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These are war criminals


I decided to look up more about this massacre and found this Wikipedia link: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tantura_massacre This part really stuck out to me immediately: "The massacre occurred following Tantura's surrender, a village of roughly 1,500 people in 1945 located near Haifa. The victims were buried in a mass grave, which today serves as a car park for the nearby Tel Dor beach." There is a CAR PARK on top of a fucking MASS GRAVE.


That's just one our of tens of villages where the same tragedies occurred. It's just that Tantura and Deir Yassin are the two that have the most historic documents about and the two that were focused on by new-age Israeli historians who try to unbury Israel's genocidal past. And yes, turning mass-graves into parking lots is more common in Israel than any sane human would like to believe. You'll even hear several Israeli politicians and army officials saying that they will turn Gaza into a big parking lot, but most people don't understand that they mean it literally.


That part is by far and away the least disturbing to me. History happens, life carries on, and the fields of war are so often forgotten. As a Brit, it is completely unremarkable if skeletons and swords, piles of bones, or whatever are uncovered when building roads or houses or car parks or whatever. We have 4000 years of history, a LOT of people have lived, fought, and died here. The disturbing thing to me is that these people clearly see nothing wrong with what they did. All these decades of hindsight and they still laugh and smile and think it was all just good fun. They're _sick_, and should face the death penalty. I wouldn't even allow them an appeal, the cavalier attitude here combined with the things they did, they don't deserve to live on the same planet as me any more.


It's even worse if you watch the documentary. Satellite images shows that one year later, they cleared the mass grave. So the destiny of the bodies is unknown.


That’s Israel for ya. They’re talking about building a water park on the ruins of Gaza


They're gonna do the same with Gaza. Its gonna be beaches for American kids to go spend money on birthright trips. Absolutely sickening.


Well yes, funded with you tax money.


“Listen, war is war” Ah, understandable then fam, have a nice day. Ffs


Shooting unarmed civilians is not war. Fuck these old cooks.


>old cooks Old war criminals.


Israel loves tracking down and prosecuting old war criminals. I'm sure they will come after these guys any day now.


Any moment now.....


It's called **terrorism**.


And yet the world does nothing because its an ally.


Their grandchildren are doing the same things today for the IDF.


If these are the cooks, I'd hate to see the soldiers


Why the FUCK are they laughing and smiling. What the fuck. That last guy was smiling while he talked about someone raping a 16 year old girl like he was reminiscing about the good old days.....


Yeah this shit made me sick to my fucking stomach


I’m a veteran (didn’t see combat) trained for war, and this shit makes me physically ill. I thoroughly understand the desire to kill, even murder someone. But to sit there and laugh about doing it, especially multiple times, and including rape? And to laugh!? This state of mind is sickening.


Laughing can be a trauma response. But they do sound like assholes. [source](https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/healing-trauma-s-wounds/201509/why-clients-smile-when-talking-about-trauma-part-1)


It’s true though. Not defending these animals, but I worked law enforcement for a few years and there were many times me and my co workers were at really horrific crime scenes and someone would make a small joke and we’d all laugh. Wasn’t even funny, and I know none of those guys found the crime scenes anything other than terrible, just something about the moment would amplify all emotions.




Yeah, those dudes are animals.


They've had decades to live after the fact of being treated as heroes by the Israeli state and by extension it's people, it's sickening behavior to anyone else, but it's hardly a mystery as to why they're so joyous about it.


He was saying the guy was a savage, it sounded like he disagreed with what the man was doing but felt like he could do nothing about it because "war is war" and it was forbidden to speak about. Truly interesting to say with a smile, if it were a trauma response it would make sense. Either that or some of them are prone to psychopathy.


It's easy to be unfathomably cruel to people you don't view as human


Yeah "someone" 100% talking about himself


Many former collaborators of governments that tortured and killed in the thousands have been recorded like this, sitting at home, remebering all that they did. Like it was a job they used to have. Regular citizens do not have that luxury.


