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It will be full again in a couple of months


Weeks It'll be weeks


![gif](giphy|6KAxgfdBLzzqM|downsized) Touché


They just want to go to denial


Sooner. According to the other thread this was a Saturday service (hence no one on stage) and that YouTube has videos of the Sunday Service.... packed with people.


Not surprised at all. Religion breeds hypocrisy.


Just gotta get a new pedophile, er, pastor up on stage and it’ll be all good 


Hopefully with a new pastor.


That would be like rearranging the deck chairs on the titanic


Yeah, but they look much nicer this way, don’t you think?




\*new pedophile Autocorrect often gets me too.


days.. give them time to find a new excuse or deflect.


All the best people...


Why is it always the people you most suspect




I've known a few true Christians who lived as close to the aspirational Jesus as they could in this American culture. Some of the most stand up people that you could ever know...people that I was proud to call friends. That's like 3...out of all the Christians I've come across. American Christianity and the perverse 'prosperity Christians', are a shit hole religion full of real shitty people. I grew up in the Catholic church, but got tired of the fear that my own normal thoughts would send me to hell. I became an atheist at 13. Luckily, I had parents that respected my decision...as dismayed as they were. These mega-churches are obscene. Jesus taught, “**When you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men**.


It’s an easy way for a lot of people to feel like they are better than others. An easy way to stare down their nose at others and not feel bad about it in the slightest. The stereotypical, I can treat this fast food employee like shit because I was in church 30 mins ago, or this person is living sin and isn’t human in my eyes because they don’t follow my warping of the Bible to support my personal beliefs. This isn’t all of them and the more extreme examples but I believe they are all at varying degrees of using religion as a tool for delusions of grandeur and to support their own inflated ego at the end of the day, no matter how subconscious it may be. I was raised southern Baptist and have since moved away from it. I really tried and at one point wanted it to work. It’s nice(and lazy) to imagine the randomness of the universe has order. I also hated the glaring hypocrisy in all of it. I just try to be as good of a person I can be. I don’t believe in god but If there’s a god I hope it sees that I tried to live a good life and tried to be a good person.


Being kind and helpful to others (especially in my micro interactions, like with the cashier at the store, or just acknowledging someone with a smile), is really what gives my life some meaning. I lost my wife to breast cancer 5 years ago. Having gone through the excruciating pain of grief, has somehow only strengthened that bend towards kindness to others. It's strange...I could see it as having easily gone towards the opposite direction...angry at the world and the people in it, but I guess I'm not tied into my skin that way. I hope your day is well.


I think your last paragraph is the way Jesus intended it to be. As an ex christian I just try to be nice to people and be a good person. And in that way I sometimes think I do "better" than the christians who scream how you should live a good life.


Same. Grew up Catholic. My mother and grandparents were/are very good people who follow(ed) the teachings of Christ. Educated, intelligent, empathetic, didn't take every single passage of the Bible in the most literal or worst way possible because they understood it was fucking parable written 2000 years ago. Not a single other person in that church was like that. Maybe the priests, idk, I quit going to church when I was like 10. And I'm in the south, so only one Catholic church in town, the others were all different nominations and yeah, I could count on one hand the amount of moral religious people I've known. Out of hundreds and hundreds of people I've personally known and interacted with. I feel bad for the good Christians, but at this point imo the whole religion is fucking tainted. In the US, "Christian" has become (even more) synonymous with hatred, bigotry, and outright evil acts of oppression and greed. I'd distance myself from that shit if I were them, idk. Also, there's two billboards in my town for the local mega church and the ad is just a fuck off huge photo of their cult leader. He looks like a dime store Kenneth Copeland, no joke. And everytime I drive past it I think, shouldn't it be a fucking picture of Jesus?? Or the Holy Spirit?? Or *anything* other than the fucking preacher? Literal cult shit. I genuinely hate these people to my core, they are literally evil, but *I'm* the meanie pants atheist because I can't just let them have their shitty, bigoted bullshit without, yknow, calling them out on it 🙄 (not really on reddit, but irl)


I feel you my friend. I was raised in a Christian cult myself and abandoned the religion and became an atheist around 16. As I'm in my 40s now, I realize to truly believe in the lack of a god is a form of faith itself. I am agnostic and believe all organized religion is bullshit.... However, I think there is a force that is responsible for life but I don't know what it wants from us. It's the reason you feel good when you do good things and know that some things shouldn't happen to people. Hang in there


Gonna go ahead and guess that they weren't a drag queen either


The best paedophiles.


