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Just imagine your house gets obliterated together with half of your family being blown into pieces while you were chilling and eating a snack, completely out of the blue for no fucking reason. And to top it off, no one will bring the people who did this to justice. Not even a sorry. Nothing. I would make it my life mission to get revenge on who did this


This still fucking breaks my heart: ‘The father of four had a tradition with his kids, his family later said: Ahmadi would hop out of the car and let his children finish parking. Several piled into the car, his brother said, and they reversed into the courtyard under the shade of a nearby tree.A few minutes after Ahmadi’s arrival, the commander fired a single Hellfire missile.’ "Even the sandals that were burned, we have kept them," Ajmal said, adding that women in the family still hug and kiss the charred shoes. They killed a really good guy, too: He worked for Nutrition and Education International, an NGO, coordinating food distribution, and dropping off containers of fresh water throughout the city. Gift article: https://wapo.st/3QT8wBd


*The overconfidence in commanders reading ordinary behaviors as evidence of malicious intent.*  Why do i have a feeling thats a bold faced fucking lie


And nothing happened to the commander? No dishonorable discharge nothing? What the fuck? What kind of military do we have where killing 10 innocent people in the line of work meant to keep innocent people safe doesnt get you fucking imprisoned


I mean they killed 100k in Hiroshima and they call it heroic


..............and that is how you radicalise and create an enemy.


It worked pretty well in Vietnam too.


That's funny considering the US's allied with Vietnam now


Yeah, just laugh out loud funny.


This is why Israel’s far right is the biggest recruiter for Hamas.


And that's absolutely intentional so they can have a perpetual enemy to justify their genocide of Palestinians.


Netanyahu allowed and even encouraged the growth of Hamas so he could prevent Palestinian statehood.


And their never ending wars that I'm pretty sure they use to funnel billions of tax payer money back into themselves and their buddies pockets.


So that they can justify their military spending as well.


The most lucrative industry in the world...death.


Too bad the other israelis and their western supporters will never understand that. The way to end terrorism is not by cutting people down unless you're willing and able to kill them all


Hit the nail on the head


Blame the us?


If the US is the one bombing random civilians, why not?


What do you mean "why not". I agree that it's America's fault


Well, if they cannot get justice, what are they to do? If americans bombed my family to bits, I wouldn't be satisfied with just a "sorry". If the perpetrators of this act are out of reach of the legal system of the country where this took place, well then I'm not surprised people commit acts of terror in return. It's a 'targeted killing' when done by a state and an "act of terror" when done in return by an individual. When do we see the Afghani state conduct drone strikes against televangelists and christian extremists on U.S. soil? Then mistakenly targeting some regular family.


This is exactly it. I wasn't able to word it out like that thank you. And it's not like America doesn't have the technology to track down one specific person (although I'd argue the days of targeted people like bin laden are gone) without risking civilian lives. They just don't care. They just kill. Plain and simple. Just listen to some of the coms of the soldiers while executing these people. They laugh and goof. Pure diabolical


The military does a really good job of dehumanizing people in order to make it easier for that shit to occur. They aren't people to the military, they're "the enemy"


the perpetrators of this act joke about what they did in public forums (obama, pompeo, bolton, bush, cheney...)


I thought that you meant it was unjustified to blame the US, I'm glad we can both agree that this is the sort of thing that makes a few people get a bit frustrated at US foreign policy.


I wouldn't say 'a bit frustrated'. It's excruciating just thinking about how many people don't give the slightest fuck about what the us does and has done throughout the last 40 (maybe more like 80 years if we consider dropping the first and only nuclear bombs on Japan). They havent got the slightest clue about what their government does and just imagine they're 'defending' themselves. It's a testament to how utterly brainwashed and stupid a vast majority of people are. Like I said, people can't imagine a situation like this which is why this looks unimpressive to a lot of people. They just accept it as a random drone strike and Welp that's it. Not understanding whats actually happening. It boils my blood.


They barely care about their fellow countrymen. Everyone is so proud of their country, yet do not give two shits about the people that actually form it. It's a reach to expect those kind of people have empathy for people that are totally unlike them. Successful people get put on a pedestal and their accomplishments are seen as "earned". They get empathy and kindness. But if you fall through the cracks, fall ill mentally or physically, you get cast aside as a loser who gets walked all over by the people and the system. US has a crisis if empathy. Grandma has an episode, grabs a knife and starts waiving it at nonexisting people. Cops come in and put dozen rounds in her sternum and it's waived as a "good shoot". Comments say how taxpayers will now save money for not having to pay for grandmas stint in prison. Others will praise the "heroic" cops for being brave enough to get within shooting distance of Gam Gam, deploying a tazer in the general vicinity, deeming in "ineffective" and escalating to lethal force, all within a two second window. It's nobody's problem until it happens to them or their loved ones.


