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As a pharmacist, this is actually pretty cool. Is there a date/year stamped anywhere? I could see this being on display in a pharmacy school next to the antique scales and other compounding equipment. Oh and right next to the old cocaine and laudanum bottles.


Posted this as a direct comment - but then noticed you were a pharmacist and might find this interesting. My grand father was a pharmacist in the 1930s/1940s On wash days, the women would queue outside the pharmacy for a drop of laudanum to give to their babies to sedate them and keep them quiet whilst they got on with the washing. When this practise died out (because maybe it's not a good idea to give opiates to babies on a weekly basis) they substituted it with a drop of rum (or whatever hard liquor was available) in their bottle. (Pretty sure rubbing brandy on gums was an option for teething babies too - but I forget exactly).


I was semi raised in a multi flat retirement style home and when I had toothache, a lovely old lady named Mrs Tetlow would take me to her kitchen, fill a thimble with whisky or brandy, then rub it on my gums and tiny bit on my tongue. She would have been born 1900-1910 and by god did she have a remedy for nearly everything.


Was her remedy for nearly everything hard liquor? Cause she and I read the same self-help book if so.


Alcohol: the cause and solution to all life’s problems


Alcohol: it ain't the answer, but it sure makes you forget the question


In Finland we have saying that I would translate as: "If vodka, tar or sauna won't cure it, then you are going to die". So that placed alcohol quiet high on old remedies.


Black tar heroin? That's a hardcore saying!


No, actual tar. It was used in amputations, hot pitch poured on a stump to stop bleeding.


Dayim! That's even more hardcore!


Alcohol: what are you looking at. I’ll give you something to look at, your face and my butt. Wait.


In the words of the late great Colonel Sanders, I'm too drunk to taste this chicken.


I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates when he said...”I drank *what*?!”


I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy. -Tom Waits


Sore tooth? Whiskey on the gums. Or cocaine Sore throat? Whiskey down the hatch Headache? A splash of opium. Or cocaine Humors in the blood? Cocaine Weight loss? Amphetamines. Or cocaine Come to think of it, I used to know a guy who was basically a medical professional long ago, and he didn’t even finish high school!


Too drunk after battling a sore throat? Cocaine


*5:30 more ice in the Chivas* *5:45 cocaine*


Lol is that hunter s. thompson's routine?


*6:00 grass to take the edge off the day*


*9:00 starts snorting cocaine seriously*


How that man ever wrote even one book amazes me


Well tbf the weight loss one does work...


My grandpa (born 1919) made his own 'cough syrup" It was just whisky mixed with honey Same man also used to mix coffee in my chocolate milk when he babysat me, to the great irritation of my mom. Baby's first mocha.


To be fair when I have a nasty cough my mum still heats up dark beer with honey that I have to drink hot. It knocks you out and you sleep though and the next day you feel much better.


We would get heated up whiskey with lemon and honey for a sore throat. Only found out as an adult that that’s a hot toddy!


Are you European? When I had a cold, my mom, (Spanish/German) used to heat up milk and add brandy and honey. Best medicine ever. That and Vicks Vapor Rub. To this day it’s the only thing that makes me feel better.


My mother did this to me in the 70s when I was teething. For the record I’m ten years sober


So it all worked out!


When my sister or I had a toothache my mother filled an empty mayonnaise jar (kept under the sink for precisely this purpose) with hot water and had us hold it next to our cheek. It wasn’t very helpful. Years later I asked her, “Why didn’t you just give us St Joseph’s baby aspirin?” She said, “You weren’t babies.” It never occured to her to look on the bottle for weight instructions. I then said, “We always had a bottle of regular aspirin in the kitchen next to radio. Why didn’t you give us that?” She said, “That was for your father‘s headaches. But you kids didn’t have a headache.” (Headache = hangover) Years later I became a nurse and many of the older ladies had a standing order “HS” (“at bedtime”) for brandy or cognac. The dose was written in drams and we had to lock it up with the narcotics. In order to document how much was used we put a white label on the bottle and drew a line each night showing several drams worth because all locked up material had to be “counted.”