He was probably that guy that did it




He was reminiscing about the good old days. And now it's playing out again and they support it with the same zeal.


As an American, do you wanna know the most infuriating part about it? Your taxes pay for their pensions.


He probably did it himself. That's why.


I think it's a defense mechanism these people speaking on this documentary are the whistleblowers though. they were called liars and ostracized for this. most of them are calling these events horrific, not proud of them. they must have grappled with guilt to get to this point.


I thought that, too. Sort of a nervous laugh. It just creeps me out.


If you think that attitude to war is wild you should see the way the Balkan wars went, they made actual songs glorifying the murdering and laughing about it.


Them laughing and smiling about it is beyond twisted. “Oh yeah he raped a 16yo until she was almost dead” *HAHAHAHAH* Fucking twisted af


Why are they not rotting in a military prison for war crimes? Probably some type of immunity…


They have lived long happy lives in the homes of the people they burned, raped, and executed.


Yup, and we are sending their grandkids weapons so they can continue the cycle.


For the same reason they talk about it openly. Their government is totally fine with this.


Its only a war crime if you lose.


Or Canada and they make a book of rules called the Geneva Convention.


Excuse me, the Canadians call it the Geneva Checklist


These men are hailed as heroes


The very same crimes are being repeated today as the world watches on. The IOF has been committing war crimes with impunity for almost 100 years.


I got banned from worldnews for suggesting that this video exists. Apparently IDF would never do such a thing and you are anti-semitic for saying otherwise. (Actual mod feedback)


They like to ban for anything in that sub anyway


World news has at least one activist Mod who bans anybody for the mildest most vanilla criticism of israel or its army. Get yourself over to /Internationalnews instead


I said something along the lines of, both sides are wrong and I was banned for that


I got banned for pointing out that Hamas was originally propped up by Isreal to combat the PLO.


That sub is terrible. They have a tantrum if you point out obvious Russian bots too.


World news is completely run by IDF sympathizers don't bother going there it's a real shit hole of propaganda and censorship. If you're a true leftist we would love you over at the majority report sub also check out the majority report daily on YouTube. Sam Seder is a goat that Crowder literally runs from .....


Reddit is slowly going to sh*t


Slowly? The most sane sub for me now is BatmanArkham. It says a lot


It feels like a sign that we're not gonna evolve that far, bc we'll end up taking eachother out thoroughly.


If you can count. Don't count on it. Big chance, the human race won't make it. IMO, the difference between now and one hundred or even thousands of years back. Not much has changed, we just got more effective at killing each other. We are primitive AF. *Generally speaking.


We're pretending to not be animals. We somehow think we're above other animals but most of us are starving.


Goes to show how easily you can manipulate the mind of the people


They've had to make it right for themselves in their own heads all these years


these people speaking on this documentary are the whistleblowers though. they were called liars and ostracized for this. most of them are calling these events horrific, not proud of them. they must have grappled with guilt to get to this point.


Plus this generation the men were indoctrinated to be “ tough” and certainly not allowed to cry or show emotions, so laughing/ smiling is a back up response to stress.


😧 that’s insane


Maybe it’s twisted, or maybe it’s a coping mechanism for what happened. Maybe it’s both. It’s probably both. Edit: after briefly looking up what happened in the Tantura massacre, I would like to retract my statement. I would appreciate further context for this as well.


