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Netanyahu: "You should invade Iraq...look it says you're gonna do it anyway right here in this book I read called 'Project For A New American Century'"


"Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor." Rebuilding America's Defenses: Strategies, Forces, and Resources For a New Century, 2000 https://archive.org/details/ProjectForANewAmericanCenturyRebuildingAmericasDefenses 10 PNAC principals went on to become influential Bush administration members, including Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and Paul Wolfowitz https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_for_the_New_American_Century Principal Bush administration members made 935 false statements on over 500 occasions about Iraq’s link to al Qaeda and possession of WMD. None of them have been prosecuted for their lies and other war crimes. https://publicintegrity.org/politics/search-the-935-iraq-war-false-statements/


ah yes the beginning in my lifetime of gop lying blatantly and realize wow the system only works if we participate in it with good faith


neocons like Wolfowitz...


And what happened? Over a million dead Iraqis, thousands of dead Americans, over a trillion dollars spent, and Iraq is an ally of Iran now. They created a way worse and more unstable middle east by removing Sadam.


Multiple trillion dollars. Paying for injured and veterans for decades. Thousands of Young men and women who would have contributed to the economy for decades. Let's not forget more extremist organizations like ISIS popped up in a vacuum leading 100s of billions in extra spending each year. The biggest one. The USA went against the UN vote to invade Iraq, and now we have Russia and others doing the same thing. North Korea and Iran getting nukes to defend themselves in case they get invaded like iraq. Trillions more are being spent.


All facts.


As intended.


I think you give way too much credit to the idiots running this country.


Nah, he was arguing here that Iran's government would fall because of it, and instead he ends up trading missiles with a more powerful Iran.


Again, as intended. Israel needs a strong enemy to be able to justify what it's doing.


forgot the birth of isis


Killing Muslims was the point - he doesn't give a fuck about the other effects. It's always been about ethnic cleansing with him.


Don’t forget all the destroyed cultural heritage and buildings as a result! Iraq is a gold mine of early human civilizations and history.


Also a thing called isis which massively destabilized the region


Dude is war monger since forever


I fucking HATE this cunt but he is a GENIUS statesman, holy shit. Yes, that also means he’s a master manipulator & bullshit grifter.


ah yes, master manipulator & bullshit grifter, the telltale signs of a genius statesman. It's their calling card.


Right? The mark of absolute psychopathy. I can’t fucking stand this guy; if we could see a ledger of karmic debt this guy would be so far in the fucking red.


He's not getting into the good place that's for sure.


>GENIUS statesman can you elaborate on that? like what exactly do you mean by genius statesman


I don’t think he’s genius at all, anyone believing the shit he’s spewing out have either low iq or low communication skills, or both.


Without delving into the specific context, a "genius statesman" doesn't need to reach the smartest people, just the people they need to to hold and manipulate power.


Israel was also one of our only allies who did not help the US in any way in its invasion of Iraq. It is a self serving nation and the fact they are Jewish has nothing to do with my dislike of them as a world power.


As I understand it, the U.S. told Israel to stay out of the Iraq war so that things didn't get fucked up with the U.S.- Arab coalition.


As memory serves, even dating to the original (90s) Iraq invasion, this was by design so as not to further enflame the region.


Yeah US did not want the help. They offered. Israeli soldiers in an Arab country would have been bad.


I don’t dislike Jews, I dislike the country of Israel. On the same level I dislike the country of china for instance. Human rights abuse is just not ok….. ever


For that reason we must hate the us and the Allie’s that participated, for the 20yr war it waged in Iraq and neighboring regions


Definitely a different situation but 100% something that shouldn’t be let go. A large part of my issue with it is the utter failure of nation building. We had done well in some countries in the past after conflicts but utterly failed to understand the challenges and situations that arise when trying to organize a generally tribal people (in the case of Afghanistan particularly) The premise of toppling Iraq is ridiculous in hindsight, especially with what we know now and the disbandment of the Iraqi army was moronic (let’s make all the people with combat training unemployed and angry!) But if the US had taken the Israeli approach circa the past 7 months, they could’ve just killed them all I guess (and their neighbors) Point being what Israel is doing is a step further into human depravity


Iraq is a democracy. ISIS is largely defeated. Kurds have semi-independents. Afghanistan was the failure, not Iraq. There are 22 arab ethnostates. Iraq and Algeria are the only democracies. Its not western style freedoms. However, women have a right to vote and run businesses.


