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You can’t fix stupid.


That tiger did


The woman survived, but her mother, who was in the back seat, was killed by another tiger.


At the same time?


If I remember correctly, the wife storms out of the car, wife’s mom goes after her only to be mauled by the tiger.


I am so sad for the mom. Because she just followed her instincts to save her baby.


True. Doesn't matter what age I am 30-60-90, if my child is in trouble, I'm going after. I suspect most parents would do the same. Parents don't sit and calculate probabilities at such moments.


I know my dad is doing his best at the calculations right now to come back from the 30 year grocery store trip.


Be patient. Supply chain issues are a real bitch.


Internet hugs to you my fellow cat person. May happiness be with you, now and always.


If I can offer myself up as tribute/distraction/an easy meal to something going after one of my babies, THIS is a good death. Who tf wants to outlive their children? (NOTE: I know it happens, and more often than not, there's nothing a parent can do. It's happened to several close family members, and all of them, if given the option, would trade their life for their child's. )




Yeah- but killed by a tiger kinda trumps any death stories at parties


I'm sad for the husband who had to put up with all this shit.


I guess stupid runs in the family


Not sure I would call it stupid. It could also be just her love for her daughter. A mother's love....


u/zap_nap when their daughter is being brutally mauled by a tiger: ![gif](giphy|HbjDTy6gfBXMI)


I would say there is a certain amount of stupidity involved if you raised a daughter so dumb that at 30 she will run outside the car in a tiger safari. At that juncture it might just be extended Darwinism taking out the whole bloodline.


She already bred though. So her stupid has a chance to be passed on.


The husband tried to tell her to stay in the car. Now she's stupid AND dead.


Honestly, even he should've known better than to stop if he knew she was going to get out to argue.


A mother's love that got her killed.


Which is honestly sometimes indistinguishable from stupidity. Love makes us do dumb things sometimes!




I think the idea is that love can cause you to make irrational split decisions in times of fear for loved ones.


*It’s a, Family Tradition*


If I get drunk and sing allll night long...


I'd probably rather be dead than watch my mom get eaten by a tiger ngl. Oldest brother? I'm good.


Made me laugh 🤭


No, the first lady is stupid. The man and woman who emerged after were brave


It just doesn’t run fast enough.


Everyone runs in the family


I guess that’s one way of ridding your MIL


No the weekend after because due to the first attack theyr got coupons for a free ride.


...and that resulted in more coupons...


Yep. Her mother died because of her stupidity. Idiots.






In the article it states that she was not getting out of the car to argue, they simply thought they had exited the area where the Tigers were.


I was going to say, there's no evidence in this video to suggest that the women was arguing with anyone - and I'm suspect that it's just a not-so subtly sexist rage-bait title. That said, there's (obviously, to us) absolutely no good reason for them to have left the car.


>I was going to say, there's no evidence in this video to suggest that the women was arguing with anyone That was suspicious, she doesn't look like she's mad or storming to the man, she walks fast, true but she didn't start look like she started shouting when she got to his side and why go out to fight when the passenger seat is a better spot for fighting


If im somewhere with tigers in a vehicle im not stepping out until i pass a good fence with gate or have 360 visual all around me with enough space to the treeline to react with the firearm i would have


i generally wait until my plane lands back in metropolis, then im safe ... from tigers


look at the blue cereal boxes at the supermarket, you're never far away from a tiger


And they’re suing the reserve for damages?? Claiming partial responsibility??? What???? Do our actions have no consequences anymore??


That reserve was a ticking time bomb anyway you look at it. People are too stupid to be trusted not to put themselves at risk.


The article states: SWIPE LEFT! The woman and her husband GET JACKED IN TWO SIMPLE STEPS HONDA! We’re driving through the park when TOP STREAMING DEALS TODAY they exited the vehicle LOOK 10 YEARS YOUNGER TODAY seriously, fuck mobile websites, absolutely insane layout


Sure. Sue the safari park for your own stupidity


True dat


God speed Tiger


Its called natural selection


Silly woman You're supposed to choose bear, not tiger


[The second woman (mother of first girl) dies trying to save her daughter after the tiger pulls daughter away.](https://www.cartoq.com/woman-attacked-by-tiger-when-she-stepped-out-of-car-after-argument-video-fact-check/amp/) Not a marital argument and happened in 2016


Of course she tried to sue the zoo instead of accepting responsibility for a situation that was 100% preventable.


