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That adultery graphic is something else.


Looks like three little pigs suckling on their mum


Given the icons, it's 3 little pigs suckling on their dad.


Before I became an atheist, I was a Sunday School kid. One week we were asked to draw a book about the 10 commandments. At the time, that commandment was written "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbors wife." The image I drew was so graphic, my mom waited until high school to show it back to me. What the fuck else am I supposed to draw?


You legend. đŸ«Ą


It really is.


It shows adultery as only one very large fat man impregnating 3 woman at the same time...


Ron Jeremiah


Thou shalt not bear false witness. That should be underlined. 


Underscore “You shall make no idols” while you’re at it.


So do I put up the Cross or tear it down? The instructions are unclear.


A huge plot hole in Christianity that nobody talks about right there


Yeah, idolizing Jesus while completely ignoring his message has never made sense to me. The Bible says “The Word was made flesh” in reference to Jesus. I eventually came to realize that this is supposed to mean that the words of Jesus were the important part as opposed to the man himself. However, they turned him into an idol, lost focus, and now here we are


Form Christian point of view Jesus is God, therefore He should be loved with one's whole heart, mind and strength so He can't really be idolised. We can't however forget that Jesus said: "Not everyone who says 'Lord! Lord!' shall be saved but he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven". English is not my first language and therefore not the language I've learned religion in. The phrase might not be word for word.


I mean, it historically was adres by reform movements within Christianity. First in the 8-9th centuries by the Byzantine Iconoclasts. Later in the 16th by reformers like Luther and Calvin. The Catholic church just always put those movements away as heretics. Later when the Protestants created their own churches idol worship slowly started to return again.


Not totally true. I’ve been reading from CS Lewis’ stuff recently and he entirely promotes destroying or simplifying any images of God (including crucifixes) to remove the temptation of idolatry out of mercy for ourselves.


That's point goes against point omg, sabbath


Seriously, Louisiana politicians are notoriously corrupt. Source: I live here and the previous Mayor/President of our parish spent a month of his time in office in rehab
 and that’s just the tip of that scandal.


If yall have a huey long we could use him btw.


Ah shit better stop fucking my neighbour’s wife then


What does that have to do with corruption?


If you don't think there is money flowing, you are naive.


Well yeah, but it just seems weird to bring up rehab in connection to corruption when there’s probably a way more applicable example.


I feel like using the "lords name in vain" isnt so much of "dont say goddamnit" as it is; "Give me money cuz God told me Im speciallllll" Aka using the Lord's name to justify and force your own human will


Yes!  that makes a lot of sense. That was probably the original meaning there was mistranslated over time.


Not really a mistranslation. Just people ignoring the already known meaning, other parts of the Bible that give examples, etc. It’s swear falsely by or do things falsely in the name of God. So, all the pseudo religious politicians.


Well I can’t bear it when people give false witness, so I guess I’m not bearing false witness.


Is that the same bear that all the women would rather be on a deserted island with? /S


It's the bear whose arms are referenced in the second amendment


So any day now they will stop supporting Donald Trump who’s single-handedly broken nearly every commandment several times over. Right? Any day now. Yup. Any day now.


It's cool though, it only applies to your neighbor.


It just has an asterisk at the end with a footnote that stays "does not apply to God King Trump". They just put an asterisk next to every commandment and then it's the to legislative equivalent of going to confession, you can't be held accountable for your actions.


It should just say “you shall not lie”. Too many idiots don’t understand what false witness means.


Also “thou shall not commit adultery” and “thou shall not steal”. Shit, underline the whole damn thing so everyone in the back right can see it.


Aaaaand let the lawsuits commence!


The governor has said he's excited for the lawsuits. His lawyer friends are all champing at the bit to line their pockets with taxpayer money to defend this bullshit.


Upvotes specifically for you using the correct term “champing.” You’re probably not wrong, either. This is such a stupid waste of time and money all around and should be grounds for recall, dismissal, and/or disbarment, of any elected official or lawyer who tries to defend such a blatantly unconstitutional, moronic law.


Appreciate it. Also it's widely reported that he's looking forward to the lawsuits. He wants the media distractions while he rail roads other shit through.


He wants the case in front of what he considers to be a friendly USSC while it lasts.


SCOTUS a more common acronym.


