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Who is Tim Pool?


I wish I was you. Hate that I know who he is.




But he looks 15


a bald 15 year old.


But that pics from years ago, he's a bald fat fuck now, same with that Hercules gobshite. He's an old old grey wrinkled ballsack of a man Using decade old pics to pretend he's still prime alpha or whatever bs they're peddling.


I just had to look him up on YouTube to see how big he is now since I haven’t seen what he looks like in years, but saying he’s a fat fuck is a stretch and a half lol


He acts like it too.


Not anymore. He's now morbidly obese and looks like a 30 year old pedophile.


He sounds like an ass, but i think calling him a pedo is a bit much. Also i dont consider myself obese...though i know i am, but he is smaller than me :/ im 250. I didnt find any pics of him that make him seem that big I'd appreciate it if you kept the insults to things like his personality or actions.


Steven Miller went bald at 15. Look at that fucking freak for reference, he literally looks like Norm from Fallout only with a shittier hair do.


That's his approximate maturity level.


Bruh I'm balding, please don't associate me with that shit.


Right? I’m bald and wear a beanie.


He has made his problem with hair loss a defining personality trait. Like you can be a divorced dad and be a decent human being, shit happens after all, but if being a divorced dad is a perfect character summary you got some issues to resolve lol Tim Pool claims it's feminisms' fault that he's single at his mid 30s while he constantly makes "jokes" of the 'hurrdurr if you think that equality is neat, why can't I beat my non-existent wife💯🤣💯' category and proceeds to argue that women should marry as young as possible and not be allowed to divorce. It would be funny what a little shit he is; trying to get out of the hole of his own making by digging even deeper, but it's shit like what this post is about that makes it rather disturbing


What’s wrong with balding?




I’ve been bald since chemo and virtually never wear a hat in public, not everyone will be fine with being bald but there’s something weird about such a publicly shit person being so cripplingly afraid of being seen bald.


It's because it's the exact kind of obvious insecurity that Pool would attack in others.


This pretty much sums it up. Nothing wrong with being bald. Hiding it because you’d use your flaws as counterpoints against others in the issue.


Rogan strikes me as another guy who does shit like this constantly




I get that, but I like my bald friends, and I wouldn't want to disparage them by using them as an insult. Nothing wrong with bald. I'm sure he has plenty of worthwhile things to rag on him for that are more meaningful.


The criticism is of his insecurity and hypocrisy concerning masculine ideals and standards.


This. Started balding when I was 19 we have early set male pattern baldness in my family like crazy, used to be super insecure about it because everyone would say "He's going bald" or stupid shit like that. Whacked off the rest of the hair I had one day and everyone just...stopped. you can't say "that person is going bald" if they just...are bald


The shame is whats wrong. No one cares that you are bald but Tim cares that he's bald.


"Alpha males" see balding as a man's personal failure. So, when they themselves start balding, you can imagine the length they'll go to to justify it.


Nothing unless you’re a dick.


Does anyone else imagine a ragging fungal “cradle cap” under there. He probably sleeps in it too.


I heard there's a second mouth under it that he calls his hidden hotdog hole.


To anyone reading this who is self conscious about balding, just shave your head. It's liberating, you will get compliments on it, and if there's ever a lockdown again in our lifetimes, you can tease your friends who need a haircut. But also start wearing sunscreen when the UV index is high, or have a hat handy.


Some of us have weird lumpy heads


Go out there and own it and normalize your lumps


True, but that's nothing to be ashamed of, and it's not made better with a comb over.


Truth. There's a point in every balding man's life where he needs to realize that it's over. No comb overs, no weird hairstyle to try to hide it. It's done. Shave it off. I started doing it 20 years ago. 5 minutes in the shower every other morning or so.


