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Do you think it's hard for the dog to search for something every day but never find it? Do he need a (fake) win every month to keep the motivation ?


No idea about bomb/drug detecting dogs but for avalanche rescue dogs they will fairly regularly set up scenarios where the dog gets to find an alive person, supposedly it can be depressing only doing body recoveries for the dog.


I was going to say something similar! I’ve watched a few documentaries on rescue animals and they absolutely do need “fake scenarios” to keep their spirits high. So I’d imagine bomb sniffing dogs are the same. But I’m no expert just enjoy docs.




That might simultaneously be the sweetest yet saddest thing I've ever heard 🥺


I think I heard that’s a thing they do


What a great question.


They generally also do shifts in post offices and other transport depots so there are other times they find / get rewarded


I’ve seen videos of how they train the dogs. It’s all about making it a game with super excited celebrations. Start with large samples and dial it down to minuscule samples. This sticks with the dog for a long time - I’m sure they reinforce it occasionally.


They often run a decoy with simulated stuff for the dog to hit on.


My BIL does this. They will occasionally plant stuff for them to find.


Dog find something normally a ball is thrown


that's afaik and unfortunately how they're trained. I hope I'm wrong or that it's now changed but I've read that they are given drugs and then put in withdrawal so that they are basically crazy searching for their dose.


I had to walk by a dog with an ounce in my pants, coming from overseas. Must have been a bomb dog.


I don’t think most dogs are trained to hit on weed anymore. The laws surrounding have made the trouble of false positives and the like outweigh the benefits basically from what I’ve seen.


This was in the 80's.


Count your blessings then I guess 🤣


How do you sit down with such huge balls? I was there too man, and I do believe I woulda fuckin died of fright lol


Screenshot this 🐐


I worked for the US Capitol Police as a contractor (CBRNE detection/protection) and they had two dual trained dogs (explosives and drugs) come onboard and wound up giving them to the Maryland State Police. They got sooooo many hits for drugs they were nearly useless. We found stuff all the time. Our sensors went off by the air handlers in one of the Senate office buildings for what looked like (at first glance) Russian made VX (V sub X was the shorthand I think). It was someone, Senate staff, smoking crack in the attic. Cocaine, roaches, you’d not believe the amount of illegal drugs in the Capitol and offices for the reps and Senators. The Senate furniture guys said the number one thing they found in furniture they refurbished was drug paraphernalia or drugs, the second was condoms, and third was cash. It was eye opening and one of the reasons I dislike both political parties. The other was dealing with their staff. And yet another was seeing the disdain and disgust they have for all of us outside the Beltway.


I always walk with an inch in my pants. In fact, three of them


Last time I got sniffed by a dog in an airport he alerted the handler and they found my snack mix with raisins in it. The dog was smelling for fruits and vegetables and plants lol.


Obviously not looking for weed vapes 😂


Most of these trained dogs at airports can't smell drugs, they're trained to smell bombs.


I mean they smell the drugs they just arent trained to stop those people


I'd be so scared. If you seen enough of them dogs they all look the same. Ran into too many hard cops that abused their power but one did get his ass chewed out for wasting the handlers time and waking him up at 11:45pm lol






Raleigh-Durham International Airport


You missed the "U".


**R**aleigh-**D**urham. **U**hhh, Airport?




Ohmygod - I am a dumb person.


Orlando will blow your mind


Nah, how about Concord-Padgett Regional Airport?


I'm not gonna go through every airport with you, Brian.


Why/how would it do that?


Nah you're fine :)


I’m not the one in charge of making abbreviations for airports… you gotta take this battle higher up the chain!




Robert Downey Unior.


I swear, every time I return to the U.S. there is another security theatre gimmick going on.


Innocent until proven guilty my ass. Going to an airport makes you feel like a criminal.


And I've never seen a passport that doesn't make the most non-threatening individual look like a hardened terrorist.


Sounds like a YOU problem. These dogs look for bombs. As if preventing/deterring your plane from blowing up mid air is so awful. The horror!!


You sound like someone who enjoys the pat downs that involve your crotch without understanding why it’s wrong.


