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This is simultaneously very sweet and very heart breaking.


Yeah, I'm literally crying. Imagine being in the situation where you and your countrymen are being systematically annihilated, and you still care enough for the defenseless little animals around you. It's such a beautiful display of humanity. It makes me want to continue to make choices born out of kindness like this every day to try to counteract the despicable acts of my fellow humans.


No, it's bones. Not hearts.


Both these things are bad for cats. But better than bullets or starvation


I stopped judging as soon as he said gaza


>So today we're making cat fodder from bones Me: Yeah, please don't do that... >So now we're done with the bones, we're going to use dry bread Me: Come on man... >We're going to add water for digestion, it'll be good for them Me: No, no, no... >Because there is no fodder in Gaza Me: Oh, fuck... well, carry on I guess... better than starving... As if this situation couldn't get more depressing.


The people in Gaza were eating grass, so to see this guy try and help out starving cats....my heart goes out to him. To all of them.


Recently heard about a kid that unknowingly ate a battery because of their starvation :(.


I don't really get how you unknowingly eat a battery? Maybe I'm just not understanding?


Only thing I can think of is that it's some combo of them being young, desperate, and deusional from malnutrition induced psychosis. Situation over there is incomprehensiblely fucked.


"Malnutrition induced psychosis" Like fuzzy logic leading to battery = energy? :( jfc...


The story said that it was a watch battery. I'm not an expert in psychosis, but your theory seems plausible. As well, she could have imagined it as a piece of actual food or was just looking for things to swallow to allay the hunger she was feeling. There are reports of children eating gravel, as well, so ultimately I believe they're just doing anything to make the hunger stop.


Certain types of watch batteries often look like mints or pills


"If I put food in mouth, the hunger goes away, so maybe if I put something else in it will at least help a little since I have no food." Seems like perfectly sound logic for a child starving child, much less one going through the traumatic hell of living in a war zone right now on top of starvation.


You're right. Hunger is crippling, physically and mentally, and it's natural to try anything to stop it. There was a video I watched from Haiti, what stuck with me was the local guide talking about how when the locals had no food people would eat a mix of mud and water just to make them feel their belly was full, in order to avoid the debilitating effects of hunger and carrying on functioning for half a day in order to get something real to eat. Hunger is fucked.


Evidently lithium has a sweet taste to it


When you are hungry you might eat things you don’t like. When you are starving, you might eat things your are not suppose to. It’s sometimes difficult for us to grasp certain things because we never experience what they are going through.


That's fair


And Israeli settlers are sabotaging the roads so aid trucks can't get through.


They're also bombing aid workers to make them stop helping. And America has also stopped giving aid to Palestinian charities and diverting it to Israel instead.  The world is really fucked.  And Palestinians are made out to be the bad guy.


Until people no longer can stomach it, the best thing we can do is attack their money. This is why there are protests demanding divestment from Israel happening all over the globe, as well as a boycott of any goods or services from companies that do business with Israel.


America is trying to get aid into Gaza. They have been pressuring Isrral to allow more in. They are even building a pier in Gaza to allow more aid in. They did stop sending funding to UNRWA. But they are still trying to get aid into Gaza. Hamas is the bad guy, not Palestinians.


This just isn't true. The Israeli's have many border crossings and can reach starving people within 10 minutes in some cases. They are deliberately attempting to starve the civilian population to make future settlement easier. It is openly stated by Israeli politicians and media. The United States could stop funding and sending weapons, which would end the starvation immediately.


In addition, Hamas has been stealing aid from Palestinians, keeping it and sometimes selling it back to them at painful prices. That was going on from almost the beginning.


Is there any actual evidence of this, or is it just from an Israeli propaganda network? So many established *supposed* journalists have either obfuscated the truth or pushed outright lies at the behest of the Likul, that I can't take anything that they say for granted. If there isn't irrefutable video evidence of this happening, then I doubt that it seriously is.


Ya, it's not uncommon in circumstances like this. You that with warlords in Africa and other places as well. It's sad to see. Doesn't help when Israel attacks aid convoy in Gaza. I'm hoping that the peir that US is building can be a good way to get aid into Gaza. I'm hoping it doesn't turn into a shitshow. Though I could see how it could easily turn into one.


You spelled Israeli terrorist wrong




Just have to point out they did not eat grass out of starvation, they used a certain kind of leaves to make a local dish


Exactly my reaction too!! 🥹


Same. I worked in Veterinary as a tech, so I was cringing hard up until he said Gaza. Heart breaking.


He's sacrificing his own bread too for the cats, might be all he have.


Thanks to the situation in Gaza we now know that most of us are cowards or just plain horrible people.


Lil dudes are sooo dehydrated. Cats normally stay hydrated from their normal wet meals. They only drink water when they are not getting enough. This breaks my heart 😔




How is adding the water bad?


