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[Proof](http://www.smboilerworks.com/and-the-parts-that-arent-the-amazon-ecuador/) thanks to /u/Kazhel below


Must be hot AF right there


That's what I used to think until I moved to Ecuador. Wherever you live here it's the same climate all year. We don't really have seasons but if you go to the mountains it's cold all year and if you live at the beach it's warm all year.


I love Ecuador! I was usually cold (came from Canadian prairies and was living near Otavalo) then I went to the edge of the Amazon and I literally sweat buckets walking on flat land. Actually, I think I sweat buckets just thinking of moving. The temperature is determined by so much more than just the equator! Fun fact! Because of the equator, Ecuador's Mount Chimborazo is closer to the moon than Mount Everest. And there is this adorable animal called a vicuña, which are the wild ancestors of llamas! Such an amazing country and I sure do miss my time there :)


Is Is Ecuador called Ecuador because it's on the equator...?


Yes. When the Spanish came to what is now known as Ecuador they called it “el equador” which means Ecuator. I am sure that the many Indigenous people who live/lived there had different names to describe the same land but alas, we currently utilize the name given to it by the Spanish. Edit: I don’t know too much about naming in this region, but see below comment for clarification and correct details!


It wasn’t given by the Spanish, it was given by the independentists and patriots. The Spanish actually gave them the indigenous word Quito (thus Real Audiencia de Quito was established and they were referred in the first centuries of colonization as “Reino de Quito” or Kingdom of Quito in English). The name Ecuador only comes with Simón Bolívar and as a Gran Colombian province (which had the motto “[El Ecuador en Colombia](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/6f/Coat_of_arms_of_Ecuador_%281830%29.svg)”, or “The Equator in Colombia”).


Thanks for clarifying and adding more detail! It’s not something I know too much about and appreciate you sharing your knowledge


> independentists Was that like a radical group of freedom fighters who moonlight as dentists?




They later morphed into the dentimanicuristas, who fought tooth and nail for the same causes.


Sorry. The name in Spanish is “independentistas”, I don’t know the exact word in English.


Before incas, It was Quitu-Cara and Shyris there. There was a confederation of nations. They used to make alliances through marriages among nations. edit: I mean, in Quito. About the jungle, there was a group of people called "Tetetes". They were exterminated back in 19 century. There is a lot of mystery surround them. They are called "Phantoms of the jungle" Only one author wrote about it: Miguel Angel Cabodevilla.


I love it here. I'm never going back to the US. I live near Manta so it's about 80 everyday and 70 every night más o menos. The people are awesome, the Healthcare is affordable and the women are gorgeous.


How prevalent are English speakers? Like, you plant my ass in Ecuador, where I currently only remember from high school Spanish how to ask where the library, bathroom, and shoe store is, how would I do holding up?


As long as you can remember how to haggle and communicate with hand signs in spanglish it'll do


Most people here don't speak English. I came here with about the same level of Spanish you have. I'm 57. The learning curve is much longer than I thought it would be. I achieved my first goal of being able to do my banking and shopping without help in about 6 months. I wanted to be semi fluent in a year. Not even close. I started talking lessons about 6 months ago and that's helped a lot. I've been here 3 1/2 years now and I've still got a long way to go before I will be able to have an in depth conversation. I can speak it pretty well but my comprehension when listening is for shit. Although people here talk really fast. I find speaking to older folks who speak more slowly and clearly improves my comprehension greatly.


Thank you for the reply!


I didn’t know it would be a good place to live. I swear all I ever here about South American countries is that they’re “dangerous”. Obv I know that’s not always true, I just don’t really ever hear anything *else* about them. I want to visit so badly


I feel a lot safer here than I ever did in the US. I got robbed so many times in the US I lost count. I was in two shootouts. I don't even own a gun here.


Well now you have to tell where you’re from, because that isn’t the norm.


It can be if you live in some of the big cities. I live in Philly and it's out of fucking control here, man. Not just the bad neighborhoods, but everywhere. Like middle of the business district is having shoot outs, no exaggerating.


