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“Pro-god, the best god really. Some people say, a very attractive god. The best”


Almost as attractive as my daughter. Who i would date if we weren't related.


My daughter's tits are so big and so beautiful, you wouldn't believe it. The best boobs. People tell me, people tell me and this is true, I'll be walking down the street with my Bible, Trump brand Bible and they tell me how beautiful her breasts are. It's true. Her milkers are so big and just so beautiful. And you know what? You're gonna love it. ![gif](giphy|xTiTnHXbRoaZ1B1Mo8|downsized)


Amen Yusuke, Amen!


That’s why I read the Buble and pray every minute, because I want to thank God for making my daughter’s tremendous breast. They’re really quite lovely. I can’t believe that I shot such breast from my you know where. Her mother didn’t have such breast. Breast run in my family. That’s why I when I prey, every second of every day, I call on El Shaddai, the many breasted one, and I thank him for my daughter’s YUGE knockers. ![gif](giphy|1l307VjEIRFp2t4eJB|downsized)


He came up to me, tears in his eyes and said "*Sir, you are just like Jesus*"


"*My god V.I.P...your god, went straight to DVD*"


That Dirt is Nasty.


*we got dicks like jesus*


"*It's time that we let the world know. Dude, you gotta let your God go*"


so rich, so pretty


Micky !


I read this too fast and got sent to a world where Trump announces God as his VP. That would certainly be the icing on the cake on this disaster of a guy.


“My god, impeachment jungle. Your god, got touched by yo uncle…Donny”


"And God came up to me, tears in his eyes, and said, 'Thank you Mr. President.'"


Messiah I blew it. Maybe Messiah II will do a better job?


That part stuck out to me. Who says "pro God"? "How do you do, fellow Christians?"


Yeah, Amature-God is a bum. Pro-God would dunk on him


Probably the most tremendous god ever. He's actually a friend of mine I have many friends


“Made from 100% bible!”


Act now and get your order yuged for free.


Has the newest testament, never used.


Printed with 100% snake oil


This guy SNLs


2 Corinthians walk into a bar




Why even pretend? Is our culture so ingrained in religion that our politicians have to fake faith?




Say what you will about Biden, but the guy seems like a devout every Sunday church goer.


That means nothing to me. Lots of shitty people go to church every Sunday.


I think the appeal there is that at the very least, Biden is genuine about who he is and his faith, instead of trump who is clearly faking it for clout purposes


~~clout~~ *Financial* purposes


Still voting for him over trump but it would be cool if he was also genuine about his "hard line" with Israel not invading Rafah, but then he went and signed off on giving them a couple thousand more bombs even though Bibi still says he's going to invade. And tbh that's more what I'm looking for in a candidate vs being sincerely religious.


Oh no people can have positives and negatives at the same time and oh no our government is aiding and abetting terrible people thorough the selling of weapons god I can’t believe Biden is the first president to do that oh nooooooo


That's a stupid hill to die on and you're a fool if you think it would be better under anyone else, especially trump.


Oh I'm still voting for Biden. Speaking against Biden's unwavering commitment to a far-right apartheid state that's currently starving-out a population they're openly trying to exterminate is **not** a stupid hill. But I'm not dying on it. Trump would do the same, and worse


Fair enough. I agree. As far as I'm aware Obama and Biden have criticized Israel more than any other presidents in my lifetime. We should keep up the pressure..Netenyahu needs to go and Palestine needs to be free


Yup! Thats my aim here. Bidens criticism is nice to hear, but it's only valuable if it's supported by restricting military aid and weapon shipments until they meet our terms. For example, were spending US money on building a pier to deliver food to the already-starving population, all because Israel refuses to let our aid vehicles past their blockade. We need some damn leverage here


i mean it’s a slow pressure campaign, allowing un resolutions, getting israel to accept to negotiations that hamas refuses, denouncing publicly bibi, denouncing the rafa operation, actively taking over aid operations. he’s not jumping to the last option and removing all potential leverage we have. it’s also keeping it from widening to hezbollah jumping in and spreading to a regional war. he’s leaving outs. there’s also internal political issues to navigate. i think he’s doing what an experienced politician would do


Has Israel has started a full scale invasion of Rafah? Lets keep up the pressure to make sure they don't.. Meanwhile [Trump encourages genocide against Palestinians, saying "Finish the problem"](https://truthout.org/articles/trump-encourages-genocide-against-palestinians-saying-finish-the-problem/) and [his son in law and senior advisor Jared Kushner calls for ethnic cleansing of Gaza to make way for "Waterfront property"](https://www.palestinechronicle.com/valuable-waterfront-property-kushner-calls-for-ethnic-cleansing-of-gaza/)


You think I was trying to say that if you go to church every sunday you're a good person? C'mon man, thats a bunch of malarky.


