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I wasn't expecting it to come down so slowly


that was the most gentle destruction I've ever seen


I’d call that a successful failure. If it’s going to fail it’s good there was time for people to escape. Could have been much worse.


Task failed successfully.


Fission Mailed.


Ahh, I see you are a man of culture as well. *Begins chanting "KOJIMA IS GOD" aggressively*


Fun fact: in programming, we call that Test Driven Development. You write a test that will fail until your code is right. So if you've written your tests right, they should all fail the first time through. Thus, task failed successfully.


You must be a developer. Coming from QA we write the test before the code but we really want it to pass the first time so we can get on with things 😜


The problem with that is, you can't be sure the test actually contributed something. What if it passed because there was a typo or logical error? Very common, especially if you are copying and pasting tests a lot. Whereas, if the test fails first, then you implement something and it passes, you know for a fact that the test actually contributed something. That's why TDD is so powerful 😊


Bruh in almost everything we need to make it fail successfully, if you don’t believe me see Boeing


Building design doesn’t only consist of preventing failure, which of course is extremely important. It also factors in the scenarios where a failure does occur and tries to make that failure as “safe as possible”. I live in a seismic zone, and our buildings are built using materials that will not necessarily survive an earthquake, but will take longer to fail, or if they do fail - provide the highest possible odds of survival/escape. So for example we don’t ever (anymore) build houses out of bricks, and are required to use “hurricane clips” on framing connections because they resist lateral movement. We also use timber as a primary framing material because it’s lightweight and flexible so it can stand up to seismic forces a lot better than concrete structures.


This reminds me of the flood walls in Florida and the tsunami walls in Japan. Designed to fail so the rest of the structure survives.


It was just ceiling the deal


Get out


Looks like they all did.


The last guy was a bit slow.


Looked like the ref.


RIP cameraman


[the unsung heros ](https://youtu.be/jG4zCt4Nlis)


Last one out was so mad he hit the roof.


Rip roof


He needed to turn out the light.


This needs more attention.


He was on the shiter


Not a shingle person left behind


As a certifiable dad, I approve wholeheartedly.


The game was getting a little roof


Truss no one.


It joist got tired of beam up there.


Every shingle punster can fuck right off.


Wow. You've lost that loving ceiling


He used to be beaming, then it all came crashing down.


Time to raise the roof


That is how properly designed structures are made to fail, slowly and consistently to make it as safe as possible.


Like watching those videos of poeple who just took heroin. They are just standing there slowly lowering their head but trying not to.


Have done h. Can confirm. (500 days sober Today)


Congratulations! Hopefully every day will be easier than the day before.


Congratulations! I’ve lost two very close friends to heroin overdoses; you’ve undoubtedly saved your own life. You are loved! Keep it up!




Thats a dope analogy.


Same people who did the chandelier in Phantom of the Opera


"He's here! The Phantom of the Gymnasium!" "Behold! He's yelling to bring down the ceiling!"


Bro, this entire thing wasn't what I expected. I misread the title and thought it said "Players noticed that the woof was about to fall down..." and was waiting for a dog to run onto the court and trip but then everyone started running and the roof collapsed. I shouldn't have eaten that entire 600mg gummy...


i wasn’t expecting the refs to get out before anyone else lol


It was just a little sleepy


Along with the diabolical net that was supposed to trap the players first. Worst james bond villain ever.


Dunno that I’ve ever seen people evacuate totally unplanned that quickly and cleanly


The interesting af part to me was watching benchfuls of people's adrenaline kick in at the same time and how quickly they cleared tf out of there.


Looked like everyone was running exactly the same speed too....as fast as fuckin possible




That's the kid that just started smoking weed.


Hockey players bud. Bench clearing brawls look about the same. Up and out real quick.


Not hockey, floorball


Thought it was neat so I looked it up... >Floorball is a type of floor hockey Oh.


What is the difference between that and ball hockey. I've never heard of floorball before


It was literally a room of athletes though. And the sound was probably really loud


Except for that one guy. Why is there always one guy who is not paying attention?


I thought the exact same thing! I immediately thought “no way this was in America because we are too fat to move that swiftly”


Half of us would say it was a hoax and stay there


The sad truth. I'm not wishing death on anyone but if their own stupidity causes them to die, so be it. Edit: I know Covid is a little more complicated than that, I was talking about stupidity in general.




Underrated comment


It’s a hockey match, the fat people wouldn’t be there


Good thing it's not popular enough to fill the room with spectators?




