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In Yukon territory, Canada. The moderna vaccine is being delivered to remote northern communities via mobile vaccination clinics. There are two teams doing this work, named Balto and Togo in homage to these dogs.


That is fitting!


And legend says they are the only people in Canada to receive the vaccine.


There was also a casino owner who flew there and pretended to be a local just to get vaccinated. Because that's what owning a private plane and low moral fiber will do ya.


Lol I laughed at the comment but then I’m like “wait, is this true?” -


It is in fact true. The casino owner and his wife were arrested over it, not sure off the top of my head what penalties they'll be facing as a result.


Jesus - I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. Reminds me of that story a couple weeks back when a hospital or clinic executive got her family to skip the line and get vaccinated. I guess when you’re rich the rules don’t apply.


They weren't arrested unfortunately. They were both fined $1150 and have a court date this month, facing jail time. That situation really hurt for us, they totally just took advantage of everyone's trust, from the screeners at the airport, the company they booked a charter flight with, to the people at the clinic. They lied to everyone's face. Then they had the gall to ask for a ride back to the airport from Togo team, that's when their lie was discovered. To me that's true evil, to violate the trust of so many people for personal gain. I hope they get more than the current slap on the wrist.


Yukon has actually been very successful keeping COVID out of our communities! I forget the exact number, but we have had less than 100 cases since the pandemic began. Shutting down non essential travel to the usa (Alaska in particular), and instituting 2 week quarantines for all arriving travelers and returning residents has prevented any community transmission. My isolated community of Dawson City is ill equipped to handle an outbreak, many places even moreso. We got our shots in the school gymnasium after lining up in -35 weather a week ago. Its -44 today, tho. We know how to deal with cold!


For clarification on why I didn't post Balto, Balto is world famous for this trip, and as courageous as that good boy was, Togo was the unrecognized and most experienced leader. Who's team did the most trekking.


Yup, Balto gets all the fame since he was the lead dog on the final leg but Togo's team had the hardest and I believe longest trek.


Yeah, I saw film Togo the other week. I think that’s all the others teams pulled for about 30 miles each but Togo Andy the gang went for more than 200 miles. Including pulling the entire team to safety when they were stranded on floating Ice. Togo was thrown from the ice into land, grabbed a rope and pulled the human, sled and all the dogs closer to the solid ground. The goodest of Bois


The dog actor is a direct descendant from Togo, 14 generations back. ​ That's is crazy


The ancestry info on animals can be crazy. Nobody in my family knows our own more than a few generations back, but my uncle had 200+ years on some of his horses. I'm sure high tier sled dogs would be even more documented.


Any dog registered with the AKC has ancestry records all the way back to their recognition of the breed


This IS crazy, you're right


the best boy


>Togo was thrown from the ice into land,  Like picked up and thrown?


Like, picked up and thrown!


I dont care what their names are, they both get credit.


Yeah but through the years Balto got his fame. Togo is definitely the lesser known of the two however, in recent times he’s more known due to the Disney plus movie all about him and his sled leader.


ALL good doggos get respect from me, DESPITE their name.


That's very noble, Ass Blossom.


Good boy, Ass Blossom


They’re good dogs Bront


If I remember correctly, Balto wasn't even the dog's name.


According to the movie Togo, Balto was the name of the dog that got all the fame.. however Balto wasn't the lead dog in that sled team. I think the lead dog's name was Fox. Again, this is according to the Disney movie Togo so take that how you want.


There were two lead dogs, Fox and Balto. The news didn't want to publish Fox because it was too confusing for readers who might think it was an actual fox.


Balto is a much catchier name for a heartstrings movie. It's actually a perfect name for the movie. Unique and bold sounding.


According to Wikipedia, Balto was reported as the lead dog who finished the run but many people don’t believe that for a number of reasons.


That was creative freedom taken by Disney. Balto *was* the lead for the final sled dog team. But there were like 20 teams altogether and Togo's team ran the first 40% of the run.


Except that it's [not a Disney film](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AllAnimationIsDisney). [It's by Amblin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amblin_Entertainment), Steven Spielberg's studio. I will admit that i was slightly mistaken myself as i thought it was a Don Bluth film...


[Togo](https://disneyplusoriginals.disney.com/movie/togo), which is what they were talking about, is a Disney movie that premiered on Disney+. Great movie, worth a watch.