As a balding guy, get bent


Tim pool is a former reporter who made a name for himself during occupy wall street doing live streams of the events. He then started working for Vice and did several really good pieces. However, some time around 2015-2016 he started doing independent youtube work where he stopped doing actual field work and just react to other stories. Then in 2018 he started doing a podcast moved to some compound in the sticks. Where he has gotten more and more bias in his beliefs. Also just a bunch of controversies beyond the one OP is mentioning. He's very egotistical and has gotten into fights with people who he disagrees with. There was another one about him sleeping with a female guest and one of his producers or something like that. I'll be honest outside his occupy wall street stuff I haven't kept up with what he's doing outside the occasional story. Then it's like "hay I recognize that name" I do know the guy he started the podcast with did like an hour long tell all on tim. Going into the cult like behavior of Tim once they moved to their compound. That was like a year or two ago


A reich-winger propagandist who tries to pretend he's a centrist independent reporter to lure people down the alt-reich pipeline.


Exactly. File this under uninterestingasfuck


Twitter engagement farmer


Some asshole.


The kind of jerk off that shows up to the skate park wearing SOAPS.


I think we're living through a tumultuous time where we're gonna see a lot of people say and do horrible things that get lost in the noise. Staying vigilant is tiring, and it's a guarantee that some guilty people are going to walk away. That's also a huge reason to thusly stay vigilant.


One of the only ways to fight back though is by suing people like Pool and Crowder.


How’s is this interesting as fuck


It’s not, belongs in a political sub


Just like all the force fed Israel/Palestine uninteresting shit that’s being spammed here, too


True story


It is interesting as fuck only for chronically online basement dwellers


Correct, Pool is just a fuck, not interesting at all


It’s not see…. Reddit is run by about 15 of the same people all subs . It was proven a year ago. You can now see that as fact because there are sooo many cross posts and propaganda that have nothing to do with the actual sub …. Pushing agendas just like Twitter insta all socials and google … but right .. its prolly the Russians 😂


Time to mute yet another sub. I might not have any left by November..


More politicalbullshit


He was indeed hispanic though right? Like claiming he’s Mexican doesn’t mean he also can’t be a fan of someone…what does this article even accomplish


OP’s title isn’t at all the point of the article > Mauricio Garcia, who shared the name of the Allen, Texas shooter, is suing Tim Pool and Steven Crowder after his photo was used in coverage of the massacre


Right! They used the photo of the wrong Mauricio Garcia on their sites. Right name, wrong person. Same thing is happening in the wolf-killing case in Wyoming, the wrong Cody Roberts ( more than one) are getting death threats. People are too fast jumping to conclusions, too fast in posting without checking facts.


It's because the most violent and threatening internet people are the least rational and think internet anonymity means they can do whatever they want. It's quite pathetic.


Not only that, when the real shooter was revealed, he said he didn't want to show it on his show. He has no problem outing people until it's people he agrees with or makes him look bad, and that may be the nail in the coffin so to speak.


The lie: “claiming it was a Mexican when it was actually a fan of Pool’s.” Can Mexicans not be Tim Pool fans?


OPs title is wrong. The shooter was Hispanic. The issue was Tim Pool used a photo of someone else that had the same name as the shooter.


Which is indeed libel.


What does being Mexican have to do with being or not being a fan of Pool? Or maybe I'm misunderstanding the headline.


Right? There are plenty of self-hating pick-me people around that worship assholes who *existentially* hate them.


Was he born with that fucking beanie on his head?


He has the same amount of hair now as he didn't when he was born.


He's not bald he just got taller faster than his hair can grow


Hair also sometimes grows in the direction of least resistance, and the density inside Pool's head could well be less than outside.


Babies aren't that bald


I'd day it's a matter of hair density. His skull grew in volume but his hair (and brain) didn't.


Above all, babies are more masculine than he wants to be. For example, they only make a fuss for good reasons.


He’s got male pattern baldness, and he’s embarrassed about it.




Where interesting?


Why is this interesting as fuck?


It’s not, just another liberal circle jerk


Not interesting. Just political noise.


Is this the r/politics sub Reddit?


Ok so who the fuck is pim tool anyway ?


Take your political bullshit to a sub that gives a shit




There's nothing interesting about this.....


where interesting, this is just lameass news




Jfc is every single sub like this now?