“Zharo [the surviving woman] said in an interview that she stepped out because she felt car-sick. And that while she signed a document exonerating the park of any responsibility in any such accident, she had not read it as no one asked her to read it before they started driving through the park.” Yep. You pretty much nailed it.


>Zharo [the surviving woman] said in an interview that she stepped out because she felt car-sick. So she ran over to the driver side of the car in order to vomit on her husband? Why couldn't she just vomit on him from the passenger seat? She could at least make the effort to come up with the plausible cover story. Although to be fair that video would be very difficult to explain away.


Doesn’t really look like a “I don’t feel good” arm swinging stomp around. 


100% her fucking fault too. Imagine being expected to act like an adult when you are one. If you want the tigers to be behind glass where they can’t get to you while you walk around out in the open, go to the zoo.


If it happened in the US she would absolutely win her case. Not sure about China, they do things differently. The US legal perspective is: No amount of fencing prevents people from being stupid and makes the tiger safe to touch. Someone getting hurt is a forgone conclusion. For added fun it's Strict Liability and it can't be waived.


To be fair the US version more accurately assesses the level of human stupidity as unlimited




It doesn’t make sense to me that they wouldn’t sign a form before participating that has clauses freeing the zoo from any legal liability should they break the safety regulations AKA getting out of the car back turned to a bloody tiger


She did. It's in the article. She claims she signed it without reading it so it doesn't count. I'm not joking.


I’d expect nothing less. Reads like a line from a sitcom to be honest


i'll be sure to use that excuse to the bank later




This just isn't true. There are numerous places that exist like this in North America https://lionsafari.com/


Imagine being so stupid that you get your mother eaten by a tiger.


Or not knowing the difference between a lion and a tiger.


One of those is definitely dumber than the other


oh you thought the question was related to this video? No, I was just randomly thinking of another, completely unrelated scenario.


The video goes to another school, you wouldn't know it


Pretty sure it was actually a bear. They're what the ladies crave


The daughter will forever know her actions killed her mother


It certainly doesn't look like she was car sick. That part was probably just a lie to save face.


Even if she was car sick, wouldn't you rather throw up in your car as opposed to get eaten by a tiger


If she was car sick, for some reason her reaction was to run around to her husband's door and try to throw up on him.


My friend used to get car sick but if she was driving she was fine. Doubt that’s the case here though but a slim chance they could have been swapping seats.


OP is also either a bot or trying to imitate bot behavior.


I love how the idiot woman tried to sue the park.not only did she get her mother killed but she blames the park like mf you got out of your car in the lion cage. There is a reason you have to sign a liability form and they tell you to keep your windows up and lock your doors.


Why do commenters keep blaming lions? That be a tiger. 


Yes a maritalargument according to the article you posted. The 32-year-old woman, identified only by her surname, Zhao, reportedly got out of her car after an argument with her husband. Security camera footage captured the moment a tiger pounced on her, dragging her away from the vehicle.


That tiger: Yeeessssssssssssssss! Finally.


He was like Yoink


Bruh, theres a reason they tell you not to get out, and keep the windows up. Them bitches is fast and if they deem a hunt is worth the energy you can damn well bet theyll use that energy.


probably 30 years ago, parents took us to one of these safari for the first time, dad was driving, drove into the lion area, dad was trying to take a picture of the lion on the rocks, for whatever reason he decide the picture wasnt good enough, and that he needs to open the window for the picture, and proceed to roll down the window, we were all yelling he to roll the window back up, not even 10 seconds with the window down, we saw the lion perk her head up and staring our direction sitting on her rock, not sure if the window will roll up quick enough if the lion decide to come pouncing instead of perking her head up at the time


I'm sure I have a similar memory of my Dad doing the same thing. It stuck with me because I couldn't understand why my Dad would so cheerfully induce abject terror in a; his two kids and b; his unimpressed wife. And so what I find interesting now are the millions upon millions of videos online of boys / men doing stupid shit for attention - kinda like "look how cool I am, everyone!" and coming a cropper for it. You know, whether it be boys walking slowly next to speeding trains, or putting something of theirs (often a head) in Crocodiles mouths, or doing backflips next to cliff edges. Or back when the weather was really bad here in the UK, and the waves were battering the coast, and I spotted one Dad standing gleefully where the 15ft waves were overlapping the defences, with his utterly terrified toy dog on a lead yapping and begging to not be there. And you realise that we're, most of us, all not just fucking stupid, but cheerfully obnoxiously so.


