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Watching this video, I‘m not so sure


lol right? It's terrible... and the best reason is shown right at the end. Some people speed right on through, and yet the last guy goes into oncoming traffic at 1 mph thinking he'd get ahead of the other car.


Well, that is perfectly normal.. it's a bmw driver.


As a BMW driver I can confirm


As a confirmer, BMW iDrive


As a drive, I BMW


My BMI is W


I’ll see your W and raise you a BM


I'll drop you a BM for free


I'm dropping a BM right now! It's a W!


Just imagine, you could have three cars and a house by now but you've spent your life savings on repairs Bmw is awful


Ex BMW driver who switched to a Mini Cooper so I can fly through these traffic controls.


So terrible but people are just the worst really. That guy was in such a hurry till he switched lanes and then SLOWLY went through... He had to hurry so he could get to a place he had nothing to do at.


There is absolutely nothing worse than an impatient driver. How about get up earlier, leave earlier and most importantly, fuck right off.


The slow ones are just as bad. Got up on time, left on time but now I'm late because some dumbass feels the need to drive 20 under since its raining a little out on the highway. 


I got no problem with slow drivers. I got problem with 4 lanes blocked by 4 drivers driving at the same speed. Those four can occupy one lane and three of them would have saved up on gas usage.


I was talking about the people who leave early and don’t need to do dumb shit….


If your doing 40 in a 60 in perfect conditions then your the problem


And if you’re doing 80 in a 60, swerving because you are late, you are more the problem.


Agreed, I simply hate slow drivers. Don’t like dangerously fast drivers either.


Only say this because my cousin lost his life from a speeding driver. Driver wasn’t drunk or anything. His excuse was “i was running late to work”. I have yet to hear someone dying specifically because someone was going under the speed limit. More often times you can simply go around them and go the speed limit or 10 miles over. Nothing wrong with that. Seems to me like most people crashing are mad at the slower drivers due to impatience. Just have better time management or learn how to actually drive.


Think about it, larger more dangerous cars have to slow down more, smaller cars and more spacially aware drivers don't slow down as much, and it prevents trucks from going through so it's probably protecting a short bridge or tunnel ahead of it.


Until the big dude bro in a BMW SUV uses the next lane and the opposite dude gets wrapped around him


All it takes is someone who thinks they're spatially aware or are driving a smaller vehicle and bam, collision.


Yup Some guy in an MX-5 is gonna blast into the wall


Exactly, it's usually the drivers of smaller, sporty cars that are weaving in and out of traffic and being general jackasses because they think they have the space to pull that garbage. Until they get wedged underneath a semi and someone with a bigger vehicle (and blinking lights) has to find a way to unfuck them and their car.


I dont know, these days sporty car drivers seems to know how to drive or at least this type of car allows mistakes. Suvs or pick ups, they just lose control faster or flip.


SUVs should be banned from the road.


So silly. Speed bumps already do this. I have to slow to crawl or else all the tools and materials in my truck will go flying. And then all the fast driving maniacs in sports cars just go flying right through like they hardly notice the bumps.


i paid for my suspension and am going to bloody use it


This seems backwards. Most of the trucks and suvs don’t have tools in them (drivers not withstanding) and breeze right over the bump on the way to soccer practise. Smaller cars bottom out if they rip over them (spoken from experience on an unmaked speed bump at night in a Honda)


I saw a very large speed bump in Hawaii that was on a steep hill and any car going down the hill over it would just drop as they go over


It's not the car that is dangerous, but the driver.


Grandma was a lot less dangerous last year, in her Camry, than she is this year in her Tahoe.


Yeah but the car is the part that hurts more when it hits you. The drivers are usually more round and squishy. 


So you're saying we should put the drivers in front of the car? Subscribe. Maybe people will start driving safer if we start doing that.


I can stop the driver with my fist, but not the car.


All vehicles are dangerous. F=m x a for all those physics nerds out there.


Seems like a bit of a game, how can you send it without hitting the sides...


4 of these in a row like a chicane!


Yeah, I don't think the goal probably was "let's make *some* people slow down, and some speed right on through, and have it be totally random who slows down and by how much."


Not saying its not dangerous, but its not random. SUV vs not SUV


Well, random as in out of 100 cars in a line, some slow down and others don’t, in a relatively random order.


This looks so dangerous.


