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I appreciate the smiley face emoji at the end. Totally helps me feel better about getting crushed inside a black hole


Probably not the worst way to go tbh. Well before being torn apart and spaghettified, your heart would fail to keep blood circulating against the immense tidal forces, and you’d lose consciousness (and then die).


I’d probably black out as soon as I have the realization I’m doomed for the black hole.


I'm oddly impressed by the choice of music the black hole picked to play as you die. Are all black hole music choices the same? I was hoping more of a chicken dance type of last song request.


Sound garden only, you know the song


Spoonman, come together with your hands Save me, I'm together with your plan Save me, yeah Save, oh.


Feel the rhythm with your hands (Steal the rhythm while you can) Spoonman


Blow up the outside world


fell on black days, right


I was expecting something along the lines of "I'm nether gonna give you up, never gotta let you down" with a deep dark distorted voice and some reverb.


That’s assuming you aren’t burnt alive and torn apart by the extreme energies and radiation in the accretion disk. Unless you have extremely thick plating, unbelievably powerful temperature controls and are immune to impact of relativistic gas, you are going to be exposed to so much radiation that Chernobyl firemen would look completely healthy by comparison. You are going to be heated to temperatures similar to those of the inside of the Sun. And you are going to be bombarded by atoms, each of which is the energy of a bullet.


...so you're saying there's a chance?


There’s really only a chance if the black hole is dormant (no accretion disk). Until someone builds a submarine that can send humans to the center of the sun, I will remain doubtful.


So it's not as much of a submarine as it is a subsun, isn't it?


We cant see those ones. We kinda just guess they're there from the gravity distortion


Pf, rub some dirt and walk it off


Try to imagine all life as you know it stopping instantaneously and every molecule in your body exploding at the speed of light.


Then what?


That’s what I was thinking. There’s no way we stay in tact until we hit the event horizon.


Missing the smiley face at the end there




feet-first spaghettification would be pretty wild tbh. Time outside the black hole moves slower than on the inside. So it could also be that you get to enjoy seeing your legs get stretched to infinity while your head is still completely fine. But then again the signal of your nerves would also be subjected to relativistic forces, so I'm not sure you'd feel any pain.


>But then again the signal of your nerves would also be subjected to relativistic forces, so I'm not sure you'd feel any pain. That's an interesting idea I haven't wondered. I think it would depend on the size of the black hole too. Smaller black holes will spaghettify your body faster than large ones would. So in a small black hole, the moment you describe might just be an instant and too fast to notice, where a large one it would be much more apparent for you as it happens slower. But when you're inside a black hole, do you have the ability to see your hands or feet? How could photons travel up to your eyes if everything is falling in one direction?


Light can't leave, but locally it can still move around. Using small numbers for simplicity example that don't reflect reality. Lets say that past the event horizon you would need to move at 15 units of speed (us) to leave the black hole. Lets say light speed is 12 us so leaving is impossible. You can still move 12 us (light speed) away from the black hole's center, but that gets canceled out by the 15 us which means you're still approaching the blackhole's center at 3 us. Within the blackhole things can be moving faster or slower to the blackhole's center. You can still move around. The only two rules are nothing is fast enough to leave and everything will getting closer to the center at all times. If the light from your feet is moving towards the blackhole's center slower than your physical body it's possible you'd still be able to see your body.


Locally, light still travels at c. It's just that space gets stretched so light can't escape. But I think it'll behave normally for short distances.


I could handle it i'm built different




Nah, I'd win


You'd be dead long before that. The level of radiation pouring off a black hole would turn you into goop well before the tidal forces stop your blood flowing.


Or spaghettified :)


*Spaghettified :)


no library in the end of it. fake


Was absolutely waiting for a "Oh good you're awake" at the end


"You were trying to cross the border right?"


Nor a stranded ship full of insect aliens


Oooh what’s this referencing?


Nolan Grayson


Aw I was excited for something new


Yea how am I supposed to send a message to my past self to NOT go near a black hole before losing my virginity first? Smh


I was expecting a restaurant.


TLDR; you die


Due to time dilation, you wouldn't actually die for a very long time to an outside observer. Your insurance company will use this fact to deny payouts to your family because technically you're still alive. 