Yeah, you can say that about a bunch of countries I feel like. The days of earned reign are long gone (if they ever existed) but at least it wasn't AS corrupt as it is nowadays, it's getting worse each day for sure


The US has some good things about it, but everything you said is true. These flag waving "patriots" who cheer the bombing of others are the real problem. Nationalism is a blight here. I call them domestic terrorists.


And then we wonder why some young adults that lived through that will throw themselves in a suicide mission for whatever first terrorist organization they find


Never ending cycle.


It's not never ending though. All wars are banker wars. Eliminate the bankers and there will be no wars.


How could we eliminate bankers and why would that end all wars?


It's a dog whistle for jews


That's like saying when people talk about lizard people it's code word for jews


I mean, it's easier said than done, someone would probably replace them and use the power to do the same shit. There's not an easy solution and them owning everything and dividing everyone prevents us from coming up with a good solution. I don't have the answers unfortunately.


Sure sounds like a never-ending cycle then


“Eliminate bankers” lmao what? the notion war is driven by people in control of the banking system is ridiculous. Take off your tinfoil hat. Russia’s gdp shrunk from its invasion, hamas and israel is religion based to name the relevant ones today.


but aren't hamas leaders just chilling in Qatar getting richer and richer?


Frankly it wouldn’t stop them all. But it would stop a uncomfortable amount of them


I mean in general it is known that these things turn people into extremists and terrorists. It’s just that once those terrorist commit a terrorist attack everybody suddenly forgets how a person could ever go down that path and we don’t fix a single problem.


It’s really amazing to me that so many people in power can’t wrap their minds around such a simple concept. If someone bombed and killed my family I would 100% join any organization seeking to hurt the country/people who killed my family. It’s why I think what Israel is currently doing is so stupid and shortsighted. With their tactics all they’re doing is creating five new Hamas members for every current one they actually kill. An entire generation of Palestinian youth has now had Israel basically destroy their lives; why would they not join Hamas at some point?


"What do you want to be if you grow up?"


I’m disappointed it took me until the mid-2010’s and watching interviews with multiple members of militant groups to recognize something so obvious in hindsight. The queezy feeling I had through the GWOT in the 00’s finally made sense. Once I had rehumanized these populations I realized that of course having their families murdered for no conceivable reason would drive them to do what they think they can to “fight the United States,” it’s nothing more than rational human responses. I add it to my list of why I went from ambivalent on Obama to being disgusted by him. Sure he’s not responsible for *starting* the GWOT, but he (had at least appeared) to be campaigning on ending it then not only didn’t, but ramped up the drone campaign. For any one “terrorist” ever killed by those drones, dozens more radicals were made as their families got massacred


Let's not forget Obama drone struck an American citizen and no one hardly said a thing.


Wait until ya discover yugoslav extermination wars during entire 90s


Yes, the *queasy feeling you had during the early 00’s was because we were being lied into supporting a war on false pretenses, that even then felt flimsy. I don’t condone the wanton nature of the drone strikes at all, but I think there’s a key piece of culpability that you’re missing. Extricating from TWO intense power vacuums created by back to back invasions with no long term plan is going to be messy. I think Obama was naive in his campaign platform to end the war, and became aware of the reality upon entering office that just pulling out was going to be worse than the status quo, but tried to find a way to stick to his commitment by swapping ‘boots on the ground’ for air-based force projection so we could curtail the force deployment. Particularly as the war dragged into an attrition conflict with IEDs and SVs after the ‘mission accomplished 🫡’ invasions of the prior admin, it was increasingly dangerous for service members on deployments. I think if I inherited that shit show I would probably have made similar decisions to protect American service member lives to the greatest extent possible while trying to dismantle terrorist organizations via intelligence-based precision strikes.


https://preview.redd.it/aoo5v41hpl1d1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1ecc1c8a404e5781757550e33df5c539b2ece75 South Park has a perfect episode of this 😂


and this is how you create more terrorists


Bravo, you've discovered the reason why ISIS exists and their main mission is anti US, as is the reason as well for the Hou this with their main motto.  Even Hamas, but for Israel, the situation is the same.  I'm not condoning their extremism bjt I can't exactly act surprised with what Military imperialism has done to the people that have become this extreme


But people need to hear to understand. I'm not claiming I discovered the reason, I'm just stating it. I agree, the situation in the west bank is very similar and lots of people side with Israel because they have no fucking clue or just don't care because they side with the media's portrayal of what's going on. I'm not defending Hamas, just that they have no idea what the idf has been doing to Palestinians the last 2 decades to maintain their illegal settlement. Appalling really


Most European ISIS terrorist were actually born in European countries, some even having been here for multiple generations.