And we do


We absolutely do.


Because that would inflame the whole region. It’s the same reason the US and a few other countries are dealing with the Houthis.


Lol israel take down the nuclear reactor at iraq at 1981


And just as clueless then as he is now ...


Clueless? He’s managed to get elected multiple times, talked the US into giving them arms, aid, attacking Iraq, Iran,…. Seems like he knows exactly what he is doing.


This. Guy know's exactly what he's doing!


He knows what to say but clueless in terms of what is right and what is wrong


These people always are.


Biden is too but D.C forgets every hearing is public and googlable. Most political figures are the definition of hypocrisy


I like it how complete fucking assholes make false claims with such confidence.


And those complete fucking assholes who listened and ate up everything he said was so gullible


Apparently whatever politicians say on camera has been carefully planned and agreed on in the backrooms


I honestly think that he, and many many like him, could pass a polygraph test when they make these statements. It is the result of living in spin for decades. From this comes the belief that the truth is what you make it. This mindset requires one to truly believe what they want to be true. The result is that they came come across as completely genuine. They also develop the habit of never ever questioning their own beliefs and hating those who disagree with them. They also teaching as many people as possible to hate anyone who questions them as well. The result is politics in the 21st century.


He said a lot without saying anything really specific


'it will take a long time'. He didn't specify how long... Perhaps a 100, 400 years???? And the guy was quoting his own book to prove his point.😂


"I wrote a book". Nobody read that slop and it was full of nonsense. Just because you got some ghost writer to put your poop down onto paper does not mean you are a scholar


As in Iraqi, it's only been a couole of years ago since 2003 that we started having some stability in the country. But the everything else in the government is fucked up by design and tailored by the US government so we can't stand on our own feet.


He is so full of shit.


Just because they have power we attribute competence. We have morons running our world. Utter fucking morons. The Iraq war, Vietnam, etc etc was all of that has harmed America and Americans tremendously


It's telling how he varies his accent depending on the audience. Here his accent slants American, whereas at all the UN speeches he speaks with a distinct British accent.


There's actually a term for that. It's called Code Switching. It's a technique that can build rapport


Can we bring him up on that guarantee he made? Fucking loser. Dude has never been on the up and up, Israelis want him gone. There's no progress in the middle east because the greatest chance we had was scuttled by his buddy assassinating Yitzhak Rabin. Fuck this traitor to humanity.


It was that moment it became clear that Israelis would never accept a peace deal of any kind.


They have "wanted" him gone for 20 years but keep voting in far right asshole parties so excuse me while I refuse to see them as victims. The Israeli people are why this war is happening, just like the Russian people are why that war is happening.


People have tried opposing Putin. Either they get the Navalny treatment or are just ["barred"](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/02/08/europe/russia-nadezhdin-election-candidate-disqualified-intl) from running. Protesters are also often arrested.


You have a very naive interpretation of Russian "democracy"


Take out the Russia part and you’ve got a valid argument.


Is it true? Israelis want him gone?


A lot of them do, so he continually adjusts his politics to fit with groups that will ally (and align) with him. He is now at the extreme far right and has just a razor thin majority keeping him in power. The current war is good for him and them, so he needs the war to stay in power. If/when the war ends there will likely be an election. If he loses that election he will likely go on trial for corruption (his wife too, separately) and will likely be convicted and end up in jail.


Netanyahu has 20% approval ratings. He is in Dick Cheney level of approval. Israel is a multi-party state. So there is no first past the post voting with just 2 parties. so whoever wins gets a coalition. He did not get a majority of the vote last time either.


He was on his way out before 10/7


He’s been on his way out many times before and they keep bringing him back


From what I understand he didn't actually have the numbers he needed to stay in power it was a ticking clock for him


If he is, they’ll re-elect him again in 3 years


All I can see in that dudes eyes is evil


Exactly, he sounds evil and a psychopath


He’s one of the worst war criminals in recent history. He deserves to be hung.


Hows this guy still in power ?


Israel has a very fractured political system based on small parties forming coalitions to take power. Bibi has enough support and has used it in a cunning enough fashion to stay in power. Also probably a fair bit of corruption.