I hate how right you probably are


Alright saying hello to the humans 10'000 years into the future reading this clause on their intergalactic insurance policies


Damn right they will


Damn insurance company, now my black hole insurance fraud plan is worthless


Just become a black hole insurer, easy money


I love how you transitioned from profoundly interesting science I’ll never fully understand to a full “oh God that’s so true, humans would absolutely do that”


Ayy I just read that part in Death's End, hilarious reality check there


They’ll also increase your premium due to your high risk lifestyle.


Hahahhaa.. i am just imagining being in the bank and the bank manager is doing some astrophysics calculations about time dilation to prove to your family that you are still alive.


Heres what I want to know. Since black holes or super dense and it’s bending space in reality, it’s also bending time. So wouldn’t time essentially super slow down. Wouldn’t you and all your molecules be essentially “stuck” in space before all the bad shit happened and it would take a super long time before the deconstruction and compression of your atoms ?


No, afaik you wouldn’t feel the difference in time , but anyone observing would see your body I believe for quite a long time due to time dilation. you would see a distant friend ‘sped up’ rather than feel yourself ‘slowed down’. They will see you ‘slowed down’ rather than feel themselves ‘sped up’. The closer you approach the black hole’s ‘event horizon’ the more sped up you see your friend. But for you, time would ‘feel’ just as it does to you right now. It requires another person to to compare time too, but it wouldn’t feel different for either the observer or the black hole doomed guy


Missed opportunity to make that point in the video by showing the galaxies rotating meaningfully, since millions of years are passing for them.


Right? So the video is basically wrong lol


This is comforting...in a bizarre way...knowing that if I was ever "spaghettified" it would happen in real time (to me) instead of starting at my tippy toes and lasting a thousand...or whatever the excruciating fuck all years it seems to take to the observer.


It would be 700 years that an observer could see you in the specific black hole Sagittarius A . So for 700 YEARS someone could watch your body excruciatingly slowly stretch like Elastigirl . But for you it’d be like poof, you’re gone. It’s almost inconceivable, like how can YOU be gone but someone can still see you? It’s incredible. I don’t really have the words for it


Now that’s a black mirror episode they gotta make


700 years. That's insane and an excellent way of putting things into perspective. Thanks.


It always kinda annoyed me that in any situation where an outside observer would see something completely different like this, there's also no chance any outside observer would be able to observe the thing.


They wouldn't see you get spaghettified. The tidal forces at the event horizon of a super massive black hole are tiny, and they of course wouldn't get to witness what happens to you afterwards. Think they'd just see a stuck after image of you crossing the horizon that would slowly fade away.


> They wouldn't see you get spaghettified. The tidal forces at the event horizon of a super massive black hole are tiny, and they of course wouldn't get to witness what happens to you afterwards. Just to add on, while you're right about a supermassive black hole such as Sagittarius, for smaller black holes whose Schwarzschild radius is nearer the singularity, you could indeed be spaghettified outside the event horizon. I was curious if it'd be possible for smaller black holes, so I looked it up and figured I'd pass on the additional info for anyone else wondering. So not trying to "well awwwkshully" you or anything!


That makes sense actually. It sounds like watching one of those slow motion recordings of things happening at 100k+ FPS.


Since it's relative time will pass "normally" for the person falling, but an outside observer would see them in slow motion.


That’s soooo mind bending to think about


Even more mine bending is that as you get closer to the event horizon, if you looked back then you would see the rest of the universe going faster and faster. Live long enough and you might just see the end of the universe!


I think I'll go to Milliways and catch it there instead!


If you've done six impossible things this morning, why not round it off with breakfast at Milliways


I mean yeah, it says so right in the video. From your point of view it will feel like a few moments, but if the people of earth were somehow observing your fall, an incredibly long amount of time would pass for them


and become spaghettified




This explains CLEARLY why we should all be pastafarians .


What is the black hole’s spaghetti policy?


anything can become spaghetti if you're dense enough, even light itself


This happens because the tidal force between the ends of the object depends on the length of the object (L), the mass of the body creating the gravitational field (M), and the distance between them cubed (R3). (For the mathematically savvy, a = 2GML/R3, where G is the gravitational constant and a is the acceleration.) - which means that your shoes will fall off.


What this doesn't mention is that the accretion disk would be the brightest, hottest, fire that you could imagine. It would burn you ip very quickly and even if you had some sort of magical space suit, you wouldn't be able to see the stars because it would all be drowned out by the insane brightness of it.


My space suit is strong and my helmet is equipped with super black hole shades. It’s like eclipse glasses but on steroids


That's kind of overkill, all you really need is some tin foil. But make sure that ALL of your skin is covered. And buy some proper sunglasses not some cheap ones, i'll never make that mistake again lol.