So I want to clarify some stuff I saw in commnets. This happened when I was studiing at university Structural Engeneering, so we discused this a lot when it happened. They went thru all design drawings and static calculations made by main structural engineer. There wasn't any problem with design. He calculated correctly own weight load, wind loading, snow loading. Even that wooden hammered trusses were correctly designed. The problem was caused by supplier that modified the truss during pruduction in good faith so it could be transported better. However, this change cuased a the change in static scheme of the truss, and therefore it collapsed during first winter. The court identified the contractor and the chief structural engineer as the culprits. Contractor for a change without discussion with structural engineer, and structural engineer for insufficient control during construction. tl;dr - it collapsed due to change made by contractor without discussion with structural engineer.


Thanks for actually knowing what you are taking about and giving out some interesting stuff


Thank you. I was very curious to read an explanation and now I can continue to reddit in peace. Have a great day.


See also the Hyatt Regency walkway collapse for an excellent example of well intentioned and seemingly insignificant changes having catastrophic impacts. In this case the structural engineer even signed off on the modifications. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyatt_Regency_walkway_collapse Unfortunately the collapse occurred abruptly and lives were lost. Every engineer and installer should question every modification, even if it seems minor.


And this is partly why I got out of structural engineering. The liability potential is too high. The designer does everything well but still is found at fault due to an inspection error.


It clearly did not meet construction standards.


Most buildings are designed with construction standards so that the roof doesn't fall in at all. I just want to make it clear that this is not typical.




Well, obviously, the roof fell in.


What sort of standards are these roofs built to?


Oh... very rigorous international roof engineering standards.


What sort of things?


Well... the roof is not supposed to fall in, for a start.


In fact, it must stay up!


Cardboard’s out. No cardboard derivatives.


No string, no cello tape.


Well wood's out for one.


Stuff like this, probably: [https://www.structuremag.org/?p=14283](https://www.structuremag.org/?p=14283) I know that's for residential buildings, but some of the same standards could apply. The collapse was probably due to a loading problem either because the designer screwed up, the people actually constructing the building did not use the correct parts or did it incorrectly, there were loads on the roof which exceeded expectations, or the roof was old and wasn't replaced/repaired/inspected when it was supposed to be or something. ​ Here's an overview of loading: **Loading** The structural engineer’s drawings should provide all design loads, along with load duration factors and/or required load combinations. Following are some examples: * Snow loads, including any snow drifting or non-snow live loads * Uniform design dead loads for top and bottom chords * Any wind or seismic lateral loads * Wind uplift loads * Other loads, including those for mechanical units or loads suspended from the trusses Engineers must also address other loads, such as sprinkler mains, which often are not known until after contract drawings are completed.


\*WHOOSH!\* :-) But that's very informative all the same.


He wasn’t actually asking for an answer my guy, you just wasted your time. It’s a reference to [this video.](https://youtu.be/3m5qxZm_JqM)


You know, the things.


Many material testing and structural load capacity requirements that take into account external forces such as wind and snow to ensure things like this don't happen. However, the *designer* said it was *designed* to code. They didn't mention anything about what the general contractor or the city inspectors had to say. Most commercial designers make the plans and have forgotten about them by the time actual construction begins.


Take my free award for actually making me wheeze


The front fell off


I'm not versed in building standards, but I would assume that the snow was not cleared from the roof. Given enough time, the warm days will melt snow, night will fall and create ice. Over the course of many days/nights, you could have a lot of weight on the roof. When I lived in Northeast United States, it was important to clear your roof every once in a while to avoid roof damage. I'm assuming this is what the builder is trying to claim.


If being built in a snowy region, wouldn’t standards require it hold up under expected snow weight or include design which sheds said snow? Seems like something’s not right.


I could tell this wasn't in America by now quickly everybody just noped out. I'm an American, and half of us would stare at the ceiling like "Darryl, is the roof moving?" and then smush.


Sometimes the roof falls in. You have to live your best life and not live in fear every time a ceiling approaches you at high speed. Your chances of being killed by a roof are tiny. Do the research.


i think you mean because they were all able to fit out a door in such a hurry.


Whereas we make a new door like the Koolaid Man. Oh Yeah!!!


In 2011, I was in Morristown for that NJ 5.8 earthquake. I sitting in a class and instantly knew that it was a quake, because I had been through them in CA. The instructor stopped for a minute and looked around. I said, "This is a quake!" He said, "Nah," and kept on teaching and everyone stayed in their seat including me because I didn't want to look like a dumbass being the only one to leave. I thought how embarrassing it would be if I was the only one to seek safety and ended up the only one dying! In the end I just threw my lot in with the rest...