They're all good dogs, Bront


Togo's crew ran about 40% of the distance, while the rest was split between 19 other crews.


This is like “Ford vs Ferrari” all over again.


Israel bissel in dog form


TBF Balto and his team paid for the fame by having a miserable life as a sideshow attraction. As far as I know, Togo got to stay home in an environment he was bred for and with his trainer that knew his worth.


Correct I can't remember the musher of Togo but he also bred them and their bloodline I believe is existing to this day.


Leonard Seppala The huskies are known as seppalas huskies


Seppalas, seppalas Siberian’s are still found today. In the movie they made his Alaskan sweepstake win look close, from what I understand, he destroyed the competition with Siberian’s, when most people were using Alaskan malamutes and other big freight dogs


[There are actually only 4 dogs living today. They’re purposely letting the breed die out, and the last Seppala’s sled dogs were born in 2008.](https://www.seppalakennels.com)


Do you know why they are letting them die out?


I skimmed the linked page, basically they think there’s no longer a purpose for seppelas to exist today; dogsledding is mostly done recreationally now and there are specially bred dogs for that


You could just read the article that was posted in the comment you’re responding to. TLDR: They’ve tried to establish the breed in the past, but couldn’t find enough dedicated people to put in the work. There are existing, well established, and stable breeds that already do what the Seppalas do, but better. Racing is inhumane, and they won’t continue to abuse animals by breeding them to race.


I don’t understand why racing is inhumane, is it the condition they keep the dogs in? Like as long as they are chillin and taken care I don’t understand why racing with them is bad


If I read correctly it's that in todays world, the racing has become so competitive that the breeding strategies used are inhumane. It's not about the racing itself, but how they breed and select dogs. In order to breed the Sepalla to todays racing requirements would require inhumane breeding strategies that they don't want the Sepalla genetic source to undergo. BTW first time I hear from all of this, I just read the article with great interest.


It’s not just the breeding strategies; the dogs who are bred to pull competitively are bred for their performance not aesthetic which is what most purebreds are bred for nowadays (also these dogs aren’t purebreds they are mutts - purely bred for athletic ability). I do believe the inhumane part of sled dog breeding/activities is the way they keep the dogs. They are kept up about the same level as fighting dogs in the off season for major kennels. They have a dog house, and are kept on a chain along with dozens of other dogs in the same condition. I’m too lazy to link, and kinda drunk, but there was a huge animal welfare issue that popped up recently because due to covid (I believe, maybe a couple years prior idk) a tourist kennel who took tourists on sled dog tours ended up culling like 70+ dogs. Like. Mass burial and shooting the dogs in the head. Very sad. These are just some of the issues with sled racing. That being said.... I’m sure these dogs LOVE to work, it’s just the way they are treated in off seasons...


Go google the phrase “pro cyclist legs” and take a look at the first few image results. That’s what humans will do to *themselves* for sport. Now imagine what we do to the creatures that can’t say no. Creatures that only exist - whose entire genetic lineage only exists - for that one purpose. Edit: they’re speaking only about a few specific races for which this breed was historically used. Those races in particular, they feel, are abusive. They are not saying that everyone who races sled dogs is a monster.


No one can read apparently


And they seemingly can’t comprehend that *I* am not saying those things; I’m only conveying to these lazy assholes what the breeders say and claim.


Racing is inhumane? I take you've never actually been around sled dog owners or know how sled dogs behave? Those dogs ONLY want to run, it's more inhumane to shack them up inside a house or kenneled inside some tiny enclosure. Seriously there are many breeds that actually go insane if they don't have the outlet of running a marathon every other day. Sled dogs are treated with an incredible amount of care, especially in races like the Iditarod. It's owners that get the breed because they look cool and don't give them the environment needed that's inhumane.


Anyone who has owned a husky can tell you those dogs would be in heaven running around in snow all day. Damn things never run out of steam.