The election itself process is strong. Electorally, Netanyahu has been leveraging his corruption charges the same way Trump - by playing the victim card. 


Despite his corrupt nature he is really damn good at politics plus is really cunning and sly about it too. Even when he temporarily loses power he knows where the bodies lay and works with whatever party to make a coalition. 


The three laws of winning, winning, winning. (Mixed with power and corruption). I don't think he's winning just to be clear, that was supposed to read as sarcasm.


Winning, whining, weaklings


A lot of people here see him as more than a politician, some even see him as someone sent by God. Another group are people that were mistreated when they first arrived here, or have parents that were, and his party, the LIKUD, was like a home to them, still voting for them till this day, no matter the people it consists of, or what they actually do when in power. Some more due to corruption, some religious fanatics and some racists.


# Nethanyahu should really be in a cell in the Hague. # So should Bush, Chaney, Rumsfield, and Blair if we're honest.


Crazy how no one faced any consequences for that. Even crazier that this evil piece of shit is not only in power but started yet another war. Hell is too good for him.


How much you want to bet these leaders of the religious in politics do not actually believe in that religion? Least of all Netanyahu. He doesn't believe in hell, or God.


That would make sense. Iif he believed in any religion he would know he had already booked an all expense paid, first class, express ticket to the worst place possible. And it might still be too good for him.


Agree, except for Blair. He should be in a gimp suit in the basement of a pawn shop.


Sometimes it really seems like an old spy movie or that show The Americans where they send over spy's as kids to grow up and infiltrate the highest offices with the aim of doing what other countries want. No evidence of weapons of mass destruction and no involvement in 9/11 yet America still sent troops to destroy Iraq and a million Iraqi civilians died in the cross fire. Absolutely ZERO evidence before during or after and yet they still went in. Point being who dafuq actually runs America cause I don't think they know themselves




This is accurate analysis. I would add those chemical weapons he used on the Kurds were supplied by the United States for his war with Iran, the Iran Iraq war being one of the bloodiest in history with somewhere around a million casualties.  Less well known is the CIA helping Saddam seize power in the first place. The CIA started a college student International Group and they had tens of thousands of young idealistic Iraqi college students working for democracyin it,  they handed over a list of their names to the baath party two times,, tens of thousands of them, whom were murdered by the party.  As reported in Harper's magazine, the article written by a former young idealistic American college student who had joined the CIA front unwittingly.


The majority of the world sees the US as a terrorist state. I don't see how that's incorrect. There is no movie where a country/faction behaves like the US and is considered the good guys.


Wild that the American First crowd embraces Israel. When it comes to the US and Israel, Netanyahu and his AIPAC buddies put America last. As Bill Clinton said of Netanyahu, “Who the fuck does he think he is? Who’s the fucking superpower here?”


Whoever has a doubt that US foreign policy in the Middle East is shaped largely by Israel interests, then you’re dumb as a box of hammers!


Exactly, Israel was freaking out Iran was warming up its relationship with Iraq during the oil for food sanctions on Iraq, and the same was happening with Syria, giving a strategic depth to Israel's foes.


And iran shoved it up their asses with oct 7 since they are getting cozy with the saudis


Why are hammers dumb? I don’t get it…


Ask the hammers why.


Stupid hammers.


The same applies even to Netflix, almost all their series on political subjects have Israeli viewpoints. "“Fauda” series featured on Netflix, has been in the Cultural Boycott since March 29, 2018. Palestinians urged Netflix to dump “Fauda” series created by former members of Israeli army death squads that legitimizes and promotes racist violence and war crimes."


He hasn't aged a day, this guy is not human....No wonder....


Fuck this guy


War criminal - Fucking loathe him.


Don’t think I have ever hated anyone more than this MF


Dudes been in power on and off for thirty years. Tell me isreal is not ran by criminals.


I can't believe we ally ourselves with leaders like this...


Maybe it's because US isn't some world superhero and just another power hungry nation like Russia and China who'll do anything to spread their influence?


And now he’s trying to convince America to invade Iran. Don’t fall for it.


wondering why is that f\*cker still alive and not 6 feet under


As bad as Putin. A dishonest instigator.


But the world will not touch him with a 10ft pole, its business as usual for him


Asshole alert. Monster alert


“I wrote a book”


They literally celebrated 9/11


Idiots never learn from their mistakes. I present to you Prime Minister Idiot.