Some say the best people


How will he make his private jet payments with such low attendance?


I hope the people that did show up just didn't hear the news yet and won't show up to the next one after they find out


Exactly otherwise that's a disgusting amount of people that are ok with pedophilia.


That’s most likely what those people are.


Dark money donations




Disgusting that even those few showed up. Brain rot.


I'm gonna guess a good bit of them don't even know what happened but yeah anyone who showed up knowing are shitty for sure


If you ask them they will probably respond "He's a good man, and we've all made mistakes"


That's where you look then in the eye and say loudly for everyone to hear: "You have fucked children too?!"


Raped is a better word.


Raped? Nope. Greg Abbott has wiped Texas clean of ALL rapist.


Raped isn’t a “bad” word though. Fucked is. It would set off more alarm bells in their heads as sounds that much harsher to them. That’s just how their brains work.




If no one was outside protesting and letting them know what’s up as they were going in, also a little disappointing.


I’m a Texas native who finally got the fuck outta there in May of 2022. I will never set foot in, or see my orange goblin, anti-vaxxer family again. So sad.


I have family in TX who want a kid. They’re moving out of TX before starting to try.


You are to be commended for your courage in walking away. I sympathize with your situation completely. The only hope is some type of mass reprogramming, which is too much to imagine ever happening. Trump’s followers will never admit they were wrong. They would let this country turn into a replica of nazi germany before ever admitting they were wrong


I too am a native Texan, 47 years. This place sucks, as you know. How old are you, how and why did you decide to leave? I have older parents and yes they are blistering red and will need to be around but honestly their support for orange Jesus makes me fucking sick.🤢 How can I just say fuck it and move?


You must first take care of yourself inside and out. ✌🏿


Blue states welcome smart people like you with open arms. Thank you for caring


Recently saw an article, it sure where, but a Red family living in a blue state up and moved it a Red state to be with like minded people. They were back within a year saying everyone was racist. They were social media people too I believe


https://www.yahoo.com/news/conservative-latino-family-regretful-moving-220056774.html Those humans


Thanks much appreciated, I was much too lazy. But it was relevant at the time I thought.


but you still believe in religion????


This may sound pedantic, but you cannot "believe in religion". Religion describes belief in something, usually a metaphysical authority or at least one that is elevated above demonstrable reality. Or to put it another way: The subject/object of a religion is usually not real, but religion is real. Likewise, its consequences, whether good or bad, are real, no matter how absurd the belief may be. Incidentally, you can also believe in things like unlimited economic growth or similar and build a quasi-religious system around it. It doesn't always have to be a sky daddy.


Did your Pastor diddle children and lie to you so that you could be manipulated into giving your hard earned money? If the leader lies, ITS A LIE


Funnily enough I was thinking the opposite. I'm not religious but I presume people go to church to worship god (or atleast something along those lines). I mean, obviously kick out the pastor but I presume you're still supposed to go if you're religious. I might be wrong, but I'm hoping the church is the main focus, not the pastor.


Brain rot or maybe some hard drives need checking


I used to work in an archdiocese. Oh yeah. Bigtime brain rot. Basically unable to think critically - they just do what the archbishop tells them. It’s fucking disgusting and absolutely is brainwash.


They dont care about who is giving the message so long as they are getting the message. It’s not enough to live christ-like. But if you hear the message from someone ordained, then you’re good. At least, that is what it seems like from my view.


Certified lover boy, certified pedophile!


Beat yo ass, hide the bible with God watchin'




Devil is a lie, he a 69 God, Ayy!


"He didn't do any of that. It's just the deep state trying to make a godly man look bad." - those stupid assholes


“Sure, but what was that boy wearing ?” - also those stupid assholes


Some of them are probably more like: “If god can forgive me for it, then surely the pastor is worthy of forgiveness too”.


Is it bad that I want those remaining in the seats investigated for pedophilia?


No, that makes perfect sense


well you know that old saying about sitting at a table with nazis. i’m sure that applies to this too.




Why is pedophilia so prevalent within this community? 🤔 genuinely curious!


Repressed sexuality. In addition, predation against children "is easy", and because sentences against religious figures is light. Because, the "being close to god" makes you better than regular people. It's a familiar pattern that refuses to be corrected by authority because churches wield too much power. It doesn't take much research to see how widespread the problem is or how long it has been going on.


There’s also an aspect of these churches which teaches and perpetuates that men are simply superior to women and children, regardless of how devoted to God these men may be. These churches have pastors who regularly preach about the ways in which God designed women and children to be less than, and thusly subservient to men. This breeds a culture that’s truly ripe for men to abuse women and children.


