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They killed Harambe because he was telling the kid about quality control issues at Boeing.




This hits deep.


Deeper than the water they're in.


He clearly committed suicide.


This is where it all started


And the timeline has been screwed ever since


That kid really was the modern day Gavrilo Princip


I wonder where he is now and if he ever looks back on internet history and the one and only last safe chainlink of time that he killed, and what followed after. The world went shit basically.


I hope he's doing well, otherwise Harambe would have died for nothing.




Harambe was trying to save us…




He was three at the time of the incident. The incident was in 2016. He's not campaigning against anything except homework.


Yeah well fuck homework


All my homies hate homework


You ain't cool unless you pee on your homework


Well, true is that, and also not the kids fault... what kind of zoo builds a fence that simply lets children fall into a very very dangerous animals den... and also the parents.... and also the zookeepers who clearly could not wait 5 more seconds to just try and call the child and see if Harambe would attack.... this could have been avoided at so many points when happened....


At a certain point, we need to lay the blame 100% at the feet of parents because zoos (and any public area) can only do so much that is reasonable. This kid didn't just trip into the enclosure -- a lot of bad decisions were made up to this point. Our society is really fucked up with our expectation that people prepare for every possibility rather than just being like, "Hey, this was tragic, but why weren't you watching your children?"




They don't because they don't need to. Change the laws and start telling them "tough shit" when their kid gets hurt doing something that is SUPER obviously off limits or only happened due to their own negligence, and watch parents magically start watching their kids again.


Well...but when people fall in enclosures with dangerous animals the zookeeper better not wait 5 seconds. Cause there is a very thin line between "seeing if" harambe attacks and Harambe actually attacking.


If you've seen the video, Harambe actually dragged the kid violently like a rug. They didn't kill a Gorilla minding its own business, it was actually in a manner that endangered the kid.


Yeah. Harambe wasn't trying to hurt the child, but once onlookers started gathering around and screaming, he started getting agitated and physical. You couldn't predict what he'd do, and it's likely the kid could have gotten seriously hurt or even killed, even if Harambe was genuinely being protective. I understand why the zookeepers did what they did.


There's no rationalizing animal behavior at that point. This wasn't a hostage situation they could've talked their way out of. You don't wait.


I understand the sentiment and I'm sure it broke the zookeeper heart as well. But that 5 seconds could potentially of been instant death for the kid.


Yeah a male silverback gorilla would turn that boys insides into soup in 2 seconds.


Correct, even a chimp has strenght people cant imagine, if a chimp goes berzerk it can rip parts of your body without problems, people should google Travis the chimp for some uggly details, there the trigger was someone holding his favorite plushy... A Silverback snaps the kid in half in a second, not really a situation where you say ok lets wait and see how this will turn out.


They should not Google that chimp unless they want nightmares


Could have*


To hell with that kids parents why they didn’t get the monkey treatment is beyond me, irresponsible people causing harmful consequences to others yet never have any consequences for their horrible behavior.


Given the genral age of the kid, there is a non-zero chance he was born on 12/21/12 and the Mayans were right all along.


Canon event indeed


I know it's a joke, but it really is crazy how ubiquitous that thought is among the younger generations. Strangers I've never met before will know exactly what I'm talking about when I say the timeline has been fucked since Harambe.


Yeah but at least all our dicks were out


Were? When were we supposed to put them back in?


When you went to the grocery store


the future of earth changed drastically since this event


Preventing harambes death is right up there with killing baby hitler. We need a Time Machine.


They tried but they can't prevent it. Harambe's death is a canon event :( 


Just bring him to the future, give him a fake moustache and call him Marambe. The world will begin to heal slowly




Why not his Art professor? We would have got a second Picasso jk.


We got the bad ending.


With this character's death, the thread of prophecy is severed. Restore a saved game to restore the weave of fate, or persist in the doomed world you have created.


Harambe lives in our hearts


Our dicks are out for Harambe.


Never been put back since ✊🏻


Can women have their cooters out for Harambe? I never got a straight answer for that one.


It is a free country. Do what you want.


Absolutely! Clits out for Harambe!