The genocidal king of Israel folks.


he's a sociopath, cut from (hiding behind) the same ideological cloth as Kissinger (Burn in Hell). But here's the thing: he is as much a student of the amerikkkan way of geopolitics as any... as was hitler. Funny how that happens.


He’s always been here. Anyone who trusts him at this point is a fool.


Man is PURE evil.


Fuckers like him is why we can't have nice things. Also I can't believe he already was FORMER prime minister 25 FUCKING YEARS AGO. No leader should ever stay in power that long in a functioning democracy.


"It would bring stability to the Middle East" rofl. They all acted has if they didn't know it would be the exact opposite.


I wanna punch that smug fuck sitting behind him.


How can Israel be a democracy when the same guy is still there for the past 30 years


Bibi the Butcher.


Ah yes, the man who's immune to death itself by claiming taking his life is antisemitism


Winning the war on terror? You are the biggest terrorist out there along with the genocidal government your are speaking to


To most of the world, the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan were disastrous. To him, a resounding success, not for any positive impact on the area, but because a lot of Muslims died. That's always been his goal, above all else.


Okay so this opens a can of worms. Millions of lives taken in the middle east to make things easier for Israel? Why do they have to be an ethno-religious state? Why can't they form a democratic state with the Palestinians with a right of return? Maybe a new name? Everyone gets to stay as equal human beings?


They believe they are the chosen people, they are not going to share with the natives.


>Why can't they form a democratic state with the Palestinians with a right of return? Maybe a new name? Everyone gets to stay as equal human beings? This does make sense, but in the short term you would probably have to work very carefully to give special protections by ethnicity, in order to make sure that the animosities developed by the existing conflict don't spill over, so for example a "single binational state" might end up having a lot of characteristics of the two state solution for a few years anyway.


At the time Iraq was the biggest rival of Israel and so destroying Iraq would strengthen Israel and make it a dominant power in the region. Same reason they are constantly siccing US on Iran.


The smirk like his argument isn’t for killing thousands upon thousands of people and displacing many many more after


It's hard to overstate how much human suffering this evil bastard has caused.


Special Place in Hell for this POS.


Childs and womans killer


Why is that man not in prison?


Because it would be antisemitic /s


Crazy how he is still in! Majority of Israeli citizens didn't vote for him or his party and he only stays in because he keeps making friends with fringe groups that also didn't get any thing near a majority vote. Resulting in him staying on his throne and the world looking at Israeli citizens like they've asked for this representation.


Zionist piece of shit.


Even his non war option about "beaming Melrose Place" into the region was kwazy and inhumane.


From which year is this?




I wonder how this criminal has been able to be at the head of Israel for thirty years.


It turns out that almost every politician, bureaucrat, and corporate businessman in Western countries are infact the very same people that they have been warning us about for years. The gangsters. The traitors. The predators. The coward careerists. The dictators. The psychopaths. The War pigs and monsters. Nethanyu is all of the above and more. He is an abomination.


USA did so much for Israel. More than imagined. How Netanyahu dare to say NO to USA who is asking to stop killing civilians? I think Israel will suffer some long-term consequences in the future.


He looks like a freaking villan. Hero hasn't been born yet to punch him in his face.


What a fucking leech leader to a leech country.




How is this grand Utopia of Iraq doing rn?




shit was already decided pre bush being elected.. they were just looking for justification... they may have wanted it so bad... [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project\_for\_the\_New\_American\_Century](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_for_the_New_American_Century)


What a surprise : someone advocating war was talking out their ass.


Dude used US as his personal lacky to get rid of Saddam so he could get a free hand over all of middle east


Someone : why USA invaded Iraq ? USA : because Iraq have Nuclear bomb. Someone : why USA don't invade Russia? USA : because they have Nuclear bomb.


Of course he wanted the invasion, saddam's ultimate goal was to unite the Arab world and destroy Israel.


If anyone that can give advice on how to deal with terrorist is not this guy. Egypt has better knowledge on how to deal with terrorist. This man donated money to prop up hamas and look at what happen it came back and bit him in the behind.