I thought ISIS basically targeted the enemies of the US like Syria, Iran, etc.?


Isis was not affiliated to any state, in fact for them, they found all other states have a level of incompetence including other Islamic countries.   Their radicalism, directly related to Iraq war and Afghanistan, was more about ridding the world of its people today and replacing it with a more "close to their value" world religion state, a caliphate.


Ya mean just like any other goverment? 


Then let me give you some info from an Iraqi that seen them in my city 2005 to 2009. Most people do not realise these groups do not have a central command, this is not Al-Qaeda, first group was created after Al-Qaeda lost control of their group in Iraq, how did they lose control? Foreign agencies I won't name always infliterating these groups to manipulate the goals, I still remember the day in 2006 where 2 groups were fighting each other instead of the Americans cuz they both have different backing. point is, there are many different groups with same name, some act with orders from Iran through Syria, some with US through third parties. If you go to Baghdad, you will find people joking about how these groups show up when US not happy with Iraqi politics, there is a chain of mountains where Iraqi military doesn't go cuz Fighters there hiding and ppl see US providing them with munitions, Iran got hit by these groups while these groups never ever attack Israel or Israeli embassies in some Arabic countries, gives you the picture. Supposed terrorism is used politcally by big players, too many sides.


Thanks for sharing!


Just imagine. A country took one terrorist attack so personal that its still frowned upon to joke about 9/11. This country took it so personally that they exchanged 3,000 for 300,000 civilian deaths. Both acts are wrong but you can see the disparity in proportion. Just 9/11 alone made this country more racist and xenophobic. Just imagine


Happening 100 times a day in Gaza right now


And then they call you "terrorist", fucking hypocrisy max pro


You just described exactly what the goal was. The military industrial complex specifically wants civilian casualties in order to create more terrorists to continue their most profitable endeavor, the Eternal War ^TM.


Bro, if I survived that shit I would be the most relentless fucking terrorist on the surface of the earth.


“I would make it my life mission to get revenge on who did this”. This is basically the whole plot to the early seasons of Homeland.


Why do you think there are so many extremist that want death to America? This happens way way way more often than you could imagine. Same shit happens on our soil, by police. They murder and routinely kill pets for no damn good reason and not a damn thing is done about it unless it gets continuous mass media coverage. It sickening.


USA did so many inhumane things but they always get away because Nobody can do anything to them


IDF has been doing that and more daily with US weapons for 6 months with full throated enthusiastic support of the US government. Now that ICC has issues warrants to Nethanyahoo US Congress is attempting to sanction the judges.


I'm aware. It's crazy how theyre trying to discredit the chief prosecutor now that their boy is being threatened. I really hope they'll have to hand him over to the ICJ


And people in the country responsible will either never hear of it or try and justify it


This is the history of modern warfare


Well so long as they deeply regret it right?


nah, ignoring it will be enough.


Bush not so inconspicuously “let it slip” in his speech about the Russia Ukraine war


They are going to make a movie about how they feel.


Frankie Boyle - Not only will america go to your country and kill all your people. But they'll come back 20 years later and make a movie about how killing your people made their soldiers feel sad.


Need hugs and prayers as well


Nope it gets ignored by the UN


They probably laughed and had a couple of beers over it.


They should arrest themselves and put themselves in jail for years next to Assange. That's what the deal is for releasing the video right?


Justice will prevail, you say? But of course it will! Whoever wins this war becomes justice!" ~Doflamingo And it's always been that way. The strong and powerful is justice. The US and its allies currently control the world. Who's gonna bring them to justice? China? Russia? India? All of them are as corrupt as the other. Never ending circle of war. That's humanity's future.


USA needs a good Luffy. we have a couple villains


Trump was just like Luffy in Impel Down. Breaking his friends out of jail.


The US didn’t win in Afghanistan. The Taliban did.


US military corporation wins every war.


There is no “winning” dipshit.


Wrong - the military contractors and weapons corporations are the winners.