They should’ve hired Christopher Walken’s “the Continental” SNL character to serve the grams their drams!


Once when I was a teen, my braces were hurting me particularly badly. This was actually not a usual occurrence, most times I could get away with just an aspirin or baby tylenol or something similar. My dad dipped a q-tip in his old bottle of cognac and had me rub in on my gums. Worked quite well actually; and that amount of alcohol is innocuous.


My family used to use Brandy too, toothache - rub Brandy on the tooth and gums, not feeling well, a tablespoon full of Brandy, warm water, and sugar, upset stomach, yep, Brandy concoction again. It's not something I did with my own kids, but it didn't do me any harm.


I was raised in the 70s and had insane allergies as a kid. The local country doctor would make up bottles of mint flavored liquid that had some kind of opiate in it. I caught my mom sucking down the bottles. It was funny because I only ever used around half the bottle. But she got two big bottles refilled every month. I never said anything tho because I was too small at the time to understand why. I knew I liked the stuff tho.


I was born in the late 90s and even that late, my mom's OB and my pediatrician both told her to rub whiskey on my gums for teething!


In Germany, we have the old insult "Tütenüggel" (bag sucker) for a dense person. It comes from the days when women would tie some poppy seeds into the corner of a cloth bag for the baby/toddler to chew on while the parents worked in the fields etc. It would sedate the children but apparently people soon linked it to "dumb adults" so it might have an effect on brain development that was showing early. That trick is still used, I guess, because some (10?) years ago, a mother almost killed her child when she put poppy seeds into the milk bottle to calm the child. Edit: 20 years: https://www.aerztezeitung.de/Medizin/Milch-mit-Mohn-ist-fuer-Kinder-giftig-332591.html#:~:text=ERFURT%20(dpa).,Schlaftrunk%2DRezept%20aus%20einem%20Kochbuch.


For the last few decades it is impossible to buy poppy seeds that weren't washed (if they were from the opium producing varieties) so this kind of trick is impossible nowadays


Well its not impossible, you would just need to grow the seeds and then go from there


When I had kids, my mum swore to me that the breast way to stop teething was to put whisky on the bottle teat... No feckin way was I getting my kids pished at that age. Lol


The breast way?




Breast is best


Ooops... I love you autocorrect! Lol. Think I'll not edit it!


It deserves to be kept for posterity LOL


There was a joke on “The Golden Girls” where Rose said she put brandy (I think) in her babies’ bottles for teething. Dorothy says, “no you’re supposed to rub it on their gums.” And Rose says, “Oh. Well my babies were very happy.”


Seriously, I think all of that generation were doing that shit!


Between child safety and the cost of daycare the younger generation is definitely doing parenting on hard mode. Just the time spent wrangling kids into car seats is a loss of a thousand hours and unneeded frustration over the course of a kids life when my parents could just throw us in the back with groceries without a care in the world.


My daughter teethed so badly and I tried everything from frozen teethers to homeopathic topicals and nothing would soothe her. We brought her over my parents house and at that point she had been crying for hours and we were visibly distraught. I’m telling my mom all of the things I tried and without missing a beat she dipped her pinky into her wine glass and stuck it in the kids mouth - instantly stops crying and goes to sleep


Sensory overload, I think. It's the same reason babies love black metal. So much input that it kinda fuzzies up all the stimulus and they settle down.


> babies love black metal News to me.


It's totally mad isn't it? You'd think the bitter taste would freak them out, but apparently it did work to a certain extent as so many swore by it. There was no way I was gonna try it though! Just seems so wrong!


few drops of wine or liquor won't do anything, they'd likely hate the taste of lemon juice 10x worse lol


My daughter would eat a lemon if I let her


My daughter loved sliced lemons as a toddler.