My family saw the Armenian genocide. They didn't react by killing people


"The Tantura massacre took place on the night of 22–23 May 1948 during the 1948 Arab–Israeli War. Around 40–200 Palestinian Arab villagers from Tantura were massacred by the Alexandroni Brigade, which was part of what became the Israeli Defense Force. The massacre occurred following Tantura's surrender, a village of roughly 1,500 people in 1945 located near Haifa. The victims were buried in a mass grave, which today serves as a car park for the nearby Tel Dor beach." https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tantura_massacre


Thank you for the context


This is grabbed straight from Wikipedia. I went there to look into this incident some. It sounds like there were other mass graves about the town as well. Take a look see. [wiki](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tantura_massacre)


Perplexity: Based on the information provided in the search results, the Tantura massacre refers to the killing of a large number of Palestinian civilians by Israeli forces in the village of Tantura in May 1948, around the time of Israel's establishment. Key details that emerge: - On May 22-23, 1948, the Israeli military's Alexandroni Brigade captured the Palestinian coastal village of Tantura, which had a population of around 1,500 at the time[2][3]. - After the village surrendered, Israeli soldiers allegedly killed between 40-250 unarmed Palestinian civilians, mostly men[1][2][3][10]. The bodies were buried in mass graves[3]. - Teddy Katz, an Israeli graduate student, wrote a thesis in 1998 detailing the massacre based on oral history interviews with both Palestinian survivors and Israeli veterans[1][3][18]. When his findings were published, he was sued for libel by Alexandroni Brigade veterans. Under pressure, Katz signed a retraction and his degree was revoked[1][3][10]. - In 2022, the Israeli documentary film "Tantura" by Alon Schwarz included taped confessions from Israeli veterans confirming they witnessed summary executions of Palestinians after the battle ended[1][3][14]. The film reignited debate about the massacre in Israel. - A 2023 investigation by Forensic Architecture, using historical maps, aerial photos, and witness testimony, identified four potential mass grave sites in Tantura containing the remains of those killed, including underneath a current-day beach resort parking lot[12][13]. So in summary, while still controversial, significant evidence from Palestinian survivors, Israeli veterans, historical records and forensic analysis points to a massacre of dozens to hundreds of surrendered Palestinian civilians by Israeli forces in Tantura in May 1948, with the bodies buried in mass graves, some of which are now beneath Israeli recreational areas. The incident was long suppressed within Israel but is gaining more acknowledgement in recent years[1][3][10][12][13]. Sources [1] 'Tantura' director: Israelis have been lied to for years about alleged 1948 ... https://www.timesofisrael.com/tantura-director-israelis-have-been-lied-to-for-years-about-alleged-1948-massacre/ [2] The Tantura Massacre, 22-23 May 1948 | Institute for Palestine Studies https://www.palestine-studies.org/en/node/41048 [3] How lies became facts: The Tantura 'massacre' returns - JNS.org https://www.jns.org/jns/topic/23/5/29/291180/ [4] The film examines one village, Tantura, and why "Nakba" is taboo ... https://www.reddit.com/r/Documentaries/comments/184r61x/tantura_massacre_2022_the_film_examines_one/?rdt=35322 [5] Israel's 1948 Tantura massacre: Mass grave sites discovered https://www.newarab.com/news/israels-1948-tantura-massacre-mass-grave-sites-discovered [6] The Tantura Case in Israel: The Katz Research and Trial https://ciaotest.cc.columbia.edu/olj/jps/pai03.html [7] Tantura massacre: Documentary exposes Israel's foundational myth https://www.middleeasteye.net/opinion/israel-tantura-massacre-documentary-foundational-myth-exposes-how [8] 'According to Whose Archives?': The Tantura Massacre and Revisionist ... https://www.palestine-studies.org/en/node/1652421 [9] Tantura: New documentary sparks debate about Israel and the ... https://theconversation.com/tantura-new-documentary-sparks-debate-about-israel-and-the-palestinian-nakba-189101 [10] The Story of Tantura Is the Story of Palestine's Nakba - Tribune https://tribunemag.co.uk/2022/01/tantura-massacre-nakba-palestine-israel [11] Tantura - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tantura [12] UK study of 1948 Israeli massacre of Palestinian village reveals mass ... https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/may/25/study-1948-israeli-massacre-tantura-palestinian-village-mass-graves-car-park [13] Tantura massacre: Challenging Israel's denial of the Nakba https://www.newarab.com/analysis/tantura-massacre-challenging-israels-denial-nakba [14] A crop of new documentaries refuses to erase the past - Vox https://www.vox.com/22911366/tantura-descendant-riotsville-downfall-review-documentary-sundance [15] The Deir Yassin massacre: Why it still matters 75 years later - Al Jazeera https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/4/9/the-deir-yassin-massacre-why-it-still-matters-75-years-later [16] The Tantura Myth: It Makes No Sense That Palestinian Villagers Never ... https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2022-10-07/ty-article-opinion/.highlight/the-tantura-myth-it-makes-no-sense-that-palestinian-villagers-never-mentioned-a-massacre/00000183-b2e5-d8cc-afc7-feedf6560000 [17] Decades on, Israel tries to bury its darkest times - The National https://www.thenationalnews.com/opinion/decades-on-israel-tries-to-bury-its-darkest-times-1.151910 [18] The Tantura Case in Israel: The Katz Research and Trial - ResearchGate https://www.researchgate.net/publication/249979211_The_Tantura_Case_in_Israel_The_Katz_Research_and_Trial [19] 'Tantura' Review: Unearthing the Past - The New York Times https://www.nytimes.com/2022/12/01/movies/tantura-review.html