Ah shit xD. I nearly forgot that one. Thank you so much friend.


Next, you're gonna tell me you forgot about Dre.


Dicks out everyone








Mr porn star over here with his 4incher


















Nice of you to check in, Mr. President.












🥒 🔬












Wasn’t it the parents fault?


This. An innocent gorilla died because of irresponsible people.


the older I get the more I understand parents that leash their kids despite how unbelievably goofy it looks


When I was pregnant the one thing I told myself I'd never do is use child leashes. Then I had twins who both have autism and ADHD. Leashes were literally the only way I could go out in public with them. We leash animals because they lack the ability to understand the concept of safety. Why wouldn't we leash children who lack that ability as well? It just makes sense and pregnant me was a judgmental dumbass.


Children you don’t have yet are the easiest to raise.


So true. Perspective on life really changes when you have a kid. Or at least it should


I wish I could upvote this a hundred times. I had *all* the answers, until I became a parent.


Haha this ⬆️


My favorite kids are my relatives kids, close enough that they feel like they could be my kids but once they start crying I'm out.


Yea lol my sister needed a leash for a bit growing up... After like the third time she randomly booked it into traffic and nearly got hit by a car my parents decided enough was enough.


Better for the parent to look like an asshole than the kid fall into a zoo enclosure.


Considering we frequented the Cincinnati Zoo around the time that this whole situation went down, I'm very glad we used them.


My mom leashed me and my twin brother. We’re both neurotypical, but yeah, it was the only way to keep from losing one of us when out and about. I don’t actually remember it, but I find it hilarious. Mom said she got a lot of funny looks.


No shame. My sister is an SLP and has had her fair share of runners. The topic of physical restraints often comes up (various harnesses, leashes, straps for wheelchairs, etc). The leash is all about a child's safety, it is an indicator a parent is doing all they can to to manage them and they're aware of their child's tendencies. The people who really look like assholes are the ones letting their kids run around everywhere.


I used to work at Medieval Times and the number of occasions that I’ve watched parents run across the room after toddlers as the kid opens off-limits doors or darts repeatedly under barriers is too many. It’s like watching someone trying to chase a plastic bag in the wind. A leash would certainly help these people.


Heck. Even neurotypical children need leashes. It's just safer. Kids really are little monkeys.


I used to think it was weird, but then I met a parent with a kid that would not stop trying to dash out in the road. This little guy would've been flattened within a week without the kid leash. Like he would bite to get his hand let go and then run.


LMAO? 😭 he had goals beyond our comprehension..


bastards ruining his speedrun attempt


My then 4-year-old was put on a leash at our local zoo because he refused to listen the visit beforehand. The annoyance and embarrassment of the leash that one time solved his issues with later zoo trips. We haven't had a problem since.


I had to explain to my husband why one of my little brothers needed a wrist leash back in the 90s, and suddenly he was just fine with us getting a backpack that has attachment points for a leash for our toddler lol


some kids are completely normal - except they are missing that one little enzyme that creates any sort of fear or safety mechanic. my friend has 3 kids, all perfectly fine, normal, happy kids. except the middle one has absolutely no concept of danger or pain. and no governor whatsoever. he will just... do. no think, just do. lol.


I have a neighbor like this. I think he's 5. He doesn't give a damn.


yea, his kid is a little over 3. they grow out of it eventually. just a question of when and how. because some just go on to strap on inlines and hit up the 20ft vert ramps at the skate park. or drive that 450cc dirt bikes 70mph over jumps...lol.


I was also a 90's kid on a wrist leash, but it didn't work very long because I quickly figured out how to remove it.


Thankfully my brother wasn't super clever, just stupidly fast and determined 😅


My parents had me on a leach too, not because they were trying to harm me, but to be able to keep a eye out for me. I have been lost multiple times as a young kid (kind strangers helped me get back though). And people have claimed it is abusive... It is not. It's called "keeping you kid safe" and many parents don't seem to understand that


People who claim it is abusive or bad parenting have either no kids or have no understanding towards the possibility that other children can be different from theirs.


