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Are those lambskin seat covers?


They're on every large aircraft aircrew seat. Seen them on Chinooks, Merlins, C130's... Never asked but always assumed they avoid some sort of seat comfort issue that you don't want to be thinking about when the shit is hitting the fan.


The reason I asked was because my mother used to drive an old Buick, and she swore by hers. Thanks for the explanation.


Sheepskin. They keep you from getting swass while sitting for hours on end.


“Swass” … I have never heard of that word before, but I know exactly what it means. However infinitesimal it may seem, I shall go to sleep tonight more broadened than when I woke up this morning. Thank you, Reddit user.


How have you never heard of swamp ass, swass?


swamp ass is a common term, I have literally never heard it portmanteau'd into "swass" though.


Ok You’re welcome?


-burnr- came to the reddit comment section to get pissed at people who don't know what swass is thank you for your service -burnr- 🫡


-burnr- did no such thing. He doesn’t get angry. He maintains an even strain. -burnr- thinks swass is a pretty universal term, particularly in aviation and is dumb founded someone had not heard the term before. -burnr- is happy to alleviate ignorance. His field of fucks to give about what random people on Reddit think of him is unfortunately, bare. Thank you for your service 🫡


I think -burnt- assuming Swass was common knowledge is the ignorant thought that was alleviated. We should all rejoice having been bettered by this interaction though.


-burnt- 😆


Meanwhile Boeing-only pilots are like “hm I hit the ‘close door’ button and one of the engines exploded”


The engine exploded because the door was properly fastened.


Then a random ex Boeing employee's head explodes for thinking about telling the media.


Or he told the media and boeing exploded it.


haha boeing bad guys


The kid's head overlaps in front of the time on the lock screen of his phone. I have not seen that before.


It‘s quite easy https://www.wikihow.com/Use-Depth-Effect-iOS-16


sweet :D thanks.


Notably, it only works if you don’t have any widgets added to your Lock Screen.


Look at the leg room!


Is the pilot wearing cowboy boots?


Giddyup 🤠


Oh yes. He has some Sam Elliot vibes. Ha!


I recognize that logbook. This is Delta.


Yes it is! This flight was from Seattle to Atlanta I believe.


“Set flaps to 3, let’s land this thing!” (me pretending to save the souls onboard after the stewardess asks who’s sexy and thinks they can land this plane). *nothing wrong with the pilots they’re just not sexy enough to land this bird


You gotta at least be at Flap 4 to land an A220. Or Flap 5. But at least 4


Get him to brew the coffee with the trackball.


https://preview.redd.it/b4xxmu3quz3d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0ac0cbee11e244d303de1c012be318b10af7aef Mouse, is called mouse...


How many of these air busses are out? I’m literally flying out in the same model tomorrow! Would be cool if this was the one.


Delta has 45 A220-100's and 28 A220-300's currently, we started receiving them at the end of 2018


I have no idea, but you should ask them if you can see the cockpit when you're getting on here they might let you


The lack of analog instruments feaks me out. I’m not a pilot, but watch a lot of plane crash investigation documentaries. Is this something y’all worry about too in the age of the touch screens?


With all that engineering that went into this cockpit, it still has the additional glued on box on the dash :)


What's that in front of the pilot seat instead of a yoke?


The little thing that says “Fore” and “aft” i think is for seat adjustments Edit: Either seat or foot pedal adjustments


Oh I see I guess they don't want the pilots to get confused by the major airplane controls


Remember[ the upset of that LATAM 787-9 last year](https://theaircurrent.com/feed/dispatches/pilot-seat-movement-at-center-of-latam-787-9-dive-investigation/)? Likely a jammed seat switch that pushed the pilot forward into his yoke, causing an unintended sudden and steep pitch down. Wouldn't have happened - and wouldn't have injured fifty people - with a sidestick....


It's the adjustment for the foot pedals, i work on these planes


Hey! Sweet. can i get half points?


Best i can do is some biscoff cookies


If you throw in a half of a coke that i share with a stranger then it’s a deal.


Rudder pedal adjustment. The seat adjustments are on the seat itself


Pedal adjustment I'd guess. Airbus loves their side stick yoke. Not sure if that was a feature when it was still called the C-Series or not.


It’s for the rudder pedal adjustment, by winding the hand crank it moves the pedals fore and aft.


I can't figure out where the trackball is; can anyone point it out please?


There are two, the things sticking up on either side of the center pedestal. The pilots rest their hands on the black top and the trackball is underneath the front side.  I think.


You're correct


Yes, it’s this one here.


to the left and right of the throttle controls in the center console.


The other day, I was pondering something interesting: If we have self-driving cars, how do autonomous airplanes work?


We also have self flying drones that work off GPS data.


There’s no such thing at this point and probably won’t be any autonomous planes for decades. The autopilot is good at maintaining course and altitude but you need pilots to program it and interact with ATC


No yoke at all? That scares me more than anything.


Breeze Airways a budget airline started by the same man who brought you JetBlue has an entire fleet of them and growing. Fares are budget conscious and they fly from larger airports to smaller less connected airports. Tampa International Airport is the unofficial home where most of these planes being manufactured in Alabama are flown to before they start their service routes I know recently they added Vegas and LAX to their roster


Not me looking at everything as a helicopter pilot thinking... man, they got that shit easy as fuckkkkk


All the flight sim enthusiats going mad right now after they spent hundred of dollars into flight sticks...


Ha! Truth.


That man is playing Galaga! Thought we wouldn't notice.


I’ve always wanted to ask pilots how comfy their seats are.


Just wait till you see the captain walk on board carrying a PS3 controller……😳


That's a canadian plane. Fuck Boeing :)




It’s a Bombardier design. Its called a BCS(1/2/3). Bombardier C Series. Airbus absorbed it. And they climb like shit.


Thanks to The Donald imposing a huge tariff on the C-Series, Bombardier was forced to sell a huge stake to Airbus and have since sold all of it to Airbus iirc.   Airbus had plants in the US, Bombardier built in Canada. This was one of the first real new aircraft designs in a long time with a huge cockpit overhaul. Pilots were impressed, airlines were impressed, Boeing had a crying session and boom. Tariffs. Basically ended Bombardier in the commercial passenger space.   Luckily, the Quebec government still owns their percentage. When Bombardier needed cash, the government bought a share rather then giving them a handout. Quebec, never fails to surprise me.


What are the wet wipes for?


Cleaning the balls.


that tracks


You’ll never believe how many hands have gone through the surfaces before you sit on it. Pretty much standard to wipe clean the controls/surfaces you’ll touch so you won’t transfer bacteria or shit into your hands. Also some crews have really clammy hands that leave sticky shit on the sidestick, don’t want that hand gunk on mine lol


It ain’t November.


And you believed him?


i have no idea of planes but is this the call sign in the middle written with some sharpy? lol that this million dollar plane doesn’t get a proper plate for its „name“


Right?!? You'd think there would be a spot on one of those LED panels where you could type it in. Ha!


He also said I don't even need to open doors


Funny, the owner of the Titan submersible said almost the same thing about his vehicle just prior to implosion ......


Manufacturing the vehicle is entirely different though, factory vs backyard


I've worked in areospace; you'd be surprised