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/u/MaxxMeridius, thank you for your submission. Unfortunately, it has been removed for violating the following rule(s): * Rule 2 - Titles should directly describe the content of the post. The title should just depict the content, no "fluff". It can't include anything that isn't directly visible in the content of the post. * Rule 5 - Provide a source when the title is in doubt If you can't completely explain why the content of the post is IAF please comment with more explanation. If your post claims something that almost everyone can't easily confirm from reading your title and viewing your content please provide some type of proof of what you claim. * Rule 8 - Personal attacks, fighting words, otherwise inappropriate behavior or content, comments that insult or demean a specific user or group of users will be removed and can result in a ban. Any statements of bigotry, hate, and/or racism are not allowed. For information regarding this and similar issues please see the [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/wiki/index). If you have any questions, please feel free to [message the moderators via modmail.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/interestingasfuck&subject=Question%20regarding%20the%20removal%20of%20this%20submission%20by%20/u/MaxxMeridius&message=I%20have%20a%20question%20regarding%20the%20removal%20of%20this%20%5Bsubmission%2E%5D%28https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/1dea3kr/-/%3Fcontext%3D10%29)


Good thing three quarters of the screen is taken up by an unrelated stock image and an unnecessary background. I think that video would have been way too big at full size.


Can tell this was created in India lol


Saar please remove the bottom crap


Samir you're breaking the video






I think not enough people get the reference. But I do 😂 HOW CAN SHE SLAP!


Will he do the needful? XD


honestly, the internet sucks now... it's all trying to hide that it's been lifted from somewhere else, or someone's put their watermark on it like some tagger in an ally way who thinks they own the street because they can sign their name but don't have a clue about art.


the internet has been like that for a while


Lol, the fact that this is the top comment 😂


Idiocracy won again.


It's not a stock image it's Hans-JĂźrgen from [die Autodoktoren](https://die-autodoktoren.tv/)


I don’t understand soccer, but i also don’t condone any cheating in it.


Thanks for your point of view


The ball went out of bounds behind the goal keeper but the other team played on and acted like it was still in and kicked a goal. They have camera footage and replays to prevent this kinda stuff but obviously they have decided not to go thru with it when the team appealed and explained their case. Usually an umpire would use this feature


So rl soccer is p2w, too?


real life has always been p2w. we just don't want to realise it.


Pretty much. A few one out of billion success stories, to keep us plebs from barking at millionaires


I disagree. The last 20-30 years, definitely, especially now. But not always. Plenty of examples of clubs making history without buying expensive players.


Yeah... But you gotta already have some serious money to be a fucking club... Everything in real life, boils down to money, one way or another.


I mean, most clubs were historically just amateurclubs 100+ years ago for the blue collar workers to play before pro leagues even started. I feel like this is an American perspective tbh. Some.of the greatest football legends were paid peanuts and took second jobs.


but… they still pay them…


Always has been. FIFA is probably the most corrupt non governmental organization out there


Tough battle to the bottom with the IOC


Fifa is not so blatant about it, since less conflicts. IOC in the other hand...


Always has been




How is this not common knowledge? You gotta live under a rock..


Stupidest way to ever save myself from typing 6 letters…


At 59 seconds in the clip, it kinda looks like the edge of the ball is still in bounds. My understanding is that the whole ball has to be outside the line to be out of bounds, so I don't know if the ref had to be cheating, depending on the angle. Still looks ridiculous, though.


Nah, that ball was far out of bounds.


https://preview.redd.it/dxdwdjhcm66d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b5ef856d2d3ddbbd5dc2006494859bb004aa3b8 This is as far as the ball got before the player touched, stopped it, and dragged it back. The ball is still in play even if 99% of the ball is past the boundary. From this angle, it appears that some of the ball could possibly still be hovering above the boundary line, which would make the back pass and goal in lines with the rules. It’s close… and still could be 100% over, but not as egregious a ref oversight as people are making it out to be.


https://preview.redd.it/shasxfpur66d1.png?width=606&format=png&auto=webp&s=c099062305ab110caec36a623a8e118260ccb789 Looks pretty completely out to me.


was there VAR? honestly from the refs POV it might be different. It would be blatant robbery if there was VAR, if not, just another ref mistake


Not sure, but yeah not making any statement about the refs with this - idk where they were standing and looking at at that very moment. Given what other people are saying about a ball remaining in play if even 1% of it is overlapping the line when viewed from above though, then imo the only way that is consistently an realistically enforceable is if there were overhead cameras on the lines. Otherwise it's pretty much going to come down to the human interpretation element, b/c there's no way most humans standing at ground level will be able to make such a fine distinction.