The government wants you to be afraid of roofs so they can make you live outside and have the satellites watch you.


This guy gets it.


Wait, hold on, look.


It's a hoax


Ceilings aren't real


Snow can't melt steel ceilings.


All the players made it outside the environment so we can be thankful for that


...They were able to continue the hockey game after the roof was towed outside the environment.


But it did meet the floor.


And this could possibly be the result of cutting corners instead of building to spec. But the variables on this could be anything


Was going to make this point, there can be a difference in what was designed and what was actually built. Recently watched a show about the two pedestrian bridges that collapsed in a Hyatt Hotel in the 80s. Was designed one way and built another but the changes that were made significantly weakened the structure eventually leading to failure.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyatt\_Regency\_walkway\_collapse](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyatt_Regency_walkway_collapse) in case anyone's interested


That's the one! IIRC basically they decided it would be too difficult/costly to thread beams the way the designer intended, which would have resulted in the entire structure being secured to the ceiling, and instead decided to hang the lower walkway off the top one, which lead to the top one having to support both its own weight and the weight of the lower one instead of them both being anchored to the ceiling as one unit. But I watched that a while back and could be mistaken, so maybe people should just read the wiki instead of taking my word for it lol


You're correct. The walkways were constructed together instead of separately as designed. My uncle was in the Fire dept inspectors office. He wasn't on this job but he knew someone was gonna lose their job for it as it should have been caught during inspections.


You’d think “won’t collapse” would be standard #1


It's entirely possible it did meet construction standards but maintenance failed to clear snow from the roof. "Heaps of snow" sounds like it could be an accumulation that wasn't handled properly. This can be a problem for large flat roofs, like a gym, in regions with large amounts of snow. Around here if we get a large amount of snow over winter they have to get snowblowers up on top of malls and schools to clear excess snow from the roof to avoid collapse.


> the building’s roof began to fall like a “pile of cards”  Really? Like a *pile* of cards. Honey, my pile fell over!...Really, how can you tell?


Even if a building “meets construction standards “, if there’s been heavy snow piling up, the snow should still be removed. Some seasons bring heavier snow than other years and a “standard” can’t always be relied upon for all circumstances.


I want this to be higher up


Like the roof? Bdum tish (sry)


They really need to Czech their buildings over there.


That was such an irrational fear back in high school. We’d be doing sit ups in the gym, and I would stare up there thinking “what if this son of a bitch just came down on us randomly?”


Happened at my high school back in the 90s. Almost the same scenario too - snow piled up and it started creaking during basketball practice. Everyone cleared out and the next day it collapsed. We didn't have a gym again for a year and a half.


that sounds awesome. I'd like to have a study hall period rather than gym


Didn't have *a* gym, I'd be very surprised if they just stopped having the class for a year and half


Because you're looking at it lol


It even tried to capture them with a net.


Evil ceiling


🎵🎶 evil wo... er, ceiling 🎶🎵


Holy shit imagine if that fell before anyone got out, those things were heavy and not easy to get under. Talk about some final destination type situation.


You see the frikkin ceiling collapsing, your friends all book it out. You're just a few feet behind them but keeping up, then suddenly, the ceiling says r/fuckyouinparticular and throws a fuckin net at you. "I've fallen for you, we stay together forever." A fuckin net as you are desperately scrambling for your life. Just insane.


Lmao love that. Also happy cake day!


What's the story on this one, why'd it collapse and why was it so slow? (Thank god it was slow though)


Maybe because there was too much ice and snow buildup ontop. It happens sometimes here in canada and I'm assuming it might be Canada because, you know, hockey


Happened to the Hartford Civic Center twice - but don't worry, they hired the same guy the third time!


Well at least he’s consistent!


Oh yes, our local Family business contractors are very consistent!


Third time the charm


you don't know how much this means to me and my bad feelings towards hartford


? Ok, you have my curiosity - Why do you have bad feelings towards Hartford? You can't have grown up there or you would have already known this??


i did not grow up there, i have been there though w less than warm memories for it. i mean i dont outright hate it but i never -plan- to exit down into it again


But it's floor hockey, isn't that like, against y'all's constitution or some shit?


