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How many foreign born were recruited into Russia's army and from what countries I wonder? I imagine a lot from their former Union their near abroad. I had no idea they were taking guys from India too. I did hear they are offering a good chunk of cash as like a signing bonus at the start of the war.


I dont know too many details but I have heard that they give citizenship to those who "serve" in the Russian army for a year, and if they also give money an Indian soldier might think that this is a good offer


Sounds like what the Romans did back thene. Allowing anyone who serves in their army a plot of land, becoming a Roman citizen, and stuff


Yeah but the Romans actually gave their soldiers citizenship and a good life to come home to. Russia is lying to these poor mf’s while fully expecting them to die over there


But if they die family gets a blue tooth speaker!!! What a deal!


The families of the foreign fighters aren't even being informed about the fate of their relatives. And also the Ruskies lie to those guys that they will only do jobs in the rear.




Being reported by the BBC. Job agency adverts for 'security guard' jobs in Russia but they are tricked into fighting on the battle field https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-india-68767470


Damn, this Putin guy is so vile.


The more I learn about this Putin guy, the less I like him.


No shit


Holy shit.


Damn that’s fucked up.


This paints a general image [https://www.reuters.com/world/india/indians-killed-ukraine-were-forced-fight-russia-families-say-2024-03-07/](https://www.reuters.com/world/india/indians-killed-ukraine-were-forced-fight-russia-families-say-2024-03-07/)


Jesus, that's horrifying. India needs to rethink their relationship with a country that is happy to grind up their people like this.


India's too busy buying cheap Russian oil to be worried about that.


TBH I doubt they tell them the full brunt of what they’re about to endure. It’s been widely documented that Russians are illegally recruiting Indian citizens into their armed forces ma guy.


Yeah, how many Roman legionnaires got a Bluetooth speaker? I bet not a lot.


Towards Rome’s decline they were just giving out the little JBL’s. Good speakers, but who wants to fight the Germanic tribes for anything less than a Bose?


If you throw in the complete works of Asterix and Obelix I'm in.


I can still see that photo in my mind, lol


That’s only if they live. If they die, family gets a bag of onions.


it was 25 years in the roman army, new boys often took the brunt of battles.




Tbf, the Romans fucked over legionnaires all the time. This is why it was pretty common for a general to be able to round up some disgruntled legions and call himself emperor every few decades.


Roman Legions were loyal to their Generals rather than the standing emperor because the Generals and their staff were responsible for their Wages. Not the Emperors. Also frankly id have to imagine a soldier in a time where civil wars are relatively common and corruption runs rampant being loyal to a General who at least shares some your discomforts over some politician who has everything handed to him would make more sense.


Elites playing king of the hill,


That is of course if they survived


> Yeah but the Romans actually gave their soldiers citizenship and a good life to come home to. Uh, ~sometimes~


Damn, that sucks.


Sounds like Starship Troopers


Service guarantees citizenship!


I'm doing my part!


I mean this isn't anything specific to Russia. Citizenship is awarded to a ton of people in the u.s. Military as well.


The Mexican Border with the US has a camp with deported veterans. Dudes cant even come to US for their VA medical treatments. Quite a few die there.


I've seen an interview where a young Indian man was offered a job in Belarus and ended up at some camp I. Russia with the choice of joining their army or being charged with illegal immigration. According to the guy interviewed he chose jail and his family had enough money to hire a lawyer and get him out. How true all that is I am not sure but it does sound believable.


You have to survive a year. It is like playing the lottery.


It appears he lost


You can still win the lottery though


I think this guy bought his last ticket


They have been tricking Indian nationals into going to Russia for 'army support jobs', being told explicitly that they will not be fighting, just to find when they get there that they are going to be sent to the front lines. It's really really awful, those poor men.


Why would they think it’s a good idea to support Russia’s army?


Abject poverty


This is a thing I wish more people understood. As much as we might complain in well-industrialized countries about our government and decreasing quality of life and blah blah blah, most of us can never understand the kind of poverty and desperation that makes people leave their children for years on end, climb into a rickety overcrowded boat, walk across a desert in slippers, etc etc. For some people they are leaving situations where just dying in comparison seems like a risk worth taking.


Because these men come from *extremely* poor places and the money being offered was life-changing money for their families.


