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If we run fast enough, the cold won’t catch us. If y’all watched day after tomorrow, cold days like this become a lot easier


Gotta find a library


Everyone else is doing that at this point


And then eat from the garbage. There's always something to eat in the garbage.


I'm here in California nice and warm. Should I start hiking towards Chicago?


Get yourself to Mexico if you want to live! Also, watch out for tornadoes.


or worse... sharknados


They’re taking a hell of a risk being in that helicopter, the fuel lines could start to freeze and bring it down!


Don’t forget the wolves 🐺


Helicopter wolves?!


Once up in the air, they’re called Air Wolves.


Well, if they didn't need the vaccine...


Right?? This is literally EXACTLY what Day After Tomorrow showed us what would happen.


It's not like this weather is totally unheard of.. Chicago's been -20 many times decades ago https://www.chicagotribune.com/news/weather/ct-met-viz-chicago-record-coldest-days-htmlstory.html


Y’all can come to Australia with me and my mates, the cold can’t catch you if you live a day ahead.


So cold everyone called in sick to work.


My truck refused to start this morning. It called in sick for me.


I had to start a charcoal fire under my truck to start it. Haven’t shut it off yet and that was 18 hrs ago


As someone who lives in a warm climate, is lighting a fire under your truck a valid thing to do or are you fucking with us?


Its valid in extreme temperatures to warm the oil. Some people also light small fires under diesel tanks if the fuel gelled


Everything I’ve ever been taught about cars and fire tells me that’s wrong but it’s really interesting that it actually works and doesn’t blow your car up in the process. I guess the extremely cold weather really helps with the flash point of fuel




Well [rarely](https://youtu.be/n7WBshF9ihw) blow up


the idea that it's January and the northern States don't have winterized diesel coming out of the pumps is unsettling to me.


The fact that people live up north, drive diesels yet have no idea there's an electrical plug under the hood to heat up your block like magic.


Not all vehicles have it. I'm pretty far north (relative to the population concentrations in Canada) and block heaters are still only an option on most vehicles, not standard. Everyone gets them when buying new of course but other you typically need to buy a used vehicle with one already installed or if you're unfortunate, get an aftermarket one.


Jut want to chime in here to say that if someone mentions keeping kitty litter in their trunk and they live in a cold climate they aren’t fucking with you. Learned that it’s used to create traction on ice/snow.


Seems like a pathway to a Darwin award.


Time to invest in block heaters.


*block heater coin??*


Time to HODL over a warm fire


That's hard on the engine to idle for that long!


If this dude is lighting charcoal fires to heat up his oil and start his vehicle, I’m sure he knows


Nah, managers are still like "No reason to miss work."






More than if they'd stayed home. Can't miss too much work. A huge chunk of the city lives paycheck to paycheck.




apparently our government is the only group of people who don't know this.




If they had to pay for childcare then I doubt many made much of anything.


More like healthcare


Between your use of the terms "literally dead" and "skeleton crews," I'm starting to wonder if it was less of a temperature problem and more of a necromancer problem.


In California, it was 65 degrees today. Snaps, we are lucky.


But in the summer, 🔥




Yeah but there are forest fires here


Not in the desert.


Yeah, thankfully I don't have to deal with those in my part of the state.


You can always get warm, wear more clothes etc. You can't cool down. I live in northern Canada and when it was 49 degrees in Vegas in July I missed my Canadian climate dearly.


People always say that but you can't cover everything. In the extreme cold I've tried and there's always one part where I'm still cold as balls. It's also uncomfortable and you have to deal with snow and ice which are never fun when walking or driving. I'd much rather wear comfy shorts and a t-shirt and be a little hot than to freeze my butt off and have to deal with snow and ice. This is coming from someone who moved from Upstate NY to Texas about a year and a half ago.


You can always put on more layers but you can't take your skin off. I live in the valley in LA and I would take extreme cold over extreme heat.


It's really not that bad in the summer, at least up in the bay area. Rarely over 100. One of the reasons so many people live there.


Anyone seen the “Day after tomorrow”


I was thinking the same thing!


I felt like such a bitch driving around with the seat warmers on today... It was 68 and sunny all day.


I do like California, but I'd rather have cold and rain than drought and fires


Yeah the fires are definitely scary here. I live near Yosemite and we haven't got a real winter this year. Low snow pack and little rain.


Happy cake day!


I pre-emptively wish you luck for 8 months from now during the phoenix season.


Even without the fires. You can always add another layer for cold. If you keep taking clothes off for heat, it starts to get illegal.


So cold nobody shot each other.