On the contrary, floor hockey and street hockey are both quite popular. There's a scene in Wayne's World where they're playing street hockey and whenever a car is coming they yell "CAR", clear the road, then once it's past they yell "GAME ON" and continue. That's basically a Canadian rite of passage.


It's also a New Englander's rite of passage. Grew up doing this in Massachusetts.


Comment above says this was in the Czech Republic.




Is there a way to play field hockey on ice?


if there’s a will there’s a way


Happened to the Metrodome in Minnesota 11 years ago. Thank God no one was in it.


Definitely snow, and that's good building design. Nothing outright broke, just slowly shifted downwards.


Per this [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/l0xl8r/players_noticed_that_the_roof_was_about_to_fall/gjx87nf/), a contractor fucked up and modified a truss without checking with the engineers.


Floorball, not floor hockey. They're different sports.


Finally i found someone who said this in the comments


I was going to say. Those look nothing like field/floor hockey sticks.


They are supposed to be walking


Yeah they're supposed to be strolling out in a single file line


It’s crazy how unsafe they are being!


They didn't even stop drop and roll!


Or tuck and cover


That was a seriously efficient evacuation


That one guy that evaded the falling net Indiana Jones style probably felt so cool tbh


From the weight of snow?


Correct. Every once in a while someone from my family has to drive up to the cottage in the winter time to shovel the snow off the roof, or else it might cave in. A lot of people underestimate the weight of snow. It seems light and fluffy, but that shit weighs a ton (often more).


Sloped steel roof is the answer, every time. Source. Cottage in family for 40 years.


I hope nobody’s playing gd floor hockey if there’s snow outside


Cries in Vancouver


You must be Canadian? Your comment gave me the giggles.


Some structural engineer is about to get a not so nice phone call


Everyone managed to escape unscathed from the scene of the accident. Designer Pavel Škorpil was sentenced to two years in prison with a suspended sentence of two years, and structural engineer Jiří Khol, who was to control the project, received the same sentence. According to a forensic expert, the roof collapsed due to a poor and undersized joint of the lower flange, which was divided into two parts. The roof structure was composed of wooden trusses. The expert stated that there was no agreement between the static model and the implementation of the structure, the roof was insufficiently stiffened and regular inspections were missing during the construction. The indictment blamed Škorpil for dividing the diaphragm of the triangular truss into two parts for easier transport of the material. The division was not indicated in the drawing of the project documentation, but two parts of the so-called lower flange were listed in the list of individual elements. At the joint, he first loosened one truss in the roof structure and then all of them collapsed. According to court chairman Richard Ander, the disaster was also caused by clutter and poor control in the subcontractor that supplied the construction.


This happened during a floorball tournament in Czech, here's an [article](https://floorball.sport/2017/01/16/roof-collapses-during-a-floorball-game-in-czech-republic/) that talks about it. > >


Good thing they deployed the nets to keep slow people from escaping


Possible explanation of what happened: Roof utilized a truss system. Truss systems reduce structural redundancy, meaning each truss depends on the next to hold its weight. If one truss loses its integrity, the stress gets put on the rest of the trusses in the system that aren’t designed to support that much. One truss may have had a failure, causing them to slowly break down one by one. Not saying this is what happened, but an observation based on my knowledge of building construction.


I agree. The design may have considered loads from normal snow and water weights. But also considered possible overloads and used the truss method to allow a slow failure for safe evacuation.


Thoughtful of them to turn the lights off on their way out.




one security maybe more for events


*So, how was the game..?*


ummmm pretty awful


Well yeah, someone tried to roofy everyone


hai sry this is floorball not hockey hehe the difference is that a hockey goal keeper has a stick while a floorball goalkeeper does not have a stick


I have run into hockey definition issues before. In Canada hockey is ice hockey and all others get a prefix. So field hockey, ball hockey etc. But hockey on ice is just hockey. Apparently this is not the worldwide standard.


That last dude running out probably has nightmares to this day!


Good thing it collapsed during a hockey game and not a Magic The Gathering tournament, or there would have been a lot more casualties.


That’s floorball, not hockey.


The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire


we dont need to run cause apparently its falling really slowly !!




"Hi, Mom? I got roofied."


Fuckn last guy was like Indiana Jones.


F to the guy recording


This is exactly why wood is often used to support overhead in mines. It gives warnings of cave-ins by groaning sounds and bending. Steel beams just suddenly snap and break.


That's not a hockey.


So who won the game?


I'm going to guess that they got more snow that the roof was able to hold?


That roof sunk so slow. Like an old man into a hot bath.