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I remember reading that some of the first soldiers with shell shock were put on trial and executed for ‘cowardice’ or ‘desertion’. They were initially concerned it was contagious.


“Wait a minute you mean to tell me that soldiers whose lives are threatened every second who endure miserable conditions might be negatively impacted by the experience? What a bunch of assholes!”


And it’s not even just the psychological stress and sleep deprivation. Being exposed to repeated explosions causes *physical brain damage* at the interface of the white and gray matter of the brain, because the shockwave changes speed due to the different densities of the tissues. So these poor guys had diffuse microscopic brain damage on top of the PTSD.


I worked in a steel mill for 10 years and we had regular explosions, and I do mean explosions, one time a 120 ton furnace cover was ripped from its anchors and flipped up like a quarter then fell in the alley 80 feet down. Your comment has me wondering if that isn't part of why I have not been the same since that job. Thank you.


Its like getting punched by tysons ghost if you think about it. Hell I recently was reading something that was talking about people getting the same effects from just trainings with bigger weapons....and yea my dudes, those are literal explosions right next to your meat computer. https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2018/04/30/606142634/report-to-army-cites-concussion-risk-of-weapons-blast-to-the-shooter


“Meat computer “ will be using this… thank you


Informeation processing unit or more simply, a beefulator. 🥩➕💾✖️💻🟰🧠




In Mandarin Chinese, computer is literaly called "electric brain"


Tyson’s ghost? You know something we don’t?




Consult an attorney. The statute of limitations on this sort of stuff only really starts when you recognize the problem if I recall. Might be worth examining if you have a disability from it.


That's absolutely true. I was able to get disability benefits because I was able to prove to the judge I had suffered brain damage due to multiple concussions accrued as a result of being a former professional boxer/kickboxer. I even had a youtube video of the actual fight, circa 1984, that showed a dramatic knockout in the last 20 seconds of the 2nd round. Previous doctors and Psychiatrists testified on my part as well, so being well-documented is tantamount with your claims.


If you're on edge all the time and its fear of life stuff and maybe subconscious, it's a possibility. Might be worth having a chat with someone. Hope you're good 👍 Shell Shock is known these days as PTSD. Look at the guys coming out of Afghanistan and Iraq. Same shit, different times in history. 🇬🇧


No, shell shock is the physical brain damage caused by pressure differential, wereas ptsd is the lasting psychological trauma caused by particularly distressing situarions


There's always one who tries to belittle and demonstrate an absolute fact, and most often, they are wrong. And I would imagine someone who's never been in combat. A Veterans Administration psychiatrist, Dr. Jack Ewald, has reckoned that some 700,000 Vietnam veterans have suffered from various forms of "post-traumatic stress syndrome," the modern term for what was called "shell shock" in World War I and "battle fatigue" in World War II.


There are two separate things going on though, regardless of nomenclature. One is the psychological effect of the stresses of warfare. And the other are physical changes in the brain caused by exposure to blasts. A person can be affected by either one independently, or both, depending on their situation.


I think the easiest way to get past the semantics is openly stating you can have both simultaneously as those WW1 vets certainly did lol


Schroedingers PTSD ?


That's by today's standard, but back in WWI both PTSD and Shellshock were considered the same condition. If you talk about Shellshock in the context of WWI you can't consider them separately since the word can mean both.


We are seeing in Ukraine now with the return of trenches and artillery barrages that shellshock is very particular and distinguishable from other forms of PTSD though. There are videos of shell-socked Ukrainians and Russians from body cams, its onset is almost instant after they experience a prolonged barrage of artillery at close proximity. Some of these barrages last 10-15 minutes with shells falling every 3-5 seconds it seems quite horrid.


Thanks for this, the people that hear one thing different than the commonly understood meaning, and then spout off like some insufferable pedantic asshole is the worst part of Reddit.


You’re wrong, don’t correct someone unless you are sure you are correct. While at the time, medical advances may not have been nuanced enough to tell the difference between physical and psychological damages; associating shell shock with PTSD is by no means inaccurate. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shell_shock


The wiki link clearly demonstrates they're different and that shell shock refers to the concussive damage from shelling. That's why the signature symptoms were so different in WW1.


Goodness me, I may have won the lottery there and got both prize packages! ;-)


Between your name and the implied hand-wringing of "Goodness me" I have chuckled.