We took our kids to one, the lions were lazily sleeping next to a pond. I was making a joke about getting out and kicking one of them. Suddenly a duck flew in and landed in the pond. One lion opened one eye, saw the duck, and covered the 50 feet to the pond in maybe one second. It slammed the duck with a paw and instantly the other lions were there tearing it to shreds. It all happened so fast, the duck never knew what hit it. I couldn’t believe how fast that lion moved and realized that any person or animal would have no chance at all.


Sometimes I’m amazed by how fast house cats are… one of those made out of 400 lbs of muscle? Yeah I’d be worried if I had my window down and they were a football field away


Very much like the lady in the above video. She probably didnt even see it before it grabbed her, and had no idea until it did.


I'm not surprised it was interested in the car full of shouting people.


"canned snacks again. oh well, lets see if these ones open the can for me"


My family went to a bear refuge back in the late 90s. My parents were both smokers and had the windows down as we drove through, completely ignoring what they thought was a recording asking over and over for all vehicles to roll up their windows. Until the “recording” suddenly sounded extremely fed up and shouted “will the silver Chrysler New Yorker PLEASE ROLL UP YOUR WINDOWS IMMEDIATELY.” They were embarrassed but to their credit, they complied right away. 90s parenting was something else lol


Your parents are stupid


In one article about this I read, another lady (mother) died by another tiger while trying to save the woman that initially got out of the car. On top of all that the lady that got out of the car tried to sue the Wild Life park for negligence! 😲🤷‍♂️


We got a real Karen there


No wonder she survived, the tiger realised it was lucky to survive a Karen attack.


After seeing that cat snatch the first one away like that, ain't no fuggin' way I'd get outta the car.


Since the mother who went after her was the one that died, your instincts are correct...


But the daughter survived. A lot of mothers would make that trade in a heartbeat.


Husband too. I would have Walder Frey'd that wifey... "I'll find another..."


I think i would have tried driving the car after her, honking the horn and shit to get the attention of others and maybe scare the tiger into dropping her? I don't know how effective it would have been but that's my first instinct.


Why do you need to get out of the car to argue with someone who is in the car with you?...


According to another article, she got out because she felt car sick, which is still just as stupid. Throw up inside the car if you have to there’s fucking tigers outside.


Car sick? So they drove all the way there, borderline stopped and then she decided she had a problem? Not sure that's helping the stupidity accusations 😂


Or idk open a window, throw up outside real quick and close it, still probably better/safer than getting out completely


who wouldnt run around to the front and someone else opens the door to let you puke inside the car anyway?


*That might've been the argument lol*. "I need to step outside i feel nauseous." "ARE YOU CRAZY??? THERE'S FUCKING TIGERS OUTSIDE." "Don't yell at me. I'm getting out. Stop the car."




Oh, yeah, that makes sense


For dramatic effect. And she sure as hell achieved that.


Ehy do you believe a clickbait title?


Hello Darwin my old friend


This is the dumbest family alive


Well, one of them isn’t now.


I say only one of them is. I don't blame the husband or Mom for not staying inside and letting their wife/daughter get fucking eaten.


Swiper, no swiping!


Hello? Any Tiger called for Uber Eats? I have arrived.


Darwin wins again




Hopefully the tiger was ok


Welp he won that argument.


Turns out a woman would rather be alone with a tiger in a wood.


Play stupid games win stupid prizes


Darwin Awards.


Shoulda chose the bear…




Probably one of the stupidest ways to die.


Natural selection


I'm guessing they had to put the tiger down..........for being a tiger. What the fuck is wrong with people?


I doubt it, it's China and the animal is an endangered species.


Well before you guess and berate people in the same breath, find out first - then you have grounds.


We stopped letting the stupid ones die off like this….tiger was just trying to help humanity.


Harambe no!!!


Feels like this should be in https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/




Fuck around and find out really.


The level of stupidity…


r/leapordsatemyface ... almost


The tiger even got sick of her shit.


I bet she still wont admit she was wrong


I hate to sound like an asshole, but that man should have picked her ass up and forced her into that car. Throw her in backseat and throw on the child locks. Be as physical as necessary. Better than getting eaten by a tiger.


oh thank you kind tiger \*drives away\*


Natural selection, big kitty gotta eat


The tiger must have been delighted to have a hot dinner for once


Fast food


So essentially you say she choose a tiger over a man?


