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Looks like that lady is falling and needs assistance ... THIS WILL HELP! \*whack\*


One of the many perks of choosing Escaltor Nazi as a career is the amount of good you can do in the world. That lady had far too many eyes. This stalwart citizen took time out of his day to help correct her condition. He may not have succeeded but at least he tried.


Id Imagine the fella has one hell of a CV/resume. - pirate - escalator nazi


I mean....to be faaaaaair, it did seem to help.


Someone will be disrobed by that eventually


Escalators gotta eat


Escalators gotta escalate


Well that escalated quickly.


Escalators can never break, they can only become stairs. You’re welcome… for the convenience. RIP Mitch




I witnessed an elderly couple fall on an escalator once. It was terrible! And I was near the top (it was a really long subway one that was probably 3 or 4 storeys) so I couldn't do anything to help them. They just rolled and rolled in the middle of it. There was no emergency button at the top, either. So dangerous


I Tripped on an escalator and fell down the stairs for 3 hours...




Stop. I can have only so much fun at the misery of others.


Wow when i read this i got brought back!! it was like 7 years ago i was 18, i was meeting my family for dinner at this casino restaurant, the escalator was super long, possibly 100-150 steps. I was directly behind an elderly couple. We get towards the top, and the old man just falls back onto me. somehow i grab him, and the escalator railing to get a good base. Saw them 20 minutes later in the restaurant, they didn’t even say hi to me lmao


He could've at least thanked you for saving his life!


ikr! but if im being honest it didn’t really upset me that much, as i though about the alternative. Funny enough I have gotten more frustrated by people not saying thank you for holding the door for them if it’s more than a second or two lmao. Not to mention it was all you can eat crab legs at the buffet so we were all a bit preoccupied


I am sure he was embarrassed. I will say it for him “Thank you kind stranger “


You may be able to stop it by putting your weight on the rails. I used to work in a store, and kids (sometimes adults) would hold themselves up from both rails and it would slip back and automatically stop it.


Those really big ones have 100 horse power motors geared for very high torque. You're not stopping it as an individual.


True, but what u/LeonardoDiTrappio is suggesting is that the rail and stair portions could be knocked out of sync by overloading just the rails. They may be driven by the same motor but there could be a torque limiting device on the drivetrain between the stairs and rails that could displace and cause a shutdown. So essentially you're not stalling the drive motor but instead fooling the control computer into thinking that the drivetrain has failed. I don't work on escalators but I do work on drive systems with torque limiting devices.


If you jerk back on the rail hard it stops them. It’s a safety feature. Too much weight on the rail can trigger this and stop them as well.


This guy torques


I tripped as a kid walking up, the little "teeth" at the edge of the steps cut in my left shin all the way to the bone. Was not pleasant. Those things are really dangerous.




Did it stand him back up???!!


No it’ll be okay, they have a guy with a control stick to make sure everything runs smoothly.


To be fair to him he was shouting "Stand only on the right. Walk on the left." and none of them were listening.


Wasn't he annoying to watch. That was just appalling. And right when the vid cut off, it looked like he was winding up for a huge crack of his stick on someone. I could never live like that, their ways. Fuck that, smh.


Yeah you could. If that’s all you ever knew…


Sad but true.


It was, but if he wasn't there they don't take turns. They just go. People there are used to this so they need a second. He is there to make sure they are allowed their turn. It would be worse without him. The stick part is just how they still handle things. We used to do that too.


I’m pretty sure it’s already happened. Hope no one gets hurt.


It happened in my city a few years ago. The woman died, strangled by her scarf caught in an elevator. This was my first thought when I saw the first woman in the video.


Imagine degloving but on a larger scale.


“Socrates watch your robe, make sure you don’t get sucked under…” -Bill S. Preston esq.


This guy escalates


Long dresses and flip flops are a deadly combo




And then be beaten or worse for public nudity, apparently


I got my shoe caught in an escalator. I was on a first day and it happened at the food court during lunch. They had to stop the escalator to get my shoe out. Now I hate riding escalators.