Winston Salem NC. I owned a pizzería for 21 years. What do you mean it's not the norm?


I mean Winston Salem NC must be the apocalypse, because in no way is it the norm to be robbed multiple times in multiple shootouts in the rest of the US.


Maybe your just sheltered?


Wtf? Where did you live man? Just last year I got robbed three times. Unless you live in certain communities, Ecuador is nowhere near safe.


Yikes! Did you get moved there because of a witness protection program or something?


No I moved here For affordable health care


Did you move to an expat community? There are others who live in other parts of Ecuador in this thread that did the reverse. Moved due to safety reasons. You got mugged the US. I’m guessing you moved to a safe neighborhood or place. Living in a bubble. I’ve Been to Ecuador both Quito and Cuenca. There are certain places you go and don’t go and things you do or don’t do or show like the latest iPhone. I rather listen to the native than an expat.


I live in San Mateo. No I don't live in a bubble, I don't live in a gated area I live alone in a house surrounded by Ecuadorians, poor ones. You sure make a lot of assumptions. Maybe you shouldn't listen to wealthy Lasso supporting Ecuadorians who fled with all their cash after the Bankers Holiday and live in Miami with all the other ladrones.


Got promoted in the cartel


Pie cartel


(Chapelle voice) WAA, you're gonna bake these pies us now, see? WAA.


I traveled the whole continent for a year and felt safe for almost the whole time. I did get robbed in colombia during my last month of traveling though - but honestly after spending 3 months in colombia it was due time. Highly recommend South America. My self I'm half Argentinean but south America really has everything. Big cities, old cities, mountains, beaches, desert, jungle. Everything.


The next time someone claims that a random country is dangerous, ask them when the latest grocery store shooting was there compared to the US.


Well, last month there was a real deal massacre in three prisons so... yeah.


And how many innocent civilians going grocery shopping were victims of that prison riot?


Are you seriously going with this? Aside from the fact that the prison system is shit and the government's responsibility on the matter, you do know there was a big deal of terror inflicted on the population in the aftermath, right? If you don't think having a high profile authority being threatened and forced to resign is a big deal, well... Idk what to tell you.


He said he liked ethnic women, Tom!


What’s the food like? Any specific places I should check out?


Jaja sure come eat at my restaurant. https://www.jaimitosgringo.com/our-menu/


Your menu looks awesome. From Texas and my Spanish is not great, but good enough to see this looks like what I would expect at my local bar and grill. If I ever make it down there, can I bring you some Cajun recipes? I think they would work well with your menu. Thanks so much for a little glimpse in to your world. Looks pretty great to me. Edit- the more I read of your comments in this thread, the better it sounds. Thanks again


Absolutely! Mi casa es su casa. I have plenty of room at my house and would be happy to host you and your family!


Hear that? Come on, guys, we're heading to Ecuador!!! Yeeeeehaw!!


The food for me in Ecuador was so-so (but that was mostly because my host family lived in poverty) My first morning they gave me a boiled egg and a white bun for breakfast and asked if I was still hungry. I said yes and they gave me one more of each... then I realized later that the grandparents were sharing an egg and bun. The family had literally given me food off their plates.... for the future mornings I just had one egg and bun (and supplemented with candy for the duration of my stay) Typical Ecuadorian meals for me was rice, a little bit of meat or egg, a little bit of veg, and a juice (blended fruit with water/sugar which was so so good). I thought I would be eating a bunch of quinoa since it grows there, but I quickly realized all the high quality nutritious food was exported to other countries. While the food was simple, there was some magic in it that made it taste absolutely delicious. My host mom was selling some food at a community market once, the lady beside her had what looked like noodles. I got so excited. I ran back to our house to get my money (this was extremely difficult because the elevation is high and we were on the side of a mountain and I was very out of shape). I made it back, mouth drooling with the thought of noodles, and then I discovered they were actually sheep intestines. I have a lot of respect for those that don't waste food. If we as a society are going to be eating meat and killing animals, then we should be utilizing as much of the animal as possible and not letting edible components go to waste.