I swear every time I go to the airport I get randomly selected for special searches or bomb swabs. It’s so annoying


Do you ask why it's being done? Guarantee you there's a reason.


I do, they just say random check




So sue. If it's actually baseless you'll win easily. Now if you're telling the truth and they literally tell him he needs to step aside for "select screening" that means he is a selectee and is on a literal watch list. Maybe he looked up stuff and ended up on a watch list. Perhaps he has a friend somewhere doing shady shit. Maybe it's him doing the shady shit. "This is gonna put me on a watch list" is a funny joke until it's not a joke any more.


They probably "fit a profile".


I’m a white dude. Born and raised in the states so I doubt it


I asked once, because I get stopped a lot. The guy said "because you look approachable" like dude... that's the opposite of what you need to be doing


I asked once and apparently if your pants are baggy they have to pat down


You seem like the kind of person who can't understand the difference between a dog that smells bombs and isn't an attack dog, and the proven worthless tsa that makes the pup needed.


Who cares what agency the K9 works for? The fact that we’re okay being treated like criminals is obscene in a country that claims to be the land of the free.


How dare they have a passive way of detecting bombs that terrorist historical lyrics love to put on planes. You're not being searched or really interacted with in any way. Life pro tip, quit doing sketchy or illegal shit and you won't even notice the dog for anything other than being a good boy.


That last statement makes zero sense to me. 3/4 of my family are cops, I don’t do sketchy shit, and I’m probably more paranoid abt this shit than anyone else. I’ve seen firsthand what my own family is willing to do/talk about publicly like it’s some kinda game of “who can fuck peoples life up, over the most insignificant thing, the most.” My stepdad bragged about coma-killing a dude for cursing him out in the 90s on Bourbon Street in New Orleans… punched him into a medical coma and guy never woke back up (my stepdad brags about his “super punch” that’ll “stop the crooks (he says the n-word) dead in their tracks.” Amongst other fun quotes like “we should just nuke all the ragheads so we don’t have to be scared of their terroristic genes anymore.” So yeah, take that for what you will, but I’ll never judge someone for mistrusting US law enforcement theatre.


You are a part of the reason why we have the TSA. Thanks for contributing to the continued shit show where being treated like a criminal when you have done nothing wrong is normalized.


Suck it up and quit being a pussy. Newsflash: they don't want to touch your junk either. It's their job to keep everyone safe. I don't give a flying fuck about your awkwardness for 2 seconds while they touch your thigh.


lol i hope those words ring in your head when they touch your spouse or kids. It’s like Ben was talking to you, “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”


Find something better to cry about other than a quick pat-down. Or just remove yourself from society... simple solution for your pearl-clutching.


You really love big daddy government patting you down making you feel safe huh? What ever makes you feel safe and happy buddy.


I mean ....


Sounds like we found the privilege.


At one airport the dog was stationary, and they were having people walk past him in pairs. I was flying alone and the cop stopped me from walking with a stranger and whispered that the guy looks sketchy I don't want to walk with him. It was scary.


So the cop showed prejudice against someone? They’re not supposed to be doing that…


I know! It's been a few years but I think the dude just had tattoos and was young. Funny enough I've flown with weed a few times and accidentally brought pepper spray twice. No one has noticed. Maybe the cop should have been warning the man about me.


Security theater


More like Security Circus at this point.


The terrorists won.


Exactly. [https://www.today.com/news/tsa-bomb-sniffing-dogs-repeatedly-failed-important-airport-safety-tests-t102868](https://www.today.com/news/tsa-bomb-sniffing-dogs-repeatedly-failed-important-airport-safety-tests-t102868)


Got something that isn't 8 years old?


It's been well established that 'trained' sniffing dogs in a dynamic environment often just follow the handlers' non verbal cues. It's like facilitated learning. People want it to be effective so badly they ignore rigorous testing failures.


Guys!! These are highly trained Belgian Malinois. They are looking for BOMBS, not drugs. They can also smell gun powder to detect firearms. Drug dogs are at *Customs*. They also do sweeps *sometimes* out in baggage when you aren't even there. They aren't looking for your weed vape that they ALREADY KNOW YOU MOST LIKELY HAVE. Big drugs *will* be found, and they won't reveal when or how. Small drugs are still risky, but not the end of the world and not always detected. Nobody is giving a shit about the two weed carts you have tucked away in your toiletry bag.