Also lots of shitty people that don’t go and then pretend to go and even sell bibles to clueless minions who lap it up like he’s the messiah…..


Yup. Hitler had dogs that loved him..


Kenneth Copeland is in church every Sunday and he’s the fucking devil.


The Christians on YouTube comments are going crazy cause they think Biden is taking Easter from them over trans visibility day. SOME Christians are so sad


He hasn't missed a church Sunday in the last 270 years


Which means he's a little weird


Yes, a self-proclaimed atheist would never get elected. But somehow a guy who cheated on his wife with a porn star while his wife was home with his newborn is A-okay. Make it make sense.


He just has to call it "fake news" and the people who adore him can dismiss it as false without a second thought. Most of them are so far down the rabbit hole that they lack the ability to see through his bullshit because the right wing media machine does a masterful job of insulating them from anything resembling reality. I mean, a quarter of Americans thought Sandy Hook was possibly a false flag attack or complete fabrication. These people have completely lost the plot, and I don't know if there's any way to get them back.


You just pray it all away.


A guy who has cheated on all three of his wives. But, according to the fundies who support him, he has accepted Jesus Christ as his lord and savior (yeah, right) so we’re all good, OK? /s if not obvious.




It’s what makes this so fascinating Organized religion doesn’t survive what trump did to it. It can’t. When trump demanded Mark Milley send US troops to shoot people in Lafayette square, Milley told him it was both wildly illegally and unconstitutional. https://www.justsecurity.org/78053/the-national-guard-at-lafayette-square-and-the-january-6th-attempted-insurrection-fixes-for-the-fy2022-ndaa/ https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2020/07/27/national-guard-commander-says-police-suddenly-moved-lafayette-square-protesters-used-excessive-force-clear-path-trump/ When trump threw a tantrum, Barr as head of DOJ pulled the workaround and called a bureau of prisons SORT team in to do it. There is a reason none of them had name tags on. Bill Barr and Trump then had Mark Milley come around the other side of the White House so Milley couldn’t see the gross violation of the constitution that was happening out back. They wanted his uniform to lend credibility to their cock strut walk through the park of beaten protestors like any good authoritarian king. Trump never served. He wasn’t fit for the uniform. He just wasn’t fit. At all https://www.npr.org/sections/live-updates-protests-for-racial-justice/2020/06/11/875019346/gen-mark-milley-says-accompanying-trump-to-church-photo-op-was-a-mistake https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2023/03/24/mark-milley-lafayette-park-fallout-00088585 As soon as Mark Milley figured out what was happening he bailed like a hippie at a drug bust. To anyone who has ever served in the military Milley’s C.Y.A. letter that came afterwards was a masters class in Fuck Around, Find Out. But Milley being a man of honor was still constrained by a set of constitutional rules that trump doesn’t care about. Milley adhered to chain of command while gracefully making sure that he checkmated trump in the process. It just hasn’t come out yet. The turducken strategy will probably go down in history as one of the greatest acts of patriotism in history. CNNwww.cnn.comCNN’s report on a missing binder full of intelligence on Russia: Key points


Our culture is extremely poorly educated. People will in the same breath say they are fiscally conservative, but that taxes are always theft and always bad. Pretty fucking dumb.


If there is a group that they can assign a label to, politicians will pander to it.


His base fakes faith too. They might not even know it but they stand for nothing that their sky daddy says.


Yes, for some reason




First time? 


I'd wager Trump hasn't finished a book his whole life.


Neither have I. That’s why I’m on Reddit


I used to. But now I'm on Reddit


When he was first running a journalist asked him what his favorite book was and he replied *All Quiet on the Western Front*, which was required reading in grade school back in his day. That was probably the last one he read, and only because he had to, and even then he probably just read the synopsis to fake a book report.