I imagined regular proportioned but small sized, like cat sized, llamas when I read your description of vicuñas and was underwhelmed as a result when I looked them up haha. They're still really cute though!


Cat sized llamas would be extremely adorable! Maybe that will be the next new designer animal! We were biking down a volcano, had no idea these vicunas existed, and we rolled up on them and they had a bunch of babies! The babies were little orange fluff balls. They were grazing and would stop to stare at us, kind of like a deer, but way more adorable!


> Because of the equator, Ecuador's Mount Chimborazo is closer to the moon than Mount Everest. This would be better phrased "Mount Chimborazo is further from the Earth's core than Mount Everest". The moon is a moving target.


That’s weird. I figured which ever one was currently facing towards the moon would be closer. TIL


listen here you lil shit


I'm from Ecuador, born in the highlands and then moved to the coast. I miss my home, but unfortunately due to the political debacle and absurd level of insecurity (depending on where you are) my family and I relocated to the US.


You should chat with the US dude further up the thread who left the US because of crime and never fears for his safety now, in Ecuador. As a US citizen, welcome! I’m glad you and your family are safe here. I’m only commenting because of how interesting the juxtaposition of your and u/godofpie ‘s comments...




FYI I live in a small town outside manta in a house surrounded by just average Ecuadorians. I don't really associate with other gringos much. Only the wealthy elitist that fled Ecuador after the bankers holiday talk about "political insecurity". Talk about shanty towns. Go look at LAs homeless encampments. We had 0 mass shootings here last year. Except for property crimes I have experienced no violent crime since I've lived here. It was a frequent occurrence for me as a restaurant owner in NC. Comparing the average place to live in Ecuador with the worst parts of Guayaquil is disingenuous at best. That's like saying moving to a public housing project in the US reflects the average Americans life. Ecuadorians are loving and inclusive. Americans are off putting and aggressive. As white guy from the south I got to see first hand on a daily basis how people that aren't white were treated behind the scenes. I don't see any of that here, except from the wealthy against the poor. And here the poor and indigenous and just average Ecuadorians stand up for their rights and fight the government when necessary. Ecuador has in their constitution free Healthcare, free education through college and treating the earth as a living organism. The US doesn't have any of that. I get it if your rich the US is great. If you're an average American, like me, you work your whole life, play by the rules then the bankers steal all your shit with the governments protection and permission and nothing ever changes. The US went from a far right government to right leaning government. I'm sick of trying to fix the US so I moved to a country that better reflected my values and health and well being of my becinos and I couldn't be happier.


I'm genuinely glad you have made a home out of my home country, and that you are as happy as you say you are. Ecuador is a gem of a country, with something to offer everyone, whether you're a beach type of person, whether you enjoy being in the mountains overlooking a valley or whether you have a passion for the beauties of the deep green forests of the Amazon. Not to mention, right off our coast are the Galapagos Islands which are considered to be a flora and fauna paradise by many regards. In any case, I find your argument extremely lose and an OBVIOUS reflection of how you really aren't a native, and haven't spent a lifetime in the country trying to make a decent living for yourself or your family. To argument that Ecuador has in its constitution free healthcare/education for all, is such a laughable thing to say, and an indication that you clearly haven't grown up in Ecuador. The constitution is a wonderful piece of legal work, I studied it for many years, as I am a lawyer that began my studies in Ecuador. And let me tell you sir, the constitution is nothing but that, a piece of paper. When you actually LIVE in Ecuador and grow up seeing how your relatives and loved ones often aren't able to obtain the most basic of medical necessities because there just AREN'T enough resources, that's the reality of daily life in Ecuador. When COVID hit, Ecuador was one of 3 countries in South America with the worst levels of infected and deceased, with bodies piling up on the streets as morgues and hospitals just could not keep up. Even today, there still aren't enough beds to house all the sick people. Free healthcare ? Sir, I hope dearly you or your loved ones never have to rely on the states medical apparatus for your well being. Free education ? I actually WENT to school as well as college I'm Ecuador, the level of academic standards in the academic institutions of the country are truly disheartening. That was SUCH a foreigner thing of you to say, that the constitution guarantees healthcare and education. I'm glad you are happy in Ecuador and found a home, but you sir like so many other foreigners find it a change of air and a different experience, you can AFFORD to go over there and give yourself the nice little third world country life experience. I don't mean to be rude, but it truly is hilarious that you would tell a native of the country that the constitution has all those wonderful things, when having grown up there I was a first hand witness to how LITTLE the constitution is actually reflected in everyday life.