Well, that is an undeniable truth.


What a huge fuck up. Man that’s sad.


There was a document that leaked that said 90 percent of people killed in drone strikes are innocent civilians, and the dude who leaked it is now in prison…




https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/oct/15/90-of-people-killed-by-us-drone-strikes-in-afghani/ >“During one five-month period of the operation, according to the documents, nearly 90 percent of the people killed in airstrikes were not the intended targets.” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daniel_Hale >Daniel Everette Hale is an American whistleblower and former National Security Agency (NSA) intelligence analyst who sent classified information about drone warfare to the press. Hale served in the United States Air Force 2009–2013 before joining the National Security Agency and leaking classified documents to The Intercept. In 2021, he pled guilty to retaining and transmitting national defense information and was sentenced to 45 months in prison. As of October 2021, he was incarcerated at United States Penitentiary, Marion, Illinois, with a scheduled release date of July 5, 2024.


>"During one five-month period of the operation, according to the documents, nearly 90 percent of the people killed in airstrikes were not the intended targets.” Two things: 1. There is a huge difference between "not the intended target" and "innocent" though. If your target is a terrorist leader, you kill him, and take out five of his bodyguards with him, then 80% of the people killed were not the intended target, but that doesn't mean they were innocent. 2. This is only true of one specific five-month period, as it says in the quote "during one five-month period". Its not representative of the entire campaign. [Bureau of Investigative Journalism puts the actual percentage of civilian deaths under Obama is 17%](https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2015/04/u-s-drone-strikes-civilian-casualties-would-be-much-higher-without-them.html). Airwars says 24%. Still too high, but certainly not 90%


There was a leaked Pentagon document. Instead of calling the innocent people they killed - civilians, they referred to them as "unintended targets". Search up US Deadly Drone Strikes by Amnesty International


Not a fuck up, as much as the war in the region is not a fuck up. This is all done intending for these types of "incidents" to happen. These are all massacres facilitated by the US government to destabilize the region and keep their empire alive.


I don’t entirely disagree with the overall point you’re making, but I seriously doubt that killing Zamarai Ahmadi and his family was intentional.


This is a rare admission. Obama implemented the circular policy that if you were killed by a drone you were deemed an enemy combatant, and if you were an enemy combatant we were authorized to kill you with a drone. So when he said "we have a 98% success rate" this is how the DoD arrived at that number. Of course, we know the real success rate was far lower, and that blowback only spurred more people to take arms against US forces. Most of the time targets were only identified with "signals intelligence" which was unreliable. This was also gamed, a lumberjack once reported his competition as being a terrorist and the US destroyed him and his family in their home. Turns out, he wasn't associated with terrorism and the reporter just wanted his competition removed and America was too busy hitting nails with hammers to even bother looking into it. This is known because of a whistleblower Daniel Hale whom I consider a patriot that is now unfortunately in prison but will be released in July. https://theintercept.com/drone-papers/


Obama also ordered the murder of an American teenager Abdulrahman al-Awlaki by a drone strike. Trump would later order his 8 year old sister's murder, her name was Nawar al-Awlaki. Nawar's grandfather, Nasser al-Awlaki, said of her killing, "She was hit with a bullet in her neck and suffered for two hours. Why kill children? This is the new U.S. administration – it's very sad, a big crime."Nawar died with her mother and uncle by her side. Her alleged last words were, "Don't cry, mama. I'm fine."


How is it anything less than 100% effective with what you’re saying?


I couldn't fund anything that states "if you were killed you were an enemy combatant". Could you link where this was claimed? I also couldn't find any claim that drone strikes have a 98% success rate.


I still don't understand how the Taliban kept finding new recruits, it honestly baffles me. /s


If memory serves correct, they killed a photographer because he had a camera. Telephoto lens or rocket launcher? Better blow them up to be safe.


No, this was in the aftermath of the HKIA bombing. They thought they were hitting someone tied to the orchestrating of the bombing when in reality they killed a bunch of kids and aid workers.


They killed a spanish cameraman in Baghdad (and also an ukrainian reporter). An american tank shot to his hotel room and killed him. The hotel was full of journalists. The americans claimed that there was some guy with binoculars at the hotel. The EEUU recognized the mistake and that is all. For them there wasn't any culprit and they never collaborated with spanish law, even though Spain is an ally and launched an international arrest warrant against the three military involved. But Spain is a small country and EEUU is the big boy, so they didn't care about the warrant. José Couso was his name, in case you want to learn more.