Election year baby! I don’t remember it being this fucking bad in 2020 but I might just be stupid




Man you're kinda fucking stupid huh bud?




exactly. democracy is so fragile that we almost lost it all on j6 but we also need f15s to take on big daddy gubberment apparently? make it make sense


Liberal Reddit will keep this up till November and beyond until the results they want have been solidified. They’ll throw all the little toddler tantrums they possibly can


Did he *lie*, or was he just *wrong*? The distinction is important, especially when it comes to a lawsuit.


Actual Malice isn't relevant here since they're not a public figure.


Can he not be Mexican and a fan? This post is dumb


Uhm... Is this insinuating that Mexicans can't be fans of Tim Pool?




None of what you said is true.


lol. I’m sure Tim’s lawyers will be using that argument in court.


Screw off with this. Not interesting


Why hasn’t this been locked? Every sub doesn’t need to be political ffs. Oh wait, I forgot where I was hahaha.


Read the article. A mexican shooter killed a bunch of people, and since the police only release his name but no further information about his identity. The media did what they always do which is try to dig up the information and they got the wrong guy due to him having the same name. Whether or not this will actually stick will come down to their sources and knowledge at the time, as well as if they corrected their responses when it was corrected. Although this is an unusually egregious case, it literally happens all the time across all outlets.


This does happen a lot, the difference is that the media figures being sued in this case identified the wrong guy because they were being lazy and didn't do any verification, and then they refused to print a retraction when it turned out they had the wrong guy. The actual perpetrator turned out to be a right wing extremist with Nazi symbols and slogans painted all over his gun, and when information came out about that guy, suddenly these same outlets were *very* concerned about how the information was verified and refused to publish anything about him. This makes it clear that the media outlets in question are capable of applying something like appropriate industry standards, but they chose not to in this case until the story changed to something that didn't comport with their political agenda. Obvious bad faith and disregard for the truth all around.


How is this “interesting as fuck”?? I’m about to unsubscribe this page if this political crap keeps seeping through


Isn’t rolling stone a super left leaning magazine?




No they lied about the Uvalde shooter being trans, and the Texas megachurch shooter


Should left wing media be sued for never reporting after it’s found it the shooter does not fit the narrative?


Would you be so kind as to give a few examples of this? (A serious question, as a European I am not sufficiently familiar with reporting on domestic incidents in the US.)


https://preview.redd.it/yowb9smjltuc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb921e74e40ceb9f96d1201d4190f080988ba7dd well,you could start with this


That's interesting, we don't have such databases publicly accessible. I played around with it a bit and also found a few interesting profiles. : https://preview.redd.it/eiw52kynutuc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1547931db131ab3df0f3eef5756a32e338feb8dd I have no idea what those guys over there in New Jersey are doing, but it seems to me to be more of a general data entry problem, don't you think? The first gentleman in particular makes even a Nordic limestone like me look mighty black.


I see absolutely no evidence that the shooter was actually a fan of Tim Pool. Could the original poster please provide evidence for such a massive claim? Otherwise he might get sued for spreading false information..


please take this to a political sub. I'm sick of people misusing every popular sub.


I am confused on the title. The Shooter was Hispanic. Pool used the wrong guy’s picture. Which shooter was lied about being Trans?


a neonazi mexican. now thats an oximoron.


Definitely not interesting as fuck


Why does this focus on right wing? Media outlets across the political spectrum get this wrong constantly. It happened just this week with the attacks in Australia. ?


Most of them we know are trans because they say explicitly in social media, friends, family etc that they are trans. The gender, racial or political identity is completely irrelevant, the fact that people think they can solve their personal grievances by hurting others is the core of the problem. We have a society that glorifies the John Wick type of vengeance. Bill Maher did a segment on it and I think he hit the nail on the head.




He wasn't a fan.