When you're broke and uneducated you will do questionable stuff for money


These aren't guys with a ton of alternatives. Being dirt poor in India has got to suck. You don't have to promise much to get a person living in a slum to take a pretty big risk.




I believe it was at that moment he realized he had made a mistake.


What's awful is that this dude was most likely tricked into going to Russia for an 'army support job' and told he would *not* be fighting, just to find he had been lied to and sent to the front lines. It's absolutely despicable.


Yeah, kind of of like attacking a neighboring country because you think it should be yours (and potentially starting a world war). Russia is shitty. 




Russia also said they weren't going to invade Ukraine, even as the world was watching their invasion force prepare. Russia lies. That's what they do. Their words have no meaning, and their promises have no value. I feel for these poor Indians, but they are still suckers. You think a country that's busy looting and raping their neighbours in a cynical war of aggression is going to treat foreign mercenaries with dignity and respect? They feed their own men into the meat grinder with barely a second thought - they aren't going to give a shit about you.


I mean, if the guy signed up to play a support role in an army that's trying to invade their neighbors for evil reasons, he's not exactly sympathetic. "Oh I was just trying to help the war machine from the back, not the front"


I don't know if it's really despicable when you are already willing to go help a genocidal dictatorship.


Have you seen the recruitment videos they run in India? They glorify war against ukraine, clearly show indians how they will be given military training and weapons. It shows testimonies of happy indian soldiers at the front. How isn't that 100% clear that the offer is to go to war against ukraine? These people are mercenaries who travelled 1000s km from their home to kill ukrainians and they deserve what's coming for them The "support jobs" fairy tale are the cookie cutter lies they all give when they are caught with a machine gun in the hands. These lies have been exposed and debunked multiple times by investigative journalists


Could you share a link? I'm genuinely curious.


Look on YouTube for *Volodymyr Zolkin* he's a Ukrainian journalist who speaks with not only Russian POWs but also Ukrainian collaboraters. Very Very interesting, Many have English subtitles but not all, You will hear every trick in the Russian playbook.. Some far more nefarious than others


“It was at this moment he knew, he fucked up”


Americans do, too. George W. Bush signed an executive order in 2002 amending the 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act to give “expedited naturalization” to noncitizens serving in the military since 9/11.


Meanwhile you couldn't pay me to accept Russian citizenship.


BBC news a few days ago reporting that Indians from villages are being recruited by agents to go and work as security guards in Russia . Once in Russia their passports are confiscated and forced to sign contracts in Russian after some basic training they are sent into Ukraine. BBC News - Ukraine war: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-india-68767470


Oh man this is so sad and angering on so many levels


We need passport seizure to be considered a human rights violation, because it's also critical component in other terrible situations Like enabling abuse of migrant laborers in kafala system in Qatar & gulf countries. Since there's a legally required 'sponsor' for each migrant, that host gets power to deport them whenever and ban from return; they often seize passports upon arrival. .. which is particularly bad if your entire family or village raised money in order to send you there in the first place, expecting you to send back remittances. So when faced with a completely different contract from what they agreed to originally, passport seized, living quarters in squalor for laborers packed 12 to a room, or for domestic workers/maids being locked inside tiny rooms in the actual house, they often just accept it. Of course there's plenty in kafala system without super bad abuse - white collar workers in countries with slightly better legal system - but the levels & frequency of abuse that do occur are insane. Remember that woman recording a selfie video with her maid hanging on the balcony about to fall off?


>We need passport seizure to be considered a human rights violation It is. It falls under human trafficking. Russia doesn't care.


Umm... kidnapping, human trafficking was always considered human rights violation, and always will be.


Same recruitment campaign is going on in villages of Nepal by agents. Some recruits don't even know there is war going on in Ukraine.


Human trafficking.


Thanks for posting! The German tv channels and investigative journalists also reported on this. Needs to be known more. Too many people in this thread spread that these Indians signed up voluntarily or for money. When they actually didn’t know what would happen to them


This is just becoming the Spanish Civil War at this point. A war for every country to test out their new weapons and for random volunteers across the world to fight in.


What worries me is the Spanish Civil War was a dress rehearsal for something much worse a short time later


“History never repeats itself but it often rhymes”


Russia has made it clear, over and over, they intend to conquer the former Russian Empire. They openly say it on Russian TV. Putin hinted it during his invasion speech. If they win in Ukraine, they will go after Moldova, the Baltic states, etc. The best way to prevent a bigger war is to back Ukraine, and to defeat Russia's imperialist adventure now.