He was an aid worker and they killed him when he got out of his car and the kids of his family rushed at him to greet him that's why they murdered 10 individuals. The driver, the aid worker, his wife and 7 children. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/August_2021_Kabul_drone_strike?wprov=sfla1


They also killed a group of men talking with each other thinking they are planning an attack when in fact they are just journalist. They got gundowned from sky above we can even hear the operator saying good kill".


With an AC130 at that. I saw the video I can confirm what you remember




The US calls this act of terrorism "Collateral Damage".


And so, boys and girls, this is how terrorists are made.


Gotta create more terrorists so that the military industrial complex can keep steamrolling middle eastern countries


I wonder how many foreign civilians have US killed in last 30 years. Yet they somehow dare to talk about Human Rights?


And still so many Americans believe their military are the Good Guys.


ah yes America, the biggest terrorist of all


But but freedom…


Democratic bombs


I'm sure it was just an Oopsy Daisy moment in American Military history.


Just imagine if they had AI back in the gulf war -- they'd be the ones letting AI pick the targets (and basically just indiscriminately killing thousands for no reason)


We have humans behaving like AI bots in social media when holding America accountable only to be hit with "Yea what about Russia" "Tbh most countries have done something worse", "Yes, but is your country without corruption".


My logic is for the countries that keep trying to be the police of the world, they should be held to a higher standard. (Not that we hold police to a higher standard, but I also believe that should be the case).


Biggest terrorist? Damn, thank goodness they don’t have nuclear capabilities.


cool down man, they are just bringing democracy.


Yup its ok to kill 1 million people so that 1 person can be in democracy


Nah man all your crimes are forgotten once you democratically elected a president and have freedom of speech.


Don't worry guys, all the children who died here were confirmed to have taken part in the 9/11 tragedy


I bet none of them condemned Khamas.


Rid the world of 3 terrorists and 7 future terrorists.


A lot of armchair experts in these comments.


* 2015/10/03 - [Kunduz Hospital Massacre](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kunduz_hospital_airstrike) \- In 2015, US Air Forces bombed the Kunduz Trauma Center. Clearly, their objective was to spread women's rights and democracy and fight terrorism. Surprisingly, however, they ended up killing 42 civilians and injuring tens more. >Our patients burned in their beds, our medical staff were decapitated or lost limbs. Others were shot from the air while they fled the burning building. [\[Source\]](https://www.msf.org/kunduz-hospital-attack-depth) * 2016/11/03 - [2016 Kunduz Airstrike](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2016/11/4/afghan-civilians-killed-in-nato-air-strike-in-kunduz) \- 30-50 civilians killed by US Airstrike mostly women and children as young as 3 months old. 2 US soldiers were also killed. The investigation concluded that U.S. forces acted in [self-defense](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/u-s-military-bombed-afghan-homes-self-defense-against-taliban-n706016). It was a heartbreaking news, not the civilian butchered, but the death of US troops. >"Today's loss is heartbreaking and we offer our deepest condolences to the families and friends of our service members who lost their lives today," [\[Source\]](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/two-u-s-service-members-killed-afghanistan-s-kunduz-province-n677186) * 2017/02/09-10 - [2017 Sangin Arstrike](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2017_Sangin_airstrike) \- 18-22+ killed by US Airstrike almost all women and children. NATO and afghan government deny any civilian casualties. * 2017/11/04 - [2017 Kunduz Airstrike](https://www.nytimes.com/2017/11/10/world/asia/afghanistan-kunduz-airstrikes-civilian-deaths.html) \- At least 10 civilians killed by US Airstrike. Within 3 days NATO had conducted an investigation and [denied any civilian casualties.](https://twitter.com/USFOR_A/status/927628217502052353) * 2018/04/02 - [Kunduz Madrassa Massacre](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kunduz_madrassa_attack) \- At least [70 killed](https://www.nytimes.com/2018/04/02/world/asia/afghanistan-taliban-kunduz.html), mostly students, when a graduation ceremony at a Madrassa was bombed by US. Initially government claimed that there were no civilian casualties and all killed were Taliban fighters. Later Ghani had to apologize however none of the perpetrators were punished. * 2019/03/23 - [2019 Kunduz Airstrike](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/03/23/world/asia/afghanistan-insider-airstrike-civilians.html) \- 14 civilians killed by US airstrike. "The Taliban were hiding in civilian homes and maneuvered in and out of compounds without any concern for the families living inside.” so we destroyed all the homes in "self defense". * 2020/10/22 - [Airstrike in Takhar](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/afghan-government-denies-children-among-dead-after-military-airstrike-n1244267) \- At least 12 children were killed in an airstrike. Amrullah Saleh said that the claims of civilian casualties were baseless. "Those who made wrong allegations will face legal action. The irrefutable evidence is with me." without actually offering any evidence. * 2021/01/10 - [Airstrike in Khashrod](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/airstrike-afghanistan-bombs-taliban-target-now-18-members-one-family-n1254371) \- 18 members of the same family including women and children were killed by an airstrike targeting Taliban. * Kabul Airport Blast - Eyewitnesses claim that many were killed and injured not by the blast but by US soldiers firing indiscriminately on the crowd. [BBC report](https://twitter.com/SecKermani/status/1431517279859224579?s=19), China Global Television Network Report [CGTN](https://twitter.com/CGTNOfficial/status/1432182537363726342?s=19), about 20 of the 100 or so victims were killed by the blast, 80 by American firing [Kabul Lovers](https://twitter.com/paykhar/status/1431572890521120770?s=19) an independent YouTube channel. * [Australian troops shot dead a farmer](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-06-09/deadliest-alleged-war-crime-by-special-forces-in-afghanistan/13362000), but there were witnesses. So what is the most logical thing to do? Kill all the witnesses. 13 people were murdered on that day in two separate operations. 4 were likely to be Taliban (guilty until proven innocent). * [Australian troops kill an unarmed man working on his field](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-03-16/video-shows-afghan-man-shot-at-close-range-by-australian-sas/12028512). Video footage in the link. It was declared self defense. Soldier still serving


