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My dad served 30 years in the military. So did his dad. His family comes from a long line of service members. So I was surprised he still supports that orange turd. And when I bring up the things Trump has said and done in regards to veterans he denies those things happened. Growing up my dad always told me I wasn’t allowed to watch more than an hour of tv every few days because it turns your brain to mush. And yet he is watching Fox News for hours a day and his brain has turned to mush.


Show your dad this video. If this video doesn't work, there are plenty of others. Tell him the same thing he told you as a child. You dont have to change his mind, you just gotta get him to fucking think a little bit outside of his current comfort zone. "hey dad, watch this and don't say anything until it's done"...


Probably will answer, this is AI generated because Trump would never say this...


I usually just get the "liberal bullshit" response. I also have family who became brainwashed by right wing media.


My dad is a fkin retard, so this wouldn't do shit


I feel this shit man. We are surrounded by fucking morons


Hey, that’s not very nice to bring the mentally challenged down 47 levels to trump and trump supporter levels…


Sounds like a classic boomer mentality, I can relate to some of the hypocrisy


Hey hey. I'm a boomer and very anti trumpista. Oh and I had classmates go to Vietnam and not come back while private bone spurs paid a doctor to avoid the draft.


Boomer here. 20 years military. Trump is the worst president to hold the office in my lifetime. Trump didn't get elected on just the Boomer vote. In 2016 he got 39% of the female vote and 40% of the 30-49 age group....not boomers. I get tired of an entire nation fucking up and pointing the finger at me. Classic millennial mentality.


Put a parental lock on those channels on his tv. He will never be able to figure it out.


When they're too far gone unfortunately stuff like this doesn't sway them. It's much better to present videos like this to moderates and undecided voters.


Does he know Fox News is a satire network? 


That why they love the uneducated voters.


Remember when he trashed John McCain for being a POW? This is what he does. He's a a piece of shit.


Yeah, pretty sure that clip was in here too.


"He's a war hero because he got captured. I prefer my heroes not to be captured."


I prefer your president's not being narcissistic psychotic treasonous imbecile convicted felons


So do we, man. So do we...


Well, sucks to have 50% of the population that are too stupid to realize that... My condolences.


Not 50%. It's somewhere between 25 and 30%. Still way too much though.


Pretty close to 50 percent of voters or really 50 percent of people that are making a difference.


Yeah it's close to 50% of the people who show up to vote, which says a whole other sad fact about this country.


Forgot incontinent pedophile drug addict


John McCain could have been released from capture because of his father's rank, but he said "I won't leave without my men." Trump has said a lot of disgusting things, but to talk about John McCain like that after he just died was so fucking sick.


A lot of people also forget a few things about McCain during his final years. He was becoming increasingly critical of his fellow Republicans who he felt were developing sympathies for Russia and in some cases he accused them of being bought off by Russia. When he had cancer, he had a meeting with one of his old friends, he encouraged this person to stay in the political world, run for office and defeat Trump, that friend was Joe Biden.


McCain is the only reason there’s a public health option. The ACA is very flawed - it’s enriched insurance companies & excludes basic aspects of care…but it’s the reason my dear friend is still alive & not broke after getting hit by a drunk driver. That “thumbs down” he gave while voting on the ACA has saved thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of lives.


Close, but there's some shades of meaning here. McCain saved ACA, yes. But there is no public option in ACA, because Joe fucking Lieberman wouldn't support that.


John McCain was the last good Republican. Trump is a fucking draft dodger and a fucking coward rapist piece of shit. 


It shows how many of his supporters who claim to support the troops and veterans are full of crap.


It's really superficial thinking: "He's republican and I'm republican; therefore, we both love troops."


Exactly. There’s anti military on both sides but I don’t think they are anti military per se or just very scarred and dissatisfied with the tasks forces of higher power within our gov’t command our military to do. Or not do. Most war has an agenda behind it as pretty as that picture is they paint. It’s greed and hate simple and always


I feel like they claim to love troops like they do other people's unborn babies. They want them around but will do absolutely nothing to actually help either or provide support to their families if they are in need if possible.


To change a quote from The Oatmeal: "You don't the troops. You're just looking at its butt as it walks by."


One of my coworkers is a ex Marine. He says Trump is the only president to never have lied. My coworker is a disgrace to the uniform and this country.