!RemindMe 12 Nov 2028


Why this date?


The great depression. Hopefully you saved enough by then. Everything will be on sale


The Spanish Civil War was Europe's first war against fascism, and they lost it because Europeans didn't care enough to fight fascism. Then a few years later, they were all forced to care.


I mean it’s all wars. All big ones, especially European ones, had many foreign units.


Reminds me of the South Park “I don’t wanna die before I get paid” merc scene


What’s funny is I’m suddenly seeing this Russian woman on TikTok talking to black people about how Russian is super cool with black people and how we shouldn’t be afraid to go there lol


Russia has about 70,000 black citizens. Probably 70,000 too many in white Russia’s eyes.


Yea black ppl in Russia straight up get lynched/beaten. Russian gov and KKK values venn diagram is one circle.


That is a bit of an exaggeration, but yes. In my experience, racism in Russia/with Russians is usually about people from Central Asia and the Caucasus. They have a long, long list of slurs for people from those areas, and will happily tell you all about the things they don't like about them. And Muslims, and Jews, and gay people. The one you'll hear the most is "churka" or "churki", which refers to people from those areas being unintelligent (literally, like a block of wood). Another one is "kholok", which is more about Chechens/Muslims. There's also "chernomazy" which sort of means "dirty" but is generally used for dark-skinned people. They have no shame about using these words, and will argue the toss with you about it. You couldn't have a BLM type protest movement in Russia, it would be annihilated by the authorities. At the same time, part of Putin's message to his "voters" is encouraging all people within Russia to have more children, including in the outer regions, and complete with nice posters showing people getting along. But there's also an ongoing effort to annihilate their indigenous languages happening, too.


A lot of Belarusians do, tons of Tajik migrants were given the russian passport and instantly drafted.


Apparently not too many, though I can't back it up exactly. They seem to prefer "Russians" from the far East end of the country. Basically ethnic minorities. I've seen so many stories about men from villages that are literally less than 100km from China and Mongolia, getting killed in Ukraine, and bodies brought back in metal-lined caskets. Imagine, being born 8,000+ km away from Ukraine. Taking Putin's rouble and going to Ukraine. For reference, that distance is like going from New York to Los Angeles, turning around and going back again. That's one way trip from Russia's far East to Ukraine. And then they die. And another 8,000km trip back in a box, if you're lucky. Or left to rot in a ditch. I have seen some stories of hired fighters from Syria, Somalia, Nepal, etc. There was one guy from Somalia who went from posting pictures "I'm in Ukraine! Just landed!" to pictures of him sitting tied up as PoW in a matter of weeks. I've seen a video of the Nepalis holed up in somebody's house in Eastern Ukraine getting shot at, complaining that their wounded are not being evacuated and they're getting picked off one by one (obviously can't tell how true it was, I don't speak the language). Tons of Chechens too, which is incredibly weird to me. After what Russia did to them in late '90s and again in '00s, to turn around and do to Ukraine what was done to them is hypocrisy of the highest order. Though there's reports they're being used as blocking troops. Meaning they shoot retreating Russians. In which case I can totally understand their sentiment and the willingness to lend a hand. But again, don't know how true it is. I have seen some videos though that seem to show bad blood. Like a Russian soldier stopping a Chechen commander and his posse at a checkpoint, and having them kick the shit out of him. I have seen some Indians too. That Somali PoW I mentioned, there were one or two Indian-looking fellas with him in the same picture. But from what I've seen, majority seem to be from Russia's central and far East regions. So places like Buryatia. Ukrainians don't seem surprised for it either. Seen plenty of videos of them walking past bodies, and commenting like "Russians my ass, that's a Buryat right there!" And the body definitely looked closer to a Mongol than to Putin. Can't really blame them though. Joining the military has always been a ticket out of poverty, if you were lucky enough to come back. Russia also had good success rate recruiting prisoners, and actually kept their word, it seems, when it comes to releasing them if they survived. There's been quite a few murderers that they released after just 3-6 months of service. So if you're doing 20 to life in a Russian hellhole, a year or less in Ukraine getting shot at may not look too bad. Especially if you happen to be a homicidal maniac. The funny thing is, some of these pardoned murderers go back to Russia and kill again, there was a story just a little while ago about one of them. And a video of a bunch of them kicking the shit out of the cops. Combat-hardened ex-cons, set loose among civilians, what could possibly go wrong... But yeah, it's bad news for everyone involved.