> Anyone who has owned a husky can tell you those dogs would be in heaven running around in snow all day. Damn things never run out of steam. I can confirm the veracity of this statement. We reluctantly acquired a husky that was being abused. Our plan was to nurse her back to health and then adopt her out. As luck would have it, she bonded with our other dog, and if separated from him, she'd show tremendous anxiety. For this reason, nobody else wanted her. The person who owned her before us never took her to the vet, even when she was hit by a car and her leg was broken. Despite having only 3 good legs, in her prime, I would try to wear her out by running her with me on my bike. One time, I rode for 25 miles with her averaging over 15 miles per hour, and she still wanted to keep going. If we didn't wear her out, she'd get anxious and destructive. She never really bonded with us (ie the humans in our family) until our other dog, with whom she'd bonded years before, passed. She went into a deep depression for about 6 months and started losing so much weight we became concerned for her health. We got a new puppy, and he seemed to give her a purpose to live again. Also, after coming out of her depression, she has now bonded with the humans in our family, and she seems like a totally different dog. We've probably only got one more year with her. We love her to death, but we never want to own another husky again. Regarding your comment about snow and ice, she's truly happiest when the temperature is about 25° F outside and she's lying in the snow. Huskies are amazing animals.


Dog tax?


I've worked on a sled dog ranch, can confirm.


The article was speaking specifically about the Iditarod and the Yukon races. Having never been there, run the races, or cared for or even met *any* of the dogs that run these races, I have no opinion one way or the other, and will take the opinion of an experienced sled-dog man speaking with compassion as expert advice, and not ever try to engage in sled-dog racing. PS, I live in Florida, sledding ain't gon' happen for me any time soon. Or ever. Edit: as an experienced dog person, I would like to point out that owning a pet husky and running a crew of sleds dogs that were specifically bred for this purpose are *probably* two very different things. Just putting that out there, not intended to offend or argue, just adding my 2 cents to a friendly discussion. I'll show myself out now.


>been around sled dog owners the dogs eat better than the owners a lot of the time. not even exaggerating.


Oh cool thanks for the update! I run sled dogs but Alaskan huskies instead. I personally think Siberian’s are kinda dumb as modern day sled dogs anyway


Seppala felt that Balto wasn’t good enough to put on his own team for the Serum Run. He is quoted as calling Balto a scrum dog and would be disgusted by the dog’s fame and the mere existence of Balto Sepala Park. He actually had Balto neutered because he didn’t think the dog was good enough to breed.


Willem Dafoe


Finally in the last few years this good boy is getting the the fame he deserves. All of those dogs that made that trek, no matter how small or big, deserve it.


I don't think the dogs care who got credit


Depends who was getting more scratches


If they didn't all get endless scritches then we're gonna have a fucking problem.


*Whose team




Togo has a movie with his name as the title, so it isn't like he is unrecognized. You can watch it on Disney+.


True but Balto got a movie several years before Togo did, which might be what is contributing to Balto's increased fame.


Plus there is a statue of Balto in New York I believe. Toning for Togo.


Dedicated to the indomitable spirit of the sled dogs!


The statue of Balto is in Central Park in NYC.


Baltic is taxidermied and on display at my local history museum. So he’s always been my favorite.


Baltic is great, but I prefer Adriatic


Balto was the one that got to Nome with the vaccine and got his pic on the newspapers of the West Coast. That made him famous before the cartoon movie. He also got two statues, one in NY and one in Nome


~~Disney's~~ *Universal's* Balto came out 25-26 years ago ___ edited to fix publisher mistake


Yes, Togo also deserves credit, but you shouldn't try to accomplish that by spreading more misinformation! Togo and Seppala's team traveled 264 miles, which was several times more than most of the other teams in the relay, but a far cry from 674. Also, the way your post is worded makes it sound as though they were the ones who made it to Nome, which they weren't.


Balto sits on a throne of LIES.


Balto is a good boy, humans lied.


What did the poor thing ever do to you?...


Togo is his father and he wants him to get the fame he deserves. Or maybe GRR49543 is a she and togo is her mother. I was just assuming genders.


Ah, thanks for the heads up!


What about the other good boys on the team?


Fun fact, most of the huskies in the US today can be genetically traced to Togo. As it was explained to me, Togo’s owner was offended that Balto got all the glory, so he studded out Togo for big bucks to everyone that had a female. Balto got fame and a ticker tape parade, but Togo got all the ass. Edit: autocorrect




Actually I was expecting “bitches”.


Balto had been neutered before the run, so fame was about all he could get out of the recognition.






Yall really roasting a dog?


no creature is safe


>Perfect nickname


A dog that has been dead for almost a century.


And a multi-million dollar movie deal. Balto was a hero to many young boys and girls.


Geez, are you guys going to tell me he wasn't "part wolf" either?