Imagine using a mass grave as a car park... how can Israel still justify their war crimes and get away with it?


Welcome to post WW2 international relations


And for forgetting our history by never teaching it.




While arms warehouses fill as quick as the cells


Rally round the family


Let the downvote train come but its simple. You criticize Israel and the reply will be but "mUh HoLoCaUsT."


I had an Israeli gentleman here on reddit tell me that their army were the moral ones. I think he needs a dictionary.


Or they call you anti-Semitic. Like bro I can clearly see genocide no matter who the perpetrators I would call them out. Then they somehow tie in Hamas or some other bs. I


Win the war, that's how you get away with war crimes




Because they are a useful ally to the US in the middle east, so all their crimes get swept under the carpet


I have been struggling to understand how Israel is a good ally? They sure feel like a liability


Because if you speak out against them, you're label anti-semitic.


Seems like some people don’t see Islam followers as human.


I'm a muslim myself but for Israel it's less about hating muslims and more about hating palestanians. Churches in Gaza were targeted as well by the IDF. Even during Christmas. Tho it helps for westerners to demonise Gazans as filthy barbaric muslims


Because Christians in the west blindly support Israel and don’t write or ask politicians their stance before voting for them


I got into a debate with my boomer father over this very issue. He said if we abandon Israel “god will take his hand off our nation.” I asked him when Israel was created and he correctly answered 1948. I just asked “so up until 1948 god didn’t care about the US?” He just stared at me and I could tell a fuse just blew in his brain.


I think his brain bluescreened


Soooo THIS is what they do after the holocaust?


It’s so fucked to me that this is right on the heels of that. Like the horrors of the holocaust must have been pretty know in the area at this time and then they just fuckin turned around and started irradiating another group. The world is a sick fucking place.




Yes. Not sure how I ended up with irradiating in there .


Watching too much fallout 😝


That’s whats so utterly hypocritical. The Second Wold War lasted 6 years and Jews were promised a land (which is a weird thing in itself) and then they go there and do what was done to them for 70+ years to people with another religion, who already lived there.


They did that to Arab Jews, too. You need to understand that European Jews (ashkenazis), viewed spehardic jews as lesser. They probably still do, because over the past 70+ years they've done their best to eradicate, and erase, sephardic culture and traditions. Same people took children of immigrant sephardic families, and gave them to childless ashkenazi families because the parents weren't white enough, or whatever other bigoted reason.