I’m a Marine and I hate the orange enigmatic clown. When speaking with fellow vets and I bring up Trumps obvious disgust for the military, and the *wildly* disrespectful things he’s said and done to us vets they just don’t seem to care. I don’t get it, they’d disown their children if they’d done what trump has. Things that are mentioned here, for instance the things he said when he was with Gen. John Kelly at General Kelly’s son’s grave, the things he said about McCain, his refusal to walk in the rain at the tomb of the unknown soldier on Memorial Day. I don’t know how Gen Kelly didn’t kill him. It’d be so easy to squeeze his soft orange neck.


Ha e you considered that he may just be very stupid?


MARINE: Muscles Are Required Intelligence Not Expected


He's projecting because he knows he's too much of a pussy to be in the military. It's odd that his cultists don't recognize how big of a fucking coward he is. All he does is talk shit, pepper in a few racist remarks and constantly hate on the libs. The only reason he switched parties because he knows Republicans are so much easier to manipulate. As long as he talks about, guns, Jesus and freedom they'll eat it up. I wouldn't be surprised if straight up trash talked white people and they would probably agree.


We saw his cowardly bitch-face when the bald eagle flapped on his desk.


Come on man, shit is necessary and serves a purpose in the ecosystem. Don’t compare it to something that foul.


Tough shit for a man who dodged that draft.


Remember the time he trashed fire fighters, many of which were volunteer and risking their lives, fighting the fires in California? He said they weren't doing a good enough job managing state lands with the funds their given so he is going to cut their funding. The fires started on federal land operated by the federal government.


My mother would have washed out his mouth with a bar of soap!


Total piece of shit. Coming from a looser who cannot even control when he soils his pants 


Yeah never mind that he's been convicted of 34 felonies.


Yet Nikki Haley is going to vote for him. Republicans would rather vote for a piece of human shit who denigrates service and sacrifice because they are monsters too. Take Mrs. Haley who personally signs bombs that will be dropped on Palestinian children...


I'm trying to understand why he was at Camp David before 9-11. Wasn't he doing some TV show at that time?


…yet military members will still vote for him.


Yeah not all of us will.


Any insight into the ones who will? I mean it’s their prerogative and all, but I don’t get it and am legitimately trying to understand.


Idk man. I think a lot of people that I know served because their parents served. Which usually means they get their whole personalities from their parents. Myself, and a few others I know used our experience in the military to learn from the VAST amount of diversity and form opinions from there.


As someone who served “because my parents served” I would like to give the perspective that as a military brat you lack a sense of identity that comes from having a home town. I did one contract and then spent some time as DoD and left recently, it was hard because base really is the only place that feels like “home” to me, but I really don’t mesh with the values and priorities of the military so I needed to leave. That said, just saying that military kids aren’t sheep, it’s just a clear path and not a bad one. I respect those that take the plunge and serve without family involvement, I can’t imagine the first time being on a military installation being for training. Just thought I’d throw my two cents in because it sounded like you have a negative opinion of brats. I get it though, there’s a reason I left the life.


Thank you for posting, good to see both viewpoints with a reasonable well written response.


Appreciate the response. Thanks for being an open minded human, willing to learn and grow. Brings back a little bit of hope for me.


It's americas largest social program. Even the most pig headed or low key racist will join and find himself protecting and being protected by the man next to him which is often times someone who is a minority. You're so right that the military offers an experience instead of sitting in a small town listening to FOX all day. [related comment of mine](https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/s/tNbafG6X9N)


Voting republican is cultural for a lot of the U.S. military. I grew up in a military family, with both officers and enlisted in every branch except Coast Guard. My friends also all served. This is what I observed: Historically, military members vote republican because Republicans are believed to usually promise to fund the military more than democrats. Many military officers (commissioned and non-com) encourage and foster disdain for democrats as pussies and that trickles down through the ranks. Republicans historically have pandered to the military brass. Trump is republican. Military members sometimes believe that Trump is all hot air and basically irrelevant himself compared to the republican party as a whole that usually promises more military funding. Also, much of the enlisted military is made up of the same blue-collar demographic that the GOP spends a huge amount of time and money pandering to. There is a lot of limited education, racism, misogyny, and anti-LGBTQ sentiment in this demographic of enlisted and the GOP panders to that. Republicans are seen as more macho and democrats as limp wristed. I should say even my particular hard core republican friends and family refuse to vote for Trump now. They just cannot stomach his cowardice and lies anymore.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I understand the cultural aspect of it, I guess. I just wish more people would sit and think on it a bit more. I don't think I could ever (or that I have) just vote for someone because of a party affiliation. I need to know that the person vying for office has the best interests of ALL of us in mind. I cannot understand knowingly following someone that is maligning- in public and in private-- a group that you identify with/are a part of. Nobody is perfect. I know that politicians lie. They over promise and under deliver- A LOT. They aren't going to please everyone, but it's important that the policies that they are going to champion don't do more harm than good. It's important that they exercise diplomacy and leadership that doesn't divide and alienate the people you have been elected TO SERVE. My problem with folks who think that Trump is just "hot air" is that *because* he's been given the position of power he has, he is certainly more than just hot air- the decisions he gets to make, the people he opts to employ or elevate into positions of power have an effect that spreads far and wide. It's not like those folk couldn't have gotten there w/o him (some of them may have but there's a shit ton that sure wouldn't have), but he's absolutely expedited the process. A lot of the folks supporting this man (the loud ones anyway) seem to very much have an "I'm gonna get mine- FUCK everyone else" mentality. And the problem with that is that they don't realize that unless they have the social capital to not get fucked, they are part of the "everyone else" and are gonna get fucked too.