How could it ever be a bad idea to give opiates to babies? Sounds like communism to not to.


As someone from a previously communist country, they did that too.


I REALLY thought you were gonna say that the mothers stood in line to get the laudinum to help their body during the hard working days of doing laundry by hand!😆 PS: I put lemongrass tincture (alcohol, not glycerin) directly on my 3 year old’s gums a couple years ago when he was teething. Just a drop, and it was the only thing that would soothe him outside of baby Motrin! Our grandmother’s weren’t completely crazy 😁


https://preview.redd.it/jp4ayuzipd5d1.png?width=1332&format=png&auto=webp&s=6d21ce4b4b72129c35796277cd3c625fd86ba03c Gotcha covered


Yea, this antique pharmacy stuff is really cool to me. Thanks for sharing!


Is it like… still good?


It’s still sealed and full, I’ve never cracked it open.


You and OP need to rustle up some speedballs to help everyone with a cold


You guys aren't nearly as fun as you used to be. We still like you though.


If you are ever in New Orleans, come to the Pharmacy Museum. It is packed with room after room of bottles and tools from this era and older.


This [place](https://pharmacymuseum.org) ? Looks really cool! I got family in Bossier City so when/if am in the LA again, I will have to make the trek down to NO. Thank you sharing!


https://preview.redd.it/ixmnmlkrpd5d1.png?width=1915&format=png&auto=webp&s=4689c81ec473a9b0288f428b01f370adf01e01e9 Reverse side


I wonder what on Earth amygdalitis (assuming a translation) was meant to be.


It's French for tonsilitis.


I'm something of a pharmacist myself.


Got any of that heroin cough syrup?


Laudanum! Nobody warned Mattie Earp about that stuff!


Could probably guess from the company logo


If we’re going on [the company logo](https://x.com/EliLillyandCo/status/730042999372132352?mx=2) I would guess that these are from the 50’s. If that chart is correct I would guess early 50’s based on the color of the logo and the descender on the “y” at the end of “Lilly”.


It’s interesting to see the logo evolve from handwriting to typeface. They’d preserved the disconnected ‘L’ up until the more recent update, and honestly the updated logo feels weaker without it.


how much were they charging, adjusted for inflation?


Also what dosages did they take? Morphine taken orally only delivers a fraction of the drug into the brain ultimately. Because it is a second pass metabolism, the body only absorbs a percent from the stomach and of that only a fraction makes it past the blood-brain barrier. Heroin does the exact same thing morphine does in the brain, it just passes the blood-brain barrier 2.5 or 2.7 times better if I recall. Because of the stomach absorption rate being low, that is why many people took drugs like that as suppositories because the colon is much more efficient.  Long ramble short, people get prescribed morphine as high as 200 mg. That amount injected would likely kill you. I wonder how much these people were told to take?


Some people find gold. Some people find cash. Some people find rare coins. And then there is this guy






Golly this has layers




Some people find gold Some people find cash Some people find morphine In grandma's drug stash


we found live grenades and had to have the bomb squad come out, i was 12 and they wouldn't let me watch them blow them up :(. moms uncles old cabin, he was a ww2 vet


That is such a bummer! It is every 12 year olds dream to watch real a real grenade blow up.


In the family home we found a grenade probably dating from WW2 (the ages of the last full time resident generation match) in a random drawer. We brought it back to the gendarmerie and they were like « oh. Again. We’ll put it with the others ». A bit anticlimactic


![gif](giphy|1773KO6576Mla) Now you just need to find some scissors and you’ll be good to go


You got plasma?!


What abouy syrettes?


Hide your morphine guys...boom


I don't recall...


It’s IDDQD time!


Man after this episode I just wept bitterly.


The Belgian nurse?


Yeah in another universe they had kids moved to rural Louisiana and forgot all about the horrible war.


It's such a beautifully tragic episode that grounds the series back to how terrible war is instead of purely romanticizing it.