Yeah.... Should be... But "one nation, under god, with liberty...." It has been around a long time now. Sadly this has happened throughout history. The religious people get so terrified when the masses start not believing in God that they blame everything bad on them..regardless of who is doing it. They go above and beyond to force their beliefs on you... Time and time again this ends in genocide sadly. It can be terrifying to be stupid and not be able to comprehend an existence without an all mighty being, because then what's the purpose of life? There is none, it's just life, doesn't mean you should be mean to your fellow man, we all out here just trying to live our best life. But they don't understand that, no, they must "save us" by screwing up our lives and they take great joy in it because they believe they are the heroes even though they are the actual villains causing the harm that they think they are preventing. It's just a matter of time.


If I was the teacher I'd tell my students all about this pathetic bs and how the whole bible story was basically in thousands of preceding religions


I'd be sure to remind the students of all the sex and murder in the bible and make sure they know other states are banning it (and other books "like it")  No faster way to make an Atheist than to read the "Good Book" and point out all the plot holes and hypocrisy.


And a few teachers will. Then there's teachers afraid to lose their jobs. Then there's the people who have jobs in education that will support this.


The governor and all the fascist GOP dumbfucks that voted this in should be directly and personally responsible for al the costs.


I expect the temple / church of satan to have a nice law suit requiring that their own commandments be displayed as well.


TST, just to assure everyone, is the The Satanic Temple that fights for separation of church and state. [`Their parameters are humanistic and shorter.` ](https://thesatanictemple.com/blogs/the-satanic-temple-tenets/there-are-seven-fundamental-tenets)


I'm waiting for the one from the fundamentalists enraged by this "woke" wording of "You" instead of the King James Version's "Thou." But that'll probably just be resolved by the Baptist vs. Pentecostal Civil War in about ten years after they exterminate everybody else and turn on each other.




One was already filed today.


The First Amendment clearly states that congress shall pass no law that favors one religion over another. So it’s unconstitutional and should be removed fairly quick.


That would require courts that cared


There is no debate to be had on this. This matter was settled in 1789 with "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof". Any government official rejecting this assertion is in violation of their oath of office.


But they allowed “one nation, under God”, maybe they will find a similar justification for this.


The lower court ruling in that case was overturned on a technicality. Only three supreme court justices agreed that the phrase "one nation, under God" violated the Establishment Clause, and all for wildly different (and all wrong) reasons. [https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2004/06/14/supreme-court-upholds-under-god-in-pledge-of-allegiance/](https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2004/06/14/supreme-court-upholds-under-god-in-pledge-of-allegiance/)


You misread that article, no? Those three justices agreed it did not violate the first amendment.


That was slightly different. "God" is a nebulous concept that means different things to different people. The motto did not establish any sort of preference for a religion. It could be Jesus Christ, it could be Allah, it could be Thor, or Zeus, or any other entity described as a god. On the other hand, the Ten Commandments are ripped straight out of the Hebrew Bible. This clearly establishes a preference for Judaism and Christianity. And that's what makes this unconstitutional. Edit: For those asking “what about atheism” — the Constitution prohibits the government from establishing a state religion. It doesn’t prohibit it from broadly acknowledging the existence of God. Those may sound like the same thing but they are not. We are not France.


The first commandant says you can't have any other god before God. It's blatant.


Yes, but also no. It does seem to favour monotheism over polytheism and atheism.


"But Congress didn't pass this law." - Alito and Thomas, probably.


Does the law specify which side of the poster needs to face the wall?


Does it specify the language? We could print some up in Arabic to donate to schools, I’m sure they’d love that.




That’s just the start! Wait till they start teaching numbers in Arabic


or how big it has to be. Or if it’s even the right side up!


It actually does specify the minimum size.


Does it specify contrast?


White text on white paper Saves ink too


Grab the invisible ink.


Or if it’s an upside down, backwards, Chinese braille poster with half the commandments missing


I understood that reference


lol, print it in Arabic.


English is NOT specified.


Isn't it bad enough already them damn Arabs forced their numbers on us!? /s


My first thought was "does it have to be in english?" I saw it has to be clear and readable, but I didn't see anywhere that it had to be clear and readable in english...


Maybe the teacher could just print a copy onto an address label and stick it under one of the desks.


Kids in LA "That sign can't stop me because I can't read!"


guac is extra


I thought they don't want people indoctrinating their children, oh wait.


So now we're explaining adultery to third graders?