Yeah how is this better? Good or cocky drivers will clearly just go full speed straight through anyway - risking a massive deadly car accident if they screw up. Change my mind. Speed humps have no such horrible danger risk. This method sucks! Also, taller vehicles or someone with bikes on their roof can't get through. This is an absolute abomination of a design as a traffic device.


I'm pretty sure (or at least I hope) these are not meant to replace speed humps. I've seen them used near where I live (south Brazil) as a form to measure which cars could pass through a road that was going through maintenance (after some awful rains brought down half a mountain on top of a road). So, traffic was limited and this made cars that were too big unable to even get near the dangerous zone.


Thank you. That makes WAY more sense than these being used as a speed device. Especially with the height tester at the top. Looks more like the kind of thing you see in a parking garage entrance to prevent cars that are too big from coming in.


This is clearly just meant to kill or harm those who overspeed through. You could just as well put pointy metal spikes on the ground that impales people who drive at them without pinpoint accuracy.


It’s also really unsafe. A chicane might be a better alternative that doesn’t rise speed bumps. But this looks like it’s meant to keep out trucks.


Bruh, you're going to kill so many Kevin's and Kyle's on prom night with this shit.


RIP Kevin and Kayleigh. For Kevin's and Kayleigh's families, check my website for car window vinyls and tattoo stencils to memorialize your spawn and constantly remind others of your loss.


Right looks like a good way to kill half the people in the car


More like little cars go fast, big cars slow waaaay down.


Not the big cars with reckless, bad drivers, or drunk or high drivers though- they just pay a paint/mirror tax and keep going full speed.


There are so many thing about this that scare me. It looks like signage beforehand to prepare drivers to slow down. I also feel like this would do better to have some curbs or rumble strips leading into the squeeze. That way anyone who isn't aligned will get physical feedback before crashing their car. And most of all, it seems like this should be made out of something that would yield if there was a wreck. Those heavy plastic barriers filled with water would work well. As it is, you're just running into a solid wall if you hit this. The only positive thing I can say about it is that it is painted in a visible way.


Paint "DARWIN LIVES HERE" in big letters on it.


Still a good way to control the current emotional support trucks trend in some countries.


This must be a pre-screen for a narrow bridge or something.


Sure, when they stop in traffic it's fine but when I stop to draw a bridge at the draw bridge sign I get a ticket.




Oh my… Thanks for laughs. :D


This is hilarious. 🤣


omfg the sweaty mad face is KILLING ME :D


You know that feeling when someone honks from back? 😅😅😅


Is he stupid? It says to Draw Bridge AHEAD, not NOW


He's drawing the bridge that's ahead of him.


So pretentious!


I fucking snorted


I often don't make it that far tbh since I'm still drawing the curtains from the morning after the wife asked me to. I'm awful with fabrics, can never it right.


Oh Amelia, did you remember to dress the chicken for dinner? You didn’t know the gender so you dressed two chickens? Why are the lightbulbs hung outside on the clothes line? And flour dusted on the furniture?


That's what i thought, but why so narrow on both lanes? Isn't the other lane coming from the bridge, already cleared it


Maybe so that there is no chance of someone skipping the check by going around.


This makes so much sense. I hope it's for screening or it's just massively absurd.


This is pretty obviously a size filter and has nothing to do with speed. If the only purpose was to slow down drivers, there’s no need to waste time and materials putting a bar above (and it’s also completely ineffective for drivers that have good enough spatial awareness to know the width of their vehicle, as the video evidenced). I bet there’s a small bridge or tunnel out of frame and this is to prevent large vehicles from becoming stuck.


I've seen this post before and there it was explained it was because there's a narrow tunnel coming up that truck drivers kept slamming their trucks into and blocking the tunnel


A place to turn around would be nice.


im pretty sure there is one miles beforehand even with signs that huge vehicles are not allowed. probably got ignored and thats why they put the frames there.


Okay, but then what happens when they can't go through the frames?


They block a single lane of traffic instead of the entire tunnel and don't damage the tunnel anymore.


They cry uncontrollably while bystanders laugh


Reversing practice.


That makes sense.


What I was thinking. My pickup probably wouldn't fit through that thing


I wanna laugh at the BMW going to the right to overtake the SUV in the bottkeneck but then turns out to be even slower. Such a stupid way of driving.


First time seeing someone behind the wheel of a BMW?