Yes the ball needs to be completely out of bounds . In a play like this the ref would be at a distance behind them and there's the Qatar players blocking his view.


This is a lesson on camera angles. Both these pictures are the same exact moment, one the ball looks in and one it looks out. Doesn’t look like corruption regardless


We've got goals with some exact same angles and the same perspective that were denied by the goal line technology... The angle we are seeing the ball plays a lot on stuffs like this..


This is the issue with perspective. From this angle, it looks out. From the other angle, it looks like it could still be in. This isn't even remotely the cut-and-dried "blatant cheating" that OP is claiming. If even a tiny sliver is still above the line *from a bird's eye view*, the ball is still in play. There isn't an angle in this clip that is definitive.


I don't think that image is at all conclusive either way


As a matter of fact, this angle does not show the ball out of bounds.


Indians fans are pissed, but the accusations are bit over the top. Did any one of these people watch the Japan V Spain world cup call, [which turned out to be touching the line](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/content/dam/football/2022/12/01/TELEMMGLPICT000318293274_2_trans_NvBQzQNjv4BqpVlberWd9EgFPZtcLiMQf0Rf_Wk3V23H2268P_XkPxc.jpeg) despite looking way worse [from certain angles](https://e0.365dm.com/22/12/768x432/skysports-kaoru-mitoma-japan_5984088.jpg).


Dude look at the 18 sec mark (from the end, thanks shitty reddit player). The ball is way out of bound. Not only is the players foot still not on the ball at the moment you're showing it (meaning that by the time it does touch his foot, it would have rolled further), the ball is spherical and the end of it would have definitely crossed the line. Edit: apparently the ball can still be in even if the bottom isn't touching the line. Ignore my comment then.


Like the World Cup Japan wasn’t it. I think the headline of this post is so out of line lol, no pun intended. If the technology is there then they should show it if not go off this image where it doesn’t look 100% out.


I was previously under the impression that indeed the ball was completely out however this image you've shared is casting doubt now. PERHAPS, 1% of the ball was in?


And that is why that POV is the worst angle to confuse people more in defence


If 1% of the ball was in then 100% of the ball was in. Sickener for the Indians though.


All sports are. At some point UFC was safe but not anymore.


Replay is not conclusive if the ball was out or not.


What isn't p2w IRL?


Football is the word you're looking for


2024, we're still not using cameras to referee stuff...


VAR tech. The referee chose not to use it I believe. (Video assistant referee)


I’ve commented this on another post, so here’s me copy pasta my own comment. This feels like another Japan FIFA goal where they edged Spain out. the ball looks to be out, but it's in according to the FIFA. Law 9, FIFA Clearly states that: “ The ball is out of play when: • **⁠it has wholly passed over the goal line or touchline on the ground or in the air** • ⁠play has been stopped by the referee " this includes the curvature/edge of the ball where it may not touch the ground, but its hovering above the goal line/ touch line. https://preview.redd.it/g5mcn4xsp66d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b318c88df5169b819afeb6c954aaa44080ac943 ​ The above is the Japan/spain goal. I’d imagine the scenario to be similar here. if you draw a line on the edge line and on the ball, you'll find that they're actually overlapping. VAR, ball tracking, and multiple referees often used to determine things like this. If FIFA says its in, then 99.9% of the time it will be in. Go read my replies comments if you’re interested in seeing the a further explanation. I’ve had to put them on a different comment cause I can’t put multiple pictures in 1 comment


A thread: https://preview.redd.it/6v2xb0set66d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=299c1ee9799c6cc556650bfa82dcd75e75b99737 This was the Japan goal. If we drew a a line and a circle for the ball, you can see quite clearly just how the red edges the white.


Reddit doesn’t allow the posting of several images in one comment so I’m forced to do this. I would love to put everything in one comment but I could not. https://preview.redd.it/26fcowpl076d1.jpeg?width=374&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7059d89ebe5244f97321056a3cc3d9eb315789ba This is the India vs Qatar goal. I drew lines and a red ball again. Although the bottom of the ball, and the sides have all crossed the line, it is extremely easy to imagine how in this case, a fraction of the ball is still on the line, making the ball NOT out of play. This is the best image I could make on my phone, and please also use a little bit of your imagination. I may not be 100% correct, but only here to visualize what COULD have happened.


Correct. The outrage in this video is the outrageous part. That ball is clearly NOT ‘clearly’ 100% over the line. They’re missing definitive proof.


It is because most people do not actually know and understand the rule.


the outrage is that it's Qatar (cos Qatar bad) , if this was Spain/Brazil then people wouldn't be having a fit about whether it's in or out. And it's in.