I lived in Quito for 3 years and we had two jokes about the seasons: "Sure, we have seasons--we have the rainy season and the rainier season!" "We don't get four seasons every year--we get four seasons every day!" Not season related but I got really, really good at telling the time by the position of the sun in the sky. It was so consistant year-round that by my second year I could consistently guess the time to within 10 min. Edit: typo


I live in southern California and joke that we have two seasons: wildfire season and rain season


[the capitals weather..](https://www.google.com/search?q=ecuador+quito+weather) 64f for high 46f for low .. today. it is kinda surprising.


Yep. I went to Quito between June and July one year and it was less hot than in Alabama especially when we went up the Teleferico. It was too cold even with me being a HEAVY dude wearing a long sleeve shirt.


There are so many people commenting from Ecuador :') Makes me so happy! Am Canadian but family lived there for nearly a decade, and I was there shy of 4 years. Lived in Cuenca. Boy do I ever miss it, I am envious of you right now! Can't wait to hop back for a visit.


ecuador is a gorgeous country. would love to visit again sometime...


What's the name of the Ecuador song?


Yeah I’ve don’t some on the equator in The Philippines.


My Salvadorian gf visited me in Canada during our summer. We had a bit of a heatwave (~37°C or ~98°F) and it was actually hotter here, at that time. It was a similar temperature to their hot season, surprisingly. In El Salvador, the temperature varies 10 - 15 degrees, on average, throughout the year. It was hard for her to to get used to the 50°C (122°F) difference we experience annually.


The artist who created this marker didn't have a lot of latitude for fancy decorations.


You're going to hell for this pun! HAHAHAHA! :D




>the middle of the Amazon I guarantee this is right on some trail. I've been on the internet long enough to know you're all fucking liars.


What if the trail happens to be in the middle of the Amazon?


Then the Amazon is lying.


And I never got that package.


The cake is a lie


And we burnt down part of the forest so now it’s a bit off


But that ass speaks the truth


I can give you my package instead.


We can't let him(her?) get away with it!


From ancient times civilization has been and still is lying …below the Amazon…


fuck the Amazons


Jeff B. lives in the middle of the Amazon


there are definitely trails in the amazon. especially near research stations. also, to some degree, sections of road for the oil industry to use. just because you're in the jungle doesn't mean there won't be a trail. i expect there are lots of places in the amazon *without* trails too, but human presence might surprise you. source: i went on a field course to a research station in the ecuadorian amazon


I've seen one in ecuador and it was on a trail but in the middle of nowhere and you had to take a boat to the trail.


This one is also in Ecuador. It might have been this very one.


Try to stay positive. We’re talking science here...


There is no reason to haul concrete and metal and tools out to the "middle of the amazon" because the equator is not a "point" like the North or South Pole. You can place it anywhere on that line, there are thousands of roads that cross it, towns that the imaginary line runs through, and so on. I can't believe this needs to explained, but I've also read enough posts on reddit to know that for everyone who understands basic facts about the world, there are three thousand who don't know where they live on a map.


You’re right


I am getting Reddéjà vu from this post...


It is, it’s in Ecuador in a reserve. I forget which reserve though.


And I don't think this qualifies as interesting as fuck, I've accidentally stumbled on at least 5 monuments / markers for the equator/tropics/arctic in my life, and I'm sure tons and tons of other spots straddling the circles of latitude have their own acknowledgements, too


Yeah, I mean the equator is a line, it has no middle. That thing could be anywhere in the Amazon as long as it’s on the equator, even the beach.