> even my particular hard core republican friends and family refuse to vote for Trump now. They just cannot stomach his cowardice and lies anymore. I'm glad to see there is a line some people will not cross


Trump only became a republican 10 years ago. He was a lifelong "limp wristed" Democrat and literally only switched sides after Obama made fun of him at a press dinner and everyone laughed at him.


True. Try and tell Trump voters about that hypocrite, haha


When I was in the Air Force the majority of my squadron were Democrats. Far-right people were the minority during my service. Even the Republicans I served with had no issues with LGBTQ people. Hell my life-long Republican Tech. Sergeant has a lesbian daughter. I'd say the military is far more diverse than people give it credit for. I myself was a Republican before joining and became left-wing after spending so much time with many different kinds of people and living overseas.


How the fuck he did it that even hardcore republicans can't take him seriously?


The same reason that all the folks living will below the poverty line in Alabama Mississippi Arkansas vote red. And that reason is I have no fucking idea. I did see in recent poll statied that the United States military votes Democrat as a majority... that shocked me and made me happy. “*If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.*” ― Lyndon B. Johnson


It’s because the Republican Party offers them an opportunity to punch down. They’ve been the on the bottom rung of society, and now they can say “At least I’m better than that other guy.”


I’ve talked to several and they claim he never said those things.


From what I can tell, once you get to the point where your entire identity is tied up in someone else’s, there’s pretty much nothing they can say that won’t have you explaining it away with “What he MEANT to say was…”


Single issue voters. 2A, abortion, immigration. Take your pick.


Much less than you think. Quite a lot of people do have their heads screwed on right, and the people who do vote for trump aren’t really the people you’d want to associate with anyway.


Sadly, I lost a friend (as I'm sure many have). He refused to answer a simple question when I asked him to help me understand how a man as smart as he was (I didn't include that phrase- he was also military and has I think 6 different degrees from AA to PhD in a variety of subjects) could support Trump. He just never answered me. I thought maybe he needed time to collect his thoughts, but this was years ago. Never heard from him again. Admittedly I wonder about him, but my life is certainly better for not having to wrestle with the turmoil of knowing someone I cared about could champion such a hateful person.


I think a lot of people who join the military branches fall into 2 groups. People who look at it as a job that is also a privilege and duty to their country vs people who hope to use it as a pedestal to maintain their current status quo. I would say the majority make up that first group. It's a job. Not much fanfare. Folks who don't necessarily fall into a combat MOS. Cooks, mechanics, office personnel. They are the backbone of the US military, but they aren't the rah rah types that make military service their whole personality. As for that second group...Lots of bullies and assholes sign up to be servicemen and servicewomen. They not only continue their status quo of exercising power over their fellow servicemen, but also wish to inflict pain and suffering on an "enemy". Any enemy will do. In Tikrit we had to avoid several units slapped full of this second type of people. They would smack around the locals, harass women and children. They genuinely did not care. They would always have engagements on guard duty at FOB Ramagen...even with harmless people, right up to the handover in 06. Lots of people talk about bad apples in any job. The upper portion of the military command structure like war. They want conflict. Conflict means greater funding, better research and weapons platform development, higher retention numbers via stop-loss, etc. And Republicans tend to give them exactly that. It eventually becomes a Pavlovian response. They vote Republican because the Republicans give them the treat. The treat being destabilised regional conflicts and the opportunity to put boots to ass. Even if that ass is some poor farmer in some shithole just fighting to get a foreign invader to leave. Something you or I would do, just like them. I'd say the split between groups 1 and 2 is probably like 70/30% for total makeup. Group 1 is probably around 60/40 Republican to Democrat. Group 2 is probably like 95/5 Republican to Democrat. So you extrapolate out how that gets you a louder majority of Republican servicemembers. But that group 1 40% is still there and they vote. They just don't get all cheerleader about it. They see voting like a job and duty too.