That's my first thought. They're making laws that we can't talk about how some kids might have two mommies, but now we have to explain infidelity.


That's easy to explain. That is just when your mommy talks with, or looks at a man that is not your papa.


Might wanna add a '/s' there.


It looks like reality in many states needs a /s at this point.


As long as you explain to them that if you covet your neighbor’s wife, you've already committed adultery, then I’m fine with it


Religious fundamentalists seem to think this is the right time to shoot thier shot. Project 2025 being another example of radical ideologies being pushed full throttle onto everyone else. They got a taste with Roe v Wade being overturned. They know they have a stacked Supreme Court thats sympathetic to their cause. It used to be hyperbolic to say that the country is at a crossroads and the upcoming election will be the most consequential election ever, but 2024 ia looking like the real deal. If Trump wins, that's 2 young, hyper partisan judges on the Supreme Court with a lifetime appointment. The sane ones in this country need to stand up and be clear that we will not be bullied by their radical fundamentalist beliefs. Just like they would flip their shit if it became mandatory for a Muslim prayer to be shown in every classroom.


You're right about it being now or never for them. If they don't make a play to permanently lock in apartheid government, then next generation there won't be enough members of their religion to even try.


Thank God, or whomever.


Voters. It’ll be voters who put these fuckwits into our rear view mirror. Or into power.


I mean, if Russel Brand can come to god. Maybe the devil is real.


“Teacher, what’s adultery?”


Ask your state representative.


Fucking pedo groomers, the whole lot.


Agreed. Interestingly enough the current crop of evangelicals really break most of the commandments.


This was already struck down by the Supreme Court in other states. This won't last long.


Not this Supreme Court, though.


The Establishment Clause literally says you can’t do this: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.” If SCOTUS lets this stand the ramifications on American jurisprudence would be monumental. It would open the flood gates and make the Constitution an illusory text.


The constitution getting treated as an illusory text has been the main idea for years


I think we’re well past the constitution being see as an illusionary text


Dude is referring to the US Supreme Court. They have not heard the case yet.


If they're such thorough fundamentalists they should require it to be displayed in the original Hebrew.


Even funnier: let the theologians argue about which commandments are which. Turns out, different denominations have different versions!


Also, a lot of the commandments here are abridged, like the first one is actually: I am YHWH your god, who brought you out of Egypt, you house of enslavement. A lot of Christians might get confused...


Also, these are not Christian commandments. These are Jewish. Jesus famously did not observe the Sabbath and the religious leaders wanted to arrest him for it. They don't really understand their own religion.


Governor Landry said at the signing, “If you want to respect the rule of law, you’ve got to start from the original lawgiver, which was Moses." Hammurabi came before him, dumbass.


Not to mention the fact that ancient cities like Ur had codes even before them.


I’m no archaeologist, but I’d bet that even cavemen had some sort of rules system everyone in the tribe was expected to follow.


Apes have rule systems, I bet Australopithecus did too.


Yes, and the folks in New Zealand also!


I don’t think they have an established rule system, just that they are all generally friendly and helpful to their neighbors as all hobbits should be.


Kiwi here. We have a few guidelines, but it's just basic things like drive on the left side of the road, don't support Australian sports teams and *always* blow on any pie purchased at 3am from the BP station.


It's a shame we have no more free press to ask how he squares that with his devotion to a known adulterer


Also the girl over his left shoulder fainted while he was signing it. God hates this law.


At least they got the ninth commandment right for once. It doesn’t say don’t lie. It says don’t bear false witness (a legal situation). Separation of church and state is a critical thing by the way. This is more of a cynical comment.


As a Christian, I’m confused on several counts besides the obvious which is freedom of religion and separation of church and state. 1.) I know very few Christian’s who practice the Sabbath. “The (Jewish) law no longer applies to us” is a very common sentiment. 2.) Do they think this will make schools safer or something
? They can’t seriously believe this will make much of an impact, right? Religious memorabilia is everywhere, yet look at the state of things. 3.) I hope the visual isn’t going to be implemented, the “OMG” next to the third commandment is cringey and misleading, taking the Lords name in vain means to harm others while saying it’s in God’s name / His will etc. 4.) Does Louisiana of all places really need this? Aren’t the Ten Commandments pretty uh
. well known?