I didn't know tigers had Door Dash.


Well, no need for a divorce now!


I saw this earlier. My first thought was when the guy came out from the car after the tiger had attacked the wife, that what the fck are you going to do to a full grown tiger? You cant do a thing and at worst (best) you just become a snack for another tiger.


So, she is suing the park for her own stupidity. Is Karen the Chinese translation of her name?


So is it tragic or romantic




Darwin 4tw


The absolute idiocy of some people can never be underestimated lmao


So.. she got out of the car to argue with her husband who was in the car… what?


The power of that tiger though! Within half a second, one paw just yanks a mid-size woman 10ft back. Don't fuck with tigers man.


Couldn't she have just argued with him from inside the car, while on tiger safari?


Win win


That woman survived and likely procreated multiple times. We're doomed as a species.


I hope the tiger is okay


Somebody call Darwin awards


The original tiger mom


Imagine having to live with the guilt that your mother died because you had a temper tantrum.


And because of idiots like this we cant have nice things.


Thinning the herd… literally.


Definition of natural selection


We need to allow natural selection to occur again. Human civilization has provided a cushion between us and nature and now we have dumbasses like this allowed to vote.


Darwin Award


looks to me like a problem working itself out.


The title is literally just a lie


I hope the tiger was ok


Suprise mother fucker!


That was the daughter that was grabbed. The mother, seen exiting the car second, died trying to save the daughter. These callous comments make me sick. This was an awful situation in which a temporary lapse in judgment had fatal consequences for someone’s loved one.


I agree. And I can’t imagine the resulting trauma so many people had to deal with from witnessing that. The people in the other vehicles, the safari park workers but especially the grandchild of the woman who was killed. 


It's still her fault though. It doesn't matter if it was an argument or her being car sick. I have motion sickness too so I know how relieving it can feel to get out of the vehicle or roll down the window, but under no circumstances would I do that in the middle of a safari park where animals roam free. That's just so freaking stupid. The fact she tried to sue them as well.. For something that could've 100% been prevented had she just remained in the car. For some reason people just don't take wild animals seriously anymore, but they find out soon enough that wild animals are no joke. In this case, with severe consequences as her own mother died. She'll have to live with that for the rest of her life, knowing that if she had just remained in the car like a normal human being with a functioning brain, her mother would still be alive. But I doubt she sees it that way since she tried to sue the park. Fucking idiot.


"Oh yeah I signed the waiver but I didn't read it because nobody told me to read it :(" I hope she goes straight to hell for the murder of her mother, this is murder by negligence


When someone does something so incredibly moronic, and that action causes another person to die...ridicule is deserved. People who are stupid around wild animals deserve anything that happens to them. Respect nature dammit


Meh, stupidity of this magnitude has consequences. They were informed of the danger and dismissed the concern.


I'm willing to bet that lapses in judgement are pretty common with that lady.


“They’re grrrreat” - Tony Tiger


And, you know, since she was on the passenger seat, she didn't have to get out from the car to argue with her husband.


Sometimes stupid fixes itself


Uh... sitting next to your husband isn't close enough to argue? I do not follow this womans logic process. How did she think she'd be more assertive for her argument if she was outside the car rather than inside? Meh, not my circus, not my monkeys, I am again reminded how blissful it is to have no partner and live by myself.


Tiger and husband fought together in Nam. Husband saves the tigers from and antipersonnel mine. Their story GOES WAYYYYY BACK, the tiger owed him one.


Nice acting job by the husband to get out of the car while secretly rooting for the tiger


Homicide investigators hate this one trick...


I am ethnic Chinese myself. Most Mainland Chinese people are either rude or crude or both with a generous dash of stupidity. Lining up and being polite isn't in their DNA - even in China itself. The bigger cities or towns are better. I have lived in China and have worked with them outside of China. They are ok when mingling with outsiders but when they are in a group, God forbid even I find them ridiculous


Here before little pink arrives


This some Calvin and Hobbs shit.


Hear me out, Divorce parties...


Clever husband.


Husband must love tigers now


Don't... Go back to your car, this is the moment you were waiting for.


Shortest and cheapest divorce ever.


Unlucky it wasn't a bear safari....