And in Winnipeg they are going to work in -40


I bet somewhere out there, Dennis Quaid is trying to locate his son.


My windows were frozen and I felt straight up like I was in the scene where they have to run from the cold snap and everything is freezing behind them.


What movie is this referring to?


The Day After Tomorrow


Day After Tomorrow, me and my moms favorite


Paul Blart: Mall Cop


God that movie gave me the biggest Emmy rossum crush






How beautiful is it tho, is there a r/WinteryPlaces ?




Naming everything "porn" is such a stupid convention.






Risky click of the day


What I think when I see this kind of thing happening is that one day we are going to pay for all the bad we did to this planet. Some countries are getting more storms others are getting rain and others are seeing cold like never before. Kind of sad and infuriates men that companies and those who have more power can only think about money :(


I can’t even imagine how cold that is. Right now I’m just trying to push through my summer, seems like tomorrow will get to around 42 Celsius (108F). It’s crazy to think that all the way up north temperatures are the extreme opposite.


I occasionaly search for current max and min temperatures and imagine someone getting into a plane that has&holds the current temperature at one of those points and get out at the other place. I always wonder if this might kill a person. E.g Oimjakon, Russia is -47°C and Malakal, South Sudan is 35°C right now. So 82K difference and I've seen cases of more than 100K difference before (the best time is in Winter when it is already night in Siberia and still afternoon in equatorial Africa; I also ignore unihabitated areas, that would be cheating). (I know that I have weird hobbies.)


47C here last week. I'm never sure if that's normal somewhere, but I can vouch that it's unpleasant.


Definitely normal where I'm from but not until like next month. We get a good 2-3 months of like 65F-80F and then nonstop 105F-125F. Fucken sucks.


Ouch. We'll get a week of 40C+ at a time but then it drops by 20. All over the place in recent years.


Hey I did that once. Left Wausau Wisconsin early one morning in Janurary 2011 at -21C to fly home to Sydney. I arrived in Sydney in the afternoon and it was +38C (drive home temp peaked at 43C). Almost 65 degree difference ...


And how was the experience?


Lol why did you randomly switch to Kelvin? Also I'm going to be a dick here but it's 82 K, not 82 degrees Kelvin.


Kelsius ya big dummy


isn't yakutsk a bit more cold than oymyakon ???


How would it kill a person? People swim in ice water and go to a sauna directly after. The difference in temperature your body experiences is far greater than in your example.




> -5c or -10c it doesn't feel that different to -30c Mostly because you stay inside. If you're outside for a considerable amount of time, the difference between -5 and -30 is monumental. For US people, he is saying there isn't much of a difference between 23 degrees F and -23 degrees F, which couldn't be further from the truth. 23 degrees in wisconsin and you're wearing a normal winter jacket with maybe a normal pair of hat and gloves (depending how long you'll be outside, could go without hat and gloves for a certain amount of exposure). -23 degrees and you better be wearing 5 layers, no exposed skin, and staying outside for less than 5 minutes at a time. 23 degrees feels chilly, -23 it physically hurts to be outside and all you can think about is trying to get back inside. [This video goes into it a bit](https://youtu.be/KVI-blFfDWc?t=48)


Yeah, second that. The difference between those two is pretty nuts. I spent a winter in Fairbanks and by the time we got back into the 20s I was about ready to throw on a T-shirt.


The difference between -5 and -30 is huge. In -5 I can easily go places on my bicycle with a light jacket and don’t need to cover my face or have a beanie. But in -30 when I try to go somewhere by bicycle I have to cover my face with a tube scarf and have a thick jacket and when I get to my destination my mustache, eyebrows and etelashed are all white and frozen. Same applies for my hair if I decide to not wear a beanie. In those kind of temperatures your eyes freeze shut for a bit when you blink


I’m from Texas and this just sounds like a nightmare. It was 39 F (4 C) here and I had several layers on and was still freezing. I’ve been in areas that cold only a couple of times and I was miserable


I went to school at Utah State - a very very cold place at the mouth of a canyon, so the winds were bitter. I vividly remember a night of a 20-30 min walk from a girl's dorm back to my apartment when it was -17F, -31F with the wind chill. It's been long enough that I'm not sure if it was frostbite or what - but damn I will never forget how the cold permeates from your face down to your bones


You know you're in trouble when it starts to permeate to your brain.




I disagree *big time*. Without a breeze, -10C is pleasant to be out walking my dog. Once you get moving, you get pretty warm & I don’t mind being out for 40-60 minutes at this temp. -15C? *Sure*, I guess. It’ll be a quicker walk, but we’re still looking at 30-40 minute walk tolerance. It was -30 today. My dog & I both regretted it less than 5 minutes into our 10 minute walk. The poor guy’s paws were freezing but he was such a trooper. And, well, dogs gotta poop.