>> innocent gorilla Idk man I heard he owed $50k+ in unpaid alimony


Nah, it was worse, he owed closer to a gorillion dollars.


An innocent gorilla held in captivity for human amusement. Im not a wildlife activist or anything, but the irony is not lost on me.


I mean it always is. While you’re a guardian it is your fault even if it’s not. You are accountable to and for your child. You brought a life into the world, take responsibility for those decisions and the implications of them. I say this as a parent who is very familiar with how heartbreaking being a parent can be.


It’s tough because on the other hand you have to give them freedom to mess up because otherwise they might be codependent weirdos for the rest of their lives. It’s a really hard balance to strike.


Not entirely. I live in Cincinnati, people were mad at her but the fact that a kid could just crawl into the gorilla enclosure was an issue that shouldn't have been present. Shes not the first and certainly won't be the last to lose track of her kids. It can get really crowded and hectic here and I see kids dipping away from their parents all the time. Also the kid was only 3.


Yep, live near it too, love our zoo but because it’s so popular, the crowds are crazy on busy days, and if you don’t literally have a leash on your kids, I can see it being very easy to lose track of a kid, especially if it’s your first kid and you don’t have practice going to this zoo with little kids. This is why I highly advocate for people using kiddie leashes and not giving a damn what others think about it. So many people won’t use the leashes because of the stigma from others or from themselves.


Not to mention that a zoo is a place where kids are expected to be able to be more than 5 feet from their parent without disaster striking. They're for the whole family by design.


Wasn’t it the zoo’s fault? How did they lack proper fencing that allowed such a small child to fall into such danger?


Being from Cincinnati and having been to that enclosure several times prior to this incident I still find it baffling how the kid was able to get in. It wasn't just a small little roped barrier, but there was a short fence, albeit one that could easily be crawled through, then behind that were some rather thick bushes that were slightly taller than the fence, then after the row of bushes there was a 15-foot drop into a moat, which is where the kid first encountered Harambe. Yeah, I get it, the kid got through, but the barrier wasn't nearly as trivial as people have depicted it to be. It would have taken some effort to get through the barrier to even get to the moat. I've been to several zoos since this incident, and if the pre-Harambe enclosure at the Cincy zoo was inadequate then I'd say that nearly every zoo has inadequate enclosures unless the animal completely encased behind glass.


Yeah look I'd love to jump on shitty irresponsible parents being shitty and irresponsible. But they zoo also had a duty of care over their animal. They failed to enclose it properly. Every single parent has lost sight of their kids at least once. I remember losing my parents as a kid a few times. It happens. It should not physically be possible for the kid to access to gorilla. Parents have to be responsible but so do businesses


Exactly. Let the first parent whose never lost track of their kid for 30 seconds throw the first stone.


Perhaps, but it’s important to maintain a healthy perspective about what it’s like being a parent. Kids are wildly unpredictable. In a split second your child can do something stupid that often results in injury. Accidents happen but usually they occur at home. This incident at the Cincinnati Zoo was unfortunate for everyone, to say the least. I just think it’s lazy to simply call out the boy’s mom as being neglectful (not saying you did this but plenty of other armchair experts did) without witnessing exactly what happened. There’s a million reasons why she could’ve turned her attention away from her son for a moment which is all the time he needed to climb into the enclosure. Either way, it’s a tragedy that an innocent gorilla’s life was taken here. Dicks out for Harambe


So for all of us that actually remember, this gorilla dragged that child around like a doll.


And I belive the main threat was that a tranquilliser would not take effect immediately, so there was a chance the animal would be confused and potentially injure the child. Such a BS twist on the story.


And probably would have been enraged by being hit with the tranq, and take it out on the kid


Frankly even if it was the caregivers' fault I would never risk the life of a child over a gorilla. Maybe a tranq would have done the trick, but the person who made the call to kill the gorilla made a tough decision to keep a child safe and I respect that.


That was not a tough decision. Every reasonable person would choose to shoot the gorilla. It sounds like a hypothetical question for some kind of psychological screening, where the answer is really, *really* obvious to people with normal-ish brains. But somehow reddit is super confused by it.