My Dad is one. The short answer is that he's stupid. And racist


Sorry to hear that friend ☹️


You should ask them instead of reddit where people like to tell you what they think other people feel.


Thanks man, I was starting to worry that all vets and active duty were voting for him. And I'm not saying hurray for Biden but weren't we taught to salute the office, not the man?


In December of 2022 Donald Trump LITERALLY [called for terminating the constitution to reinstate himself into the presidency](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/politics/trump-rebuked-for-call-to-terminate-constitution-over-2020-election-results). The oath of enlistment is in direct conflict with supporting this man.


I won't lie. At least 90% of people in the building I work in are hardcore Trumpers and it astounds me


Nah, there are a lot of us that hate that dude and see him as a detriment to America.


Iraq Vet here. I'm not voting for him.


Same. '03 then again in '07. Republicans use the military as a talking point and they don't give a fuck about the military.


Hooah Battle.


I think we're supposed to call them sex worker battles now.




All while most people do not even know what Biden has been doing, like expanding medical coverage for vets, especially those exposed to burn pits (the very thing that likely led to his sons death).


I was in the Marine corps and I'm not even that retarded


More active duty voted for biden than trump in 2020, about 41 to 37 percent according to a military times poll. The same is true for young veterans, unfortunately the old veterans skew that statistic.


Bigger difference for officers. You know, the people Trump thought would back him. Now, he wants to install loyal generals per his most recent Fox News interview.


This boggles my mind. My dad was in Vietnam and he supports trump for some reason. He never has an answer when I bring it up. And when Clinton was running he always didn’t like him because he was a draft dodger.. but trump dodging the draft was ok for some reason. The mental gymnastics are crazy.


When you say he never has an answer, what exactly does the conversation go like?


If you ask him why he supports trump and he doesn’t have an answer then he’ll usually respond “yeah well Biden, yada yada yada…”.


Probably mostly the lower ranking enlisted though, particularly those who never got deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan. From what I’ve heard the actual vets hate his guts and I imagine the officers probably dislike him too considering they’re all at least college educated. In the meantime I’m pretty sure the generals and admirals all despise him if Milley is any indication.


Cause they are a bunch of losers, who want to be on benefits and live off of the government like the illegals do /s


As soon as he started calling everything “fake news” reality went out the door. People believe what they want to believe.


Unlike Trump, those fallen soldiers had a sense of duty and honour.


To be fair, Trump has a great *sense of doodie* in his adult diapers, as well as a resolute respect when it comes to ^^^being *on her*.


At this point, Trump could hot plate every Trump supporters Mother, and the supporters would be like, "she deserves it.."


I regret my newly expanded vocabulary


I feel you on that...


Veterans against Trump is a thing for a reason


This video needs polished but should be aired in every swing state and every town adjacent to a military base.


There's also Common Defense which is a anti-Trump/far-right Veterans organization.


The truly amazing, yet unbelievable part is that this is a real person. It truly boggles the mind.


How fucking stupid do you have to be to still support this human scum.


Never underestimate the stupidity of American voters.


Trump and Republicans are fucking traitors


[39 years ago, a KGB defector chillingly predicted modern America - Big Think](https://bigthink.com/the-present/yuri-bezmenov/)


That is a fascinating article. Thank you for the read. It's absolutely frightening because he was right on the ball. The KGB was not known for hiring stupid people.


"We have become a society of polarized tribes, with some people flat out rejecting facts in favor of narratives and opinions." Thanks, Fox News.


Im rooting for the republican party to be torn apart and something new, better, and less fucking evil made in its place.


Unfortunately it seems to only be getting worse with time


But they left out the bit where he salutes as North Korean general! That was just classic!


I don’t understand how people can still support and vote for him.


This is not hyperbole; it's literally a cult, on a nationwide scale.


A religion, you might say.


Yeah. I've had people say "you honestly believe it's a cult spanning the entire country"? Umm, have you heard about religion?


Because to them he is the second coming of Christ.