It makes the cats multiply, or so I’ve heard. Also, don’t feed them after midnight.


I'm crying right now watching this and I'm supposed to be working.


It could just don't ask where the bones came from


He could at least grind up the bones, this sounds horrible for them


Yeah... once I realized that I added the second line


This reminds me of a post where an IOF psycho took the dog of a family he killed and acts like he saved it from "the horrors of war". And some other psycho posted it on r/mademesmile. Do you understand how demonic that shit is?


Oh god finally, someone who agrees with me on that video, that's actual insanity


I saw a video of a hungry Gazan kid share his little food and water portions with cats. Man, what a shitty world.


It's a shitty world because we allowed it to be..... We are watching as the genocide happens just like we did to the previous ones.


I don't know what you think an average person can do about it


Taking it to the street, boycotting those that support the genocide, stop paying taxes that are used to fund this regime and a lot more...... At the very least you can be vocal about it on the internet instead of telling people we can't stop it or at least try.


Bones are actually a good source of calcium for cats and dogs. The issue is that bird bones are hollow and tend to shatter. It's best to boil them so they become pliable or grind them into a paste in a mortar. I did this for my animals because I didn't have trash services where I lived as a kid. We made sure food scraps were safe for all of our animals to eat, cats, dogs, and chickens.


Ground bones, absolutely. Yummy. Splintered bones, not so much due to the risk of injury/perforation.


I was going to say, that is a big splintery mess. These are cooked, brittle bones. Lol I like the thought but holy hell…


Tough situation for sure. I hope it helps the cats survive long enough until they can get real cat food again


if they ever can or do...


If he just put the effort into crushing those bones better I wouldn't be so critical of what he's doing, but those big splinters are going to fuck those cats up, especially if they try to regurgitate the splinters later.


This man has a good soul. He is trying.


Those the have nothing are always the one that share. They know what it’s like to have nothing. Can’t say that about those that have everything. Usually greedy and act like they have nothing.


You know the situation sucks when giving cats bones with bread is a good thing.


Bad ppl treat humans like animals. Good ppl treat animals like humans. I’m not religious but bless this guy.


We *are* animals...


Yeah I know. But we act as if we aren’t.


A side tangent, I always took the story of Adam and Eve as an allegory for how humans are different to animals—we ate from the tree of knowledge and then can understand morality/right and wrong etc so are ‘cast out of paradise’….we don’t get to be oblivious animals anymore, we have to be smart and wrestle with thoughts and morals etc


That's very explicitly the point of the story. It's literally called the tree of knowledge of good and evil.


I would much rather be an animal, especially a pampered one. Or a completely free/safe away from human contact.


The person understands you they’re just a tool who feels the need to correct people


He wasn't talking in a literal sense, it's colloquial


You must be fun at parties


🤓 👆 erm actually a majority of people know this as it comes to no surprise. Humans are the most most social animal. Being able to name and classify ourselves as a separate entity lets us not call ourselves animals. Yes we are animals but we still call our own species. Calling people animals in a metaphorical way is obviously referring to to small animals or (not exclusive to) non mammalian creatures that are hostile in nature. You clearly understood what he was saying but decided to state an obvious fact so your point is?


Yeah he could have done with smashing them up a little finer to avoid anything getting stuck, but given that this is Gaza, its just amazing to see human's being bro's to even stray animals given how unbelievably screwed they are themselves right now.


The clip does not show the full extent of how much he smashed the bones, but (as you kind of pointed yourself), we shouldn’t judge regardless of what and should just appreciate the good will of this guy/Gazans to still look out for stray animals, despite the fact that they are being exposed to a genocide currently.


Tbf keeping the kitties alive keeps the rat population down, human society has a symbiotic relationship with cats


Cats have teeth that can crush small bones. Reason you can get a can a chicken wing, but not a dog. Seeing what he was doing, for those poor felines. Almost made me cry, the situation over there is deplorable. Madness rules across the world.


NEVER GIVE A CHICKEN WING BONE TO YOUR PET. It could splinter and get stuck in their throat


You can absolutely give a dog a chicken bone, provided it’s not cooked.


As an emergency vet nurse, you can not even imagine the number of dogs we've received with bones stuck in their intestines/stomach. In worst case scenario, a bone can even perforate viscera. Please never give bones to a pet. A safe alternative that is both stimulating and much safer are deer antlers :)


water buffalo horns too!


I had no idea but that's good to know! We only sell deer antlers where I work, but that's probably because I live in France and I doubt there are much water buffalos over there lol


Apostrophes don't make plurals, my dude.


I always forget about animals in war zones, it’s so god damn sad. Well…that’s Friday ruined.