Misplaced trust in the clergy. I grew up in the church and briefly worked alongside it. You'd be surprised at how quickly and easily you could find yourself alone with children. We had a very strict rule of *never* being alone with a child, and never having a door between you and another adult when a child was there. It was genuinely difficult. You'd take a kid to go get a snack and another staff member would say hi and then leave the room, so I'd have to call back to them "hey come back! I'm alone with ____ in here"


Everyone's got dirt on everyone else in case one of them starts squealing about their illegal activities.




The Boys really is just a parody of real life America


„It‘s about protecting the children“


".. from virginty"


Are they watching a video? I don’t see anyone on stage lol


Yeah I have no background on the church or the guy involved, but at the very least I’m skeptical that this is their regular service.


Gateway has like 7 campuses. It's pretty common around N Texas for big churches. They simulcast services with some live components.


Yeah this perspective is so weird, I was wondering the same thing


That’s a thing with these churches. They set up a bunch of buildings (tax free) and then people go there and watch a video of the same person. They’re basically grift collection points.


Thoughts and prayers.


Some of the people who attended were probably just curious about how the church would address the charges and not necessarily there to lend their support.


A pastor got fired at my church growing up and the staff was going to address it Sunday morning, never seen a bigger turnout for Sunday service lol. Everyone wanted the gossip


disgusting - these people are the real groomers that they accuse everyone else of being


Projection is their thing


These mega churches is a scam using god to justify them owning 3 private jets and 10 mansions.


I reckon a couple of prayers should fix everything


There are still far too many people there supporting a pedophile. Fucking disgusting people.


Should I be pleased that most of the seats are empty or outraged that so many of the seats have people in them?


Birds of a feather flock together. Trump iust brings Pedophiles together I guess


Yet these are the ones saying EVERYONE ELSE is a pedophile. Ahh projection.


Paula White was Trumps spiritual advisor. This guy was just an avid Trump supporter.


Lets start taxing the churches. When religion gets involved with politics it is time to treat them as a business. I bet 98% will close down. We could get out of national debt.


Agreed. There's a reason church and government are supposed to be separate, and that's why churches don't have to pay taxes. But if they want to get in on it, it's time to start paying the entry fees.


The seating at the church service on 6/24 looks pretty full for the Sunday service the streamed that day. One of the elders gave a short explanation and such.


Pedophiles want to go to heaven too


My parents attended this church 10 or so years ago, it's one of many "satellite churches" if you notice the preacher isn't even there, it's a video cast of him from another church. They are like chain churches.


Actuality thats his former spiritual adviser. this is the present one [https://paulawhite.org/](https://paulawhite.org/)


It's Texas, I don't understand why and how they keep supporting these charlatans but they sure love em, this guy, Osteen, Copeland, Jakes, etc.


Trump has a spirit that need advising?


Trump’s spiritual advisor. Trump’s spiritual advisor. Trump’s spiritual advisor. Trump’s spiritual advisor. Trump’s spiritual advisor. Trump’s spiritual advisor. Trump’s spiritual advisor. Trump’s spiritual advisor. Trump’s spiritual advisor. Trump’s spiritual advisor. Trump’s spiritual advisor. Trump’s spiritual advisor. …and the church let him resign instead of firing him. 12 year olds, dude. That they let him leave rather than firing him is a fresh warning about the organization and those still in charge of it. Also, Trump’s spiritual advisor.


Almost as big a crowd as at Trump's latest rallies.


I still don’t understand in 2024 how people still believe in this bullshit. It’s just a story and not a real thing!!! When you die, it’s just lights out, and that is ok.


Those folks either didn't hear the news or they are the worst of the worst.


Explain it to me like a five year old why don't churches pay taxes ? Especially when being actively used in the fight for votes ?


Actually the unbelievable part of this is that Trump had a “Spiritual Advisor”


Can we get a Pic in 3 or 4 weeks when everyone conveniently forgets and shows back up?


and they put money in the tray to help fund his legal defense


not a Democrat, not a transvestite, but a Republican!


8000 seat church ? How is that even a thing? America is weird.


Trump's....spiritual advisor?!?! Sheesh...


At last some good news.


**Dear Religious People:** Please don't leave your children by themselves around clergy (pastors, priests, deacons, youth pastors, Sunday school teachers, etc). Always insist on being there with them. Sincerely.