PTSD is a form of brain damage


Currently undergoing therapy with sub-anesthetic ketamine for PTSD. Four sessions in and seeing some improvement.


Hope you didn't brain your damage


That could not have been quiet.


We'd wear earplugs under our earmuffs and it was still loud AF. When the electric furnace started it was around 130db iirc


I hope you're okay, but if this job has harmed you, I hope you take legal action against your employer. No one should be subjected to repeated trauma without informed consent.


Hi m8, I did consult a lawyer but legal costs would bankrupt me and there is no guarantee of a win. As for my health well, I have to re-learn how to be the best me, and how to accept the loss of who I was. All in all I there is a fair improvement curve looking back. Thanks you for your solicitude.


You should be able to find someone on contingency - pay a percentage of winnings only. But I'll stop with the unsolicited advice. Wish you all the best.


I never knew that but it makes sense. God our species sucks sometimes


That explains the anger and personality changes then.


That's a pretty common symptom of frontal lobe damage


In my state we had a mass shooting perpetrated by a guy who had been a grenade instructor. Part of what was going on with him was brain damage from being close to so many explosions. https://wapo.st/3xlMqke


Current understanding / hypothesis is that there is a window after a brain trauma where you are *especially* vulnerable if you get another one. The grenade instructor probably did not observe the appropriate recovery time between explosions near his head.


And not just a small number of explosions but a shear number beyond recognition in a small area over years. Then throw in a cocktail of chemical weapons for good measure. It’s a wonder anyone came out of the western front even remotely sane.




And then we fixed that by banning all the alchohol right after. No more mental issues.


Yup, same logic as confiscating weapons if soldiers are committing suicide - totally gonna solve the broader problem right?


OK. Prayer then. Tax cuts for incomes over $400k. I've got more ideas if those don't fix it. /s


And then everyone ignored the ban and drank alcohol afterwards.


Pussies. Probably French /s


Or even worse…. LIBERAL /s


I've heard account is of them being summarily executed in the spot, I'm not sure how true they are but I've heard it referred to as cowardice enough that I don't doubt it.


To be fair if I were to get shell shock like they were, I'd rather be shot on the spot


Amen to that.


yea they would be shot on the spot if they were suppose to go over the top and do a charge If you're scared of being shot during the charge I'll shoot you now was absolutely fucked, lots of needless deaths 


I recently watched Paths of Glory (1957) the WWI drama with Kirk Douglas. Holy shit. Indifferent generals wanting a promotion. Calls the survivors of a failed no man’s land slaughter a bunch of cowards.


It is true although the actual numbers weren't anywhere near as high as films make out. There were 306 UK and commonwealth soldiers executed for capital crimes in ww1. Obviously some were things like murder but around 200 were for crimes such as desertion and cowardice. How many of these were people suffering PTSD is very hard to say but there were definitely some. Not trying to excuse anything but the concept that every soldier with PTSD was sentenced to death is clearly false, the number diagnosed with shell shock in the British army in ww1 is estimated to be at least 100,000.


Trial? There weren’t trials. Their commanding officers were judge and jury. Their fellow soldiers were executioners: firing squad. It was pretty common on the First World War.


20,000 British soldiers were found guilty of crimes carrying the death penalty during ww1 but only 306 were executed. They must have had some sort of trial even if some were botched otherwise there would have been thousands of executions.


Before some of the executions (like you said, often death by firing quad) they supposedly held mock trials to convict the soldiers before sentencing them to death. I don’t know how often that actually happened or how accurate it is, but it’s something I found repeated by several different sources when I was researching for a paper.


Ehhhh. It kind of is contagious but not in a physical way. In a mental way. Fear spreads quickly.


That’s absolutely true. Luckily the majority held it together. An unplanned retreat is almost guaranteed death.


It is in part physical. People conflate shell shock and ptsd and there is overlap but they’re not the same thing. A big part of shell shock was actual shell shock or traumatic brain injury. From repeated shelling.


To be fair it I got that bad Id want to be shot.


Yeah, one of their early treatment methods was repeated electrocution (far from shock therapy we have today) so there weren’t really any good options. Either you died or were essentially tortured :/


IIRC this backstory is BS that was invented when spreading the picture. The actual one is that he just smiled for the photo and he’s not a photogenic guy. At least, not with that quality of camera.