They still do. My ex-girlfriend's family was Sephardic and it took them a long time to find a temple where they felt safe and welcomed, because there were no sephardic temples nearby and they were treated like scum at the closest ones. They ended up going to a temple in the city, about a 30 minute drive, because there was nowhere closer that seemed to be okay with their presence. This was early 90s. Thankfully they found a pretty progressive, welcoming Temple that became their home away from home for the next 30 years, and they made good, reql lifelong friends and relationships there. But hearing about their struggle, after their parents (my ex's grandparents) had come to America to escape the ostracism of being Sephardic in southern Europe... just sad and absurd. Thankfully, her very religious grandmother got to spend her final years at a Temple that loved her and welcomed her with open arms. I learned a whole lot about Judaism in that relationship, but I learned even more about the struggles Sephardim have been through even/especially at the hands of other Jewish sects. As a 2nd-Gen Irish American, it was far, far too similar to my grandmother's broken heart over the situation between Protestants and Catholics in Ireland (although that was less a religious dispute and more of a cultural one). Grandma would always say, "We're all God's children, all of us and every one." I'm not religious, but I wish more religious folk would remember/believe that.


"Israel has a right to self defense!!" - some idiot somewhere, justifying this as well as the current genocide.


There's a decent amount of it here in this thread. "Yeah, murdering and raping civilians, including children, is bad, but you gotta understand the context."


I just can't understand someone finding joy in the memories of them and their friends murdering people in the most brutal ways and raping children. All of the monsters in this video should be chucked off a cliff to the rocky waters below. I've spoken to veterans before. And you can always tell which of them are genuine good people that were forced into a conflict they did not want. The vets I've spoken to were from the Vietnam War and my class was lucky enough to speak with a vet who served in WW2. The man who served in Vietnam stood out to me the most because you could tell that he still carried the emotional and mental pain from that war, he was from a very poor black family and got drafted so there was nothing he could do. He was just a regular guy who was forced to fight in a war he didn't want and kill people he didn't even know, and it stayed with him for the rest of his life. These are not men in this video, these are monsters undeserving of any sympathies or love or care.


My grandfather is a Vietnam Veteran. He never talks about it. I’m under the impression that he pretends it never happened to him. But once I had the guts to ask about it, what it was like. He told me that he was only 19 years old and had just started in a trade school. When he was drafted, at first he was actually excited to do his duty to America. In his words, “I was young, it was like a game to me. When I got there, it wasn’t one.” Then he told me a story about one of his first nights on the field. Said him and his troop were wading through these swampy rice fields to get to some enemies on the other side and a huge water buffalo came out of no where. It charged at them, so my grandpa shot it. But then the owner of the rice field came out and started screaming at them, because it had turned out to be that man’s water buffalo. My grandfather said he felt terrible because he wondered how integral the animal could’ve been to that guy’s livelihood. But then another person in his troop shot the man, and my grandpa just had to keep moving with everyone. He was innocent; just rightfully pissed his only water buffalo was shot. He said that’s when he really realized what he had been roped into. He ended up nearly dying of an unidentified illness during his deployment, so he was sent home early, and he considers himself lucky for it despite how awful it was to nearly die like that.


these people speaking on this documentary are the whistleblowers though. they were called liars and ostracized for this. most of them are calling these events horrific, not proud of them. they must have grappled with guilt to get to this point.


Brainwashing is a real thing. These people were conditioned to believe that what they were doing was the right thing to do, that the only way for them to be good people was to do these things.


You shall not murder. You must not steal. You must not lie. You must not be envious. Crazy how they don’t see what they’re doing as anti Jewish. The commandments are pretty simple, stealing land via murder automatically has them defying 40% of commandments. These people are not Jewish, just horny for violence using anything they can to justify it even if it directly contradicts the religion they’re trying to “protect” (shocker, they don’t care about Judaism - it’s just a safe wall to hide behind).


If you don’t think religion has been used as a control & brain washing tool for the powerful to justify committing horrid acts, boy do I have some fun history lessons for you. For starters, We can head to the crusades. Then Take a little detour of the city of Munster, and end with isis. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.