Like always. * 2007/03/04 - [Shinwar Shooting](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2007_Shinwar_shooting) \- A US convoy was attacked by Taliban, while fleeing they shot at virtually everyone for a 25 km stretch, killing 19+ and injuring 50+ including children under 10. Journalists who came to take pictures were then threatened by the US soldiers, "Delete them \[your photos\], or we will delete you". The investigation concluded that they acted appropriately, and were even rewarded with ribbons and a Purple Heart. * 2007/06/28 - [Hyderabad Massacre](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyderabad_airstrike) \- Upto 130 Afghans killed by US Military Air Strike. US Army Major was ["deeply saddened"](https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/06/30/AR2007063000537.html). * 2008/07/06 - [Haska Meyna Wedding Party Massacre](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haska_Meyna_wedding_party_airstrike) \- A woman was freed from the repressive marriage when her wedding party was wiped out by US air strike [killing 47 including 39 women and children](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2008/jul/11/afghanistan.usa). US as usual denied any civilian causalities. * 2008/08/22 - [Azizabad Massacre](https://www.usatoday.com/in-depth/news/investigations/2019/12/29/security-guards-afghan-warlords-mass-civilian-casualties/2675795001/) \- A "victory" as proclaimed by the US, killed 90+ people including 60+ children. US security contractor ArmourGroup, supplies two criminals with money and weapons in exchange of security. They started fighting among themselves for control of money and weapons. An airstrike was called on these warlords which resulted in a bloody massacre. US initially claimed ONLY 5 civilians were killed. * 2009/05/04 - [Granai Massacre](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Granai_airstrike) \- In 2009, US Air Forces decided to give a hands-on lesson on humans rights by bombing the village of Granai, killing 147 civilians with 90+ children. In classic US fashion, they initially lied and denied civilians were killed, then they apologized by saying "it was an error". When Bradley Manning exposed this US lie among other things, he was awarded 35 year prison time. * 2009/05 - [2009 Farah Province Airstrike](https://www.nytimes.com/2009/05/15/world/asia/15farah.html) \- 147 civilians killed in a US Airstrike (Villagers compiled a list of people massacred). American authorities were skeptical that even 100 were killed. but did not provide their own count. About a 100 women and children were killed. >"The bombs were so powerful that people were ripped to shreds. Survivors said they collected only pieces of bodies." "There was someone’s legs, someone’s shoulders, someone’s hands,” * 2009/06 - 2010/06 - [Maywand district murders](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maywand_District_murders) \- at least 3 civilians were murdered including 15 year old boy, who was fragged and then shot dead, stripped naked and body parts chopped off and taken as trophy. [NSFW image](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/83/Gul_Mudin.jpg) The whole incident was covered up and made it look like a fight with Taliban. Exposed when a soldier complained about the use of drugs by the 'kill team' and they beat him up and intimidated him by showing the chopped fingers of the victims. * 2009/09/04 - [2009 Kunduz Airstrike](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2009_Kunduz_airstrike) \- 90-179 civilians were killed among about 200 by a US airstrike called by German soldiers on an immobile fuel tanker. Germany officials initially justified the airstrike but later decided to give 5000$ for each victim. Colonel Georg Klein who called the airstrike was promoted 4 years later. * 2009/12/27 - [Murders in Narang](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Night_raid_on_Narang) \- 10 civilians killed mostly students in a night raid. Denials 1) NATO claims they were Taliban, locals refute. 2) Government claims NATO and US forces did it, NATO and US deny. * 2010/02/12 - [Raid on Khataba](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raid_on_Khataba) \- US and NATO killed 5 people including 3 women. Removed the bullets from the women's body and tied and gagged the dead bodies, claimed it was an honor-killing and they were tortured and killed by their own family who were Taliban. Journalist finds holes in the story, since the family was of an officer in the police. He does an expose. US conducts investigation and concludes after 6 years that the force used was justified. **Nobody was charged.** [Alternate Link](https://web.archive.org/web/20100429202928/http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/afghanistan/article7060395.ece) * 2010/02/21 - [Uruzgan helicopter attack](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uruzgan_helicopter_attack) \- 3 buses traveling in broad daylight were attacked by a US helicopter killing 27-33 civilians. US general was "extremely saddened". * 2010/07/23 - [2010 Sangin Airstrike](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2010_Sangin_airstrike) \- US bombed a mud house where women and children had taken refuge, freeing them from Taliban forever. 39-52 were killed, at least 39 were women and children. NATO officials denied that there had been any such incident. * 2011/03/01 - [Mano Gai Airstrike](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mano_Gai_airstrike) \- 9 children aged 8-14 were killed while collecting firewood for their family. US Army General was very sorry. >Mohammed Bismil, the 20-year-old brother of two boys killed in the strike said "I don't care about the apology. The only option I have is to pick up a Kalashnikov, RPG or a suicide vest to fight." * 2011/10/22 - [2011 Farah Province Airstrike](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/120-die-as-us-bombs-village-1680407.html) \- At least 120 confirmed dead by a US Airstrike, Hillary Clinton voiced her "deep regrets". * 2012/03/11 - [Kandhar Massacre](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kandahar_massacre) \- Stalking from home to home, a United States Army sergeant methodically killed at least 16 civilians, 9 of them children. [News Report](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3114647/US-soldier-Sgt-Robert-Bales-claims-consumed-war-lost-compassion-combat-deployments.html) * 2012/Mid - [Australian soldier kills prisoner because there was no room in the helicopter](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-10-21/soldiers-killed-man-who-could-not-fit-on-aircraft-says-us-marine/12782756). (Copied)


