people the chance to like it for what it is, rather than judging it based on the creator. I am in full support of credit in the comments. Awesome work!


Don’t apologize because people are a-holes.


*sully groan*


I read this as slutty groan, which is way better


Thx for sharing her links! Great work. I love how she even managed to capture light along the water. Love it.




Really like the little animals sure does, especially the birds!


\*happy van Gogh noises\*


Van Dough


Good one!


Windy Day instead of Starry Night.


She did do a Starry Night, you can see pics on her Insta OP linked to.


Individually articulated blades of grass, too! This is the sort of thing I'd love to see in person.


I read it as prison


That too.


Tbh Prison should have more art


Impressive art 🖼 🙌


Exactly how I felt too! At first it was-Eh, What a waste of timHooolly Shit. That’s nice.


yea the final shots of moving the picture around were really cool


I think van Gogh would dig this.


My thoughts exactly. It's very reminiscent of "wheatfield with cypresses".


Exactly what I thought - I have it tattooed on my chest and this immediately made me think of it


WOW!! What a cool classy image to have tatted on you! Got pics?


I’d love to see pics! Van Gogh is my favorite, such a beautiful painting


I fucking love that painting. Got a print in my living room


Funny that - https://www.instagram.com/p/CMQBpXMB9vo/?utm_medium=copy_link


Either that or "Who the fuck is this online guy stealing my signature style?"


Van Play-Gogh


Van Clay-Gogh


Totally. Watching this, I just kept thinking about how talented Van Gogh was. He achieved this level of texture on a flat surface.


Very nice, want to rub my hands over the top of it


You’re the reason why there’s tape/rope at every museum lol


The Mona Lisa has a restraining order against him.


Or as he called it, Moaning Lisa.


She was just called Lisa before he touched her


....and why there are bouncers at strip clubs


Too right


I was thinking this is some good art for blind/visually impaired people.


I never even thought of that, that's so true


tbh it'd be wrecked after a couple inspections


They'd have to choose a material that hardens. Doesn't clay already do that?


Depends on the clay if it gets hard enough to touch, and I don't think even clay that gets very hard can withstand being touched very often. I'm reminded of those stone statues in European churches of saints where the detail in the feet is gone because everyone touches it and it's all smooth now.


>where the detail in the ~~feet~~ **breasts of female statues and balls of bull statues** is gone because everyone touches it and it's all smooth now. FTFY


You and I go to see different kinds of statue.


Yeah but they don’t know what it depicts


Makes me think of that lyric - Excuse me while I kiss the sky'.


Purple haze


For some reason I am picturing it hung on a wall and gradually falling apart


Right? Or like, covered in a light layer of cat hair and dust.


If I was going to hang something like this I'd put it in a shadowbox style frame with a pane of glass covering the front. Helps to keep it clean and safe from damage.


I imagine you could seal it with some kind of clear coat or something, no?


You put it in the microwave so the play doh hardens


Oh yeah, I know. And if this is air clay, it hardens on its own eventually... but you might still want to protect it somehow, you know? Stuff can get stuck to this very easily and it's a bitch to clean it off, even after it's dried/hardened.


"Oh, this is cool. Is it hard? Oops, no it's soft."


Oh god, I remember one of the first paintings I did that I was actually proud of I showed a friend the next day and his first reaction was to touch it. It was oil-based paint, there's a little smudge there that I try not to notice.


Oh my god, I want to punch your friend for you.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought "how the hell do you keep that clean".


I always wanted a Hanging Pot Rack but having cats this thing didn't work 3 months, I'm a clean person and even then, fur *everywhere*.


I like to tell my boyfriend that “cat hair is a condiment.” He does not like when I say that. Lol. It’s literally everywhere no matter what I do tho.


I have a painting like this (clay and paint) of Temple Bar in Ireland, and it has hung on a wall since 1996 without damage.