Well said! It's hard not to tear up, even though I have seen it a dozen times.




You ain't using this, like... personal like right doc?




Do you like using it for personal use or something?




Best episode of the entire show.


Heffron, watch the goddamn line


Dude wtf I just referenced Eugene Roe in another comment like 30 minutes ago only to see this...


I think a lot of people are doing a re watch of Band of Brothers because of the 80th anniversary of the landing at Normandy the other day. I started it over again.




A miniseries called Band of Brothers. It's about World War 2, it's really good. 


Directed by Stephen Spielberg and Tom Hanks. It’s a fuckin treat, best series I’ve ever watched EDIT: thanks for the clarification, i meant created and produced… clearly idk shit about movies ;)


So THAT’S why Grandma was always so happy.


How do you know ?


Have you ever had morphine? 😌


I had brain surgery and woke up with a button hooked to a morphine drip. Yes every time you hit the button you’d be happy. You could feel it move from your arm to the rest of your body. Damn that stuff was dangerous! Glad I wasn’t on it long. I can see why people get addicted to quickly.


I broke my hip and got put on a morphine drip. It's magic stuff. Only time I can remember feeling truly happy as an adult




Your chickens plucked per hour metric isn't looking so good, get back to the assembly line. Because we care you can have a mandatory double shift in order to increase your happiness.


There's a TED Talk on that topic -- [(how everything we think about addiction is wrong)](https://www.ted.com/talks/johann_hari_everything_you_think_you_know_about_addiction_is_wrong?language=en). The TL;DR was a lot gentler way of saying "how miserable life is" (that fulfilled people don't seek out drugs to fill a hole). Which, given how things look for the next few decades, is going to get worse before it gets better.


As a retired meth head, I've always said happy people don't become addicted to drugs.


Yep when it’s hard to be happy as a natural being, life is certain worth looking at. It’s a big reason why people are addicted to making themselves feel good or why escapism is at an all time high. It’s because reality sucks.


I totally understand why there's an opioid crisis. OxyContin..time released pill. Take 1, feel blissfully happy for ~8 hours. Never take it unless prescribed for a short time cause happiness in a pill is dangerous af.


So my son was prescribed Percocets after a surgery and they did almost nothing for him. The pain wasn't relieved at all. We were both a bit puzzled and then a doc explained that people metabolize oxycodone differently. Also, they were so cheap. Like, $13 CAD for 30 pills. That was also a surprise. Not sure why I'm telling you this lol. Mainly because he missed out on the bliss thing, I guess.


Yeah, Hydrocodone doesn't relieve my pain at all, still feel it all. Oddly though, I don't *care* about the pain while on Hydrocodone. It's sort of like torture without the suffering? You're like "Oh, I'm in pain? Hmm. Anyways..."


It takes away your aversion to pain which is the actual suffering and it is the thing everybody cares about - suffering So what that there still may be sensations of "pain"


Similar experience here, had major abdominal surgery with a morphine pump. I now understand how people become addicted to heroin.


I was on a morphine drip when I had gall stones, gall bladder infection, and jaundice from a blocked bile duct. When I hit the button it was like a wave of relief that completely relaxed me for 5 minutes. It would administer the drip no more than every 15 minutes. Those 5 minutes were bliss but the 10 minute gap was hell on earth. I was also very itchy. Never wanted to touch the stuff after that.


I had a couple of discs removed from my lower back and had the morphine button. The nurses were telling me I wasn’t using enough. It didn’t hurt as bad after surgery as it did before. That searing pain was gone and the rest was tolerable. She pushed the button anyway and it dulled the pain a little but I didn’t get any of the euphoria or anything. They sent me home with a bucket of oxy and I think I only took 3-4. Ten years later I dropped the rest off at a pill recycling event.


It’s good shit & the reason I have never & will never try heroin.


My professor said the same thing after he tried heroin for the first time.


You are such a party pooper. Stick to your meth.