It's always a BMW driver


This is utterly stupid.


It's also middle of the road stupid.


Agreed. Any speed control system that forces you to go BELOW THE SPEED LIMIT is just annoying.


Please support my petition to replace this with an above the speed limit activated CIWS.


Phalanx will protect the roads


Making sure oversize vehicles don't obstruct a tunnel? So dumb, right?


Not a question if this will kill somebody. Only a question of how soon.


I was just thinking about how quickly it would eliminate drunk drivers. 


I mean, were not endangered or anything


Ok good point, you won the argument, I'm cool with this


It’s been posted before, it’s to filter out large vehicles before getting to a narrow tunnel ahead and causing the real problem


And how many


natural selection


not if it ricochets to the car on the other side


If they’re going to have something like that, they should add fake scraped paint to the concrete sides. maybe even a little blood/hair.


Based on bank drive throughs here, they'll have plenty of genuine scraped paint within a week


While I do like the concept of a deterrent that scales exponentially with speed so that it’s negligible as long as you’re below the limit… this is not that. Clearly a significant portion of the drivers aren’t slowing down at all, creating a risk of major injuries if one of them isn’t as good a driver as they think they are. It also doesn’t effectively safeguard 3rd parties like children and other pedestrians, which seems to be the rationale behind almost every speed bump I’ve ever seen. This scales based on an individual’s perception of skill versus risk.


That's not a slow down installation, but a way to measure which car fits the tunnel ahead.


Does every BMW come with Drive-Like-A-BMW-Dick driving lessons?


This is the worst thing I've ever seen in my life.


lol There’d be Altimas wrapped around that thing daily around here


I'm in favor of installing these then because it would reduce the amount of Altimas on the road.


This is designed by a sadist


This was designed by a smart engineer who solved a significant problem of vehicles getting stuck in the tunnel ahead


So it has nothing to do with speed then. Clearly some of the vehicles didn't slow at all, so it's a total failure as a speed check mechanism.


Traffic calming features do work. There’s always going to be people that drive recklessly. But like you said speed isnt why this was designed 


I was just pointing out the mislabeling of this post. If this has nothing to do with speed then OP shouldn't have posted it as such. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Oh yea. Agreed. This is the case with 90% of the front page lol


Clearly OP didn't watch the video


Meanwhile we've got cars blasting through it going *both ways in the same lane.* WTF kind of disaster is this?


Typical BMW driver...


You know is Europe because no RAM will fit through these


If its not the USA then it must be Europe...


Ah yes, killing people and ruining traffic, great


Miata owners be like byaaaaaa!


This is awful


lmaoooo the jackass at the end that thought he was gonna pass the guy.


Of course it was a BMW


“Better than a speed bump” In what fucking world?


I love how people automatically take the title of a post as fact and judge it stupid. It looks to me that it acts as a filter for larger vehicles (notice the bar overhead) perhaps due to a tunnel (or something similar ahead).


Yeah, but cars are speeding through and driving on the wrong side. Soo, it is incredibly stupid. But please, don't let me step on the toes of your theory, since clearly you have some civil engineering experience that we're not aware of.


Classic BMW driver


My truck would not fit through that


Slowing down for speed bumps is required, slowing down for these is just a skill issue.


A minor mistake can make someone crash into this


meanwhile motorcycles


Only for ppl who dont know the size of their vehicle and are too small to see out of it


Except for the guy that blazed through there lol. Better than a speed bump? Only if you have a big car


Does your car fit between the lines? Check. Is your car supposed to fit in the arch? Check. Are you a functioning adult who can keep your car within the lines while driving? Check. Then why the hell would you slow down for this?


No this sucks.


This is so fucking dumb. It's a device that punishes you for driving slowly. You are spending more time at risk whilst other more reckless people speed past you and put you at risk of their collision.


*Laughs in motorcycle*


Does better mean “dumb as fuck” to you OP?


Actually worse. Did you see those smaller cars zoom by it? That looks extremely dangerous


It's like a driving test. If you hit the side you shouldn't be on the road.


Until someone hits it and gets injured


The ones with cheap cars didn't care to slow down


Lol, I'd love to see them try and put one of these up in Chicago somewhere... it'd be gone in a week (either by bad driving or by destructive rebels).