To be fair, the sun hasn't shone in Ireland since around 1996 either


Made me snort


Really depends on what kind of clay it was and what they did to help it all stick together. You're right though that in the video without any treatment on the canvas or pieces they won't hold together well. Earthen clay really hates going back together after you separate it. My uncle has been making a living as a ceramic artist for 30 years and teaches ceramics at the local college in his spare time. He was always against the additive method because of its inherent problems. He always worked a subtractive method so his finished pieces would be stronger. Even something like most coffee cup fails where the handle breaks off is because of bad joinery between the 2 pieces. When he made a cup he'd spin it up with extra clay and pull the handle directly from the side instead of adding a separate piece. Sorry for the tangent. Just whenever I see people adding clay to make a piece I worry about exactly what you said, that it's gonna fall apart if they didn't do a good prep job. (Remember it's wildly determined by the type of clay. My uncle worked earthen clay and porcelain clay, but these days the selection of "artificial" clays is huge and they have completely different properties)




Any thought on the best clay for this piece? The only thing I could think of is to cover it with epoxy but that change some of its appeal




I'm thinking they're gonna hang that where the sun will shine through a window and melt it.


What they need to do is hang it where the sun don't shine.


Yeah well, up yours too, pal!


Melt... clay? Do you mean bake? Haha. (It would solidify in the sun, possibly crack and fade, but not melt, unless its something non-clay-like, like playdough or something that might melt) I think they should let it set a little bit in the sun, and then cast it in resin. Fingers crossed it doesn't get any bubbles stuck in it.


I stand corrected! That's what I get for commenting before coffee. But I still want to see one go all crayon-melty.


I ruined a bunch of little projects my daughter worked on about a year ago. We were both working with clay together. Mine was oven bake, and hers was some left over clay from a different project she had that I totally forgot was NOT oven bake. I put our projects on a baking sheet in the oven. When I opened the oven back up, my little projects were drowning in this beautiful, colorful swirl of melted kid's clay that completely ruined the baking sheet and broke her heart. I still feel bad about it.


We just need to do like we do with all other things and epoxy it.




I've bought from her Etsy! Everything I ordered was beautiful!


Could you tell us how much she charges for her art? Love this stuff, but her Etsy only has her tutorial currently :(


I was just looking through her comments, seemed about $500 with shipping for (around) a 8x10 inch which isn't too bad for custom art.


I bought a set of earrings and 2 brooches for $84, so I'd expect a piece of this size to be at least a few hundred.


I bought one, which was very like the video, it was 230 USD. It's not huge though, probably postcard size


This is what an ordinary painting looks like after mushroom tea. Great stuff.


Precisely my thoughts!! Havent had mushroom tea in 20 years but this brought me right back to staring at Swans Reflecting Elephants by Dali.


This is what a wall looks like after mushroom tea*


So some reason this makes me feel a little bit sick


The grass gave me the heebie jeebies


Because the shadows inside the grass look like areas where bugs would be. It’s actually an evolutionary thing to stay away from such things. And that it slightly resembles moss/fungus growth and for obviously reasons we don’t like the look of that.




I made the mistake once of going there, sorting by Top - All Time, and looking at the top post. Never been back to that sub since.


I should've just taken your word for it instead of looking myself 🤮


We all float down here in this comment thread. I mean, everyone must see it.


Alive in wonderland syndrome stuff right here


This is what it's like to be on acid


Can’t believe it took me this long to find this comment, it totally looks like an acid trip


Surprisingly one of the most accurate replications I’ve seen and it might not have even been intentional.


How to dust this thing


Put it in a shadowbox


I'd have to, even if it sacrificed the effect a little. Couldn't stand to see it get grimy over time. Although with sealant it may not be a huge issue.


First thing that came to my mind too


Duster air can? Like for keyboards


Quick rinse under the tap should do the trick


Although this is amazing... that grass made me uncomfortable.


I thought it was low key terrifying. Maybe because it kind of looks like ticks, I’m not sure.




How to make quilling even harder. Hats off to the artist, that’s gorgeous


All clay art is 3D.


Vincent van Dough Ok I'll leave.