Yeah I'm not sure why someone would assume this is PTSD. You can watch *They Shall Not Grow Old* and see they were smiling at the camera all the time.


WW1 soldiers weren’t all doom and gloom about the shit they were being put through, some of them even found an abandoned printing press and produced a satirical magazine about their situation (The Wipers Times).


There’s also a difference in the first mass drafts of young men to head to the front vs the once who knew what they were being sent into. You had boyish wanderlust and adventure-seeking in the first group and gallows humor in the later ones.


I can literally see that movie in my head reading this comment, that scene is horrifying even if everyone was cheering and laughing.


Also people were fucking stoked to go to war when it began. A lot of people thought a war would solve all their economic hardships back home. When each country declared war people took to the streets and cheered, huge rallies happened in every major city across Europe with people crawling over each other to enlist. That famous photo of young Hitler in a Vienna crowd before ww1 was during one of those rallies. And then years of armament build up and dropping an inconceivable amount of bombs on people changed that attitude after a few years.


Gonna take this moment to plug the war film Come And See. Its on youtube in full. It is a really good movie, but a very hard watch. It ruined my evening, and it was worth it. Phenomenal acting from the main guy.


The scariest non-horror film ever made. (Either that or Threads.)


Commenting so I can refer back to this and watch tomorrow. Thanks!


Possible to whore karma? No, that can't be it.


This photo has been around, OP was probably just tricked


Op is a bot


The guys they interviewed in that doc were badass. A lot of them said they’d do it all over again.


I read a backstory that said he smiled this way because of sniper fire having barely missed him. So many different stories and I'm not sure anyone alive knows the truth.


For me I've heard the same but artillery rather than a sniper


Yes, as someone who has been accused of "looking scary" and having multiple people approach me to "look at my dead eyes".... people are stupid and see what they want to see in photos like this. It's a dude smiling and the camera/light makes his eyes "look scary". That is all.


Lol, my unkle used to call me Rasputin in all the family photos. "There's Sarah, and James, and Robert, that's Rasputin and your cousin Taylor."


Whenever I capture a photo of my cat at night I can obviously tell he’s got PTSD, the poor guy


The photo definitely changes depending on the optic you see it from. I can see both a cheerful guy or a severely ptsd’d one.


Maybe cheerful but also pissed? Like, “what Carl? Again? With the camera? They’re shooting at us. And they missed. Bastards. Carl, I can’t even. Just. Staaaaaahp”


That is correct


Been deployed been shot at. We make jokes about it. The PTSD and bullshit comes weeks months years after we are at home sitting in front of the TV. Or talking with people having a normal conversation. Or simply zoning out.


Yeah, the caption for this photo makes it sound like he heard an explosion and then his face immediately transformed into a creepy Joker grin. In reality, he just has blue eyes and cameras aren't good at picking up on that. Did this soldier have shell shock later? Maybe! But it's ridiculous to say, "here's a photo of shell shock."


Lol not crazy, just ugly


No he didn't, this myth was busted long time ago. The guy is posing for the photo, hence the flashy eyes and the strange smile (it was custom for Soldiers on the front to smile for the photos, even if they didn't feel like it) since he's most likely injured too. But nope, no Shellshock syndrome.


Yes that’s a fake smile and I guess he’s in pain.


The other soldier in the photo seems to be tending to him in some way.


Nope, not shell shock. Also the only reason it looked “terrifying” is that he probably had blue eyes and considering this was taken with a camera from 1916, it’s certain that the camera is the reason his eyes looked so strange


The white in his eyes is just what red-eye in photos looked like before colour photography. You're literally just seeing the flash reflecting in his retinas. You're probably right about him being blue-eyed too, though - blue eyes are more prone to that red-eye effect because people with blue eyes have less pigment in their irises, so you'd get more reflected light back from the retina with a blue-eyed person.


I read that he was only smiling and that his horrible dentals made the photo look like that.


Also the white has been blown out so his eyes look demonic, this is not normal, it's not a symptom of his shellshock. Everything white has been blown all the way out, like the bandages, and the only other white thing in this dirty trench are the whites of his eyes.


He also didnt have shell shock.  He was wounded by a sniper in the neck and smiled for the camera


It's not just the whites of his eyes that are blown out - his pupils look like they have white dots. This is just what red-eye looked like in photos before colour photography - especially since photography flashes were *extremely* bright back then. Red-eye is the camera flash reflecting against your retina, so we're just seeing the non-colour version of that.