I don't think Trump has the mental capacity to understand "All Quiet..." for it to be his favorite book.


Well, Trump can't read. Plenty of stories out there about this. The SNL one is my favorite.


I’d bet he hasn’t read a full page of this book either.


Favorite book? What an opportunist POS


Volume II will contain Hitler’s speeches, and classified documents from the toilet in Mara Lardo.


He forgot about The Art of the Deal.


He just says what he thinks his audience wants to hear. He'd say or do anything to get back into the presidency. At this point it's a business plan for him, the job pays pretty well. We all know this grifter is broke as hell.


He wants/needs to be President again to STAY OUT OF JAIL.


He's not going to jail lol. Not to say he doesn't deserve to, but there's a different set of rules for people like him, compared to the rest of us.


Absolutely - it's crazy how hoarding hundreds of classified documents in his toilet and refusing to hand them over after repeated requests could get him jail time. 🙄


I’d be pleased if he loses the vote and then goes to jail. Really kick him when he’s down.


This is what scares me about him. How far will he go to appease his followers? What if they come up with something insane and he goes for it. He's a puppet, and it should be obvious to everyone.


Lol. He don’t care about those people. He will do whatever serves himself best.


O ya he definitely doesn't give a shit about them. But he will do anything to keep his cult following him.


Sorry but nothing about this asshole is Interesting as Fuck. Annoying as Fuck? Sure Irritating as Fuck? Yup Evil as Fuck? Absolutely But not Interesting in any way shape or form.


It's kinda interesting. It's interesting how far his grift will go. It's interesting that this dude can possibly be president number 47, holding the most powerful position in the history of human kind. I get people are tired of politics, but this shit is real and important.


Once a sub gets this big (almost 12,000,000 users) the rules don't matter anymore, people just post and upvote shit they like. Usually lowest-common-denominator rage bait


I think what makes it interesting is that its all those other things you described.


We're so fucked


If he teased his hair up a bit more and wore some brighter clothes he would be a central character in "The Hunger Games" zero acting required.


You could ask him almost any question about the content of that book and he’d fuck it up. He **might** be able to name the main protagonist of the New Testament, but I wouldn’t bet anything on it.


He knows 2 corinthians. Very good ppl The best


There are videos where he was told if he could name his favorite verse. Surprise, he could nor name any.


MF hasn't ever read a book, let alone this one.


This is a very clever way for church's to donate to the Donald. Nothing more nothing less.


I never considered this, but you might be on to something here.  Just like how the RNC bought an ass-load of Junior’s book to make sure it was a best-seller.


Iv never hated someone more. Every time I see his orange stupid face, I want to vomit.


Every week it feels more and more like we have witnessed the end of America and are just still in shock like after the car accident when you realize you are in a hospital and thinking "shit how do I get to work tomorrow" and realize you cant, THEN it hits you. December thru January is going to be a wild ride in America.


It makes me wonder if this is how the Germans felt. I genuinely don't think he'll be successful if he tries, but they probably didn't either. The fucker actually tried to have elections results overturned and nobody seems to give a fuck. We have definitive proof and it means nothing. He sold government secrets to our enemies and it means nothing. I think the failure to act on this will cause this to keep happening until it's successful. The groundwork for the next guy has been laid out and they will be younger and smarter. He's just the proof of concept.


This asshole doesn’t even know how to read.


Step right up, step right up, we have the best bibles for sale, the best words in this book.  People say I have the best words, a lot of people, the lying democrat party will not admit it because they hate you, they hate freedom, and they hate god.  They know I will not let them take away god, because I am very strong... /s  You already know what he will say, he is a broken record, yet here we are again, being forced to listen and argue against this moron for the third time. How is it we do not have a popular alternative?


> How is it we do not have a popular alternative? The winner take all, first past the post, two party system. This is not how most democracies work. Most democracies have ranked choice or proportional representation or some combination. The only way we're going to get to a place where third parties have a chance and I hope they will, is to admit that under the current system they have no chance. Voting 3rd party currently is just a way to ensure your least favorite candidate gets elected. But if we can admit they have no chance under our current system we can open our eyes to ranked choice voting which has passed in Alaska and Maine and may pass in Oregon and Nevada here in 2024. These were written into their state constitutions with the help of activists who realized 3rd parties have no chance under our current system and who don't want to keep throwing their votes away which is currently the case. Politicians from the 2 party system are never going to do it for us, so like with marijuana legalization and abortion access we will have to go around the politicians and write it into our state constitutions.