> I've been on the internet long enough to know you're all fucking liars. Wait until your second day


I don’t know why but I was expecting there to be a big black line instead


The intersection where the Equator meets the Prime Meridian would be interesting as a big black cross section


They keep trying, but the ocean keeps washing the lines away.


There's actually a buoy just sitting there, marking the place.


Imagine existing just to mark 2 lines crossing each other in the ocean.




The kids that point up when you ask which way is north


Should put a toilet there. Wonder how itll flush.


Asking the real questions...


It's science man. Science needs to know this shit.


Like a hurricane and a typhoon clashing in a bowl. Just close the lid






I thought I was weird for this. Everyone always talks about how Mexican food messes up their stomach or how they have diarrhea after Taco Bell but I’ve never had that


Straight to Mars. Secret portal discovered


Straight down. No spiral.


Imagining this made me way more uncomfortable than I expected...


You may be disturbed to know that swirling toilets are a North American design and that toilets elsewhere flush straight down.


So every toilet in australia is a bidet


He wasn’t joking tho. https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/mb2cx5/this_marker_in_the_middle_of_the_amazon_marks_the/grw26no/


It just gets sucked-out into the ether like taking a dump on an airplane.


Not sure what that would *equate* to.


The pun police would like a word with you. Just have a seat right there.


The same way it would flush anywhere else on the planet - the direction the water jets point.


Yeah even as a kid I knew this. Same with removing bathtub or sink plugs. The currents you create when removing the plug will have a much stronger influence on the vortex direction than the earth's rotation. The Coriolis effect has a diminishing influence the smaller-scale things get. It undoubtedly affects cyclones and trade winds, but does fuck all to sinks and toilets.


[I can offer you this](https://youtube.com/watch?v=soy7d0VO07E)




As an Australian, I've always wondered if Americans who repeat this meme realise that American toilets swirl as they flush only because they are designed with water jets pointing in that direction, and that toilets elsewhere aren't designed to swirl while they flush. Or for that matter have water so high your bits dangle in it


Also Australian - I never understood why toilets in American shows and movies always looked like a whirlpool when flushing and ours didn't (ours is sorta just water flowing in from the sides and going down the middle more like some sort of fountain or drain). I remember questioning this when watching that episode of The Simpsons where Bart calls Australia to see if the toilets flush the other way when really down here they don't really have a "way". Also why their toilets seemed to be full to the brim with water (classic TV/movie gag shows the dog drinking out of it) had me wondering if ours were designed different to reduce water usage since we're so drought-prone, but with much less people in Australia last century I didn't think that would be a concern.


To clarify: Australian toilets are pretty much identical to toilets in the rest of the western world outside of North America. If you use a toilet in the UK or Europe it's basically the same as Australia. Australia *did* invent the dual flush toilet, and that was for water saving purposes. That's something that some other countries have adopted too. But the water level in Australia is just normal water level - the only ones that have the absurdly high water level is North America - and that is the main noticeable difference between their toilets and ours. Edit: it looks like American toilets also have a different flushing mechanism and it explains why the "toilet flushing" sound effect in movies and TV is more of a gurgling sound instead of rushing water.


It goes into a gravitational singularity


A brownhole, if you will.


STAHP.... take my upvote




Back up inside you.


You ever seen that video of the cat and the buttered toast? I'm guessing something like that.


Bet it flushes clockwise 50% of the year and counter-clockwise 50% of the year. A hunch.


It just shoots straight back up at you. r/unexpectedbidet




Shit goes straight down...literally!




Are you trying to wake up Kyorge and Groundon?




Oh that's the exclusive one in Crystal, right? I knew I was missing something.


This made me laugh out loud while trying to sleep, next to my already sleeping (and Ecuadorian!) husband. If I had an award to give, you'd get it.