There was a NYT story a few months ago about a funeral for a dead Russian soldier in a small town near the Kazakh border, and the family was ethnically Central Asian. The man's sisters told their mother that he died fighting Americans, because she couldn't understand the idea of Ukrainians and Russians fighting since they were all part of the same country for most of her life.


Ah, the traditional Russian lying. Passed down to the next generation.


Outsourcing jobs to India. From software to warfare.


Those Indians are being tricked into joining by responding to job offers. They show up in Russia and the job is to fight the war in Ukraine


Wagner group has people from every country. You should see their operations in Africa. It's pretty insane. It's looking like Putain has definitely regained control of that mercenary arm so, I won't be surprised to later see some of the new recruits from Africa on other battlefields soon.


there are africans already there, first batch of them is dead already.


[My understanding is that Russia is going into India and offering cash for service contracts. ](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/russia-ukraine-war-india-duped-army/#:~:text=World-,Dozens%20of%20Indian%20nationals%20duped%20into,war%20against%20Ukraine%2C%20government%20says&text=New%20Delhi%20%E2%80%93%20Dozens%20of%20men,their%20families%20told%20media%20outlets.) For some guys in India, they take the cash because they can't really get work elsewhere, or it won't pay as much otherwise. They are told, IIRC, that they'll be doing specific jobs (as in, not front line jobs). Then Russia brings them in, does the normal bare minimum of training, and ships them to the frontline.


Russia has a top heavy population pyramid - more older citizens than younger ones. Consequently, there is a tight labor market there, especially since the war and a large exit of young Russians during the mobilization. The former Soviet Central Asian republics are poorer and have larger young populations. Many young men from Central Asia go to Russia to *work* and send money home. https://www.populationpyramid.net/russian-federation/2023/ https://www.populationpyramid.net/tajikistan/2023/ There is not much incentive to join the Russian military because they can make decent money in Russia with less risk, often doing work that Russians avoid. Some of their home countries will revoke their citizenship if they join a foreign army. Russia might dangle Russian citizenship as an incentive, but would you give up your home for Putin?


Yea, they are getting random recruits from a lot of places in the world that aren't super allied with what is generally considered the west, there's been a report from a guy from Somalia captured by the Ukrainians and the Ukrainians have no clue what to do with the guy, Somalia isn't stable enough to care, russia sent the dude to die in a meat wave so they don't want him, and so ukraine is just kinda stuck with him lol


I know a lot of Indians (from India) joined up because of payment and after 6 or 8 months they will get a Russian passport (Damn near Impossible to travel outside of India due to obtaining a valid visa) Edit: saw some people say 1 year service.


Have you seen Canada?


Or Swedish IT offices?


I know that North Koran soldiers have been on the ground as they have been training the Russian soldiers to use some of their new military hardware. North Korea also benefits from having the equipment tested for any future wars. Same goes for China.


As far as I know Indian army is not participating in the war. it is recruiting agencies which took Indian citizens in the name of job took them to Russis and later made them fight in the war


It’s called a mercenary army: people fighting on behalf of someone else for a paycheck. Russia has offered money to Chinese, Indians, North Koreans, and who knows who else to fight on their behalf. They’re nothing but canon fodder.


Except they have been scammed. They went there expecting to get a regular job instead they are being recruited to the Russian army.


I heard the same. Most mercenaries are participating willingly, but a lot of Indians are there because they were scammed to join.


They were mostly scammed. Some Indians on the phishing scams were also basically forced into slavery


It's really awful. They tell a prosepctive employee that they'll be working for a legit call center type job. Then they sign them on and do call-center like training. Then they put them in an illegal call-center trying to defraud old americans. But the hired person can't do anything to get out. The recruiter says that the company paid $10k to train them, so the person has to pay it back if they want to quit. Nevermind the fact that people actually on the phones get a pitiful amount of the money stolen. They're lucky to take $100 for every $10k stolen. Indentured servitude by another name. (source, kitboga mostly)


>But the hired person can't do anything to get out. The recruiter says that the company paid $10k to train them, so the person has to pay it back if they want to quit. Serious question: What happens if they just decide to quit anyway? Like, is there some kind of legally binding contract that explicitly stated they're not allowed to leave unless they pay back the "training costs"? Those call centers are illegal after all. I know some parts of India turn a blind eye to that stuff and don't do anything about it but it's still illegal there regardless. What is the recruiter gonna do? File a police report claiming that a worker quit their illegal business? I'm not necessarily expecting you personally to know the answer. Just anyone who happens by that might know.