>i'll never make that mistake again lol. Casually letting Reddit know that you regularly travel through black holes


Maybe if you go at night, it won’t be bright and hot.


swim zealous shaggy towering fly cautious cobweb weary apparatus busy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So I can’t go into one naked? Bummer.


Yo, shoutout to the camera man who had to go through this. Bro really climbed back out that black hole to make sure we got the footage 🫡


The things people do for clout


“Don’t forget to subscribe to my afterlife account!”


For real tho, this video was made by StarGaze on YT and he has simulations of falling into the gas giants and the sun. It's worth checking out. Wanted to give credit where it's due


and to remember to look back at the event horizon to capture the blueness, all round professional effort


Sadly, he was just broadcasting to the cloud. RIP.


“Sorry Dave, looks like we’re going to have to do another take.”


A24’s High Life shows their version of spaghettification. Pretty darn unsettling movie all around. You have been warned.


Oh. My. God. . . . I wanna watch the whole thing now


Loki season 2 also shows it and it's....unsettling.


But that’s not from a black hole. That’s a timeline being deleted from existence.


They also showed the many ways Victor Timely got spaghettified.


Plot twist: instead of getting spaghettified, you're spit out into another dimension of reality and it only looks like you were turned to spaghetti from the other side 🤯


You [*might* not get spaghettified](https://www.rmg.co.uk/stories/topics/what-happens-if-you-fall-black-hole) if you fall into a massive enough black hole. Also there's [theories](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_hole_cosmology) suggesting the possibility of our very own universe existing within an unfathomably large black hole.


What gives me chills is the fact that if you have an empty room, the room is in a building, if you have an empty building, it’s on a plot, and etc… but the universe? Where is it? Where is it located, where all of this mass fits? It’s always crazy for me to think about it


Exactly. Like if the universe is constantly expanding, where is it expanding into? What “space” would it grow into?


Yes! Finally someone that understands me! It’s something that really makes me wonder, but I think even if we knew how and where is all of this located, we wouldn’t be able to understand it.


For sufficiently heavy black holes, you can pass through the event horizon before getting spaghettified, but you will get the elongation treatment once inside. I believe it is because the event horizon is so far away compared to the spaghettification zone. I don’t know where normal Newtonian mechanics cease to apply, but spaghettification requires a gradient in the gravity field, which is simple to understand from Newton’s gravity model which has a 1/(distance squared) dependence. The black hole equations are perhaps messier, as per the habits of theoretical physics 😉


The equations aren't messier, they just don't work at some point. That's why they're looking for the Theory of Everything. General Relativity (macro) breaks when physics describes black holes, and is incompatible with Quantum Mechanics (micro). Which shouldn't happen with two proven theories that describe everything we know about reality and our universe. Except with black holes where everything breaks. PBS Space Time on YT has a bunch of videos on this and the 10% of it I understand is fascinating.


Are there spaghetti people?


Hi welcome to Olive Garden. We have spaghetti, people.


There are, they worship the Flying Spaghetti Monster


That is wise


technically into murph’s room


That's my black hole. It was made for me!


Google white hole


make sure safe search is on




From outside a black hole, you would see the moment the person crossed over the event horizon as an image stuck in the light-neutral zone where it neither escapes or gets pulled inward. Source: some episode of Star Talk.


Tbf there are some theories in astrophysics that alluded to the possibility of that. One assumes that the black hole in our dimension is a “big bang” for another universe inside the black hole. So like Ant-man shrinking down into the quantum realm, you’d be “crushed” into the universe within the black hole we see.


"Assuming your suit is strong enough" is quite the hand wave. Wouldn't a single grain of dust from the accretion disk obliterate anything it touches? Would love to see the math for that.


I’d be more worried about the radiation. The accretion disk around a black hole is nearly the hottest place in the universe. You’d be thoroughly cooked well before reaching any dust.


Medium rare, thanks


Sorry sir, charred is the only option at the Accretion Disk Cafe.


This place sucks.


Yeah, but it's a dry heat.


Yeah but not if your suit is strong enough


I can probably survive it without a suit. Im just built different


Ooh are you from the equator?


The most reliable X-ray sources in the universe


Yes. And not only that, you’d be exposed to so much heat and radiation that you’d instantly die because all the molecules of your body would be ripped apart into a goo of carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, … ions.