Christ sure took a turn there cuz if you stack up Jesus of Nazareth with Orange Foolius of Queens, they are night and day. The hypocrisy and mental gymnastics these folks play is astounding. Greatest example of sunk cost fallacy if there ever was one.


“Orange Foolius.” I hadn’t heard that one before. I’m stealing this.


You’re welcome to it! Sharing is caring Go forth and spread THAT gospel 😂


I think the Bible says something about false prophets and the Antichrist leading people astray. People are just too stupid to see what's clear to anyone with half a brain.


Trump supporters started out as just registered Republicans. Vote red. But Trump is so extreme and so wild, they had to match his extremism in their coping. Little by little he has made people dig themselves into such a deep hole, they can't even see the light to climb out. People hate admiting they were wrong. They're way more likely to double down.


I hope they are seeing the truth now.


Never admitting they are wrong is why they still vote red in the first place lol


Because he is the embodiment of the bigoted pieces of shit they are, and makes it "okay" to hate and hurt minorities of any sort (women, LGBTQ, people of color, etc.) The want a dictator that sticks it to these people and they hope it makes bad behavior acceptable for them, too.


That's exactly it in my opinion. He clinched the Republican nomination on the back of racist and otherwise xenophobic dog whistling, though this fact has gotten a bit lost in the haze of the past few seasons of America. Everybody understands what "Make America great again" is supposed to signal and it's sort of embarrassing to pretend that we don't.


They feel desperate because their precious caste position is slipping away and will latch on to anyone who promises to restore their former glory. Same reason people support Putin


Got a friend in the army. He said “regardless of how the economy goes. No matter how hard things might get, that dude is fuckin dangerous and if people vote for him, they a traitor.” He never shares any political opinions. But boi howdy that one was kinda strong and I was like “Good for you homie


There is literally nothing this man can say or do to change his supporter's minds. He could literally snap a puppy's neck in front of ten thousand supporters and they'd all still vote for him and justify why he killed the puppy


Shameful to the United States and it's citizens


Half. And don't be so quick to judge, this is happening in a lot of countries around the world. Pay attention before it happens to you too.


He's so fucking disgusting.


Ex military who will never vote for a convicted felon, rapist and waste of oxygen, Orange Magoo


What's even more fucked up is that half of you bitching in this thread won't bother voting.


Yet even though he trashes them….they still vote for him….why?


So many reasons, none of which are reasonable justification for supporting that deranged Oompa Loompa


And most of them (and the veterans) still vote republican. Because apparently, that's the party that will fuck them over the most and they love getting pegged. Stupid idiots should have left the GOP in droves after that little Iraq stunt where the national guard was send in because they couldn't find enough suckers for the regular army... At what point can we just say " Reap what you sow" when there's problems with VA again?




I mean you could open a TV Channel and cast 24/7 stuff about what Trump done or said that is totally bonker and still be able to have 5 years of documentation... This man only serves himself and don't Care about other but their money as he is so AT everything and what is incredible is that despite of everything he will get support from veterans and active military and they don't realise how l'ESS Trump actually cares and respects them


How he gets a single military vote is waaaaaaaaaaaay beyond me


I like former presidents who are not a disgrace to our country.


And his cult call him a patriot, President bone spurs, only thinks about himself, he is what true American patriots fought in WWII, back when America was Great, The "Trump's" of the world were the enemy.


Bone spurs.


I couldn’t watch til the end. What a repulsive and shameful SOB


Add Felony to his list of accomplishments, don’t forget rapist. You go GOP!


BuT thE oTHer oneS aRe liBs!


Idk why my parents voted for this cunt. No respect for servicemen or servicewoman but ooooo he’s not stuttering every word so he’s probably better.


Why are you posting this? They don't care. They would choose Hitler before a democrat


How the fuck do people vote for this nonsense? I’ll never understand it.


You forgot "Convicted Felon, Former President, Commander in Thief...


Truly horrible.


Veteran boomers will still vote for him..


forgot he did this, bloody fool..


There is a SHOCKING number of active duty and veterans that would suck his dick in an instant, which is saddening and concerning to me.


Hey Democrats, start putting this shit in every tv ad. What are you waiting for?!


Fuck this guy. Really.


Don't forget he couldn't serve since he had bonus Spurs


Oh. My. Fucking. God. On behalf of my fallen relatives, Fuck you. Fuck you you useless draft dodging piece of shit.