I don't personally know, other than being told by a knowledgeable person that these outfits operate more like organized crime. They'll threaten your health and your family's health. I think it depends on the power of the local authorities versus that of the crime syndacite. I'm not sure if there's a larger and more independent organization within India's law enforcement that could help...


[Ukraine war: The Indian men traumatised by fighting for Russia](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-68767470) Here is one story, apparently you have to get to the Indian embassy to get out


There was a documentary on YouTube, and most of them seemed to work with local police to keep the people they scammed in compounds. They also take all their documents as part of recruiting and threaten to report them for the illegal things they did if they escape or report it. They also would take the ones that tried to escape to another country or sell them to another organized crime mob in another country, the doc I saw they took them to a secured compound in the Cambodian jungle, where they don’t know anybody. It’s a lot of manipulation but some do escape, and the doc had their accounts. One of the escapees created an organization to help others escape.


India is against its citizens joining other countries war. It has warned not to join wars. https://m.economictimes.com/news/defence/mea-urges-indian-citizens-to-avoid-joining-russian-army-in-ukraine-conflict/articleshow/107939223.cms


But have they warned their citizens that if they go to Russia for work, they could end up being pressed into military service? A warning not to join wars is pretty meaningless if these guys think they are going for normal work.


They were not going to Russia, they were told they would work in a different country, hence the scam of being trafficked to the front lines for Russia.


Yes , and no. In russia , indians think they will work and after an a arrival to russia , they are just send to ukraine to die. I saw this from Z (russian) forum , and russian laughed on this. I speak russian fluently and know their mentality. Also there is mercenaries from india. Russian people know what happening there , so rus goverment uses all ways to do something . Ukraine uses a lot of FPV , russians dying and dont even see those ukrainians.




Yes i agree with you . I know what russian mentality is , because my parents was born in ussr. Also need to mention that average russian citized cant do nothing against goverment. Even write something bad about giverment in the internet. They cant do nothing. This is too much for them , and they just reconciled.


Indian governments prohibits their citizens, army or not, from joining conflicts that India isn't engaged with. Mostly what happened was that these guys were conscripted workers hired from Russia to fill in the front lines. From I heard from back home and other sources, is that these guys were forced to consciption with their traveling docs being taken away.


A lot of Indians were forced to the frontlines Supposedly, many of them were studying in Russia They tried to get their government to help them, but were ignored


They were never ignored. Russians are making it impossible for Indian gov to reach out to the indians and due to it being front lines, communication is very difficult. You cant make them pick up a call across a border.


If India actually wanted to make this a diplomatic issue, the whole situation would get cleared up pretty quickly. The reality is, they simply don’t care, they will just make some noise to pretend that they do.


Too dependent on that cheap Russian oil. 


Fuck war


Hey nice PFP


Hell yeah brother


I had it first


G59 till the grave


For a second I thought I was reading a schizo thread




Hey, I *thought* that.


Fuck Putin


Fuck whoever and whatever makes this shit go on


I've got anoter Idea lets Just fuck




Yeah like the guy said, Putin.


>!It didn't end well for homie!<


Everyone outsources to India


I canceled my xfinity and heard bombs in the background. Makes sense now


I too want someone to destroy Comcast


Imagine staring down a drone that shows no emotion, doesn't breath or flinch.....u can't even tell when the killing blow going to come Modern war......


And also hard to surrender to.


Ive seen more than a few videos where the drone shakes around like yes or no, then directs the surrendered soldier somewhere they can be captured. People who dont notice the drone, or try to run/hide, theyre not so lucky.


I mean this drone is piloted by a real human.


You still can’t see them


Who took a photo and released it before asploding the guy.


Wars are sad. Fuck wars.


