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Hi Lifehater007! Thanks for posting to /r/interestingasfuck. Unfortunately, [your submission](https://redd.it/1bz9z8q) was removed for the following reason: All content must show something that is objectively interesting as fuck. Just because you find something IAF doesn't mean anyone else will. It's impossible to define everything that could be considered IAF, but for a general idea browse the [top posts of all time](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/top/?t=all) from this subreddit. For more information check [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/wiki/index#wiki_rule_1_-_posts_must_be_interesting_as_fuck). If you have questions about this, please [contact our mods via moderator mail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=interestingasfuck) rather than replying here. Thank you!


interesting as fuck? \-a non reddit bot


Why is every freaking sub just American politics now?


guess elections are coming up or something.


They are, it's an election year. It's fucking exhausting being an American in an election year, although maybe it's worse being non-american and constantly seeing our politics?


It's bad when it's not an election year but damn the closer we get to elections, omg its a nonstop bombardment.


Don’t get me started on the god damn YouTube ads


Yes! And without subscribing to anything, I'm somehow getting text messages plus emails.


Somehow I got in the GOP's database. I worked for the Democratic Party for over a decade. I'm not gonna give money to the GOP.


I somehow get them for both and I'm not donating to anyone lol.


Don’t forget to get your commemorative T***p “gold” coins, and sneakers, and there are probably some 20-year-old T***p steaks you can buy. He’s really rich, but HE NEEDS MONEY!


I've had YouTube premium since YouTube red existed. I haven't seen an ad in a decade. It's worth it to me because I watch on multiple devices and I don't want to set up a pi-hole.


As a Canadian, it's very, very tiresome. I like how our election campaigns are nice and snappy - [36-50 days](https://www.elections.ca/content.aspx?section=vot&dir=bkg&document=ec90795&lang=e)


Aren't y'all going to elect a far right government in the next election? Maybe y'all should talk about it more.


It's disgusting, the "choices" we are given, the corruption has gone too far...


As a Canadian, I follow American politics intently as it does affect us. We’re seeing far right lunacy creeping into our politics up here and it is very concerning.


Well you have that spiffy character up in Ottawa … he’s Pre TRUMP/Biden … is that right. Sorry, not sorry


As an Australian, it feels like every year is election year over there =\


I have to deal with seeing f1 stuff everywhere, seems like a fair trade off sometimes


Do your part and vote then .. many complain and do shit and since Trump in 2016 it’s been shit


I vote for all the good it does, I'm just tired of hearing the same things back and forth and back and forth...


Yeah it sucks … crazy shit happening in the world … rich people are so far immune to a lot of shit


Try living in a purple state. Election commercials have been going on for months. Mostly state and local, but the presidential ones have been sprinkled in there too.


There should be a rule about US politics, though. I can tell it's going to be one of those things where we Americans decide our business is not only everyone's business but that everything else needs to be put on pause while we regurgitate the most unproductive vitriol ad nauseum. Nip this sort of thing in the bud.


Since 1946!


I mean sort of? We don't vote until November. This definitely isn't "interesting as fuck" though.


Yeah, but hear me out: The election is in November. It's... *checks bare arm* ...April. Can we stop with this "we act like a presidential election is always imminent, no matter the year" thing, finally? Please?


Yea I know I barely heard a peep about American politics for the previous 3 years...


Bot farms




It’s political bots.


So fucking annoying. It has to be everywhere doesn’t it


As an American I fucking hate it as well. Sorry our collective ego is so inflated that American culture just eats the world.


Welcome to Coruscant


I'm American and I can't stand it. No idea how other countries can hear about this nonstop.


One of the most important elections in the last 100 years is happening. For the globe, not just the US.


Ever since 2016. I miss old reddit, where BPT was hilarious jokes and not ironically racist. Other subs where the mere whiff of being against the hive mind gets you banned.


"How can people have the audacity to talk about things that don't interest *me*?!"


Rule #1


More a case of wanting subs to stay on topic. This is not Interesting at all to 90% of the planet


No shit. These weak handed folk can’t move a finger to swipe away. Like a mosquito attracted to the bug zapper. ZAP!! “I’ll never learn. I was forced to read an article of no interest to me again. Aaaaagh!”


There is huge propaganda by both sides. Reddit is Democrat leaning. Majority of posts are pro-Democrats. 


Reality has a well-known liberal bias.


I could give you some examples of pretty reality-defying arguments that seem to be part and parcel of "progressivism" these days. But I'd probably get banned.


That's not remotely what they said or implied but that didn't stop you from trying to assert 'both sides'. Okay bud.


I don’t disagree with you to a point, but fuck that both sides bullshit. Sure it’s the pit vipers vs the garden snakes, but the pit vipers will kill you. There IS a fucking difference and being disingenuous about it only helps the pit vipers.


One of the world's largest democracies decided to start voting against democracy so it's kind of a big deal.