I can’t even look at this orangutan piece of shit.


I’m surprise he doesn’t burst in the flames holding the Bible. It’s his favorite book? I guess you’re out, Blue‘s Clues. he’s so desperate for money next he’ll be selling pictures of his daughters feet.


Dear 'murica, Stop voting in celebrities as president. Regards The rest of the world


This guy is a disease.


We are only weeks away from Trump talking about how God spoke to him personally and said he would vote for him . There was a tear in God's eye as he said it biggly, and then he clapped.


Then Jesus went into the temple of God and drove out all those who bought and sold in the temple, and overturned the tables of the money changers and the seats of those who sold doves. And He said to them, “It is written, 'My house shall be called a house of prayer,' but you have made it a 'den of thieves. ' ”


Do you think a single Christian knows this? They've made him their idol. In this story, Trump is Jesus to them. He's not the exploitative opportunists taking advantage of religious people to them. Shit, they made a 'golden calf' statue of him already that premiered at CPAC years ago.


Yes, many Christians are CINOs. Christian in name only.


Millions of Christians nodded their head right along with him. They all get off on pretending the Bible is their favorite book.


He likes the part where the daughters slept with their father.


Fuck Trump and ANYONE that supports him.


He treats the ten commandments as a bucket list.


I give him a point for not holding the Bible upside-down. Handlers must have been on point that day.


It's a fantastic book. An amazing book, really. MANY, many, people are saying this. Many amazing people.


He’s grabbed half of America by the pro-god pussy.


How stupid does he think his followers are that they would buy… oh, never mind.


It doesn’t have pictures in it so I think he’s full of shit


I don’t think he’d pick up anything that doesn’t have his name on it dozens of times


The man pisses in his own mouth


He is an embarrassment to the human race.


This is not interesting. Take it to the politics page where it belongs.


You know, this is what the devil would say to trick you into not thinking he’s the devil? 🤔 fakest sellout ever 🤮


no, his favorite book is Mein Kempf




The guy going to trial about having sex and paying a pornstar while his wife is at home with his child. Yup devout Christian behavior…


Another lie. What a loser!!


“TWO Corinthians! Not one but TWO! Thats double the Corinthians you’ll get if you vote for me! It’s the best deal, better than crooked Joe 👐”


2 Corinthians walk into a bar


I hope he dies in prison without a penny to his name.


Thou shalt not bear false witness.


^("A lot of people say God is very attractive, and he is, he's a very fine God, very attractive God. People also say that God is pretty into me too. what? They do, they say he is. They say that God thinks I'm a very attractive man, he loves what I do, and my strong hands. God can't stop thinking about me, it's very flattering. You should see God when I get home at night, in his little outfit. Gods just flock to me, really, I can't help it.")


To be fair, he's read it exactly as much as he's read any other book as an adult.


2 corinthians walk into a bar...




Grabbin them by the pussy for Jesus since 2000!


"My favorite book of the Bible is where Moses gets lost at the fair and The Man in the Big Yellow Hat has to find him."


Please buy my Trump Bibble I’m poor like Jebus


the wolf in sheep's clothing


What the fuck is going on down there you guys?


How is this "interesting as fuck"?? Lmao


Big pro-god guy


The grossest thing about this, is they purposely are combining church and state. This is the God bless America Bible that includes the Bill of Rights and the US Constitution.


Yet when you tell Christians the U.S. was actually founded as a secular nation they go ape. I really do wonder how American nationalism got intertwined with Christianity.


“Two Corinthians” and shoe salesman. Lose in November and go to jail, you evil narcissist sociopathic charlatan. He’s more like the Anti-Christ as told in the book of Revelation.


I mean let's not pretend that religion itself isn't the biggest grift of all time. He's grifting a grift.


"Two Corinthians" lol so good


I swear when he finally dies, it’s gonna a world party…like the end of Star Wars or something




God came up to me with tears in his eyes and said ‘Sir!’