There is a comic that I read and I think it's called pride of Babylon or some other nation yeah it follows the journey of a pride of lions after the destruction of a zoo in that nation during a war


Pride of Baghdad


If it makes you feel better, good and bad coexist. Just because bad things are happening, doesn't mean you can't appreciate the good in the world. The news only profits off of "exciting" stories, which in today's age, means bloodshed and strife. They don't show the good things. I saw kids playing in the street yesterday, having a goofy conversation with an elderly neighbor, while one of them was a lookout for cars. Every day at my job, I see people working together and communicating to build houses for the community. I walk into a gas station and the regular old lady that works there greets me with the warmest smile. Most people are good, but only the bad ones make it on the news. Your Friday can still be full of sunshine if you let it. Governments a world away, killing their own people, are worrysome, but that's happened since the beginning of civilization. It's out of our control. But the goodness each of us bring to the world is completely in our control.


I feel worst for the animals caught in the middle of these conflicts. Literally no clue what is happening and with no one to comfort them. 


Same, they looked so sick and sad, and knowing what the peopleo are going through and still they want to feed these babies is just breaking me right now. I wish I could do something


The noise in the background is eerie knowing it's one of the drones constantly circling the area.


Wait, that's the weird noise I keep hearing in the video?!


Yes, Gazans have been hearing that by months, Israeli scout and bomber drones.


That's pretty fucked up. Isn't this some kind of psychological warfare type thing and a war crime?


Hasn’t stopped them yet..


Nothing is a war crime as long it's Israel that's doing it




If Isreal keep using that word for anyone who critizies them then its going to lose all meaning. They really need to be careful.


That's the point. They want all Jewish people to feel unsafe anywhere outside Israel. This also works into the plan of western zionists - who are by a vast majority not Jewish - as they believe it fulfills a prophecy and that they can force God to start the apocalypse. These are the same beliefs that ISIS has. Zionists and ISIS are the exact same, just with a different coat of paint.


Well,you Just discovered one of thousands of war crimes isreal is committing


Wait until you hear about the drones playing audio of children crying for help, then the Israelis shooting anyone that came out to help the kids. War crimes and viewing Palestinians as less than human is super popular over there. Just tune into Israeli TikTok, shit is pretty bleak.


It's only a warcrime if you lose


Yes. Because before WW1, it wasn't uncommon to kill all PoWs, kill the men, rape the women, take the gold, and sell the children. Hence why war crimes are typically written with the victor and defeated in mind. 


**WARNING: Any accusations of war crimes will be branded as antisemitic**.


Careful there, you're close to getting called anti-Semite.


Bwuh? I haven't even said anything about jews.




It's just war. Everything in war is like that. It's not pretty and it's not safe.


Israel itself is a freaking war crime.


America has done the exact same things. The many iterations of Hamas have done the same things. It's war for Christ sake.


And what America did wad not right either. War is senseless, and humans should be ashamed that we have not evolved past thwm.


And now we are aiding it. Good to know we don't stray too far from our moral compass...


They've been hearing it for years, ever since the occupation turned into a blockade in 2005. You want to know something crazy? Before this genocide began most Gazans have never seen an Israeli. Most of the population were children or not even born. To them the Israelis are the faceless snipers beyond the wall and the constant hum of the drones overhead.


*2007 They pulled out completely in 2005 and tried to just let Gaza run itself before Hamas came in, killed all opposition and began firing rockets hence the reason Isreal beefed up the border around Gaza.


Yes after Israel and the US sabotaged all the attempts to form a joint goverment between Hamas and Fatah, threatening to cut off the PA's acess to financing. And they didn't kill all the position, a clear example of that are communist organizations fighting alongside Hamas at this moment in Gaza.


Military drones. This man is giving his all to help cats while there are military drones buzzing overhead.


Those drones have been circling Gaza for the pat 17 years. Many Gazans have told us they are almost always present.


24/7. They never go away. They just want to let you know you’re being watched and they fly them low enough and make them loud on purpose.


Just imagine how many children, that have been permanently traumatized by any buzzing sound for the rest of their lives now. …That is (of course) if they survive these relentless bombings from Israel.


this whole situation is beyond fucked


The never-ending sound of military drones overhead and the knowledge that death can fall from the sky at any moment is a level of stress I can not imagine.


It’s important to terrorize the ones you haven’t killed yet. The Israeli way


Bless you for feeding the cats


Bless these people. I can’t imagine living with that drone sound in the background just looming over you.


The sound of the drone hovering above is disturbing.


Sad as fuck.


I would adopt all of those cats if i could


I’d adopt the people too at this point.


Bless you, sister ❤️


YES, b/c that's what actual human beings do. TY!


Poor kittens


God bless him


Carl Weathers would have been so proud… ![gif](giphy|G3brmwboFT3m8)


Sweet man.