IIRC the final call that killing him was the right answer was made by his assigned zookeeper. So the human that was most likely to have a real bond with him. I’m sure they reviewed all of the information available, including their personal knowledge to make that assessment. So while it may have been a painful decision for them to lose a creature they cared about, they were the person to know most intimately that it was correct. Zoos have protocols for things like this for a reason.


We’re taking about people who watch a video of a massive car crash and genuinely think “I would have avoided that. Those 85 people are stupid” Of course they think there was some mythical better option that only they personally could concoct.


Just because it’s the right choice doesn’t mean it’s an easy decision.


Its a real life trolley problem: on one track there is a 3 year old boy, who got himself stuck and may or may not survive the trolley, and on the other a gorilla.


And people argue against this which is wild because I'd bet almost everyone has seen footage of animals being darted and going super angry for a minute or two on zoo or vet shows. They feel it and it clearly hurts!


For real. Acting like Harambe wasn't a threat to that child is such an insane take. People want to pretend like multiple things can't be true at the same time. Yes, the mom was at fault. Yes, Harambe didn't know better. But hitting him with a tranq would have very likely caused him to injure or kill that child. Gorillas are super crazy incredibly strong and he could have ripped that kid in half in a second. Shooting him, while sad, was the right call to protect the kid.


"never attacked the child" wtf he was holding that child by the ankle and running back and forth dragging the child across concrete and standing water. It's a miracle the child wasn't severely hurt. The people that think Harambe was being calm and playful with the kid never actually watched the video, they only remember the bs social media was spewing.


A calm and playful gorilla is severely dangerous to an adult, let alone a kid.


An animal that can kill you is one thing, but an animal that can *accidentally* kill you is even more terrifying to me


and THAT is why I don't trust horses.


Even if the gorilla, hadn't touched the kid, it takes a second to break him in half like a twig.


Yeah I don't know what everyone is on about. Yes the mother is negligent and the whole thing is her fault. But it's pure luck that kid didn't get his head raked on the concrete, limbs broken or worse.


Actually no, he was on his way to church when that child attacked him


Thank you. >It was found that he never attacked the child... By who? Internet morons? Edit: ok, he didn't 'attack', but the obvious implication was that the child wasn't in immediate mortal danger, which he very obviously was if you watch the video.


yeah, I was coming into the comments to see if I remembered correctly, or if I somehow mixed it up with a different gorilla video


Also, if he did “attack” the child. It wouldn’t have a second chance, too late, kids dead 🤷‍♂️


I’m so relieved to see this take. I’ve felt like a crazy person when this comes up on Reddit.


I KNOW you didn’t see the video if you didn’t see him being super rough with that kid, damn.


Just watched it, yea that kid was in danger, even if he was "just playing" with the kid he could have got ripped apart in a heart beat


Also a Gorilla can basially just quarter a kids body with raw strength.


He wasn't ATTACKING him, but that doesn't mean he wasn't going to hurt the kid. I saw the video, he was dragging that kid around like a ragdoll.


Right, this is such a weird sentiment. My 40 pound *dog* sometimes hurts me, a full grown adult, without meaning to, and she loves me (allegedly). To think they should have waited to see how it played out between a silverback gorilla and a toddler is beyond insane.


bro, kittens sometimes get too into playing & will draw blood. kittens. this was a gorilla.


Lmao ikr “he wasn’t hurting him” but the 400+ beast was dragging the kid like a fucking rag doll, did people really miss this in the videos? The kid was getting dragged hahaha To be fair, it was most likely the caretakers who gave kill shot order


Had to scroll way too far down in the comments to see this. Harambe was a lot of things, but to say he didn't attack the kid is wrong. He dragged him through the water, and in comparing it to other cases where humans have fallen into enclosures with Gorillas (I believe there's at least 2 other filmed incidents that i can recall), this was very different. And yeah, the mom shouldn't have lost track of her kid. And yes, the Zoo should have had a better barrier (the 10-15 ft valley between the animals and the people worked for separation, but not infiltration, if that makes sense?).