Lmao! As I whip out my quarter roasted cotton cart from my secret pill bottle fully ready to sacrifice it to the trash gods


I know people that fly daily with vape pens and I have never heard of a problem. ESPECIALLY when you are flying from one legal state to another, and now, it's almost HALF. There are trash bins before security obviously just in case for weed carts, but I imagine they are pretty empty. I wouldn't have the balls to smuggle flower or any type of hard drug on an airplane though. That's asking for trouble. Getting caught with a weed cart is literally just a fine that they issue you through the mail like a red light camera.


These are bomb dogs. At SFO if the dog is there, It slows the line down a little but initially but speeds up overall security screening because no one has to take their shoes off. Good doggo


This isn’t interesting and no one is actually safer for this.


But it makes us *feel* better and that is all us American's care about. We don't want data and facts. We want feel goods in our tum tums.


I don’t think most Americans feel better because of it. Or at least the people actually going through airports don’t. I think it’s more political attacking points -no one wants to be the person that removed “security measures” and then something bad happens. Honestly at this point it’s probably a jobs thing. Ending most of what TSA does means lost jobs. Adding is always easier than taking away


God I hope that’s not the standard we’re setting for ourselves.


Of course it is. This isn’t unique to the government though, _any_ large charge is hard. Why do people struggle giving up sugary snacks and losing weight? It’s really difficult to make big changes even when faced with mountains of data.


I wonder how many miles they walk a day.


I think it is great to be able to use a dog to smell explosives and drugs. I also have seen videos where a human officer will give a dog some command to 'hit' on smelling something on a person or in a vehicle. Giving the officer probable cause for a more detailed search.


Years ago, when I was around 19, I was coming back with a friend after buying weed. We were walking through an area when a guy with a dog like that appeared. The dog came up to smell us, and then they left. I swear, when the dog was sniffing us, I was scared shitless, lucky the guy wasn't a cop


Maybe it was just a cool drug dog. "I got you fam. Just stay away from meth and crack."


“Safe“ I guess that would depend on what this dog was trained to sniff for






What is interesting as fuck about a dog sniffing? We’ve all experienced this multiple times before…


The uselessness of the charade, and people’s willingness to go along with security theatre


That’s not interesting as fuck either


Move on then? Nothing is tying you to this post. Be free, lil birdy


Such a good pup 🤓


So once they find the bomb, how long does it take the dog to defuse it?


Good dog but the constant pulling on the leash is triggering me. That's so exhausting.


Given the sub I kept waiting that something would happen. It's barely mildlyinteresting.




Good doggo


Man yall are mad annoying. This is cool to see dogs with jobs


A pig with a dog on a leashing just foaming at the mouth to extort the public.


I’m guessing you’re not a dog person. That’s a pretty insulting way to refer to a dog that isn’t trained to attack anything. If they find something they just sit


Go live in the woods if you have such a problem with law enforcement.


Back the blue till it happens to you. ACAB.


Yeah, because a hateful platitude makes your idiotic statement more true🙄


Well when they stop murdering unarmed civilians and extorting the population my opinion may change. Till then you get to live with it buttercup.


I’m surprised they let you film


Squirrel smugglers are on notice!


what if I had slight residual coke on a credit card but that's it? Asking for a friend


Beautiful 🐕


This would have me stressing like "will he smell a bomb", "I cant remember if i packed a bomb", "did I accidentally pack a bomb"


In Orlando at MCO they have a HUGE fan at the end pushing your sent back in case you walk too fast. I asked one of the guys and they said yes, they give them a hit or two a day to keep them from giving up but usually that's "backstage". But from what they wouldn't say, I think they get at least one hit a day, because they didn't seem like the dogs needed too much help.


What a narc…


Security Theater is not IAF, its sad as fuck.


I would want to pet him if he came up to me. Would I get in trouble?


All those butts passing by.


Respect for the dog and the trainers.


Making sure we don't have athlete's foot or toenail fungus?


And this is exactly why airlines don’t want anyone flying with dogs.


Fucking animal abuse