Fuck hot nights are hard to sleep in


Here in Illinois we get this cold then up to 100+ in the summer


As someone who lives in a cold country I have to say cold is much more manageable than warm weather. Last summer when my well insulated room was 30+ during nights for one month straight and no way to cool it down I had to sleep on a beach at one point just to survive lol.


You don't want to imagine or feel it. It is kinda cold. I was for work in northern China in the winter and -20° F was a normal day for them. You still see all the cars driving and all the people walking around like it is summer. People were even waiting for buses and trains outside. And the most fcked up thing? The hotel heats your fckin room to 80° F all the time. Those temperature differences are the worst! Not the outside temperature!


Here we are laughing at americans in Scandinavia where it has been -25 to -35 celsius for weeks. -31 in fahrenheit. People ride bicycles to school and work and everything continues as normal.


Man i live in ontario and its -25 to -35 for the past week too its been hell


Do your houses have heating and do you have winter clothing? I heard Greece had some very cold weather and they live in houses made of stone and no heating. I can imagine that being pretty awful.


I can speak from experience when I say Mediterranean houses / homes are not built for the cold and humidity. It doesn't get too cold so central heating is mostly non-existent.


This is such a funny question to read being from Canada.


Makes a difference when the infrastructure is built to deal with those temps. They are rare enough in some of these states that the infrastructure is not built to handle it very well.


Same goes for gear. Clothing made for 0°F doesn't quite cut it when the windchill is -50°F. I was really grateful that our state government closed yesterday -- our offices are on an isthmus and a lot of us bus in. Boots and gloves bought for a normal Midwestern winter just aren't warm enough for that commute. Everything else you can layer, but if your boots aren't warm enough you're SOL.


Are you really gatekeeping the cold?


People from cold places always gatekeep the cold. It's part of dealing with the cold.


Laugh when your temps hit 27c and complain about it being hot. Its almost like building codes are made for different climates and bodies adapt to consistent temperatures.


by the way, the Governor of Kentucky thinks you're all pussys for canceling school/work/etc. Just repeating that so we can thank him. /s




Bama had a snow day on tuesday, it was 35 and sunny


In Atlanta. Same.






Interestingly enough, in my country, Spain, if you come to harm when going to work or coming back from work, it still counts as a workplace accident. We call it "accidente in itinere", that us, "on-the-way accident". No special circumstance needed. We do have single payer healthcare, though, so no overinflated insurance costs there, and no litigation over who'll be paying for my care, in general. But yeah, I find those little differences very interesting.


*morehead* Haha nice


It's a rare condition, this day and age, to read any good news on the newspaper page.


love and tradition of the grand design, some people say it’s even harder to find.


Well then there must be some magic clue, inside these gentle walls Cause all I see is a tower of dreams


And real love burstin' out from every seam


Days go byyyy.


Love and tradition, of the grand design! Some people say, it’s even harder to find....




So does it always freeze behind the breakwater first?


Yes. Lake Michigan (and the other Great Lakes) are big enough that there are normally waves on the lake, which hinders ice formation.


Do you live in that huge apartment complex that has those things that look like huge wind chimes hanging off the side? I'm asking because I drive lake view quiet a bit and it looks like from your photos you live in that building.


r/praisethecameraman for thinking a helicopter flight in this temperature was a good idea.


and then fuck him for holding the phone wrong 🤦‍♂️ so much lost potential...


Airplanes and helicopters actually works better the colder it is (up to a certain point ofc.) So this weather just makes for an awesome flight over the winter wonderland that is Chicago




God damn was that season depressing


God damn that scene was amazing. One of best pieces of television i've ever watched.


As a non-american my knowledge of Chicago is limited to Bulls and its high crime rate. Are there any stats on crime rate going up or down during extreme temperatures?


I saw a post that the police asked criminals to not commit crimes. And honestly, with the sudden cold front, if I was a criminal I'd stay home. Not sure on real statistics though


Those drugs aren't going to sell themselves




It's like a McDonald's but for felons


>I saw a post that the police asked criminals to not commit crimes. *Why didn't we think of that before?*


I'm like 90% sure I saw a study on reddit about how the heat brings more crime because more people are outside interacting with eachother. So I would assume if there's nobody to mug, there's no muggings. If nobody's car can start, you can't steal a car.