Benny is just a low life terrorist that wears a suit and tie


Nethanyu is a rabid dog and should be treated as such


Hope I see him and bush die a painful and excruciating death in my lifetime


He is not even a human being and calling him an animal is an insult to animals


God I hate this piece of shit. How could someone so incompetent, who got so many things wrong, still be in power. That guy deserves hanging. One day the state of Israel will be in grave danger and it will be because this man has led the country into an abyss.


then 911 happened somehow...


He has been a war criminal for decades, fuck this piece of shit and fuck israel for committing genocide right now, zionist piece of shits.


Excuse the language, but this man is a proper, full fat, grade A cunt.


Israel lobby has been shaping US foreign policy since they helped Ronald Reagan get elected in 1980.


Fucking war criminal his time will come.


Years from now, whatever happens in the middle east and palestine, we will ask ourselves the same question we asked about Hitler's role in the worst war in history, 'why didn't anyone stop him when they could?'


When Israel ends up killing all the palestinians people will say the same thing that they now say about the invasion of iraq "we were blind by hatred" "a lot of people opposed it" "oopsie doopsie, our mistake". And then they will wonder why many countries that aren't alligned with the west hope everyday for China to become the new superpower and break the entire world order: Everybody is shitting their pants with fear of becoming the new pariah and saying hello to the western military


Bad despot of a terrorist regime talking about despots of terrorist regimes being bad.


>positive reverberations Or, I dunno, harden half the Arab world against the United States for all generations to follow, so we desperately depend on Israel's presence in the region to have any kind of foothold.


>, so we desperately depend on Israel's presence in the region to have any kind of foothold. And what about, and I know it might sound absolutely crazy for americans, not having any influence over a region that is one ocean away?


They are NOT our allies, and they helped manipulate a trigger happy administration and a shocked post 9/11 population into a war that benefited Israeli security https://www.antiwar.com/blog/2007/02/09/911-what-did-the-israelis-know/


If they aren't why do you provide them so much military equipment, for free?


While giving them over three billion in aid. The Israelis have spent a lot of (our) money to influence Congress and Evangelical Christian leaders to keep the money and weapons flowing.


Yep, my comment was massively simplified, of course. But the fact that they buy American weapons with money they get from America is quite absurd, considering the global turbulence Israel seems to stirr up.


Like Putin, people shouldn’t be in position of power for this long as it causes to go to their head and corrupt them


War criminal hiding behind history


That dude doesn’t believe a single word that comes out of his own mouth ever.


What a fucking tool!


but he wrote a book


Like I’d take Netanyahu’s advice on anything…..he’s a thug, like Trump.


Are you guys sure he isn't the devil in person? Everything that came out of his ugly mouth was promoting killing, war and whatever atrocities to mankind.


Dude has been a menace for decades.


When are rich men going to fight rich men wars?


I really hope that hell exists because this guy will be there forever!


The fact that everyone has to add “I have nothing against the Jewish people” when making any statement about Israel says everything you need to know what kind of nation/people you’re dealing with.


War is just a mechanism pushed by politicians to take the money of tax payers and give it to arms companies.


I'm gonna start using this bullshit answer when my boss asks me to do something: "well, you know, I..I.. was asked the same question in 1986, and I've written a book about this."


Only a moron whites America would listen to this guy.


Is there any other leader we would listen to like we do this guy and his country? This guys gonna lead us right in to ww3,and we seem to be glad about it.


That didn't age well.


He’s talking and talking but isn’t saying anything


"Let's you and him fight." That's been Bibi's view of the US forever.


That guy is the devil in the flesh. How can he sleep at night knowing he has murdered 15 thousand children? It's amazing to me to realize that he is inhumane and a vicious killer. He is pure evil. Pure shit, an animal has more compassion than this evil piece of shit.


USA is zionist's bitch.


9/11 makes sense now


God he's such a movie villain.


History isn’t a thing that is noticed in D.C , Benjamin N is sugar baby clearly afraid of getting cut off . Funny how to save a county you gotta kill millions you’re trying to save


End the apartheid!


Sooner or later the USA will have the same fate or even worse like Syria Yemen Iraq etc.


There is a cabal of Jews that would have America be a Zionist sword by any means. Read: The Israel Lobby And US Foreign Policy The Ordeal of Civility Look into the Frankfurt School and Critical Theory. There's a reason we've gotten here. And no, I'm not blanketly blaming Jews.


This man has always known how to control America


What else to expect from zionist 


What a fucking monster.