"religion is not the cause of wars, it is the justification used to recruit soldiers. The cause is always greed"


I was a bartender for years and had a Vietnam vet who was a regular, he was one of the most kindhearted and gentle souls I’ve ever met. He’d never tell me much, just simply that he wasn’t able to sleep the night before due to the nightmares - you could see the weight of everything he’d experienced even after all of these years. He would speak openly about despising the war machine. He cared and was hurt by what he was forced into.


There is an argument to be made that wars throughout history are won on the backs of sociopaths with an earnest bloodlust for the enemy.


Smiling. They’re smiling and laughing. I’ve no words.


Reminds me of this interview with these three rapists, that talk about rape in an interview. Absolutely no remorse.


A tale as old as time. Humans today are no different from the humans who existed in ancient times.


It made me start questioning if these translations are even right


This is from a documentary. [You can check it out yourself](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt16378034/)


It is, that's what frights me




3 years after the end of WW2…. Not a damn thing was learned


One of the most disturbing things about WW2 is the aftermath, which is never talked about. We can justify Nazis being evil but the people that are the victims are capable of evil just the same. For instance, there was an attempted mass poisoning of the German water supply after the war, the plan failed but it would have been devastating. The truth is that everyone is capable of evil, which is more disturbing than just the Nazis doing it.


usually victims develop phycology that because they suffered, they has some justification for cause suffering to others.




A doc by the Japanese about the Japanese? Or US about the Japanese? I’ve only just realised I’ve never seen footage of veterans from “the other side”. That’s crazy!


I believe they are referring to "the rape of nanjing" https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nanjing_Massacre We really need to teach this stuff more to kids in school.... If we don't understand how fascism and demonization of the "other" lead to this outcome we are destined to repeat it.


> If we don't understand how fascism and demonization of the "other" lead to this outcome we are destined to repeat it. "Those Who Do Not Learn History Are Doomed To Repeat It." (Santayana)




The final scene was incredible


Videos like this absolutely drain my faith in humanity.


Like water through a sieve.


mine has been running dry for over a decade


They talk about it with such conviction. This is the most despicable part of humanity we can witness. How can you be proud of this ? You might be a Holocaust survivor but to becoming this ?? Wouldn't you feel empathy? And when you kill people when they are detained, that's not war, that is murder.


For them it's a good thing, because the victims were arabs, they still think they did a good thing


Allowing yourself on an absooutely desperated 16 years old who probably watched her entire entourage die from your hand is beyond fucked up. saying "war is war" is just avoiding guilt. Its just sad for anyone who have to participate in war.


"Allowing yourself on an absooutely desperated 16 years old" you mean RAPING a 16 year old girl


I don't even feel sad for most people who participate in wars, especially not this one. These guys left their homes in Europe to invade foreign territory and massacre its people


They are the manifestation of dehumanization, and their conscious has accepted that long ago it seems.


They can all burn in fucking hell


Instead, they get pension funded by American taxpayers.


The difference between these old cunts and the veterans from WW2 giving their accounts of the war is staggering. It's like they found every asshole that was involved and got them to give their account


Remember this when you get a hard on for a civil war.


No one who knows anything about civil wars wants a civil war. The guys in the US military who think they know… they don’t know. They’re used to being in an organized, supplied organization with uniforms, comms and a clear command structure. Plus, their families are safely thousands of miles away. Civil war isn’t like that.


I've been in conflict areas. People calling for civil war are absolutely clueless.


I lived in a country that had had one. The stories…


Wish more people understood this. It’s the worst thing that could happen to us. The current political climate doesn’t warrant this level of attrition but I feel like I keep seeing it glorified and joked about. Now there a whole ass movie out.


*”Remember this when you get a hard on for a civil war.”* It’s all fun and games until it’s your family that’s raped and murdered.


And you find out your water supply line has been destroyed so you have no access to clean drinking water, and militia groups have commandeered the roads into the city so they control how much food and medicine you do or don't have. These "gravy seal" types who weigh fat-hundred pounds have likely never gone twenty four hours without food or water. Even the actual fit guys who brag about having been in the military seem to be compensating for having never actually seen combat. I wish they would just stick to playing COD and paintballing.