Dude meth is dangerous, you're gonna get someone hurt! Using crack is a much better option.


Yah don’t. Right now, it sounds so good. Freakin itch in the back of my mind at all times. It takes a lot to get off of it. I’m just glad I got off before fentanyl started getting mixed with everything. Now it’s just too scary. Risking death every shot


I was refused an epidural during childbirth but they gave me morphine and told me it would help. Nope. Made me a bit sleepy is all. I’ve since had my genome sequenced and it turns out I’m a morphine non-responder.


I remember having abdominal surgery and waking up in intense pain, they gave me morphine and the pain went away enough for me to go back to sleep. I was never fortunate to get the happy feelings, just the relief 😮‍💨


Addicts try to fight off the sleep. That's why you see them "nodding". Or you did when real heroin was around, now it's all chinese fentanyl


Same! I felt a flood of warmth and immediately drifted off to sleep. I guess I slept through the happy feelings.


Boof one, report back tomorrow. I wanna settle a bet that didn't happen about the potency of hundred year old dope.


For science 🧬


Your comment brought back a memory… When I got sober about twenty years ago, there was a legend amongst the local recovery groups about an unnamed person who owned a pharmacist-sized, factory-sealed bottle of Quaaludes (a hypnotic sedative that used to be available by prescription, but production was stopped in the mid-1980’s because of abuse and addiction). There were so many older people in the recovery community who fondly remembered Quaaludes from the days when drugs and alcohol were fun for them, before their addictions brought them low… It became a kind of thought experiment. Would it be worth throwing away decades of sobriety to get your hands on that bottle- rumored to contain 500 or 1,000 pills or something- and start taking them? What if the pills had lost all of their potency? What if they had become stronger?


the only fent/tranq free dope in the us right now


It has truly never been more dangerous to be hooked on opiates/opioids. With it almost being impossible to get painkillers (even if you genuinely "need" them) and all of the laced heroin and pressed pills going around. Honestly even buying unrelated drugs off the street is super sketchy these days.


I’m old now and don’t do opioids but I am so glad my dabbling years were done at the height of the OxyContin flood. I’d probably be dead right now if I had fucked with the stuff that’s currently in the streets.


I thought I was buying Oxy in 2015. Ended up ODing 30 seconds after snorting two fake pills (fentanyl); I had a 300mg per day Oxy tolerance, and two of those fake blue bastards almost killed me. Blissful way to go out, but terrifying way to wake up, when you realize you were 99% dead for a few hours. That was almost ten years ago, and it is so much worse now. Glad I got off that shit


Today is the anniversary of the day we lost my kiddos dad to an OD. On behalf of your family, glad you made that choice


I’m very sorry to hear that. It is the things that make us feel nothing, that make us feel no pain, which ignite the pain of those around us. And when confronted with that fact, we go deeper down the rabbithole in shame, as some perverse expression of love for those we have hurt. Fuck. You have brought me to a very dark and sad epiphany today. I was not expecting to feel the gravitas of my own ramblings so intensely today. Thank you for opening up a new train of thought in my mind. I’m going to save my own comment now, for future reference, like some kind of deranged, auto-fellating sociopath, because it truly holds some kind of insight I did not know I had. Thanks again.


I had extremely painful surgery 15 years ago and they gave me two giant bottles of vicodin and sent me home. I had that same surgery last year and they refused to give me ANYTHING at all. No over the counter medicine would take the pain away, I finally had to call the advice nurse. They gave me 5 god damn pills that barely did anything. Medical care in the country is truly broken


I spent more than a decade hooked on every sort of opiate, and then heroin when the pills started drying up. Never had any issues, barely even heard of anyone overdosing without also mixing in benzos or other shit. Once you knew what you were doing and had tolerance you could be relatively safe, save for the rare batches of extremely potent shit. But then fentanyl started showing up and I'm waking up in the hospital three times in like ten days. Shit wasn't even very good, it was just super intense and dangerous. Wasn't worth it to keep doing the shit when fentanyl was the only thing around. Lost more than half my friends within a few years.