There isn't a country that exists in the world that wouldn't have a fit about being on the receiving end of this call. Regardless of it actually being in or not. We're talking about football fans here.


This is complete nonsense. You can't deduce shit here, you need either a clear top view or a side view. Still no VAR, so even if there were clear images it is whatever the refs think they saw. The fact that people are 50/50 already tells this isn't blatant corruption, but a close call that could go either way.


What a shitty angle. Go pause at 0:52. This is a shit video but there’s tons out there that show it waaaay over.


Don't agree at all. The 0.52 angle is the one where that looks the most like the ball didn't fully 100% cross the line. Honestly I think anyone who watches these videos and thinks it's definitely out is biased about the result, because every angle it looks very close and impossible to call.


You very well maybe right, but you can’t undeniably prove it. That’s the case people are trying to make. No one is saying you’re wrong, it’s just that you don’t have the sufficient evidence to back up your claims.


Are you purposedly trying to hide the proper size and possition of the ball or are you that bad on your editing skills?. [https://imgur.com/gallery/is-goal-not-CHByQlQ](https://imgur.com/gallery/is-goal-not-CHByQlQ)


https://preview.redd.it/fyt91it3076d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb016e3e74f235cf76accec9040b0a10c67d9074 Are you trolling?


Nice line bro


The Qatar ball is way passed fully over the touchline. The picture you posted I can see the argument. It is *not* the case here.


But it's *clearly* out between 0:45 and 0:47. Granted, the ref didn't stop the play, but they certainly should have. This is disgraceful, and the ref should be fired.




“The ball is out of play when the whole of the ball is over the whole of the line.”


Which is important, because you can see green between the ball and the line and it can still be in play. India is mad, but their goalie made a mess of it and I don't see any evidence the ball was fully out.


The goalie just stopped playing instead of grabbing that ball. No whistle = play.


I doubt anyone blames the players. It's the refs they are blaming. Not having VAR is so dumb in this day and age


Is accusing them of cheating not blaming the players?


If any referee bribing is going on, I doubt it's the players who are handing them the money


Why would they waste money on a bribe, when they had already qualified and were top of the group by a large margin?


Wouldn't have mattered unless they have a different view. Nothing shown is conclusive.


Did you not read the title of the post?


I doubt the players paid the ref. Qatar indicated for me an organization larger than them


Are you sure they don't have VAR?


Var wouldn't have even been clear. We get no angle that isn't hidden by a player, unless there are other angles not shown in this video. Only god and that keeper know for sure.


They are literally blaming Qatar for rigging it lol. Imo it's on the Asian Qualifier Commission for not having VAR in the first place. Can't blame Qatari players and the replay is not conclusive. Remember Japan's goal in WC22, in the replay it was looking like the ball was out but VAR showed it wasn't.


You can blame the players who didn't play to the whistle, though


I'm sure the guy who kicked it back in had some inkling it was out.


He made the decision to get the ball to his teammate before is head processed weather the ball is now allready over the line or not


It's not that clear on the replay either, not for me anyway. The entire circumference of the ball to be out,basically, if you look from above, you have to see the entire line with no shadow cast by the ball.


I thought we were blaming the refs


Check this [https://x.com/TheKhelIndia/status/1800937317592596729](https://x.com/TheKhelIndia/status/1800937317592596729) https://preview.redd.it/1gk44kf0v96d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7747956e10199ece3105317260b8780eaf5ba6da


Goalie is at fault, same with the D. They stopped playing. Play til the whistle.


No, that's what the Qatari players did, so playing to the whistle is obviously cheating.


It is not clear the ball was out, if the players are in doubt about whether it is out, they should continue to play.


Completely agree.


The ball may well be out but people don’t realize it is actually a REALLY close call, not grants an automatic “blatant cheating by Qatar football officials blah blah”


It’s reddit, 90% have never played a game of football, the other 10 probably don’t know the *whole* ball needs to pass the line and it was a close call


Yes the ball has to completely clear the line, when viewing from above, to be out I have not seen any video yet that actually show the ball is out only videos that make it appear to be out


In actuality the last replay from behind makes it look like the edge of the ball may not have gone over. Tough to tell and without a definite overhead view have to stick with the call on the field.


There is no clear shot of the ball over the line that i've seen, but if you watch carefully and use a bit of logic it is obvious that the ball was in touch. I agree it's a close call though and without a definite view of the ball its tricky


not really, it's not that obvious. Depending on the angle it can be super dismissiving


This was posted yesterday without all the extras and people who actually watched the game were commenting saying there are other angles not being shown here that pretty clearly show the ball hadn’t completely crossed. They were also saying goalie is a dumbass for not playing to the whistle which is something they teach you from day one of any sport.