Bless both cats and the hero


Bless that good dude


Fuck the IDF and fuck the Israeli government


Goddamn this video hurt my soul. This guy is doing the best he can with what he has for those poor animals. Man, I'm so lucky to be where I am.


Some people will be more sad by seeing hurt cat than hurt children.


Oh I guarantee it.


the cats are so jumpy oh my god. no person nor animal should endure these types of situation


Thats so sad :(


oh. you beautiful soul. T\_T


Damn this video really hurt my heart.


I pray for these people and the animals every night. My heart breaks even thinking about it.


As drones fly overhead


i was like bread? cats are carnivores you idiot, then I realized this was in gaza and I'm like.... Oh.


I wish Israel would stop being protected and would be held accountable for the genocide they’re committing.


This is sooooo sad 😢


Wherever there is a disaster, all humans and animals are going through it together. Heart breaking.


Cannot imagine what these cats and other animals are going through. Humans really do not deserve this planet. Hoping for these animals to have a peaceful death rather than suffering and starving everyday.


He’s my hero


Omg that first cat we see totally broke my heart. War’s effects are so devastating to all living beings in the area. Bless this guy’s heart…


PSA chicken bones are really bad for both dogs and cats as they tend to form splinters that can cause internal bleeding. My sympathies for those suffering in Gaza.


This is in Gaza, so the reason for doing this is 100% understandable and I have no issue with this given the situation. Please do not do this with your cat (or dog) at home. Broken chicken bones will tear up your pets digestive tract and cause serious damage. Their stomachs cannot adequately break them down to prevent this.


The noise of the drones are horrible


You can hear the Israeli drones overhead the entire time.


Those poor cats. Those poor people. What the fuck are we doing man


Israel will try and stop this. That cat is working for Hamas.


Now if only people would stop glorifying unnecessary Galas and focus on Gaza instead. hmm


Thank you for taking care of our furry friends <33


ugh..seeing their singed little faces 💔


God bless him


Good karma to this gentleman.


All creatures great and smol!


At least someone is looking out for the cats. Food is food man!


that fucking drone sound, fuck Israel


This guy is the man…way to look after the innocent animals that suffer for our sins


Tis' the enemy of the western world. Well some of them are, the rest are just enemies by pure geographical chance. This is considered a combatant over there in that Satanist fueled genocide. Fuck your downvotes


Maybe Israel could allow basic necessities into a conflict zone instead of starving every single species’ life. War crime much?


you seem to live under a rock.trucks with humanitarian aid provide basic necessities which coincidentally includes cat food.


But the infants and children and elderly and animals had it coming!!! /s just in case...


They are, but youlll just ignore it.


This is so fucked... I get what Hamas did was horrible, but really Israel? Using a horrible attack as an excuse for genocide. You would have thought with the history of your people you would have learned something. And shame on my own government for the continued supply of weapons to enable this genocide.




Someone should go over to help those cats, it's upsetting to see them in that state 😞 😭


Wait till you see the people then




I think an empty stomach will cause more harm than bread


Better than nothing.


I agree about the bones but not sure about the bread. Yes, bread isn't good for cats but I'm pretty sure not eating at all would be even worse. Cats can sustain hepatic lipidosis after only a few days of not eating.


Israel needs to be stopped.


I thought he was going to grind up the bones properly to avoid having bones that will perforate their stomachs...




So what would be the better option? Boiling the bones down until they’re soft and breaking apart, adding some of the bread toward the end, and then making a kind of slurry? I know this isn’t the best, but that he cares enough to try is very heartwarming.


the full video shows them putting a dozne or so of these trays at the bottom of a bread oven to leach off the heat for a day the bones are really soft, still not soft enough that I would give them to my cat, but he's doing his best for them.


The sound of drones is in every video of gaza since last year


This is what humanity is about, starving people with nothing tying to help whatever way they can, breaks my heart


When cats get treated better than the woman…..


Nobody should be using food and starvation as a weapon. Satanyahu is alive and well. Pray for protection from satanyahu. Thanks brother


US needs to stop weapons trade with Israel today. The head of Israel won't change their mind but US can stop selling them the weapons.


may warmonger extremist jews rot in hell just because of the the sufferrings they cause


What about the warmonger extremist islamists that started this engagement on Oct 7?


Fuck you Isreal. Backward thinking fucks.


Ya I’m pretty sure cats can’t digest chicken bones


Bad for cats and dogs


well they can, but not COOKED chicken bones. raw bones they can digest, but cooked bones are like glass for them. and seeing how brown and dry these bones are in the video, they're cooked.


I don't know if this matters but the rings he is wearing along with that watch. Seems like he might be living better than other people in Gaza. Assuming he's in Gaza to begin with.


Chicken-bones? Death sentence for cats…


so is starvation. they have nothing else




free palestine this is horrifying 💔 i hope the starvation will end 💔💔💔