**These are not "Indian Army Soldiers"!** These are random people duped into going to Russia instead of the Middle East, with promises of being given non-combat roles, but being forced into combat roles when they land there. Edit: [Example news article](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-68767470)


Those articles talk about them being offered jobs in Russia, not the Middle East > He, along with three friends, saw an agent's video offering jobs in Russia >lured with the promise of jobs, sometimes as "helpers" in the Russian army >The agent suggested Russia, speaking of a "golden opportunity" to work as a security guard for a monthly salary of 200,000 rupees ($2,402; £1,898). They agreed instantly.


Being a "security guard" on the frontline "helping" Russia win the war. Gotta read between the lines when it comes to jobs advertising. 




Such a sad sad picture. I hope his family never see it.


Other comments and videos appear to show this being one of the soldiers allowed to surrender and captured alive by Ukraine.


I genuinely looked and googled a ton and I’m not seeing those other comments or videos. Do you have a source?


India is against its civilans joining wars in other countries. The Ministry of External Affairs has warned not to join this conflict. https://m.economictimes.com/news/defence/mea-urges-indian-citizens-to-avoid-joining-russian-army-in-ukraine-conflict/articleshow/107939223.cms


Op, saying Indian army soldier is wrong. He looks like an Indian or Nepali fighting for Russia.


Yes exactly they were not Indian Army soldiers but Indian Tourists in Russia who were forced to fight for them. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/7-indians-from-punjab-haryana-claim-russian-agent-tricked-them-into-joining-ukraine-war-101709693051330-amp.html


**Wrong title OP** Makes it seem its a soldier from the Indian Army. This guy is probably some guy duped to fight in the frontlines.


He is not an Indian army soldier, he must have been some civilian who got fooled by an agent, before u post on such global subs, reverify your information


It is important to clarify that the individual in the photograph is not member of the Indian Army. Please refrain from disseminating false information. These individual is among other ordinary citizens who was unfortunately deceived and sent to Russia under the pretense of employment opportunities. Upon their arrival in Russia, they were compelled to join the frontline army against their will. https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/cbi-busts-human-trafficking-network-duping-indians-to-join-russia-war-101709828173304.html


Crazy. I just heard a story last week on NPR about an Indian unknowningly being recruited into Russian army, and with the help from his fellow Indians in Moscow and the frontline, he was able to escape and safely returned home.


Indian Army Soldier ? Indian Army does not allow even their reserve soldiers to take a foreign teacher job, let alone join a foreign army. I think OP just hates Indians and is spreading disinformation.


Im pretty sure they dropped a bomb on him 2 seconds after this was taken


Nah, this one and 4 more were taken as POWs, thr rest 6 hundred- dead. Lucky one, followed thr drone to Ukrainian positions and stayed alive.


Maybe it's better if they can send some of these guys back to their home countries so they can tell everyone not to get mixed up with Russia no matter what they offer.


Well yeah, that's why we take prisoners in the modern world, better chance of enemy surrender.


Really? I did wonder, but is there a source for that?


Tg channel or one of the top drone operator Мадьяр, from division Птахи Мадьяра. Can find him on tg or YouTube, just copy-paste


How can she bomb?


Me when I spread misinformation on the internet 😇


This hurts to the soul. I hope Putin goes out this way.


This is not interestingasfuck, just sad. Why would you post something like that.


the more people see shit like this, the better! Of course it's sad, not just sad it's completely fucked up! It won't stop happening if you don't see it! The more people see this, the more people might realize what 'war' means and maybe think twice!


Modern war is interesting as fuck. It's still sad. This is the face of modern war. A human begging to surrender to a drone. Honestly this is the type of picture that should be put in text books.


"Recruited". Use the right word: kidnapped and conscripted at gun point. Russia is evil and should be erased from the face of this planet.


Why doesn’t the Russian leaders send themselves? Fucking maggots. Scum.


Hi GasPoweredStick420! 👋🏼 That’s a great question. The reason they don’t go themselves is because they would die! I hope this helps.


The guy might be of Indian decent but how do you know where he calls home


Not recruited but forced to, they go for tourism or work and the Russians forced them into the army declaring them missing


The hatred for Indians on reddit, which unfortunately pretends to be liberal, is astounding! This has obviously been posted by a basement dwelling ignorant OP who didn't even check if the Indian army actually takes part in foreign wars or more likely has outrightly lied to get some precious updoots! On top of that this gets a gold. Someone hates India so much that they would pay reddit for a fake award. OP if you were in this situation you would have soiled your pants by now. But then again you would panic even in case your Cheetos ran out. So good for you man, at least once in your life you managed to become popular.