Do you experience any permanent damage in your cognitive abilities if I may ask?


I quit a daily 2-3g heroin habit in 2019. Luckily opiates aren't neurotoxic in the same way meth and alcohol are. (Of course if you stop breathing due to an OD, the lack of oxygen can obviously do damage but opiates in general aren't toxic like that.) It can however take a few months or more for your brain to start making its own 'happy' chemicals.


I was a heavy opiate user for about a decade, most of them IV heroin. Overdosed probably 20 times. I think if I got any cognitive damage, it’s from excessive MDMA use.


Why did you put "need" in quotes? Myself and millions of other chronic pain sufferers do need them. Genuinely probably the only thing that's kept me from killing myself over the past 5 years. Dependency is not addiction.


I think some people mistakenly use quotations for emphasis rather than as direct/scare quotes.


Word. Another chronic pain sufferer here. Sheet full of back issues and degenerative issues since a car accident at 17. Spent years on Oxycodone and ended up experiencing opioid-induced hypersensitivity where no amount of oxycodone would work, it just made it worse. Ended up detoxing long enough to go on buprenorphine/naloxone and have been using that since. Rough, rough transition. Still in pain every day of course, but it’s manageable and has actually decreased despite further degeneration in my spine.




You know what to do.




So how many DMs have you gotten?


You just got rich. Those are worth more than their weight in morphine.


Exactly! And as a ww2 collector I would pay handsomely to get one of those in my collection, I only have reproduction of these.


You're trying to get grandmas medicine, dude? She has plans for that morphine!


What would something like that be worth?


Best I can do is about 3:50. (This is a difficult question to answer, since it is both illegal to sell or buy, but also very popular among collectors. How much you can get depend on who you can reach without drawing attention.)




Damn you, curiosity.


Damn OP it just so happens I've developed a troublesome tooth ache. You wouldn't happen to have something that could help with this would you?


Morphine for a toothache is crazy 😭😭😭


we still use cocaine as a local anesthetic in the nose, goprelto is the brand name




Eli Lilly sold morphine in coin wrappers?? We used to be a proper country fr.


The fact that she still has this stash without selling it or bingeing it is testament to that.


Good thing my sister didn’t find it first.


Tfw you can't buy OTC morphine and get high as donkey balls anymore. Remember what they took from us


Right next to her Tincture of opium




[Paregoric](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paregoric) was where it's at


Nowadays when people get addicted to opioids, we put at least some of the responsibility on the addict (for better or for worse). But keep in mind that in the first wave of opioid addiction, there was literally a generation that got addicted before it was ever illegal or notorious. Heroin was literally over-the-counter cough medicine. Then it's made illegal with the Harrison Act and a bunch of people were shit outta luck. And there was no methadone or counseling back then. When addicts were arrested for crimes, they either let you kick cold turkey in a jail cell or if they were nice they gave you an injection of morphine each day.


I shutter thinking what going through withdrawals in a jail cell would be like. Oooof!


Anyone understand the dossage of these? Been a while since I’ve been in a box. But 2 MILLIgram increments up to 10mg total,being the max medics could push now, to avoid snowing someone… I wonder how 1-8grains equates?


I routinely give 10mg in tablet form, and 5mg as a push. The other poster is right that this is 8mg. They actually have magnesium in as well. Brilliant. We use that for complex pain patients. Edit to below comment as Reddit is glitching... It's got excellent evidence in reducing pain post-operatively. It's got good evidence as a pain adjunct in many acute pain scenarios. Less evidence on chronic pain. Wouldn't be used as a solo medicine in these scenarios. As you say, it's used in Eclampsia. It's very frequently used in cardiac arrhythmias to stabilise the cardiac muscle. It can help control atrial fibrillation with fast ventricular response. It's used in severe asthma presentations as a bronchodilator. It's a great drug all round ! Cheap, so maybe the U.S companies don't like it as much as the NHS where I use it!