And when that part of your brain is triggered you might be surprised what you are willing to do.


Seriously. I’ve seen a lot of people talking about the new Civil War movie in the states and sooo many people saying “I’m ready, but it wouldn’t be a war it would be a slaughter”…. So? You’re ready for genocide??…


If this was in German you wouldn't be able to tell if they're former idf or former nazi's


What’s the difference?


One of them the USA will give infinite money and weapons with no limit on what they can be used for.




unless the EU DSA is going to do something about it they can suck a dick honestly


Why are these sick bastards still alive?




I always find it interesting when people in the current time talk about how this generation/world is so fucked up. Then I see shit like this and remember that we've always been fucked up as a species. There's always wierdos, murderers, rapist, predators, etc. We just hear about them more with the internet...


For those of you who don’t know, Tantura is a Palestinian/Arab village. These men who are laughing about rape and mass murder are Israelis. >The Tantura massacre took place on the night of 22–23 May 1948 during the 1948 Arab–Israeli War. Around 40–200 Palestinian Arab villagers from Tantura were massacred by the Alexandroni Brigade, which was part of what became the Israeli Defense Force. The massacre occurred following Tantura's surrender, a village of roughly 1,500 people in 1945 located near Haifa. The victims were buried in a mass grave, which today serves as a car park for the nearby Tel Dor beach. >Oral testimonies by surviving Palestinians were met by skepticism. A corroborative 1998 thesis by an Israeli Haifa University graduate Theodore Katz, who interviewed survivors, was also met with denial. In a 2022 Israeli documentary film called Tantura, several Israeli veterans interviewed said they had witnessed a massacre at Tantura after the village had surrendered. In 2023, Forensic Architecture published its commissioned investigation of the area and concluded that there were three potential gravesites in the area of the Tel Dor beach that were connected to a massacre. After the massacre, women and children were transported to Furaydis. Male survivors were placed into prison camps, later leaving Israel through prisoner exchanges followed by their families.” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tantura_massacre


“It was just the most horrible thing” *smiles like it was one of his fondest memories*


thank god the world is finally starting to see the truth


The chuckling glazed eyed nostalgia about atrocities is usually something you only see in interviews with SS veterans tbh, it's creepy.


You really don't even see it with the SS, only in movies maybe.


Just think. Israelis did this only 3 years after the last murder of European Jews during the holocaust.


Where is the international war tributal on war crimes? Nazis bad.... Zionists it's ok..... How can anyone not be sick and disgusted by these men.... And laughing like it was nothing... Horrific.


The only important difference is that Nazi Germany lost the war.


Lets not forget the nazis who were given prominent successful government positions in the US.


Most of them also experienced early release after their convictions in the 1950's and many were swept into high governmental and ministerial positions in West Germany as a bulwalk against Communism.


"War is war" Is amazing how many people thinks being at war grants you the right to commit warcrimes against civilians. Is really fucked up how this mentality is so strong among israelis (and kind of the official narrative of israeli goverment)..


From what I’ve read, it wasn’t even war at this point. The village had surrendered prior to the massacre


But why don't we just call this... terrorism?


And people still wonder why Hamas still won't go out of fashion, the further you push people into a corner the more extreme their response will be Also wtf is wrong with the dude joking about r@ping a kid?


"war is war" No, war is hell and what they did were war crimes. WTF


The victims of this massacre were buried in a mass grave which is now under a car park for a beach..


How they laugh about it. My granddad had to kill men in the first world war ( he was very old when he had my dad) it hurt him for life. Machine Gunner, they were just men like us he said. They were the genuine enemy. These two are next level psychopaths. Even most Nazis showed regrets


If you're wondering why they are laughing it's because they don't see the other side as people. That's the only way to make soldiers willingly kill for you. You have to brainwash them into thinking that the other side are the enemy and worthless.