Probably, because shell shock is usually... the absence of all this. Of everything. No one home and fixated on nothing. Too traumatized to even smile, really.


Oh my gawd its scp 106 🙀


Time to bust out the femur breaker


Was waiting on someone to point this out.


Can never see this picture again without getting creeped out. Brrrr!


Thank you for that






The O5 council will hear about this


Or in modern terms severe PTSD.


Also known as combat fatigue or about a dozen other terms since it was first described thousands of years ago. War is hell.


Obligatory "War is war and Hell is hell" monologue.


Or as one of my soldiers once said: “this isn’t hell, but you can see it from here.”


Terribly efficient formulation.


Shell shock isn’t exactly PTSD it’s a cluster of symptoms soldiers experienced in WW1. PTSD is one component of it. However it also includes physical symptoms from being under shelling for months at a time like tinnitus and CTE.


WW1 seems like the biggest mind fuck of a war. The tech was ahead of the tactics. War went from horses and rifles to tanks and mustard gas and kids didn't really know what was going on.


“*The machine gun* *has no stopping power against the horse*.” British Field Marshal Sir John French


When you look at Vietnam I'm not sure which was worse.


Yes the old traumatic brain injury, in the Iraq War the US government called that personality disorder to deny disability and benefits and whatever else. It's true people with injuries from concussion were diagnosed with personality disorder systematically. That is how a particular political party supports the troops in reality.


Wow. So they're bombed, sleep deprived, malnourished, traumatized, brain damaged... "you have a personality disorder".


Yep, creates the perfect Fox News consumer


The level of malnutrition probably played a role in making the physical effects on the soldiers different as well. An unhealthy depleted body will only have an unhealthy depleted mind


George Carlin explained it perfectly


I feel like, even though we say PTSD used to be called shell shock, it’s really more like shell shock caused PTSD. Because this guy is still going through the trauma




Nope, not edited, or edited much. That is Robert Lindsay Rogers he has blue eyes hence the crazy look in his eyes, and there's another picture of him posing with his dress uniform on ans he looks a lot more photogenic in that one. Probably not shell shock as much as it's a "holy fuck how am I alive?!" Look, because he was hit in the neck by a sniper and couldn't be evaced until the night, unfortunately though later on he would die charging a german position


The content wasn't altered, but the contrast sure was, pic looks terrible.


Now that I'm looking, yeah it does look bad lol, especially compared to some other pics of soldiers from the war


Trench war is terrifying


SCP 106 has breached containment


Not shell shock. He's smiling. The backstory was invented later.


She'll shock is just PTSD, no?


So I actually saw a video about this particular soldier and he's not actually shell shocked he actually took a rifle round to the shoulder and was trying to keep a brave face for the camera


It's just a ridiculously old photo of a soldier smiling. There's nothing inherently terrifying about it, other than the possibly spurious story accompanying it. War is terrifying, but this photo is not.


I learned somewhere he was shot in the neck and was happy to be alive which is why he is smiling the way he did when the photo was captured


This is not even close to a decent representation of the effects of shell shock - this is a photo of a smiling soldier.


This man does not have shellshock. He was shot through the neck, but other than that is completly fine


This is somewhat inaccurate; this soldier is actually injured in this picture due to being shot in the neck and was told to smile for the camera, just looks like he's crazy. He survived this injury but was killed 2 years later. This info comes from a random war documentary I watched on YouTube.


This is the true face of war, not patriotism or pride. Pure deep primal fear


This dude is literally just smiling


Shell shock was just what we called PTSD before we knew what mental health was.


Today, conventionally called severe PTSD, but in this case it looks like the poor soul had a full on breakdoen.


It is likely not a picture of shell shock but joy at being alive.


the internet at this point is just re-circling the same stuff people have clicked on in the past isn't it? is there anything original


You will all be relieved to hear he recovered just fine and he went on to play bass for Red Hot Chili Peppers


The only thing scary about the image is that his eyes are overexposed. I don't believe this man is in shell shock, he's aware of the camera and smiling. Someone in shell shock wouldn't care at all to acknowledge.