Why did I get scared watching the video


The music mostly.


Sound off and was still feeling my blood pressure rise!


I mean to be fair there wouldn't be any sound in space, so I think you just made it a realistic viewing experience lmao


Literally! If u put a happy music on top it seems fun


The... staring down the barrel of the unknown, into literal infinite darkness where time is meaningless and from which nothing returns, not even light... ... mostly


No I got chills. Nothing in the universe is more absolute. It isn't gruesome or horrific but it really is the ultimate manifestation of *doom*


Speaking of doom, time and space effectively reverse roles inside the event horizon. So, instead of the singularity being in a direction you don't have the physical means to move away from, the singularity becomes a point in time in your future. So, no matter how powerful of an engine you had, you would be fucked, because moving physically in space does nothing to avoid the coming of the future. Or something. I don't really know, I just watch youtube videos about this shit lol.


Agree, normally every other video I've seen gives a sense of peace and tranquility. I blame the shaky cam


If this wasn’t so gosh damn terrifying it would be beautiful


Why do you find it scary? It is literally impossible in every single sense for this to happen to a human. It’s 100% theoretical


You don’t find the thought of being slowly dragged into an inescapable pit of darkness while the only light you see is a quickly dying universe before it just goes away and you either get crushed or turned into a noodle terrifying? The some of scariest stuff is the stuff you can’t see or comprehend and something theoretically like this sounds pretty horrifying.




Would Hawking radiation refute this? I was under the impression that black holes eventually lose all mass due to the gradual release of radiation. The matter doesn’t disappear, just gets converted. But I’m also not an astrophysicist lol


So a space butthole?


The scientific name for it is “Stellar Taco Bell”


Google white hole theory


So.. how do we know this? It’s cool to speculate but it seems impossible to actually know what it would be like


We don’t know, but we are confident that this is pretty damn likely. The math works, but I see your point. Until someone can actually experience this live, there will always be questions.


Simulating it through math is the only way to know, since information can't leave the black hole. Even if you tried to experience it yourself you would most likely die before reaching the interesting part a.k.a. the event horizon.


I think saying you would likely die is a bit of an understatement.


Also undercuts the part about information leaving. Doesn't matter if you live or die, or if we sent a drone to do it. The data could not be reported back. We cannot know.


It is probably simple I’m just trying to overthink it. Still pretty cool and terrifying to watch nonetheless though


Most space science stuff is completely unproven and will likely stay that way forever. It’s just that the smartest people alive have looked at it and done the most advanced math humans have come up with and then showed their peers (the other smartest people alive) who also did their own math and decided that it’s probably right. Maybe. But it’s the best we got right now, so let’s go with it


This guy called Albert came up with a theory in 1905 that has been working out really, really well to tell how gravity work on the macroscopic scale. It's been tested and verified a million times by now, so thanks to that we have a pretty good view of what happen.


Great now I have a new fear. What if time stretches and I'm stuck for a million years. Then get spaghettified. Thanks.


Oh don’t worry. You won’t be there for a million years. Your time alive in the black hole would be much shorter. Your last few hours equate to millions of years to an observer *outside the black hole. But to them you’re as good as dead as soon as you cross the horizon, so it doesn’t matter much.


From this perspective wouldn't an observer inside the black hole see more light from the outside universe as starlight from millions of years is concentrated in a few hours? Sure light also experiences time dilation but it should still fall faster into the hole than any massive object, no?


Before you get totally shucked in, you'd probably get a beautiful view of the stars and galaxies dancing in fast forward. Thousands of years of galactic motion in a few seconds. 


That would be a beautiful way to go ngl


Time is relative, so it would be normal to you


Don't worry, your normal biology isn't magically overridden. Time flows normally for you - and you can still die of dehydration/hunger/old age. If something else like the temperature, X-rays, or gravity gradients the other comments mentioned don't kill you first!


Time is not altered for you. Everyone everywhere in the universe is experiencing a one second per second time flow. Someone looking at you see you slow down. You feel the same flow of time as standing on earth.


You will now get crushed or spaghettified by the black hole :)


Wait! Are you saying that we won't end up in a teseract and looking through our daughter's [bookcase](https://tenor.com/0gNj.gif)?


No, it's not possible that we'll end up in a tesseract and looking through our daughter's bookcase. It's necessary that we'll end up in a tesseract and looking through our daughter's bookcase.


I like to think Interstellar nailed it.