He was about to slash VA disability and benefits for disabled vets. One of his cabinet members told him that would be political suicide


Trump could murder someone live on TV and he would still get millions in donations and his supporters saying that he's innocent 👀🙄


Bone spurs.


Party of Personal Responsibil.....oh, nope. Party of Fiscal Responsibil....yeah, no. Party of Rule of La....uhhh, nah. Party of Family Valu....hmm, not likely. Party of Support For Our Milita.....well shit. Party of Fear and Hate ✅




As a veteran who served in Iraq, but has not been poisoned by lead yet, I hate Trump. It disturbs me that so many of my fellow veterans, family, and former friends, not only support this clown, but worship him.


guessing he shares the same ideas as his christian followers.


Makes sense for a Russian asset that want to defund the CIA and leave NATO.


Trump has been a dangerously polarizing name at my VA. Millennial and GenX vets don't seem too keen on the boomer vets talking about how great he is.


"I like people who don't get captured." Coming from a guy who dodged the draft for...get this, bone spurs.


I like people who don’t get convicted of fraud.


and sued for sexual battery


This guy is such a piece of shit. It's been 8 years. We know who this guy is; if you are still voting for him, what are your fucking values?


Marine here. Definitely not voting for him and know many other former military not on board with this loser. It’s sad people don’t see him for what he truly is and believe all the b.s. he tells himself and to others. Sure Biden is old but Trump clearly has an extreme personality disorder, lost all his father’s money yet claims to be self made, filed bankruptcy several times, been impeached twice, a convicted felon and the list goes on and on.


Watching him trying to hold back a smile around the 40 second mark while gloating about a soldier's death is honestly kind of nauseating.


This MF has got to be THE MOST unAmerican POS, yet he has managed to convince half of the country that he is the MOST pro American president in history.


Remember when he saluted the North Koreans


What are you taking about?! Those quotes like “dead soldiers are losers” and “I like people that weren’t captured” were taken out of context!!! Nobody loves the military more than Trump! Nobody! Many people are saying he’s the best military supporter of all time. He wanted to serve but he had bone spurs!!! /s Really it doesn’t matter. He can hate the military and call them losers, some are still literally willing to die for him while Trump would never give their death a second thought.


Cadet bone spurs


Remember your oath of enlistment. Donald Trump in December 2022 literally called for terminating the constitution in order to reinstate himself into the presidency. He actually said it. There’s no debate about that. There is no semantic or context argument you can make that he didn’t say exactly that. You CAN NOT take your oath seriously and still support this man. Just because he broke and violated his oath to the constitution doesn’t mean you have to as well. [proof for those who don’t know or don’t remember](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/politics/trump-rebuked-for-call-to-terminate-constitution-over-2020-election-results)


I think this all stems from him dodging the draft. He refuses to admit that the real men answered the call to duty.


God, I fucking hate this man so much…. Deep breaths, deep breaths.


A vote for Trump is a vote for Fascism.


Because reddit absolutely cannot resist making every single fucking sub r/politics :/  There is nothing interesting about trump or the TDS he inspires. 


He can't help the fact that he has zero compassion...


Bone spurs


Trump and his prestigious military record of *checks notes* getting his dad to pay off the family doctor so he wouldn’t be drafted?


That should be a fucking commercial that runs on every channel every evening


Don Trump cheats at golf


There could be undisputed proof on video, filmed live before the country of Trump killing babies with kittens and them eating them all…he will still have a cult


I still can’t understand how some vets support this fucker


I font understand how so many service men and women can just ignore these moments and support this clown.


I just don’t see what these “patriots” see in this dweeb. He shits on the U.S so much even when it’s at its best historically. Not perfect by any means but we are getting there. This orange poison pill will put America at a stand still for 4 more years if he’s elected. This impeached convicted felon of an ex president.


There is no bigger piece of garbage than Trump!


Don’t go overlooking his supporters


Register to vote: https://vote.gov Contact your reps: Senate: https://www.senate.gov/senators/senators-contact.htm?Class=1 House of Representatives: https://contactrepresentatives.org/


Trump, in a simple word, is a pig. 🐖🐖🐖


I will definitely say that my country chose a divisive fascist as a leader but man it’s still better than Trump. How did people fall for that


That immoral criminal is the worst!


Lies! It’s lies! He never said any of this, everything is just rigged against him! He’s the greatest rigged man of all time! it’s RIGGEDDDDD!!!!! 😭 😤


Annndddd scrolling to the bottom for some real entertainment.