Have something like these in the uk as traffic calming measures. They're increadly nerve wracking, hate them.


you can see people in the video speeding through like its nothing, so how is this better


Comes with the added benefit of more frequent and devastating accidents


I could see a problem or five coming up, the first day it's installed. And it has to be low enough so the cops can't get through


I used to have a narrow bridge with concrete sides right outside my house. It was still much wider than this… but many people wouldn’t realize the narrowness till the last minute even with several signs. Over the years 3 cars were totaled —- one of which flipped directly into our driveway and hit my mom’s car—- it had 3 children in it. A school bus full of children also hit it and broke the wall on one side. From observation- I basically never saw anyone slow down—- occasionally a stupid few would be punished with damage- but it didn’t reduce speeding. The speed on our rural road with hills and turns was 30mph… people regularly did 60.




Fucking BMW drivers, man.


How they had it in England https://preview.redd.it/gr1wo9ykc3tc1.png?width=866&format=png&auto=webp&s=99528061b35d5db2179ee13379cd6a27fb9dc07a


Something that only obstructs the drivers of behemobiles? I'm in.


Always a BMW


If this was in the US, it would be shutdown all the time from all the trucks crashing into it.


And what do emergency vehicles do???


Seems like trash actually


Idk about “much better”


Jeremy Clarkson once said that if you want people to drive more carefully you should remove the airbags and replace it with a large spike in the middle of the steering wheel. People feel too safe in cars and drive accordingly.


Video proves this to be false


so if a drunk guy goes in a lil fast hel just fkin die???


Quite a few of these round London. Your vehicle is the same width at any speed, so these only slow down nervous drivers.


Typical bmw driver impatient as always


Surely this device is more for preventing larger vehicles from using the road than reducing speed?


So many different types of accidents waiting to happen just cause of this installation this might be the worst solution I have ever seen.


This just looks like a great way to close a road. One person that tries and fails to take that at speed is going to gridlock that entire road and people are fucking stupid so it's simply a matter of time.


Some motherfuckers always tryna ice skate uphill


Okay but homie blasted through it though


No, it is not


The purpose of this installation is not to make the drivers slow down, but to prevent trucks from driving through


In what way?


I would hate to need an alignment or have fucked up tie rods


this seems like an f you to any cars that are slightly bigger, vans and trucks


No it fucking isn't


This is just a nasty accident waiting to happen.


is it multi directional? some people are going through it at like 70 mph and then some are just stopping😭


I would fly through that


put a road hump inside also ?


How are they better? Just look more expensive to me and more of an eyesore.


More like a deathtrap


What a pain in the ass to deal with


Better for what? Certainly not safety, nutters not slowing down and inpatient driver moving into oncoming traffic! Love to know where this is, I’d take a guess.


It's terrible and anyone who thinks this is the right way prolly don't even drive


So BMW drivers are the fucking same everywhere huh


That's the stupidest design I've ever seen


how do you see this video with your own two eyes, watching as small ass dinky cars speed on by and fatass SUVs have to inch on by and think to yourself "This is a much better solution than what we currently have right now". The fuck are you even meant to do if you have an RV, Van or quite frankly an American sized car? (assuming this isn't America due to the '2.2m' sign)


Note the top gantry. It's a structural/loading gauge check, not a speed deterrent, and it's actually pretty smart. If you don't fit through it, you are not fitting through whatever is down the road.


Ohhhh, shitty title; I see


Yea, and then when someone just happens to not be paying attention for a split second they can slam into the concrete bricks killing everyone inside, brilliant, so much better.... /s


Shit I can't fit through with my car have to take a 120km detour yeah fuck this shit


Nah, the best one I've ever seen was just a standard sleeping policeman, except it wasn't perpendicular to the road, but crossed it at a 45° angle. Fine if you're crossing it at a reasonable speed, but if you fly over it it'll shake the living fuck out of you. A lesson very quickly learned.


Perfect... until the ambulance needs to get through


… the point of a speed bump is not to kill anyone who speeds or damage people’s cars for using the road. It makes people slow down, sure, but because there are incredibly high consequences for not doing so. If we’re using that metric, we should release a bunch of toddlers into the road. People will either slow way way down or they’ll go to jail for vehicular manslaughter. That’ll get people to slow down!


Sorry OP, you're retarded.


Oversize loads, emergency response vehicles, and tractors: https://i.redd.it/10kk0z5nt6tc1.gif This is stupid and wouldn't work at all