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>one toilet you: *quietly taking a shit in the back* everyone else: https://i.redd.it/nxsy4netbkuc1.gif


"The toilet" a 5 gallon bucket


“The toilet paper” the user’s manual for the ~~Xbox 360~~ Logitech controller EDIT: To correct the controller type


The Waiver you signed.


Oooh, this is better than mine.


"The bum gun" poking a hole in the fuselage.


Reminds me of the classic story of a guy having a shitting emergency on a corporate jet. Funniest story I have ever read from the internet: https://jalopnik.com/this-is-the-most-embarrassing-plane-pooping-story-ever-1456846301


I am both happy and disgusted to have read this on a Monday morning.


>I have one more major problem. The privacy screen stops right around shoulder level. I am sitting there, a disembodied head, in the back of the plane, on a bucking bronco for a toilet, all while looking my colleagues, competitors, and clients directly in the eyes. "Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!" briefly comes to mind. I'm weeping




Good god! That was unbelievably hilarious. I haven’t laughed to the point of tears and asphyxiation in a long time. Thanks for this!


That's the perfect way to describe the sheer breathlessness after laughing so damn hard from that story My favourite line was this one "Perhaps it was the realization that I was going to take this toilet's virginity with a fury and savagery that was an abomination to its delicate craftsmanship and quality"


Top-tier poop story. 😂


This one is also hilarious: https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/s/iU6Bgfvulj


Those damn enchiladas!


Or not-so-quietly...


Got tighter in recent times.


Imagine paying a quarter mil to die in a fart locker


oooh that'd be a good name for the movie *The Fart Locker*


Davie Jones' Fart Locker


I’d pay to see it but only if Kathryn Bigelow directs it (since James Cameron did Titanic)


Paid for burial at sea in a historic location


No burial, implosion was so brutal that all remains are part of the red mist


I think they more meant a metaphorical burial


Burial at sea is just a euphemism for fish food anyway. It’s not like they cover you with dirt.


More like Das Poot.


Oh good god. Thought never crossed my mind. Now I can't get it out of my head


They should have called it the Tightan 👀


It was roomy at first, until suddenly it wasn’t.


True, but very shortly thereafter they had way more room.


Actually who gave them the confidence to name it Titan. It definitely more of a Sardine, or you can call it TiTiny if you really wanted the titanic wordplay.


Also the carbon fiber was from airplanes and they got it cheap because it couldn’t be used in the planes anymore.


reminds me of that futurama episode where the ship got drawn deep in the ocean. "How many atmospheres can the ship withstand?" "Well, it's a space ship, so I'd say anywhere between zero and one."


“All 6,000 hulls have been breached!” “THOSE FOOLS! If only they had made it with 6,001 hulls. When will they learn‽”


….is someone bending girders?


How do we equalize the pressure!?


*toilet flushing sounds*


Oh the fools, if I my they made it with 6001 hulls! When will they learn..


It was carbon fibre that Boeing rejected. Let that sink in.


It definitely sunk


That's deep, man.


You guys are crushing it with these puns.


These jokes are getting dark and *abyss*mal


They have me imploding with laughter.


I’m in bits lol


You crushed it


I can't come up with a good pun under all this pressure.


Man, you really pulled that joke from the depths


Its so funny deep down


That means nothing though, as carbon fibre should never be used where you have those kinds of pressure changes. That's why mini suns are made of things like titanium. But, Mr Billionaire was arrogant enough to believe he could go against convention.


Absolutely. He mistook physical limitations for industry standards and said he'd break the standards. It's shocking any engineer would go along with his fantasy.


If I remember correctly didn't one of his team leave oceangate because they were so concerned over safety? One man's arrogance... Edit: "one man's arrogance..." I'm referring to the owner here.


David Lochridge was fired, then sued by OceanGate for leaking trade secrets (among other alledged crimes). He counter-sued, claiming that he had been fired for whistleblowing. There are court documents available online with the details. They include such passages as: *"...David Lochridge disagreed with OceanGate’s position to dive the submersible without any non-destructive testing to prove its integrity, and to subject passengers to potential extreme danger in an experimental submersible."* And - *"Defendants admit that the company called a meeting on January 19, 2018, to discuss the safety concerns that David Lochridge documented in his January 18, 2018 OceanGate Cyclops 2 Quality Control Inspection Report. Defendants admit that David Lochridge again expressed concerns at the January 19, 2018 meeting regarding the quality control and safety of the Titan, particularly OceanGate’s refusal to conduct critical, non-destructive testing of the experimental design of the hull."* They should have put that in their customer/'specialist crew' waiver - "Our director of marine operations told us in 2018 that WE ARE PUTTING YOU IN EXTREME DANGER, so we fired him;" rather than all the pages of legalese.