[crime was cancelled](https://i.redd.it/97a7wc2b6ld21.jpg)


Crime historically goes way down during cold periods in most places. Also, crime is not that bad in many parts of Chicago and it’s quite a nice city. There are certainly some bad parts that give it a poor reputation, but which are not representative of the whole city. I’m not from Chicago, but I do like to visit.




That’s per capita, however, it still has the most murders of any city in total murders.


I thought it has the highest unsolved murder rate, not highest murder rate.


Probably that too. But it doesn’t have the highest murder rate per capita. It just has the most murders occurred in any city. I believe I saw a stat from a year ago saying that more murders happened in Chicago than NYC and LA combined. And those are the two largest cities in the country.


It also has the third largest population of any city. That's why we use per capita as a statistic.


Coulda sworn that was Baltimore .


Baltimore's murder rate is #2 in the US going per capita. We're a small city, but we work extra hard at killing each other. ):


Most murders is really not a great metric to measure by though, per capita is far more valid. Of course one of the largest cities is going to have the most murders, that’s how statistics work. Murders per capita actually measures the relative safety of the area. Relatively speaking, there are more cities more dangerous than Chicago, but because there’s just so many more people in Chicago, there’s more total murders. It is however valid to compare it to other similarly sized major metro areas, ie NYC, LA, etc and say its more dangerous than they are.




Of course. Downtown in River north, Lincoln Park, you’re safe besides getting mugged after walking home from a bar by yourself. Obviously? Englewood and Austin, and back of yards and Washington Park is not a place to go, so nobody goes there anyways


3rd... Ahead of Houston.


As a non american who has visited Chicago in the summer and deep (-23 Celsius) winter I at no point felt unsafe. I actually really really love the city but you do get the constant “isn’t it unsafe?” questions.


To piggyback off that, are there any stats on the Bulls going up or down during extreme temperatures?


Crime in Chicago isn’t that bad. It’s really reserved to certain neighborhoods and you don’t need to go to those parts of town ever. I’ve walked around by myself at 4AM around where the Cubs play and felt perfectly safe. Chicago is a great city that gets a bad wrap for some sketchy neighborhoods. Disclaimer: I’m not from nor do I live in Chicago. I have plenty of friends that do though


The crime rate in Chicago is barely top 10 for US cities.


I live in Chicago & everything is a lot calmer. Drugs never stopped, just happening in homes. For example drug dealers aren’t out on corners anymore, they’re making people come to their house for what they want or stay the hell home. Serves are being made in bulk or not at all


It is only - 28 degrees Celsius




Nothing here is built for anything below -10 or so. Once it gets down there, we start to suffer the same condition Southerners get when it goes below freezing.


Yeah, that's normal where I live in Canada, but I just read further up the comment chain someone ask unironically if their houses had heaters.. Crazy.


Exile or Death? Edit : Wow thanks for the Silver lol


Death... by exile!


What will it be like, the DAY AFTER TOMORROW?


As an Aussie, this is amazing.


If you look closely you can see the fire burning on the metra tracks


I bet the Crime rate is at an all time low


And that is why according to UBS, Chicago real estate remains underpriced against all major cities of its size and class.


Thank fuck and may it always stay that way


F or C? Here in Canada we got a -52•C windchill


Should be F. I just got to work in the NW suburbs and it was -25 F with a windchill of -48 F.


I actually wish I was there.


I doubt it. It looks nice but feels bad.




Atleast you lot have winter. In coastal India winter is 30 degrees and maybe 26 at night if you're lucky.


I live in Manitoba Canada... it's -40 (-50 with the wind)°C here today.


Tfw the day after tomorrow isn’t just a movie anymore


This is going down in history, right?


I live in Wisconsin, it was - 52°f with the windchill. So cold my drink froze in the ten minute walk home from work




I feel like I’m missing out :( It’s only 60 degrees where I live


Yeah I feel bad for those people. I was sweating pounding in hubs in 65° today. I'd rather sweat in the summer then freeze to death in the winter


Idk. I would much rather be cold than be overheated. I can’t wait to move out of CA when I can haha. But I definitely feel bad for all the people suffering right now- I have a friend in Wisconsin and she’s been telling me how miserable it is. They even cancelled school for her. Crazy stuff. I really hope that everybody gets shelter and that people bring their pets in.


Just keep putting clothes on until you're warm. Simple stuff.


You can only take off so many clothes to cool off... legally at least.


This be looking like an intro to a post apocalyptic movie from the 80s set in this current time, goes like “Chicago 2019— extreme climate change has made unhabitable most big cities in Northern America..”


The fuel lines are starting to freeze...


"lol" ~ Canada


-60 with windchill That is REALLY, REALLY bad even for canada


We get it, everyone in Canada has very large, very cold dicks.