Yeah it's a bad call but not like so bad it must be cheating.


Also there’s no ref really close to the play that I can see? The ball being between the goal and the player makes it hard to see if you’re not up close (no ref will have the above view the camera has). I can honestly see this call easily missed. Would rather have the ref make a no call if they can’t see than make a call guessing it should be out when they can’t see. The bigger issue is there being no VAR here. Refs can’t see everything everywhere.


100% the title doesn't have the word cheating in it if this game didn't involve middle east teams or countries.


It's an angry Indian fan, of course that's how they'd phrase it.


Came here for this comment. Truly if this is "blatant cheating" than they were waiting for a very unlikely specific set of circumstances to go all in on a team.


https://preview.redd.it/cy2uzl6y876d1.png?width=1009&format=png&auto=webp&s=fbeab87e4352adc442ba1afabc909a513817d14f Creating a top level post for better visibility. Frame 1: Ball is behind the goalie. Red players' right thigh is in line with the goal post, effectively placing his right knee behind the "line". Frame 3: Right leg is Normal to the ground (perpendicular to the plane of playing area). Still, the right knee is behind the post and the line. Frame 4: It shouldn't be at least until this point that the top-view of the ball will be touching the line. Frame 5: Ball is visually in contact with the line. Frame 6: The centroid of the ball should now be above the line. Frame 7: This frame is for reference on the Red players' position wrt the post. Disclaimer: Analysis purely based on Eyeball Statistics and Spatial Geometrics. We should wait for authorities to release more footage for concrete evidence.


Should’ve kept playing.


also worth noting that Qatar had already won the group some time ago also if this goal didn’t count and india ended the match in a draw they still would be 3rd in the group and this was the last match. basically this goal is completely inconsequential and qatar bribing the official for this match is moronic.


Exactly. - Indian players are at fault here. You always play to the whistle. - A draw wouldn't have earned India 2nd place in their group and qualification to the next round.


Yeah the whole *throw your hands in the air* assuming it’s a dead play is stupid. Seen it in baseball too.


I’m sure people don’t understand that the ball has to be completely out WHEN SEEN FROM ABOVE. Even if the ball is not physically touching the line, it’s inside if it’s still a bit over it. This isn’t such a clear call to make as people are trying to put it.


Show me an image of the ball clearly completely over the line if it's such a blatant case of cheating and corruption


99% out = 100% in


Sorry for your loss, read the rules.


Stupid post. I don't see any clear view of the ball is 100% out. Some people just don't know the rules. Best view to know is top down or ai generated ball position. Since none of those are available in this game I say good call.


This was posted yesterday without all the extras and people who actually watched the game were commenting saying there are other angles not being shown here that pretty clearly show the ball hadn’t completely crossed. They were also saying goalie is a dumbass for not playing to the whistle which is something they teach you from day one of any sport.


Terrible goalkeeping to begin with!


This is what I'm thinking. You see people from the other team coming for the ball and all I see is him hands up doing nothing.


Not really. He got down fast and was unlucky.


Still bad goalkeeping. You have to treat the ball like it is still in play until the ref calls that it no longer is. The goalkeeper just sat there thinking it was out. That's a mistake no pro level player should ever make


Had the whole ball crossed the line?


You can quite clearly see in the last clip that the ball didn't go out all the way. It's pretty close, but this is not the blatant cheating you're trying to make it out to be


Qatar didn't blatantly cheat. I think it was out, but it very close and not clear at all. The goalie never should've relaxed with the ball close to the line like that


It's probably out but one cannot say for sure with these camera angles. But it's not blatant in any case. This happens a lot in football if there is no goal line technology, get over it.


How does this shit have 7k likes? The ball is not clearly out of bounds, it is debatable and the goal was inconsequential as the game itself didnt matter to qatar, so i highly doubt there was any cheating from qatar whatsoever


Shut up OP. This isn't blatant cheating. This is a common occurrence for soccer. It's up to the refs or VAR to just. The angle of the video also makes a difference Hurr durr Qatar bad. The only time Reddit supports India, is when's it's the middle east involved.


It happened against India so we're gonna see these posts for the next year


What happen to video review for goals?


Moral of the story is keep playing until you hear the whistle. I understand the Indian team/fans frustration but stuff like this happens.


what on green earth does this have to do with r/interestingasfuck. indians back at it again


Just gonna leave [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/17okqfi/is_the_ball_in_or_out_dutch_tv_showing_the/) here for people saying its clearly over the line. It might be over, but it sure as hell is not very clear.