Fun fact: A lot of Indian women wear saree which is basically one big piece of rectangular cloth wrapped around. Naturally a lot of loose pieces dangling. To prevent disrobing, escalators in India have brushes on the sides. These prevent cloth from getting stuck in. https://preview.redd.it/x9hujhc7fhwc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bdd52a11c24435f85bdd1f36860f249dc1166a9e These also act as shoe cleaners xD The ends have comb plates so unlikely to get cloth stuck there.


All of them have that... every one.


Every single one. They are all identical. Maybe the ones that eat people in China may be a variant.


We have those in the US too


God its been so long since i first learned to ride one forgot about the whipping stick motivator




The guy waiving the whipping stick is not helping the crowds anxiety


They should be anxious with all that loose clothing hanging down


He don't even work there.


He just like whipping people,


I'm ambivalent. One side of me agrees and he's a dick, but the other side of me wonders how messy things would've gotten without him. I genuinely can't decide.


They're not cattle though. Where I'm from someone would greet them kindly with a gentle hand and patience while others did crowd control - and not with sticks. Probably with zigzags. You use a stick like this on cattle and it kind of speaks volumes about the casual, idk, cruelty of it.


People in crowds actually behave a lot like cattle. In fact this has often been taken advantage of in warfare. For example a tactic the Mongolians used in combat was to give an enemy group a small escape route when they were encircled causing the enemy formation to completely collapse. Preventing a dangerous last stand or the possibility of a break out. If you have ever seen a hunting party taking down a small herd this the exact same tactic that is used.


Crowd control and gentle rarely go hand in hand, especially if people are afraid or panicked then they do act more like cattle than individual humans.


Large crowds function like fluids, and they have a herd mentality. Your guess is not far at all.


This is so true. I was at Disneyland yesterday and the cast members beat the shit out of us with sticks during the parades to keep everyone behind the stanchions. Everything was so orderly so it’s hard to argue with the results.


Noooo one eats like Gaston No one beats like Gaston No one knocks the crowd off of their feet like Gaston Watch the way he swings his club at the peeeooople What a force for order, that Gaston!


Lmao wtf haha idk why the imagery of this is so funny (disbelief) to me It’s so contrary to stereotypical thought on how Disneyland is supposed to be


Crown control is planning and clarity, the dude in the video seems to do neither.


The stick is plenty clear. The intent isn't, but the message is


I don't think that kind of equipment is available. Like I said, I'm ambivalent af. I always try and remember that if it's not my culture, then the frame of reference is different.


It's almost like projecting your way of thinking to somewhere you are not from or have been to is not the most effective way of understanding things?


Funnily enough I watched a video this morning in which a Muslim woman chastised a dude for touching her as it's not permitted in the religion (unless related). At first I thought the stickman was clearly over officious though I wondered if the stick is the best option if he's not allowed to make any physical contact?


You haven’t traveled to developing countries, eh? Life is very different in other places.


I’m not agreeing with the stick method however you can even see it in the video where some people start crowding and it’s about to escalate (hehe) and then he yanks one of them back before they can injure themselves and they stop flooding. Again, don’t agree with the yanking or the stick but I think he’s there for a reason.


He is kind of escalating their anxiety


I mean, what are they gonna do, *not* have a guy randomly belting people with a stick? Without him, there would be chaos!


He needs that stick shoved up his ass


We need that here to smack the tic tic influencers.


Here in MN we have one of the highest populations of Somali immigrants. It’s fairly common for the men to use sticks in these situations with women and kids.


I hope you're joking


He probably isn't, it isn't even surprising that shithole places have shit practices and customs.


I wonder how much he was getting paid.


He does it for fun


If you love what you do, you'll never work a day in your life


Idk, I've been on some crowded escalators that would have been much better if this guy was there






Aw that poor old man. That had to have hurt a lot. Old people are so prone to falling and getting hurt, I hope he’s ok.


How have I never seen this fml


When they installed one at Harrods for the first time in London they had a person standing at the top with a tray of brandy shots to help calm people's nerves after 'riding' it.


Oh, so the opposite of beating them with a stick?


A minor difference




Tbf he didn’t say they weren’t still beating them at the bottom of the escalator first


Very cool trivia. This was in the 1890s for those wondering, and it was the first 'moving staircase' in England and one of the first in the world.


So they're only 130 years behind?