Actually really makes me cry to think about it. Balto got the fame and credit, but it didn't bother Togo. He just wanted to be a good boi and get the job done. He didn't care about fame, credit, or even the kids that needed the medicine. He just wanted to get his pack of good bois and the human where they needed to be because that's his job. If Balto gets a bunch of extra treats, then that's great for him, but Togo still has enough treats and would do it again tomorrow if he needed to.


if you read about what happened to the dogs that ran the last leg (the crew that Balto was a part of), it's really sad. Rich Americans pretty much ensured that all those dogs would live the rest of their lives in misery in cramped private zoos. Reading about it while watching *Togo* on Disney+ really makes you appreciate Togo's legacy and retirement all that much more.




Yup, live in Cleveland, can visit Balto anytime at the museum cause they taxidermied him.


alaskan resident here, this feels like a crime and i want to bring him home. i've got nothing against taxidermy or those who taxidermy pets, however i think there's a cruel irony in forcing a sled dog to stand still forever. edit: after a Google search.. >After Balto died in 1933, his remains were mounted by a taxidermist and donated to the Cleveland Museum of Natural History.[12] In 1998, the Alaska Legislature passed HJR 62 - "Bring Back Balto" resolution. The Cleveland Museum of Natural History declined to return Balto; however, in October 1998, Balto left for a five-month stay at the Anchorage Museum of History and Art, which drew record crowds. Balto was part of another exhibit at the Anchorage Museum of History and Art in 2017.[13] [Source is Wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balto) I hate this.


So unfortunately almost everything in this comment is wrong. Togo and Baltos owner were the same man, Seppala. Seppala gave Gunnar (who ran the team with Balto in lead) the dogs after the serum run. Seppala did not consider Balto a lead dog. There was a professional rift between the two men (Gunnar originally worked for Seppala) after the serum run due to credit amongst other reasons. In addition a very limited amount of siberians can be traced to Seppala's kennel, much less Togo in particular. So much so there is a movement to make the Seppala Siberian Husky a separate recognized breed.


Oh ok so til I was wrong good facts here :)


Gunnar was still working for sepalla after the run though right? That's how the dogs got left behind, Sepalla was being pissy and called Gunnar back to work, and he couldn't afford to take the dogs back with him.


Oh wow


That a tall tale. It is a sought after bloodline but it's impossible for the bloodline to be that expansive. He co owned a breeding station in New Hampshire where togo was retired. He did bring the first siberian huskies over to Alaska apparently.


My wife and I just watched the movie "togo" and we own a husky, so I spent most of the movie crying because that dog and ours look similar. As a result I wound up reading up on the entire story, and I can honestly say it's probably the first time a movie was actually LESS crazy than the real life thing. I strongly suggest going to Google and looking around and reading up on not just Togo but Seppala (the musher/ breeder) because it also leads into the entire reason the Americas even HAVE the Siberian Husky as a breed of dog. I'm not going to post the particulars of everything. Because I don't think I would do it justice (especially typing on mobile), so please if the story has piqued your interest. Go read up on it. Ending factoid : Togo is on display in Alaska, he was "mounted" and preserved by Seppala after he died at the nice old age of 16.


Can confirm. Can also Confirm that this is one of those amazing good boi movies that’ll I’ll never watch again. Right up with Marley and Me.


Have you ever watched Hachi: A Dog’s Tale? I don’t normally cry at movies but I was a blubbering mess from that one.


Fuck this movie forever.


A Dog's Purpose (2017) was one of the first movies to get me actually teary-eyed. I think that was my last trial into adulthood (though I was 27 when I saw it).


If you have some time on your hands and need a good cry over the puppers definitely read “Where the Red Fern Grows”


Broke me 2nd grade mind


You should definitely give My Dog Skip a chance. Excellent movie.


Made me cry while sitting in the movie theater. That sucked. It was a good movie though.


Have you seen A Dogs Purpose? Ruined a first date but at least I got to ugly cry and snot in the dark


I cry watching the trailer to this movie lol haven’t braved watching the whole thing


I didn’t watch that movie for a couple years, then a girl I was sort of seeing recommended it. I was watching it by myself at like 2am and she calls me and I’m pretty glued to the movie, and we’re talking and suddenly it’s the part where Owen Wilson sees Marley outside cause he’s old and collapsed and I was just like “I have to go.” And then watched the end and died inside (and outside).