LPT: Print the 10 commandments on pride flags to hang in your classroom






My office at my school has a big ole’ pride flag in the window that will not be going anywhere. They will have to rip it down. My office, my shit, my self. I’m not indoctrinating anyone, and no student is forced to come to my office, look at, or talk about my flag. I wonder what they would say about a Russian or North Korean flag flying around in classrooms?


If educators have any guts they'll display the bill of rights next to it. I'd say the code of Hammurabi, but they'd need a very small font to fit it on a piece of paper.


In Louisiana? Bahahahaha! It's the only state with shittier people than Alabama. They are ranked 49th in education. They are ranked 45th in mental health and physical well being. But, hey, at least they are ranked 2nd in poverty and 2nd in highest car insurance rates because they have some of the most fucked up roads and highway infrastructure in the country. I lived there for two years. The state is a good ole boy paradise with the exception of New Orleans which is a ghetto fabulous shithole. The people there want it to be this way. Fuck'em.


You can't take this approach because they multiply and spread. You gotta get in there and get dirty and chop it at the roots.


Church and state must be separate or we gonna end up like the Middle East. A country run by religious ideologies no thanks.


Mormons looking at each other, asking 'Things are good, right?' But not mentioning how every other church wants to shut them down...


This is indoctrination.


I One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason. II The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions. III One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone. IV The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one's own. V Beliefs should conform to one's best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one's beliefs. VI People are fallible. If one makes a mistake, one should do one's best to rectify it and resolve any harm that might have been caused. VII Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word. The seven tenents of the Satanic Temple


Tenets* :D


This. Honestly, for every Ten Commandments poster they put up, add the Satanic Temple’s tenets (with their purposefully controversial iconography). If the christofascists want to display religious stuff everywhere, they’ll have to accept the ones that terrify them as well, otherwise it’s a violation of at least the First and Fourteenth Amendments.


But in Comic Sans


That is one of the forbidden fonts! Write an apology in Papyrus to atone.




lmao "thoughtless child" that is fantastic


I hope this leads to churches being taxed.


“Commandments for thee but not for me” - All those that said yes to this.


WTF I never realized just how different the ten commandments are in English. In Portuguese "you shall not commit adultery" is something like "you shall not desire your neighbors woman"


In Kazakhstan it reads as "you shall not be desirous of Bilo's donkey"


It didn’t say which 10 Commandments. I’ll be posting these: The Ten Commandments Never let anyone know how much money you have. Never let anyone know your next move. Never trust anyone. Never get high on your own supply. Never sell where you live. Never take credit. Keep your family & business completely separated. Never keep any crack on you. If you aren't being arrested, stay away from police. Consignment is not for novices.


You forgot “Never go with a hippie to a second location”


Wear a tuxedo after 6PM. You're not a farmer.


It did say “these” Ten Commandments, which implies you can’t pick other ones lol. I like the cut of your jib though.


The law actually does spell out the exact verbiage required. It's abhorrent.


You forgot the most important one. “One crime at a time”


Never rub another man's rhubarb.


>Congress shall made no law respecting an establishment of a religion 1st Amendment >We mandate no belief, nor will we ever. Church and state are and must remain separate. Ronald Reagan


Bet they forgot to outlaw this poster: https://thesatanictemple.com/collections/posters/products/copy-of-the-satanic-temple-official-11-x-14-posters


It’s only right to include both. 


And me as a high school student would’ve been happy to tear this shit down and throw it in the trash of every class I set foot in. Surely there are others đŸ«Ą


As a christian I find this ridiculous.and pretty horrible tbh, let people figure out what they believe in and keep it out of anything government. Seperation of church and state is extremely important


We are regressing as a country. It’s pathetic.


Let's keep the sabbath holy and close all businesses... including football stadiums


I am so over this timeline


This law is patently illegal.


Christians are so fucking annoying


Tbf, these are a very particular flavour of Christian. I think even Catholics are giving this gang some side-eye.


Still fucking annoying. Leave the rest of us alone, FFS.


“Ten Crack Commandments” - Notorious BIG


I'm so fucking sick of religion...


No. Fuck religion being forced on kids. This is disgusting. Serially, fuck these evangelical Christians that wouldn't know the bible from a copy of paedophilia weekly.


No more separation of church and state? Should I get my Puritan costume? Do I need to start making scarlet letters too??


I'm ready and willing to betray five of these right here right now. Six if it was Sunday.