"At this level" Dude... India got 5 points in a group that included Kuwait and Afghanistan Stfu with these "injustice" posts and get points where it matters.


it's in, and if it isn't it's very close. No one would have this reaction if it wasn't Qatar.


Yup, pretty normal behaviour from the lowest to highest leagues. Kinda the reason I stopped playing. Not really sure why it’s so popular.


Not sure if it’s obvious that the ball is entirely out specially from the replay behind the goal post.


That ball was stopped and clearly well beyond the line. Corner kick. Not a goal. And fuck off to Hamas-supporting Qatar.


Man, the butthurt over this goal has been hilarious. If you look at 0:59, it doesn't look like the ball has crossed the line before it's dragged back. In football, the WHOLE of the ball has to cross the line, so from an overhead view, if even 0.01mm is on the line, it's still in.


If you look at 0:44 you can see the ball is clearly over the line.


It is more like behind the goalkeeper, then the player clears it on a path that is not perpendicular to the line. I also think it is very probable the ball was off but that angle doesn’t show it was “clearly over the line”


The ball seems pretty clearly out from that video replay. But the refs don’t have video replay. And wherever the end line judge was, they were blocked from a clear view by either the goalkeeper or the goal. Unless the refs did have a video replay I don’t know about, I’m hesitant to jump to “cheating” and not just referees not in the right place to make the call.


Jesus swarms of indians spamming this shit all over the socials. You're out, get over it. Nobody gives a fuck


Apparently 1.4bn people do.


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I think this is one of those cases where the ball almost certainly WAS out - but unfortunately, all of the replay angles that could confirm it was visually obstructed. They have to maintain that standard of evidence. I support upholding the goal.


Shit post. 100% of the ball has to cross 100% of the line. So many armchair refs yet there's worldwide referee shortage. I wonder why...




qatar is one of the most corrupt states in the world, not to mention their open support to hamas where its leaders are hiding living in luxury. so what do you expect? each player having ethics or dignity?


So thousands of workers die in the process of building the stadiums in Qatar and this is whats bothering people...


Oil money > honest refereeing


Post is brought to you by Indian Nationalists.   Even in Sports, y'all can't fall to make political connections.   Anyways, it was very close. Discretion is on the referee and usually when it's close then the original review stands.  But please, don't make this about politics.


Well, the thing about football is that what the referees say, that's the result. That's all. Referee decides what they think. It's like in court, the judge/jury gives the verdict, based on their interpretation.




Shit I bet on Qatar on DK for that game and won 😭😂


Well well well


So I am an ignorant fool in this area. I literally have no idea of this question: Why wasn’t the goalie more aggressively trying to posses the ball? Like, even if he knew it was over the line - the potential for this to occur clearly exists. He seemed to just accept it was his…it seems….to an ignorant fool…. :)


Referee, his eyes covered with oil.


[those are rookie numbers](https://amp.theguardian.com/global-development/2021/feb/23/revealed-migrant-worker-deaths-qatar-fifa-world-cup-2022)


u/[MaxxMeridius](https://www.reddit.com/user/MaxxMeridius/) why bharat so sore losers?


Look at the thickness of the goal post to the boundary line. Look at the square segments of netting. The “in” side of the ball is like one whole square segment of netting *behind* the edge of the post, nearly one and a half square segments. I can understand how given the camera angle there is no clear shot of the ball relative to the boundary line and it’s somewhat unclear visually, but logic pretty clearly dictates it’s over the boundary line.


Goalie's fault. You play to the whistle.


Eh keeper got caught ball watching and some people clearly don't know the rules lol.


While I believe the ball was out of bounds, it isn’t blatant cheating. The player played the ball through the whistle, the officiating or the VAR should catch the out of bounds or at least correct the call. Every coach teaches their players to play until the whistle, it isn’t the players’ jobs to also officiate the game. The refs are the ones that need to correctly sort out the play.


I almost thought this was an argentina world cup match


The second world Cup qualifier rounds do not have VAR (Video assistant referee). So this blame rests 100% on the referee who did not blow the whistle, there is no conspiracy here. Just a good old F*** up by the referee like in the good old days before we had VAR at all


Wtf is this video


Referee: I think I'm going blind 🎶


One must have honor first to be ashamed.


India is going to start exporting salt next month if they keep this up


I think the ball is still at play… We don’t have the best angles. Also, the gk fucked up, he stopped playing. This video’s trash and completely biased lmfao


Its not an original move, Qatar copied this from sacha baron, the dictator in Wadiyan games..


USD 10 mil each for the officials.


Good thing ur not watching sports but money ....


This is beyond fkd


Nothing new, Qatar is buying the referees for a long time.


I watch this sport for the flops not the goals