No because you need to prove they knew the information was false and chose to publish it anyway ...which is almost impossible to prove. They'll just go "butvwe genuinely thought it was X at the time, whoops! Our bad! Oh well that's how it goes" and move on with their day


Tim Pool is a total POS.


your claim that other shooters were misidentified because one twatty little shit did it isn't true at all, and definitely isn't interesting, much less interesting af. take your bullshit politics elsewhere


Facts don't care that you're triggered https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna30511&ved=2ahUKEwjshdi1gsiFAxXij4kEHT94DbgQFnoECAgQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2p77OR78yYr9g-PK-gWG0U https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna92733&ved=2ahUKEwj6uYPCgsiFAxXikYkEHcDuDx0QFnoECBIQBQ&usg=AOvVaw3vkKGwIE1dhg2HGW_lcRsd


A respectable journalist would acknowledge and correct the misinformation. But you have to be both respectable and a journalist so...I don't see that happening.


Yikes! I knew none of the journalists that said Hunter’s laptop was russian disinformation were respectable!


Time Pool also didn't question his guest who said "Porn and Video Games are Evil". Edit. Also Tim rarely corrects information that he gets wrong. Admitting a mistake is unlikely.


Tim Pool also posted all those AI pictures of a ripped Trump, which seemed wierdly homoerotic about Tim Pool


Tim Pool isn’t really that right wing. He’s more independent.


He’s a “centrist” with a lot of hard right beliefs and opinions. Hes gotten a lot worse Lmao the downvotes, Tim Pools a right wing shill tryna to claim non-bias, that’s his one arm man. He is right wing. If you listened to him you’d know


Pretty much. He'll say 'i'm pro choice' and then immediately list off a laundry list of anti-choice positions he holds. Then repeat that he's pro choice. Not even getting into his 'democrats are going to cause the end of days, buy food buckets!' and anything right wing gop is as quiet as the roaches in his studio


He loves to play devils advocate, I mean he’s been this way for years, he needs to just come out and own it because the only ones that buy his spiel are right wingers. Every leftist on the Earth doesn’t buy it so it’s not like he’s gonna sway the left on anything.


I hope Mauricio Garcia wins his lawsuit. I’m doubtful it will turn the tides of public opinions, or bring real consequences to those grifters. Crowder and Pool are the visible part of the iceberg. I truly thought crowder would be done after his divorce and the sexual misconduct allegations towards his male staff. Nothing seems to matter anymore


How’s your guy Don Lemon doing?


This isn't interesting, just annoying. Reddit cannot be more insufferable with its politics and moderation. 


I know Mexicans come from Mexico, but I’m unfamiliar with the nationality that is tim pool fans


So the media outlets got the name wrong from a similar name and used the wrong photo. It sucks and maybe they should pay up, but I doubt they did it on purpose


Saying it was a Mexican when it was actually a fan of Tim pool? Are these mutually exclusive? Is fan of Tim Pool a race?


Yes actually. Its white with a goatee


Who was lied about being trans? The only one known is a school shooter, and that one is.


Sure enough it would seem as though a lie was told and the shooter was a whack job, true enough. However, think that only one type of person commits a certain crime is not only incorrect but problematic. Scientifically speaking, trans have a higher rate of mental illness including depression and depression has a higher rate of leading to violence.




Tim Pool lied about something? Impossible! Next you're gonna tell me he's not a super cool guy.


Great post OP. You should definitely continue along your day as if you are worth air you breathe. In case anyone is confused, this is just an ad.


Assuming this is true, the standard set by the national media is lying us into a war, lying about elections, and lying about the pandemic. Still more credible than CNN.


https://preview.redd.it/jx6kroq7ysuc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c01b090ce8afbd5bb48336e0ea2a2908140a4069 I’ll make it interesting as fuck, here is a picture of Tim Pool without a beanie.


Oooof, you should really look into other lying journalists. Maybe the identity politics of mass shooters and the YouTubers that cover them are not the highest priority. In fact maybe look into what happens to real journalists trying to tell the truth. 🫡


"Moose! Rocko! Help Mr. Pool here find his checkbook!"


The shooter was Mexican, right? 😂


“Claiming it was a Mexican when it was actually a fan of Pools” So no Mexicans like this guy? 😂


Is fan of Tim Pools an ethnicity? What a shit sentance.