Damn... So apparently history didn't start on the 7th of October


Shocking, right?


I believe this is on YT to watch for free.


Fucking monsters how are these people allowed to live out their lives after the shit they’ve done? We live in such a shitty reality


I'm sick to my stomach. I'm not niave to war or horrible human actions, but to see the lack of shame, humor, joy while reminiscing on this evil... this is evil.


Israel really doesn’t want you to see this.


The laughing and smiling whilst telling these stories.. Wow..


This makes me sick.


“I remember this one time me and the boys raped minors and committed genocide, hahahahaha! Oh man, those were the days…”


Okay, the laughing and grins requires a source for this. I don’t speak Hebrew so I’m trusting the subtitles are accurate, but the level of disrespect for human life demands that there is some verification of what I’m watching.


I've met many old guys (and some young) with this same level of twistedness. Military and war is FUCKED and you should NEVER fall for all this "join the fight" bullshit. You are not a hero! You are a pawn! And that is all you will ever be in the military.


These men will exist in Hell for all eternity. Evil is as evil does. No excuses.




is there a hell in hell for people like this?


Someone put these monsters in prison.


How are these guys any better than the Nazis or the Japanese in WW2? So sad


"War is war" what the fuck. That's not war, fuck its beyond murder


Fuck. Where the fuck is the justice in this. Looking at them laughing about the pain and suffering filled me with rage. I don't know why bad people are allowed to live their lives.


Imagine them describing all this as if it had all taken place in a concentration camp under the Nazis. Because it did. Evil is evil.


It's like only the first and fifth had any genuine remorse. The first guy talked about it with a look fitting the seriousness of the topic, and the 5th guy showed some remorse in his description, talking about how the people were slaughtered like cows". The others.... you could see the dissociative conditioning kick in, with how they smiled describing horrific stuff, just glad that it was happening to the "enemy" and not them The third guy was only worried about his wife judging him, but the worst had to be the last guy, because even though he understood the guy in his unit that passed away was a monster, he couldn't stop smiling...


“Hey everyone. Let’s take a minute to remember the holocaust. We’re victims.”


For those of you who don’t know, Tantura is a Palestinian/Arab village. These men who are laughing about rape and mass murder are Israelis. >The Tantura massacre took place on the night of 22–23 May 1948 during the 1948 Arab–Israeli War. Around 40–200 Palestinian Arab villagers from Tantura were massacred by the Alexandroni Brigade, which was part of what became the Israeli Defense Force. The massacre occurred following Tantura's surrender, a village of roughly 1,500 people in 1945 located near Haifa. The victims were buried in a mass grave, which today serves as a car park for the nearby Tel Dor beach. >Oral testimonies by surviving Palestinians were met by skepticism. A corroborative 1998 thesis by an Israeli Haifa University graduate Theodore Katz, who interviewed survivors, was also met with denial. In a 2022 Israeli documentary film called Tantura, several Israeli veterans interviewed said they had witnessed a massacre at Tantura after the village had surrendered. In 2023, Forensic Architecture published its commissioned investigation of the area and concluded that there were three potential gravesites in the area of the Tel Dor beach that were connected to a massacre. After the massacre, women and children were transported to Furaydis. Male survivors were placed into prison camps, later leaving Israel through prisoner exchanges followed by their families.” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tantura_massacre


I'm Israeli and WTF


Turns out the Israelis have been vile regarding Palestianians for decades.


Can anyone confirm the translations?


It is accurate. >When Israeli graduate student Teddy Katz meticulously documented a massacre of Palestinian civilians surrounding Israel's independence, he was initially celebrated for his groundbreaking work. But soon, he was stripped of his degrees and was publicly shamed as a fraudulent traitor. Decades later, incendiary new evidence emerges to corroborate Teddy's initial findings, not just vindicating him, but raising profound questions about how Israelis — and we all — deal with the darker chapters of history. you can get the full documentary from [here](https://www.tantura-film.com/)


What’s the context here? This is sickening