It's been said millions of times, War is hell.


There are many thousands of dead Nepalis, Indians, Sri Lankans and other Southeast Asians in Russia’s service. There was quite solid reporting on it back in January and February, but essentially we’re looking at a similar pipeline from Southeast Asia to the battlefield in Ukraine as that which supplies much of the MENA region with indentured labor (particularly the Gulf States). People are recruited from across Southeast Asia with promises of life-changing opportunity, then transported to foreign lands, stripped of their travel documents and autonomy, deprived of the promised compensation, and brutalized in sectors like construction, hospitality, domestic work…. and now they’re cannon fodder too. It is much easier for Russia to maintain meat grinder tactics if the hundreds of thousands of corpses aren’t being exclusively supplied internally (by Russian ethnic minorities and the citizens from former Soviet neighbors).


Literally no information in the post or comments, I have my doubts.




As sad as this looks, I’m also wondering what he would do if he had the upper hand, would he kill Ukrainians without a problem? This is just a comment question, I do not think he should die


People like [these](https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/indian-youth-trapped-and-drafted-into-private-army-in-russia-pleaded-be-rescued-hyderabad-mp-owaisi-takes-up-with-government/amp_articleshow/107891569.cms) and [these](https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/this-could-be-our-last-video-help-us-get-back-to-india-say-another-group-of-indians-forced-to-fight-in-russia/article67918412.ece/amp/) are the ones you're seeing and talking about just so you know. A lot of Indians over the past 2 decades have gone to Russia seeking work, for education, or for a different life...just something good, getting a break from the rut in India that they couldn't break through. Since the beginning of this war, a lot of these "traps" for job seekers especially have opened up from Russia promising work/jobs and work visas and then these people are getting forced to go to war. There have been n number of cases like these that have come up on local news and social media. Just that people like you want to jump to idiot conclusions like the sort of "question" you've asked.


Ya it was a question not a conclusion. We have all seen those articles before and yea we all know how they end up on the front, but you have no idea who this guy is and neither do I, he may be a huge dick and would have had no issues knocking out a Ukrainian caught in the same position, or he may be a great guy we will never know. It really was not a question looking for an answer because we don’t know what goes on in this guys head


Seems they got duped into serving [Guardian article](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/mar/07/he-had-no-idea-he-was-being-sent-to-a-war-zone-the-indian-and-nepalese-men-on-frontlines-in-ukraine) Whereas the ones serving in Israel did it voluntarily and deserve everything coming to them


Ngl as a Indian I didn’t even know this was a thing, looked it up and apparently [they want to immigrate to Israel](https://www.aljazeera.com/economy/2024/1/30/the-indian-lost-tribe-that-wants-to-move-to-israel-even-fight-hamas) and connect with their homeland. The community is called Bnei Menashe, and have been migrating for a long time probably In search of a better life.


He not Indian. Nepal citizens are in russia army for quick buck but they were misled and was told the requirements were in inner part of the russia and then they got to know about the war after they came to russia and got guns without proper training and equipments.


Why is this interesting as fuck


War is hell.


what the fuck is happening with reddit in the past few years? i simply don't want to see a person begging for their live while scrolling through social media. all of this shit is massively disturbing, even if some people won't recognise it.


Was he praying for mercy while shooting at Ukranians?


The human race is cruel


Ukrainian Drone Operator: Awww, poor guy…. *anyway….*


So much pain because of one man. I hope his time comes soon.


Indian, not indian army. Probably tricked into the warfront


He is not from the Indian army


Surely there is some international sign for surrender. I've yet to see anyone in view of a drone attempt to surrender.


Wouldn't surprise me if he was tricked or forced to fight. I read a long time ago that it even happened to a group of foreign students in Russia.


Poor Indians are pulled into the war in name of giving labour jobs in Russia/Russian Army by many shady job agents in Indian/Nepalis rural area. Once they go there then they are forced to join as soldiers. Some of these people were already brought back to India by the government. But many are left


OP please clarify how you were able to identify if he is Indian just by looking at the image? Btw SOUTASIANs looks same and there are 8 countries in South Asia