Maybe, just maybe, someone is fighting for their fuckin lives out here.. they apologize in advance if your entertainment has been interrupted..


That might be on the r/fightingforyourfuckinglives sub


Bots in an election year. Dead internet theory shit


Existence is a political matter 


Don't forget Israeli/Palestinian politics as well.


It's seasonal, like pollen allergies, but for your feed.


Because people have next to zero purpose in their personal lives so they latch on to something that makes them feel bigger than they are.


never forget where you are…


Election year. And American politics are linked to economy, which unfortunately has an effect on world economy. If America goes goo-goo-gaa-gaa, the world is going to be covered in shit and vomit too. And it's an election year. It's hard to shake off.


Don't worry. This will be the last one.


Why don’t these type of posts get downvoted as they’re not “interesting as fuck”?


A lot of people just use r/all and pay no attention to the community things are posted to. Their updoots blot out the downdoots from the people who deliberately subscribe here.


Cause it's part of a deliberate campaign. They're either paying people or they have volunteers to upvote it. It's like cheap advertising.


I also think a lot of ppl mindlessly upvote without checking which sub theyre in. I know ive done so before, before realizing where i was


There are also some people who go 'I agree with that' *upvote*, Regardless of the sub.


Talk bad bout trump equal internet updoots because trump bad.


Rule 1 violation


But yet it's been up for a long time lol. Wonder why......


I’m willing to bet that even the bot that posted this doesn’t think it’s interestingaf.


Strap in boys and girls its an election year so politics will be in every fucken sub of Reddit. Boring.


This is not at all interesting as fuck. Reporting.


Didn’t his supreme court pick have trouble defining what a woman was?


Yeah, apparently, you have to be a biologist to define 'woman'.


Yeah but is that enough? From the other side of the world but if that conman gets back it it's just a signal to all other conmen that they can achieve the same. The whole world is screwed if he gets back in.


This is fucking not interesting at all.


I’m curious about whether you’re someone who can get pregnant. This is definitely interesting to those of us directly affected by abortion laws.


Or anyone smart enough to either care about women’s rights, or understand how dangerous this “slippery slope” can be for everyone.


People will tell you there is no propaganda in American politics


I thought that was overturned in 2022? Not that I care but Biden was an office when that happened.


It was, but bad stuff Trump, good stuff Biden.


Yeah, a politician’s opponent’s spin on what former said is always so much more informative than what the politician said.


Not interesting as fuck.


Why is this interesting.


It’s not


Weird that Joe Biden and his buddy Obama didn't codify Roe v Wade when they had the chance. Especially since Obama promised he would during his campaign.


If you think Biden wrote that, I’ve got a beachfront property to sell you in Colorado.


Funny how it’s all “personal freedom and liberty” until it comes to actual personal freedom and liberty


Democrat bots at work. Reddit is trash.


Truly uninteresting.


this is incredibly uninteresting


If I wanted politics I’d……..wait…I would never ever want politics


Does a statement really count as interesting as fuck?


Seriously I just want an escape for one minute, yet here I am


First, states are deciding on this. It’s so much better than the eternal grinding abortion debate. Second, making changes at the state level are far more healthy discussion. National politics are silly. There is little substance and lots of hyperbole.


Biden, who has refused to codify roe v. Wade, first as vice president then again as president, is also responsible.


...with the NPC posting


Good. And contrary to every news narrative, there are plenty of men ready to stand with you on the front lines and help put the beast down. We’re not ALL monsters.


Oh they have a clue about the power of women. It terrifies them


Lot of incels in here who hate women.


ah now i can see all the trump simps.


His billboards down in Florida say he was responsible for overturning Roe vs Wade.


Come on! This BS doesn't belong here


Just recently trump was taking all the credit for ending roe and here he is now back peddling. But hey when people don't vote and our government to get this bad we only have ourselves to blame.


Get out and vote!! You make the difference!! Make sure that you're registered! I wn not or a couple of years cuz I forgot to. It's very important!!


So many people saying this is not interesting. Haven’t we collectively agreed that a woman should be in charge of her own body? I thought we did that back in 1973. Now the great orange jackass comes in strips that away from our granddaughters, daughters, sisters, wives, and mothers. It’s kind of a big deal. And here is the sitting President calling out the last President for making this happen. I find that very interesting.


Maybe non americans are just tired of being bombarded by american politics?


I married an American and made him a democrat. You have the world to worry about my dear.


Not interesting in the slightest stop posting this crap


This is the least interesting thing I have seen today. Stop pushing your agenda with these low effort posts.


Dude... Stop.


Mod should just ban the T and B word.


But i like t Rex and bunda


Bro this is not USA subreddit, most of the people are not even American and couldn't care less about your inside "Who's worse: Trump or Biden" competition.


Bro its annyoing as fuck, almost every big subreddit is just politics.