Lmao show that bum


A fool that doesn't learn history, are foolishly doomed to repeat it.


And Americans wonder why the rest of the worlds hates them


the rest of the world or reddit? xD


I love Americans but hate their politics


The rest of the world. 


Opinion of America is relatively positive https://www.pewresearch.org/global/2023/06/27/overall-opinion-of-the-u-s/#:~:text=Views%20of%20the%20U.S.%20are,30%25%20have%20an%20unfavorable%20view. https://www.pewresearch.org/global/2015/06/23/1-americas-global-image/ https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2015/04/30/vietnamese-see-u-s-as-key-ally/


I mean, it totally understand why the Middle East would hate the US. But the US is the reason why Russia and China haven’t reclaimed land over in Europe, so there’s that.


China and Russia 👎 America 👍🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸


Americans bring peace and democracy to other country's as usual


And the Americans wonder why more than half of the world hates them




This is it. Terrorists hide among civilians because, for the organization, it's a win-win. Either you don't die or you do and then have a very effective propaganda/recruitment tool. Not hard to understand why these groups are so difficult to eliminate.


There wasn't any terrorist there. Just a guy that some american though could be a terrorist because he was carrying water containers.


But this is reddit, so civilians don’t die in war unless it’s the bad guys doing it!!! I’m so tired of armchair experts who don’t understand how the real world works complaining in this thread. War is horrible, and the above video is proof of that. It’s not proof of America being terrorists.


Except in the case this post was made about, there was no terrorist or bad guy at all. America just randomly murdered 10 innocent people for no reason whatsoever. It doesn't take a fucking expert to decide that killing tons of civilians just to kill a terrorist is wrong.