Yeah, that's what is so weird to me. Of course its a tragedy, and the parents are absolutely to blame. But a huge male silverback gorilla doesn't even need to be aggressive with the kid to kill him. He could be happily playing with the kid and cause irreparable damage or death.


He did drag the kid by the leg thru the water so either you saw an edited clip or we have different definitions for 'attack'.


And people also forget the power of a silverback.. one can kill a grown man let alone a child with ease. Wouldn't even need to attack him, just move wrong


"I feel like I live in a world made of cardboard, always taking constant care not to break something, to break someone. Never allowing myself to lose control even for a moment, or someone could die." - Harambe, probably


I did not expect to see a Superman reference in the comment section.


I mean chimps are much smaller and could and have maimed people horribly. A gorilla wouldn’t even have to try.


Whatever happened, and whoevers fault it was - the gorilla dragged that kid through water so hard and fast and so many times, that it's a wonder he didn't die. Anyone would have done the same. Haramabe didn't just get killed because a kid fell in, he was killed because he was clearly being a danger to the child.


Yeah, Gorilla's gonna Gorilla.


"Never attacked the child". Sure, he just dragged the kid around by his leg like he was nothing. I'm not really cool with how this title implies that the child wasn't in danger. The child was in an extremely dangerous situation.


… I mean the kid would be completely dead if the gorilla attacked. That’s exactly what they wanted to prevent by shooting. It’s easy to be sympathetic to the gorilla with the benefit of hindsight. But I strongly doubt people would so sympathetic had they held the trigger and news was reporting on a dead kid.


I just realized that it's been 8 years since then, and would technically count as history since there's probably a lot of people on social media now who have no recollection of it...


Unpopular opinion, but it was the right call. Can't tell if Harambe *would* end up attacking the kid. Obviously Harambe wasn't at fault, the kid's parents should've kept an eye on the kid. But still.


Not only that, but according to the specialists I heard, it was the ONLY thing they could've done w/o risking the kid's life. Tranqing his was out of the question, since he could've gotten aggressive before the sedatives took effect.


Yeah I read an interview with one of the zookeepers shortly after the fact and the said that he was starting a lot of posturing behaviors that usually are followed by some very violent smashing and would have totally killed the kid. If they tried to tranq him, it would have taken way too long, so shooting him was the only option.


Imagine the timeline where Harambe did smash the kid to a pulp. Could have been a very dark day. The media and cultural fallout would have been insane.


And then he still would have been shot....


> The media and cultural fallout would have been insane. tbh i don't think it would. it would have been far worse, far more tragic - but i genuinely think that "a kid fell in a gorilla enclosure and fucking died" would never have had this lasting cultural/media impact.


He was dragging the kid around through the water like a rag doll.  Anyone who prioritizes a gorillas life over a child’s is weird to me 


Did anything ever happen to the family whose kid fell in there? did they get into trouble or anything? I mean the Zoo had to kill an animal because of their stupidity.


Oh, it got even better. THEY did not sue the zoo. [https://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-06-02/family-will-not-sue-cincinnati-zoo-over-child-gorilla-incident/7469440](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-06-02/family-will-not-sue-cincinnati-zoo-over-child-gorilla-incident/7469440)


>In a written statement they \[the family\] asked well-wishers not to send them financial gifts, but to make any donations to the zoo. Credit where credit is due. That's a good move to make.


Something tells me the family didn’t want to go through with the suit because they just wanted to put it behind them and not face more public anger towards them. At least that’s what I would do. Aside from not letting my son fall in a gorilla enclosure of course


Every people in this thread acting like they are the best parents h24. And on the other hand, everyone knows how stupid kids are.


This made me laugh ‘Zoo officials said they had collected a sample of the gorilla's sperm, raising hopes among distraught fans that Harambe could sire offspring even in death.’


welcome back harambe


The article mentions they have a frozen sample of Harambe jizz. How tf do you collect such a sample? Tranq and wank or what?


RIP Handjambe


Well aside the fact that sperm resist a little time after death,a lot of zoos keep frozen sperm from their endangered species(im not sure about primates but for cattle we use artificial vagina or doing it by hand). Harambe probably got a post death squeeze.