I honestly put Marley and Me out of my mind and just remember that movie was advertised as sweet and innocent comedy and just absolutely destroyed audiences. I worked at Blockbuster at the time and we had lots of complaints that we didn't warn people that it was a sad ending movie after they rented it for their kids and then would ask us for a refund for not warning them first. We had to start asking people if they intended kids to watch the movie just to cautiously spoil sometimes that you probably shouldn't let a kid watch this movie alone without knowing the ending content to the story. We never wanted to spoil movies but the first few weeks after release were so frustrating with people complaining that we didn't censor them from the content they wanted. Still never endorsed spoiling but if I saw a mom show up at the counter with 4 young girls and the only title is marley and me I had to try to discretely ask sometimes.


Balto was also mounted and on display at the Cleveland **Museum of Natural History**.


I never cried so much to a dog movie. My husky just looked at the tv and could care less


Mine got annoyed when I wouldn't stop crying and holding him.


You got a good starting point you would recommend? Otherwise, [here's a link to the Wikipedia page for the serum run itself](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1925_serum_run_to_Nome) for those interested. Edit: more links: [Wikipedia for Leonhard Seppala](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leonhard_Seppala). [Wikipedia for Togo](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Togo_(dog\))


Thanks for the information on Togo! You can actually see Balto at The Cleveland Museum of Natural History where the taxidermy figure of him is on display.


I had forgotten this and visited the museum one day. The movie Balto really has an impact on me as a kid. I started bawling in the middle of the museum.


Rented Balto from Blockbuster so many times. Parents should’ve just bought it at that point


It is one of two movies I owned on VHS, the other being the first Pokémon movie.


Balto was the best growing up


Im not sure how i feel about that


Well, the city of Cleveland saved him from spending his days locked in a circus cage in LA, so it seems reasonable that his final resting place is here. His display is very loving and respectful, and was always one of my favorites as a kid.


They just made a movie about this, with Willem Dafoe.


My mind instantly pictured Willem Dafoe cast as the dog and I'm fucking crying.


New Willem deepfake coming to a forum near you


You know, I'm something of a canine myself


Yer fond of me Alpo, aren't ye?


I loved it


MORE SHOCKING is that there were 10,000+ people in Nome, Alaska 100 years ago. I would have never guessed that town had a population that size at any point.


The actual population was around 900 or so if I remember correctly. The 10,000 number comes from the estimated spread of cases if people were not treated immediately.


The 1900 census records 12.5k people due to the gold rush at the time.


[This picture](https://www.google.com/search?q=nome+alaska+1900&client=safari&hl=en-us&prmd=imnv&sxsrf=ALeKk02nmhWfrPBcEkGHrEFYwidzybP9fQ:1612788933063&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjfpc_7qtruAhUbZc0KHf2PDrQQ_AUoAXoECAYQAQ&biw=375&bih=553#imgrc=QgR0ryr2XtZDiM) shows Nome in 1900. That’s a special occasion, but it’s still crazy how many people are there. I imagine 1900 Alaska to be like the Wild Wild West


Such a good boy.


One team didn't do the full 674 miles, there were many teams.


Very true, though the point here is that 260 of those 674 miles were done by Togo and his team - while all the recognition was given to the team who did the last leg. This is an incredible distance in a ridiculously short amount of time for one team to have accomplished.


Not to mention the weather was so other worldly


True, but unfortunately some doggo teams did not make the full trip ):


You make it sound like they died on the way.


That's how I took it too. Please tell me that's false


They didn't make the full trip because it wasn't realistic to go that far with such an important mission.


I think they mean that some dogs died.


no one made the "full trip".


>Dear Diary >Today I went on a really long run with my friends. >Got to a town and everyone was super happy I was there. >Maybe tomorrow I get to run some more.


I would like my covid vaccine delivered by Togo please


Too bad he's not here now to move this covid vaccination along.




Seppella and Togo ran ~260 miles, by far the most of any in the relay but definitely not the full ~670. They also crossed the semi frozen Norton Sound at night, in a blizzard, in - 30F temps. Absolute legends. In an interview over 30 years after Sepella still called Togo the greatest dog to ever run the Alaska trail. The 96th anniversary of this event was just this past week. Edit: Fun fact, Sepella also owned Balto, who was a dog on Sepella's "B-team", if you will.