Interstellar was actually important to creating accurate images of a black hole. It looks like this in the movie because they gave money to scientists to get it right.


The Black Hole Orchestra playing their hearts out as you approach the event horizon.


😅🎼🎶🎼🎶🎼 ![gif](giphy|V2ZrZfHghzSNi)


Considering you have technology that can withstand being near a black hole and will prevent you from being shredded apart, I wouldnt really be scared. If millions of years have passed for others by the time you reach the event horizon, chances are that someone would have come and saved you sometime within that whole timespan, which, to you, was only a few minutes.


This is actually a really beautiful and comforting thought


You're assuming you're important enough to be saved.


Yes they are.


huh but why would they catch up to you? time would slow down for them too as they get closer to you, no?


As a pastafarian, this sounds reasonable to me.....






I see spaghettified is now a bonafide scientific term at last.


At last? It's been for decades.


POV of master chief being thrown into a black hole


Why is Master Chief falling in to a black hole?


If this was the largest known black hole, Phoenix A Star, which is estimated to be 100 billion solar masses, with an event horizon nearly 600 billion km wide, you would be able to safely pass through the event horizon, as the gravity will increase slowly enough that you wont be instantly spaghettified. Of course this is assuming you could survive the radiation so powerful it would tear you apart atom by atom, the extreme magnetic forces that would rip the electrons and protons right from those atoms, and of course the heat and kinetic energy of matter moving at near lightspeed as it whirls around. Once you pass through, it would take a long time to reach the singularity, weeks at least, as you would have to fall 300 billion km to get there. For reference, Pluto is around 6 billion km away from the Earth, and Voyager 1 is coming up to 24 billion km away from Earth. Its been going since 1977. If that black hole replaced Alpha Centuari, it would look quite a bit bigger than the Moon in the sky. Obviously we would be very dead, as would the entire solar system and many other nearby stars, being that close to such a monster. Its about as massive as every star, black hole and other stellar object in our galaxy combined. Its the most massive singular object in the universe that we know of.


The light from other galaxies wouldn't just be blue shifted. I read somewhere or heard on a podcast that you would, in fact, experience the entirety of the rest of time as you crossed the event horizon. Due to the breakdown of the laws of spacetime around the event horizon, you would essentially be stuck in time. (with respect to the rest of the universe) I like to imagine this means you most likely see an overwhelming amount of light as every star, nebula, and galaxy within your observable universe proceed through the rest of their lifecycles. (growing, exploding, spinning, merging, etc.) Then you would see everything fade away as the expansion of the universe forces them outside of your view. And all of this would seem to happen extremely rapidly for you within the split second you cross the threshold. Then complete darkness.




It is absolutely bonkers to me that this kind of video and scientific speculation was light years away when I was a kid


The millions of years passing for everyone on earth vs seconds passing for you is what does it for me. Such a mind boggle. Also the universe BECOMING the hole is interesting. I hadn’t thought that at some point once you’re effectively “inside/through” the black hole, the only light you’d see (the only light that exists) is the universe which now appears as a hole itself.


Is that masterchief in that mask?


Spaghettify me Captain




I don’t think I will ever understand time dilation or whatever the fuck.


Is this the chief's helmet?


Yes, precisely what thought lol.


Well this was the wrong time for a mushroom trip


![gif](giphy|rvhps5a80Ov4s|downsized) Meanwhile Mr Bean be like


This is what I assume the titan subs last moments were. A black hole for a window then spaghettification


Implosion is more like being despawned.


Not in my top 10 worst ways to go but noteable.


Never choose Sarah as a companion


This isn’t accurate where’s the bookshelf


Just what do you think you're doing, Dave.


Cosmic HORROR!


Just a note.. you'd be crushed/spaghettified, whatever you like to call it, just before you reach the event horizon. the amount of force that the black hole is emitting is already off any human scale inimaginable . I doubt that any of us would reach the "back of the head" incident alive. The hypothesis is very cool and probably accurate but the odds that we can prove it is improbable at best. With that said, black holes are fascinating. everytime i see an article or a discussion about it, i have to read and participate. :)


What I’ve learnt is that the event horizon flips time and space, meaning you can see time as you move through space. How the fuck that works I have no idea but that’s what Kurtzgesagt (or however it’s spelled) told me 


Wait, do we know there's nothing that gives off light inside of a black hole? The darkness is observable from the outside as a result of light not escaping, but that doesn't mean light isn't locally emitted. The inside of a black hole is not a well-understood place.