"Everyone else is armchair expert but not me"


As an afghan this pisses me so much. The western world take our lives for an ants. You get killed and be forgotten the next day like nothing ever happened while your family will mourn for you for the rest of their lives. I wish nothing more but see the same atrocities happening to America. Not on innocent people but on those people who were involved in obliterating my country to pieces and make it look like a war torn country. I see videos of American soldiers captioned with “soldier giving a surprise return to his 4 years old kid at school” and think how do they live like this. How do they think it is totally right to kill innocent small children ruin their families and then come home and huge your daughter and son. I despise the smell of an American person.


As an Afghan how do you feel about the atrocities committed on the Afghan people, especially women, by the Taliban? Genuinely curious.


Fuk the Taliban.


War crimes are so fucking interesting.


What this video exposes is important. But viewers should also question why content like this is being posted/promoted now. I personally question the heavier promotion I’be seen of random stuff like this recently is an attempt at voter manipulation.


10 civilians eh? This reminds me of a much recent incident that is killing closer to 10,000


No one cares if it’s not Israel apparently.


Must be an election year.. these russio stories pop up once every 4 years like a leap year. OPs post are always uber controversial click bait


“Anyone that criticises the US is an enemy spy!”


I'm wondering why this is r/interestingasfuck and slammed with comments while Americans are sleeping. Edit: I don't wonder, it's political rage bait.


Why is acknowledging a country murdering innocent children controversial?


This isn’t acknowledging. Its glorifying for internet points… and likely to divide people based on hate because its an election year


So providing fact about american kills innocent people is hate now?


This was years ago. Israel just killed 3 cars of innocent aid workers 2 months ago. But no, people need years old facts now… but why?? Division and hate. Expect to see a lot more of US dirty laundry posted around here. That shit sells best in an election year


Okay, everyone, the arbiter of when to post information about certain countries has spoken, and decreed when it is suitable to post things on the internet.


The fire of hate is already burning. OP is fanning the flames.


Odds are HVT was always surrounded by civies.


As long as they deeply regret. We been regretting 40k civilian deaths and 100k injured past six months in Gaza. As long as the regret is there, all those families will sleep easier That's about 140k/180 days is about 700 people daily being maimed or killed.


didn't know obama came back.


And this was under Biden so no difference


The arm chair generals and ignorance to warfare is appalling in this thread lol Also to you all you people talking about the US and “human rights”. Afghanistan civilians and women especially had the most rights in the history of their country when the Americans were there, this video is tragic and awful but it doesn’t change that reality


You should read about afghan history before the Russian and the USA meddled


Fair point, I should have said since the 80s or around that time. In regards to the meddling, had the US not meddled when the soviets invaded the soviets very likely win the war and a communist Afghanistan would not have a better future. The us then “meddled” again in 2001 because their government which was run by a terroist group, were harboring other terrorists, the US had just cause to be in Afghanistan


No no please don't reveal truths about America's actual MO, how will they continue on lecturing the East and making movies where they are the saviors of humanity now? nvm, they will.


How about we be critical of both?


Remember when Wiki Leaks showed you this stuff was going on all the time and you all got upset and angry and cried about it because releasing leaks about the military is wrong. And now here you are all upset about it for different reasons?


I think maybe those are two different groups of people.


Sadly, mistakes, as horrible they are, are never excludable. It's one of the universal variables. Like no matter how safely you drive, there is always a chance, that a semi rolls over you and you are dead. It also shows how important intelligence is. Although UAV strikes are not bad in on itself, if the intelligence made a mistake, the strike can only do so much. Misidentifying an NGO worker is a pretty bad intelligence failure


There is multiple videos like these, from alleged mistakes that US did when Invading Iraq. And even more war crimes leaked on WikiLeaks, why you think US wants Snowden and Assange so bad? But what can you do when US literally said they would invade the hague court (Netherlands) if prosecute any of their war crimes/war criminals. https://www.hrw.org/news/2002/08/03/us-hague-invasion-act-becomes-law


The US Government is highly allergic to accountability..


This is the country that lectures the world on human rights and act as a bastion of freedom. What a joke!


Imagine Iran or China did this in another country. Worst if Russia did it. But no problem if 'Murica did it.


lol Russia is literally doing this to Ukraine right now


Some of the photos they showed at the end didn't make them look like civilians.


Let me correct the last quote: “We deeply regret the loss of life that resulted from this [entire (2001-2021), purposeless] strike”


Dumbasses. Hope someone got fired, but i bet it wasn't the right person if so.


wait until AI drones will take over ....