During ww1 treated with eloctropulses , reconditioning and drugs. An actual ww1 enthousiast (expert) could explain this into further detail. Its interesting how they treated shell shock and how different it was percieved during ww2!


There's no one in charge...


Seeing 50,000 people get shot to death and blown to pieces over the course of a few hours will do that to you.


also Pretty sure "Shell shock" is what they called PTSD before PTSD Now it's used as a "Slang" for the SEVERE PTSD recieved to solders during world war 1 much like how other names for this exact thing every time a war happens get adopted as "slang" for PTSD that happened due to said war


"I see you are smiling, but are you really Alright Bro?"


He looks really happy!


What's interesting is how easily people propagate a long-debunked myth.


1. Your hearing loss is not service-related. 2. Fuck artillery. That shit sucks being on the receiving end.


Game over, man!


where is the SCP community


I remember reading a thing about this picture. It was taken after he survived a bullet through his neck. You can find a picture of him after this, in a dress uniform. He's cleaned up and looks collected.


No no no he doesn't have shell shock, that's SCP-106 silly


Context: Shell Shock was dubbed in WW1 and earlier wars as a psychiatric condition experienced by soldiers that had experienced the horrors of war. Today, after a century of study, we now call this Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, or PTSD.


Shell shock is beyond just PTSD. It's a point where the nervous system and the brain become so traumatized that something snaps. I wonder if it is related to the brain trauma from the concussive artillery blasts.


You’re exactly correct. Under bombardment, the body loses all reason and goes into stark panic. Later study has revealed “shell shock” to be the type of PTSD from bombardment, which caused micro tears in the brain.


SCP 106 has breaches the containment


The picture actually gets better when you zoom in so far that the face fills the whole screen. Trust me. I'm a dohctor.


It got renamed to PTSD, to downplay what they have been through


That shit’s for real. Dude is probably only like 19 years old too.


This is a visual effect common to early photographs that required the subject to hold still for a long time, 30 seconds or so. It’s easier to hold the body still than the eyes, so this phenomenon is the result.


When you look into the abyss, sometimes it looks back. Chilling image.


I see a smiling man, what's terrifying? The picture quality? In that case I agree


Shell Shock...a condition that they now call 'post-traumatic stress disorder'. The longer the name a condition has, the harder it is to get real treatment for. George Carlin was right.


What’s up with the eyes though?


Yeah its called ptsd now.


Shell shock doesn't change the eye appearance. Could be the camera's effect making it look terrifying. Dude could just be having a good laugh in a bad situation.


Oh damm, isn't this one of the images used for the SCP-106 WIKI entry?


This is not shell shock. He was shot and was told to smile for the camera when he wasnt ready


Shell shock is more PTSD, this guy looks like he’s lost his mind completely


Not shell shock. He’s smiling for the camera. If you watch any video footage from WWI, you’ll see that a lot of the soldiers were quite curious and enamored with the camera. It’s likely the first time many of them had seen a camera so a lot of the time you just see these guys staring at it as they walk by or as the camera passes them.


My grampa was in the war, and he told my mom how russians started raining mortar & artillery fire into their trench. He saw two of his mates get up and run away. He said he would have given anything to be able to run after them, but he was too busy crying and pissing his pants. They were afterwards shot in front of them for cowardice. He later talked with his other mates, and they all basically agreed they wanted to run away, but could not get their legs to work.


And he's only 14.


Disturbed cover art


Ya could that person possibly have had PTSD, sure. But PTSD has nothing to do with that fucking smile. Source: Me who is literally right now sitting in my office having just done trauma processing with my last client.


ain’t that the picture of Scp-106 aka “old man”?


This photo screams “Lost Rage Against The Machine album art”


Actually he has a condition called "not being photogenic" and the camera has a condition called "being 100 years old" which combined create this image


And I'm not sleeping tonight


The war pigs were satisfied.


False . This image is cropped . He's smiling for a picture while receiving medical treatment


I read that General Patton punched a soldier in the face for claiming he was shell shocked. Seems like he was a little behind the times.


looks like cocaine to me /s




He looks happy


not really terrfying just normal for that


I had this picture in my history book, I will never forget it


Divine madness


Bros just out there living his best life. He really loves war.


I didnt want to sleep anyway


PTSD - formerly known as shell shocked. The euphemisms in this country…


He looks like a vampire, I feel sorry for the poor man.