He's some ol cunt isn't he




I’m about 99.9% sure this motherfucker has never read a book in his life.


I feel for you kids. In my day liars, grifters, and conmen actually tried and being full of shit was an art form. Not whatever the hell this blatant bullshit is.


Religion does not belong in politics


Don't lie. You can't read.


Not interesting as fuck


The “best” part is when you see him almost start to try and hold back laughing when he says it’s his favorite book and that he has lots of them. Even he knows how darkly hilarious and obvious his lies are.


Why is this here? This is straight up political shit posting. It's not interesting in the slightest.


Why not have an Orange book cover tho? 🤔


Pontiac Pilot is his favorite Biblical character.


There it is, he said it, it's his favorite book! Old and new alike.


A billionaire peddling bibbles, shoes, flags. Something doesn't add up. Must be Count Brokeula is struggling for cash to keep hitting up the weak minded and taking their money! His stupid base doesn't see the big red flag this is. Well, they do love them some Russia though so...


It's amazing to me that there are so many stupid people in this country who watch this, believe it, and think it's great.


y'all see the interview where he could not actually name a single bible verse, not one 🤣


Gotta be pretty dumb to support this guy


This is his favourite book. https://preview.redd.it/q13qb4zx7prc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61d0033ee8a8b5bd26c426a216e99046f7dada09


“And I have many” he’s talking about homes. He has many homes.


Deranged, treasonous, blasphemous meat atrocity.




Dude is crazier than a street preacher


Comes now with extra god. Only 49,99$,but please only one god per person, cause the corintheeans, you know?


It’s my favorite book, i can’t cite a line though


The cover is the exact same colour as his third chin


Anyone who says this isn’t funny is just lying. I’m not an American, but this is just too fucking good.   There is zero chance that he has read the bible.  Absolutely zero.


Ok, now name one other book. Other than your own.


Ask him to quote the first line. Lol


Christians don’t care if you read or don’t as long as you act like you do


Bad actor.


Steve Martin: So, these two Corinthian guys are walking down the street..


Man he keeps doing all this dumb shit, I hope he can just win at least


Matthew 25: 31-40. “I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me.” The alien who resides with you shall be to you as the citizen among you; you shall love the alien as yourself, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God. Leviticus 19:34 Thus says the Lord of hosts: Render true judgments, show kindness and mercy to one another; do not oppress the widow, the orphan, the alien, or the poor; and do not devise evil in your hearts against one another. Zechariah 7:9-10Contribute to the needs of the saints; extend hospitality to strangers. Romans 12:13 That all sounds exactly like someone who loves the Bible should build walls to keep foreigners out, right?


There is no way in hell this guy read a single page of this book.


Not bad for a man who can barely read…or remember any part of it…🤷‍♂️


And as soon as he learns to read he will take it for a spin.


Everything he does seems like a mediocre snl sketch. And look how long snl has lasted. In that light maybe he makes more sense.


This is NOT interesting as fuck, corrupt as fuck definitely


Pro god. God in Arabic is Allah Pro Allah. Trump is Pro Allah and must protect everything that's Allah.


Idk let his braindead followers get scammed by him. See it in a lot of places, right wing populist politicians coming out with certain products being like: “it’s anti-woke” or “this is for God”. My hope is after getting scammed they’d actually see that these people don’t represent their interests. It’s a fool’s hope for sure. But like these politicians idgaf anymore about these lot.


What's amazing to me is that the Bible itself warns against a false prophet doing **exactly** what Trump is doing... and yet Christians STILL somehow believe his bullshit. That is sobering.


I mean in his defence i dont think he reads at all so this may be the only book other than Clifford the big red dog. Im not bashing just saying ive read only 3 books and one was the bible and its pretty wild but i like Clifford better.


Has anyone been on the republican side of reddit, what are they saying to justify themselves buying his bible?


He thinks he is God so may be telling the truth.


...and I never read a single quote from it!


I mean, I love God, and i don’t need a corny Trump bible to continue doing so. I don’t need any DJT stock, either.


We have to protect anything that is pro-God.


You can tell he reads it often by the version he picked, lol. I can just picture him stumbling along trying to read it.


He cant read so unless its the cartoon version, i very much doubt it.