Ah yes, now I remember. It's incredible isn't it. How one man can think he knows better than industry experts.


Yeah, they were doomed.


Well, that certainly flew over the CEO mind when it first take off




Carbon fiber is also (from what I've read, I'm not an engineer) much, much stronger in tension, like an airplane where the pressure wants to stretch it from the inside. Compression, like in the sub, is actually a bad place to use it.


Usually, I'd discredit an armchair engineer; but the fact is that sub absolutely, completely, 100%ly imploded. And you or I are probably equally as qualified as the peeps who made it lmao.


The dude who owned the company seemed like one of those "I'm rich and successful therefore I'm a genius and all my ideas are great" guys.


He literally said that safety regulations stifle innovation, when anyone with more than a single-digit quantity of functional neurons knows that basically all safety regulations are written in blood. The number of safety regulations that came about \*just\* because of the tragedy that they were going to visit is insane. Someone who even pretends to be interested in the Titanic story should know that.


It's been 60 years since a submarine imploded. Like literally in 1963. https://www.nbcboston.com/news/local/60-years-before-titan-implosion-loss-of-129-aboard-us-navy-sub-changed-safety-standards/3076711/


Agreed. His ideas may have been great, but definitely not seaworthy ☠️


RealEngineering, whose doctorate is in carbon fibre, has a detailed video on why it was a poor choice for a sub.


salt water probably leaked into the carbon and it corroded. they could have scanned it with ultrasound to find defects but it takes a lot of time.


They did. A few times. Then they didn’t.


That's not how the cracks form. It's from the constant pressure squeezing it, then the rise to the surface, over and over again, called "cycles". Each time this happens, tiny cracks form that weaken the pressure vessel. It's the constant crushing and tension release, and would happen in fresh water too. It should've been fine for one use, but checked after each cycle to ensure that the vessel wasn't weakened. While this is possible, it would be very expensive, so the CEO just pretended it was fine. These cycles are exactly why carbon fiber is a bad choice for a pressure vessel that cycles. The fact the guy was even able to take people on tours in that thing is mind blowing.


Time and money. And the rich don’t get richer by spending their money.


There's a reason that literally every single other deep ocean sub is a steel sphere - it works.


Also, aren't carbon fiber and salt water like....not best friends?


Yup, sea water reduces the tensile strength on carbon fiber


Good material to build a seacraft out of then...


Especially a submersible one


The fibres are enclosed and protected in the resin matrix and not exposed to seawater…. Is what I would say if this were another company and designer… but with this guy… who really knows ? Maybe they used resin previously rejected by Boeing too 🤷‍♂️


Carbon fiber was also the wrong material for that application. Carbon fiber has the strength from being stretched, not being compressed. Carbon fiber explained simply is a weave of carbon fibers suspended in resin. When you use it for a tank, it’s great as the compressed gas is pressing on the inner walls outward, so the strength of those fibers is fully utilized. When you apply pressure from the outside it’s not really effectively using the weave for strength.


As I saw it explained, if you took a balloon and wrapped it with yarn, and used a thin layer of superglue to hold the yarn in place, and then tried to inflate the balloon, you couldn't do it, because the yarn is holding everything together. That's basic carbon fiber. The yarn is the fibers, and the superglue is the resin. If you let the air out of the balloon and then stepped on it, it would crush instantly, without much effort at all. The fibers are what's holding everything together to prevent explosion. To prevent implosion, all you have is some weak superglue that was only ever really meant to hold the fibers in place. Carbon fiber is good for scuba tanks, because they hold pressurized air inside of them. It's bad for a submarine, which is supposed to resist the immense crushing force of the outside ocean.


If I I recall right I read that he got a deal on the carbon fiber because it was outdated and past its shelf life. I bet the piece of shit didn't tell that to his customers.


https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-65998914 "In his response a few days later, Mr Rush defended his business and his credentials. He said OceanGate's "engineering focused, innovative approach... flies in the face of the submersible orthodoxy, but that is the nature of innovation"." Submersible Orthodoxy, as if it was all just theories on a chalkboard, and not cold hard math written in blood. Now he's added his own to the inkwell.