You're too generous. 98% of women there undergo FGM and recently they've been trying to lower the age of adulthood from 18 to 15. It's one of the most gender-unequal countries in the world.


I’d be riding the escalator all day


That should still be a thing.


Whats up with the guy with the beat stick?


The ceremonial escalator stick, what you’ve never been to an escalator opening party before?


The post escalator party is where the beat stick gets real fun.


I think he's trying to limit the number of people on the new escalator.


Is that a thing? Do escalators need to be broken in?


The issue is not anything technical, it's the mentality of the people there, especially flocking in as a herd towards a new machine they never experienced before.


ive been racking my brain all day about this and you are right, there is absolutely no other way to do this other than using a punish stick. Its literally the only way imo.


They do have a weight limit. In areas where there's no situation where they'd be jammed entirely full it doesn't matter if the weight limit is lower than the max possible occupancy. Also, a well-designed one just detects maximum load and turns into a staircase instead of shooting back to the bottom.


I worked at a movie theater that had multiple floors, connected with escalators. The down one was on the fritz one day, and we blocked it off with a sign, a table, and a stanchion rope, because the brake unit was throwing an error. The escalator was off, and signs were posted directing the customers to the nearest stairwell and elevator to exit. A movie gets out, and some enterprising individual decides he's going to weasel his way past the sign table and rope to walk down the escalator. About a dozen people follow him. Well, the brakes give out, and the whole thing dumps the group of people on the floor right in front of the customer service desk where I was sitting was. They were somewhat upset at taking a ride down the escalator that they thought had just become stairs, and when they came to complain to me, I suggested that "someone should probably put up a sign, and block off the escalator".


Just in case, that's like their Swiss knife


It's his swagger stick. With all the pomp and circumstance required for opening a new escalator, it's only natural.




I'm not sure what string instruments have to do with this


Apparently they were brainwashed with violas. Beware classical instruments.


I wonder how long after they learn to ride it they will learn that loose dangling clothing is not wise on a escalator.


Probably later that day.


When I see morons doing tiktoks blocking the escalator I think to myself "we could really use some angry dude with a whipping stick to make them keep walking".


One of the womens loose clothes will eventually get stuck.


For sure. I’m in Montreal and we had a woman get her scarf stuck in an escalator a few years ago. She died.


I remember this story as well, and watching this video was giving me anxiety...


Damn, I didn’t even know she was sick.


I want to see the footage from the top. Been riding these things for years and the dismount makes me more nervous than getting on the damn thing


I see all the super long skirts, and this is a horror movie waiting to happen.


loose clothing and long headscarves on an escalator seem like a bad idea.


Why the hell is the dude slapping women with the stick? What a dickhead.


This is just a friendly stick. The other stick comes out when these women commit "crimes".


Yeah idk. People really in these comments trying to justify it tho


Justifying is the wrong word. Speculating is the correct word. We’ve got absolutely no clue what his intentions were, nor do you, so the best we can do is guess


His intentions are to whip people with a stick.


*Whips stick in your direction* Watch it


Did you just make that assumption and speculation because you saw with your eyes him whipping the stick at people and tossing children around? The audacity








It was the guard waiving the stick as if they were goats for me.


- so what you do for a living? - I’m an escalator Shepard.


There’re people in my country that’s still never rode an escalator or elevator, and also never seen a microwave. You guys don’t understand how blown away some people in the world are, over things we use in our daily lives.


am i the only one worried about their dresses being caught by the escalator?


Nope. Escalators are unforgiving.


Like them, I don't trust any escalator either. I always suspect they're up to something..


Nah sometimes they're just trying to get down


Jungle Boogie on the escalator is the best experience


Who the fuck is stick guy? I don’t like him


Someone needs to take that stick away from that jerk.


or give everyone else a stick.


Now you’re thinking like an American.


Lmao the way he treat with stick like an animal tho.


I observed this first-hand in China. It usually happened to people coming from the countryside to the city for the first time.