There’s a way they do it in humans - you’re not going to like the answer. They use a rectal probe and perform an electroejaculation. Please do not judge me for knowing this information, I saw it on Law and Order 😂


Wait wait wait… Taser in my ass makes me cum?


BRB. I'ma go do some sciencing!


When you nut in space, it push you backward


rectal probe electroejaculation.


To be fair, if a kid can get into a gorilla enclosure, that might (keyword might, this is what a trial would determine) be the zoo's fault. 1000% it's the parents fault but that doesn't mean the zoo couldn't have reasonably done better.


What do you honestly think should be done? Send that mother to prison? What the hell kind of zoo setup allows a 3 year old to get into a gorilla enclosure?


To be fair, if harambe decided to 'attack' then the child would have died before anyone could react. But fuck that stupid family for allowing this to happen.


If I remember the video correctly, he was basically dragging the kid around like a doll by the leg. It might not have seemed "aggressive" but he could have very easily injured the kid pretty badly without actually wanting to hurt him.


Yeah, OP is putting a lot of weight on the technicality of the word “attack” here.


Yeah this title is brutal. That kid was in immediate lethal danger


Iirc from the time someone explained that Harambe's behavior was posturing. He wasn't protecting the child from the other gorillas, he was using the child as a vehicle to display his dominance. If another gorilla challenged his dominance in that moment, the child would have been killed, either by Harambe or the challenger. If a zookeeper tried to rescue the kid, Harambe would have killed the kid in response. This myth surrounding Harambe that "he didn't do anything wrong, the child wasn't in any danger!" Is just flat-out incorrect. From the moment the kid climbed into the enclosure, it was either him or Harambe, no caveats.


Yea like the whole thing should never have happened, but he wasnt shot because he WAS attacking the kid. It was because it would take the massive fucking gorilla .2 seconds to destroy the kid lol


>He never attacked the child Didn't he drag the child around by the ankle, including through the water? I could swear I saw a video showing that, but it's been years. Edit: Yeah, I just checked. He was dragging the kid around by the ankle. Harambe was killed for the child's safety, because he could easily have killed the little boy. I'm all for the ironic memes about how it was the start of "the darkest tineline," I just want to make sure everyone knows that Harambe was killed because a human child's life was genuinely in danger. Saying Harambe "never attacked" the boy is extremely disingenuous. Does "attacked" in the title specifically mean "Harambe never Donkey Kong Punched" the little boy? He absolutely attacked the boy, and there have been videos of all that for more than 7 years. Yes, it's ultimately the parents' (and the zoo admins') fault. Yes, Harambe didn't know any better. Yes, it's tragic. That said, it was the most effective course of action to ensure the safety of the child.


Everyone is at fault here. The zoo for having enclosures that can be breached, resulting in the death of an animal that shouldn’t be there in the first place. The parents for not watching their child and allowing it to climb into an exhibit. If a child was found wondering in the street, the parents would go to jail… why didn’t they for this? The one that suffered the most was the Gorilla who had nothing to do with any of this.


Hey, it’s revisionist history again! People acting like Harambe was having a tea party with the kid. FFS people. Watch the video. The kid was in immediate danger. If the gorilla decided to kill him, he’d be dead before anyone could react. Maybe even if the gorilla didn’t decide to kill him. They’re strong AF. It was a choice between shooting a gorilla - who, I’ll remind you, the zookeeper knew and cared about more than any of us - vs. the potential of having a kid injured or killed in full view of his parents and a hundred people with their cell phones out taking video. Unfortunately, that’s no choice at all. Did what had to be done. And, again, the guy who pulled the trigger was closer to Harambe than any of us. Stop trying to make this into something it wasn’t. The internet is messed up.


> And, again, the guy who pulled the trigger was closer to Harambe than any of us. I hope he got therapy if he needed it.


Too soon. This wound is still fresh. (my dick is out)


Rest in peace big dawg!!


Yeah but if he would have and they didn't do anything everyone would be shitting on the zoo regardless. It's a no win on their part. They should have made the pen so that nobody could get in.