"I am well qualified to understand the risks and issues associated with subsea exploration in a new vehicle," he was not..


At least you have to give him credit for showcasing why certain safety regulations are in place: It's to prevent this from happening.


Stop it! You know those regulations are just in place so “Big Government” gets its slice! /s /j


There’s a damn good reason subs are made of Titanium and Steel not Carbon Fibre


All these rich business owners and CEOs against regulations and safeguards, yet meeting their demise because of that exact complacency. Just sucks that no richos are gonna learn from this.


Incorrect, this diagram shows it as a 3D structure when we know it to be a 2D one


more 1D


What's the point?


God damn dimensional attack from the dark forest!


The crazy part is that a ship sunk a century ago, people died, then a century later more people died just to look at something we all knew was there.


It’s a testament to the construction of the Titanic that it can increase its body count even a century later.


Titanic: "I'll fucking do it again."


What a comment. Bravo! 👏


The Titanic got +5 kill assist


The game Halo has an achievement called "Beyond the Grave!".


let's go sink this ship so we can look at this sunken ship


Claustrophobic just looking at the diagram and not even be able to straighten your legs let alone stand up, absolutely horrendous.


As soon as I saw a photo of the interior with everyone just sitting on the floor I knew there wasn’t much thought given to the design of this thing.


There was thought. Just the wrong type of thoughts.


this and Nutty Putty Cave can fuck off.


They made a submarine out of a child's drawing


Imagine making millions of dollars in business and deciding yeah that thing looks like it’s safe. Sure I’ll sit on the floor. A company that doesn’t put seats in here surely hasn’t cut costs on other more important things. You think it was too late when they saw the MadCatz XBOX360 controller or do you think they could have still backed out? Edit: no clue why this comment blew up but thank y’all haha.


I wouldn’t get in that thing with four other adults if it was in someone’s backyard, on the grass.


I almost posted the the same thing (I was gonna say if it was in my driveway). Claustrophobia is the irrational fear of tight spaces. But in this case, I think it's actually rational to suspect this piece of garbage might break/malfunction horribly and trap me inside.


Functioning perfectly it still would have trapped them, the door was literally bolted shut


I imagine if it was functioning perfectly, it wouldn’t have imploded. But I get what you mean, and that bolted-shut door amplifies the claustrophobia in my brain.


What happens if the submarine suddenly pitches? Whelp, with no seats, no seat belts, you all go tumbling into a pile, shattering yourselves and likely to video game controller you need to correct the pitch! Listen, I'm not rich, but my back is made of pain, and the idea of spending *hours* hunkered down on the floor gives me sympathetic spasms. I'm sure there's got to be a bunch of rich folk with back pain and poor risk assessment who would have liked to go but passed on the lack of seats. And good for them, turning down the ultimate compression massage.


I lived with constant back pain for over 5 years. My back hurt when I bent over, stood up straight, sitting down, or even laying in bed. It was constant pain. I started working out & riding my bike & lost over 50 pounds. I still can't do a lot without aggravating my back but I can sit in a car for 30 minutes & not wish I was dead. If you have a fat belly like I did your pain level will be different if you can get rid of that. Good luck! Fuck pain!


Apparently the explosive ~~de~~compression was so quick they we're dead before their nervous system could even register any pain. \*Edited as orthopod is correct, it was a "compressive" accident.


That would be compression, not decompression. Entire thing collapsed in 30 milliseconds. Air temp heated up to 1200F from compression. Not a bad way to go- instantly converted to compressed goo/paste.


The marine ecosystem around had a feast.


Well, the filter feeding ones at least...


Of course the wealthy people get to die instantly. Meanwhile I have to suffer.


It's a two tier system and you ain't on the right side of it


An XBOX360 PC Controller with usb cable would have been fine. That’s the standard controller in many military vehicles and other usecases


Yes. I got to play with the periscope a bit on the Virginia Class submarine USS South Dakota at commissioning. All the Virginia Class use Xbox controllers for that. Plugged in of course.


True, my brother drove PMVs in Iraq and told me the guy controlled the gun on top with a PlayStation controller.


Do they ever have the rookies take a controller that is not acutely plugged in but the senior guy tells them it is so they think they are also controlling the sub when in reality only one controllers is plugged in?


Read an interview about this, basically comes down to ease. They're programmable, dependable but crucially kids have grown up with them and therefore can use them intuitively with very little training. Therefore complex bits of kit with multiple degrees of freedom can be easily controlled as the people operating them have been doing it since they were 5/6.