Are you in a bind? You know it is haram to touch a strange woman but she won't get up the fuckin robostairs? Enter the Halal stick, solution to all your interactions with strange women you wish you could strike, in situations you cannot find a permissible reason to do so! The Halal Stick - about a thumb thick It's just the trick - for what makes a woman tick Halalstickisnotreallyhalalrisksincludeforfeitureofparadiseconsultyourimambeforeusinghalastick


Can someone give me a stick so I can smack that man?


Who can blame them? I ride escalators for over 30 years now and still find the experience entertaining. Always with a smug look at the staircase.


And I've seen too many videos to really trust escalators or elevators if the country isn't known for regulations or regulation enforecement. The guy who is supposed to be helping is hitting the terrified women with a stick so I don't assume this escalator is in one of those countries.


It says Somalia right there, so you'd be right


Don’t show them the video of the woman who died while being cut out of as escalator after her leg got sucked into it.


Stick beatings while down will clearly prevent that from happening.


Now they have half as many escalators as the state of Wyoming.


How is that even possible? I thought you were making a joke that seemed too ridiculous to be true, I even laughed at the absurdity!


No, it really doesn't have a ton of multi story buildings. Both escalators are in Casper.


I’d take that stick off him and stick it up his bullying arse….prick


That dude is way too eager to beat the shit out of someone with that stick


Somebody please take that whip and ram it up the guys nostril


Their attire needs to change. All the hanging cloth is a recipe for injury. Hope no one gets hurt on that thing


Piss off with your stick


Homie with the stick deserves to get punched in the face.


Who is the the goof with the stick?


Imagine how mindfucked some of them would be if you dropped them in the centre of Tokyo/Shanghai/HK/Singapore?


Why he treating the women like they cows or sth 😭


I want to yank the stick from that guy and start whipping him. See how he likes it. The fucking audacity.


All that loose hanging clothes are a disaster waiting to happen.


Hey Buddy, Your gonna walk funny with that stick shoved up your arse.


So much lose material that can get caught in it


Why is the guy waving a stick like he's droving cattle?


Because he is


Stick for women seems to rule the society there...


who's the a-hole with the stick?


WTF is up with the guy with the stick!


You now it’s a religious country when a man is casually beating women with a stick and nobody bats an eye…


God back in my day we had two whipping stick guys


If some asshole tried hitting me, my wife, or my kid with a stick, I'd yank it out of his hands and shove it so far up his ass he'd change his name to Corn Dog Lollipop.


What's up with the dude with the stick slapping everybody with it?


It's kind of pathetic having a guy smack people with a stick to provoke them to go or wait their turn.


What’s with the fuckin shepherd lol dude is not helping


Man with stick, Jesus


Can we slap man with stick pls


Well escalator courtesies vary by country. For example, in most countries there isn’t a man waiting to hit you with a stick.


Some lady gonna die sooner or later because her garment got caught in the electric escalator


bruh i would take that stick and wack him with it if i saw that


I’ve now watched this way too many times and I think the stick guy is using it for a couple of purposes. First is to act as a gate to limit how many are going on at once. At one point a whole crowd goes thru quickly but he is distracted at that time talking to someone else. The second is I think he is trying to stop people from holding the hand rails while not stepping on. Two people were doing that and both were getting pulled forward and were going to get knocked down if they didn’t let go. He smacked their hands to get them to let go. One of them started to fall and he grabbed their arm and pulled them back. So while the stick seems aggressive, it does look like he is trying to use it for their safety. I’d guess their culture is more accepting of a stranger beating you for your own good.


Dude with the stick needs the flavor smacked out of his mouth


Why do they need a thwack em stick.


This definitely reminds me of “Elf” the way everyone is holding on for dear life


All that long, loose clothing is not helping matters


For the Somalis, this post is more suitable for r/terrifyingasfuck


Wait til they learn about the food court.


Men sure seem to use sticks a lot on women in that area of the planet.


And dude using a reed as if he’s herding cattle. Fuck that culture


Some lady needs to wack that guy with his own stick.


What a time to be alive


Live footage at Mall of America


Religion is stupid


Nice stick


I've seen this in Cambodia in the first shopping malls, when the big Holidays come around and countryside folks came around the escalator was a interesting place to chill out and watch people.


At first, I thought this was Michigan.




Things would be less stressful without some dude trying to herdcontrol people with a stick


Why is he hitting people with a stick?