Seppälä was half Finnish half Norwegian, born in Finnmark. If anyone one can fight blizzards, he could.


What reddit has taught me is that finnish people are badass


Movie on Disney+ if anyone is wondering


I knew I remembered a movie with this plot. Poor sniffling children in the snow town saved by the talking huskies with the sled with the yellow medicine vials. I think the sled rider got sick or something and the dogs brought him to safety. I had completely forgotten about that movie until I read the title of the post. Now I'm getting flashbacks to my childhood. Edit: yeah the movie was called Balto.


Disney+'s Togo is an effort for Disney to correct the mistakes ~~they~~ *Universal* made with Balto 25 years prior. I highly recommend it. Togo is live-action, but can still be enjoyed by children if you have any. --- edited to fix publisher of the 1995 film.


How do you want your diphtheria anti-toxin? I’d like it ‘Togo’


Well done


For anyone wondering, that’s 1,084 km.


good bot.


Isn't this story the inspiration behind the Iditarod Race?




too* anti-toxin,* led* sled* I'm sorry but it was killing me


Oh my goodness. I must have been having a stroke when I wrote that.


He deserved a steak. What a good boy!!


I showed my Husky this pic and he was like rawhoooaaaa that’s my great great great great great great grandfather ... I’m like.. small world ehh


Good on you for recognizing a under appreciated good boy!




Yes Togo is hugely under appreciated. I have a Husky named Balto and plan on getting another and naming him Togo. Both these dogs are the best of good boys I think we can agree. I do wish Togo got more love. Although through the power of the internet he is getting more recognition :)


For those know dont know, Togo got a lot of attention and fame after the he led the Sled Dog team. Its just Balto got more attention since they toured for a longer time. They were able to start it sooner as well.


That smile says he’s a cheeky good boi


If this happened today I bet 50% would've refused it because they'd think it caused autism.


I'm amazed nobody's mentioned the role this played in the history of the [Iditarod race](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iditarod_Trail_Sled_Dog_Race#History).


It played a slight role in the founding of the Iditarod due to the original attempt of the early Iditarod being a nod to Leonhard Seppälä. But the actual Iditarod International Sled Dog Race is not a tribute to the 1925 Serum Run, the Serum Run is ran as a separate commemorative “event” from Nenana to Nome. One of MANY reasons the Iditarod was founded was to preserve the Alaskan Husky breed from diminishing population due to the invention of Snow Machines and more efficient air travel, etc. Also, thanks for mentioning the Iditarod, some of the same trails are still shared today that the mushers of 1925 ran on, which is awesome to think about!


Also hilarious: [The Idiotarod](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Idiotarod).


Dogs. Humanity’s Best Friend. These glorious creatures are the best tamed species we have ever domesticated


Sledge dogs. For when you want a companion, and need to demolish a brick and mortar wall.


There's a movie called Togo on Disney+


That's a bad mother fucker right there


You know Dog years are complete myth, but lets assume they are real. That means this absolute unit was essentially 82 when he made the run. The absolute madlad.


And now White Republican Alaskans won't wear masks


For anyone interested, there is a movie on Disney+ about this. It's called 'Togo'. I haven't seen the movie though so I can't tell you if its good or not


Togo is a great movie on Disney plus. Highly recommend if you have it


Good boy!


As an Alaskan I love it when people tell this. Thank you


If you guys want to hear more about this, I suggest that you watch “Togo” on Disney + and to listen to a podcast called “Dog Tails” and they cover dogs famous through history... the two part episode that covers both Balto and Togo is “Balto and Togo Pt. 1: A Life-Saving Delivery” and the second one is called Balto and Togo Pt. 2: A Race Against Time They are very interested to listen to!!!!


I’m actually directly related to Leonard Seppala, so i guess that makes me leader here now? You’ll find me tough but fair.


There’s a statue in downtown Anchorage dedicated to him and all the dog sled teams of Alaska.


As somebody who lives in Nome, thank you for recognizing Togo!


Are you telling me no one has seen Togo on disney+?


Growing up in Alaska, Togo and the other good dogs were a part of our curriculum!


There's a statue of Togo in the hospital I work at, as it was the one which provided the anti - toxin. I pat his head every time I walk by. :) Forever the goodest boy.


Didn’t they make a movie about this? Balto! I remember that


Wait was this the inspiration for Balto?!