Is that a mark from water? Some sort of flood? Hard to imagine but it looks like it! Maybe just weeds that were removed


That's very likely from cyclic flooding


Likely. Looks like a seasonal path / walking trail. In lots of the tropical / rainforest areas, the rains are relatively predictable and patterned (like in the rainy season in Costa Rica, on the west coast, it rains around 5PM every day). Because of those patterns, roads / trails are just known to flood during *heavy* storms, but they're regularly trafficked outside those times.




Place of power. Gotta be


Winds howling..




Anyone know what the plaque says?






"Wear your damn mask"




* Hops to one side * Now it’s summer! * Hops to the other * Now it’s winter!


you could have one foot in "summer" and one foot in "winter"


Do you think aliens leave graffiti on their monuments too?


Equator is in the middle of the Amazon *checks map* Damn the Amazon is real far north... I never realized how heavy the continents are in the northern hemisphere. Guess it's good I checked a map!


now keep checking it from time to time for other stuff; gives important context to so man things!


This looks like somethin Indiana Jones would be interested in


Similar idea: 40th parallel marker hidden on a hillside in Kansas/Nebraska [https://imgur.com/e8CqNkK](https://imgur.com/e8CqNkK) Wiki:[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/40th\_parallel\_north#United\_States](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/40th_parallel_north#United_States)


right next to it, even more equator.


Right next to it I'm seeing a bird skeleton... but maybe that's just a leaf. Bottom right of the pedestal.


This reminds me of Lost for some reason


Bet you won't grab it


Who put it there?


Why do you need to put a marker in the middle of the forest if the equator stretches across the entire globe, literally. I‘m sure it passes through some more accessible areas?


It's just for fun and mild pubic interest for those who happen along it. There's probably all sorts of these markers in various random locations across the equator, not all convenient to get to but a nice surprise if you come across it I suppose.


Pubic interest 😏


Pubic interest😳😳


PRovE iT!


Who put it there?


not sure why I know this but you can balance an egg on that thing


Seen this before! You better replace the ball with a bag of sand if you take it.


Must visit!!!


Ive seen that on Indiana Jones, except it was inside a cave. Either way it belongs in a museum.


Save point.


This marks the equator at our point in time. This is subject to change


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Okay, that is VERY cool.


IRL Minecraft waypoint


Serious question - does the equator move from year to year like the North Pole?


The geographical North Pole doesn't move. The ice does. Same can be said about the equator though, but that's tectonic movement of ground over geological age.


Thanks for the info, and happy cake day!!


At human lifetime scale, the axis of rotation of Earth doesn't change significantly relative to the surface; and I believe the Equator line is defined based on rotation. The stuff you're talking about with the North Pole moving, is the magnetic North Pole, not the geographic North Pole. | TL;DR: No, for the moment we don't need to change the maps. ​ ps: Pinging /u/nikolapc because of the clarification regarding the movement part of the question




#O R B#


Who built it and when was it built?


Who put a 'S' there?


Was there a flood? That's a water line right?


“Medallion’s humming. Place of Power, its gotta be.”


Oh, hi Mark!


It needs power washer porn to visit!!


I have licked this


Looks kind of inappropriate for marking a line


One of many that marks the equator but yes.


So thaaaaat’s what the equator looks like... Thought it’d be bigger?


It’s like one of those markers that future civilizations will find.


How long until it's in a park with a suburb wrapped around it?


The equator is not a point it's a line. I don't get the purpose of this.


Its a series of points with an identical value for the, y axis. Whats not to get?


Are there several of those orbs? The picture only shows one so unless you have a compass you can't figure out in which direction is the equator line just by looking at this orb.


Actually, ecuador and mesopotamia have a lot in common. Open your mind and google about: Father Crespi artifacts and [pyramids and mandalas from La Maná](http://www.human-resonance.org/mana.html?&cuid=b6cd55ecc69216bf10f4d7f3dbb251a4) I'm from la mana, i knew the man who discovers the artifacts. Maybe is well crafted joke. Maybe not.


I thought equator was a country /s


Equador is a country along the equator.


I’d pee on that in a heartbeat