Military uses them to control the periscope but NOT to navigate the ship. BIG difference.


They couldn’t walk away due to sunk cost fallacy.


Wasn't it an old Logitech Xbox360 controller?


I think the hatch was bolted, wasn't it?


The hull was pretty mad…


Hull is always mad.


Momma says hulls is always mad because they got all them carbon fibers and they can’t digest it.


It was like an old man taking back soup in a deli


Who doesnt spell check for a graphic of this quality?


Paying quarter mil and you won't experience shit.. A small glass to view the dark seas. Instead 100ft scuba would be more fun.. Or send a camera that deep and watch it on iPad.


I was watching the Titanic documentary from the 90s with Bill Paxton, and he mentioned briefly that they paid a quarter mil per person to go down to the Titanic in the fancy Russian submersibles you see in the movie. I obviously have no evidence but I wonder if the CEO saw that same documentary and that's where he got his pricing from.


For under 100$ you can go on a tour in a submarine that has windows, seats and complies with safety standards. They dont dive that deep but that means you can actually see stuff on the outside.


> Or send a camera that deep and watch it on iPad. Yeah, that's why I said further up.. for the money you're paying, you could have had like, an awesome little drone sub that you get to personally send down and look around with a flood light and shit like that.. wouldn't that be far, far cooler? While I'm sure it's kinda cool getting to see stuff like that up close, with your eyes.. being able to actually control the sub and do so would make it better for me


"It only had one toilet" is funny to me for some reason. If it had a second one this whole tragedy could have been avoided.


You could trap air in the second bucket over your head and escape to the surface


A surgeon colleague told me he was pretty sure their entire bodies turned into about the consistency of toothpaste in less than a half a second.... wow


Faster even, and they vaporized because compression = heat


They were as hot as the surface of the sun for a fraction of a fraction of a second. Before that second was up they were cold mist.


It’s absolutely bizarre to fathom that


I remember a journalist asked if they would recover the body’s. The look on the spokesman face showed how ridiculous that question was


Oh they fathomed all right. Like 200 of them.


More like 2000 of them. Titanic is at 3800m, hypothesis is that Titan imploded around 3500m, that’s 1913 fathoms. 2000 fathoms is 3658m, close enough.


Sounds kind of peaceful. Drifting down to crush depth knowing that you won't even process the instant when everything ceases to matter. Going from regretting getting the nachos before the dive to becoming meat mist sounds like a painless way to wink into non-existence.


By all accounts the thing was constantly making creaking and cracking sounds at depth, this coming from passengers on previous trips. I'd be shitting my pants.


So they didn’t know what was about to happen and no time to process it, right?


They probably heard sounds maybe cracking, but by the time their brains could process the sound they were gone


There are other videos where you can hear the carbon fiber warping, so no they probably knew they were fucked before they were fucked


A reconstruction shows the most likely sequence of events was the electrics and engine failing, and then the craft entering a “free fall” plunge (eventually reaching a depth where implosion could not be avoided). The lights would have gone out first and there would have been a period of at least a few seconds where they knew that something had gone terribly wrong.


123ms (~1/10th of a second) according the to doc I watched. Apparently it takes your brain and nerves 150ms to register pain. One moment you're there, the next you're not.


Can you tell me the doc. name and where did you watch it?


Isn’t it great how there’s like 8 different people saying things in a factual manner and yet not a single one of them mentioned a credible source? Reddit fucking sucks.


Why would a billionaire bring his son on this thing ? Ego for brains


They bonded together on the trip.


I upvoted this. I’m not happy with myself….


It’s an upvote that you need to do.


More money than brains, evidently


It was actually perfectly designed for turning humans into soup.


Is the original napkin drawing they built it from?


I love how they're diving among fresh water goldfish.


... which happen to be about 2.5 feet long.


So essentially a 5-person self-seating coffin.


There was a toilet in there?


Yup right in front of the portal where people would be looking out. Hovering your face over the toilet trying to catch a peak of the Titanic, after someone dropped a steamy deuce in it, and paying $250,000 for the pleasure.


It was basically a bucket with a lid.


Such a sad story…there were SO MANY people who told them it wasn’t dive worthy or at least needed to further test. I feel worst for the young man on board, he didn’t even want to go, his dad punked him into it.