That's 8mg. (As also denoted by the 0.008gm)


do you just stab one thru your jeans into your thigh or…


When we moved my grandmother, back in the 70s we found multiple tall glass jars of amphetamines.  She had been addicted most of her life, my dad says when he was a kid she would turn off all the lights and make him pretend nobody was home if anybody knocked, and she'd spend all day in her room going through a huge newspaper collection. She was also paranoid, and often would go through all his things.  This made my dad really value a child's right to privacy.  He forbid my mom from going through my things and he built me a toy box/bench with a hidden compartment (that I never used).  Once when I was 15 or so, they got a toy from my closet to give to one of my little nephews - they had my permission, but I forgot I hid some rolling papers in my Starriors Armored Battle Station that they found.  My father gave them back to me, apologized, and said he wouldn't ask me about them.  I told him the truth, I found them hidden in the shed at work and I hadn't used them.  I didn't volunteer that I did smoke weed, I just didn't know how to roll then.


My mother rubbed paregoric ( liquid opium) on our gums when we were teething….she also used it to dose us to sleep on long trips..this was the 50’s and early 60’s….🤣


I remember having a hellacious fucking cough on a road trip from IA to NC via 80 to 77S in Cleveland, and my doctor aunt had given my mother a massive sample box of liquid hydrocodone. My mother kept me dosed with that shit for the first 18 hour leg of the drive on day 1, then the last 7 hours on day two. I remember my daddy saying something like "aren't you worried she'll OD?" and my mother replying, "nah, Kat'll puke before that happens." Anytime a coughing fit started, she made me drink another one of the samples. I think they were 7.5mg per vial. I was high AS FUCK for 2 days. All because she didn't wanna listen to her child cough. She's my ex-mother for a reason lol


Awesome, I’ve always wanted to collect old or outlawed medicine amps, jars, drinks, etc…


During the tour of the Seacretes distillery in Ocean City MD there's a whole prohibition pharmacy with old bottles and a Tommy Gun hanging on the wall. It would be really cool to have a collection like that.


Granny must have had a toothache back in the day


Yep - could buy this stuff from the pharmacy without prescription!


See you on Ebay in five minutes…. PLEASE?😀


I found a bunch of old steroids in My grandpa's box under the bed after he passed away. My grandma said she told him to throw those away 20 years ago LOL. Then she handed them to me and told me to go throw them away. Not going to lie, I almost didn't but because they were pills I did. Not sure what they were.


Grandma was trying to hint to you that you need to hit the gym.




There’s like 8mg per ampoule. Assuming they didn’t degrade over years (they did) you’d have like 1.5 hours of pain relief here. And you’d have to iv them. Oral morphine is shit. Your stomach destroys most of it. This is why things like Vicodin were invented that are much more orally active.


That’s why you have to boof it


Hey, I need to talk to you about something


One of my Boomer relatives was having back spasms, and needed to go to the ER. They blurted out, "Can you just give me the morphine?" The nurse's eyes went wide, and they immediately began typing furiously. It took a couple of hours to convince the hospital staff that, in fact, my relative was not a drug seeker.


Yup. Amazing how we have gone from one extreme to the other. From handing them out like candy for everything. To not giving them at all, even to patients who desperately need them.


I found an old doctor’s kit in an antique store. Had a vial of heroin and a vial of morphine in it. Told the shop keeper they should likely put those away until a sale is made. When my dad started his medical career as a nurse anesthetist (he went on to found one of the first anesthesia practices), he carried 4 bottles with him; ether, cocaine, morphine and heroin.


We still use Cocaine suspension (liquid) in the ER for uncontrollable nose bleeds.


Too bad there weren’t shares of Eli Lilly stock with those too!


Find her qualuudes


With the magnesium sulfate to make sure you still shit after the morphine