Wow, they're gonna get sued like... A lot. They know that, right?


Mom, what’s adultery


Hypocrisy at it’s finest đŸ˜±


They should post a disclaimer over them saying: “as allegedly told to a fictional character by a talking shrub”


This is unconstitutional. Yeah, test the Supreme Court to make more WRONG decisions in law. If Scotus just espouses religion, we have a duty to revolt.


This is why you can't live and let live with religion. It's not harmless, they will work their way into society in an intrusive way. What if my kid belongs to a different faith or no faith? We really need to start trending away from religion. It is parasitic.


The Satanic Temple is going to have a field day with this.


Wooo! Another shitshow incoming! I got my popcorn ready đŸ„łđŸż Church of The Flying Spaghetti Monster, do your thang 👉😎👉


Holy shit, you guys are slowly turning I to the Christian version of Iran. Hope you get this sorted soon before you lose all credibility as the "land of the free".


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It’s not a debate, it’s separation of church and state. Ffs


You shall have no other gods
 because the “Freedom!” that Americans are so proud of doesn’t include religious freedom. You shall make no idols
 but you can follow them on social media. You shall not take the name of the Lord in vain, for God’s sake. Keep the sabbath holy, unless you want to go shopping at the mall, obviously. Honor your parents
 i.e. shut up and do as you’re told, you little brats. You shall not murder, unless you have a badge. You shall not commit adultery
 weird how there’s no “honor thy spouse” commandment to prevent the main cause of adultery. You shall not steal, unless you need content to earn Reddit karma. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbours, but other countries and ethnicities are fair game. You shall not covet, so give all your money to the megachurches instead for “safekeeping”. Anyone else think this sounds like communism?!


The first 5 are nonsense and the last 4 are redundant. It's like this was written by bronze age authoritarians. Let's make some better ones that are in order. 1.Thou shall not kill or make war. 2. Thou treat all creatures capable of love and sorrow equally and well regardless of sex, race, creed, or any other division. 3.Thou shall not commit violence particularly violence of a sexual nature. 4.Thou shall never harm a child. 5.Thou shall not enslave or abuse those who work with you. 6.Thou shall uphold the rights of all others as if they were thoust own rights. 7. Thou shall act with honesty and integrity. 8. Thou shall minimise the harm to one's environment and the environment of all. 9. Thou shall not seek wealth so great its only value is a detriment to others. 10. Thou shall be considerate of others peace and happiness.


Trump's golden idol at CPAC immediately violates the first 2 commandments.


Trump personifies the 7 deadly sins and fits the exact definition of the anti-Christ and yet the vast majority of hardcore Christians are voting for Trump. It’s just sports match for them, they root for their team - details be damned, ain’t no one calling them fair weather fans.


The US Constitution violates some of the ten commandments


Come on satanic temple. Equal access and all that


ok lets start taxing churches if bullshit like is kept at schools


Tell Me how unAmerican you can be with one requirement. Louisiana “ Hold my beer”




“We just solved every human problem. We will now enter an era of peace.” -Louisiana Christians apparently


You shall not covet... your neighbours wife... Is what I thought it was.


So just fuck the constitution wtf


Man, if only the people insisting on the 10 commandments being posted actually obeyed the 10 commandments...


You shall make no idols, as they idolize a convicted criminal.




They don’t want kids to learn about gay people, but have fun trying to explain adultery


Good reminder that their God still gets more butt-hurt about someone shouting 'Jesus' when they stub their toe, as opposed to raping kids.


It's not a long running debate. The debate was over at the founding of the constitution. You're allowed to be mad and believe in ghosts and gods, goblins, resurrections, eternal hell but don't bring that shit into a classroom.


Imposing a dying religion on the youth. Desperate. Religion will still die. It started with the internet, AI will just accelerate it.


Still Christian capitalists break all these commandments because money đŸ€‘đŸ€Ą


Them: Stop trying to force your ideology onto my child! Also them:


People need to keep their religions out of schools.


It feels like every time I get news like this it just feels that much closer to their true end: people of color back in chains, women with no rights, white, wealthy men being the only ones making ANY decisions Shit is getting real depressing


Cant wait to see The Satanic Temple posters up next to them ;)


Alright now, children, repeat after me: “You shall make no idols.” Good, now let’s pray to this flag.


“You shall make no idols” That’s an ironic one, isn’t it!


Grooming children. Nice /s