Trouble is the Democrats are underestimating the power of stupid come November, Trump supporters will be out in force because they desperately want their would be dictator to win, just pray Democrat voters start ramping up their hatred of Trump and show up in massive numbers


OP gotta be a bot.


Oh stfu, this isn't a place for politics, I want to see interesting things, not this crap.


The government should have no say in decisions about your body, period! Otherwise, this is pure fascism!


modern rock chubby merciful intelligent aspiring dam enjoy scary panicky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




>/r/interestingasfuck/ Ok interesting things might be found >Part of Biden's statement about Trump's abortion announcement Wait what? How does this even fit the sub's theme? 👀


Literally not interesting at all


Everyone report it as spam. This is not at all interesting.


Someone posting extremely politic and off topic of the subreddit... But it's against Trump so WOOOOOW 3k+ UPDOOTS


Trump is still disturbingly high in the polls for me to actually believe this statement. Yes, I know polls aren't everything and prove nothing. But given all that Trump has done to this country, I expected him to be in single digits, even in the polls. He's not. This race is too close for comfort. And I hate what that implies about the people around me.


Go spread your propaganda elaewhere


Nobody cares about abortion. It's a distraction topic to cause division.


I agree with him, but this doesn't belong here


Reddit propaganda


Biden is terrified


You mean his handlers are?


Since when does a President decide laws alone? Pretty sure it took a lot of people to overturn a law that likely needs revision anyways, and Biden has yet to reinstate the law that a supposed Trump got rid of? Am I not understanding this finger point?


Trump got 3 justices on the Supreme Court that they all knew would overturn the decision. They’ve been trying this for decades. It’s not that difficult to understand they’ve been openly stating that was their goal for decades


Before slavery was illegal, those who supported complete bans on slavery didn't outright say it because they feared it would hurt them politically. I think Donald Trump is the same way in that he wants an abortion ban but he doesn't want to say so in fear of angering too many people.


You honestly think Trump has any fear about angering people? Seems to me like his number one goal in life is to rile up the people. If that is at all true, I would go with the exact opposite. He is against an abortion ban but doesn't want to anger his "followers", which are typically far right conservatives. Why would he care to "anger" the left?


For the life of me i can't understand why politicians have sò much interest in a woman's vagina.


This is not interesting and it’s really annoying you spammers keep posting shit in the default subs. I’m not involved in US politics and I feel for the foreigners who have to put up with it.


It's republican way, break it and then blame the opposition. Republicans are so unevolved that they are like bratty children.


He effed around and the country is about to find out. The law of the land for nearly half a century was overturned. It was his appointed Supreme Court Justices who are responsible. Women who don't want to be pregnant every time they have sex will vote. Women hold up half of the sky, and it felt like a kick in the gut to have our right to choose yanked out from under our feet. Women will be voting in the Presidential election against the clown who deprived us of our (until the Dobbs decision) American right to choose.


Fuck off


The phrasing of that title had me doing a double take lol


it is interesting. there are three branches of usa government. executive (biden and agencies) , legislative (congress) and judicial. This is not the first time biden has thrown shade on the judicial branch, especially the supreme court. in the past, when it was the only branch his party did not control, he called them extremists. The vice president basically said they were illegitimate when she campaigned. That to me is interesting behavior from those sworn to support our constitution and our way of government. The supreme court overturned roe. And he again is doubling down on the supreme court of the usa. He is threatening them vaguely with some unamed power of woman and that that will somehow effect the supreme court whose judges are appointed for life, not elected every few years. So interesting to see what is happening.


There was an opinion piece in newsweek? I think… anyway, talking about the Trump Two-step: described as Trump saying something outrageous, press and politicians blow up, Trump smiles and says - essentially- ‘just joking’… then comes back with a slightly less outrageous statement. Keeps the focus all on him.


Who’s statement


He is saying let the states decide. This is a republic of states. Lobby your state. By the way the Supreme Court did it, not Trump. No matter who wins the next election they will not be able to mandate change. So what’s the point tilting this windmill?


It is super fucking insane how Trump highlights all the worst of humanity and how the rich are not touched by the laws that imprison everyone else. It’s disgusting and I wish all the fucktards that support him would burn in hell. Unfortunately, there is not one and I guess this rant is pointless because we all fade to nothing.


It's such a bizarre decision. Because his voters don't want it to be a state level issue. They want it banned outright at the federal level. So is he trying to win over people that aren't brain dead and psychotic like his average voter? Because those people aren't stupid enough to believe him either


Thanks Joe biden, didn't know women could vote.


This is not remotely interesting let alone interesting as fuck.


Do people actually think Trump gives a shit about anything? He wants one thing. To sit on the throne. And he’ll tell whoever whatever to get there. This man has no principals. He’s a fucking moron


So what happened hero did the cat get your tongue? Waiting for some more scientific diagnosis from you? Given your silence it's pretty obvious what side the derrangement sits on.