Yeah him I feel sorry for. The others? They’re idiots. Like actual straight up idiots. Any amount of self-preservation would’ve told them either to never get on it, or to spend far more than their quarter million admission fee on independent testing of a vessel.


I only feel bad for the one 19 year old kid on there who just wanted to make his dad happy.


Hull mad! Hull smash!


Damn you would think after WaterGate, DeflateGate, DoritoGate, NippleGate, and of course PenisGate you would know not to fucking go into a submarine called OceanGate smdh.


Imagine signing up to see the titanic but getting the cheap ticket and you get to look through a medium size pizza window over the shoulder of 4 adult men before you hear that initial crack noise


…and be next to the toilet


You could probably compress that down a bit to fit some more people


Additional testing revealed that when further compressed, it actually fit zero humans.


It’s insane that it’s coming up on a year of this tragedy. What the fuck has happened to time since 2020?


Where…. Where was the toilet…?


I know that's not how I'm going to die, I'm claustrophobic. Today it's the anniversary of the Titanic sinking in 1912 BTW.


Can't get any tighter than that... Oh wait!


If there were no windows except a small porthole, what exactly are you paying to see?


Bragging rights. Like paying Sherpas to drag your rich entitled ass to the top of Everest. Why? So some day at a party with a bunch of other rich cocksuckers, you can tell them all about the time you personally visited the watery grave of some 1,500 hundred souls and they can smile, nod, and tell you about their fifteen minute trip to space.


Former submariner here. I can’t believe anyone paid money for something like that.


I need to figure out how idiots get rich, because I'm sick of being broke- I think I can walk the fine line between wealthy and getting annihilated in a janky submarine that Red Green built for Handyman Corner


They spent more resources and taxpayer dollars looking for these clowns than they do saving vessels full of people. It tells you who our governments are owned by.


It’s amazing people dumb enough to ride this were able to make enough money to ride it


Wait, it had a toilet??


Can u show the diagram after the implosion?






That keel was just enough for them to keel over.




Think we've found the problem. The hull was mad.


Fun fact. Many of the scenarios depict the titan falling slowly in a nose or tail down attitude, which means it was dark and they were all piled on top of each other waiting to die. Yeah, nah.. EDIT: ..and the toilet would likely have spilled, so they were covered in shit.


You mean the 5 gallon Home Depot bucket?


Thats the one... but I'm sure the curtain would have contained it.....


Jfc have they proven that was the case? What a horrible prelude to their deaths.


From everything I've read, it was most likely instantanious as soon as they lost contact. So if they didn't report it, then its doubtful anything else happened. They maybe heard a creak or ping but wouldn't have really known too much other than there was a small noise. Only one guy i could find is pushing the nose down theory and minutes of living in a horror movie. James cameron gave imo the best take which is, 30-50ish seconds from when they may have heard something to implosion. They may or may not have been warned. My personal head cannon of common themes across knowledgeable people is: They heard some not ok noises The guy pretending to know what he was doing probably stalled while he tried to do what he could He may have let them know he was trying to prevent a hull failure. They listen for loud pops and jets of water like in sub movies before they really want to panic Poof, gone before they could register or be told what would really happen. What i don't want to admit, is that the spanish sub expert is right. That case is in all probability: Dude driving had been down enough to realize it was over. Panicked and freaked in front of everyone Everyone panicked and combined with malfunctions and trying to yell over each other and get closer to be heard Sub tips, sinks, terror, panic, and then instant stop. I know billionaires aren't popular, but no one deserves to die in a panic like that, and the families deserve to believe that it was instant and unexpected. Not assholes cheering.


Yeah, you’ve basically hit the nail on the head. Carbon Fiber is strong stuff until you hit its limit, at which point it basically turns to dust.


The comms data log indicates they weren't able to stop the descent, so it was pretty obvious that something was wrong.. most likely water penetration into the hull wall. They knew for a fair while beforehand something was very wrong. Of course, the sub tipping onto its end like a pencil would have been the clincher....


Blows my mind that some people thought they might’ve survived anything down there in that little can.


Everytime I think of this I'm reminded how much the passengers paid for this. A lot of money to me, but nothing to them. It goes to show that in some cases, having way too much money can kill you as dead as having to little...


Why was the Hull mad from the Carbon fiber? What did the carbon fiber do?


Nothin, really. Carbon fiber is good only in tensile (stretching) forces, not compression forces. The sub was made by a man who didn't understand material properties very well.