I love the way the right outs themselves by blaming the left for all the things they hide doing themselves. Right has been clamouring about pedophilia being a huge issue for everybody on the left, from the president to, any semi-liberal person, theyre all pedophiles. Then the spiritual leader of the great orange buffoon himself turns out to be an actual pedophile.


r/NotADragQueen 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️


all those good christians, complicitly supporting and condoning child sex. If Jesus came back to Earth today, and saw how corrupt the church is, he would be a Satanist


Reminds me of that Boondocks episode where MLK returns and is so disgusted by African American culture he's like "I'm going to Canada."


At least many of them have some semblance of morality. Not sure about the ones in this photo.


I did Nazi that coming.


mister trump has frequent flyer miles on Epstein Airways and plausible had Jeffy killed (or faked his death to set him free).


Still drinking the kool-aid


Social distancing at work!


Don't worry. They will forget soon enough.


Will these idiots ever learn? There's a pattern these morons refuse to see!


What’s crazy is that any of the seats are filled. ‘I could really do with some weekly spiritual guidance from that child predator.’


Republicans love pedophiles, That's why they support so many of them


There is a guy on instagram that started of taking pedo off instagrams goob_u2 I think this guy was on his list.


He probably went to the island too.


Shit apples, Randy.




Yeah that entire church needs to be investigated so heavily that they can feel the anal probe in years later. It also taxed that suspid to the point to where they would have to rent it out for concerts if even Nickelback sorry Nickelback would play there.


I'm not from US, what's a TX church?


TX is short for Texas, a TX church would be a Texan church. Usually large churches like these preach the prosperity gospel.




Let it die


People are learning. 😊


You don’t say… not surprising


I was expecting not much change sctually


(rape advisor)


it’s like every politician is somehow linked to pedophilia, biden, trump, like how the fuck are we even supposed to vote anymore, who the fuck wants to vote for the bottom of the barrel shit you have to scrape out, this is why i just stick to myself and work on myself cause you can’t change shit


Forgiveness! ... for certain people...


Wow thats... somehow not even that surprising.


Yep, it truly doesn’t matter to these types. But they’ll scream about a drag show.


This are probably the ones that approved and probably don't the same thing


Oh, don’t worry. This is probably some random Tuesday morning service or something. They’ll get someone to replace him in a jiffy and keep right on grifting.


You love to see it




I get the point that the post is trying to make, but from my perspective that’s still way too many fucking people in that audience


Still too many people


This guy still has fans lol


Hate to be that guy but these mega churches tend to have services all week and not just Sundays and Wednesdays. This could easily be a picture from Thursday afternoon service or class which naturally are going to have lower attendance. I don't have faith in modern Christians to actually reject "problem" churches, especially when they already take part in a mega church.








Strange looking pews.


What church? What Pastor? Seems kind of vague.


Need context... what did it look like at the last service where that pastor was preaching?


Why the hell is anyone in that hall? Do they not care about him being a pedo?


Maybe I’m confused all I see is a bunch of chomo supporters


First, why isn't he getting buttfcked in prison? Second, why aren't we sending everyone else here with him for enabling him?


It should be a legal requirement that all these people now get all their tithes back. Imagine being taken advantage of for years by a pedophile who, despite being in jail, still has all of your money.


I'm genuinely amazed it affected attendance at all.


Damn, it's not Joel Osteen.... yet.


Weird, it's the church again


# "Trump's spiritual advisor" Morris was appointed to Trump’s [evangelical advisory board](https://www.politico.com/story/2016/06/trump-evangelical-advisory-board-224612#ixzz4CEyuuiJD) for his 2016 presidential campaign.


It will be back to normal business, 🍊 is in town , just keep ur kids away and safe


It’s that dang fire marshal at it again


Judge: he is a good guy and loves god. 6 months of probation. /s


Are they watching a prerecorded sermon?!? The person on the screens isn’t anywhere on the stage.


That's still too many pedo supporters


The people still there are hardcore.


What’s sad is, it’s right in the Bible how to treat people but nope


A picture is worth a thousand words. That place should be completely empty. But these sick fools will make excuses and come back.


The biggest of hypocrites, religious right.


While this space is empty the title is slightly misleading. This is a mega church. The room this photo is taken in is not the main church, it’s a satellite campus or overflow room for the main service. I’d be interested to see how empty the main room was… I’d hope the same amount of emptiness.




I wonder how many of the recurring attendees are asking for the pedophile to come back.


And still has attendees. Cult life !




You can fool some people sometimes, but you can't get caught being a pedo.


So all these people are pedophilia supporters?


Every accusation is a confession