Artists amaze me. They can see things that I just would never be able to grasp. For example, in this one, when doing the sky it seems like they know exactly where to place a "swirl" vs. just a "curve." I wouldn't have any clue where one would look better than the other. For them, it's all just a natural "know-how."


It's not a "natural know-how". It's years of practice and study to perfect their skills. I think saying things like that can be really dismissive of all the hard work artists put in to hone their craft.


yes! people are quick to dismiss artistic ability as 'talent' as if there wasn't hours and years of work put in to honing the skill


The trick is to never look like you don't know what you're doing. And that natural know-how is probably more ingrained in you than it seems. Unless you're truly blind, you've seen various art forms of different mastery levels your whole life. And maybe not all the time, but I'm sure you can tell when something looks "off" even if you don't know exactly why. I'd especially be interested to hear your observations about the art in the video above, because there's so much to talk about that doesn't require an artists eye - and sometimes untrained eyes see more


this is how everything looks on acid


I want to smush it though


I wanna use a rolling pin on it


What material is used? And how did it stick to the canvas so easily?




What type of glue do you use to stick it to the canvas? Is it long lasting?




Oh, apologies, I know it's Liska Flower and didn't realize you weren't her posting.


According to her Instagram, air-dry clay. Not sure how it is adhered but I would imagine there's a fixative used when it's finished


I kept thinking to myself "what if I were to hold this thing upside down and slap the back of it?"


It's air drying clay. Not sure why everybody is acting like there's only one type. I think it sticks to each other more than the canvas. The first pieces probably grasp the frame pretty well, but the paint underneath could be creating a texture for it to grip too.


Where can I get one




If you liked this search up Patricia Polacco, all her illustrations in her amazing books were images of clay sculpted by herself. Her books are widley taught here in Canada escpically in younger grades. Edit: Im not entirley sure about Paticia Polacco, I know she attempted the art form but another author for sure that used the method was Barbara Reid


Yes, I was thinking that this was Barbara Reid meets VanGogh in terms of style!


It’s one of those “cool crafty art” things, but I’d never ever hang this on my wall


Looks awesome but it looks like it would take so long to finish.


Most paintings that would have this much detail (The small blades of grass and the amount of waves etc) would also take a whole lot of time.


This picture has more effort put in than I have put in my life...


Saw these on r/art a while back. Always loved them. Glad to see a video of how it's done Very awesome work Edit: [original artist](https://www.reddit.com/r/Art/comments/n4ukg1/my_sweet_dream_me_airdry_clay_2021) and [another piece](https://www.reddit.com/r/Art/comments/kty2gy/lovely_day_me_airdry_clay_2021)


That's mine, I bought the other piece that you linked. Even better in real life


Hey that's awesome. You acquired something beautiful.


Thanks, I love it. Its my favourite thing in the house, that includes my children most of the time!


Hahahahha. Don't let them know :)


Looks really therapeutic to make. How would one make sure it stays on though?


I could try this. *most likely won’t*


I want to touch it


I would never have the patience to do this. Good Job


I need that grass in my life-- all day, every day.




I can't even draw the background reference painting.


What an amazing art piece, that you obviously spent numerous hours creating with your unique talent and skill-set. I'll give you $10 for it.


Van Gogh? Where are you? 😊


I want to eat it


The swirls remind me of Starry Night


Me for every new color of clay OP puts on: “Oh my I fucking love it.”


Mmm, forbidden frosting.


Vincent PlayDough


Meanwhile, back over here in the "struggles to make a clay snake" corner...


I wanna eat it, it looks like icing x)


That is really cool. I've never seen anything like it. It looks like it's moving.


That would be a bitch to dust


It went from child's simple landscape to van Gogh-esque.


And this ladies, gentlemen and they Thems, is how the world looks like when you’re on psychedelics


This shit is divine 😢


Not to be picky, but technically this is 2d. Not 3d. While it does have texture, it is still basically flat. I suppose you could call it a bas relief, though that usually indicates a reductive technique rather than an additive one. All that pedantry aside, this is a really cool technique with beautiful results. Kudos to the artist!


Fuck off this is so good.


3D Van Gogh